Manchester. This is my shocked face. But in fairness the Muslims in Manchester usually just plan and finance attacks in other cities. Not sure why they are attacking the home turf.
The Muslim mayor of London says that people who live in cities need to get used to this kind of thing. Although I suspect that only applies during the transition period.
I don't usually think of myself as old, but I am old enough to recall that the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...
I don't usually think of myself as old, but I am old enough to recall that the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...
...the Irish Republican Army.
Times change. There was a time when terrorist attacks in the US were usually the work of domestic Leftists.....
Inga takes time out from praising obama for allowing $150 Billion to flow to Iran (along with pallets of smaller denomination and untraceable cash which is just perfect for supplying Hamas, Hezbollah and yemeni terrorists) to complain that Trump is striking a deal with Muslim nations to begin a more effective fight against Inga's beloved islamist supremacists.
Her anger and frustration are understandable, if you understand the lefty mindset.
Pope Francis, Theresa May, numerous spokesmen for the EU, among other world leaders, including former President Obama (who momentarily interrupted his perpetual vacationing), have all condemned this bombing, and most importantly, have assured us,
This had nothing – absolutely nothing – to do with Islam.
Horrendous. I don't know who did it. But if history and common sense is any guide, it's not an Orthodox Jew, a devoted Catholic or a born again Protestant.
"The Muslim mayor of London says that people who live in cities need to get used to this kind of thing."
The Mayor, of a political party, Labor, that opened the flood gates of Muslim immigration in the first place.
I don't usually think of myself as old, but I am old enough to recall that the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...
Angry and frustrated? Oh no, not at all. I'm so relieved to know that no Saudi will ever attack the US again, thanks to President Trump, we can all rest easy.
"Trump sure liked those Saudi's and they liked him right back. Gave him a reception fit for a King."
That fat old cunt Inga takes time during a thread about a bunch of innocent concert goers in Manchester to attack Trump. I really wish that she was the victim of these 7th century desert pedophile warlord worshipping savages instead of the innocent people at that concert.
Worthless twat. Maybe wait for the bodies to cool to attack the President when the inevitable next terrorist attack occurs.
AllenS: "19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding"
These attacks do not help the leftist political policies and narratives therefore the leftists like Inga will always seek to deflect and minimize while simultaneously playing up non-existent threats from the Tea Party, NRA, etc.
Inga: "Hmmm, how did those Saudis that attacked the Twin Towers get here? How would Trump's Travel Ban have kept them out, since SA isn't on his list."
Inga retroactively assigns blame to Trump for Clinton admin failures ("Gorelick Wall", anyone?) in order to deflect from the latest atrocity by her Most Favored Immigrant Status groups.
Hey Chuck, When is the last time the IRA conducted a terrorist attack of this magnitude? Who conducted the last ten such attacks in the UK? I might have missed the point of your comment.
Inga: "I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's"
Inga has imagined a conversation, a wonderfully colorful conversation, on these very threads, which does not exist.
Inga is forced to have these conversations with the voices in her head otherwise she might have to confront the reality of what increased islamic immigration into western nations really means.
I'm sure there is a psychological malady that accurately describes this condition of hers.
pacwest: "Hey Chuck, When is the last time the IRA conducted a terrorist attack of this magnitude?"
Now now. "lifelong republican" Chuck doesn't exactly have unlimited time from his defending vast numbers of dems to actually conduct research to back up his "lefty narrative" supporting statements.
Perhaps the next adherent of the religion of peace who gets afflicted with sudden Jihadi syndrome separates Inga's bug eyed pussy hat adorned head from her disgusting flabby decrepit old body.
The time it takes might give the authorities time to come and stop the Aloha Snackbar yelling goatfucker, before they are able to inflict harm on someone with any value to society.
19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding
I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's.
5/22/17, 8:40 PM
You're stupid. No sense vetting because it will happen anyway. How many bad guys have not been allowed to enter US since Trump elected/ You have no way of knowing.
Inga, how is Trump's travel ban going to stop terror attacks in Manchester England? Do you know where England is? Hint: its not in the continental US. How fucking stupid are you?
"...the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...the IRA"
Really Chuck? Can you name a single nail bomb attack in the UK by the IRA? I seem to recall that they were mostly car bombs, damaging building and injuring people, but other than attacks aimed at soldiers' pubs fatalities were fairly rare. But I guess finding ways to pretend that Christians are just as bad as Muzzie fundamentalists is a "lifelong Republican" thing.
", how is Trump's travel ban going to stop terror attacks in Manchester England? Do you know where England is? Hint: its not in the continental US. How fucking stupid are you?"
Did I say it was you fucking moron? Try to use your brain and imagine something like this happening in the US. Travel Bans are not going to work, not here, not in any country. Man you are so dumb, you don't even know how dumb you are.
Inga: "How many terrorist attacks around the world in the last couple of years were perpetrated by immigrants? How many by home grown?"
Nice try, but I'm afraid the first and second generation children of islamist immigrants have shown themselves to be quite open to islamist supremacist recruitment, just like their "never immigrated, still in the home country" peers.
I believe that is what Walter was alluding to, and you missed. Unexpectedly.
The Europeans estimate that over 10,000, jihadis, who were citizens of the EU, went to train and fight in the middle east and are now back in Europe.
One of the reasons terrorists succeed, is when people show they are terrorized.
I wish the news would moderate themselves. I don't click on that stuff, because I don't need a 20 year old woman with make-up caked-on telling me a bomb blew up, and what it all means.
We get it.
We don't need minute by minute updates. The task is done. Find out who did it, and kill them. Kill their parents, and bulldoze their home.
Stop acting like you're scared. Man up, and go kill the bastards.
Inga: "I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's
You know, a bunch of innocent children died tonight. Perhaps you can reconsider when it's alpropriate to "make fun" of people with cheap bumper-sticker snottery.
Homegrown of, most likely in this case, Pakistani immigrants. I would put money on it at 2:1. And this just reinforces the wisdom of keeping these people away, precisely because they are hazards unto multiple generations. It makes no sense at all to import more, to breed more and more generations of enemies. The ones you already have, well, I have no idea what you should do with them. But for heavens sake, close the door.
Aside from snarky comments all around, this event, assuming it is Islamist terror, shows that the French did a better job with the attempt in Paris at the soccer stadium.
The plan then was to set off the bomb inside the stadium to precipitate a stampede which would kill many more. The suicide bomber, was blocked from entering the stadium, and blew himself up outside where only one other was injured. Two other bombers blew themselves up with no other injuries. There were lots of fatalities at other locations but the plan to create a stampede at the soccer stadium was foiled.
Approximately 9:20 p.m. - An explosion occurs outside Stade de France, a sports stadium in Saint-Denis, a suburb north of Paris. French President Francois Hollande is in the stadium watching France play Germany in a soccer match. He is safely evacuated. -- 9:30 p.m. - A second explosion occurs outside the stadium. Both blasts happen on the same street, Avenue Jules Rimet. -- 9:53 p.m. - About 400 meters from the Stade de France, a third blast occurs on Rue de la Cokerie. -- A total of four people are killed: three suicide bombers and a man who had been walking by.
They had been prevented from entering the stadium.
I have now read that quite a few of the dead in Manchester were trampled in a stampede for the exist, the Paris plan.
Inga: "No Drago, I know what Walter was alluding to, I chose to ignore it, hence the ellipsis, dumbass"
Of course you chose to ignore it.
You'd have to in order to sleep at night as you work for policies that will condemn ever greater numbers of children to their violent jihadist inspired deaths. And sexual slavery. And Female Genital Mutilation.
