January 23, 2013

Hillary Clinton, chin in palm, puts up with Rand Paul's tirade.

Rand begins with a feint: "I'm glad to see your health is improving." Note: he's a doctor. In fact, he's an ophthalmologist, but he didn't add, "And by the way, I love your new glasses." No, he proceeded to flay her.

This she was prepared for. All she had to do was endure. His time would run out, and it would be a Democrat's turn, which is to say it would be rest and relaxation time again. Mission accomplished.

Your assessment.
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Meade said...

Grandstanding bullseye.

Chip S. said...

Is she wearing these? Kinda looks like it.

Colonel Angus said...

Another great question would have been:

Don't you wish you were up here instead? Well you could have been if you didn't go to work for Obama.

Shouting Thomas said...

The press is too busy sucking Obama's cock to care, so go fuck yourself Ron Paul!

Titus said...

I'm starting to believe Hillary had some work done very recently-either that or the glasses are covering up all the puffiness.

The lines, puffs, dark circles under the eyes are all gone.

If she did have work on her face it was well done.

X said...

that's what you call a tirade?

Meade said...

Actually, it was only part grandstanding. His tactic brought attention to himself, check, but it also focused on the issue: lethal incompetence by Obama and Clinton.

bleh said...

Her feigned ignorance of the Turkey connection was astonishing. She pretended to be dumbfounded at the mention of Turkey, which is strange considering one of the undisputed facts is that the ambassador met with a Turkish diplomat shortly before the attack.

She is a contemptible liar.

The truth is, even if there are no shadowy dealings involving Turkey and Syrian rebels, I presume she has read newspaper accounts of Benghazi and is capable of using her brain to ponder the possibilities.

Meade said...

The honorable thing would've been for the entire Obama administration to resign, not just Rodham Clinton.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Usually it's plastic surgery that's the preferred subspecialty for physicians into flaying, not ophthalmology.

Shouting Thomas said...

Amazing what you can get away with when the press is on your side, isn't it?

Strelnikov said...

Never has a flaying be so heartily deserved.

Anonymous said...

The true believers on the left will never believe their leaders to anything wrong. Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reid are the high priests of their religion. to question them would be to question everything they believe and thus turn into an exercise in self-loathing.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricpic said...

Wow, that's some hot assistant seated behind Paul. It's good to be Senator.

chickelit said...

Althouse wrote: "And by the way, I love your new glasses." No, he proceeded to flay her."

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote: The eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic- their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose. Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice in the borough of Queens, and then sank down himself into eternal blindness, or forgot them and moved away. But his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground.

ricpic said...

The ruling class gets the hot twa...chicks. 'Snot fair.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Falling on her sword for the worst tragedy since 9/11 is a very serious charge... and if her clot does not return, it may hunt her 2016 aspirations.

X said...

Rand Paul is a despicable little man and Hillary is a great big fat lady

Titus said...

Ricpic, I want to do the guy on Hillary's right.

Salt N Peppa hottie.

Shouting Thomas said...

The honorable thing would've been for the entire Obama administration to resign, not just Rodham Clinton.

I think that, around the time Candy Crowley and the Obama admin conspired to fix the second presidential debate, you might have noticed that the Obama admin intended to retain the office.

Get the transcript!

Revenant said...

I wonder if they make Rand Paul 2016 bumper stickers yet.

Colonel Angus said...

She is a contemptible liar.

I think the word you are looking for is sociopathic liar.

When you make outrageous and easily verifiable statements like dodging sniper fire in Bosnia, she will obviously say anything if it further her political career. It's likely she, like her husband, are so used to lying that they probably believe they are telling facts.

ricpic said...

I've told you and told you, Titus, that you can't make a kid with another guy and that's the next step for you, a kid. Listen to your elder and find a shone madchen.

garage mahal said...

Rand Paul is better suited running a head shop.

James said...

I need more options. Somebody needed to flay her. She's not going to leave her post and retire to a fishing hole. She's going to start a campaign for President in 2016.
She proved incompetent as SoS and she should not be allowed to waltz away with "thanks" for her public service (as Sen. Corker did).

edutcher said...

Good Kentuckian that he is, Rand Paul was a gentleman.

He took her down, but I can't say he destroyed her even though i went with 1.

PS Titus, you da man.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When somebody is clearly in the wrong... a little grandstanding does the trick.

Shouting Thomas said...

Folks, the press, in the person of Candy Crowley, colluded with the Obama administration to fix the results of the second presidential debate, thus taking away from Romney the one issue that could have and probably would have turned the election in his favor.

This isn't a conspiracy theory. It happened right in front of your eyes.

And, the media didn't care. In fact, it applauded this collusion.

Why should Hillary give a shit about this display? She's got the press in her pocket.

