May 5, 2016

"Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"

An actual Donald Trump Facebook post, complete with photo of him eating with a taco bowl.

As I was just saying a few days ago (a propos of the mockery of John Kasich for getting photographed eating various foods):
Food-eating used to be a cliché campaign photo-op. Bob Dylan sang about it in 1963:
Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote
He’s a-runnin’ for office on the ballot note
He’s out there preachin’ in front of the steeple
Tellin’ me he loves all kinds-a people
(He’s eatin’ bagels
He’s eatin’ pizza
He’s eatin’ chitlins
He’s eatin’ bullshit!)
But, note, Donald Trump isn't eating in that photograph. He's posing with food. And Donald Trump was one of the main people who mocked Kasich for eating: "He has a news conference all the time when he's eating. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion. This guy takes a pancake and he's shoving it in his mouth. It’s disgusting."

Now, back to today's quote: "Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!" That's got to be so wrong on so many levels. Or is it a trap?


Ignorance is Bliss said...

Happy Cinco de Quatro everyone!

traditionalguy said...

Trump means what he says. That is the trap.

rehajm said...

I've had those taco bows and they aren't even as good as the ones they have at Cilantro on 71st and 1st.

This doesn't bode well for a Trump presidency...

Bay Area Guy said...

It's awkward, nothing more, nothing less.

Trump's a billionaire. Generally, Billionaires have a team of high-priced attorneys and businessmen and executive assistants doing all the things for them, that normal folks have to do themselves.

He's not used to hanging with proles -- but he's running for President, so he's gotta mingle with the voters. There will be many awkward moments in the future, trust me. The only issue is whether the Dems/media can make them stick.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Mexican St. Patricks Day.

Yes, Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone. If you live in Wisconsin, best to be off the roads before 8:30 when the drunk start trying to drive home.

Limited blogger said...

That's gotta be 10,000 calories. Easy, President to be elected Trump!

Sebastian said...

"Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!" That's got to be so wrong on so many levels." You mean, it's wrong to boast that the best taco bowls are made in TGG rather than Mejico? Or to treat a presidential campaign as a marketing opportunity? You're not implying it's wrong to love Hispanics, do you?

"Now, the man on the stand he wants my vote/He’s a-runnin’ for office on the ballot note/He’s out there preachin’ in front of the steeple/Tellin’ me he loves all kinds-a people" Ah, more poetry for people who don't like poetry.

Rick said...

He should have doubled down on the earlier theme and claimed The Hispanics love him.

Fernandinande said...

Ironic that the "Five of Mayonnaise" is named after a food invented by the French, and celebrates a defeat of the French.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, DJT has always been a huckster. The Trumpetistas seem to love him for it. I personally enjoy the outrageousness of his shenanigans. But I don't want to see too much of him. It could be a long four years...or we could get Hillary, and that will be a longer four years.

traditionalguy said...

The big news would be if The Donald has a Margarita. As I recall, having a pitcher or five of Margaritas is what drives up the crime statistics for normally hard working Mexicans living in in the USA. They drink to much trying to forget Maria back home.

Freeman Hunt said...

What? You don't love Hispanics?

(It's a trap!)

Ron said...

I love how he's trolling everybody!

traditionalguy said...

You cannot have a Fiesta without a feast. Hard working men and women need to relax.

Alex said...

Taco bowls are like 2000 calories right? No wonder Trump is so overweight, chomping down on fatty food.

Jonathan said...

Jonathan said...

Why are you in your office? Aren't you supposed to be out campaigning???

MadisonMan said...

It's a trap, of course. (Obvious Link).

Chuck said...

Trump looks more and more like Liberace.

David Begley said...

Trump in Omaha on Friday. I will be there.

AllenS said...

Now, who believes that if Hillary showed herself eating Mexican food, that she'd reach into her purse and pull out a bottle of hot sauce? You know, like the colored people do.

Gusty Winds said...

