August 17, 2014

Mark Steyn on the militarization of the police.

Here. Excerpt:
So, when the police are dressed like combat troops, it's not a fashion faux pas, it's a fundamental misunderstanding of who they are. Forget the armored vehicles with the gun turrets, forget the faceless, helmeted, anonymous Robocops, and just listen to how these "policemen" talk. Look at the video as they're arresting the New York Times and Huffington Post reporters. Watch the St Louis County deputy ordering everyone to leave, and then adding: "This is not up for discussion."

Really? You're a constable. You may be carrying on like the military commander of an occupying army faced with a rabble of revolting natives, but in the end you're a constable.


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Greek Donkey said...

Isn't a lot of this a consequence of Federal money made available to cities and towns after 9/11? I seem to recall a buying spree. Curious which politicians and lobbyist were the most supportive of that.

MarkW said...

This event does seem to be a kind of watershed where conservatives like Steyn are taking the libertarian line on police militarization. Progressives, too. They could be emphasizing the racial aspect to the exclusion of militarization, but seem not to be.

Fernandinande said...

Our casually violent and dishonest police are the result of the "war on drugs": when consensual behavior is a crime there are no complainants or neutral witnesses, and all citizens become suspects.

richard mcenroe said...

Law enforcement models:

Ann Althouse said...

"This event does seem to be a kind of watershed where conservatives like Steyn are taking the libertarian line on police militarization."

You say that as if Steyn just got to this place recently, but even in the linked article it's apparent that's not so:

"As for what's happened in the days since the shooting, I've written a lot in recent months about the appalling militarization of the police in America, and I don't have much to add."

There's a link at the link to earlier writing, pre-dating Ferguson.

khesanh0802 said...

Once again the coverup is almost worse than the crime. Criminal stupidity is not confined to the criminals!

As for the militarization I, too, think it is attributable to the aftermath of 9/11. Too much money and too much attitude from the Feds on down. Once you start down the "manliness" path it is hard to keep it from escalating if every time you ask for a larger weapon you get it. How about the militarization of Homeland Defense, or the TSA, or whoever it was in the Federal government, was loading up on combat weapons and ammunition?

Michael K said...

The right has been concerned about this for a long time. There have been articles about Homeland Security buying ammunition and teaching police that the Tea Party is a source of terrorism. The left just noticed. That's all.

khesanh0802 said...

Here's an article from today's MN Star Tribune about DOD giving MN police departments surplus combat equipment. What the hell does the St Cloud police department need with an MRAP? Clearly the military attitude is being fostered by our favorite people - the Feds.

Anonymous said...

His point about the police not managing to provide cameras among all that expensive and aggressive equipment is key.

Wince said...

A big driver of the justification for all this is that police, as often unionized public employees, should not have to be subjected to the inherent risks of their occupation.

And watch how quickly defensive overkill becomes offensive overkill.

It reflects the overall trend at all reaches of government where the interests of once public servants become those of newly minted public masters.

Hagar said...

I quite agree with Steyn about his sentiments about "the militarization of the police" in general, but he is thoroughly wrong about the facts of this particular case. The original shooting, that is, starting with the "strong-arm robbery" indeed literally being a strong-arm robbery and for a $50 box of cigars, not $5, and Steyn's version goes downhill from there.

"" has posting with a video where someone off-camera was accidentally recorded telling yet someone else what happened. It is a quite reasonable story and believable because the person had no idea he was being recorded, nor did the person taking the visual video realize this third party voice was being recorded.

furious_a said...

The feds should re-purpose all the surplus military gear to the Kurds. That way people of color in BOTH countries would be safer.

exhelodrvr1 said...

A significant part of the problem is that the government has not been willing to address the issues of the drug cartels, gangs, and Islamic terrorism appropriately. This puts the burden of being able to respond to those threats on the local authorities. Given that context, having this type of equipment and training with it is completely appropriate. The problem is that it is used too often, and in too many cases when it is not needed,

m stone said...

I agree with EDH.

Another element is the disproportional reaction and emotion both from the police community (and union) and the local city or town.

We (a city of 40,000) lost a police officer in a domestic dispute case and the outpouring of sentiment still lingers three years later. We also have full military equipment and an armored vehicle that is quickly dispatched for even minor disturbances.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

But all that stuff is going to be needed as the end game of the Progressives long march towards what they naively assumed would be a Utopia, instead plays out into a Statist Distopia.

As it has in all times and places.

tds said...

one unsolicited observation:

african-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force.

Hagar said...

The "video man" basically says the officer was responding to the 911 call about the store robbery and encountered Michael Brown and his buddy walking up the middle of the street, so he ordered them to get out of the street and continued on his way. Then the robbery description came over his radio, and he realized it matched with the two guys he had just ordered out of the street, so he put the cruiser in reverse and backed up down to them. As he got out of the car, Michael Brown "bum-rushed" him and forced him back in, and there apparently was a struggle for the officer's gun, and a shot was fired inside the car.
Michael Brown then got out and took off up the street with his buddy. The officer got out of the car and yelled at them to stop, and Brown wheeled around and charged back at the cop, who then fired the fatal shots.
Michael Brown was 18 years old, but as can be seen in the store video, he was also 6'-4", or so, and 250+ pounds.

If this is the true story, more or less, I think the cop was quite justified in shooting.

How the City of Ferguson, MO and its police dept. handled the situation from there on is another story.

Kelly said...

The Boston bombing was when I first noticed this as an issue. All that fire power and military gear and who found the bomber?? An average citizen that had been told not to leave the house, but did so anyway to check on his beloved boat.

David said...

Greek Donkey said...
Isn't a lot of this a consequence of Federal money made available to cities and towns after 9/11? I seem to recall a buying spree. Curious which politicians and lobbyist were the most supportive of that.

Nearly all of them. You should see the boats that Homeland Security money supplied for the small villages in northern Wisconsin. Just in case the terrorists mount an amphibious attack on Door County.

Though to their credit the local constabulary have remained constables. But they love riding around in their boats.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I hope our gracious host has thought about Steyn's heroic pursuit for justice against our "justice" system.

When it was uncorraborated it would be too risky to speculate, yet now with apparent victory via judicial decree (sans time and fortune) maybe it wouldn't be unpedestrianly to claim Michael Mann is a lying, fraudulent deceiver.

And Steyn is correct our "justice" system is banana-republic bullshit designed to enslave commoners and enrich professors et. al..

Lauderdale Vet said...

Commander William Adama, fictional character, Battlestar Galactica: "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."

Guildofcannonballs said...

Kelly the Boston authorities had the courage to blame weed for the triple homicide on 9/11 2011, so please defer to their incredible professionalism and intellect.

In short, they are better than you, pay them more, and shut the );:$) up.

You, a bigot, might have blamed the Muslim friends of the victims, which might have prohibited the future explosion of first amendment rights they dissipated.

Gahrie said...

This event does seem to be a kind of watershed where conservatives like Steyn are taking the libertarian line on police militarization.

You haven't been paying attention...the Right has been talking about this issue for years. Much of it has been centered around the amount of ammunition the police and federal agencies has been buying, but issues like surplus military gear have been discussed also.

Gahrie said...

What the hell does the St Cloud police department need with an MRAP?

I can actually understand this one. One day, probably in the near future, we are going to have to deal with a militant and violent Litte Mogedishu lead by terrorist trained by ISIS.

Anonymous said...

Belligerent Drunk Stand-up Comic says:

So, I'm driving down my suburban Main Street, I may or may not have been drinking -- my lawyer says I should keep that part ambiguous (sips drink) -- when I see the dreaded flashing lights behind me. Being a conscientious citizen I pull off to the side of the road, turn off the engine and silently practice my backwards alphabet, well: just because. Comes in handy, sometimes. (sips drink)

Anyway, the officer approaches the car in that slow methodical walk they always do, and he is dressed head-to-toe in Kevlar: for a moment I think I missed my turn and pulled into Afghanistan. (sips drink) Or St. Louis. (sips drink) Maybe Detroit; I think you get the picture...

(sips drink)

So I roll down the window and ask if there is a problem: I am careful to use respectful tones, it is probably just a simple misunderstanding, maybe in the darkness he thought I was black... (sips drink) Stop groaning, stop groaning: like you don't know exactly what I mean...

(sips drink)

Anyway, the first thing he asks is if I have any guns in the car, and -- boy, I'll tell you -- I am SO glad I left my rocket launcher at home. This time. (sips drink) So I tell him No, I do not have any firearms -- in the car at least, it is a true statement -- and he seems mildly disappointed. Myself, I'm thinking I'm about to mildly shit my pants...

(sips drink)

Then he asks me if I have seen anything suspicious in the neighborhood. Well, this kinda unnerves me: is this about that alleged Peeping Tom incident? I swear I was just trying to see the time on the clock on her bedroom wall, that's all...

(sips drink)

No, sir, I say -- again, respectful tones, I am a respectful citizen -- I haven't seen anything suspicious. He takes a momentous pause, my balls crawl into my stomach, and then he asks: have I seen any black people walking about..?

(sips drink)


There have been calls.


Calls: black people, on the streets. Low pants.

(sips drink)

I tell him, well yes, the cashier at the gas station was black, but he gave me correct change, all is good...

(sips drink)

So he asks me where I am heading, and I tell him 'home', I need to take the dog for a walk, I have an imaginary dog just for these situations, he is a terrier named Baron... (sips drink). So now there is this awkward silence, he is nodding, and for whatever reason I add: it's OK. it's OK-- my neighbors are white, we're quiet folk...

'Well, be safe,' he tells me, tapping his gun in its holster. Us police can't be everywhere, you know...

(sips drink)

I nod, and am grateful not to be part of the Great Black Menace. Still, when I get home I make a point to lock all my windows and doors: you know, just a precaution. Strangers, You know: low pants......

(sips drink)

Thank you, you've been a peach...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

EDH said...
A big driver of the justification for all this is that police, as often unionized public employees, should not have to be subjected to the inherent risks of their occupation.

I think a bigger problem was the hysterical over-reaction on the right to any police death as being a sign of the end of civilization. Somehow killing a trained armed cop who is paid to take risks became a worse crime than killing an unarmed citizen. This inversion of priorities lies at the heart of the increasing use of force against citizens.

If we took the same attitude to the deaths of coal miners, no coal would ever leave the ground again and many coal mine owners would now be in jail.

Gahrie said...

african-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force.

None of the ones here now have been brought here by force.

What would you have us do? When we freed them and sent them back to Africa, (Liberia) they immediately enslaved the Africans living there and started a series of civil wars that is still going on today.

One could argue that the Irish were forced to come here by the deliberate policy of starvation by the English.

CatherineM said...

Follow Radley Balko. He is the one that brought all of the no knock raids to my attention. The Kevlar, the overwhelming force, the smoke bombs, the shooting of dogs because the knocking down of the door caused the dog (labs, corgis, not pit bulls) to bark in reaction. Half the time...the wrong house. Families terrorized and injured, sometimes fatally over chickenshit violations.

After a family is terrorized for hours, house turned over, dogs killed...guy they want on chicken shit drug charge not there or moved years ago, what is the punishment for the cops? They don't even have to say they are sorry.

Fernandinande said...