Lydia said...

The chin in the cupped hand was meant to signal unconcern and boredom.

Surprising she didn’t respond “whatever.”

Methadras said...

Again, this was all Kabuki, even the little 'tirade'. Clearly what difference does it make whether some terrorists are taking a midnight stroll or whether a movie made them do it. Yet, her being missing from the overall debriefing to the public as to why and in her stead Susan Rice come to the fore explains a lot. What this tells me is that Urkel asked Clinton to step aside so that Rice can be trial ballooned for center stage for her job and hence the talking points issue came out. Her feigning not to be involved in the talking points issue is only in truth that no one asked her if Urkel asked her not to get in front of cameras when Benghazi occurred so that Rice could audition for the spot.

Amexpat said...

100K for comedians? OK to bring that up if you want to attack govt. waste but a silly diversion from the issue at hand.

Methadras said...

I'm really beginning to like the cut of Rand Paul's jib.

Meade said...

How to be a grandstanding senator 2007:

Senator Clinton

Senator Obama
Senator Biden

Senator Kennedy

Senator Boxer

Senator Kerry

Bob Boyd said...

You could call it grandstanding, but for Rand Paul it was either talk out his time or let Hillary talk out his time like she did when Ron Johnson asked her a tough question.

Anonymous said...

Rand Paul: If I Were President

edutcher said...

Oop is waiting for Der Schwarze Fuhrer.

Revenant said...

She's going to start a campaign for President in 2016.

She's welcome to try, but I just don't see her getting the nomination.

Colonel Angus said...

If we had just let Quadaffi alone, Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans would still be alive.

Would you agree with that statement Madam Secretary?

McTriumph said...

Hillary just told the House she hadn't appeared on a Sunday talk show for over a year before Benghazi, hence Rice's appearances. Seems Hillary's last appearances coincide with her foreign policy becoming an obvious steaming pile of dog shit.

Colonel Angus said...

She's welcome to try, but I just don't see her getting the nomination.

What happended to picking a VP that you could set up as heir apparent?

AllenS said...

Colonel Angus said...
If we had just let Quadaffi alone, Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans would still be alive.

Would you agree with that statement Madam Secretary?

Madan Secretary: "I'm sorry, Colonel, but my expertise is in cattle futures."

Meade said...

Cattle futures and detecting right-wing conspiracy vastness.

Fritz said...

"What happended to picking a VP that you could set up as heir apparent?"

I believe the democrats have nominated the last white male for the next 20 years. From now on it will be one "oppressed minority" after another. Hillary gets her turn next, and after that a Hispanic and after that a gay. Tough luck for Joe.

roesch/voltaire said...

This is great theater that somehow over looks the seven embassy attacks that occurred durning the Bush years that resulted in more deaths.

Shouting Thomas said...

Thanks for the attempt at diversion, R/V. We can always count on you for that.

Meade said...

R/V, that could have been Obama's campaign slogan: We're only 1/7 as bad as Bush

Revenant said...

What happended to picking a VP that you could set up as heir apparent?

It has been 176 years since a sitting Democratic Vice President won a Presidential race.

Historically, the VP almost never "inherits" unless the President dies in office.

William said...

By the end of the week, Rand Paul will have been so relentlessly mocked and ridiculed for these remarks that he won't be able to show his face in public. This will be yet another exhibit to demonstrate the Republicans' war on women.

AllenS said...

Not only that, roesch/voltaire, but there was no mention of Pearl Harbor.

Guimo said...

Benghazi is Hillary's Chappaqquidick.

edutcher said...

roesch/voltaire said...

This is great theater that somehow over looks the seven embassy attacks that occurred durning the Bush years that resulted in more deaths.

We were at war then.

Ever since Little Zero was canonized, the crazies all love us.

Especially, when he leads from his behind.

Didn't you get the memo?

Guimo said...

Benghazi is Hillary's Chappaqquidick.

Revenant said...

This is great theater that somehow over looks the seven embassy attacks that occurred durning the Bush years

In other shocking news, they failed to grill her about the Carter administration's bungled handling of the Iranian hostage crisis OR the Eisenhower administration's loss of Cuba to the Communists.

Why, if I didn't know better I'd suspect they were only questioning her about state department fuckups she might actually have some responsibility for. :)

Shouting Thomas said...

Or, to restate R/V:

That "Question Authority" bullshit is only for when the President is a Republican!

carrie said...

Hillary really has an undiplomatic posture in that picture. I imagine that she preppred for today like she would for a presidential debate and that every posture, etc., was pre-scripted. What would a judge say to a witness who sat like that while testifying or what would your parents say to you if you sat like that, with your elbow on the table and your chin in your hand, while they were talking to you about something serious? That look of utter boredom and disrespect is not becoming of a Secretary of State.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul said...

