At a window. I guess it didn't break or we'd have a picture of that. And how do I even know that isn't a posed picture? Amazing that the AP photographer was right there as the trashcan hurler was in the fully extended position and the can was arcing vividly at the window with papers photogenically flying backward across the arc. How do I know the protester/"protester" didn't aim right at the metal frame between those windows to make sure there'd be no real damage? Interesting that he's bundled up in such warm clothing on a summer night.
And look at this guy and his sign:
The image of ineffectuality. I love the ellipsis in "Geoge [sic] Zimmerm..." It's like:
Ah, you know the rest. Zimmerm...
The photographers went out prowling the streets, to track down young black men who they expected to find committing crimes. Isn't that ironic? And look what they found — this old guy with his "Zimmerm..." sign and the trashcan hurler?
ADDED: The trashcan at the window photograph is so:
Hey, could you do that trashcan through the window thing like Mookie in "Do the Right Thing"?