September 30, 2015

Cecile Richards — Planned Parenthood President and the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards — stood up to intense pressure from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Here are some highlights:

Featured at a WaPo article titled: "In Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, GOP faces formidable fan of ‘kick-butt’ politics." Excerpt:
Unlike past presidents, Richards didn’t have a background in women’s health. She was an organizer and a strategist. Her goal, she told the New York Times in 2008, was to turn Planned Parenthood into “the largest kick-butt political organization.”

Richard’s political tactics were targeted by Republicans at the hearing, who suggested that the federal funding received by the organization in effect subsidized the group’s political action committee, which raises funds primarily for Democratic candidates. “It’s the co-mingling [of the funds] that bothers us,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the committee chairman.


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Michael K said...

Interesting to see the nepotism in Democrats. PP is all abbot politics and nothing about women's health at that level. I am actually kind of supportive of PP but not of the subsidy except for real health care.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Time to start funneling more money to the Republicans.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Defending the indefensible.
We are really talking about infanticide, aren't we? no more euphemisms. Perfectly healthy humans chopped up and their parts sold to the highest bidder. The absolute bedrock of women's rights, according to Richards.

M Jordan said...

Richards proved her mettle yesterday. She also proved Planned Parenthood is more about politics than women's health.

Gahrie said...

She is a ghoul. How can these people sleep at night?

Jane the Actuary said...

Easy, easy -- and politically impossible -- fix: Planned Parenthood spins off its abortion business, then collects government cash as usual for the rest of it. Then there's no issue of commingled funds.

Quaestor said...

Ann Richards was the hick hack who tried to denigrate George H.W. Bush at the 1988 Democratic Convention with her famous "Pawr Gee-orge, he kaint hep et, he wuz barn wit a silver spoon een he's mouf." She did more to make Michael Dukakis look petty than even his infamous Snoopy ride in the turret of a M1A1 tank. Thus it is no surprise that the hack mother birthed a hack daughter.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

With all the talk of income inequality, there sure do seem like a bunch of cushy jobs for the kids of Democrat politicians out there. I wonder how much she clears each year. I do not wonder if it is too much.

Brando said...

Turning it into a straight up political organization is unwise, particularly since they're picking partisan sides. It gives credence to the GOP argument that if they want to support women's health, they can pick a less controversial nonprofit to support.

And if your organization is going to provide abortion services, it makes more sense to split off the abortion-providing group (which cannot take taxpayer funds) or wall it off to prevent any such comingling. If PP is far more of a "general women's health" organization and abortion is just a side activity, why taint its mission?

Paco Wové said...

"... born with a silver foot in his mouth." That's what made it a Bush joke.

Birkel said...

$520,000 a year for being born to a Democrat politician. Silver spoons, indeed, Ms. Richards.

rehajm said...

Cash is fungible.

Darcy said...

One may admire how (artfully?) someone "stood up" to pressure all day long. For myself, it is the content of the answers that matters.

Brando said...

"Easy, easy -- and politically impossible -- fix: Planned Parenthood spins off its abortion business, then collects government cash as usual for the rest of it. Then there's no issue of commingled funds."

That's what they should do, but why is it politically impossible? Pro-choicers would still have their abortion-providing and abortion-advocating segment to support with private money, and PP wouldn't get the bad press they've been getting.

Brando said...

"$520,000 a year for being born to a Democrat politician. Silver spoons, indeed, Ms. Richards."

Is there a legal salary limit for an organization of that sort, a nonprofit?

ddh said...

Birkel, That question has already been asked and answered. Cecile Richards salary is $520,000 plus bonuses. Here's the link:

Bob Ellison said...

Cecile Richards: Planned Parenthood does not at all profit from fetal tissue donation".

Hey, lady, you make a half million in salary from PP. You don't profit?

Michael said...

Can't ask hard questions of women. Not permitted. Sorry, Democrat women.

dbp said...

Why exactly are taxpayers funding a ""...political organization.”"?

Jane the Actuary said...

Brando, the reason why I judge it to be politically impossible is that PP supporters want to be able to use the goodwill around the contraception, exams, and other services they provide, as political cover for abortions.

MadisonMan said...

I admire a politician who can seemingly craft a good dig on the fly -- so I liked Ann Richards.

("Thinking on your feet -- if you can fake that you have it made in politics")

I'm not a fan of nepotism however. Cecile may have achieved her positions based solely on merit. But I wonder. It's rather like the pall cast by Affirmative Action.

David Begley said...

Why doesn't PP just not accept federal money? PP has plenty of money

bgates said...

Poor George Bush - he was born with a silver foot in his mouth, after my daughter's organization hacked the foot off of a living infant and had it dipped in silver.

Bob Ellison said...

Let's break it down. $0.5m/year is about $250/hour. That's plumber money!

lgv said...

That's pretty good pay for a BA in History from Brown. She worked on Pelosi's staff and has since been a political hack. Married to a SEIU attorney. Elitist 1% high school. Ivy League. Staff job with Pelosi. founded a political organization. Of course, she turns her job into converting PP into a political organization. That's all she knows.

Some poor saps out there would like to think she has experience running large multi-state counseling and health care organizations. It's about infusing politics into every government organization, from the IRS to the NLRB to the FCC to the EPA to the ........

sunsong said...

"...In a poll out today from the Pew Research Center, 60 percent of respondents said a budget agreement should include funding for Planned Parenthood, while 32 percent said it shouldn’t. As you might expect, now that the issue is getting lots of attention, opinion is intensely polarized: Democrats say that Planned Parenthood should get funded by a margin of 83-10, while Republicans disagree by 66-25. But independents take Planned Parenthood’s side by a margin of 64-29..."

washington post

Bobby said...

I agree with Michael K on this one.


"Is there a legal salary limit for an organization of that sort, a nonprofit?"

No. And, sadly, this is not at all uncommon. It is one of the biggest problems I have with nonprofits (full disclosure: I'm a non-compensated Board of Trustee member for three nonprofits). For example, Steven Nardizzi, the executive director of Wounded Warrior Project (which itself really just raises funds for other charities and doesn't directly do a thing for injured veterans) earned $473,015 in FY14 alone (the FY15 financials will come out soon, and I'd bet he got bumped up into Cecile Richards bracket for inflation purposes alone). The whole thing is a racket and, if I weren't already a cynical pessmist, it certainly helped turn me into one.

Bob Ellison said...

...and it's a non-profit. So particles of your tax dollars fund it whether you like it or not.

I don't like it. Fund it if you want. I don't want my dollars funding this witch's salary.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Takin' government cash and kicking political ass, you go girl!

Quick question: why exactly should the nation as a whole be forced to subsidize her political agenda/ideological aims? Oh, right, because if we don't it means we hate women. Seems fair.

Government is another name for things we do together, and apparently we're required to help fund on side's political activity, together. That sounds like America.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

The Republican obsession with Planned Parenthood is beyond creepy. They are frightened by a woman's body and they don't even understand what PP does. Pathetic.

SteveR said...

Kick butt and kill babies. Pathetic and creepy.

Gahrie said...