Paul's inquisition of Hillary did several things:

1) Showed Hillary was incompetent as Secretary of State (she either didn't know what she should have known or lied.)
2) Showed the Administration is poorly ran, inside and out.
3) Yes made himself a name.
4) Had enough questions so this meeting will NOT BE THE END OF IT.

Original Mike said...

"Benghazi is Hillary's Chappaqquidick."

She's responsible for a death, yet will not suffer the consequences. Rather, she'll be lionized by the left. The analogy is apt.

C R Krieger said...

Colonel Angus has half of it:&nbsp: "If we had just let Quadaffi alone, Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans would still be alive."  Isn't that what the Algerians recently told us?

The second half of it is that someone owes the videographer chap an apology, even if he still is in jail for parole violation.  He was made the fall guy for a stupid cover story.  And why did we need a cover story?

Everything else is rubbish.

Regards  —  Cliff

Shouting Thomas said...

4) Had enough questions so this meeting will NOT BE THE END OF IT.

The press not only doesn't care, it has been burying this story.

And, will continue to do so.

Seeing Red said...

There are young Rand Paul fans, I wonder what their take is on this?

dbp said...

As a TPM excerpt, one can only expect that it is the part most damaging to Paul and least to Clinton.

In that light, it is devestating.

new york said...

The Republican congressmen sound like insane idiots, giving Rush Limbaugh style speeches that immediately reveal that they have no manners, no knowledge of protocol, no real question to ask, no desire to establish any facts or learn any information but instead are merely playing to the rabid impulses of their hate mongering constituents. Interrupting, stumbling over "their words", shaking their fingers at the Secretary of State as if she were some misbehaving teenager, they display their inadequacy and corruptibility for the whole world to see.

Shouting Thomas said...

... the rabid impulses of their hate mongering constituents.

What a stinker!

Opposition to the Democratic party is hate mongering.

Yes, that's the party line.

Patrick said...

Hillary gives the impression that she believes it is an assault on her dignity to have to account for her failure of leadership leading to this disaster. Sen. Paul is correct: She should have been fired. Had their not been an election, or had she worked for a Republican administration, the assassination of a US Ambassador would have been considered a big deal.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...


What is this "manners" of which you speak?

n.n said...

Paul exaggerated for effect. It is nearly impossible to hold a Democrat, let alone Clinton or Obama, accountable for their lies of omission, commission, and simple deception.

Ban the First Amendment, specifically freedom of speech, because Obama (and Clinton?) have ulterior motives.

Ban the Second Amendment, because Obama (and Holder?) have ulterior motives.

It requires extraordinary skill to deceive others with a straight face. In fact, it requires an inveterate liar to be transparently proficient.

Seeing Red said...

It's good to know if I'm ever hauled in front of Congress I can slouch, look bored, and down my nose at them.

harrogate said...

This is a clinic. How to listen to Rand Paul 101. "Oh, you know how he gets when he's talking. Bless his heart."

Revenant said...

The press not only doesn't care, it has been burying this story.

The Republican base is paying attention. That is who Paul needs to appeal to at this point.

ad hoc said...

I wouldn't say Paul destroyed her. Not a body language expert, but I think that the adolescent, passive-aggressive hand on the chin throughout the clip and the forced smiles at 1:05 (she won't even look up at Paul) and 1:39 are masking anger - so his tirade about her incompetence did really get to her.

Brian Brown said...

oesch/voltaire said...

This is great theater that somehow over looks the seven embassy attacks that occurred durning the Bush years that resulted in more deaths.


You ignorants simply can not let go of Bush.

At all.

PS: the embassy attacks when WJC was President killed several hundred.


Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

I voted "Paul destroyed Hillary" but with the qualifier only for 15 seconds.

98%+ of voters will never see or hear the clip.
Of those who do, 50%+ will be predisposed that Hillary can do no wrong.
Of the remainder, many will forgive and forget after the MSM blitz of "Hillary the victim of MEAN-SPIRITED WOMEN HATING RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN MALES."

Mary Beth said...

What was that smirk (starting around 1:03) for?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Guimo said..."Benghazi is Hillary's Chappaqquidick."

1. We can only hope.

2. ...and Chappaquidick put and end to that ass-hole's career in positions of public trust?

Wince said...

Althouse left out "simply spoke truth to power" from the poll question answers.

Any destruction of Hillary over Benghazi was of the "self-" variety.

Cedarford said...

CR Krieger - The second half of it is that someone owes the videographer chap an apology, even if he still is in jail for parole violation. He was made the fall guy for a stupid cover story. And why did we need a cover story?