How a Suburban SWAT Team Sees Itself

"Illustrating the point, former Reasoner Radley Balko, now at The Washington Post, has posted a SWAT video from Doraville, Georgia, population 8,500. "At least as of this writing," he notes, "the video was posted on the front page of the Doraville Police Department Web site":
Balko adds:

The images at the beginning and end are from The Punisher, the fictional character described by Wikipedia as "a vigilante who employs murder, kidnapping, extortion, coercion, threats of violence, and torture in his war on crime." The audio is the song "Die Motherf—-r[sic] Die" by Dope.

Doraville is a town of about 8,500 people, in the northeast suburbs of Atlanta. It last saw a murder in 2009 (at least through the end of 2012, the last year for which I can find statistics).

Anonymous said...

Brown was killed (as far as I know) by a standard police firearm.

If you don't like the 'look' or 'feel' of the police you are a leftoid.

It's not how they look or feel, it's what they actually do that matters.

kentuckyliz said...

Who is teaching black youth to behave aggressively towards the po-po? They are guilty of the deaths of the black youth who do so and get injured or killed as a result.

Fight The Power doesn't work when the Power is heavily armed and has the backing of the State.

The Crack Emcee said...

"A fundamental misunderstanding of who they are."

Well, come ON:

Whites have been suffering from THAT for a while,...

rhhardin said...

I took it as employment for people who liked to break down the door and shoot the dog.

The cop at the lunch counter with the runaway boy in the Norman Rockwell painting is trying to find out where he lives so he can break in and shoot the dog.

Joe said...

Ten years ago, the police in my small town were dominated by bullies. About nine years ago, the town hired a new police chief. He fired half the force and hired better officers to replace them. The difference is huge. Among other things, they are no longer news.

Now, if only the county sheriff's department and state highway patrol would clean up their act.

Anonymous said...

There are,I believe,multiple layers to the "militarization" of many Law Enforcement agencies.
For one thing, every L.E. I ever met and became friendly with, would tell me, at some point, that his training included the need to "be on top of any 'situation'" and to therefore take a more aggressive stance than they otherwise might.
Its difficult to make this truly comprehensible given my lack of writing skills.

But when you put that "attitude" together with military type gear, it is, to me, a concern for any potential situation to get way out of hand.

The Crack Emcee said...


"None of the ones here now have been brought here by force."

That's right:

After they couldn't ship us over, whites started breeding us.

Stop trying to make 'em sound inhuman,...

Wince said...

AReasonableMan said...
I think a bigger problem was the hysterical over-reaction on the right to any police death as being a sign of the end of civilization.

I dunno. If we're going to reduce this to ideology, those on the right tend to focus on the killer and punishment.

It's the left that looks at instrumentalities like guns, and the need for "workplace safety" in the form of police training and equipment.

The Crack Emcee said...


"What would you have us do?"

I love this guy,...

Wince said...

Joe said...
[The new chief] fired half the force and hired better officers to replace them.

Is that even possible with a union?

Anonymous said...

Whatever your take on the situation, I hope we can all agree that we cannot allow the United States to become Israel/Gaza in mentality or in on-the-ground reality. That is unacceptable.

Fernandinande said...

My comments here have nothing to do with Ferguson because:

- I'm not unhappy that a thieving thug was killed because that's what he deserved; it doesn't much matter how it happened, but being shot by the store owner he roughed up and stole from would've been the optimum outcome.

- Looters should be shot on sight, preferably by the property owners.

- It's hard for me to believe the police, but it's even harder to believe sleazy self-righteous street thugs.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Love is a one way, non-stop, all-accommodations ticket to the gas chamber.

A tender love that "used to be" is what the focus of humans should striveth for, hence the popularity of the Four Tops.

virgil xenophon said...

There is a lot of amnesia here. This "uparming" of police didn't just begin with 1911 and its aftermaths response to the terrorist threat. Jazz Shaw in PJs "Hot Air" column today points to the LA Rodney King riots as the beginning of this trend, as well as the 1997 televised famed "North Hollywood Shootout" in which two bank robbers in heavy body armor and semi-automatic weapons fought a 45 min gun battle with their firepower overwhelming a much larger but lightly armed police contingent.

Actually, the trend began even earlier (an event Shaw doesn't refer to) with the 1986 FBI shoot-out in Miami with two ex-Army bank-robbers armed with mini-14 semi-automatic rifles in which two Agents were killed and several others were wounded. The conclusions the FBI drew were 1) revolvers don't cut it in an extended firefight as they are too hard to load by excitable personnel under fire and 2) they needed more "stopping power" in their cartridges as the robbers were able to absorb many "hits" yet continue to fight and kill under heavy fire and 3) their kevlar vests were too thin to protect against high-powered rifles. The result was to eventually move to the .40mm semi-automatic hand-gun for agents and for each agent to carry an M-16 in the car and to acquire thicker body armor. Over-kill or not, these trends have a longer history than most seem to remember..

exhelodrvr1 said...

Good column

The Crack Emcee said...


"African-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force."

Give that man a prize!!!!!

The Crack Emcee said...

Police are the original "casually violent and dishonest" slave catchers.

Think that might have *something* to do with today's result?

How blacks look at them?

How their "job" has always appeared Un-American?

No, I guess you haven't,....

Brian Brown said...

AReasonableMan said...

I think a bigger problem was the hysterical over-reaction on the right to any police death as being a sign of the end of civilization


Um, how about you point us to say 2 actual examples of this?

The Crack Emcee said...


"Who is teaching black youth to behave aggressively towards the po-po?"

The po-po - is your hearing aid off again?

"They are guilty of the deaths of the black youth who do so and get injured or killed as a result."

"The history of slavery in Kentucky dates from the earliest permanent European settlements in the state until the end of the Civil War. Although Kentucky was generally classified as theUpper South or a Border state, rather than the Deep South, enslaved African Americans represented up to 25% of the population up to the Civil War, concentrated in the city of Louisvilleand the fertile Bluegrass Region, a center of tobacco and horse farms.".

Gee, Liz, do tell us more - from your perspective:


"Fight The Power doesn't work when the Power is heavily armed and has the backing of the State."

Slavery and it's results ("The Power") have never been short of white America's full-throated, and blood thirsty support, that's for sure,...

Brian Brown said...

"Who is teaching black youth to behave aggressively towards the po-po?"

The glorified inner city ghetto culture.

The good part of all of this is that the (predictable) result is Darwinian.

Note as a point of fact, more whites are killed in interactions with police than blacks.

Rusty said...

tds said...
one unsolicited observation:

african-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force.

Not entirely true. Some indentured white servants were sent to the colonies against their will. Not to mention the refuse from the London goals.

virgil xenophon said...

Many here have commented about the "evolved" modern police "attitude." I don't disagree, as I have been both subj to and witness to it myself. However one must ask; "How did this happen and why? Kentucky Liz, above puts her finger on it. There is today an irreducible sociocultural critical mass in urban centers of black males that are ABSOLUTELY immune to the blandishments of everything/anything that we call "Western Civilization"--be it education, general social comportment, respect for the law--you name it--hence the evolved "jaded" cynical reaction (en grosso mondo)to dealing with blacks by largely white police forces.

Now we may honestly argue over the historical reasons for this state of affairs (worthy of a post of its own) but imho in the final analysis external agents are largely powerless to fix these dysfunctional traits. In the end the black "community" will sink or swim on its own.
Now I know Crack has some strong views on this subj (some of with which I agree) but Crack, my friend, your explanations, many of which are true, are hardly sufficient en toto--but this argument is for a later day.

Anonymous said...

How about a compromise? Before opening up with the heavy weaponry, the constables have to say "Now then, now then, wot's all this then?" in a Welsh accent.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Who is teaching black youth to behave aggressively towards the po-po?"

The glorified inner city ghetto culture.

That's right, they did it. The fact that white supremacy has been the law of the land had absolutely nothing to do with it.

"The good part of all of this is that the (predictable) result is Darwinian."

Americans trapped by whites in ghettos are easy targets for predators of all kinds - simple.

"Note as a point of fact, more whites are killed in interactions with police than blacks."

Well, as you know, slave catchers have never been too careful,...

exhelodrvr1 said...

Agree. Unfortunately, there is a significant percentage of the black community that isn't really interested in being part of this society. Because of the media coverage, that may be viewed as disproportionately large, but in any case, the situation is going to continue to deteriorate until that underlying issue is addressed.

The Crack Emcee said...


african-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force.

Not entirely true.

Yeah - whites love avoiding the truth by escaping through specifics - you should've said:

african-americans are the only almost-entire ethnic group that was brought to US/and or bred by it, by force.

That leaves the specific white escape-clause out of it. Just like the part about how those white endentured servants became "white" and then started lording it over blacks in the North and South, too - that was left out - by accident, I'm sure.

Why whites are always looking for it is something they rarely ask themselves:

"You know, I would LOVE to help blacks and end the 400 year scourge of slavery and racism in America, but a few white indentured servants had it rough, too (until they, too, got lifted to the sacred spot and didn't) so - sorry - no can do."

Rusty's the Rand Paul of Althouse! Actually, you're all the Rand Paul of Althouse:

"Paul epitomizes the white conservative majority of today’s GOP: On the one hand, he clings to an ideology of moral superiority—in Paul’s case, based on his libertarian ideology; one the other hand, other people can clearly see the racial subtext to what he’s doing, even if he cannot—and that makes him really, really angry, not to mention unelectable at the presidential level."

Or any other level, as I've been telling you - and y'all have been insisting it's just racist ol' me:

The rest of us can clearly see who the racists are now.

You reveal it in your every utterance. Where you take a stand - and how. We are Americans. And America's history and culture - the vast majority of it - is in slavery and white supremacy. If you're an American, you can't hide who we are, even over time:

As Bush said - in the battle for black Civil Rights and justice - you're either with us or against us.

Not looking for excuses not to get involved,...

Pookie Number 2 said...

Think that might have *something* to do with today's result?

How blacks look at them?

Ever wonder whether the rampant inner-city violence that you persistently defend (because opposing it would 'betray' blacks) has anything to do with how people look at African Americans?

No, I guess you haven't,...

The Crack Emcee said...

virgil xenophon,

"I know Crack has some strong views on this subj (some of with which I agree) but Crack, my friend, your explanations, many of which are true, are hardly sufficient en toto--but this argument is for a later day."

Hey Virg,

Dude, did we not just see an entire town of blacks turn the violence on and off like a water spout?

The claim we're animals is as old as slavery itself.

White supremacy is the problem, has been the problem, and will be the problem as long as it lasts.

Just as you'd know under black supremacy.

Whites would do well to consider that as white supremacy loses power:

It'd be a shame for whites (to continue) to piss everybody off so much that becomes OUR goal,...

MadisonMan said...

At least in WI, Police no longer are supposed to investigate themselves when shootings happen.

It's a start.

The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"Ever wonder whether the rampant inner-city violence that you persistently defend (because opposing it would 'betray' blacks) has anything to do with how people look at African Americans?"

Actually, I have - they look at it ignorantly - without one reference to themselves and the white supremacist world THEY CREATED. No one else had the power. They had it all.

So whites made blacks slaves.

Whites pushed us into ghettos afterward.

Whites keep us poor - creating desperation we can't run from.

Whites judge us negatively from the expected results (see The Holocaust).

It's the American racist's WONDERFUL white feedback loop - makes 'em feel great to do it that way - rock-solid historical evidence be damned.

That's how they see it.

