January 15, 2013

"More NYU and Columbia female students or 'sugar babies' are seeking 'sugar daddies' to pay for rising school costs."

"SeekingArrangement.com says NYU was the top school for new sign ups — Columbia is the only Ivy league school to make site's Top 20."

If you'd like all the satisfaction of sending a daughter to college, without that pesky incest taboo, there is a solution for you.


ndspinelli said...

I loved Sugar Daddies as a kid. They would last for an entire movie.

TosaGuy said...

"Gwynn said that the site isn't just for women who want to flirt or sleep their way free of student loan debt. Many are just young women who seek mature men who are willing to show them the finer things in life, like fancy restaurants, the opera or offer business connections."

Uh huh

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I should think the undecided majors go for a premium.

rhhardin said...

They can't just screw the professors and cut out the middleman.

It's the administrative bloat.

Thorley Winston said...

I suppose it’s more lucrative and safer than standing on a street corner.

jr565 said...

Meanwhile the male students from NY and Columbia are paying for school by getting jobs?

These students are just like Sandra Fluke. SOmeone should pay for their education.
How about, go to a SUNY school instead, therefore you wouldnt have to whore yourself out as much.

rehajm said...

Time to rub the bunions.

jr565 said...

Rather than offering financial aid, NYU should offer Sugar Daddy aid.

supermagicman said...

Meanwhile the male students from NY and Columbia are paying for school by getting jobs?

No. You go through Columbia one of two ways. Either someone else, who's rich, pays for it, ie. father, sugar daddy, etc., or you go into debt.

If you have a job that is capable of paying for a Columbia education as you go...you don't need a Columbia education.

Big Mike said...

Obamacare is a good deal for the sugar daddies. Their, er, "young female proteges" get free contraception plus free abortions and free STD treatments if anything goes wrong. The sugar daddies only have to pay for clothing, tuition, expensive dinners that they'd probably buy anyway, plus hotel rooms. That's surely expensive enough without paying for contraception and STD treatments as well.

SGT Ted said...

Being a whore on the wholesale plan. Such empowerment.

ricpic said...

Call me dense but I really don't get Althouse's leap to incest. I mean I get it: sugar daddies=incest. But we all know the term refers to older wealthy men. Women who gravitate to older established men have a thing for their actual fathers? I don't buy that.

edutcher said...

This has probably been going on forever, or at least since some of these sweet young things started regurgitating what their profs said feminism-wise.

PS The incest thing refers to the idea that Daddy's Little Girl doesn't make it a threesome with Mommy just to get tuition.

Seeing Red said...

With ripic's comment, it's too bad we can't take a poll and find out how many are products of divorce or not. Wouldn't that be interesting to see?

Those stats could be challenging on so many levels, this could be a generational mindset, culturally acceptable hooking for school.

jacksonjay said...

"Daddy Long Legs" was one of the best musicals ever made. Fred Astaire and Leslie Caron!


Wince said...

Especially with limited job prospects after college, will these sugar babies go away quietly?

G Joubert said...
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LordSomber said...

As the joke goes, "We know what you are, we're just haggling over price."

Shouting Thomas said...

Prostitution might be the better alternative to going $200,000 in debt for a worthless degree in creative writing from NYU.

Shouting Thomas said...

The night school at NYU, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS), is a bargain by comparison to the undergraduate school.

I was involved in the redesign of their website, so I take some pride in that.

SCPS certificates in business, finance, programming and other pragmatic pursuits can get a kid ready to work in a couple of years. Those certificates are recognized and valued by businesses in NYC.

jr565 said...

supermagicman wrote:
No. You go through Columbia one of two ways. Either someone else, who's rich, pays for it, ie. father, sugar daddy, etc., or you go into debt.

If you have a job that is capable of paying for a Columbia education as you go...you don't need a Columbia education.

Well that's true. However, most guys don't have the option to sell their dick for college tuition. I'm just thinkning of parity of the sexes. More guys should have that opportunity,otherwise it's not fair.

William said...

In the 18th & 19th centuries clergymen used to preach against godless activities on the Sabbath. The sabbath has become thoroughly godless, and civilization goes on. Throughout my lifetime, sexual morals have become increasingly permissive. Right thinking people have steadfastly preached that soon there will be hell to pay, but civilization goes on.

William said...

I can't subsidize an NYU or Coumbia student, but I could help out with a few credits at a community college for the right student.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In Ponte Vedra, Fl the guys are called "boy toys" for the post cougar set and it is very, very lucrative. Pays for college and a whole lot more. As an added plus, sets of post cougars pass them around in-group as it were. One might call it "performance art".

