October 3, 2013


Do you enjoy the Althouse blog? Consider expressing your opinion by doing your shopping through The Althouse Amazon Portal. (If you start there and click around and don't leave before completing any purchase(s), you will be making a cost-free contribution to this blog, and I will notice and appreciate your gesture. Thanks in advance.)

ADDED: Consider this:
With Kevo, your Smartphone is now your key. No more fumbling for your keys. Keep your phone in your pocket or purse and just touch the lock to open.
I was locked out of my house yesterday!


The rule of Lemnity said...


A. Shmendrik said...

So it begins...

Kirk Parker said...

Lem FTW!

Kevo sure would make things easier for the NSA and their buddy agencies.

Glen Filthie said...

Well A-house, I dunno if I actually ENJOY your blog.

I can't seem to figure out if you are a complete idiot or a genius that is screwing with my mind. I read your stuff and I have to ask: is this just a stupid post...or is there something here I'm missing...? Most of the time I end up guessing wrong.

I can see why you're a lawyer. If you were smart you would play poker instead.

raf said...

KEVO: opening your house to hackers everywhere....

Kirk Parker said...

"I was locked out of my house yesterday!"

That Meade is *such* a prankster.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Gee, thanks, Ann. I clicked through to see what this Kevo thing is, and how it wouldn't just mean that anyone who happened to steal your smartphone wouldn't now additionally have the keys to your house, and as a result I'm going to be seeing ads for the thing for the next week over half the Internet. .

Mind you, I love Amazon, and I do use your portal. But their advertising has gotten completely out of control lately. Search anything, or follow a link to anything, and Amazon tirelessly reminds you: "You looked at this just the other day. You know you really want to buy it, right? C'mon, just click on it! One click is all it takes!"

So, anyway, now it's Kevo. A few days ago it was a spot vacuum for pet accidents and the like that Glenn Reynolds (or one of his commenters, I think) mentioned. But I'll be bludgeoned with the thing for days.

MadisonMan said...

We keep a key outside the house, just in case of a lock-out. But then, we have a highschooler.