Delusional as FUCK,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"Ever wonder whether the rampant inner-city violence that you persistently defend (because opposing it would 'betray' blacks) has anything to do with how people look at African Americans?"

Actually, I have - they look at it ignorantly - without one reference to themselves and the white supremacist world THEY CREATED. No one else had the power. They had it all.

So whites made blacks slaves.

Whites pushed us into ghettos afterward.

Whites keep us poor - creating desperation we can't run from.

Whites judge us negatively from the expected results (see The Holocaust).

It's the American racist's WONDERFUL white feedback loop - makes 'em feel great to do it that way - rock-solid historical evidence be damned.

That's how they see it.

Delusional as FUCK,...

MarkW said...

"You haven't been paying attention...the Right has been talking about this issue for years."

Libertarians, yes. And some conservatives (apparently including Steyn). But there are still plenty of 'law-and-order' conservatives around. Ever heard of Joe Arapio? He doesn't seem to have much trouble getting re-elected, and the votes definitely aren't coming from the left.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Good article by Ross Douthat on this topic - Playing Soldier in the Suburbs. This is one area where there is considerable overlap between left and right on what is wrong even if there is no agreement on how we got here.

Pookie Number 2 said...

None of your points - neither the semi-valid points about slavery, nor the idiotic falsehoods about 'expected results' - have anything to do with the fact that you demonize any successful African American who suggests that you take responsibility for your own actions.

Because you actually don't want things to get better. You just want the excuses.

traditionalguy said...

Obviously the Feds are pre-positioning the Homeland Security Army equiptment caches to go with their four billion rounds of wad cutter 40 cal. ammo they have spent several years buying up.

Soros is getting ready, so the day the dollar dies is sooner than we think. The next month the food riots are scheduled.

And it will easily be blamed on a world crisis to stop Global Warming. That's how stupid delusional cartoons have made most of the people.

The Drill SGT said...

a set of random thoughts:

1. When I was growing up in rural Calif, a family friend was a CHP Officer. Unlike CHIPS, most CHP officers solo patrolled lonely stretches of rural roads. Our friend spoke of making night traffic stops of sketchy autos and approaching them with a drawn pistol hidden behind a clip board. As he described it, every once in a while, the guy with the tail light out was a fleeing felon...

2. The whole police militarization was initially a Democrat pork project to funnel Fed funds to big city mayors. Then the rural Congresscritters wanted their share as well...

BrianE said...

"Who is teaching black youth to behave aggressively towards the po-po?"

The glorified inner city ghetto culture.

"That's right, they did it. The fact that white supremacy has been the law of the land had absolutely nothing to do with it".- Crack Emcee

Are you absolving the violence and anarchy bathing the lyrics and attitudes in gangster rap?

Having read the a version of the incident leading up to the shooting, merely blaming 'white supremacy' as your go-to response, is merely reflexive and hyperbolic on your part.

We adopted a Liberian boy some years ago, and it became clear early on (since he told us so) his identity was the culture of gangster rap.

The fact that culture had no roots in Liberian culture and no white supremacy to blame for their circumstances, he still chose to identify with ghetto rap culture. Those became his heros.

Obviously he had psychological issues with the death of his parents during the second civil war and we tried to help him deal with that to the extent we were able (professional counseling).

Now it is true that not all the boys adopted that we know adopted this same identity, but many of them did.

I think it's tiresome for you to trot out your usual talking points and not recognize the problems in the black community don't all stem from the bad things white folks have done... unless you mean the devastating effects of the Great Society and the destruction of the black nuclear family.

Now having got that off my chest, I notice a lot of absolute statements by you... and me. Of course it's not one thing or even two things. It's easy to deal in hyperbole... since that's the easy way to "win" an argument on the internet.

But I've seen the effects of the worst elements of the black culture close up.

Drago said...

crack: "So whites made blacks slaves."


Crack doubles over backwards (I honestly didn't think he that much flexibility) to make sure he doesn't mention his muslim allies as the enslavers of blacks for over a millenia.

Crack is very very very very careful not to antogonize his muslim betters.

Crack knows his place.

And so do his muslim masters.

Congrats crack.

You might get your african slave girl quota from the muslims after all.

Just hang in there.

William said...

There was a black protester shot by another protestor at the demonstration in Ferguson. He's in critical condition in the hospital. That, in toto, was what was reported, and that's all I know.......If he had been shot by a cop that protester's mother would have been on television, and we would have learned what a bright, promising kid he was. There would have been many witnesses to the callous nature of the shooting and the protester's utter innocence,...,,.But, as it is, he had the bad luck to be shot by another protester. There will be no witnesses to his shooting. Perhaps his mother will mourn his injury, but her tears will not be recorded for television.......Why are the media and black community so indifferent to this shooting?

MayBee said...

The problem with having all the military gear is then they are going to want to use it.
The police already see us as a source of revenue or an irritation. They have little positive interaction with us any more. They already suffer few consequences when they shoot first and ask questions later.

I wish there were no racial aspect to this at all. There should have been riots after Kelly Thomas was beaten to death. I don't remember if Ta-nahesi Coates wrote sadly or angrily about that instance of police abuse. But it isn't just black men being killed by too-aggressive police.

jr565 said...

Mark Steyn I'm sure would say you have a right to own an AR15. And so, if you are a constable and have to deal with an armed populace, you should arm your constables at least as well. Since they are the ones enforcing the laws.

William said...

There was that Muslim attack in Mumbai and on the mall in Kenya, but that sort of thing could never happen here.

jr565 said...

""As for what's happened in the days since the shooting, I've written a lot in recent months about the appalling militarization of the police in America, and I don't have much to add."
The cop who shot Brown was not militarized. And the people who have dealt with crowd control have been decidedly soft in their approach. How many people injured by cops beating up the protesters for example?
So, why is there a call for demilitarization of cops since it's not really relevant to this issue.
Instapundit said recently that the cops shouldn't handle these type of things. Instead they should be handled by the National Guard. So an actual army should deal with riots? Seems pretty militarized to me.
He says "If you need to escalate to military-style enforcement, it’s better that it be done by another entity — the National Guard, say — that doesn’t have to stick around afterward and take the blame."
Which is true to a certain extent, but largely irrelevant. Since, protesters and media are not going to view the national guard presence as somehow less militaristic but even more so.
Once the tear gas starts flying does it matter who's shooting it? They're a military presense.

Paul said...

Just saw the newest 'First 48' where this guy who was suspected of shooting an 'grandmother' drug pusher 8 times (and a 4 year who seems to just have caught a stray bullet.)

The SWAT announced their presence, took 3 seconds, and then used a wench to rip off the gate, then a battering ram to crash in the door, and they then threw in a flash bang.

You know what? They guy was outside (they failed to notice) and duh... he was arrested.

Why didn't they just have a stake out of the house and arrest him when he left? Guess having 15 cops, armored car, SWAT, etc.. was just a quick, abet violent, way.

Yes there are to many SWAT teams, armored cars, and grenade charring cops around.

jr565 said...

William wrote:
There was a black protester shot by another protestor at the demonstration in Ferguson. He's in critical condition in the hospital. That, in toto, was what was reported, and that's all I know.......If he had been shot by a cop that protester's mother would have been on television, and we would have learned what a bright, promising kid he was. There would have been many witnesses to the callous nature of the shooting and the protester's utter innocence,...,,.But, as it is, he had the bad luck to be shot by another protester. There will be no witnesses to his shooting. Perhaps his mother will mourn his injury, but her tears will not be recorded for television.......Why are the media and black community so indifferent to this shooting?

No justice no peace! Oh wait, he wasn't shot by cop? Never mind.
You can be sure they won't riot over his shooting. since he doesn't serve the meme being pushed.

jr565 said...

Paul wrote:
You know what? They guy was outside (they failed to notice) and duh... he was arrested.

Why didn't they just have a stake out of the house and arrest him when he left? Guess having 15 cops, armored car, SWAT, etc.. was just a quick, abet violent, way.

So what if he wasn't outside and they needed the battering ram to get to him? Should swat be working on skeleton crew?

Paul said...

"There was that Muslim attack in Mumbai and on the mall in Kenya, but that sort of thing could never happen here."


There were cops at the Mumbai attack and they got killed. No CCW carriers due to their gun control either.

But tanks and SWAT won't stop no Mumbai attack as they will be in the cops armory, not at the point of attack. CCW is the answer to such as Mumbai, not SWAT or tanks.

Paul said...

"So what if he wasn't outside and they needed the battering ram to get to him? Should swat be working on skeleton crew? "


Like I said, stake out the house and arrest him when he comes out.

Just that simple.

Revenant said...

Steyn nails it, really.

When a cop orders you out of an area, you're not obeying him because the law says you have to. You're obeying him because he's a thug with a gun -- no different than some gang-banger ordering you off "his" corner.

Paul said...


Yes SOME Africans were kidnapped by OTHER African tribes and SOLD to slave traders who then shipped SOME to America (others were shipped to places like Jamaica.)

Alot of blacks have emigrated to American from Africa as well as Caribbean countries also.

Not every black is a great great grandchild of a slave on some plantation.

Do note, 1789, 5 of the Northern states had abolished slavery. Pennsylvania (1780), New Hampshire and Massachusetts (1783), Connecticut and Rhode Island (1784).

By 1804 all the other Northern states had abolished slavery: New York (1799), New Jersey (1804). Vermont abolished slavery in 1777.

So actually some states abolished slavery BEFORE England did (1833.)

And yet several BLACK countries in Africa still have slavery practiced. This is particularly true with the Arab slave trade.

There is far more black slavery now days than ever was in colonial America.

Anonymous said...

Wait, how did a post about, no-one-whiter-Canadian-emigré, Mark Steyn become another history lesson of the slave era, with Crack at the head of the class writing the words,"...white supremacy." WTF man, we have a Black president, a black Attorney General, and someone name Jeh, in charge of protecting our homeland. Face the fact that blacks, including you Crack, are angry because your story is one of subjugation not one of having risen above life's challenges.

Revenant said...

Guys, this isn't a black vs. white thing, even if Crack's predictable narcissism has reduced the conversation to those lines yet again. This is a free state vs. police state thing. It is a question of whether you're obligated to obey the government because it is enforcing a just law, or whether you're obligated to obey the government, full stop.

Quaestor said...

Many thanks to Mark Steyn and to Althouse for the link. Steyn's commentary is the best digest of the problem I've read. Not only has he pointed out the obvious -- military weaponry and military uniforms -- Steyn correctly identifies the root of the problem which is police culture.

Take a look at this. Nice sentiment, isn't it?

How about this little number? Charming, no?

Nice bow-wow. Good Doggy.

No matter how small your Podunk village PD is, you too can have a totenkoph logo for your very own.

Another nice one, this time for the county boys.

I suppose there's little need to point out the recurring themes of these tee-shirt designs. Maybe I just being mental here, but the display of skulls remind me of this.

I notice that Rand Paul has identified militarized police culture as a threat to civil society. No word from the Hildebeast on the subject as of yet, she's too busy making an ass of herself in Las Vegas, demanding presidential treatment. Never mind her politics, whatever they are, the woman is TOO GODDAMNED STUPID to be president.

Meanwhile, Rand Paul is in Central America performing cataract surgery for the poor. He's been doing this kind of pro bono work for a decade or more, so it's not just for the visuals, though nice and beautifully timed they may well be .

