February 21, 2017

"This Abstract Image Test Will Determine Your Dominant Personality Trait."

Kind of cool.

I got: Wisdom.


Ignorance is Bliss said...

I got courage. Sadly, I think that's pretty far off base.

traditionalguy said...

Wisdom here too. Maybe that is from choosing none of the above.

TA said...

Wisdom, also.

mockturtle said...

Wisdom here, too. I'm not taking it seriously.

Freeman Hunt said...

Courage. Unfortunately, that's probably wrong.

PB said...

wisdom, too

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...


Paddy O said...

I got kindness. I'm apparently very sensitive to others and always know how to help them have a better day.

The trouble is that I might know how, but I rarely will do it.

This doesn't exactly match my 1 (out of a possible 10)on the warmth scale of the 16PF

rcocean said...

Me too. Wisdom seems to be the default.

Bay Area Guy said...


But, if everybody gets wisdom, then nobody is wise.

-Ancient Chinese Secret

Anonymous said...

Your answers reveal that courage is your most dominant personality trait. You never waver in the face of a challenge. People often look to you for your leadership ability. You may feel fear, but you never show it!

BarrySanders20 said...

Neither health nor wealth.

A wise guy.

Amadeus 48 said...

Kindness. I need to rethink how I am posting here.

Steven said...

I got a rock.

Dave in Tucson said...

You commit 100% of yourself to everything that you do. People admire the good energy you bring into their lives. You listen to your heart when making a big decision, and while some may accuse you of being too emotional, you never apologize for it.

I actually laughed out loud at how really 100% wrong this is about who I am. Also, it very much has the ring of what you read in horoscopes. Junk "science".

Wince said...


Fuck these people and their shitty test.

Jeff Gee said...

What the hell is "Shemp"??

Big Mike said...

Mine said "Please consider getting help."

Just joking. I got "Wisdom." Considering that I voted against McCain in the 2008 primary but for him in the general , it just stands to reason.

Curious George said...


Seeing Red said...

That is one faulty test!

I got kindness!

Thanks for the giggles, Professor!

Anonymous said...

Wisdom. Mostly I think because I rejected a lot of the images as something I didn't like.

Anonymous said...

I'm courageous...reluctantly.

dreams said...

Intuition. And I think I am a good judge of character.

Karen of Texas said...


I think it's broken.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I chose something else for most of the images. None of the options were applicable to how I felt or what I perceived.

Kurt Bermuda said...

"Your answers reveal that wisdom is your most dominant personality trait. You approach situations and challenges with a level head and use logic when making decisions. Your many experiences in life have made you an intelligent and practical individual."

jaydub said...

I got peanut butter.

Jersey Fled said...

I think I flunked.

mockturtle said...

Per EDH:


Fuck these people and their shitty test.

LOL! Aw, c'mon! Maybe you just didn't realize just how kind you really are. ;-)

mockturtle said...

I agree that 'wisdom' is probably the default result. I know I picked 'none of the above' on quite a few questions.

Oso Negro said...

"Kindness" for me. Which is hysterical as I am pretty much a tribalist and have thought since my mid-30s that I lack normal compassion.

dreams said...

Per EDH:


Fuck these people and their shitty test."

"LOL! Aw, c'mon! Maybe you just didn't realize just how kind you really are. ;-)"

A really kind curmudgeon, maybe.

StephenFearby said...

"Your answers reveal that intuition is your most dominant personality trait. You listen to your gut, and it is hardly ever wrong. People are sometimes caught off guard by your perceptiveness. You are also an excellent judge of character."

My impression: What a "mark" receives from a tarot card reading.

For this "test", instead of forking out money, you relinquish your time...which might be better spent on something more rewarding.

mockturtle said...

OK, I went back and retook it using 'none of the above' for every answer. But this time I got 'Kindness' instead of 'Wisdom'. What kind of sense does thatmake??

Professional lady said...

I got intuition. It says it trust my gut reaction which is hardly ever wrong. It also says I'm an excellent judge of character. I would describe myself this way, but it could be that I just like to think of myself with those qualities. I also chose none of the above a lot.

Andrew said...

KINDNESS! Whoever designed that test is a fucking lunatic.

tcrosse said...


Curtiss said...

Is wisdom a personality trait? I haven't always been this wise. I haven't always been this old either.

Original Mike said...