The Republican obsession with Planned Parenthood is beyond creepy.

The Democratic obsession with killing babies is beyond horrific.

You guys are literally ghouls.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I remember when non-profit bigwigs made adequate salaries and they were truly devoted to their cause.

Today, these bigwigs are sleazy money grubbing political phonies who wine and dine with society's elites and barely ever get their fingers dirty. I think Richards husband is a union bigwig so their family income is probably near to 3/4 of a million a year.

[and what Gahrie said at 9:36AM]

Bob Ellison said...

See the "Yes we plan" T-shirt in the upper right with Obama's likeness?

No? Don't see it in the upper right? Well, I couldn't find a direct link. It's on right now, as I type this. The copyright notice says 2014. Maybe they've wised up.

A non-profit organization, legally proscribed from political campaigning.

Jane the Actuary said...

"You'd have every red-blooded man studded as many women as he can"? That's a bizarre world. They really want to father (and pay child support for) as many children as possible?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

David Harsanyi was not impressed.

"If you can’t induce the CEO of Planned Parenthood to feel even slightly uncomfortable about defending videos that find her employees talking about humans as if they were commodities, you have the wrong people asking the questions. And since it’s clear that there was zero coordination and minimal preparation (repurposing some graphs from pro-life groups is hardly work) voters have no reason to believe you their concerns matter very much. The first step to not sucking this bad is acting like you do care, even if we all know you’re just engaged in theater."

Dan Hossley said...

A regular profile in courage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The GOP needs to learn how to separate out women's health issues from late term abortion.

There are plenty of health care providers for women's health care without having to step foot in a PP office.

Every one knows PP is where you go to get an abortion.

Birkel said...

"garage mahal" is just mailing it in. That is sad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This isn't about abortion in general. This is about late term abortions after 20 weeks, when harvesting parts becomes more viable.

rhhardin said...

This voter is unalarmed.

There's the abortion issue, and there's the market in organs issue. They're being conflated by the social conservatives to cause a stink where there should be two separate stinks having nothing to do with each other.

Abortion will be decided by settling on a line, as is done in most countries that don't have an activist supreme court.

Selling organs will be decided by the benefits in general. If all parties come out ahead, why not allow it? Every economist is for it. Some of them work off moral grounds - it leaves everybody better off, namely. Why should doctors be the only people who are allowed make money on transplants?

Two problems, not one. Outrage at them separately, please.

Jane the Actuary said...

So you're saying that if abortion were made illegal, you believe that these men (of unnamed race or class) would ramp up their efforts to impregnate women? Because that's just bizarre. Are you in Utah, and confusing the inner city with the FLDS?

sunsong said...

Republicans are so stupid - they are mostly unconscious. Abortion is legal and it is a woman's choice. To not understand that is utterly stupid.

"...Republicans are trying to make a two-stage argument here. The first is that Planned Parenthood is bad. If they can convince the public of that — a challenge in itself, particularly when so many women have personal experience with the organization — then they need to convince the public further that Planned Parenthood is so bad that keeping it from getting any Medicaid reimbursements (which make up the bulk of the organization’s federal funding) is worth shutting down the government over.

"If you think Republicans will do that successfully, then you probably also thought they were going to successfully get the Affordable Care Act repealed by shutting down the government two years ago. And we saw how that worked out.'

washington post

H said...

1. Cecile Richards donates to Tammy Duckworth's election campaign.
2. Cecile Richards testifies to a committee on which Tammy Duckworth sits.
3. Tammy Duckworth asks softball questions to make Cecile Richards look good.
4. Tammy Duckworth promises to shut the government down rather than move federal funds from planned parenthood to other groups providing women's health services.

Tammy Duckworth -- delivering what her donors paid for.

Birkel said...

Clean up on Aisle Crazy.

Michael K said...

"If PP is far more of a "general women's health" organization and abortion is just a side activity, why taint its mission?"

Remember how it began. Eugenics is in its DNA. That's what "Planned" was initially about.

I'm fine with the contraceptive mission and I am pro-choice but within limits of first trimester. The "Mothers heath" loophole is as big as all outdoors. Mother's life is OK but rare.

"I remember when non-profit bigwigs made adequate salaries and they were truly devoted to their cause. "

Before my time. I only go back to WWII.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Women's health is a government concern. Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides health services for women. It's every citizen's duty to fund government. Planned Parenthood is acting on behalf of the state. Organizations that do the work of the state are really a part of the state, and funding their activities is therefore part of a citizen's obligation. Opposing Planned Parenthood is opposing the government, which means opposing women, which means opposing fellow citizens, which is unacceptable.

I thought up of a good slogan to describe the situation:

Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

rhhardin said...

This isn't about abortion in general. This is about late term abortions after 20 weeks, when harvesting parts becomes more viable.

The line will be pushed back the more that a fetus can be made to look like a delivered baby sooner.

There is no factual bright line. You learn to be human by being treated as human.

You can forget it, too, and become inhuman. Language is happier with that turn of phrase.

Michael K said...

"Abortion is legal and it is a woman's choice. To not understand that is utterly stupid."

So, murder should be legal ?

The left is something that belongs in DSM IV

garage mahal said...

"Killing babies"

You don't understand the definition of the word baby. The pro-war, pro - death penalty, pro-torture party cares about a fetus? Please.

Bill said...

Infanticide is hard work.

Henry said...

Planned Parenthood is like PBS. The reason not to give them Federal Funds is because they don't need them.

From the article:

On Jan. 31, 2012, the Susan G. Komen foundation withdrew funding breast cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood, citing the investigation. That day, Richards sent an email to Planned Parenthood supporters, subject line: “Disappointing news from a friend.”

The reaction was swift and largely in Planned Parenthood’s favor: In the 24 hours after the news broke, the organization raised $400,000. Three days after that, that figure stood at more than $3 million, according to the New York Times, four times as much as it normally receives from Komen in a year.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So garage - a mass murderer should be sparred, but a viable baby has no rights?

Garage - you are pathetic and morally deranged.

holdfast said...

"Her goal, she told the New York Times in 2008, was to turn Planned Parenthood into “the largest kick-butt political organization.”

So why should this "kick-butt political organization" (or any political organization for that matter) be receiving a 9 (10?) figure check from taxpayers? Where's my federal subsidy for the NRA or the NSSF?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What did Hitler in was his alien German language.

SteveR said...

Garage you're well established as an idiot which includes easy to bait. Go read some more talking points and get back to work.

sunsong said...

Stupid is as stupid does:

"The GOP still has nothing to show for its anti-Planned Parenthood campaign

"At this point Republicans may wish to consider aborting to protect the health of the party...."

washington post

Skeptical Voter said...

So the poisoned political apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Ms. Richards is as eloquent and well groomed, and quick on her feet as Carly Fiorina.

OTOH she's forced to sell a load of codswallop when it comes to chopping up baby parts.

I wouldn't have any great problem funding the non abortion parts of Planned Parenthood. At that point it's just a medical welfare program for gyno-Americans. And if we can fund Medicaid (as we can and do) it's not a stretch to fund the "gynecology-obstetrics wing" of Medicaid aka Planned Parenthood.

