October 24, 2012

As it becomes apparent — is it apparent? — that Obama is likely to lose — going to lose? — the election...

... what should we expect to see?

1. Desperate attacks, material that otherwise would not have been dumped into the public discourse.

2. Liberals distancing themselves, saying things like "He hasn't presented us with a comprehensive plan for his second term," to preserve their ability to say, after the election, that the American people did not choose conservatism and they don't want conservatism; they merely selected what seemed to be a plan over the absence of a plan; they wanted change and we have a new plan for change.

3. ???


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chickelit said...

We need malice towards none and charity for all.

The Drill SGT said...

Expect alot of talk of vote supression...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

[W]hat should we expect to see?

A hovercraft full of eels.

traditionalguy said...

The meme will be that it's all W's fault, and that Hillary Clinton is the hard nosed realist needed to restore order.

MadisonMan said...

Shock. Denial. Anger. Depression.

Acceptance around Thanksgiving.

Shane said...

You tell us, Ann, with your professorial, cruelly-neutral precious undecidedness.

TMink said...

What MadisonMan said. Just like when Bush beat Gore.


TosaGuy said...

Dissent will once again become patriotic.

Henry said...

3. Liberals claiming that Romney has (falsely) portrayed himself as liberal ... to preserve their ability to say what Althouse said in point 2.

Tank said...

3. Unemployment will unexpectedly be down to 7%.

MayBee said...

I do not think it is apparent Obama will lose or is likely to lose.

Phil 314 said...

"I'm moving to Canada!"

W.Cook said...

They will start with (1).

If/when Obama loses, they will move on to (2), and will act as if that is what they were saying all along.

prairie wind said...

Even more un-friending on Facebook.

W.Cook said...

They will start with (1).

If/when Obama loses, they will move on to (2), and will act as if that is what they were saying all along.

Al said...

Eight years of anger and bitterness.

Beta Rube said...

It was all a bunch of old white men buying the election via Citizens United.

David G. said...


Wince said...

... what should we expect to see?

Bombshell Scandal: Kinky Romneys Caught in Public Sex Act with Strap-On Dildo.

rehajm said...

An intellectually inquisitive MSM?

Heh. Riiight...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

We should expect Iran to renege on its agreement to negotiate!

Irene said...


madAsHell said...

Chris Matthew's head exploding!

SteveR said...

Threats of violence

FleetUSA said...

If the election is going the way it looks right now for RR, it will be interesting to listen to the liberal talking heads.

I remember vividly listening to D. Shore the "eminent" voice on NPR decrying the imminent Repub victory in 1994.

That's when you appreciate watching MSNBC -- when their heads are being handed to them.

FleetUSA said...

p.s. what if RR has coattails to include a repub Senate?

rehajm said...

'Blue Dog'

Andrew X said...

In the immediate aftermath -- that this proves that "America is virtually ungovernable, fatally flawed in structure (in that it lets that horrible right wing govern at all), etc etc." Just as is said whenever the left's agenda runs into constitutional government.

Then, when President Romney begins to (ahem), govern.... and succeed within that very constitution, expect all that talk to vanish for about ten years... when a new generation of nitwits uses that kollej edoocashun of theirs to listen to the same damn siren song all over again, to elect some new leftist pinhead to do the same crap Carterbama did, which will not work, and America will promptly become "ungovernable" again.

And so on.....

Anonymous said...

"Dissent will once again become patriotic."

Bingo. Right after the cries of fraud have died out.

Then the anti-war movement will be a big deal again.

Ambrose said...

MSM will rediscover the homeless.

Scott M said...

3. ???


garage mahal said...

1. Desperate attacks, material that otherwise would not have been dumped into the public discourse.

Projection be thy name, Althouse.

But I predict crazy anti-muslim billboards, anti-Obama billboards, anti-Obama movies in the mail, Republicans tearing up Democratic voter registration forms, robo-calls telling people wrong dates to vote, mailers sent out to hispanics telling them wrong dates to vote, Republican donors/cable providers giving free air time for anti-Obama movies.

Wait, that's already happening....

Ambrose said...

MSM will rediscover the homeless.

Bob Ellison said...

Women, minorities hardest hit.

Anonymous said...

Lot's of 'think' pieces in legacy media about 'low information voters'.

Drago said...

It looks as though garage may have sobered up!

So will garage NOW tell us when the just-around-the-corner indictment of Scott Walker will happen?

cf said...

Andrea mitchell is already fluffing her cushions for the hard landing. Breitbart showed her triangulating, an example of your point number two. "What is the wisdom, though, of the President going on Jon Stewart, he's speaking to his base, and then getting as serious a question as you will get from Jon Stewart ... about Benghazi and adopting the answer, the word 'optimal' from Jon Stewarts question, you have to give him that. But it still SHOWS A LACK OF COMMAND of the moment." she said Obama shows a lack of command?! Their internal polls must be amazing.

rehajm said...

'Voters are stupid.'

Roger J. said...

The republic will go on--it's strong enough to tolerate even 8 years of an Obama administration (not my preferred outcome, but possible). In addition to the economy, for which Mr Obama has no plans that are apparent to me, we will faced with an increasingly hostile Middle East and a resurgent Russia, both of whom have taken the measure of this feckless and incompetent president.

But I do believe the republic will survive him. Albeit with considerable cost.

Tim said...

#2, but only after it is exceedingly clear he will lose.

Until then, #1 to forestall his earned defeat.

And, afterwards, if we're lucky and smart, Obama will be firmly and permenently ensconced in the history books as the least experienced man ever nominated and then elected president of the United States.

But that hinges on voters learning from their mistakes in'08.

Yeah, I know.

A dubious proposition, stupid people learning from their mistakes. I have some hope they can.

Anonymous said...