It's Cinco De Mayo. We went to the Joe's Blue Sombrero in Fox Point just north of Milwaukee. Great food. But who's Joe? And why isn't it Jose's Blue Sombrero? Damn cultural appropriation.

I didn't have the Taco Bowl, but some killer chicken enchiladas with and avocado cream sauce and black beans.

So Donald Trump's facebook post saying "I love Hispanics" is going viral on Cinco De Mayo. That's horrible!!!

buwaya said...

"Hispanics" in itself is a clumsy word. To me, it grates.

It is however a common one in the US, even used by "hispanic" political activists, who of course usually aren't, being in the main Mexican nationalists.

On the other hand, I come from a culture which I think could be called the "Hispanosphere" (and there really is such a thing), and there was a popular intellectual term "Hispanidad" (works better in Spanish; closest English translation would probably be "Hispanicity") used by intellectuals like Unamuno. The actual hispanosphere, much less hispanidad, however are not something politically useful in the US. People would actually have to make kids read Cervantes - we can't have that.

Taco bowls are, food-wise, an odd US innovation.
Though I understand they have become quite popular in Mexico.
Doubtless Trump could have had something decent, like a proper mole, that would have improved the reputation of his restaurant, but Americans don't know much about real Mexican food.

Cinco de Mayo is in my opinion a hugely condescending bit of pandering. Mexico has a proper independence day (Sept 16) that Mexicans know and honor, with more of an official to-do than July 4 here. There is also the feast day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (Dec 12). The victory of Puebla is merely an incident.

Like so many things this can come across in many ways depending on the audience.
I react to it differently than my wife does, and both of us in a different way than Althouse.

MisterBuddwing said...

"Hispanics" in itself is a clumsy word. To me, it grates.

I was under the impression that a more accurate (but still imperfect) term would be "Latinos." Please correct me if I'm wrong.

eric said...

This is why Paul Ryan isn't endorsing him. Because Ryan wants more than taco bowls in the USA. He wants trumps word that he'll cave on immigration.

Whatever happens, I predict Ryan will end up endorsing Trump, making it big news. Maybe they will share a taco bowl.

eric said...

Also, this is Trumps appeal to a guy like me.

He isn't staged. He hasn't poll tested every word from his mouth. He seems and acts like a normal guy. Which is why he gets so much criticism. We are accustomed to the filter. To the, "You can't say that!" People.

It infuriates them. Millions of dollars is spent on perfectly creased pants. Hair spray. Make up. And all the right words to say, practiced day and night.

And here is this upstart talking normal and saying the stupid things normal people say on a daily basis?

The horror.

Sal said...

I want a President that spends every Cinco de Mayo having a photo op where he stuffs himself with Mexican food and declares, "I love Hispanics!". That's my kind of pandering. But that's all the pandering bullshit he should do: one stupid photo for every whiny ethnic group.

I'm voting for Trump!

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

"I was under the impression that a more accurate (but still imperfect) term would be "Latinos." Please correct me if I'm wrong."

I got into an argument with some people at the Science Fiction site File770 over exactly this question. Of course there are no rules set by any body with authority, but I am assured that the common usage by leftists (and God help you if you quibble) is -

Hispanic includes all Spanish speakers, even those from Spain proper and odd ducks like myself, a colonial remnant from that bit of the old empire in the China Sea.

Latino includes Portuguese Brazil, but for some reason not actual Portuguese or European Spaniards, nor any Italians wherever they live. Nor, probably, any "white" Brazilians of any origin, for some reason.

n.n said...

How to plan and eat Hispanic tacos. It's a cookbook conspiracy.

Run for your life! He wants to abort Hispanic... tacos.

Brando said...

All I expect anymore of this season is to be entertained, and so far I am not disappointed!

"I was under the impression that a more accurate (but still imperfect) term would be "Latinos." Please correct me if I'm wrong."