But when you start funding late term abortions, you set the stage for chop shops. And the chop shops, and the late term abortions are simply wrong.

Michael K said...

Leave garage alone. Every village needs its idiot.

Bill said...

"I’ve never been much moved to call myself a feminist. The feminists had said that sleeping around would be empowering. The feminists had maintained that “choosing” would make me free. The feminists had asserted that there’d be no repercussions. The feminists had been wrong."

-- Heather King, Poor Baby

Lewis Wetzel said...

Conservative:"I am against abortion because I think developing fetuses are human beings."
Garage:"No! You are against abortions because you are frightened of women's bodies!"
Conservative:"The way you stop racism is to stop judging people by race."
Garage: "You're a racist!"

Has the Left ever been as stupid as they are in 2015? They literally cannot understand the meaning of common words.

Meade said...

"Cecile Richards — Planned Parenthood President and the daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards[...]"

Poor Cecile. She can't help it - she was born with a silver fetal foot in her mouth.

cubanbob said...

Typical of the lefties commenting here. No problem with infanticide but outraged over executing murderers.
As for PP, the Republicans should push this all the way. Let the Democrats decide if shutting down the government over federally funded baby killing is a hill to die on (pardon the pun). If anything the Republicans aren't going far enough. They ought to be pushing for no tax exempt or charitable status or taxpayer funding for any abortion provider and any directly affiliated entity.

rhhardin said...

The Planned Parenthood in Morristown NJ used to have a sign "Use Entrance in Rear," a friend reported in the 70s.

Bill said...

Poor Cecile. She can't help it - she was born with a silver fetal foot in her mouth.

Or a currette in her hand.

Big Mike said...

This is the sort of opportunity that Boehner and McConnell can't bring themselves to grasp. Simply push through a bill forbidding organizations that received federal funding from contributing to political parties or campaigns and force Obama to veto it and senators to vote to sustain his veto. This is the sort of issue that the person on the street readily grasps -- Democrats using organizations to launder money for Democrats.

The Democrat senators up for reelection include a number of invulnerable people like Schumer and Leahy, but Bennett won with less than 50% of the vote in a state that's edging back from the Blue cliff and Murray might not enjoy defending a vote to override since she had less than 52% in a very blue state.

FullMoon said...

Bob Ellison said...

Let's break it down. $0.5m/year is about $250/hour. That's plumber money!
9/30/15, 9:55 AM

That's BS. As a plumber, I never made more than $195.75 an hour.

That's why I became an electrician.

Hagar said...

"Non profit" only means you cannot sell stock and pay dividends.
So it is like "it depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."

Decades ago, there was a scandal about the CEO (or whatever) of United Way getting paid $450,000 per year plus living rent-free in United Way's mansion with staff and being provided a limousine with chauffeur.

Big stink for a news cycle and then crickets. I bet his successor still lives in the mansion and the salary has at least kept pace with inflation.

Darcy said...

@cubanbob Lefties can't reevaluate their moral positions. This is their religion. Babies aren't babies unless they say so. Life isn't valued (babies, the elderly, the disabled) unless they say so. Sad and infuriating.

I'm glad to see a woman (Carly) so eloquently advancing the cause that so many Republicans (men and women) have been reluctant to push. It's about time. And I too hope that the Democrats are forced to die on that bloody hill. They own it.

Big Mike said...

@Bob Ellison, old joke:

Brain surgeon needs emergency plumbing service on a weekend. Plumber comes, fixes the problem in 15 minutes and presents the bill.

"All this for 15 minutes! On a per-hour basis you're making more than I am!"

Plumber responds "yeah, I didn't make all that much money back when I was a brain surgeon, either."

Beldar said...

I felt uncomfortable deja vu watching her because she was so very much like Claire Underwood — Robin Wright's character on "House of Cards."

Big Mike said...

O brave new world, that hath such a garage in't.

@Terry, you'll have to forgive garage. He's been that way since 1984.

chuck said...

>“the largest kick-butt political organization.”

That's why I stopped contributing a long time ago. If I want to send money to lunatic lefties, I'll do it direct.

Mark said...

She is paid chump change next to the men at the non-profit NRA. Top guy there makes over a million, second in charge close to that.

And here people are complaining about Richards and her much smaller salary.

Gahrie said...

She is paid chump change next to the men at the non-profit NRA

The NRA is not in the business of chopping up babies for profit, and receives no federal funding.

Birches said...

How come a man can be loudly prochoice and receive accolades, while a man who is prolife is regarded as a misogynist?

Michael K said...

"And here people are complaining about Richards and her much smaller salary."

The NRA is the most successful civil rights organization since the 1960s and arguably could be described as more successful since the civil rights of blacks have slid back in recent years due to terrible government policies.

Abortion is legal and has been since 1969 (in California anyway) but the advocates are going off the deep end and are now supporting infanticide which will erode their credibility just as BLM erodes the credibility of groups like the NAACP.

The NRA guy has done a great job and, the last I heard, the NRA gets no taxpayer money.

Your point ?

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"The Republican obsession with Planned Parenthood is beyond creepy. They are frightened by a woman's body"

Garage, just because you have tits, doesn't make you a woman. Although unlike Bruce Jenner, yours are natural.

So you have that going for you.

Birches said...

I'll act like rhardin for a moment and give you a scene from Fools Rush in

Matthew Perry: So, how you been?

Salma Hayek: Pregnant.

Matthew: Really? Pregnant? Well, that’s great. Terrific. Congratulations.

Salma: Thank you. It’s yours.

Matthew: Mine? We were together one night.

Salma: That’s all it took. Look… I’ve thought about this a lot. And there’s only one thing to do.

Matthew: Oh, thank God! I mean…I understand. And I respect your decision.

Salma: You do?

Matthew: Yes, I have always believed in a woman’s right to choose.

Salma: Good. Because I choose to keep this baby.

Matthew: Oh.

John said...

One of the many evil lies the pro abortion crowd tells is that they are the ones who are rational and scientific and those who oppose abortion are just a bunch of superstitious religious nuts. The truth, like it always is when dealing with leftists, is the exact opposite.

It is the pro life side that points to the science of fetal development to show that abortion is murder. In contrast, the pro abortion side relies on made up BS philosophical constructs like "personhood" to justify its position. Ultimately, the entire case for abortion not being murder rests on the fantasy that a child is not alive until it takes a magic trip down the birth canal. A child is at one moment a glob of cells with no rights and who can be murdered for its parts and then the next moment a full human being, all due to the trip down the birth canal. This in spite of there being no medical reason to believe that any sort of ability or change in consciousness changes due to the trip down the birth canal. Medical science tells us that being expelled from your mother's womb, while inevitable, does not by itself enhance your development. Yet, the pro abortion side believes that that simple event is what makes you a human being and not just a glob of cells.

Yeah, their position is totally based on science.

cubanbob said...

Darcy said...
@cubanbob Lefties can't reevaluate their moral positions. This is their religion. Babies aren't babies unless they say so. Life isn't valued (babies, the elderly, the disabled) unless they say so. Sad and infuriating.