Shouting Thomas said...

In Ponte Vedra, Fl the guys are called "boy toys" for the post cougar set and it is very, very lucrative. Pays for college and a whole lot more. As an added plus, sets of post cougars pass them around in-group as it were. One might call it "performance art".

Also, called "STDs!"


This is also a problem at the retirement villages where the gals outnumber the boys by 10 to 1. Passing around is the only solution, but the cost is the occasionally outbreak.

jungatheart said...

I hope proponents of capitalism aren't the ones getting their knickers in a twist here. This is natural selection in action.

traditionalguy said...

Choices choices. Does a girl sell herself to a rich man during school and have no student loan debt, or does she sell herself to all comers after school to pay for 20 years the non-dischargable debts while she awaits her new career at McDonalds or Wal-Mart?

That rich man sounds like the best choice.

Balfegor said...

Re: jr565:

Meanwhile the male students from NY and Columbia are paying for school by getting jobs?

No, this is the secret reason that females outnumber males on college campuses.

Also, I second the huh? regarding incest.

f you'd like all the satisfaction of sending a daughter to college, without that pesky incest taboo, there is a solution for you.

So . . . paying for your actual, biological daughter to go to University is . . . incestuous? Or is it that fathers are paying for their daughters to go to college without getting any of the "satisfaction" (which is sex), because that would be incestuous?

Is there something here that I'm just completely missing?

Balfegor said...

Re: Thorley Winston:

I suppose it’s more lucrative and safer than standing on a street corner.

Well, for the men, at least. One assumes the admissions office has done a decent job of selecting for a touch of class, which I imagine is desirable in a . . . a call girl or hostess or whatever.

gerry said...

Are these the Womyns' Studies majors?

Balfegor said...

Many are just young women who seek mature men who are willing to show them the finer things in life, like fancy restaurants, the opera or offer business connections.

I suppose I can see the appeal of that. Sometimes when I want to go to a nice restaurant or the opera, I don't have anyone to go with. A service that provides an attractive girl to join me and provide amusing conversation, no strings attached, might be appealing. But not if I have to pay a bunch of money on top of the money I'd already be shelling out for dinner, etc. I'm not rich enough for that. But I suppose there are those who are, and this is the right service for them.

Would still recoil at using it for sex.

"We get invited to a lot of weddings," she said.

And heavens, I'd never bring a girl like that to a wedding.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Shouting Thomas - One would suppose that "french skins" would be de riguer. It does (ahem) stand to reason.

Carol said...

most guys don't have the option to sell their dick for college tuition.

What, no rich gays in NYC anymore?

Cheryl said...

This post is conclusive proof that Rush reads Althouse.

Happy Blogiversary!

Bob said...

I'm with William. I can't pay for the whole ride but a few credits is doable. Is there a menu so daddy knows what the cost-benefit is? Just curious.

Should there not be a "sugar mommy" track for those cougars seeking "gal toys". Doesn't have the same ring does it?

john said...

Gwynn said that the site isn't just for women who want to flirt or sleep their way free of student loan debt. Many are just young women who seek mature men who are willing to show them the finer things in life, like fancy restaurants, the opera or offer business connections.

Translation: not only do we have chicks who will fuck for tuition and fees, we have chicks who will fuck for dinner and bling!

mccullough said...

What else is a women's studies major supposed to do?

Big Mike said...

I suppose I can see the appeal of that. Sometimes when I want to go to a nice restaurant or the opera, I don't have anyone to go with. A service that provides an attractive girl to join me and provide amusing conversation, no strings attached, might be appealing.

@Balfegor, you're assuming that today's self-absorbed co-eds can actually provide amusing conversation? About what?

Paul said...

'Sugar Daddies'? Sounds like a cheap form of prostitution.

Can't those girls just fly to Las Vegas and ply their trade there?

Alex said...

Call 'em whores.

AllenS said...

Man, if you had enough money, maybe you could have two or three of them. How cool would that be?

Anonymous said...

Query: What do you pay prostitutes for?

wait for it......

You pay for them to leave.

bagoh20 said...

I could totally go for this if I wasn't so cheap. Maybe if we could get a competition going to get the price down.

Nomennovum said...

"Query: What do you pay prostitutes for?

wait for it......

You pay for them to leave."

And what's the difference between a prostitute and a wife?

With a wife, you pay her even after she leaves.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Sounds like these guys are getting ripped off.

The Julia's of the world can be had for much, much, much less.

Thanks feminism!

Larry J said...

And what's the difference between a prostitute and a wife?

With a wife, you pay her even after she leaves.

What does a fire, flood, earthquake, tornado and a wife have in common?