That would be the felon scumbag that a day after the riots gave a highly ill-advised interview that as "Sam Bacile", "Israeli-American"....
Who stated his goal was to provoke Muslims into killing and hurting Americans with the blasphemy video to show how bad Muslims are. And took credit for Cairo and 5 other Embassies under attack, even overrun and part-burning that day, with known American dead and thousands others put in peril by the Blasphemy incitement...

Apologize to that scumbag??

He is no different than the Blind Sheikh. Let in on a refugee visa, immediately starts to harm Americans. Both incite Muslims to kill Americans. Nakoula adds his additional felonies of meth labs, ID theft fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud.
Both should have early on been stripped of refugee status, declared undesirable aliens out to harm their Ameerican hosts, and sent to face the music in Egypt.

The right is free to embrace odious and evil martyrs like Anwar al-Awlaki and Nakoula - at their peril.
Just as the left is free to make a martyr of cop-killer Mumia. At their peril.

joated said...

I voted in your silly little poll, but, really, what difference does it make?

Big Mike said...

From the four selections you offered I infer, Professor, that you get upset when a man attempts to hold a woman to the same standards of competence to which he would hold a man.

That about summarize it?

I might add that you disappoint me.

NitneLiun said...

Why are they wasting their time with Clinton. It was Obama who allowed those four to die.

The attack lasted eight hours, during which real-time video and real-time communications from Benghazi were available. We had a carrier battle group in the Med, an airborne brigade in Italy and special ops in Libya. There are no excuses.

Obama intentionally let them die.

Craig Howard said...

It's the first time Hillary has ever been publicly challenged. She has led a charmed political existence, passing from First Lady, to NYS Senator, to presidential candidate, to Sec'y of State.

Despite that kerfuffle when the left decided Obama was preferable, Hillary has never had to undergo something as "demeaning" as the questioning she got today.

It's about time and, I must say, she didn't hold up too well.

Ctmom4 said...

"The attack lasted eight hours, during which real-time video and real-time communications from Benghazi were available. We had a carrier battle group in the Med, an airborne brigade in Italy and special ops in Libya. There are no excuses.

Obama intentionally let them die." Did anyone ask her about this? I keep pictured them watching the live feed as these people were dying. Psychopaths.

Ctmom4 said...

To believe Hillary requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

wildswan said...

Someone is sitting in prison due to the way the administration presented the Benghazi attack. The guy is not admirable but he is innocent of causing the attack. But the Crew Obama don't have to answer for him being in prison. The ACLU is missing.
So Obama's Secretary of State just yawns and says "someone in prison due to false information? oh, it's just so hard to find out what my left hand is doing, sorry, buzz off, republican fascists, what does it matter? I've got the media and they are poodles and I've got the LoFo's and they're a majority." Well, that's Obamaland, tonight.

Synova said...

I wanted an option between one or two.

Why is it about "destroying" and why is it about "grandstanding?"

During these things it's all "grandstanding" to a certain extent. True. But I don't think he was grandstanding. What he said was true... and it was balanced. Of *course* she doesn't know everything and isn't up on everything... but Libya would seem to have been an obvious area of continual concern.

So why wasn't it?

But did he "destroy" her? No. In the end, actually, no one is going to care. They didn't care before when Obama needed to be reelected, and they're going to care even less now. All that "wait until the investigation gets done"... we always knew it was a joke.

Synova said...

"That would be the felon scumbag that a day after the riots gave a highly ill-advised interview that as "Sam Bacile", "Israeli-American"....
Who stated his goal was to provoke Muslims into killing and hurting Americans with the blasphemy video to show how bad Muslims are.

Except, C4, that only a true idiot thinks that any of the riots, ANY of the riots, were about his stupid movie.

somefeller said...

Remember when conservatives, including on this blog, said Hillary was faking her illness and/or would never testify on Benghazi? Good times, good times.

Unknown said...

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Known Unknown said...

That was one mild tirade, lady.

Rusty said...

Ctmom4 said...
"The attack lasted eight hours, during which real-time video and real-time communications from Benghazi were available. We had a carrier battle group in the Med, an airborne brigade in Italy and special ops in Libya. There are no excuses.

Obama intentionally let them die." Did anyone ask her about this? I keep pictured them watching the live feed as these people were dying. Psychopaths.

Only one question I want answered.
Who gave the order to stand down?
Everything else can proceed from there.

Nathan Alexander said...

Remember when conservatives, including on this blog, said Hillary was faking her illness and/or would never testify on Benghazi? Good times, good times.

No, I don't think that ever happened.

However, I do remember when conservatives, including on this blog, said Hillary was faking her illness and would delay testimony until she could say it didn't really matter because it was old news.

Which is pretty much what she did with her "What does it matter?" outraged question.

So I guess conservatives, including those on this blog, are 2-2, and you are 0-1.

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