I'm glad to see a woman (Carly) so eloquently advancing the cause that so many Republicans (men and women) have been reluctant to push. It's about time. And I too hope that the Democrats are forced to die on that bloody hill. They own it.

9/30/15, 11:01 AM"

That last real Man at number ten downing street was Mrs. T. Perhaps Carly will be the first real man in the White House in a long time.

Does anyone know what WMD grade of stupid pills Mary takes with breakfast?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Lousy political theater that did nothing except boost the standing of Ms. Richards among leftists, and maybe sympathy for her among the general public to the extent they hear of this event at all. Democrats are always intensely focused during hearings they run with poll-tested soundbites that smear the witnesses appropriately and present the package ready for the nightly news. (Other than Trey Goudy's committee) Republicans stammer and repeat stupid questions even after they've been batted away once, never getting to the POINT of the hearing at all. This stunt shows exactly why the Stupid Party loses to the Evil Party so often. What a wasted opportunity.

Did ANY Republican even ask about PP policy on botched abortions, cutting through faces to extract brains and altering medical procedures to keep the baby in utero long enough to get a good harvest? No but we hammered a lady over high salary. Doofuses!

Will said...

Cecile Richards was born with a silver coat hanger in her mouth.

So she sees her mission about delivering a political agenda rather than women's health? Yes, that very clearly shows up in the disgusting tapes. Shame on her.

The funding should go elsewhere.

n.n said...

Blood and Green money, environment, etc.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Mark said...And here people are complaining about Richards and her much smaller salary.

Everyone arguing in good faith (and/or not a complete fucking idiot) understands that people are complaining about her salary because her organization receives half a billion dollars of taxpayer money per year, Mark, so your comparison is ridiculously stupid.

Hey, the NRA does all sorts of firearm safety programs (Eddie Eagle) for kids and young adults. They don't get any government funding now, though, and that's just plain unfair. Sure, the NRA is a kick-butt political organization, but that's no impediment to receiving massive amounts of government cash apparently. Does the government hate kids? Taxpayers money must go to the NRA, the precedent has been established.

Anyone want to ask how strenuously the IRS' non-profit section reviewed Planned Parenthood's application for non-profit status? Or how tough the FEC is on their PAC's spending/compliance, etc? Just kidding, PP are the good guys, the Gov. is too busy harassing grass roots Tea Party groups to waste time on PP.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Was that WashPo article written by a journalist or Richards' PR firm?
I'm sure they write the same glowing bio pieces for non-Leftists in the news, I'm just sure of it.

MountainMan said...

While watching some of this hearing on the news last night my wife and I couldn't get over the resemblance of House of Cards characteri Claire Underwood (Robin Wright) to Cecile Richards. It was almost as if the Underwood character had been modeled on her.

damikesc said...

And if your organization is going to provide abortion services, it makes more sense to split off the abortion-providing group (which cannot take taxpayer funds) or wall it off to prevent any such comingling. If PP is far more of a "general women's health" organization and abortion is just a side activity, why taint its mission?

Because she indirectly admitted 86% of their revenue is from abortions.

When you're asked about it, repeatedly, and you don't respond --- usually, there's a reason.

PP wouldn't get the bad press they've been getting.

They'd also have no money.

Is there a legal salary limit for an organization of that sort, a nonprofit?

No. And they'd lose a LOT of non-corporate funding if people learned how much these heads of these non-profits made. The organization may be "non-profit", but the heads make a shit-ton of money.

Why doesn't PP just not accept federal money? PP has plenty of money

Keep in mind, GE is whining that they might lose the Ex-Im Bank in spite of them making immense amounts of money.

Nobody wants to unlatch from the teat of taxpayers.

They are frightened by a woman's body and they don't even understand what PP does.

86% of their revenue is from abortion. They are incapable of doing mammograms.

Seems Dems aren't clear on what they do.

And why should THEY receive funding? Do you truly believe nobody would step up to take the money and NOT do abortions?

Abortion is legal and it is a woman's choice. To not understand that is utterly stupid.

Slavery was also legal and, like then, the Democrats are on the wrong side of history.

I'm fine with the contraceptive mission and I am pro-choice but within limits of first trimester.

Since BC is now "free", I don't see why we need PP for that.

You don't understand the definition of the word baby. The pro-war, pro - death penalty, pro-torture party cares about a fetus? Please.

What kind of moral degenerate can be anti-death penalty but PRO killing babies?

At least with the pro-death penalty, pro-life position you can argue it based on protecting innocents.

What the hell is the moral justification for the other?

And, people, stop mentioning 20 week bans. If a 30 week ban was proposed, would a single Dem support THAT? No.

Todd said...

FullMoon said...
Bob Ellison said...

Let's break it down. $0.5m/year is about $250/hour. That's plumber money!
9/30/15, 9:55 AM

That's BS. As a plumber, I never made more than $195.75 an hour.

That's why I became an electrician.

9/30/15, 10:57 AM

Should of said " That's why I became a Fluid Flow Control Engineer".

damikesc said...

Was that WashPo article written by a journalist or Richards' PR firm?

Sad that it must be asked --- but given that Hillary's favorite spy, noted useless fat tub of shit Tyler Drumhiller, was handling CBS coverage of Benghazi --- it's one you must ask.

Michael K said...

"I'm fine with the contraceptive mission and I am pro-choice but within limits of first trimester.

Since BC is now "free", I don't see why we need PP for that."

A lot of young people, like my youngest daughter, don't have insurance and go to PP for birth control and treatment of STDs.

I used to pay for Blue Shield for her but she is 25 and changed jobs to one that doesn't have benefits. With the deductibles of the Obamacare policies, I can't blame her for going without. Hopefully in 2017, catastrophic polices will reappear and she can get insured again.

Bobby said...

Claire Underwood is the American version of the original (UK) House of Cards character, Elizabeth Urquhart-- who is herself a more despicable human than Claire (if you can actually believe it). And even the BBC series, which originally aired in 1990, is a derivative of Conservative politico Michael Dobbs's novels.

It's theoretically possible that Robin Wright met Cecile Richards and decided to model her look after Richards, but as a minimum, you'd have to check Richards's look to see if she hasn't (perhaps unconsciously) modeled her own look after Claire. Occam's razor would suggests it's just a coincidence, but a lot of people have a hard time with coincidence-- like, I've had numerous people tell me that Peter Sellers's Dr. Strangelove is obviously modeled after Henry Kissinger... Even though, in 1964 (when the movie was released), Kissinger was a Harvard professor hardly known outside of academia.

Chris N said...

Is there a position for the person in charge of all non-profits like Galactic Non-Profit Overlord or Activist President?

I'm thinking full Xenu or Gozer the Gozerian, here, if Gozer had a house in the Hamptons.

wildswan said...