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Revenant said...
When a cop orders you out of an area, you're not obeying him because the law says you have to. You're obeying him because he's a thug with a gun -- no different than some gang-banger ordering you off "his" corner.

Steyn and most people who grew up or spent considerable time in other Anglo countries know that our current relationship with the police is not the only possible relationship. The image of the British bobby as part of the community rather than a member of an occupying force is a strong ideal in these countries, albeit regularly breached.

Quaestor said...

Mark Steyn I'm sure would say you have a right to own an AR15. And so, if you are a constable and have to deal with an armed populace, you should arm your constables at least as well. Since they are the ones enforcing the laws.

Is it a waste of time to mention that the populace does not have armored vehicles or fully automatic weapons, nor does the populace enjoy a license to kill? If the citizen-at-large was truly on an equal footing vis-à-vis the police and the use of deadly force, then jr565 might have a point worth making.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Quaestor said...
Is it a waste of time to mention that the populace does not have armored vehicles or fully automatic weapons, nor does the populace enjoy a license to kill? If the citizen-at-large was truly on an equal footing vis-à-vis the police and the use of deadly force, then jr565 might have a point worth making.

This is one of the more illogical aspects of the more guns everywhere crowd. One of their primary rationales is that an armed populace creates a brake on the behavior of authoritarian police forces. But, as the present results demonstrate, all it really does is create an arms race, providing the cops with a not completely insane rationale to further ramp up police armaments. You can't beat city hall with guns. Gandhi and MLK showed that there are other more effective strategies to deal with state overreach, if it is necessary to go beyond the ballot box.

Quaestor said...

Lars Porsena wrote: If you don't like the 'look' or 'feel' of the police you are a leftoid.

That's one hellava fool-proof litmus test, you've got there, Lars.

Quaestor said...

This is one of the more illogical aspects of the more guns everywhere crowd...

I am soooo chastised. I didn't realize Washington trained his followers in the arts of non-violent resistance. That Valley Forge thing was one heck of a massive hunger strike.

And the Jews saved themselves from the Nazis by following Gandhi...

And the Parisians saved their city from destruction by marching arm-in-arm sing "Kumbaya" (in French of course)

And lets' not forget how the Bosnian Muslims saved the situation in Sarajevo -- wasn't that one memorable sit-in?

And that Arab/Israeli thing...

Oh what's the use... Some people have no concept of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the purpose of the Second Amendment.

Quaestor said...

You can't beat city hall with guns.


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Quaestor said...
I am soooo chastised

Chastened. Chastened is the word you are looking for. And, it was not my intention to either chasten or chastise anyone but simply address logical inconsistencies. Speaking of which, all the examples you gave were examples of military not police actions.

Twelve said...

The military costumes, weapons, and attitudes are being misused every day in trivial police operations. Once in possession of shiny new toys it is inevitable that police will seize any reason to use them, trivial or otherwise, which guarantees that they will misuse them.

Is the distribution of military equipment, then, for trivial purposes? I think not. If the ruling class turns police into an occupying army it's because they think they might need an occupying army.

The federalized, militarized police will shoot whomever they're ordered to shoot. Without question or qualm. There are fewer who would hesitate serving every day. Soon there will be none.

When we see them serving penny-ante search warrants in masked and armored squads, flinging flash grenades and kicking doors in, shaking with eagerness to be the first to shoot the dogs - so thrilling is the chance to pull the trigger - they're just practicing. Sharpening up. Lowering their already minimal inhibitions. Solidifying their group identity. Becoming what they look like; an army. The real action is yet to come.

n.n said...

The principal issue was the consequence of a single officer confronting an aggressive suspect in an unmatched weight class.

The concern about militarization of the police is cost and consequence. It is not militarization per se, and it is a distraction from the actual event.

This detour is remarkably reminiscent of efforts to ensure that only government agents and criminals have a right to be armed, thereby denying law-abiding members of society (i.e. first-responders) an effective means for self-defense.

Robert Cook said...

"The right has been concerned about this for a long time. There have been articles about Homeland Security buying ammunition and teaching police that the Tea Party is a source of terrorism. The left just noticed. That's all."

No, you've just noticed "the left" is concerned about this, that's all.

John henry said...

I've been a fan of Steyn for a long, mid-90s or earlier.

He has always struck me as more libertarian than conservative.

He's written a lot about police abuse over the years, including militarization. It's nothing new

John Henry

John henry said...


Wrong about African Americans.

Many English were brought to America by force. What is now Georgia started as a penal colony. They were treated here much the same as blacks were. Perhaps worse, since they represented an ongoing expense (getting them here, feeding and houseing them etc) where slaves were a capital asset.

One of the effects of the 1776 revolution/civil war was that England had no more place to "transport" their undesirables and criminals. This led to Australia.

Read about the conditions on the transport ships sometime. Every bit as bad as the slave ships except that the white prisoners were kept chained for longer periods and were more likely to die.

John Henry

Rusty said...

l. There's that whole "presumption of authority" thing.

You know. Sometimes the police are there to protect you.

Rusty said...

r four billion rounds of wad cutter 40 cal. ammo t

Target loads.
For a minute there I was worried they ordered hollow points.

Drago said...

ARM: "Gandhi and MLK showed that there are other more effective strategies to deal with state overreach, if it is necessary to go beyond the ballot box."

All Gandhi and MLK showed is that there are other more effective strategies to deal with state overreach IF the state in question is a western state.

These non-violent protest strategies would be laughably ineffective in any of your average, run of the mill leftist totalitarian "paradises".

Drago said...

Cook: "No, you've just noticed "the left" is concerned about this, that's all."

Cookie tries the "oh yeah?!, nuh uh...." rhetorical tactic.

As effective as his conspiracy theories as you might have guessed.

Rusty said...

RM said'
"This is one of the more illogical aspects of the more guns everywhere crowd. One of their primary rationales is that an armed populace creates a brake on the behavior of authoritarian police forces"

No. it's a brake to an overreaching Democrat party. Why do you think the left wants to ban guns?
But , honestly with 300,000,000 firearms in the hands of 100,000,000 people, just what the hell are you going to do?
Because if just one half of one percent decide they're going to get together to stop you,........well, there just isn't enough Homeland Security.

John henry said...

Paul said:

Yes SOME Africans were kidnapped by OTHER African tribes and SOLD to slave traders who then shipped SOME to America (others were shipped to places like Jamaica.)

More than "some". More like 100 million over the thousand years ending in 1900.

And they were not captured by Arabs. They were captured by other blacks. Sometimes from different tribes, sometimes from their same tribe. They were brought to trading posts run by Arabs and sold. The Arabs then exported them. About 1 million came to the US. About 10 million went to South America (primarily Brazil) and the Caribbean.

The rest were sold to Arabs, Egyptions, Turks, Iranians/Persions, India and so on.

If we are going to talk about slavery, it is important to get some of the basic facts right.

John Henry

John henry said...

I don't have a problem with police having access to an AR-15. I thought it had always been somewhat standard for police to have a long gun, such as a shotgun, in the patrol car. It was standard in Fairfax County in the 60's.

I do have a problem with them routinely carrying them.

While I think the police should be taught not to fuck with us average citizens, it runs both ways.

We need to be taught not to fuck with the police. When you approach a cop, he has no idea who you are. S/he is right to be a bit nervous. Don't make it any worse on him or her. Don't get in their face, remain calm and most importantly keep your hands in plain sight.

The above would still apply if all cops were angels.

John Henry

The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"None of your points - neither the semi-valid points about slavery, nor the idiotic falsehoods about 'expected results' - have anything to do with the fact that you demonize any successful African American who suggests that you take responsibility for your own actions."

Because it's a bullshit answer. Pulling up your pants doesn't stop Driving While Black.

Having a father still got Trayvon killed.

Being innocent still got Henry Davis' skull cracked.

Now - if that's the result of responsibility - why don't we try fighting white supremacy (as represented by what you believe) and see what kind of results we get? Oh yeah:

Because whites will feel bad.

"You actually don't want things to get better. You just want the excuses."

Like I said - these are the ugly results of white supremacy you're criticizing - has to be:

No one else - no one in the history of this country - has EVER been in charge.

I'll put "Pookie Number 2" down for voting whites are also lousy managers,...

Hagar said...

AR-15s are not such a problem, nor even M-16s, though they sshould mostly stay in the cars.

M-60s are a problem, not to mention M-2s on armored personnel carriers. There is no reason for civilian police forces to have those.

Paul said...

Hey crack,

What about black supremacy?

You know all those tinpot dictators in Africa that pretty much enslave their own people. They enslave them, sell them, murder them, etc... even now.

Guess you don't care about that, right?

Nor their brethren hundreds of years ago that sold them into slavery.

For some reason you think white folk invented slavery, or even perfected it, but no, it's been around since man walked on two legs.

And blacks have done quite a bit of it, if not the majority of it.

Robert Cook said...

"Ten years ago, the police in my small town were dominated by bullies."

My younger brother lives in a small southern community, (where I also grew up). He says that many of the police officers there are kids he has known since first grade, and they are the ones who were bullies and bad kids all through school.

It's almost axiomatic: just as jobs that involve extensive contact with children will draw pedophiles to those jobs--which is not to say that most people in such jobs are pedophiles--jobs that include ample opportunities to engage in confrontations with others, to assert authority and exert power over others, including the use of force, will draw bullies and others with aggressive, even violent tendencies to those jobs.

Another brother was a member of federal law enforcement for years, but he's retired now. He is not a violent or aggressive person, but he does have a tendency to "black/white" thinking as regards the law and lawbreakers. For example, when I have challenged him on the use of battering rams to smash in doors in effecting "no knock" search warrants, he says that the element of surprise prevents those inside from destroying evidence of their alleged crimes.

Well, this presupposes what the search is supposed to ascertain: that there is contraband material inside for the residents to attempt to destroy. Also, it values the successful discovery and capture of contraband material over the right of the citizens inside to be secure in their property and effects, to the point where, rather than come to the door and knock, a violent home intrusion is effected by means of smashing open the door.

My brother doesn't seem to get that it is a worse thing for society for violent home invasions by the authorities to become a norm, just standard procedure, than for suspected criminals having a few minutes head start to try to destroy or hide evidence of their crimes.

Hyphenated American said...

So whites made blacks slaves.

Whites pushed us into ghettos afterward.

Whites keep us poor - creating desperation we can't run from."

No. The whites purchased those black slaves from black slavers in Africa and later freed them.

Most minorities tend to live close to their win people. Notice the Russian communities, Italian, Jewish, Chinese, Mexican. A lot of blacks in America live in government subsidized housing, and they are free to live them, but they need to stop being lazy bums and get jobs, which is beyond th capability of people like crack,
Oh, and one more thing, poor people from all over the world come to America and prosper, people of all colors, ethnicities and religion. The reason why people like crack fail in America is due to low iq, laziness and criminality. crack knows this! but he would never concede that his problems are due to his own drawbacks! and have nothing to do with Jews, whites, Asians and the like.

Crack, it's your fault you are a failure, not mine. Stand up and become a man, stop being a lazy bum.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Because it's a bullshit answer. Pulling up your pants doesn't stop Driving While Black.

Having a father still got Trayvon killed.