Wait. I have to do remedial work on you first. Can you describe where England is? You understand it's a seperate nation, not a state in the Us, right? Can you make any countries that border it?
Because you seem to be under the impression that Trump's travel ban affects England...
Etienne said... We don't need minute by minute updates. The task is done. Find out who did it, and kill them. Kill their parents, and bulldoze their home.
Stop acting like you're scared. Man up, and go kill the bastards.
Addendum: Kill their parents, their siblings, their children, and bulldoze all their houses. And bulldoze the mosque they attended.
You might read up on immigration in the UK and the number of said immigrants involved in local terror attacks, planned terror attacks. You will find it interesting but entirely unrelated to the Russians, Trump or your stupid idea that immigrants are never terrorists.
My revulsion extends Trump, yes indeed. World leaders sucking up to the Saudis and selling them billions of dollars worth of arms won't stop these types attacks here or in the U.K.
Many of Britains Muslims that came in the 70s-80s were, for instance, Kashmiri Muslims (Pakistanis, but Pakistan is a multi-ethnic country) fleeing conflicts at home, the long guerilla war in Kashmir. Quite a lot of these got mixed up in radicalism. And in France, a lot of them were refugees (the Harkis) fleeing Algerian independence, or later ones fleeing the Algerian civil war. And etc. and etc. Just because people are miserable does not mean they arent dangerous.
Inga: "World leaders sucking up to the Saudis and selling them billions of dollars worth of arms won't stop these types attacks here or in the U.K."
And yet obambi couldn't wait to cut deals with the Iranians and allowed over $150 Billion in currency to flow to them while clearing the way for them to get their nukes even faster.
Inga is pulling out all the stops tonight.
Inga's bottom line: why even try to defend yourself. Just welcome your new islamic galactic overlords.
The complete absence of human empathy and emotion displayed this evening confirms my long time suspicion that this Inga poster entity is not only a troll, but a bot. I hope no actual human has to live with that kind of withered and twisted view of human life with no space for our role as compassionate children of God.
I'm glad you're aware of it. Perhaps one day you'll develop the decency to not use the murder of innocents to advance your thoughtless politics.
It's disgusting to immediately hear from you people that it was immigrants. These terrorists are radicalized Islamists, not immigrants looking to get away from the hell of war.
First of all, no-one said it was immigrants - the general assumption is that it was Muslims. Second - unless you have a amway of distinguishing between 'radicalized Islamists' and 'immigrants looking to get away from the hell of war' then your vacuous endorsement of mass Islamic immigration means more dead children.
I understand that for you, more murder is just a good segue into snide partisanship, but for actual decent human beings, more murdered children a bad thing.
Mezzrow, you have no idea what I feel about this terror attack. I'm not going to pretend that these things can be stopped by keeping out every last immigrant and selling arms to Saudi Arabia. You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral.
narciso: "Following one bomber is beside the point, they have a whole support schools madrassas recruiter and the like."
Trumps clear intent (and the ideas have been around for quite some time, Trump is simply moving forward with them) is to provide sufficient support for the gulf states and their allies who have been paying the Sunni/Muslim Brotherhood/AlQaeda/ISIS/ISIL/Wahhabist "danegeld" for so long to break free from those entanglements to the extent possible and directly assist with the pushback against the most militant and backward islamists (that Inga wants to bring here).
In an ironic twist it was obambi's moronic and horrific deal with the Iranians that possibly, possibly, have created sufficient fear in the other gulf states to finally take this step.
Inga: "You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral."
Shorter Inga: how dare we point out the inevitable results of leftist policies.
why, it's almost as unfair as pointing out the starvation in Venezuela!
Oh, and to be lectured about waving "bloody shirts" by a leftist is cosmically ironic.
Original Mike: "Inga, if we do the same thing Europe has done with respect to Muslim immigration why will the result, 20 years down the road, be any different?"
No you don't. Keep waving the bloody shirts of every terrorism attack victim, it's evident you use these victims to express your bigotry. You people almost seem excited in a sick sort of way when these terrorist attacks happen.
Inga: "You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral."
Pookie Number 2: "Immigrant child Dzokar Tsarnaev was unavailable for comment."
The Orlando gunman was 29-year-old Omar Mateen, an American born in New Hyde Park, New York. His parents were Afghan, and he was raised as a Muslim.
He was a such a dreamer, that one. Unfortunately, his dreams weren't like yours or mine.
Inga said... Angry and frustrated? Oh no, not at all. I'm so relieved to know that no Saudi will ever attack the US again, thanks to President Trump, we can all rest easy.
5/22/17, 8:33 PM
So Inga has given the world the OK to hate on all Saudis, because their place of birth is an indicator of their evil ways. NOT their Imams that taught them to kill innocent children at a concert. Inga get some consistency, your selective moral indignation is transparent.
Blogger Pookie Number 2 said... "Once you find yourself in favor of ripping babies apart and harvesting the parts, how could a bomb targeting children really bother you all that much?"
Now you use the body parts of aborted babies to prove your point? You are one sick puppy.
Inga: "You people almost seem excited in a sick sort of way when these terrorist attacks happen."
Here we see the leftist launch full-bore into a "projection attack" to assuage the guilt she feels deep down stemming from the fact that the left gleefully leaps on every violent attack where a white, male, Christian, republican, Tea Party, NRA member can conceivably be condemned and have that condemnation extended to every other "like" "other".
Which is why the left refuses to address today's islamic terror problem but will spend hours recounting abuses from the Crusades.
Keep waving the bloody shirts of every terrorism attack victim, it's evident you use these victims to express your bigotry.
I wouldn't recommend confusing your delusions with things that are evident. We use these victims as a way of demonstrating what happens when people make tragically stupid decisions about immigration, in the hopes of avoiding future victims.
You use them to toss off painfully idiotic criticisms of people that know more and care more about innocent life than you do, in the hopes of preserving your wholly unearned self-regard.
"your Islamophobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral..."
Is it "islamophobia, even against immigrant children" to wish that those children could be free from Islam? But then, 10 year old girls don't need a clitoris, do they? Even in this country, the horror continues. You cheer for it, but you wouldn't undergo that to which you condemn Muslim children.
"So Inga has given the world the OK to hate on all Saudis, because their place of birth is an indicator of their evil ways. NOT their Imams that taught them to kill innocent children at a concert."
And the only reason she now hates the Saudis is because they welcomed Trump.
Remember all those Russian schoolchildren murdered by Muslim terrorists about 15 years ago or so? Inga would be OK with that happening now because - Putin.
Ah! The religion of peace strikes again. How many more must die before we recognize the confirmed and committed Islamic Jihadists can not be assimilated into our society. This isn't the 1960s and this is not a question of civil rights. These jihadists are totally committed to destroying western civilization.
We must stand up for western civilization or we will lose it.
I understand that you're not smart enough to distinguish between name-calling and point-making, but just for fun, I'll spell it out for you in small words.
You support policies that will lead to more innocent children being murdered, so you can preen about your morality on the corpses of other people's children. I support policies that will minimize the murder of innocent children, because I don't think innocent children should be murdered.
It's not hard to see that you're the disgusting ghoul here. Well, maybe hard for you. But not for human beings.
And once again, the feckless British leadership will do nothing.
It's become pretty predictable. May will deplore the killings, warn against Islamophobia and tell the Brits how strong they are. There will be a nice candlelit vigil, the idiot who plays "Imagine" on the piano will turn up in Manchester and everyone will hug and have a good cry.
And then another attack will occur and more innocents will die. Rinse and repeat.
Keep waving those bloody shirts and try to hide your very obvious pleasure in seeing yet another terrorist attack so you can say "See, those horrible Muslims! They would all kill you if they could! They're all alike, even the refugee children, keep them out, keep them out, keep them out." You people are transparent.