It's widely used but total crap! If the word "Latin" doesn't specifically refer to Italians, we're in a cookoo clock. Like calling East Asians "Asians" as if that encompasses middle easterners, Indians, etc. I prefer "orientals" and "Hispanics".

I don't know about taco bowls--the only advantage I see is they're easier to eat without a mess. But the whole point of Mexican is the wrap!

buwaya said...

There are no "hispanic" tacos. There are Mexican tacos. That's all.

AllenS said...

You probably couldn't even get a good super burrito in Mexico.

buwaya said...

"But the whole point of Mexican is the wrap!"

This is the common US error. The whole point of Mexican is the sauce.
You rarely get that in the US.

Sebastian said...

"And here is this upstart talking normal and saying the stupid things normal people say on a daily basis?" Right, on a daily basis in this great land "normal people" say to each other, "I love Hispanics!"

buwaya said...

"You probably couldn't even get a good super burrito in Mexico."

At one time you may have been right. But times change and US culture changes Mexico.
No idea what I'd find in Tijuana these days.

Fernandinande said...

buwaya said...
There are no "hispanic" tacos. There are Mexican tacos.

When I was briefly living in a slum in Pitillal, a few times I asked for "tacos sin queso" and they laughed, because "who would ever put cheese on a taco?!?".

I felt vindicated.

buwaya said...

"When I was briefly living in a slum in Pitillal,'

Hi, sort of neighbor!
My father in law was from Tapalpa, Jalisco.
Jalisco isn't a small place though.

AllenS said...

That's a nice looking slum, Fernandinande. I love Google maps.

Howard said...

Al pastor tacos (some restaurants call them "street tacos" for the hipsters) and a couple Pacifico's.

Kyzer SoSay said...

He's just saying what's on his mind. He doesn't care if you think it's wrong. And if you do think it's wrong, and complain to him, he'll mock you for caring too much and laugh if you demand he apologizes. Because he's confident. Winning tends to do that to people.

And for everyone who laughs about bankruptcies, Trump Steaks, Trump U, and Trump Vodka, let me ask ya really quick - did ya laugh every time Jordan missed a shot? How about every time your favorite QB threw an interception? Because if you did, clearly it's not because you feel inferior to them because of their skills and station in life - it's clearly because you could have done better. Why, I bet Hillary could start her own college and it would go great! Nobody's ever failed at multiple things and still won at life, amirite? No successful businessman has ever failed at a few ventures or side projects, or experienced a bankruptcy! Never! Unthinkable!

Phil 314 said...

Nothing says Mexico like a salad from Denny's

PS: Re: Taco Salad/Bowl. How can you screw it up?

Titus said...

Do you all know India has a decent size portugese population in Goa?

Goa in India is like Miami Beach and Ibiza.


jimbino said...

I dpn't want gummint functionaries to love me, but rather to leave me alone!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buwaya said...

Goa also holds the remains of St. Francis Xavier.

If you are there again, go and light a candle.

Fernandinande said...

buwaya said...
Hi, sort of neighbor!


My father in law was from Tapalpa, Jalisco.
Jalisco isn't a small place though.

Google says: about 6 hours driving. From some random "street views", Tapalpa looks a little more upscale.

A friend* bought the Pitillal house (here it'd be called a shed) from a bartender at "The Sand Bar" in Puerto Vallarta when he was drunk and had never lived in it. 'Twas an interesting experience, made more so by the fact that my Spanish doesn't go much beyond "dos tacos sin queso, por favor" (and "Corona"), but moderated by a mutual friend, a local, who spoke pretty decent Inglés, as did some of the kids there; almost all of them had a father working in the US. Anyway, I liked Mexican Mexican food a lot better than American Mexican food.
*blue eyed German born in Mexico City.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Trump looks more and more like Liberace"

That, too, is a trap. Homophobe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now, back to today's quote: "Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!" That's got to be so wrong on so many levels. Or is it a trap?