No. Pounding some guys head into the pavement got Trayvon killed. Having no chance at an intact family probably contributed to Trayvon thinking that what he was doing was tough, instead of idiotic.

Now - if that's the result of responsibility - why don't we try fighting white supremacy (as represented by what you believe) and see what kind of results we get.

Again, your extensive stupidity is what leads you to think that Trayvon being all 'gangsta' and Michael "shop-lifting" Brown were being 'responsible'. Until you open your shriveled, uninformed, hate-filled mind to the possibility that blacks don't have to live like that, you'll get the results you have now. You'll be a loser, thousands of young teenage men will kill each other, and Al Sharpton will take your money and laugh at you.

You, and the White Supremacists, don't think blacks can do any better. I disagree.

jr565 said...

Paul wrote:
Just saw the newest 'First 48' where this guy who was suspected of shooting an 'grandmother' drug pusher 8 times (and a 4 year who seems to just have caught a stray bullet.)

The SWAT announced their presence, took 3 seconds, and then used a wench to rip off the gate, then a battering ram to crash in the door, and they then threw in a flash bang.

You know what? They guy was outside (they failed to notice) and duh... he was arrested.

Why didn't they just have a stake out of the house and arrest him when he left? Guess having 15 cops, armored car, SWAT, etc.. was just a quick, abet violent, way.

Yes there are to many SWAT teams, armored cars, and grenade charring cops around.

if they stake out his house and he realizes they are there he can hole himself up, take hostages fire out the window WTC. And if you say instead of swat they should stake out his house, what is the force you say they should stake out his house with? How do you know thst will be enough? What if he has buddies or fsmily members in the house? What if he isn't planning on leaving for a while? You don't want 15 cops. Well how about 2 cops. What if two cops isn't enough?

What you're saying is spoken in hindsight and only really applies to the one case. There may be plenty of other cases where 15 squat members are needed.

jr565 said...

Paul wrote:
Just saw the newest 'First 48' where this guy who was suspected of shooting an 'grandmother' drug pusher 8 times (and a 4 year who seems to just have caught a stray bullet.)

The SWAT announced their presence, took 3 seconds, and then used a wench to rip off the gate, then a battering ram to crash in the door, and they then threw in a flash bang.

You know what? They guy was outside (they failed to notice) and duh... he was arrested.

Why didn't they just have a stake out of the house and arrest him when he left? Guess having 15 cops, armored car, SWAT, etc.. was just a quick, abet violent, way.

Yes there are to many SWAT teams, armored cars, and grenade charring cops around.

if they stake out his house and he realizes they are there he can hole himself up, take hostages fire out the window WTC. And if you say instead of swat they should stake out his house, what is the force you say they should stake out his house with? How do you know thst will be enough? What if he has buddies or fsmily members in the house? What if he isn't planning on leaving for a while? You don't want 15 cops. Well how about 2 cops. What if two cops isn't enough?

What you're saying is spoken in hindsight and only really applies to the one case. There may be plenty of other cases where 15 squat members are needed.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Are you absolving the violence and anarchy bathing the lyrics and attitudes in gangster rap?"

I'm listening to Gangsta Rap right now - with no desire to rob, rape, or take advantage of a soul. Watching movies like Scarface, Goodfellas, etc., has the same effect. It's weird.

"Having read the a version of the incident leading up to the shooting, merely blaming 'white supremacy' as your go-to response, is merely reflexive and hyperbolic on your part."

Let's see - whites set up a system that benefits them, exclusively, for hundreds of years - and under threat of death.

Then they lose it in the war - and renege on every promise they made to blacks in only 12 years - being tired and pissed because people died.

Jim Crow is established for 100 years - also under threat of death.

Malcolm - dead.

Martin - dead.

Too many others to mention - dead.

Fast forward to a black kid's dead body laying in the street for four hours.

Whites think we should act like citizens now, as they have through all of this,...that they established and had total control over - and also take the blame for it.

Yeah, I can see how that would look - after hundreds of years - as "reflexive and hyperbolic".

The Crack Emcee said...

"We adopted a Liberian boy some years ago, and it became clear early on (since he told us so) his identity was the culture of gangster rap."

Good for him - lots of good stuff in there for a black boy to understand and survive.

"The fact that culture had no roots in Liberian culture and no white supremacy to blame for their circumstances, he still chose to identify with ghetto rap culture."

Wait - you did say you adopted him, didn't you? And are you implying Hip-Hop - now a world-wide culture - has no relevance beyond America's insanity?

That would be a very-wrong assumption.

"Those became his heros."

Al Capone, Bonnie & Clyde, Dillinger - America's not immune from this phenomena - they're kids.

As the adult, you're supposed to add this thing called "guidance" to their experience.

"Obviously he had psychological issues with the death of his parents during the second civil war and we tried to help him deal with that to the extent we were able (professional counseling)."

That makes more sense. And you can help him, but not by trying to talk him out of his experience - by adding to it.

"Now it is true that not all the boys adopted that we know adopted this same identity, but many of them did."

As would be expected. As I would anyway.

"I think it's tiresome for you to trot out your usual talking points and not recognize the problems in the black community don't all stem from the bad things white folks have done..."

Jesus Christ, Man, you diverted this discussion all the way to Africa - a continent black Americans have never been - to try and make a statement about how whites behave here and our feelings about it?

Give the kid back to Liberia - you'll do him further harm.

"Unless you mean the devastating effects of the Great Society and the destruction of the black nuclear family."

Oh Jeez - a conservative nutcase with a black kid - it's fucking hopeless.

He's going to kill you in your sleep one day.

How can the Great Society have destroy a black family whites had already sold all over the place, over and over during slavery, for hundreds of years?

When are you going to stop playing your petty partisan games and realize - especially now that you've got a black kid - the damage whites had was done was accomplished looooong before Roosevelt OR Johnson were even born?

"Now having got that off my chest, I notice a lot of absolute statements by you... and me. Of course it's not one thing or even two things. It's easy to deal in hyperbole... since that's the easy way to "win" an argument on the internet."

You deal in hyperbole - I deal in going to funerals.

"I've seen the effects of the worst elements of the black culture close up."

But refuse to blame a single white person for what they designed - exclusively:


Like I said, good luck with the kid - you're gonna need it,...

Gospace said...

Some of my Scottish ancestors were forcibly transported to Prince Edward Island, others to Georgia during the Scottish diaspora when the English decided to break the clan system. A good portion of Georgia was populated by prsisoners forcibly transferred to that penal colony.

It is interesting to note that virtually all white in Australia today are descended from convicts that were forcibly transported there. There is no history of African slavery in Australia. Yet, the crime rate among African descended people in Australia is higher then the crime rate among whites descended from criminals.

jr565 said...

crack wrote:

Having a father still got Trayvon killed.

Being innocent still got Henry Davis' skull cracked.

being innocent still got Reginald Denny's skull cracked in too. he was guilty of driving while white.

And one of the protestesters got shot by another protester. He will get no justice, because unless there's a meme to be pushed, black leaders don't really give a crap.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Robert Cook said...
My younger brother lives in a small southern community, (where I also grew up). He says that many of the police officers there are kids he has known since first grade, and they are the ones who were bullies and bad kids all through school.

As one of the 'bad' kids it was something of a surprise to see several of my colleagues head off to law enforcement at the end of school. Their reasons were not unrelated to the opportunities presented by the illegal drug trade.

The Crack Emcee said...


"There is far more black slavery now days than ever was in colonial America."

Keep your eye on Africa, white people:

And keep insisting slavery, within a culture, is the same as slavery from outside of it, too - like Michael Brown's criminality, that's sure to be a "game changer."

American blacks will just look at Africa - a place whites made sure we have absolutely no connection to or recollection of - and forget what they've done to us here, before and all the way up to as I write this.

Great plan,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Crack doubles over backwards (I honestly didn't think he that much flexibility) to make sure he doesn't mention his muslim allies as the enslavers of blacks for over a millenia."

My last post should tell you how stupid Drago always sounds to me.

I wish he'd try his usual tactics in person with blacks so he could persoanaly see how much we agree with his perspective.

Hyphenated American said...

"American blacks will just look at Africa - a place whites made sure we have absolutely no connection to or recollection of - and forget what they've done to us here, before and all the way up to as I write this."

I can see that crack still refuses to concede that it were not white people who enslaved his patents, but his fellow blacks in Africa. Because if he does, he would need to concede that his problems are the result of his own doing, not the fault of Jews, whites or Asians.

JD said...

Mr. Crack Emcee,
I've noticed the same thing about this Drago. One of the most ignorant commenters on this blog. Does he have no life? It seems like all he does is post comments on this blog's comment section.

Hyphenated American said...

"And keep insisting slavery, within a culture, is the same as slavery from outside of it, too - like Michael Brown's criminality, that's sure to be a "game changer."

But slavery was brought to America from Africa. American slavery is essentially African culture, not the white man's invention.

Cedarford said...

tds said...
one unsolicited observation:

african-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force.

A rebutting observation:

And for 150 years they have been free to leave whenever they felt like it if they don't want America and for many the Goodies they get for free.

Yet they don't.
Who said blacks are completely stupid???

And of course since the end of slavery, particularly after Teddy, the Jews, and Catholic Church gave us mass immigration post 1965 - millions of Caribbean blacks like Eric Holder, and African blacks have voluntarily come here.

Cedarford said...

tds said...
one unsolicited observation:

african-americans are the only ethnic group that has been brought to US by force.

A rebutting observation:

And for 150 years they have been free to leave whenever they felt like it if they don't want America and for many the Goodies they get for free.

Yet they don't.
Who said blacks are completely stupid???

And of course since the end of slavery, particularly after Teddy, the Jews, and Catholic Church gave us mass immigration post 1965 - millions of Caribbean blacks like Eric Holder, and African blacks have voluntarily come here.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Wait, how did a post about, no-one-whiter-Canadian-emigré, Mark Steyn become another history lesson of the slave era, with Crack at the head of the class writing the words,"...white supremacy.""

I showed up - that usually does it.

"WTF man, we have a Black president, a black Attorney General, and someone name Jeh, in charge of protecting our homeland."

True, but they're also the FIRST of any of those things, so - if you think a mere 6 years of black leadership in the face of white racism will solve 400 years of white-made problems, well - you know something I don't.

Actually, you're insane. Yep. One black man fixing America would be an impossibility, but you're presenting it as though it were something that was possible - and a failure because it didn't happen -which is unbelievably crazy.

Or racistly cynical - I'll let you choose.

"Face the fact that blacks, including you Crack, are angry because your story is one of subjugation not one of having risen above life's challenges."

I'm not agreeing with you - killing us, alone, tends to piss us off so there's some wriggle room - but, if you're right, you think we should be "celebrating" our subjugation?

That's another impossibility - not good.

Please consult a doctor - and don't adopt any black kids until you do,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Hey crack,

What about black supremacy?

You know all those tinpot dictators in Africa,..."

Distraction. Diversion. Squirrel!

I thought a white education would've given you guys better tools to work with,..,...

Hyphenated American said...

Crack, explain why poor from all over the world, of all colors and ethnicities come to America and become successful, and yet American-born blacks like you cannot get out of government funded houses and get jobs?

Somehow, "white supremacy" affects you, but not everyone else, right?

Hyphenated American said...

"You know all those tinpot dictators in Africa,..."

Distraction. Diversion. Squirrel!"