David Aitken said...


Unknown said...

I got Pee Wee Herman

MaxedOutMama said...

Wisdom, which is probably a nice way of saying "older".

lemondog said...

Need a positive and negative personality test.

JHapp said...

I patiently endured images of meaningless computer generated art, to find out that my personality trait is wisdom, which of course was accompanied with one more image of meaningless computer generated art. And it all makes sense, as I ain't smart.

dhagood said...

wisdom, which proves the quiz is bullshit.

Kathryn51 said...

"Courage" - I can live with that, especially in these troubled times.

SukieTawdry said...

Yeah, that was interesting. Apparently the key to wisdom is "something else."

Francisco D said...

At (almost) 64, I am not surprised with "wisdom" although how that was determined is unknown.

It is more interesting to speculate how my personality might have been identified 40 years ago. Courage? Lunacy? I was a Democrat at the time, so the latter may be the best choice. LOL!

It's all for fun folks. There is no internal or external validity to this test. Just enjoy the amusement.

Bruce Hayden said...

Passion here. I think that part of it may have been how I reacted to the reds. I saw a lot of fire in the pictures. At my age, I would have, maybe, preferred Wisdom. Oh well.

Henry said...

Wisdom as well. I answered "something else" a bunch of times.

In a test like this I wonder if one of the things being timed is how long you take to click an answer. How much you move the mouse could also be tracked.

So I repeated my test, clicking the same answers as fast as possible.

Same answer.

Yancey Ward said...

I got Kindness when I took the test for real, which is pretty odd for me.

It was interesting trying different answer combinations. When I went through and picked nothing but "Something Else", I still got Kindness, but when I picked the first answer in the list every time I got Passion. The second answer exclusively gave me Courage.

traditionalguy said...

Since I am so Wise, that test must be brilliant to figure me out. Good thing Confused was not a category.

Ken B said...

I got Wisdom. I guess "Horny" wasn't on the list.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

Mine said wisdom to recognize the passion and courage needed to honestly intuit the kindness of the "everyone's a winner" pop psychology results.

Anonymous said...


John Nowak said...

The website said I had no personality at all, which is impressive.

Fernandinande said...

Francisco D said...
It is more interesting to speculate how my personality might have been identified 40 years ago.

MSM: Personality CAN change dramatically: You're a completely different person at 14 and 77, according to the longest-ever study into human character

The actual paper is rather more subdued, but I think they're mostly measuring change from being a 14-year-old to being an adult. It'd be more interesting to compare starting at 20-something rather than 14.

Etienne said...

Damn. I got wisdom. I wanted passion. I wonder where I went wrong. I even chose the colors pink.

Ann Althouse said...

I just quickly picked the most obvious thing.

SayAahh said...

I got.. try again later

TheThinMan said...

I got wisdom too. This is like astrology/palm reading/tarot cards/etc.: pseudoscience in the service of stroking our egos.

Bruce Hayden said...

My personality has changed quite a bit over life. In HS, I was an extreme introvert (though not, apparently as bad as my partner). Now pretty much of an extrovert. I find that I like people. She still doesn't, despite being a master at breaking anyone's shell. My college nickname was just the opposite of the Passion I found I had in this test. Interesting.

Darrell said...

I got kindness. Fuck anyone who disagrees, I say.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I was hoping for wisdom. I got passion instead.

Susan said...

I got intuition. I am a good judge of character, follow my gut, and I'm hardly ever wrong.

All correct.

They left out my extreme modesty though.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

harryo, I'll trade ya.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
Passion here. I think that part of it may have been how I reacted to the reds.

I think that's it. I picked the reds too. It's my favorite color.

The Godfather said...

Maybe you Wisdom people can answer this question:

How often do you think of "kindness" and "lawyer" going together?

I say it's spinach and I say the hell with it.

le Douanier said...

Put me in the "kindness" group, which seems well represented here.

Carry on.

Bob Ellison said...

I got Problematic.

le Douanier said...

"I think that's it. I picked the reds too. It's my favorite color."

It's mine too, and in fact I caught myself torn between the appreciation of the color and what I interpreted as a more technical based evaluation re some of the images. IOW, a couple times I didn't go w/ red because it seemed like I was drawn to it because I like red, not because it best answered the question being asked.

Anywho, I guess that's the sorta thing that kind folks, like me, do.

dreams said...