No. It's just him being stupid. As usual.

MaxedOutMama said...

I think it is very, very deliberate. Every time he gets a bunch of people fulminating about "you can't say that," it allows him to give a speech talking about issues like security & balance of trade.

This makes him look like the serious grownup in the room, and the persons having PC hysterics like that Mizzou "Muscle" professor. Her fate was not good.

In the end, he is going to force the Dem candidate to come meet him on the issue of jobs and prosperity for the average dude in the country. There he thinks he can make the sale. It does little good to float the idea of free education when after you graduate from college, you still don't have a good job.

He's just going to continue whacking that drum. Hillary Clinton doesn't have a clue as to how to fix the economy. Promising stuff that probably won't come true to a bunch of individual groups versus promising a better future for us all is going to be his message. He previewed it in his speech after the Indiana primary.

jacksonjay said...

Trump ain't trolling nobody. He sealed the "deal" with the lo info mofos (stupid party)! Now he's setting up the deal with the lo infos on the other side (evil party)! You do know he wrote a book about deal making?

We are about to see the outsider, anti-establishment, not a politician Trump make a yugggeee turn around! Raise the minimum wage, forgitabout the wall (what did he tell Fox and the Mexicans?) and eat a taco bowl! Oh yeah, that self-funded bullshit, fugitaboubt dat too! Suckers!

Can't wait to here what Dilbert thinks!

jacksonjay said...

Molly B can't do a show in Ennis without a Mexican Polka band! Hell, if it ain't a law, it ought to be!

David said...

Why is it so wrong? Linking tacos with Hispanics? If he starts worrying about that stuff, it's over before it begins.

Dana Perino is on. Gorgeous, smart, sensible. How about her for Vice President? (Too good to hope for.)

CatherineM said...

JacksonJay -you are so right. My "I don't care what you say, I am voting for Trump," friend defended his support for raising the minimum wage that she's so against. "He hasn't decided! He's considering. He's not a politician." She somehow came to conclusions without being a politician. Nothing you can say to these people.

His foreign policy? It's a secret! But he will make friends with old enemies (like Obama), not get us into stupid wars (Obama before Libya), but will "make the ground glow," for anyone who isn't on our side...details? Super secret!

Today, his economic plan. Eh! He's getting rid of half of it.


John henry said...

Blogger MisterBuddwing said...

I was under the impression that a more accurate (but still imperfect) term would be "Latinos." Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Still pure unadulterated bullshit. What do Puerto Ricans and Argentians, and Cubans, and Mexicans and so on have in common?

All are very different in cultural roots. For example, so many Italians emigrated to Argentina in the late 1800s that Argentine Spanish sounds more Italian than Spanish. (Tone, not words and syntax) Huge German population as well. The ruler of Paraguay used to be Stroessner. Lots of Japanese in Peru. (Would a 4th or 5th generation Peruvian of Japanese descent be a "Latino"?) One of the great liberators of Colombia was Bernardo O'Higgins. Hundreds of thousands of Germans emigrated to South America in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Come to San Juan and when you walk into El Morro, built in the 1500's, you see it was built by Tomas O'Daly and Alejandro O'Reilly. And so on.

Some people consider Philipinos Hispanic. I dont recall ever hearing them called Latino, though.

In the US we have 3 main groups: Puerto Rican, Cuban and Mexican ancestry. Other than language what do they have in common?

It's bullshit to try to make minority organizers seem more powerful.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger AllenS said...

You probably couldn't even get a good super burrito in Mexico.

About a block down the hill from the Staybridge Suites in Chihuahua is a cantina whose name I forget. Not a chain, I don't think. Fantastic burritos, flautas, tacos and more. I pigged out there 4 nights running last summer.

I highly recommend it.

I also, when in Mexico, usually eat lunch in the factory where I am working so get the same thing that Mexicans eat daily. Not like in the US. Very good but very different.

John Henry

John henry said...