Crack, problem is, people like you fail even when they never lived in America and never saw a white man.
Logically, it means that the white man is not the root cause, right?

Robert Cook said...

"It is interesting to note that virtually all white in Australia today are descended from convicts that were forcibly transported there. There is no history of African slavery in Australia. Yet, the crime rate among African descended people in Australia is higher then the crime rate among whites descended from criminals."

Is it possible this is related to the woeful treatment of the Australian aboriginal people by the whites who colonized the continent? This woeful treatment is not merely historical but continues in the present day.

Hyphenated American said...

Cook, are you saying that black crime rate is high because aboriginals were oppressed in Australia 100 years ago?

The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"Pounding some guys head into the pavement got Trayvon killed."

But he had a father - which whites said would prevent that. What's next? He didn't have a PERFECT father, right?

You're idiots - your beliefs are nonsense.

"Having no chance at an intact family probably contributed to Trayvon thinking that what he was doing was tough, instead of idiotic."

What did I tell you? Now a father isn't enough - he also has to have an intact family unit. Next - a PERFECT intact family unit.

And so it goes - anything but whites fucked up in trying to create a nation from other's misery.

"Your extensive stupidity is what leads you to think that Trayvon being all 'gangsta' and Michael "shop-lifting" Brown were being 'responsible'."

Never said they were - I said they don't have to be.

"Until you open your shriveled, uninformed, hate-filled mind to the possibility that blacks don't have to live like that, you'll get the results you have now."

Whites killed MLK - America's ultimate man of peace - how should we be living again?

"You'll be a loser, thousands of young teenage men will kill each other, and Al Sharpton will take your money and laugh at you."

Yep, that's what Al Sharpton does, going from one funeral to another, partying his ASS off.

Meanwhile, YOU are nowhere to be found, claiming whites care so much more.

And then you wonder why blacks don't buy it.


"You, and the White Supremacists, don't think blacks can do any better. I disagree."

Oh, I know we can do better - I'm watching millionaires creating themselves before they reach 30 - but it only seems to happen when conditions are such that we can get whites out of our way.

You know, so we can make that music, they swear is "not music"

Or play the sports they swore we had no agility in.

Science? Neal deGrasse Tyson talks a lot about whites discouraging him.

How many whites try to discourage me, here, daily?

About Civil Rights?

About my music?

About my friendship with Ann & Meade?


If a white person didn't think of it, it's wrong.

But y'all had no effect on blacks with all that, right?

Jesus, it must be devastating to be THAT stupid,..

Robert Cook said...

Hypenated American:

They're poorly treated even today.

Hyphenated American said...

Cook. Are they treated worse than whites and Adan's in America, who face open discrimination in university admissions and jobs?

Alan said...

The libertarians and it appears most of the legal community are cynically misreading and exploiting what is really a jurisdictional circle jerk down in Missouri for their own purposes. First of all this situation is way beyond the control of a PD of 50 officers. Secondly, this type of situation should be managed by the mayor and he is either AWOL or of no interest to the press. This led to a vacuum of leadership into which various interests have stepped. We have had several cops in our family including one brutally slain on duty. I dont think there is anything systemically wrong with policing in our country. It is constitutionally under local control and it is up to mayors and city councils to set the tone. If you want to see an example of the type of relaxed policing mr Steyn seems to yearn for look no further than Chicago.

John henry said...


Wasn't Malcolm X killed by a black man?

All those millions of others you mention: How many were killed by whites?

Weren't the majority killed by other blacks?

John Henry

The Crack Emcee said...


"A rebutting observation:

And for 150 years they have been free to leave whenever they felt like it if they don't want America and for many the Goodies they get for free.

Yet they don't"

That's not a "rebutting observation" - it's a butthole talking:

Leave for where, Ceder? Africa? We don't know Africa - we were brought here for brainwashing, remember?

You guys really do talk like idiots.

And it's obvious y'all NEVER talk to blacks because you can only say such stupid shit around whites:

They're the only ones ignorant enough let you say it in peace. That's where you fuck up:

You try your lines on other whites - or hear Rand Paul say something to other whites - and you think (since no white has a rebuttal) it's a winning argument.

Then you meet a black and get told what an idiot you are.

Hey - remember when Rand Paul went to a black college and tried to tell them history - and got eaten for lunch?

He's your leader.

He's all y'all - you can't hide it - all you need is a few knowledgable blacks around.

A laugh RIOT,...

Robert Cook said...

Are Australian aborigines treated worse than American whites who "face open discrimination in university admissions and jobs"(sic)???


I don't what know "Adan's" refers to.

John henry said...

Hey Crack,

Completely off topic but I went to the SoundCloud link you posted.

Raise your Game seems pretty good to me. Got it playing now.

Is there a way to download an MP3 of it? I seldom listen to music on my computer but would like to listen in the car.

John Henry

The Crack Emcee said...

"I learned something, that everybody there knows. I was told that in no uncertain terms."

Rand Paul, at Howard University

This statement is why whites avoid blacks, black history, and anything that has to do with American slavery.

Eric Holder calling them "cowards" for trying to avoid so little is accurate,...

Hyphenated American said...

Crack, tens of millions of people came to America, to a foreign country, and yet, you say, blacks cannot immigrate to Africa? Are you saying American blacks are unusually stupid?

Cedarford said...

Kelly said...
The Boston bombing was when I first noticed this as an issue. All that fire power and military gear and who found the bomber?? An average citizen that had been told not to leave the house, but did so anyway to check on his beloved boat.

Yes, that was pretty creepy. I remember an image of about 14 armored Heroes Who Serve!!! riding in and on the edge of a huge armored personnel carrier - all dressed as Robocops -ready to bring the unarmed fleeing terrorist to "justice".

We have come a long way from the orchestrated love and worship of all things military and cop and those "keeping us all safe" in our phone calls, airports....since 9/11.
The day of the filthy Neocons is also just about over. The smart ones have moved on to new avenues to seek power and wealth like the Tea Party, Green movement. The dumb ones like McCain still beg for new wars

Of course, all this newfound dislike of robocops and militarized forces invading homes in armed raids, shooting people and dogs on whim and with a measure of impunity until the next Morrow Office Building happens...and ordering us all about? It forces us to confront how Iraqis and Afghans see the invading robocops there to "help them" with the necessary change in their "bad traditional Islamic culture and civilization."

It forces some Americans to rethink the whole nation building garbage and tenents of the odious Neocons they were suckered into supporting.

Cedarford said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hyphenated American said...

"This statement is why whites avoid blacks, black history, and anything that has to do with American slavery."

Amazingly, crack refuses to discuss the root cause of slavery in America- the blacks enslaving blacks in Africa and selling them to America at low cost.

Hyphenated American said...

Robert, do you deny that universities openly discriminate against whites and Asians?

Pookie Number 2 said...

But he had a father - which whites said would prevent that. What's next? He didn't have a PERFECT father, right?

It's often so hard to distinguish between your idiocy and your ignorance, but I'm happy to try.

A minimally responsible father would not have brought Trayvon up as an avid admirer of thug culture.

You have convinced yourself that the barest minimum of parental contribution is beyond the capabilities of blacks. Every white supremacist in the world agrees wholeheartedly, and I'm sure they're happy to have your support.

I'm sure living a responsible life is, in fact, beyond your personal capabilities, and you're certainly dumb enough to think that everyone that looks like you is subject to your mental limitations, but it's just not true.

And while your incompetence may mean that you personally can only succeed if "whites get out of (y)our way", most blacks can handle the competition just fine. All they need to do is get educated and put in some effort. I suspect they will once they throw off the losers like Sharpton that pretend to care, and they'll probably even throw a few pennies in your beggar's cup as they do so.

Hyphenated American said...

Crack, speaking of "cowards", why are you scared to concede that black slavery is the product of Africa and African slavers, not white people?

The Crack Emcee said...


"Wasn't Malcolm X killed by a black man?"

Yeah, with the FBI pulling the strings - why do you guys do this to yourselves?

Weren't the tapes of MLK's sex life enough to tell you I'd laugh at your Snowden fears?

Oooh - they have my meta data!

White people are foolish beyond belief,...

Hyphenated American said...

"Yeah, with the FBI pulling the strings - why do you guys do this to yourselves?"

Yes, stupid black people following white FBI....
That's what crack thinks. Even though blacks killing each other is a norm....

Pookie Number 2 said...

How many whites try to discourage me, here, daily?

Very few. You come across as a dishonest incompetent loser. Some try to educate you, and some people mock you. But when people 'try to discourage' you, it's simply because you have nothing intelligent to contribute, and it makes Althouse's blog less useful.

About Civil Rights?

You mean when you pretend that nothing has changed, and that you're committed to bitching an moaning until some arbitrary number of years passes?

About my music?

I have no idea. The fact that you're stupid and dishonest probably has no effect on your musical abilities.

About my friendship with Ann & Meade?

I don't think anyone cares. Based on how often Althouse ignores her own standards when you start your spittle-flecked ranting, I imagine that they view you more as a charity case than as a friend, but I could be wrong. Either way, not my issue.

If a white person didn't think of it, it's wrong.

This, from the guy who thinks that Ben Carson and Bill Cosby and Clarence Thomas 'betrayed' blacks by not pulling the Sharpton shtick of fake outrage whenever the cameras are rolling.

But y'all had no effect on blacks with all that, right?

Well, not on lazy incompetents that only want to whine. But most blacks aren't like that, and the whiners can't be helped anyhow.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Hey Crack,

Completely off topic but I went to the SoundCloud link you posted."


"Raise your Game seems pretty good to me. Got it playing now."

It's coming along - years in the making now. My "Poison Opera".

"Is there a way to download an MP3 of it? I seldom listen to music on my computer but would like to listen in the car. "

The button's fixed - it's all yours.

Enjoy, John Henry - really:

I'm happy you're hearing it,...

Drago said...

crack: "I thought a white education would've given you guys better tools to work with,..,.."


Says the blacks who believe that adding a few people to an island will cause it to tip over!!

(Channeling Ron Burgundy's voice): "It's black science"


Hyphenated American said...

"How many whites try to discourage me, here, daily?"

Most of white people here are trying to encourage you to think for yourself, instead of stupidly repeating anti-white propaganda. It's not working yet.

Drago said...

Hyphenated American said...
Crack, tens of millions of people came to America, to a foreign country, and yet, you say, blacks cannot immigrate to Africa? Are you saying American blacks are unusually stupid?

That's what the blacks who emigrated to America in recent decades believe.

That American blacks are unusually stupid, and lazy.

Unfortunately, crack only proves out that belief which is unfortunate considering how many blacks struggle mightily to overcome the crack-induced perception.

This cannot be fixed.

Paul said...

"Distraction. Diversion. Squirrel!"

Just facts crack. You seem to be the master of 'oh look, squirrel'.

Blacks done as much slavery as anyone else, and even now do to alot, so I really don't give a S*it for your white guilt plans for all us whites. Plenty of black guilt out there.


Sure there are times a 15 person SWAT team is needed, but SWAT is now called out for just about any situation, and mostly it's not needed.

Drago said...

crack: "How many whites try to discourage me, here, daily?"

Note to self: refusing to accept insane black guy rantings qualifies as attempted discouragement.

Crack, which white guy told you that?

The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"A minimally responsible father would not have brought Trayvon up as an avid admirer of thug culture."