Planned Parenthood was founded by eugenicists to carry out eugenic goals without openly mentioning those goals. "Women's reproductive health" is the current cover. If PPFA was interested in reproductive health would they allow the unborn child whose parts are being harvested to be turned in the womb for a breech presentation which is harder on the woman? Wouldn't they be concerned about the scarring of women's wombs by abortion butchers? Wouldn't they be concerned about the decline of the family which is damaging women's reproductive choices in that women without family support do not want children? Wouldn't they be concerned about the effect of pouring excess hormones into women's bodies in the form of contraception? Wouldn't they be concerned about the impact on the environment caused by excretion of excess hormones in city water? - exactly the same problem as farm runoff but somehow never mentioned. Wouldn't they be concerned about new studies showing that the effect of contraception on the family varies from society to society so that in East Asian societies the effect is a instantaneous birth collapse while in Scandinavian societies it is a long slow slide to below replacement level.

But what is Planned Parenthood concerned about? If only we knew know what we will know then.

Planned Parenthood is a eugenic group engaged in kick-butt politics to continue political support for a genocide, for a range of practices that have resulted in a below replacement-level birthrate for American blacks. Planned Parenthood is conducting a genocide against the blacks - a genocide supported by the Democratic Party and Barack Obama, ineptly opposed by the Republicans and disregarded by BlackLivesMatter, the NAACP or any other black group supported by wealthy liberals.

It's too bad we don't know it now because we could do something. When we know it then it will easy to see how Planned Parenthood lied and it will be too late.

Chris N said...

Or like Billy Joel for his concerts, they can fly Chief Activists and Bureaucrats in from the Hamptons to govern a few hours a month.

Then it's back to tennis, socialite parties and fundraising!

Etienne said...

I'm putting my money on the Supreme Court for any new Legislation coming out of Washington.

Unknown said...

That video is highly edited, so it must be false.

Drago said...

Garage will support any policy that results in carving up lots of black babies for fun and profit. And this despite once actually knowing a black guy for a short period of time.

Michael said...


PP only performed 327,653 abortions according to their Annual Report. Only 135% of the population of Madison, Wisconsin.About 3 times the population of Green Bay.

So, we do know what PP does because they told us. In their annual report.

garage mahal said...

Good to know. Thanks. Still, worshipping fetuses and guns seems....a bit strange?

Achilles said...

This is a government funding issue. It is clear the government is funding too many things. People that don't want to support baby harvesting shouldn't have to watch their tax money go to fund it.

Darcy said...

"Good to know."

When he says this, he means it. Dialogue is futile. I'm pretty convinced only God can change hearts.

I Callahan said...

n a poll out today from the Pew Research Center, 60 percent of respondents said a budget agreement should include funding for Planned Parenthood, while 32 percent said it shouldn’t.

Well of course they do, sunsong. With a media that's so 100% in the tank for PP, why wouldn't "independents" be swayed in the direction of the media? Remember that the media reported (third hand) that the videos were doctored, and when that was disproved, refused to report that.

Most of the media have never aired even a shred of the videos in question. If that had happened, that 64% of the "independents" would OVERWHELMINGLY change their minds.

Polls don't mean squat anymore.

I Callahan said...

She is paid chump change next to the men at the non-profit NRA. Top guy there makes over a million, second in charge close to that.

Awesome comparison! Because heading an organization that fights for an ACTUAL constitutional right that the overwhelming majority of politicians want to overturn is just as easy as heading one that gets federal money and has plenty of political and media allies. Yup! Same thing!

Mark, you're just as loony as garage is.

Michael said...


You may not know this, but the US Government does not subsidize the NRA. Just a head's up so that you do not appear as out to lunch as you apparently are.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchtits is just upset that he learned that those weren't really mammograms he was getting at Planned Parenthood.

SteveR said...

Garage likes black guys that grow up and play for the Packers.

garage mahal said...

You guys are as unfunny as you are weird.

Brando said...

"She is paid chump change next to the men at the non-profit NRA. Top guy there makes over a million, second in charge close to that."

That's scandalous! I can't believe my tax money is being used to fund the NRA!

I mean, I assume my tax dollars are funding the NRA, otherwise you're making an apples to oranges comparison, and that would be just nonsense.

RLB_IV said...

Another Democrat that serves as a Priestess of Bal.

Beldar said...

@ Bobby (9/30/15, 12:34 PM): In the trilogy of original novels that underlay the UK "House of Cards" miniseries, the wife's name is "Morticia" — not Claire (as in the American miniseries) or Elisabeth (as in the UK miniseries). I think that name fits the character best of all, but it strikes Americans as too far over-the-top.

Qwinn said...

If garage didn't think we were "weird", I'd worry.

Bobby said...


Is that right? Hahaha, that's awesome! Yeah, I can totally see how they would feel like they needed to change it to build audience credibility! Even as a kid reading comics, when the Avengers fought the Masters of Evil or the X-Men fought the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, I used to think, who would even call themselves that-- like, granted, evil exists in this world, but who calls themselves "evil"? Of course, Stan Lee (who has long since simply explained it as "we were a lot cheesier back then") was writing for ten year old boys, and if House of Cards's television audience was ten year old boys, I suspect the wife would be named Morticia.

Titus said...

She is fabulous looking. Hair, clothes, makeup, body-check.

On the side you have a bunch of old fat white southern pubes-and token

sunsong said...

LOL - stupid is as stupid does: What an immoral waste of tax payer's time and money:

"Congress is sending President Obama legislation to prevent a government shutdown following a 277-151 vote in the House that will keep federal agencies funded through Dec. 11...

"...Republicans objected to the inclusion of money for Planned Parenthood in the bill, leading 151 GOP lawmakers to vote against the bill, compared to only 91 who supported it..."

House votes to prevent shutdown

Static Ping said...

garage mahal: Still, worshipping fetuses and guns seems....a bit strange?

Garage, someone with an open mind can understand why someone else would believe X - in good faith - without the open minded person believing X.

Assuming you want to act in good faith, it is not difficult to come up with a rationale of why someone would be pro-life and pro-gun. Actually, I can think of several. And it is not as if the rationale is a secret. Feel free to ask someone or look it up on the intertubes.

Drago said...

You have to understand, garage and his pals dont just "support" carving up babies. They revel in it.

Theranter said...

Holy cash cow, they even sell BABY apparel with the PP tag line.
I guess if they didn't make dough off the baby's parts, they'll use the kid for marketing and still make a few bucks off mom.

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, Fancy seeing you here, girl! It was interesting seeing the liberal and gay men being all paternalistic, accusing Republicans of misogyny. Then, a Republican man asked Richards, "You wouldn't expect us to be easier on you because you're a woman?" Richards replied, "No I wouldn't, I wasn't raised that way." And, I believe that's true. Liberal men are the most paternalistic of all men.

PB said...

One thing I don't understand. If PP's annual revenue is $1.35B and 86% or $1.16B is for surgical (abortion) services (mentioned in the hearing), then the $190M left is spent on other "women's health services. However if PP gets over $500M from the federal government in grants or Medicaid, how can than money NOT be going to abortion services?

Also, they run a SURPLUS of over $125M per year and spend $65M on fundraising in addition to over $140M on management and general expenses.

The math doesn't seem to add up to support a claim that the federal dollars don't go to abortions.

Drago said...

Nothing makes garage and his pals angrier than having to listen to kids who survived abortions talking about how much they like being alive.