LOL Drago, loving the National Geoghrapic voice over. "Now that the Inga has rolled around in the pile of fresh corpses, she snatches a bit of Trumpian fewmeats and slithers down to the watering hole" Hehe
'Tis quite pleasant so far, just "Adorable, Ignorable Inga" Major infestations delayed. Talking points will be issued soonest! Our two major talking dickheads seem to be drunk, in training, or not touching this with a ten-foot pole.
Inga, if we do the same thing Europe has done with respect to Muslim immigration why will the result, 20 years down the road, be any different? It's an important policy question.
Inga, you dumb ass, they ARE murdering people. And you take obvious pleasure in your own moral blindness, which you in your stupidity believe is moral superiority.
You are the one cheering for policies which will lead to more murders and deaths.
Why do Muslims have a right to come here? The Republic got by just fine without them for 200 years. Why do you think we have an obligation to admit them now?
Should we have let Nazi sympathizers in during WWII?
"But as the Inga basks in the rays of moral righteousness, a Fen approaches from the east. It quickly assess the situation and lopes away, reluctant to expend energy for so little meat. And so the Inga survives another day"
The so called Muslim ban was fashioned upon terrorist designations by the previous admin. That was likely used to avoid a "Muslim Ban" critique..yet...
exiled: "Why do Muslims have a right to come here? The Republic got by just fine without them for 200 years. Why do you think we have an obligation to admit them now?"
Now now. It's quite possible Inga's simple mind was befuddled by obambi's hilariously false claims that the muslim world played a part in our founding, our space program, etc.
Since disagreement with obambi is "racism" in the extreme, Inga had no choice but to accept obambi's childlike pronouncements as "truth".
Intact, your bleating attempt at an argument would be mildly more convincing if there was no correlation between Muslim immigration and the murder of innocents. Unfortunately for you, there's such a thing as reality, in which Muslim immigration leads directly to more people being killed.
You're welcome to endanger your own children and grandchildren, if you like. Perhaps after you bury a young person you love, you can tell us how many innocents we should sacrifice so superficial fools like yourself can feel smug about your tolerance.
Fen: a Fen approaches from the east. It quickly assess the situation and lopes away, reluctant to expend energy for so little meat. And so the Inga survives another day"
Much of Ariana's music is insipid, and sexual, but what kind of venue is this for a suicide bomber - killing teenyboppers? I hope Trump drops several MOAB's on their turbaned heads in response to this.
furious_a: "All you need is the David Attenborough voiceover"
Or Marlon Perkins.
"As the conservatives leaped into the swamp and wrestled with the sticky issues surrounding the inescapable truth regarding muslim immigration and increased violence and third-world activities, the leftists stayed safe within the reinforced tent casting aspersions and criticisms while breaking into the food store prepared by others."
Trumpit said...what kind of venue is this for a suicide bomber - killing teenyboppers? -- Actually, that seems to me to be a far more effective approach to terrorism. Attacking logical targets, not so much.
You're welcome to endanger your own children and grandchildren, if you like. Perhaps after you bury a young person you love, you can tell us how many innocents we should sacrifice so superficial fools like yourself can feel smug about your tolerance.
5/22/17, 9:43 PM
Yeah, Inga, adopt one of those Muslim families and bring them into your home if you feel so strongly about it. I'm sure one of those "children" (what the European press likes to call 18 year old men) would be very nice to you if you put him up in a spare bedroom and trotted him out so you could show your liberal friends how tolerant you are.
It's working out really swimmingly for women in Germany and Sweden.
I bet CNN is really annoyed that they have to cover this, rather than what they think is truly important: whether anyone within three degrees of separation from Trump ever spoke to someone who's native language is written in Cyrillic.
Trumpit: " I hope Trump drops several MOAB's on their turbaned heads in response to this."
Can't. According to the left some "unfortunate" deaths here and there are necessary in order for the left to import their permanent political majority.
A conflict so fantastic we decided to have another!
No doubt, Inga lays the blame for that war on us. After all, all the muslims wanted to do was steal our stuff and enslave our sailors. How bad was that really? Besides, killing them wouldn't really solve the problem now, would it?
8:24 . Inga weighs in on the bombing of children with a post about Trump and the Saudis 8:26 . Inga references 9-11 and the Saudis 9:13 . After multiple posts regarding Trump, 9-11 and the Saudis, Inga realizes, uh oh, there were children killed in the terrorist attack and she pretends she has been horrified by the killing of the children all along.
The internet is a brutal brutal thing to the sane, especially so to the twisted.
it's evident you use these victims to express your bigotry.
You got me!
Yes I admit to being a bigot...against a people and a religion that seeks to kill me or enslave me and destroy my civilization. A people and a religion that has been at war with me and my civilization for over 1,400 years.
"You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral."
Inga, what you call "Islamophobia" is a well-founded fear and hatred of an organized death cult whose leaders make no secret of their plan to attack us in our homelands in order to force us into submission to their evil "religion". Calling it "Islamophobia" makes exactly as much sense as talking about "MS-13-phobia". It is not "immoral" to defend your home and neighbors from murderous gangsters. The depraved little shits from MS-13 are "immigrant children" too, Inga. That doesn't stop them from terrorizing and murdering other, innocent children with machetes. It appears you are more concerned for the criminals than you are for their victims.
Hey I just like stirring up trouble, for the unthinking Trumpkin base. That is why I mentioned the IRA. (A pretty poorly-worded post on my part, I am afraid. I did not mean at all to suspect the IRA in this bombing. Only to suggest that it was not so long ago, that the IRA was doing pretty much the same thing. And no, we didn't "bomb the hell out of [the IRA]" in revenge/preemption.
Manchester, 1996: 200 people injured when the IRA detonated the largest bomb exploded in anger on British soil since World War II.
But for the brutality of the carnage, we might look to the Hyde Park and Regents' Park bombings or 1982. A nail-and-shrapnel bomb, that shocked the world's conscience like none before at that time.
Drago said: "Trumps clear intent (and the ideas have been around for quite some time, Trump is simply moving forward with them) is to provide sufficient support for the gulf states and their allies who have been paying the Sunni/Muslim Brotherhood/AlQaeda/ISIS/ISIL/Wahhabist "danegeld" for so long to break free from those entanglements to the extent possible and directly assist with the pushback against the most militant and backward islamists (that Inga wants to bring here).
In an ironic twist it was obambi's moronic and horrific deal with the Iranians that possibly, possibly, have created sufficient fear in the other gulf states to finally take this step." ----- Close to what I would have told Inga if she didn't have cotton in her ears. The Saudi's created the madrassas in direct response to the 1979 Iranian revolution. They know they have a tiger of their own making by the tail since their the Kingdom is threatened by it. Trump has some pretty strong leverage here. Throw in the Iranian expansion into Iraq, the nuke equation, and I think he has them by the balls. The trouble is the cat is already out of the bag so to speak.
My guess we are going to be fighting a proxy war (quite possibly with Russia and Iran as well as the "danegeld") in the ME while we are training our own guns on the NORKS.
There are so many moving parts to this my confidence level is not particularly high. I'm still waiting for the "he's trying for to much at once" argument from the left so I can agree with them on something.
With tens of thousands of Americans injured every year because of Muslim terror extremism (not to mention bathtub injuries), we must monitor and limit the Muslim population (and bathtubs) to guarantee freedom and the constitution.
BTW, Inga is correct about Trump and the Saudis. The Saudis have been pumping their Wahhabi poison into the West for the better part of a century. They are our enemies' enemies, but that doesn't make them our friends. No Muslim is our friend. They all hate us and they plan to enslave us.