Oh - so now his father talked him into it. Will your stupidity never end?

"You have convinced yourself that the barest minimum of parental contribution is beyond the capabilities of blacks."

And you have convinced yourself you know more about blacks than blacks - which sounds more crazy?

"Every white supremacist in the world agrees wholeheartedly, and I'm sure they're happy to have your support."

They are so good at talking their kids out of that culture, huh?

"I'm sure living a responsible life is, in fact, beyond your personal capabilities, and you're certainly dumb enough to think that everyone that looks like you is subject to your mental limitations, but it's just not true."

Maya Angelou was my babysitter. Eubie Blake played at my house, regularly. Ike and Tina Turner came over for parties. Billy Eckstine competed with my neighbor. My step-father is The World's Greatest bass player and made an album with Duke Ellington.

I was raised by slaves.

But you go on, telling me what I know about my people, and our limitations, coming up from slavery under white people - under threat of death -o.k.?

I believe everything you say,...

"While your incompetence may mean that you personally can only succeed if "whites get out of (y)our way", most blacks can handle the competition just fine."

Standing on the shoulders of the dead - that comment's double facepalm-worthy.

"All they need to do is get educated and put in some effort."

Gee, now why didn't we think of that? You must hang out with the rest of the Easy Answers Crew:

Have a father. Get an education. Whites and racism disappear.

And you believe that - until the Captain of the Missouri Highway Patrol says he gets racially profiled and your bullshit has got to stop.

Actually - he's black - so you don't listen to him either.

Which you don't see as a problem.

You think we're Bobby Brown, don't you? Not Whitney's widow - this guy.

"I suspect they will once they throw off the losers like Sharpton that pretend to care, and they'll probably even throw a few pennies in your beggar's cup as they do so."

Wait - you think blacks will abandon Al Sharpton for whites?


BrianE said...

Crack Emcee comments at 7:39

"I've seen the effects of the worst elements of the black culture close up."

But refuse to blame a single white person for what they designed - exclusively:



Not much to be gained by continuing this, and it is off topic.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What year were you born, Crack?

The Crack Emcee said...


"Blacks done as much slavery as anyone else, and even now do to alot, so I really don't give a S*it for your white guilt plans for all us whites. Plenty of black guilt out there."

Slavery gets found in America every day - no blacks involved.

If you're still going on about that place I've never been to, don't know the countries of, can't tell you the beliefs or religions, and will probably never see, please be my guest:

It has absolutely no effect on me and mine - we're Americans - pissed at what OUR COUNTRYMEN do to us.

Not some people on the other side of the ocean we know nothing about - you, here, today, forcing your nonsensical beliefs on us.

Under penalty of death.

Anyway - with you so focussed over there - we can continue to clean your clock on AMERICAN issues,..

Michael McNeil said...

Steyn and most people who grew up or spent considerable time in other Anglo countries know that our current relationship with the police is not the only possible relationship. The image of the British bobby as part of the community rather than a member of an occupying force is a strong ideal in these countries, albeit regularly breached.

If you read much beyond nothing of Steyn you would realize that it isn't just “Anglo countries” that he's talking about. As Steyn points out in this interesting post (answering an American cop who'd written him, and linked-to by Althouse's posting) from a few months back:

‘I'm afraid "you're an idiot on so many levals" - but I'll stick just to your German example. You say, "Go tell the Polizei to f*** off and see what it gets you." In none of the examples I've cited has anyone told you or your colleagues to "f*** off". In the Supreme Court case, a law-abiding citizen was lawfully parking his lawfully-acquired and lawfully-registered vehicle outside his parents' lawful home when the police showed up and shot him.

‘How often do the Polizei do that?

‘Well, in 2011 the German police fired 85 bullets. That's all of them. The entire police force. The whole country. Eighty-five bullets in one year. That's seven bullets per month. One bullet for every million German citizens. The same year - 2011 - the Miami Police Department blew through the German Polizei's annual bullet allowance on just one traffic incident….’

Pookie Number 2 said...

Wait - you think blacks will abandon Al Sharpton for whites?

If they want to be successful. If they want to wallow in self-inflicted misery the way you do, probably not. It's very comforting for incompetents to be told that nothing is their fault. So you keep on believing that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"A minimally responsible father would not have brought Trayvon up as an avid admirer of thug culture."

BTW - some of you may remember:

If whites hadn't started attacking Trayvon's parents after his death - as PN2 is doing here - I never would've launched into what has become my whole race deal.

It's like y'all were raised by vampires.

Actually, you were - lynching.

Now THAT's bad parenting.

Actually, attacking the grieving parents of a dead boy is pretty low.

Crawling on your bellies, white people will,...

The Crack Emcee said...




"Not much to be gained by continuing this, and it is off topic."


The Crack Emcee said...


"What year were you born, Crack?"

Hey, Freeman Hunt, somebody else is going to try and play "gotcha!" with my story of being raised by slaves.

By asking what my age is - not the people who raised me.

Sorry, exhelodrvr1, but my history is mine:

I've been around too many white supremacists to think I can speak without being made a suspect for it, so:


The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"{blacks will abandon Al Sharpton for whites} If they want to be successful."

Oh. That's why we're not slaves anymore - by listening to whites and abandoning our leaders.

Thanks, white man!

"If they want to wallow in self-inflicted misery the way you do, probably not."

Well, we did invent The Blues, so what are you gonna do?

" It's very comforting for incompetents to be told that nothing is their fault."

You mean like whites denying the effects of 400 years of white supremacy, while blaming everyone but themselves for the fucked-up results, since a black has been in charge for what?

6 WHOLE YEARS! WOW! What a slacker, he is, not to have fixed everything, with a pack of racist whites howling down his neck.

"So you keep on believing that."

Oh, I am - reparations now, reparations FOR-EVAH!!!!

The Crack Emcee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...


You look like you might be 40. Let's say you are 50. That makes you born in 1964, about a century after the end of slavery. A baby born in slavery, in 1864, would have been 100 years old at your birth.

So you are saying you were raised by a bunch of 100 year old slaves?

Actually, I suspect that you mean 100+ year old former slaves.

Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

John Henry

Pookie Number 2 said...

Actually, attacking the grieving parents of a dead boy is pretty low.

Well, they did a shitty job bringing him up, and that's why he ended up dead. Someone who cares more about people than his own combination of stupidity and pride would actually pay attention. You, on the other hand, would rather have thousands of blacks die needlessly every year rather than listen to people much more intelligent than you, so you bitch about the criticism. It's not very impressive, but about what we expect from you.

John henry said...


Thanks for fixing the MP3.

For those who want to hear it, and I recommend you do:

A question: Is this considered to be rap? I see some hints of rap in it but it doesn't seem like the rap I am used to hearing. Not that I listen to much as it generally doesn't appeal to me.

John Henry

Pookie Number 2 said...

Oh. That's why we're not slaves anymore - by listening to whites and abandoning our leaders.

What you get from following Al Sharpton is Trayvons and Michael Browns, and thousands of blacks killing each other, year after year, after year.

Seems like a bad choice to me, but I lack your stupidity.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Pull the other one, it's got bells on it."

John Henry, I like you, so try to learn something here:

When I say whites try to escape in specifics (as I did at 11:56) then - as a friend - don't come back with an argument, with you trying to do math, embedded in specifics.

Just ask me the damned question straight.

Or learn how blacks moved through America on your own.

That's what a "real friend" to a black person would do,...

Drago said...

crack: "It's like y'all were raised by vampires."

Speaking of vampires, I wonder if crack can explain why so many blacks practice cannibalism?

Well, lets be honest. They aren't "practicing" cannibalism. They have raised it to an art form.

Crack, what is the preferred "sun people's" way to prepare a human being?

I mean, do you marinate them? Or is sauteeing sufficient?

Blacks sure do some crazy stuff man.

Drago said...

crack: "Oh. That's why we're not slaves anymore - by listening to whites and abandoning our leaders."

Says the guy who believes whatever some whitey tells him.


Schizophrenia on full display with the crackster.

Drago said...

Crack: "If whites hadn't started attacking Trayvon's parents after his death - as PN2 is doing here - I never would've launched into what has become my whole race deal."



The Crack Emcee said...

Pookie Number 2,

"Well, they did a shitty job bringing him up, and that's why he ended up dead."

Attempting to justify attacking the parents of a dead boy is even lower. You've got snake blood.

"Someone who cares more about people than his own combination of stupidity and pride would actually pay attention."

To those who swore they'd rule over us forever, and now that they don't, treat us like shit. Man, you make shit so surreal, it's better than drugs.

"You, on the other hand, would rather have thousands of blacks die needlessly every year rather than listen to people much more intelligent than you, so you bitch about the criticism."

97% of the black population regularly reject your "people much more intelligent" - a fact you guys told me, before Ferguson, wasn't true:

I was the outlier and all the other blacks were "happy."

That's OBVIOUSLY not true now. But still you persist. Even though - without the help of "people much more intelligent" - blacks have broken the back of slavery, Jim Crow, and snatched the White House.

And now we're closing in on our money.

But - no matter what happens - you'll switch. And then act like you didn't.

Just like Rand Paul is now claiming he never opposed The Civil Rights act - after he was caught on video saying he did.

Or George Wallace - notorious white supremacist - did the same thing. Just as obviously. "Segregation Forever!" one day, "What chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" the next.

Just deny you ever did that thing, everyone saw you do, and pretend they'll go along with the ruse because they don't tell you you're full of shit to your face.

"It's not very impressive, but about what we expect from you."

Ha! A people, coming up from American slavery, in just a few generations - and not only changing the landscape from white to black but changing the laws, the culture, and how it sees itself - while snatching every conceivable award, position of power, and spare dime the place has, AND these "ugly" people are even starting to become the standard of beauty after centuries of teasing.

And you say "not very impressive"?

Sheeeiiiit - your people couldn't do it.

Hell, you couldn't spend a week on streets I've walked a lifetime.

And I've been in all the redneck camps with the assholes in camo with their guns.

That's not very impressive,....

exhelodrvr1 said...

I question your comment that you were raised by slaves.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Thanks for fixing the MP3."

You're welcome.

"For those who want to hear it, and I recommend you do:"

Hey - a white endorsement!

"A question: Is this considered to be rap?"

Some - it's a Hip-Hop album (Hip-Hop being the culture reflected) with some Rap on it (Rap being the music of Hip-Hop culture). I do what I want on my records, thogh, so it can get undefinable at some points.

"I see some hints of rap in it but it doesn't seem like the rap I am used to hearing."

That's just me, Man.

"Not that I listen to much as it generally doesn't appeal to me."

Then I'm glad mine does, John Henry:

It's why people used to like me,...

Drago said...

Just another day in our "Crack-formally-approved Muslims enslaving persons of color world":

Hyphenated American said...

""Robert, do you deny that universities openly discriminate against whites and Asians?"

I'm not aware of this as a problem, no. I certainly think it egregious to compare oppression of Australian aborigines to white and Asian college applicants not always getting into the college they prefer."

Robert now claims he never heard about "affirmative action". Do you live on mars?

Anyway, you are free to provide examples of government discrimination in Australia today against aboriginals and compare it with shameless discrimination against whites and Asians in America today.

Drago said...

""Robert, do you deny that universities openly discriminate against whites and Asians?"

Cook: 'I'm not aware of this as a problem, no."