BTW: What about Brazilians? Are they "Hispanic"? Didn't used to be, in the 90s when I got the official definition from the US DOL. At that time it was based on language. More recently, "Hispanic" has been redefined by DOL to include those who trace their ancestry back to the Iberian Penninsula which includes Brazilians.

That lets a lot of people out. Lots of Mexicans are Indian with no Spanish blood.

As I said before, it is all bullshit.

John Henry

Matt said...

It's funny reading some who try to intellectualize this photo. Get over it. This is Trump being stone deaf and dumb but pretending to be hip to the vote he won't win. As if Hispanics will suddenly decide to vote for him because he eats a taco bowl!! LOL. Its like something out of a Will Ferrell movie.

Hagar said...

Looks like a Tostada Compuesta, but in New York, who knows.

Mexico is a very large country with all kinds of different "native" dishes, or so I hear. "Mexican food" on the Upper Rio Grande is quite different from the Middle, not to mention the Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Earlier the term used was "Latins" as in "Latins are Lousy Lovers," but seems usually to have referred to Argentinos.

Unknown said...

The government has a secret agenda to decrease the population so only the strong servive. Are you ready

Mary Beth said...

rehajm said...

I've had those taco bows and they aren't even as good as the ones they have at Cilantro on 71st and 1st.

This doesn't bode well for a Trump presidency...

5/5/16, 4:07 PM

He speaks well of one of his tenants. How does that not bode well?


Latino vs Hispanic - Hispanic is gender neutral. People get upset at the term "Latino" because it's masculine. If it's a tweet, he could always use "Latin@" (seriously, this is what people suggest) but I have no idea how to pronounce it.

Mary Beth said...

Trump wasn't making fun of Kasich eating as much as he was the way he ate.

"I'm always telling my young son Baron, always with my kids, all of them, I say, 'Children, small, little bites.' This guy takes a pancake and he's shoving it in his mouth. It's disgusting."

kent said...

Most Americans got a flyer in the mail this week for Cinco de Mayo specials. Tequila specials at the bar and food specials at the grocery store. At work, you might have received some lame email about Cinco de Mayo which may, or probably may not, have been correct. We are integrating yet another ethnic group into our holiday fare. In the end no one really cares if it is historically accurate. THE VAST majority of Americans don't give a crap about terms such as Latino, Hispanic or Mexican. WHY? Because more Americans are WORN OUT and don't have time to worry about that crap. You know what most Americans LOVE? A taco bowl. Too many overthinking this crap and people are fed up. This is why Trump is winning. They want the taco bowl without all the damn drama or historical lesson on how the taco bowl came to be. It is not that complicated or scary.

Anonymous said...

Yikes, the Trump apologists are out in force this evening. Sorry, I'm with Althouse. This Trump tweet was wrong on a number of levels. One level not mentioned yet, so far as I have seen in scanning the comments--using his presidential campaign to plug a restaurant in Trump Tower, that monument to his massive ego. Don't know which is scarier, his tweet or the Trump apologists here falling all over themselves to spin this as either brilliant political theater or evidence of his common touch and/or both.

buwaya said...

Trump has the common touch.
I have the uncommon touch, but I'm not rich.
So thats something.
Anyway, "Hispanic" (there has to be a better word, "hispano" maybe, though it sounds like a high end car) does mean something culturally, even at the level of pop.
Spanish language culture, songs, magazines, TV, movies, actors, gossip and nearly everything else move easily from country to country, sort of like how the Beatles so easily got a US audience. This goes back a long long way, to the days of a unified empire. You won't find much of that among the Mexican immigrants to the US, but you'd be surprised. Univision's "Sabado Gigante" for instance, the longest running variety show ever and the rock of their programming, was Chilean. And of course you will find Mexican telenovelas in Madrid, Spanish "Hola" in Mexican newstands, etc. ad infinitum.

Fabi said...

Your concern is noted, ellamentary.