I tried to pick quickly too but I did have to pick something else a couple of times.

Fernandinande said...

The Godfather said...
Maybe you Wisdom people can answer this question:
How often do you think of "kindness" and "lawyer" going together?

The other day I saw a study of the accuracy of predictions of "experts" on TV news/etc shows. Overall the experts predictably predicted as well as a coin would, but lawyers were worse than chance; however they also said Paul "Always Wrong" Krugman was the most accurate "expert", so I don't believe any of it. Well, maybe just the part about lawyers because I liked that part.

Carter Wood said...

I got red-green colorblind.

Rocketeer said...

Intuition. To which I say that I intuit this "test" is pure bullshit.

bagoh20 said...

I too went with my first impressions: Intuition.

Mark said...


I think (nearly) everyone going in was wise enough not to trust that the test meant much of anything.

Maybe the Q&As were not the real test. Maybe the real test was like the sign above a button that says, "Do not press button."

jrapdx said...

The test result was "kindness", which is about half true, depends on the day. OK, I do have the character flaw of trying to be helpful to others, at times anyway.

The site has numerous other "tests" that purport to measure, like this test, "personality" and other characteristics. I played around with a few others, but the most amusing was the one "What color are these pills?" Supposedly, it shows your age based on color perception ability.

The test result said I was 18 years old! That's over 5 decades off the mark! But who's counting when my body and brain are in such excellent condition!

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Uncle John's Band"

"Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more,
'Cause when life looks like Easy Street, there is danger at your door.
Think this through with me, let me know your mind,
Wo, oh, what I want to know, is are you kind? [ed: yes]

It's a buck dancer's choice my friend; better take my advice.
You know all the rules by now and the fire from the ice.
Will you come with me? Won't you come with me?
Wo, oh, what I want to know, will you come with me?

Goddamn, well I declare, have you seen the like?
Their wall are built of cannonballs, their motto is "Don't tread on me".
Come hear Uncle John'n Band playing to the tide,
Come with me, or go alone, he's come to take his children home.

It's the same story the crow told me; it's the only one he knows.
Like the morning sun you come and like the wind you go.
Ain't no time to hate, barely time to wait,
Wo, oh, what I want to know, where does the time go?

I live in a silver mine and I call it Beggar's Tomb;
I got me a violin and I beg you call the tune,
anybody's choice, I can hear your voice.
Wo, oh, what I want to know, how does the song go?

Come hear Uncle John's Band by the riverside,
Got some things to talk about, here beside the rising tide.

Come hear Uncle John's Band playing to the tide,
Come on along, or go alone, he's come to take his children home.
Wo, oh, what I want to know, how does the song go."

Rusty said...


Bad Lieutenant said...

PBJ: Anywho, I guess that's the sorta thing that kind folks, like me, do.
2/21/17, 1:22 PM

Ha. I'd sooner think you wise than kind. (And my spellchecker prefers you "wide." Artificial intelligence?)

Brando said...

"Kindness"? That thing must be wrong. Now to poop on my neighbor's lawn.

Eric said...

This bunch of idiots thinks I'm kind.

Etienne said...

I saw Barney the dinosaur in one of the pictures, and they asked if I saw a dog.

A dog??? That's Barney you bastards! My passion was probably misinterpreted as wisdom...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This so called personality test is a fraud... I got that I'm some kind of courageous Joan of Arc or some such...

"Your answers reveal that courage is your most dominant personality trait. You never waver in the face of a challenge. People often look to you for your leadership ability. You may feel fear, but you never show it!"


Rosa Marie Yoder said...

Kindness. I must be projecting a younger, less cynical era. It's challenging to be kind these days with so many idiots all around and 50 minute commutes on expressways that more resemble parking lots. 343 days until retirment, but who's counting? I can once again learn to be kind... to the birds and the trees and the grazing deer... to me... in my secluded cabin in the woods...

madAsHell said...

I scored intractable.

MathMom said...

Kindness. Who knew?

Lauderdale Vet said...

"Kindness" for me.

traditionalguy said...

Speaking of wisdom and lawyers, I got in trouble at Sunday School last Sunday when the teacher, who is a football coach and talks to us like his team, quoted Jesus saying He would not leave the disciples alone, but He would send them an advocate, the Holy Spirit to help them.