"Reality-Based" baby!!!

The Crack Emcee said...


I question your comment that you were raised by slaves."

I know, exhelodrvr1, you poor thing. But I've been here over half a decade, and that topic's come up so many times - and been explained so many times - it's old news. (You did see me mention Freeman Hunt, right?)

You're just late to the party,...

Drago said...

crack: "Just like Rand Paul is now claiming he never opposed The Civil Rights act - after he was caught on video saying he did."

Yeah, that's about the limit of your analytical capabilities.

Better just stick with the patented "black science-y" "having sex with virgins cures AIDS" routine.

Drago said...

crack: "Hell, you couldn't spend a week on streets I've walked a lifetime."

Well, except for those years when you weren't walking those streets you mean.

Of course, precision in language is racist.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW, exhelodrvr1, you've got to ask yourself:

In a country as young as ours, is anything really "ancient history," as whites suggest?

Slavery ended only 140 years ago.

Remember Bill Clinton's comment about Barack Obama? How, "just a few years ago," he would've been getting Bill coffee?

THAT's a man from the South - who understands America's true timeline.

Not these people who say slavery was "a long time ago,..."

PoNyman said...

I have deep thoughts on all of these, but they are so deep it is hard to dredge them out. So, I'm having trouble getting past constable in the post because of Constable Bob!

William said...

I agree with Crack that black people are ill treated in America, but they are, nonetheless, better treated here than anywhere else in the world. Amadou Diallo's mother won a huge settlement because of her son's mistaken shooting by the NYPD. Her son was an undocumented immigrant. She asked for and received permission for herself and her other children to emigrate to this country. There are worse places for black people to live than the United States, like, for example, their native countries.......If black people wanted to show some class they could have a fundraiser for that store owner whose establishment got looted and who now lives in fear of being attacked for being a snitch.

Humperdink said...

I sure am glad I was late to this party. I see our dear Crack-O-Matic has completely smothered another Althouse thread.

John henry said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Crack. Warmth of Other Suns sounds like it might be interesting but not the kind of book I listen too.

I might read it if it is in the Kindle Unlimited program.

In any event, I've ploughed that ground before. Familiar with the story though a new perspective never hurts.

So how does this truthify your statement that you were raised by slaves when slavery ended a century or more before you were born?

John Henry

John henry said...

Why would a white endorsement of your music be so strange?

I have plenty of black music on my MP3 player. Fats Waller, Louis Armstrong, Willie Kent, Duke Ellington are some that are on there at this moment.

Also some Artie Shaw, Louis Prima, Bob Wills and Jimmy Buffet.

It's music, Crack. It has no color.

John Henry

Gospace said...

Cook said: "Is it possible this is related to the woeful treatment of the Australian aboriginal people by the whites who colonized the continent? This woeful treatment is not merely historical but continues in the present day."

Aborigines are not African descended. The high crime pronblem exists among recent voluntary African descended immigrants to Australia. Aborigines to a large extent live on land set aside for them much like native American reservations.

Speaking of native Americans, one one of the things I have noticed over the years is that the people I know who have never had any actual contact with native Americans have a fairly high opinion of them, probably based on myth,folklore, and popular culture portrayals of Indians. Non-Indians who have lived near reservations seem to have very low opinions of them. And often are very open in expressing their contempt for them. I've had limited contact with them, and have never worked with one or had one as a neighbor.

The Crack Emcee said...


"I agree with Crack that black people are ill treated in America, but they are, nonetheless, better treated here than anywhere else in the world."

Which is a worthless observation:

Like starving people would think that's O.K. because someone, elsewhere, may be hungrier.

It helps nothing,...

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW, William:

If you listen to the album I'm working on (link above) you'll hear I included a white guy making almost your exact same argument.

Paul said...

"Slavery gets found in America every day - no blacks involved."

Shit crack... slavery is found everywhere in the world, and some do have blacks involved... duh.

Get with it crack. Slavery has nothing to do with blacks or whites or Asians, etc..

Plenty of slavers from every race.

So all your crying about slavery in America is just one big snore.

The Crack Emcee said...


"How does this truthify your statement that you were raised by slaves when slavery ended a century or more before you were born?"

I didn't say it did. I said you'll understand it better.

If they were slave children or preteens when the Civil War ended, The Great Migration (of blacks leaving slavery and the South) which started around 1915-1920 - would've been early enough to have spread actual former slaves, then about 50 years old, throughout the United States.

Adding 30 years puts them in the 1950s, 40 years in the 1960s, and so on.

That's what you're saying couldn't conceivably happen - using math - and yet it's exactly what I'm talking about.

But then, I could've included Jim Crow's slavery - sharecropping - which went on well into the 1960s. And don't forget those wonderful chain gangs whites used to throw blacks on, to work for free, whether they'd done anything wrong or not. That was slavery, too, and went on until the 1970s.

All that said, I wonder how you guys can say you understand this country - and an issue like slavery - when the most basic aspects of it (like how "long ago" it was) escapes you.

A reparations question for white people:

Let's say I'm right - about everything. And, as aggrieved Americans, blacks are entitled to reparations for a whole host of reasons you guys have been kept clueless about.

Wouldn't that also mean WHITES are entitled - to something - for being deceived by their government? For being led into hurting blacks - their fellow citizens - by saying all this cockamamy shit they've "taught" you?

I'd certainly think so - as an American - and would vote to see they get it.

The American government has a lot to answer for,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Why would a white endorsement of your music be so strange?"

It was a joke, John,...

The Crack Emcee said...


"Speaking of native Americans, one one of the things I have noticed over the years is that the people I know who have never had any actual contact with native Americans have a fairly high opinion of them, probably based on myth,folklore, and popular culture portrayals of Indians."

True to the point of absudity.

"Non-Indians who have lived near reservations seem to have very low opinions of them."

Ha! As they sit on their country. Dude, we should be ever so grateful their bitterness, alone, isn't capable of killing.

"Often are very open in expressing their contempt for them."

Racism in America is born from a bottomless well of antagonistic ignorance.

"I've had limited contact with them, and have never worked with one or had one as a neighbor."

Everybody's different, but most don't care you're alive,...

William said...

I see the news from Iraq and the news from Ferguson. The good citizens of Ferguson can claim they're being oppressed, but it's Orwellian, as the saying goes, for them to claim that their oppression is greater than the Yazidis......Cops sometimes make dick moves, but the record shows that Michael Brown also had a record of making dick moves. Why doesn't the cop deserve due process and the presumption of innocence ?......I think the store owner is irrefutably innocent. His store has been trashed and he lives in mortal fear that the local will kill or beat him. I haven't heard anyone from the community, or, for that matter, the media expressing any sympathy for his plight. Or how about the protester that got shot by a fellow protester last night? Why isn't there a groundswell of public opinion demanding the shooter's arrest?

Unknown said...

---I think a bigger problem was the hysterical over-reaction on the right to any police death as being a sign of the end of civilization.

I love hearing liberal fairy tales!

About the militarization, I'm with the conservatives who think there are too many SWAT teams (Department of Education??? Department of Education ??? Social Security Administration???

The agency's Office of Inspector General (OIG) is seeking .40 Caliber semiautomatic submachine guns. But while many may wonder why USDA agents need

On the other hand, Michelle Malkin makes the startling point…

and if the left can be made to stop making street theater out of situations like Ferguson maybe we can unwind this cluster.

Chef Mojo said...

Actually Crack, your history is not your own. The definitive text of AfroAm Studies was written by a white Jewish male.

Your propaganda, on the other hand? Your welcome to it, right along with your selective mythos.

Gospace said...

The Crack Emcee said :"Often are very open in expressing their contempt for them."

Racism in America is born from a bottomless well of antagonistic ignorance."

As regards Indians, reread my post. Ignorance, and you agreed, breeds respect for American Indians. Familiarity, not ignorance, breeds contempt.

The Crack Emcee said...


"Shit crack... slavery is found everywhere in the world, and some do have blacks involved... duh."

But that's the white trick - pointed out now 3 times on this thread - talk about America and whites run off to "the world," in their minds, like it has any relevance to us. Word to the white folks:


Yes, barbarity can be found everywhere else, but we are supposed to be something else - that's one area where whites fail on honesty:

You can't attack Obama, for saying we're not exceptional, and then use that very argument - that we act like everyone else - to defend white's crimes.

You're trying to have it both ways - to defend yourself - when A) America's crimes need no defense because they are a fact we have to deal with and B) YOU aren't "America," and YOU won't lose a dime (unless Japanese Reparations hurt your pocket book too) so what's your interest in stopping blacks in pressing our case? Why all the effort? Strenuous effort, at that?

If you're not racist, I mean.

"Get with it crack. Slavery has nothing to do with blacks or whites or Asians, etc.."

You're losing that argument every day, and have been for a long time now - since slavery itself - but against the folks who were kept with only meager tools, time, and a culture we can count on (Michael Brown). That gives you confidence (why you need it, I wonder, if maintaining white supremacy isn't your goal) but events keep working in our favor, illuminating new truths, revealing what racist whites thought would never be seen, and advancing our interests.

Slavery is everything in a country that actively maintained it for the vast total of it's history. Just as you're actively working to maintain white supremacy - which you know is dying as we speak.

I wish you guys were original - you really do advance the same arguments your racist ancestors did in their diaries. You should know them so you can stop sounding like them. Nobody's going to believe you, understanding what you don't, when you speak.

"Plenty of slavers from every race."

Not here. Blacks took slaves, but to protect them from whites. I'm not looking to sue the world - I don't know Africa - just my country, for what it's done to me, and mine.

You want to sue the world? be my guest - just get out of my way.

"All your crying about slavery in America is just one big snore."

I know you're a liar - you wouldn't be writing if it was true - which not only makes you a clown but a TRANSPARENT clown. What's that quote about Rand Paul again?

"People can clearly see the racial subtext to what he’s doing, even if he cannot—and that makes him really, really angry,...."

Say it again:

"People can clearly see the racial subtext"

It really is a shame - whites have been such shits, for so long, everyone's practically an expert in white behavior - but whites. They're, like, the only ones who are clueless to why everyone's growing to hate them, and wants their culture replaced in America.

It's a really bizarre phenomena to watch considering, when I was younger, the Van Halen and Zeppelin fans thought their European ski vacation and I-have-a-horse reality would never end. Farrah Fawcett's boney, no ass-having, BIG HAIR look would stay the epitome of beauty and, of course, the president and the rest would always be made up of white guys.

They thought they were so smaaaaaaaart.

And they acted so smuuuuug.

I was there - they did it for no reason than to be cruel.


White folks.

But unfortunately for them, even waaay back then, blacks were dreaming otherwise.

I can still remember thinking, "One day, this country's going to feel a beat, instaed of this bullshit guitar-solo nonsense."

And now - today - you can't pay guitar players to play, but Rappers and beat-makers are Kings. It was inevitable:

Blacks know culture, y'all,....

Unknown said...

----Ever heard of Joe Arapio? He doesn't seem to have much trouble getting re-elected, and the votes definitely aren't coming from the left.

Faulty analogy, Joe Arpaio is doing very traditional, hands on, almost 'throwback' policing and incarceration. I'l bet you can't find a helmet or an automatic weapon any where in his department.

Unknown said...

In other words supporting law and order <> supporting over militarization of the police and careless and unaccountable policing.

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