BTW, I'm scared to my core of the Muslims killing me.
So, we must kick losers off of government so-called safety nets, and use deficits to provide tax cuts to job creators because that will result in massive eco (not the ecological sort, but the economics sort) growth so that America can eliminate the terrorists. Also: providing job creator benefits makes all boats rise, so there's no need for a safety net.
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1 – 200 of 341 Newer› Newest»Who kills schoolgirls?
"Who kills schoolgirls?"
We all know who.
Three news sources report it was a suicide bombing. There is an upcoming news conference.
Manchester: it would be surprising if it wasn't Islamic related.
Probably not a music critic. Just a guy named Mo. Odds are pretty good that that is the way things will work out.
Manchester. This is my shocked face. But in fairness the Muslims in Manchester usually just plan and finance attacks in other cities. Not sure why they are attacking the home turf.
Manchester: it would be surprising if it wasn't Islamic related.
More like miraculous.
Hard to know whom the media will blame more, Donald Trump or George W. Bush.
The Muslim mayor of London says that people who live in cities need to get used to this kind of thing. Although I suspect that only applies during the transition period.
The media will blame islamaphobia.
And just a few weeks before an election, too.
I don't usually think of myself as old, but I am old enough to recall that the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...
...the Irish Republican Army.
I Have Misplaced My Pants: "Who kills schoolgirls?"
The same people that the left wants to import here to the tune of millions.
The Muslim who just took over Turkey says that Democracy is like a streetcar. When you get to your stop, you get off.
Hard to know whom the media will blame more, Donald Trump or George W. Bush.
Trump, of course! He called them 'evil' just yesterday. We must expect righteous indignation and swift retaliation.
'Lifelong republican" Chuck shows he is as up to speed on terror attacks in Britain as he is on electoral preferences of the Michigan electorate.
Damn Quakers again.
Well we know they surely wont be any Saudi Arabians, they are the "good" Muslims, right President Trump?
I don't usually think of myself as old, but I am old enough to recall that the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...
...the Irish Republican Army.
Times change. There was a time when terrorist attacks in the US were usually the work of domestic Leftists.....
Well we know they surely wont be any Saudi Arabians, they are the "good" Muslims, right President Trump?
Better in better than the Iranians that Obama preferred.
Gahrie: "Times change. There was a time when terrorist attacks in the US were usually the work of domestic Leftists...."
Since the left is fully aligned with the islamist supremacist movements (just take a gander at any campus) you could argue that is still the case.
Hmmm, who was it who flew those planes into the twin towers? What, Saudi Arabians and a couple of Egyptians you say?
Inga takes time out from praising obama for allowing $150 Billion to flow to Iran (along with pallets of smaller denomination and untraceable cash which is just perfect for supplying Hamas, Hezbollah and yemeni terrorists) to complain that Trump is striking a deal with Muslim nations to begin a more effective fight against Inga's beloved islamist supremacists.
Her anger and frustration are understandable, if you understand the lefty mindset.
Pope Francis, Theresa May, numerous spokesmen for the EU, among other world leaders, including former President Obama (who momentarily interrupted his perpetual vacationing), have all condemned this bombing, and most importantly, have assured us,
This had nothing – absolutely nothing – to do with Islam.
Trump sure liked those Saudi's and they liked him right back. Gave him a reception fit for a King.
Inga: "Hmmm, who was it who flew those planes into the twin towers? What, Saudi Arabians and a couple of Egyptians you say?"
We all anxiously await the listing of obambi and his 8 year administration actions which exacted vengeance for those attacks.
Inga: "Trump sure liked those Saudi's and they liked him right back. Gave him a reception fit for a King."
Strong leaders tend to get those types of receptions.
I'm sorry that it causes you pain.
Perhaps if the Nobel committee gave your earth-bound "messiah" another prize you might feel better?
Horrendous. I don't know who did it. But if history and common sense is any guide, it's not an Orthodox Jew, a devoted Catholic or a born again Protestant.
"The Muslim mayor of London says that people who live in cities need to get used to this kind of thing."
The Mayor, of a political party, Labor, that opened the flood gates of Muslim immigration in the first place.
Multiculturalism kills.
I don't usually think of myself as old, but I am old enough to recall that the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...
...the Irish Republican Army.
What. a dick.
LOL. The traitorous cunt leaps onto the bodies and yanks out a dead child as a prop to bash Trump.
Angry and frustrated? Oh no, not at all. I'm so relieved to know that no Saudi will ever attack the US again, thanks to President Trump, we can all rest easy.
mockturtle said...
Manchester: it would be surprising if it wasn't Islamic related.
More like miraculous. "
I was keeping with the British sense of decorum and keep things understated.
Gahrie said...
Times change. There was a time when terrorist attacks in the US were usually the work of domestic Leftists.....
Domestic leftists, muslims, really, what's the difference in their end goals as regards the United States?
Remember, those are precisely the folks Inga and her pals don't want vetted and want to come here in record numbers.
That'll sure show 'em who is boss!
Well played Inga. You are a strategic genius!
Remember, obama said his responsibility as President of the United States was to ensure that no one speaks ill of Islam.
I'm afraid Inga is crossing swords with her beloved Dear Leader.
Uh oh.
"Trump sure liked those Saudi's and they liked him right back. Gave him a reception fit for a King."
That fat old cunt Inga takes time during a thread about a bunch of innocent concert goers in Manchester to attack Trump. I really wish that she was the victim of these 7th century desert pedophile warlord worshipping savages instead of the innocent people at that concert.
Worthless twat. Maybe wait for the bodies to cool to attack the President when the inevitable next terrorist attack occurs.
Can you give it a rest, Inga?
Where's 'ol gums when you need something to laugh at?
Inga: "...thanks to President Trump, we can all rest easy"
We know that our allies are resting easier and our enemies are resting less easy.
Of course, that will not mean we can stop all of Inga's beloved islamist murderers from carrying out their sick attacks on children.
19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding.
Hmmm, how did those Saudis that attacked the Twin Towers get here? How would Trump's Travel Ban have kept them out, since SA isn't on his list.
AllenS: "19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding"
These attacks do not help the leftist political policies and narratives therefore the leftists like Inga will always seek to deflect and minimize while simultaneously playing up non-existent threats from the Tea Party, NRA, etc.
19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding
I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's.
Inga: "Hmmm, how did those Saudis that attacked the Twin Towers get here? How would Trump's Travel Ban have kept them out, since SA isn't on his list."
Inga retroactively assigns blame to Trump for Clinton admin failures ("Gorelick Wall", anyone?) in order to deflect from the latest atrocity by her Most Favored Immigrant Status groups.
Well, I guess we'll have to wait until Pedro the toothless shit stirrer gets here.
(holding my nose).
How about we send the Air Force?
Hey Chuck,
When is the last time the IRA conducted a terrorist attack of this magnitude? Who conducted the last ten such attacks in the UK? I might have missed the point of your comment.
Inga: "I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's"
Inga has imagined a conversation, a wonderfully colorful conversation, on these very threads, which does not exist.
Inga is forced to have these conversations with the voices in her head otherwise she might have to confront the reality of what increased islamic immigration into western nations really means.
I'm sure there is a psychological malady that accurately describes this condition of hers.
Terrorism is entertainment. That's why it exists. Eyeballs and clicks.
Implants are moderately expensive.
That's why he's toothless.
pacwest: "Hey Chuck, When is the last time the IRA conducted a terrorist attack of this magnitude?"
Now now. "lifelong republican" Chuck doesn't exactly have unlimited time from his defending vast numbers of dems to actually conduct research to back up his "lefty narrative" supporting statements.