Francisco D said...

@Michael K: We are pretty much on the same page. I appreciate your input and look forward to your comments.

@Garage Mahal: We can never be on the same page because your reading and mathematical comprehension is so low.

-The one GM likes to call a fake psychologist. I am real (2 doctorates) and I am fabulous!

But, I am not Laslo.

MayBee said...

As a woman, I was embarrassed to see Congresspeople complaining about treating the female harshly.

MayBee said...

Republicans are so stupid - they are mostly unconscious. Abortion is legal and it is a woman's choice. To not understand that is utterly stupid.

Look, I'm pro-choice, but even I recognize abortion is ugly business. And I appreciate the morality of people who oppose it.

Why do so many pro-choicers have to be so dismissive? Why do so many pro-choice people refuse to understand and respect the sincerity of the people who oppose it?

Drago said...

Garage, should moms who wanted abortions but had their babies survive be able to kill them anyway?

Otherwise #WarOnWomen!

Birkel said...

The answer is unadulterated power. Filter each of these discussions through that lenses.

The power is necessary because Leftists cannot trust individuals to live their own lives. Busybodies need control and power.

sunsong said...


Why do so many pro-choicers have to be so dismissive? Why do so many pro-choice people refuse to understand and respect the sincerity of the people who oppose it?

I'll answer that if you will show me even one post on this thread from a so-called pro-lifer that demonstrates respect and understanding of the sincerity of pro-choicers.

Bobby said...


I agree with you, but- from my vantage point- the harsh rhetoric and intentional dismissiveness, straw manning and demonization of the "other" side- on this and other issues- seems to cut in both directions, which is why I think it's endemic to humans and not just to one political party or the other.

MayBee said...

I'll answer that if you will show me even one post on this thread from a so-called pro-lifer that demonstrates respect and understanding of the sincerity of pro-choicers.

Why? Why can't you just answer for yourself?

MayBee said...

And honestly, Sunsong, there aren't that many comments on this thread *about* the sincerity of pro-choicers. At all. The vast majority are about Clair Underwood's testimony, the ghoulishness of what is shown in the videos, and the political money self-feeding machine the Democrats have with PP.

You came along with the "you're stupid" comment before much else was said about pro-choices.

MayBee said...

As for the ghoulish comments- I mean, I"m pro-choice, but yes, this is ghoulish. It might be necessary. People might see it for the greater good.

The video has a baby taken out by abortion at 15 weeks and then seemingly alive on a stainless steel tray. Can we not all agree that's pretty awful to see?

MayBee said...

Isn't this why anti-death penalty people (I'm no fan of the death penalty) always want the executions shown on tv? They think they will be so awful it will turn America against the death penalty? Similar to the way anti-war people want to show pictures of the war dead (especially children). To show the horrors of war.

Do pro-choice people dismiss the awfulness of these videos because they are afraid it really will turn the tide against abortion?

sunsong said...


You haven't shown even one comment from a so-called pro-lifer demonstrating what you want to see from me. I would suggest it is because you can't. There isn't one. Do you even notice the proportions here? Do you see that there are over 135 comments here? How many of them are from pro-choice people. A very small fraction. Does that even compute for you? And yet, not one shows respect or understanding of the pro-choice perspective.

Does it even compute for you that maybe folks like me have had enough? That we are done with the pathetic and yet still sickening attempts of self-identified *religious* people to make their beliefs law? Does that even compute for you? It's one thing to have a sincere belief. It's a whole other thing to attempt to force me to live by your belief. Do you get that?

I don't believe that abortion is murder. I don't believe that at all. I truly find the arguments and the intention of the so-called pro-lifers to be stupid. Really stupid. They just don't have a clue. It is not their call. It's not their decision to make. And I would suggest that for a large segment of so-called pro-lifers it's not about caring for life - not at all. It's about controlling women. Do you understand that? You are aware that women were considered *property* in the 1800's in this country? That they did not have the vote? There is a factual history of chauvinism? Does that compute for you?

I believe that the soul is eternal and that it is the soul, not conception, that gives life to a body. The body is a "vehicle" for the soul to use. In other words, all the body is, imo, is something like a car that the soul can enter into in order to get around in this physical reality. Hopefully, it is obvious that when there is no person in a car, in a vehicle - there is no life in it. Nobody is there. I look at the body the same way. When there is no soul inside, there is no life there. [Have you ever been present when someone dies, when their soul leaves?] So a fetus, without a soul, imo, is just a bunch a cells growing a potential vehicle. It's not a baby, for God's sake. That's why we use the phrase "living, breathing". Breathing matters.

Qwinn said...

What I don't get is how I'm seeing descriptions of a *living* baby being described as a "miscarriage". I'm even seeing people on the pro-life side say that. Um. No. Ten thousand times no. If it's still alive, there is no possible way it can be described as a miscarriage. This crap is getting so bad I think Orwell would've erased it from 1984 as too implausible to be believed.

Qwinn said...

"That we are done with the pathetic and yet still sickening attempts of self-identified *religious* people to make their beliefs law?"

And sunsong, kiss my f'ing ass. I'm agnostic, haven't been to church in years, and I think abortion is an abomination, and no, you don't deserve the slightest bit of respect if you're going to dismiss everyone else's position as merely "religious".

If a person *believes* it's murder, it is not a virtue to allow you to carry out because you conveniently believe otherwise. It is being an accomplice, especially when we're forced to pay for it.

And your whole "soul" spiel... tell me, when does a baby acquire a soul in your "belief"? Are you one of those who believes in the Magical Vaginal Canal of Ensoulment? Are C-Section babies soulless monstrosities? Because the whole *point* of the Planned Parenthood videos is that we're not talking about a "clump of cells". We're talking about late term fully viable babies. There is nothing logical to back up a conviction that they lack what you call a "soul". Not a thing. If anyone around here's beliefs are entirely dependent on quasi-religious faith, it's you.

You've had enough? YOU'VE had enough? Again, kiss my f'ing ass.

kentuckyliz said...

I didn't read all the comments, so perhaps it's been said--revoke their non-profit status. 501(c)3s can't endorse or support particular political candidates.

chickelit said...

I believe that the soul is eternal and that it is the soul, not conception, that gives life to a body. The body is a "vehicle" for the soul to use. In other words, all the body is, imo, is something like a car that the soul can enter into in order to get around in this physical reality. Hopefully, it is obvious that when there is no person in a car, in a vehicle - there is no life in it. Nobody is there. I look at the body the same way. When there is no soul inside, there is no life there. [Have you ever been present when someone dies, when their soul leaves?] So a fetus, without a soul, imo, is just a bunch a cells growing a potential vehicle. It's not a baby, for God's sake. That's why we use the phrase "living, breathing". Breathing

“'It’s like Heathcliff’s soul just took off out the window to be with Cathy and he just left his cold body behind' somebody said. 'Yeah, that’s what I thought too' said another."

Stop reading so much Brontë, sunsong. Bone up on a little biochem.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sunsong says I truly find the arguments and the intention of the so-called pro-lifers to be stupid. Really stupid. They just don't have a clue.