Sooner or later, one of them is probably going to get your house.

chuck said...

most guys don't have the option to sell their dick for college tuition.

True, true, But I've known two who did that for the money. They were good looking, sexy guys who didn't have any problem getting plenty of nooky, but getting money could be a different problem. But ordinary mortals need not apply, those doctors' wives pay good money for their sport and they want what they pay for.

Nomennovum said...

Pretty soon the only way beta male students will be able to get laid will be to go on Backpage.com for an online hooker. Next, we will begin hearing stories how Joe from NYU was able to finally get some from that hot babe from History 101 by coughing up $200 for a full body massage. Imagine her surprise when she walks in and he greets her with "Megan!" (Not that she'd recognize such a non-entity from class, but anyway, a buck's a buck.)

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Is this how Inga's pretend daughter got her fictional law degree?

Was ass sniffing involved?

Inquiring minds want to know.

gerry said...
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Amartel said...

The article cites that most of the women who sign up for this are "Southern Belles." Wonder if that's opportunistic truthiness quote for NY paper or actually truth. The article references NYU and Columbia because it's a NY paper.

When I was at college there was a big scandale because two students prostituted themselves. (They blamed a guy that they were having sex with for pimping them out. He was prosecuted and not convicted.) The university got involved because the publicity was Not Good, but also because there was actual concern about student prostitution, that it was dangerous and unhealthy. In 2013, I wonder if NYU and Columbia care about the source of tuition money.

gerry said...

This is so beautiful.

Liberals promoted women's liberation, which mandated female head counts on campuses to ensure equality of opportunity to women. The costs were subsidized by taxpayer dollars, which mainly inflated campus administrations and bloated course catalogs with useless women's studies material.

They go into debt they cannot repay.

Women got hooked on it. So they are now owned. Hookers.


I wonder how many progressives feel good about this?

rehajm said...

Women got hooked on it. So they are now owned.

Actually, it's closer to a rental agreement. Or in some cases, a sale/leaseback arrangement.

William said...

I'd be glad to help some girls thru modelling or beautician school, and nursing school would be win win for everyone involved. But do we really want more NYU and Columbia graduates? What would be really cool would be a gorgeous student at some Cordon Bleu school who needs a trifles for truffles arrangement.

Carnifex said...

I knew there was a good reason for capitalism

Pulp Herb said...


If you go to the site each girl has to fill in an expected monthly contribution. Some have negotiable, but most have a range. The "cheap" ones are $2,000+/month.

RonF said...

This is the second time I've seen a "sugar daddy co-ed" article. I want to see one where the sugar daddies are interviewed. Are you married? What benefits do you get besides the obvious? How often? What happens when she graduates? Have Mom and Dad ever found out? Inquiring minds want to know.

Nomennovum said...

"What happens when she graduates?"

Law school.

Balfegor said...

Re: BigMike:

@Balfegor, you're assuming that today's self-absorbed co-eds can actually provide amusing conversation? About what?

Come now, they can't all be that bad. Though you are probably right -- the type who engage in a bit of enjo kousai are unlikely to be the best conversationalists. You need geishas for that.

Chip S. said...

I'm thinking about setting up a charitable foundation that grants below-market educational loans to deserving applicants.

The application process would involve an extensive interview process with a carefully vetted member of the foundation's Board of Trustees. Trustee positions could only be entrusted to those who donated large sums to my foundation. All financial donors would also be asked to devote time to mentoring one or more loan recipients.

I would do all this for a modest administrative fee. Donations, of course, would be tax-deductible.

Aridog said...

...got a top of the range Alfa Romeo

Oxymoron alert! :-))

Aridog said...

How is this sugar baby thing new? Okay, the Internet part is new ... otherwise the concept of enterprising pimps turning out knock out coeds for businessmen (in particular the steel industry), including regular contacts, dates back to at least the 1960's here, from three major universities in fact.

Anonymous said...

Is this how Inga's pretend daughter got her fictional law degree?

Was ass sniffing involved?

Inquiring minds want to know.

1/15/13, 1:59 PM

President Mom Jeans, what is wrong with you? Seriously, there is some pathology here.

Anonymous said...

Re:"If you go to the site each girl has to fill in an expected monthly contribution. Some have negotiable, but most have a range. The "cheap" ones are $2,000+/month."

Maybe a few prospective Sugar Daddies can group together like a time-share.

Anonymous said...

Are you on Seeking Arrangement? We’re seeking your stories! I’m working on a project that requires submissions of essays from women who have participated in Seeking Arrangement. Your anonymity will be respected, and all contributors will be compensated. Email SA.essays@gmail.com!

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