I was responding to this you dumbass Drago. You don't read so good, eh?
"19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding"
There was a program called visa express, there was one consular official who rubbed stamped nearly all of them
Due to Britain's highly successful approach to immigration and assimilation over the years, likely hometown boys.
Perhaps the next adherent of the religion of peace who gets afflicted with sudden Jihadi syndrome separates Inga's bug eyed pussy hat adorned head from her disgusting flabby decrepit old body.
The time it takes might give the authorities time to come and stop the Aloha Snackbar yelling goatfucker, before they are able to inflict harm on someone with any value to society.
It's interesting how you make yourself scarce on Trump threads nowadays Drago. Why would that be! I wonder?
Inga does herself no favors (not the first time, won't be the last...alas)
Inga: "I was responding to this you dumbass Drago. You don't read so good, eh?
"19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding""
Then why did you write this appropos of "nuttin"?
Inga: "I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's."
Carry on moron.
Inga: "It's interesting how you make yourself scarce on Trump threads nowadays Drago. Why would that be! I wonder?"
Russian payments have been lagging, obviously.
So now you are complaining that I'm not posting enough. You are one fickle lunatic.
..... likely hometown boys."
I agree, Walter.
Inga said...
19 killed and 50 wounded, and Inga can't think of anything but to make jokes. Outstanding
I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's.
5/22/17, 8:40 PM
You're stupid. No sense vetting because it will happen anyway. How many bad guys have not been allowed to enter US since Trump elected/ You have no way of knowing.
What an ass.
Drago, why are you afraid to comment on Trump threads?
Inga, how is Trump's travel ban going to stop terror attacks in Manchester England? Do you know where England is? Hint: its not in the continental US. How fucking stupid are you?
I wonder if we need population transfers.
Inga: ""Inga,
..... likely hometown boys."
I agree, Walter."
Inga fails to pick up on the obvious sarcasm.
How many terrorist attacks around the world in the last couple of years were perpetrated by immigrants? How many by home grown?
Cubanbob explains: I was keeping with the British sense of decorum and keep things understated.
Quite right. At most, raised eyebrows.
Inga: "Drago, why are you afraid to comment on Trump threads?"
You mean, aside from the Trump threads I was posting on all day today?
Well, it's true that if you exclude all the Trump threads I post on you could assert I am not posting on any Trump threads.
So you've got that going for you, which is "nice".
I dunno. Did they go to mosque?:
"...the presumptive (and usually proven) villains in UK nail bomb attacks was...the IRA"
Really Chuck? Can you name a single nail bomb attack in the UK by the IRA? I seem to recall that they were mostly car bombs, damaging building and injuring people, but other than attacks aimed at soldiers' pubs fatalities were fairly rare. But I guess finding ways to pretend that Christians are just as bad as Muzzie fundamentalists is a "lifelong Republican" thing.
", how is Trump's travel ban going to stop terror attacks in Manchester England? Do you know where England is? Hint: its not in the continental US. How fucking stupid are you?"
Did I say it was you fucking moron? Try to use your brain and imagine something like this happening in the US. Travel Bans are not going to work, not here, not in any country. Man you are so dumb, you don't even know how dumb you are.
Inga: "How many terrorist attacks around the world in the last couple of years were perpetrated by immigrants? How many by home grown?"
Nice try, but I'm afraid the first and second generation children of islamist immigrants have shown themselves to be quite open to islamist supremacist recruitment, just like their "never immigrated, still in the home country" peers.
I believe that is what Walter was alluding to, and you missed. Unexpectedly.
The Europeans estimate that over 10,000, jihadis, who were citizens of the EU, went to train and fight in the middle east and are now back in Europe.
Oh goody. What a treat.
Where's the most obvious troll, ARM?
TPM late?
One of the reasons terrorists succeed, is when people show they are terrorized.
I wish the news would moderate themselves. I don't click on that stuff, because I don't need a 20 year old woman with make-up caked-on telling me a bomb blew up, and what it all means.
We get it.
We don't need minute by minute updates. The task is done. Find out who did it, and kill them. Kill their parents, and bulldoze their home.
Stop acting like you're scared. Man up, and go kill the bastards.
Inga can't let them in fast enough.
Attention Whore Inga at it again. But she is an easy foil, I'll give her that.
I'd explain it all to you re the Saudi's, but I promised not to bother you anymore.
Inga: "I'm not joking, you maroon. I'm making fun of you people who think these attacks can be stopped by Trump's Travel Ban and sucking up to the Saudi's
You know, a bunch of innocent children died tonight. Perhaps you can reconsider when it's alpropriate to "make fun" of people with cheap bumper-sticker snottery.
No Drago, I know what Walter was alluding to, I chose to ignore it, hence the ellipsis, dumbass.
Pedro, workin' up to it.
(has to download a new insult book, they's getting repetitive/
Homegrown of, most likely in this case, Pakistani immigrants.
I would put money on it at 2:1.
And this just reinforces the wisdom of keeping these people away, precisely because they are hazards unto multiple generations. It makes no sense at all to import more, to breed more and more generations of enemies.
The ones you already have, well, I have no idea what you should do with them. But for heavens sake, close the door.
Mohamed Coefficient likely = 1.0
But let's not have any criticism of Islam, please. Think of this as an opportunity to bash Donald Trump.
There was an 'Ariana Grande' tag to this post, too.
She has a nice ass.
I am Laslo.
Etienne said...Find out who did it, and kill them. Kill their parents, and bulldoze their home.
Aside from snarky comments all around, this event, assuming it is Islamist terror, shows that the French did a better job with the attempt in Paris at the soccer stadium.
The plan then was to set off the bomb inside the stadium to precipitate a stampede which would kill many more. The suicide bomber, was blocked from entering the stadium, and blew himself up outside where only one other was injured. Two other bombers blew themselves up with no other injuries. There were lots of fatalities at other locations but the plan to create a stampede at the soccer stadium was foiled.
Approximately 9:20 p.m. - An explosion occurs outside Stade de France, a sports stadium in Saint-Denis, a suburb north of Paris. French President Francois Hollande is in the stadium watching France play Germany in a soccer match. He is safely evacuated.
-- 9:30 p.m. - A second explosion occurs outside the stadium. Both blasts happen on the same street, Avenue Jules Rimet.
-- 9:53 p.m. - About 400 meters from the Stade de France, a third blast occurs on Rue de la Cokerie.
-- A total of four people are killed: three suicide bombers and a man who had been walking by.
They had been prevented from entering the stadium.
I have now read that quite a few of the dead in Manchester were trampled in a stampede for the exist, the Paris plan.
Inga: "No Drago, I know what Walter was alluding to, I chose to ignore it, hence the ellipsis, dumbass"
Of course you chose to ignore it.
You'd have to in order to sleep at night as you work for policies that will condemn ever greater numbers of children to their violent jihadist inspired deaths. And sexual slavery. And Female Genital Mutilation.
Wait. I have to do remedial work on you first. Can you describe where England is? You understand it's a seperate nation, not a state in the Us, right? Can you make any countries that border it?
Because you seem to be under the impression that Trump's travel ban affects England...
"stampede for the exits."
And for what its worth, Trumps measures were trivial gestures at best, vs what really should be done.
But even that was, apparently, unacceptable.
Etienne said...
We don't need minute by minute updates. The task is done. Find out who did it, and kill them. Kill their parents, and bulldoze their home.
Stop acting like you're scared. Man up, and go kill the bastards.
Addendum: Kill their parents, their siblings, their children, and bulldoze all their houses. And bulldoze the mosque they attended.