There you go demanding respect for your "position" which boils down to "pro-lifers are stupid." Sure I can respect your RIGHT to have an opinion. But no one has the right to kill another human being just because the existence of that OTHER is inconvenient. I don't care that Roe "settled" it for you. They're wrong and you're wrong. As wrong as the stupid decision in Dred Scott was evil and wrong. People shouldn't own other people and people shouldn't kill other people.

If you believe in the soul do you not also believe in the God who created our souls, the same God who said "I knit you together in your mother's womb" and "before you were born I knew you"?

God isn't so pro-choice either is He?

chickelit said...

I Callahan said...Mark, you're just as loony as garage is.

Just imagine that they're the same person and go from there.

Jason said...


Sunsong managed to put together the most stupid, arrogant and banal three paragraphs I've ever seen on any subject.

And that's saying something.

Utterly lacking in grace or insight whatsoever. Utter fecking pap.

I'm with Qwinn. He put it exactly right. I hadn't darkened the door of a church in years. Then you bastards started making excuses for cutting open baby's faces to harvest their brains.

I looked around and saw who had the right idea about you people all along. Now I'm a regular in the pews and doing everything I can to utterly defeat your ilk.

And you know what? I looked around on Sunday and it was standing room only. Walked in late because parking was overflowing. Thanks to you creeps for the motivation. You liver-scrapers just may have awakened a sleeping giant.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

A lot of the argument that Sunsong and her ilk elide is the question of viability. A lot of the talk on the CMP videos is PP doctors (First, do no harm) discussing viable BABIES at or near full-term, which they prize for their valuable internal organs, glands and fluids. Those are the souls Sunsong identifies with: evil desiccated husks who have lost their humanity and all sense of ethics.

Fen said...

I think we should consider aborting people who support abortion.

Maybe start with a dozen, see if the rest have an epiphany...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Conception is what starts a "soul"? Really?

So when one twin is absorbed into the body of the other during gestation does that mean the surviving twin has two souls?

Does it mean the one twin "murdered" the other?

The funny thing about right-wing idiocy, besides how much you could learn from what they refuse to know, is how many more questions and complications it breeds than simplicity.

More biological conundrums for the spiritual absolutists and other assorted know-nothings:

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And there goes Fen, with a proposal as brilliant in its presumption of time-travel as it is idiotic.

No right-winger is too desperate to admit how far outside the realm of reality he lives.

MayBee said...

I don't think I've ever seen you so snide, Sunsong.

I really thought you were more a peace, love, and understanding kind of person.

Jason said...

Who causes one baby to be absorbed into another? Its this a conscious decision the mother makes? A doctor? Or is there some other process going on? Show your work.

"People die naturally" does not excuse murder in any context whatsoever.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You have to understand, garage and his pals dont just "support" carving up babies. They revel in it.

No more than you revel in watching homeless men and kids freeze and starve to death.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who causes one baby to be absorbed into another? Its this a conscious decision the mother makes? A doctor? Or is there some other process going on? Show your work.

It doesn't matter. It just illustrates how retarded is the right-wing demand to define conception as some moment of "ensoulment".

I believe this was clear from the context, but I'm used to people here getting easily distracted.

Jason said...

Leftists are always projecting their own callousness on other people.

Then they advocate policies that lead to massive shortages, poverty, starvation and want.

Then they blame the grown-ups and Kulaks for not caring enough.

MayBee said...

When does the soul enter the body?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who causes one baby to be absorbed into another? Its this a conscious decision the mother makes?

Oh. So now consciousness actually matters go you! Wonderful!

So was a miscarried 17-week fetus ever "conscious?"

Show YOUR work.

chickelit said...

PP doctor: "This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop"

Procurement Tech: "Great! Let's harvest its motor neurons! Maybe we can cure paralysis!"

Jason said...

Hey R&B!

It would be nice if you and all your left-tard hypocrite friends could actually try to keep up, mmmkay?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When does the soul enter the body?

When it stops being a reality-denying, unempathetic Republican.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hi Jason!

You'll be amazed at how much more generous people become when you stop telling them that some are better and more deserving than others.

MayBee said...

ISTM if this were about seeing women as property and control over women's bodies, men would be all for abortion.

The idea that men in general want their women pregnant and having lots of kids seems horribly out of date. The men who want to have sex with all kinds of women would prefer to be unencumbered by child support, lots of mouths to feed, and a wife who constantly has a large belly and swollen feet.

Really. Who thinks most men want a brood of children anymore? So much so they would make abortion laws simply so they could make women have more babies?

Jason said...

No, you brought up twin absorption. Let's discuss that.

Who makes that happen? What human agent deliberately intervenes to cause it? Be specific.

MayBee said...

R and B- you know it was Sunsong who brought up the ensoulment, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Re Kristoff (who's always been a bit of a blowhard anyway), right-wingers don't give more effectively. They just give more to the churches and other holy-rollers to keep those institutions in business.

Everyone else actually cares that the money/charity gets to the people who need it.

Jason said...

Yes, leftards, the self-congratulating little shits that they are, keep telling themselves that. But the math doesn't support their delusion.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R and B- you know it was Sunsong who brought up the ensoulment, right?

Obviously not in the way you wished he did. Viz:

"I believe that the soul is eternal and that it is the soul, not conception, that gives life to a body."

It's not moderates, independents and the left that's saying there can be no post-conception abortions due to the DNA of a new cell being equivalent to a "person" (soul optional).

Fen said...

Why can't we abort Ritmo? He supports it.

MayBee said...

I don't wish she did bring up the ensoulment at all. That's something we don't and can't know, and can only believe.

I just don't know why you are going on and on about the anti-abortion people talking about ensoulment, when that isn't what happened.

MayBee said...

It seems to me if a soul just goes from body to body, there's no such thing as murder at all.

Jason said...

Precisely. Sunsong reduces murder to a triviality. It's monstrous.

Stupid, banal and monstrous.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why can't we abort Ritmo? He supports it.

Because unlike you, I don't still live in my mommy's tummy.

What's it like in there? Like a physical equivalent of being in the FOX News bubble?

Michael said...

Ah the sophomores at work. Painful. Plus curve boy with especially stupid comments on left wing charity. Hilarious. Freezing children need your coat curve boy.

Jason said...

Oh, no. Once we start slicing and dicing who is and who isn't human, anything goes.

Extra chromosome? Subhuman.
Dual XX chromosomes? Subhuman.
Black? Jewish? Subhuman.

Progressives have a long history of doing this. They have no rational basis to object when their Nazi logic is turned round on them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't wish she did bring up the ensoulment at all. That's something we don't and can't know, and can only believe.

Well now you're getting somewhere. But you have to understand that this is a big part of the reason for why the anti-abortion extremists demand that anything post-conception must be jailed in the uterus. Hopefully, their position isn't yours, or even most abortion detractors', but they make it impossible to proceed to any common understandings.

I just don't know why you are going on and on about the anti-abortion people talking about ensoulment, when that isn't what happened.