Guildofcannonballs said...

A man who respects the power of language and its use in persuasion has to love the category or label Hispanics, unless lawdoctrination queers it.

Trump is turning his opponents into Herspanics, and what's not to love about that dynacism*?

*Pedestrianly dynamism as you like.

jr565 said...

I don't think saying you love Hispanics is bad. It may be clunky. But it's not bad. It gets Hispanics to answer him with an easy "no you don't" answer. So, it's not a very good phrasing of the response. But what's he supposed to say? I hate Hispanics? Or ignore that cinco de mayo is a Hispanic holiday and not acknowledge that he doesnt in fact hate Hispanics?

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

He's desensitizing us. After a short while, no one will care to claim that they're offended, because only the lunatics will be offended. Job well done.

chickelit said...

He's telegraphing the message: "I'm going to eat your lunch."

M Jordan said...

Liberal writer Kevin Drum says everybody's getting this wrong. The real message is to white people. To quote Drum: "It says, "Yes, I want a wall, and yes, I want to deport all the illegal immigrants in the country. But that doesn't mean I hate Mexicans." It's basically an affirmation to Trump's voters that they aren't racists." He adds, "It's really a genius tweet. Does everyone understand now? Trump is playing this game at a higher level than most of his critics."

I think he's buying into the Scott Adams thing. And I think he may be onto something.

Earnest Prole said...

His genius is that it’s impossible to distinguish between the real Donald Trump and The Onion’s Donald Trump.

n.n said...

bullshit to try to make minority organizers seem more powerful

They were promised minority fiefdoms by their Democrat masters.

In any case, it's [class] diversity bullshit. The same old racism, sexism, "=", etc. repackaged in an emotionally appealing [class] diversity package.

jaydub said...

Mary Beth: "Latino vs Hispanic - Hispanic is gender neutral. People get upset at the term "Latino" because it's masculine. If it's a tweet, he could always use "Latin@" (seriously, this is what people suggest) but I have no idea how to pronounce it."

The Spanish language is based on gendered nouns, with male nouns ending in "O" and female in "a." The plural of mixed gender groups always adopts the male gender form of a word. For example, los abuelos would mean either grandfathers or grandfathers and grand mothers, while las abuelas would only mean grandmothers. Same with los ninos or las ninas. It's impossible to gender neutralize a language that is fundamentally based in gendered nouns, and the Spanish would laugh at the attempt. I would surmise the same can be said of Mexicans or any other Spanish language group, except for the "guerreros de justicia social de La Raza." BTW, are any of these clowns proposing that "La Raza" be made gender neutral? Someone in the US should make an issue of this just to explode a few heads.

Anthony said...

This is all a bad dream right?

Someone wake me up. Shout "LINCOLN! EISENHOWER! REAGAN!" and that should wake me up

CStanley said...

His genius is that it’s impossible to distinguish between the real Donald Trump and The Onion’s Donald Trump.

This. It is similar to the way he's lived his life, thumbing his nose at NY Society and then Palm Beach by being as gauche as he wanted to be, demonstrating that the tongues might cluck but in the end his money was all that mattered. He played the game on his own terms.

He's replicating that with the presidential campaign. Some of it comes natural but it seems to me that he actually lampoons himself- kind of making it hard for people to laugh at him because he is in on the joke.

None of this makes me think better of his qualifications for the presidency but I do find it amusing, and ingenious. It's a bit refreshing in that he pulls back the curtain of the elite class. To me though, this is neither a feature nor a bug- just as the stuff that is supposed to matter really doesn't, it also doesn't matter that he's willing to not go through those motions.

Chris N said...

People aren't seeing the Taco Bowl IS the wall; while many basic ingredients (corn flour) were processed with Chinese investment money (echoing the Great Wall...Han imperialism post-Commie fairly hostile state dirigiste interventionism), so the empty space around the bowl represents the lost American labor of a generation

Shredded lettuce anyone? The shredded dollar running aground on the last 8 years of activism, the tip of the iceberg of decades of bloat and over extension.