Inga said...No Drago, I know what Walter was alluding to, I chose to ignore it,
Didn't fit her narrative. NBC style edit..
As to your other silly point... did you ever use birth control, even though it's not 100% effective?
Missed your concern and revulsion for this attack. You went right for Trump and the Saudis.
"Because you seem to be under the impression that Trump's travel ban affects England."
My God, you are retarded. Sorry.
Lets not jump to conclusions...
And its a muslim.
ARM sheds a tear for the suicide bomber. scorched Earthers must not understand the vast differences in ideology family members can have.
Can we avoid rushing to judgment over who did it and why? We'll know more soon enough.
As for Inga, I'd tell to slither back under her stone except that I cannot imagine a stone so lacking in self respect that it would shelter her.
Another week, another Muslim terrorist attack in Europe.
The Brits and Euros don't seem to care too much.
You might read up on immigration in the UK and the number of said immigrants involved in local terror attacks, planned terror attacks. You will find it interesting but entirely unrelated to the Russians, Trump or your stupid idea that immigrants are never terrorists.
Blogger Inga said..."How many terrorist attacks around the world in the last couple of years were perpetrated by immigrants? How many by home grown?"
Yes, home grown Muslims. What the hell is your point?
Inga: "My God, you are retarded. Sorry"
That is particularly tasteless as your islamist heroes specifically seek out children with mental disabilities to use as unwitting bombers.
There really is not limit to how low Inga will go to minimize these very "inconvenient" atrocities.
Sorry, for jumping to conclusions.
It could be the IRA. Or a disgruntled music fan.
My revulsion extends Trump, yes indeed. World leaders sucking up to the Saudis and selling them billions of dollars worth of arms won't stop these types attacks here or in the U.K.
All I know is that Trump is to blame. Somehow.
CNN will find out the how.
I skip any comment that begins with "Inga"
Many of Britains Muslims that came in the 70s-80s were, for instance, Kashmiri Muslims (Pakistanis, but Pakistan is a multi-ethnic country) fleeing conflicts at home, the long guerilla war in Kashmir. Quite a lot of these got mixed up in radicalism.
And in France, a lot of them were refugees (the Harkis) fleeing Algerian independence, or later ones fleeing the Algerian civil war.
And etc. and etc.
Just because people are miserable does not mean they arent dangerous.
Inga: "World leaders sucking up to the Saudis and selling them billions of dollars worth of arms won't stop these types attacks here or in the U.K."
And yet obambi couldn't wait to cut deals with the Iranians and allowed over $150 Billion in currency to flow to them while clearing the way for them to get their nukes even faster.
Inga is pulling out all the stops tonight.
Inga's bottom line: why even try to defend yourself. Just welcome your new islamic galactic overlords.
Following one bomber is beside the point, they have a whole support schools madrassas recruiter and the like.
The complete absence of human empathy and emotion displayed this evening confirms my long time suspicion that this Inga poster entity is not only a troll, but a bot. I hope no actual human has to live with that kind of withered and twisted view of human life with no space for our role as compassionate children of God.
It must respond, but it has no soul.
Pookie I'm well aware people died.
I'm glad you're aware of it. Perhaps one day you'll develop the decency to not use the murder of innocents to advance your thoughtless politics.
It's disgusting to immediately hear from you people that it was immigrants. These terrorists are radicalized Islamists, not immigrants looking to get away from the hell of war.
First of all, no-one said it was immigrants - the general assumption is that it was Muslims. Second - unless you have a amway of distinguishing between 'radicalized Islamists' and 'immigrants looking to get away from the hell of war' then your vacuous endorsement of mass Islamic immigration means more dead children.
I understand that for you, more murder is just a good segue into snide partisanship, but for actual decent human beings, more murdered children a bad thing.
Terrible news. I wish terrorism was never, ever an acceptable choice of political speech.
Inga says it's odd how one guy makes himself scarce on the "Trump threads". For her this, about a terror bombing of teenagers, is a Trump thread.
Mezzrow, you have no idea what I feel about this terror attack. I'm not going to pretend that these things can be stopped by keeping out every last immigrant and selling arms to Saudi Arabia. You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral.
narciso: "Following one bomber is beside the point, they have a whole support schools madrassas recruiter and the like."
Trumps clear intent (and the ideas have been around for quite some time, Trump is simply moving forward with them) is to provide sufficient support for the gulf states and their allies who have been paying the Sunni/Muslim Brotherhood/AlQaeda/ISIS/ISIL/Wahhabist "danegeld" for so long to break free from those entanglements to the extent possible and directly assist with the pushback against the most militant and backward islamists (that Inga wants to bring here).
In an ironic twist it was obambi's moronic and horrific deal with the Iranians that possibly, possibly, have created sufficient fear in the other gulf states to finally take this step.
Clearly, we need to build bridges..
Inga: "You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral."
Shorter Inga: how dare we point out the inevitable results of leftist policies.
why, it's almost as unfair as pointing out the starvation in Venezuela!
Oh, and to be lectured about waving "bloody shirts" by a leftist is cosmically ironic.
Nurse Inga refuses to innoculate the children because none of the vaccines target measels. Doh.
Mezzrow, you have no idea what I feel about this terror attack.
Yes, we do. You gleefully think it's an opportunity to attack Trump. Apparently your appetite for dead children goes beyond abortion.
Inga, if we do the same thing Europe has done with respect to Muslim immigration why will the result, 20 years down the road, be any different?
Inga the battered gash.
Tough life eh, "Inga"?
Pookie Number 2: "Apparently your appetite for dead children goes beyond abortion."
Once you find yourself in favor of ripping babies apart and harvesting the parts, how could a bomb targeting children really bother you all that much?
Original Mike: "Inga, if we do the same thing Europe has done with respect to Muslim immigration why will the result, 20 years down the road, be any different?"
It couldn't be any different.
That's what Inga and her pals are counting on.
You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral.
Immigrant child Dzokar Tsarnaev was unavailable for comment.
"Yes, we do."
No you don't. Keep waving the bloody shirts of every terrorism attack victim, it's evident you use these victims to express your bigotry. You people almost seem excited in a sick sort of way when these terrorist attacks happen.
"How many terrorist attacks around the world in the last couple of years were perpetrated by immigrants? How many by home grown?"
Besides the San Bernardino shootings and the Boston Marathon bombings and the Allahu-Stabby-Akbar at Ohio State?
I've spotted you three. Research the rest yourself, you lazy twit.
Once you find yourself in favor of ripping babies apart and harvesting the parts, how could a bomb targeting children really bother you all that much?
The trick is to dehumanize them - then it's easy. How different is "just a clump of cells" from "just some infidels", anyhow?
"Inga#1405" has a snit problem.
Inga: "You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral."
Pookie Number 2: "Immigrant child Dzokar Tsarnaev was unavailable for comment."
The Orlando gunman was 29-year-old Omar Mateen, an American born in New Hyde Park, New York.
His parents were Afghan, and he was raised as a Muslim.
He was a such a dreamer, that one. Unfortunately, his dreams weren't like yours or mine.
How did the Saudi 9/11 terrorists get here? The Clinton administration let them in.
And the operative work is not homegrown. It's "Muslim."
That's what these suicide bombers all have in common.
So, yeah, let's bring more of them here!
It's OK if other people's children die. A small price to pay, really, for the smug, warm feeling liberals get when they contemplate "diversity."
Inga said...
Angry and frustrated? Oh no, not at all. I'm so relieved to know that no Saudi will ever attack the US again, thanks to President Trump, we can all rest easy.
5/22/17, 8:33 PM
So Inga has given the world the OK to hate on all Saudis, because their place of birth is an indicator of their evil ways. NOT their Imams that taught them to kill innocent children at a concert.