So I mentioned that "advocate" meant a good Lawyer that gives the words needed, knowing this would irritate the Lawyer haters, who usually irritate me by claiming lawyers are bad.

So the teacher makes a nice reply saying that a Lawyer is not all an Advocate means. I could not help myself, and I told him No, that was all it means. Which is scripturally correct.

Sometimes The Spirit of Truth (a/k/a The Spirit of Wisdom) gets more precise than men would like for Him to.

n.n said...

It's an associative test that draws inferences through preconceived, or perhaps observed, correlations.

Ken B said...

Missing the bullshit tag btw.

Achilles said...

I can't believe I actually took that test. What ridiculous profile options.

The Elder said...


Me??? Who are they kidding?

Bob Boyd said...

My personality tested negative for traits.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Dickhead. Did I click the wrong link?

rastajenk said...

I got a rock...

No, actually, I got Honesty. True.

Paddy O said...

Tradguy, you're not right on your interpretation. Paraclete παράκλητος is more like an advocate, or counselor, which can have a legal expression, but is far from limited to that. Biblical Greek is a fairly precise language, and the word more usually translated lawyer in the NT is νομικός

Paraclete may be closer to an advocate, in civil terms of today blending together what we might see as a legal, social services, psychological element, though often more personal than that.

Todd said...

I got "ask again later..."

Just kidding, I got "kindness". No I am not kidding, that is what I got. Well screw you! You *$&%*!#& and you can ($*%&&))# your mother too! I got empathy coming out of my *%#$$ ears!

Martin said...

I got "Kindness," and while I think I am a somewhat sympathetic person I would not have expected that in my top 3.

Fabi said...

Am I the first one to get "sexy as fuck"?

Johnathan Birks said...

Wisdom as well. Would like to know the algorithm here as I'm pretty stupid sometimes.

RonF said...

I got "Kindness" - which I cannot think anyone would use to describe my dominant personality trait.

Liesl said...

Courage. That's never really been tested, but I'll keep this result in mind, should I ever need it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

My word was friendly which I haven't been for years.

Amadeus 48 said...

Where are Chuck and ARM? Inga, Trollyou, Toothless?

What are they scared of? Did they get "Bat shit crazy"?

David Baker said...


(In context, a metaphor for old.)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Amadeus 48:

Heh that is highly likely.

David said...

I too got Wisdom!

I must have fooled it into thinking I had refused to take the test.

Paul said...

My dominant personality trait? Oh.... "Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!"

So now you know.

Portlandmermaid said...

I'm not sure why choosing pink and spheres and caterpillar makes me courageous, but I'll take it.

Why am I always relieved when Captcha says I'm not a robot?

Viking In Winter said...

Wow, kindness.
To my dogs maybe.

readering said...

Intuition. It also said, "You will wash your car just before it rains."

hugh42 said...

All you kind people please send me a dollar: I got Passion.

Denever said...


Mary Beth said...

I got kindness. I think I just disproved its accuracy.

traditionalguy said...

Paddy O... Try out Luke 21:14-15. That is a lawyer.

William said...

Wisdom. Just taking the test is a contra-indicator of that. My hobby is BASE jumping. We're not a particularly sagacious lot, although the paraplegics and quads tend to be thoughtful and introspective.

HoodlumDoodlum said...


But also: a coworker of mine had an old small poster with inspiration sayings and it included "Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it" which sounds OK, but the listed source was...Bill Cosby. Something to think about, for sure.

Fritz said...

Kindess. What crap!

grackle said...


Seppo said...

Am I the only one who got Honesty? Or are all of you lying?

Real American said...

Intuition. I don't buy it.

Moondawggie said...

Kindness? Well, maybe to my patients, but certainly not to my partners/medical group when they plan to make a stupid business mistake.

Jon Ericson said...

*coff* WTF?

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

I got nothing. Should I be worried?

Todd said...

Portlandmermaid said...
I'm not sure why choosing pink and spheres and caterpillar makes me courageous, but I'll take it.

Why am I always relieved when Captcha says I'm not a robot?

2/21/17, 4:49 PM

Maybe the other robots/AI want you to believe that you are not a robot. Just part of the field test...

BJK said...

Your answers reveal that honesty is your most dominant personality trait. You call it like you see it. Others count on you for thoughtful and candid feedback. You are also very self-aware and know your own limits. Being honest with yourself can be tricky, but you make it look easy.

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