Was this in the Trump Tower in Manhattan? Trump the builder, Trump the communicator is making an oasis of safety and strength in a sea of increasingly global money and technocratically favorable Davosian Wall Streeters.

I have a certificate in deep mental reflexology.

Anonymous said...

I died laughing when I saw this yesterday. The perpetually concerned and offended here STILL don't get it? I'll give you a hint: the entire season of South Park last year was dedicated to making fun of you types.

Still think Trump is just an idiot? Idiots don't perform historic hostile takeovers of political parties based on their intuition.

So, this taco bowl tweet. You get concerned or offended, you look around...why is everyone laughing? Why aren't they concerned?

Only after the tenth punch will you see the fist. You wonder why people don't listen when you tell them they're being so obviously conned by Trump the con man. It's because you have it entirely backwards. The joke is on you perpetually offended lot. We are all laughing at you.

You see an uncouth man, nouveau riche, who doesn't deserve the lofty award of social prestige. We see a bunch of morons getting offended by a taco bowl as the world burns. And we are laughing our asses off.

The genius madman Donald Trump is literally going to troll you types into irrelevance. Maybe you should learn to laugh once in a while! None of you are any fun at all! I will say that it certainly seems that Althouse is starting to see what's going on, though. Props to her.

What a time to be alive!

kjbe said...

Seems half-assed. Where's his sombrero.

Meade said...

You haven't heard? The entire sombrero industry — sombrero manufacturing jobs, everything — got shipped to China.

Anonymous said...

TCom: We see a bunch of morons getting offended by a taco bowl as the world burns. And we are laughing our asses off.

The only truly sober and serious people these days are the ones laughing.

Known Unknown said...

before 8:30 when the drunk start trying to drive home.

AM, correct?

Meade said...

Some still (wrongly) believe U.S. hat manufacturing died in 1961 after JFK reportedly refused to wear a hat during his inauguration ceremony.

Ironically, we know now that it was Kennedy's Republican opponent, Nixon, who killed the U.S. sombrero industry.

BrianE said...

As has been previously discussed, the Taco Bowl is an American appropriation of classic Mexican cuisine and should be shunned. It's an abomination.

And the shell looks way over cooked.

Perusing the bowels of the internet, I learned there were 19 ways that Trump offended certain ethic groups. Ms. Althouse had barely begun to plumb the depths.

Thorley Winston said...

Now, back to today's quote: "Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!" That's got to be so wrong on so many levels. Or is it a trap?

The way I see it, it’s either clumsy pandering in an election year or he just told his followers that the Trump Tower Grill makes Mexican food from actual Mexicans.

BrianE said...

If Trump wanted authentic Mexican food, he should try Mi Casa in my little town. A converted drive-through coffee stand, they sell burritos by the dozen and you don't even have to get out of your car.

Thorley Winston said...

Rumors that Barack Obama posted a similar photo with the caption “I love Cocker Spaniels” are just that, rumors.

Thorley Winston said...

BTW: the woman in the bikini in the magazine that’s open on his desk is apparently his ex-wife Marla Maples. So either this is an old photo that he uploaded to Twitter or . . .

Saint Croix said...

Little Baby Satan!

Unknown said...

"Also, this is Trumps appeal to a guy like me.

He isn't staged."

Trump Towers doesn't serve taco bowls now, although maybe they did when this picture was taken -- back when Trump was shagging Maples.

cacimbo said...

Trump got media to broadcast to millions that "he loves hispanics." NPR spent the day trying to explain why saying "I love hispanics" is somehow bad. Which is exactly the type of political correctness that is driving people to Trump. In the real world who has not heard someone express gratitude to a particular ethnic group after enjoying a meal. "I love the French" or "thank God for the French" after a scrumptious chocolate croissant.

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