Inga get some consistency, your selective moral indignation is transparent.
Blogger Pookie Number 2 said...
"Once you find yourself in favor of ripping babies apart and harvesting the parts, how could a bomb targeting children really bother you all that much?"
Now you use the body parts of aborted babies to prove your point? You are one sick puppy.
Inga is this some kind of fetish you have?
Come live with me, I'll give you 100 lashes daily if you do all the housework. No more public exposure. Or is that what gets you off here?
Inga: "You people almost seem excited in a sick sort of way when these terrorist attacks happen."
Here we see the leftist launch full-bore into a "projection attack" to assuage the guilt she feels deep down stemming from the fact that the left gleefully leaps on every violent attack where a white, male, Christian, republican, Tea Party, NRA member can conceivably be condemned and have that condemnation extended to every other "like" "other".
Which is why the left refuses to address today's islamic terror problem but will spend hours recounting abuses from the Crusades.
Keep waving the bloody shirts of every terrorism attack victim, it's evident you use these victims to express your bigotry.
I wouldn't recommend confusing your delusions with things that are evident. We use these victims as a way of demonstrating what happens when people make tragically stupid decisions about immigration, in the hopes of avoiding future victims.
You use them to toss off painfully idiotic criticisms of people that know more and care more about innocent life than you do, in the hopes of preserving your wholly unearned self-regard.
Inga: "Now you use the body parts of aborted babies to prove your point? You are one sick puppy"
Here we see "Inga" attacking the individual who is AGAINST the ripping apart of babies and selling of body parts as the "sick puppy".
Quite revealing.
Ho Hum, where are the ever-helpful jerkoffs other than jerkoff "Inga"?
No pookie, you are the ghouls, not I. Disgusting.
"your Islamophobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral..."
Is it "islamophobia, even against immigrant children" to wish that those children could be free from Islam? But then, 10 year old girls don't need a clitoris, do they? Even in this country, the horror continues. You cheer for it, but you wouldn't undergo that to which you condemn Muslim children.
"So Inga has given the world the OK to hate on all Saudis, because their place of birth is an indicator of their evil ways. NOT their Imams that taught them to kill innocent children at a concert."
And the only reason she now hates the Saudis is because they welcomed Trump.
Remember all those Russian schoolchildren murdered by Muslim terrorists about 15 years ago or so? Inga would be OK with that happening now because - Putin.
Ah! The religion of peace strikes again. How many more must die before we recognize the confirmed and committed Islamic Jihadists can not be assimilated into our society. This isn't the 1960s and this is not a question of civil rights. These jihadists are totally committed to destroying western civilization.
We must stand up for western civilization or we will lose it.
Inga: "No pookie, you are the ghouls, not I. Disgusting."
She said, standing on a mountain of infant corpses while minimizing islamic terror.
,Now you use the body parts of aborted babies to prove your point? You are one sick puppy.
There's a beautiful irony afoot when our fiercest advocate for aborting babies and chopping them up calls someone else a sick puppy.
At least her self-loathing is deserved.
I still maintain that some of our special commentors are just Meade poking the anthill out of boredom. I know I would, just as a social experiment.
"Turn on the Moonbat signal, commissioner!"
Checking out of this thread. Oof.
"Here we see "Inga" attacking the individual who is AGAINST the ripping apart of babies"
Inga's moral universe is inverted. She defends evil and attacks those who want to defend against evil as evil.
She's warped.
Dunno. Is TTR in rehab?
exiled: "Inga's moral universe is inverted. She defends evil and attacks those who want to defend against evil as evil."
Inga's moral universe is inverted. She passionately defends evil and gleefully attacks those who want to defend against evil as evil.
No pookie, you are the ghouls, not I. Disgusting.
I understand that you're not smart enough to distinguish between name-calling and point-making, but just for fun, I'll spell it out for you in small words.
You support policies that will lead to more innocent children being murdered, so you can preen about your morality on the corpses of other people's children. I support policies that will minimize the murder of innocent children, because I don't think innocent children should be murdered.
It's not hard to see that you're the disgusting ghoul here. Well, maybe hard for you. But not for human beings.
And once again, the feckless British leadership will do nothing.
It's become pretty predictable. May will deplore the killings, warn against Islamophobia and tell the Brits how strong they are. There will be a nice candlelit vigil, the idiot who plays "Imagine" on the piano will turn up in Manchester and everyone will hug and have a good cry.
And then another attack will occur and more innocents will die. Rinse and repeat.
Keep waving those bloody shirts and try to hide your very obvious pleasure in seeing yet another terrorist attack so you can say "See, those horrible Muslims! They would all kill you if they could! They're all alike, even the refugee children, keep them out, keep them out, keep them out." You people are transparent.
A possible explanation:
LOL Drago, loving the National Geoghrapic voice over. "Now that the Inga has rolled around in the pile of fresh corpses, she snatches a bit of Trumpian fewmeats and slithers down to the watering hole" Hehe
'Tis quite pleasant so far, just "Adorable, Ignorable Inga"
Major infestations delayed.
Talking points will be issued soonest!
Our two major talking dickheads seem to be drunk, in training, or not touching this with a ten-foot pole.
Inga, if we do the same thing Europe has done with respect to Muslim immigration why will the result, 20 years down the road, be any different? It's an important policy question.
Inga: "They're all alike, even the refugee children, keep them out, keep them out, keep them out." You people are transparent."
They are not all alike.
But we can't tell them apart.
BTW, how rich is it to have a leftist lecturing others on viewing groups as "all alike"? Deplorables, anyone? Trump voters, anyone?
History truly starts anew each day for our leftist self-proclaimed betters.
Inga, you dumb ass, they ARE murdering people. And you take obvious pleasure in your own moral blindness, which you in your stupidity believe is moral superiority.
You are the one cheering for policies which will lead to more murders and deaths.
Why do Muslims have a right to come here? The Republic got by just fine without them for 200 years. Why do you think we have an obligation to admit them now?
Should we have let Nazi sympathizers in during WWII?
"But as the Inga basks in the rays of moral righteousness, a Fen approaches from the east. It quickly assess the situation and lopes away, reluctant to expend energy for so little meat. And so the Inga survives another day"
Thinga: ...try to hide your very obvious pleasure...
...barks Thinga, like a gallows mob. lol.
The so called Muslim ban was fashioned upon terrorist designations by the previous admin. That was likely used to avoid a "Muslim Ban" critique..yet...
exiled: "Why do Muslims have a right to come here? The Republic got by just fine without them for 200 years. Why do you think we have an obligation to admit them now?"
Now now. It's quite possible Inga's simple mind was befuddled by obambi's hilariously false claims that the muslim world played a part in our founding, our space program, etc.
Since disagreement with obambi is "racism" in the extreme, Inga had no choice but to accept obambi's childlike pronouncements as "truth".
Intact, your bleating attempt at an argument would be mildly more convincing if there was no correlation between Muslim immigration and the murder of innocents. Unfortunately for you, there's such a thing as reality, in which Muslim immigration leads directly to more people being killed.
You're welcome to endanger your own children and grandchildren, if you like. Perhaps after you bury a young person you love, you can tell us how many innocents we should sacrifice so superficial fools like yourself can feel smug about your tolerance.
Fen: a Fen approaches from the east. It quickly assess the situation and lopes away, reluctant to expend energy for so little meat. And so the Inga survives another day"
All you need is the David Attenborough voiceover.
Much of Ariana's music is insipid, and sexual, but what kind of venue is this for a suicide bomber - killing teenyboppers? I hope Trump drops several MOAB's on their turbaned heads in response to this.