Well, I guess that, not having followed the thread since it started this morning, I might not have kept all the comments together. But the point about post-conception extremists is important. Remember, even Michael K did abortions up to 20 weeks, which would include this latest video case of the 17-week old who was unfortunately miscarried before medically leaving the body and then giving Fiorina her latest dishonest cause for ruckus.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How many extra coats do you have, Michael?

Other than that, it's good to see you still sputter with the ad hominems once all attempts at an actual "point" escape you.

Jason said...

He was not "miscarried." That is a lie.

Birches said...

I can't believe sunsong wrote that. Completely jumped the shark...

MayBee said...

Remember, even Michael K did abortions up to 20 weeks, which would include this latest video case of the 17-week old who was unfortunately miscarried before medically leaving the body

Miscarried before medically leaving the body wouldn't leave a baby with a beating heart on the stainless steel tray.

Look. If we are pro-choice, we have to own the truth, here.

MayBee said...

Continually denying what is on the tape, or what is happening because the baby doesn't yet have a soul, just seems very denial-y to me. Like pro-choice people are afraid of what will happen if we just admit this is awful to see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jason said:

Oh, no. Once we start slicing and dicing who is and who isn't human, anything goes.

Unexpected pregnancy? Subhuman.
Septic abortion? Subhuman.
Black? Jewish? Subhuman.

Difficult delivery of an anencephalic young Republican? Subhuman.

Fascists have a long history of doing this. They have no rational basis to object when their Nazi logic is turned round on them.

MayBee said...

Here is a description of the tape from TIME Magazine, if you don't know the details.

MayBee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He was not "miscarried." That is a lie.

Cite your obstetrician/gynecologist of choice on that one then, Truther.

Here's mine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You (accidentally?) cited the thread, MayBee.

MayBee said...

Sorry, RandB. Here


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wait? So since when have Republicans become so anti-medicine that they're using the mainstream media source of TIME to relate the original story no matter how many arguments or facts that could refute an ob/gyn they don't have?

Did you even bother to read to the end? Here's what it says:

UPDATE: Hours after the publication of the video, several medical experts raised questions about whether the video showed an abortion or a miscarriage. Current medical guidelines do not call for resuscitation of a fetus at 17 and a half weeks. For a fuller discussion of the accepted medical practice, click here.

As for the experts, not that they should know more about embryology than "a retired Air Force Reserve colonel and former Pennsylvania state representative," or anything. But here's what TIME finally has the responsibility to collect on them here.

It's always a good idea to read something you're going to cite. All the way through.

I didn't realize how easily the political right could be rolled by the MSM. Don't fall for it. They're doing what they do: Creating controversy.

MayBee said...

I did, and then I read that link.

And they said that it could be a miscarriage, and that doesn't require medical attention. Which I understand.
But it ended:
He also argued that a woman facing a possible miscarriage would go to a hospital, not an abortion clinic. “I absolutely know for certain that this was an abortion clinic, not a hospital setting,” he said.

Several experts TIME interviewed Tuesday said miscarriages do sometimes occur at abortion clinics.

Which makes the whole "It could be a miscarriage!" much less plausible.

Plus, it's kicking and it's heart is beating. Even if it *was* a miscarriage of a living baby at an abortion clinic, we have to then accept the mother was fine with her baby sitting in a tray with its heart beating.

On top of this all, it would be legal to to this. It would be legal to scramble the brains of a fetus that looks like this and then remove it, and it would be legal to abort a living fetus and then not offer it support.

And you know what? That's pretty gruesome. I don't know how anyone can deny that.

MayBee said...

Why do so many pro-choicers put their eggs in the "It was a miscarriage of a live baby at an abortion clinic" basket? I mean, we want it to be as legal to kill that fetus in utereo just seconds before it gets to the point where we see this baby, right? And we wouldn't offer medical support to this baby. So what's the difference? Just let it be born and then let it die. What's the difference?

We either support the gruesome details or we don't. But why keep trying to pretend, oh no, we don't own *this*.? We do.

chickelit said...

We either support the gruesome details or we don't. But why keep trying to pretend, oh no, we don't own *this*.? We do.

Some of them just wish to remain the good german citizens living in and around Dachau. All this video recording stuff is like rubbing their noses in the smell.

chickelit said...

Titus said...
She is fabulous looking. Hair, clothes, makeup, body-check.

You said the same thing about Lena Dunham.

To me, she looks like a mature version of Pink.

Jason said...

Me: He was not "miscarried." That is a lie.

R&B: Cite your obstetrician/gynecologist of choice on that one then, Truther.

I'll cite the owner of the footage and the folks who took the video, the Center for BioEthical Reform, and Gregg Cunningham, who knows exactly where the video was taken. He's on record. It was an abortion. Not a miscarriage. It was filmed at an abortion clinic.

Jason said...

Why do so many pro-choicers put their eggs in the "It was a miscarriage of a live baby at an abortion clinic" basket?

Because they are twisted and perverse, that's why.

Joe said...

Non-profit status should be abolished.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Some of them just wish to remain the good german citizens living in and around Dachau. All this video recording stuff is like rubbing their noses in the smell.

Oh brother.

Feel better now, do you?

Although I don't doubt you like to rub people's noses in things. You are the chemist, after all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Because they are twisted and perverse, that's why.

Yes! And we lack the integrity of THESE RIGHT-WING FOLK HEROES!

You sure know how to pick 'em, righties! And the dipshit who owns your tape?

Based on the track record above, I'm gonna comfortably predict HE's full of bullshit, too.

Sorry. But credibility's like that.

Next time get someone else to tell me HE's RIGHT and the doctors are WRONG.

Good night, Truthers.

Fen said...

Sorry guys for getting Ritmo spun up. I couldn't resist - its funny when he loses his bearing and the mask slips.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry guys for getting Ritmo spun up. I couldn't resist - its funny when he loses his bearing and the mask slips.

Well, you are the guy who spent months fantasizing about watching tv (and who knows what else) with me.

Seriously, no one knows what you're talking about. No one cares. And no one's interested in hearing about "masks" from a guy as obscure as you, whatever "Fen" means anyway.

Soldier, what is the meaning of "Fen"? Is it your plea to be taken seriously as a man, despite your gender confusion?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And remember, Fem. You're still butthurt because, unlike you, I don't live in my mommy's tummy and can't be aborted.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good night.

I trust you'll entertain yourself NOT getting laid and hanging out here for the rest of the night. Especially Fem.

He'll be cleaning his assault rifle, tidying up his mommy's underwear, watching old military recruitment videos, and stacking bibles on top of each other.

Good night, Fen.

Jason said...

Come to think of it, Fen did seem to take an unnatural interest in sniffing my combat boots the other day.

Ritmo: show us on the doll where Fen touched you.

sunsong said...

So the rabid anti-abortion republicans gave Planned Parenthood everything they had culminating in a much touted congressional hearing - and what does Cecile Richards have to say afterward?

we are gaining support - the country is not going to go backward

Lewis Wetzel said...

Sacrificing children to Moloch IS backward.

MayBee said...

That's why I don't understand why they need so much government support, though. They get a lot of money in donations. They operate at a surplus (not profit!). Then they could be as political as they wanted to be, and it wouldn't bother me.

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