Drago: obambi's hilariously false claims that the muslim world played a part in our founding,
Well, the words the Shores of Tripoli from "The Marine Corp Hymn" didn't write themselves.
furious_a: "All you need is the David Attenborough voiceover"
Or Marlon Perkins.
"As the conservatives leaped into the swamp and wrestled with the sticky issues surrounding the inescapable truth regarding muslim immigration and increased violence and third-world activities, the leftists stayed safe within the reinforced tent casting aspersions and criticisms while breaking into the food store prepared by others."
furious_a: "Well, the words the Shores of Tripoli from "The Marine Corp Hymn" didn't write themselves."
That was after our founding.
Trumpit said...what kind of venue is this for a suicide bomber - killing teenyboppers?
Actually, that seems to me to be a far more effective approach to terrorism.
Attacking logical targets, not so much.
You're welcome to endanger your own children and grandchildren, if you like. Perhaps after you bury a young person you love, you can tell us how many innocents we should sacrifice so superficial fools like yourself can feel smug about your tolerance.
5/22/17, 9:43 PM
Yeah, Inga, adopt one of those Muslim families and bring them into your home if you feel so strongly about it. I'm sure one of those "children" (what the European press likes to call 18 year old men) would be very nice to you if you put him up in a spare bedroom and trotted him out so you could show your liberal friends how tolerant you are.
It's working out really swimmingly for women in Germany and Sweden.
I bet CNN is really annoyed that they have to cover this, rather than what they think is truly important: whether anyone within three degrees of separation from Trump ever spoke to someone who's native language is written in Cyrillic.
Trumpit: " I hope Trump drops several MOAB's on their turbaned heads in response to this."
Can't. According to the left some "unfortunate" deaths here and there are necessary in order for the left to import their permanent political majority.
The First Barbary War (1801–1805).
Jon Ericson: "The First Barbary War (1801–1805)."
A conflict so fantastic we decided to have another!
No doubt, Inga lays the blame for that war on us. After all, all the muslims wanted to do was steal our stuff and enslave our sailors. How bad was that really? Besides, killing them wouldn't really solve the problem now, would it?
"Well, the words the Shores of Tripoli from "The Marine Corp Hymn" didn't write themselves."
The Barbary pirates were kidnapping Europeans and Americans and selling them into slavery.
I guess Obama considered that a real positive contribution to the early American republic.
Hey, Whitey had it coming!
It's not surprise
15 mentions of "Inga". Althouse should have her blog a few posts. They'd be HUGE.
She's just firing chaff, like a noxious skink
The Boston Bombers were "immigrant children."
It's a good thing.
Me Myself:
Call the frickin sewer people.
They know how to deal with this shit.
Nice Alliums Meade!
8:24 . Inga weighs in on the bombing of children with a post about Trump and the Saudis
8:26 . Inga references 9-11 and the Saudis
9:13 . After multiple posts regarding Trump, 9-11 and the Saudis, Inga realizes, uh oh, there were children killed in the terrorist attack and she pretends she has been horrified by the killing of the children all along.
The internet is a brutal brutal thing to the sane, especially so to the twisted.
it's evident you use these victims to express your bigotry.
You got me!
Yes I admit to being a bigot...against a people and a religion that seeks to kill me or enslave me and destroy my civilization. A people and a religion that has been at war with me and my civilization for over 1,400 years.
The sad thing aren't.
The gullible and snowflakes need to address reality.
Twitter is full of "Have you seen her/him" with pictures asking about Manchester concert goers . You can feel the desperate misery.
"Inga#1405"'s backup is M.I.A.
Tch, Tch.
Good night, Inga.
Hope the fever has passed.
Well, box wine in excessive quantities can cause distortions of reality for those poor addicts.
Pray that "inga#1405" sees the light. (heh).
Inga said...
"You people wave the bloody shirts of these victims to bolster your Islamaphobia, even against immigrant children, which is disgusting and immoral."
Inga, what you call "Islamophobia" is a well-founded fear and hatred of an organized death cult whose leaders make no secret of their plan to attack us in our homelands in order to force us into submission to their evil "religion". Calling it "Islamophobia" makes exactly as much sense as talking about "MS-13-phobia". It is not "immoral" to defend your home and neighbors from murderous gangsters. The depraved little shits from MS-13 are "immigrant children" too, Inga. That doesn't stop them from terrorizing and murdering other, innocent children with machetes. It appears you are more concerned for the criminals than you are for their victims.
Hey, cut Inga some slack.
It must be hell when you keep telling the world that Muslims are peaceful and the Muslims keep wrecking the narrative.
The proper response:
Nuke 'em till they glow.
Shoot 'em in the dark.
Hey I just like stirring up trouble, for the unthinking Trumpkin base. That is why I mentioned the IRA. (A pretty poorly-worded post on my part, I am afraid. I did not mean at all to suspect the IRA in this bombing. Only to suggest that it was not so long ago, that the IRA was doing pretty much the same thing. And no, we didn't "bomb the hell out of [the IRA]" in revenge/preemption.
Manchester, 1996: 200 people injured when the IRA detonated the largest bomb exploded in anger on British soil since World War II.
But for the brutality of the carnage, we might look to the Hyde Park and Regents' Park bombings or 1982. A nail-and-shrapnel bomb, that shocked the world's conscience like none before at that time.
Was Sean Hannity anybody back in those days? Surely not; but I don't think I've ever Hannity go on about "Radical Irish Terrorism."
Drago said:
"Trumps clear intent (and the ideas have been around for quite some time, Trump is simply moving forward with them) is to provide sufficient support for the gulf states and their allies who have been paying the Sunni/Muslim Brotherhood/AlQaeda/ISIS/ISIL/Wahhabist "danegeld" for so long to break free from those entanglements to the extent possible and directly assist with the pushback against the most militant and backward islamists (that Inga wants to bring here).
In an ironic twist it was obambi's moronic and horrific deal with the Iranians that possibly, possibly, have created sufficient fear in the other gulf states to finally take this step."
Close to what I would have told Inga if she didn't have cotton in her ears. The Saudi's created the madrassas in direct response to the 1979 Iranian revolution. They know they have a tiger of their own making by the tail since their the Kingdom is threatened by it. Trump has some pretty strong leverage here. Throw in the Iranian expansion into Iraq, the nuke equation, and I think he has them by the balls. The trouble is the cat is already out of the bag so to speak.
My guess we are going to be fighting a proxy war (quite possibly with Russia and Iran as well as the "danegeld") in the ME while we are training our own guns on the NORKS.
There are so many moving parts to this my confidence level is not particularly high. I'm still waiting for the "he's trying for to much at once" argument from the left so I can agree with them on something.
Problem is, for the UK and much of Europe it's too late to "drive them out."
The problem is there are much more obvious markers abid Nasser and the Rigby slauing.
With tens of thousands of Americans injured every year because of Muslim terror extremism (not to mention bathtub injuries), we must monitor and limit the Muslim population (and bathtubs) to guarantee freedom and the constitution.
Carry on.
BTW, Inga is correct about Trump and the Saudis. The Saudis have been pumping their Wahhabi poison into the West for the better part of a century. They are our enemies' enemies, but that doesn't make them our friends. No Muslim is our friend. They all hate us and they plan to enslave us.
Right, Inga?
BTW, I'm scared to my core of the Muslims killing me.
So, we must kick losers off of government so-called safety nets, and use deficits to provide tax cuts to job creators because that will result in massive eco (not the ecological sort, but the economics sort) growth so that America can eliminate the terrorists. Also: providing job creator benefits makes all boats rise, so there's no need for a safety net.
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