There will be no honeymoon for Romney whatsoever. Liberals will go immediately into Romney Derangement Syndrome and blame conservatives for forcing them to do so.

Drago said...

Romney's 7.8% unemployment rate on Jan 20, 2013 will be UNACCEPTABLY HIGH!!!!11!1 and the MSM will demand that Romney immediately move to address the serious level of unemployment/underemployment/dropped out of labor force figures.

Drago said...

Further, by Jan 21, 2013, the MSM will be demanding to know what Romney considers his biggest failures as President to be.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I guess we just weren't ready for a black president.

test said...

Racist blue dogs, racist working class white Dems, racist independents, racist republicans, racist upper midwest, racist america, racism, racism, racism...

Matt Sablan said...

Wait -- Romney the cancer murderer wasn't desperate?

KCFleming said...

A new book: What's the Matter with the US? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America (2013) by American journalist and historian Thomas Frank.

Christopher in MA said...

But I predict crazy anti-muslim billboards, anti-Obama billboards, anti-Obama movies in the mail, Republicans tearing up Democratic voter registration forms, robo-calls telling people wrong dates to vote, mailers sent out to hispanics telling them wrong dates to vote, Republican donors/cable providers giving free air time for anti-Obama movies.

U mad, bro?

By the way, pigfucker, any thoughts on this? The Florida Department of State’s Division of Elections is investigating a number of fraudulent letters sent to voters in the state questioning their citizenship and voter eligibility, in a possible attempt to keep them home on Election Day.

“Our campaign is concerned with this situation, and we are monitoring it closely,” Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams emailed TheDC. “If anybody believes that they have received one of these letters, we urge them to contact their local election officials and the Florida Department of State.”

According to the Florida Department of State, voter fraud constitutes a third-degree felony and is punishable by up to $5,000 fine and five years in prison.

“We’ve received multiple reports of a fraudulent letter that impersonates supervisors of elections and indicates that eligible voters might be ineligible,” Chris Cate, spokesman for the Division of Elections, explained to the Tampa Bay Times, which reported the letters have gone mostly — if not entirely — to Republicans in the state.

“We’re working with the state’s supervisors of elections, as well law enforcement, to identify the source of the letters and put a stop to them,” Cate said.

Tim said...

creeley23 said...

"There will be no honeymoon for Romney whatsoever. Liberals will go immediately into Romney Derangement Syndrome and blame conservatives for forcing them to do so."

Yes, that's exactly right.

All the problems the media has ignored/papered over the last four years will become instantly, relentlessly critical; Romney will be pressed to act immediately WHILE being held to a higher standard than the failed Obama.

Despite being graded on a curve, Romney may likely prove more competent than Obama ever could.

I hope he has the chance.

Henry said...


traditionalguy said...

Garage...Calm down. It will have been that Coptic U-tube video trailer telling the truth about Mohammed that corrupted the red neck rabble mob to attack the White House.

Really educated Dems can stage their come back on 20 years worth of Climate Change propaganda. It's cheap and available.

rehajm said...

Messes can no longer be inherited. If there's a mess, it's yours.

Known Unknown said...

This isn't the ABC News I thought I knew.

Chuck said...

3. "Voter suppression" is to blame. That Republicans stole the election with voter identification rules.

We are seeing the beginnings already. It is the new sub-theme on MSNBC. The supposed story is fetured in this week's Time magazine. NPR is beginning to occupy the story.

test said...

traditionalguy said...
Garage...Calm down

This is terrible advice. Witnessing garage's descent into nuttiness (from merely being an asshole) is one of the most amusing recurring themes on this blog.

bagoh20 said...

Of course, racism will charged as Tingles has already started.

After the election is when it's gonna get ugly. All the political energy of the left including the 90%+ of the MSM will focused on stopping Romney from doing anything substantive to make things better. It will dwarf the Tea Party effect. Some reforms will be made around the edges, but Romney is too nice a guy to hold tough in the face of the names he will be called and the evils he will be accused of. If it were me, I'd announce up front that I don't want a second term, and then I clean out the junk from this hoarder's house of a government and walk into the sunset - even if by impeachment if necessary. That would be courage. That would be heroic.

Anonymous said...

Well, the election's still up in the air, but if Obama loses I expect to see:

3. Civility

4. A quiet dignified acceptance of defeat

5. Many an activist suddenly deactivating, and embracing the ideas of personal responsibility and limited government without State largesse, corruption and voter intimidation

5. The folks at NPR allowing horrified look of incredulity and disgust to sweep across their faces without their voices changing tone, then a few days of hollowness inside with knowing pats on the back at the water cooler.

Then a few weeks of violin music during the interludes and once a week meet ups at Nina Tottenberg's house to discuss strategy.

Anonymous said...

extremely violent rhetoric focussed on romney. wait, that's happening...

racism? that's already being cried.

ignorance? we've been told for 4 years we just don't appreciate TEH ONE's nuance.

whatever they come up with, we've seen it before.

Roger J. said...

I do sympathize with bureaucrats in the BLS--the pressure on them to produce a good jobs report must be tremendous.

Wince said...

Out with a wimper...

Attorney backs unsealing of Romney testimony in pal’s ’87 divorce
By Laurel J. Sweet

In what has been billed as an “October surprise,” celebrity feminist attorney Gloria Allred arrived this morning at a Norfolk court to back the unsealing of testimony by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the 1987 divorce proceedings of one of his closest friends.

“We believe the public has a right to know what Mitt Romney’s testimony was,” Allred told reporters outside Norfolk Probate & Family Court in Canton. Allred arrived with her arm around Maureen Stemberg Sullivan, the ex-wife of Staples co-founder Thomas G. Stemberg.

Sullivan, 61, of Charlestown, and Stemberg, 63, of Chestnut Hill, were involved in a notoriously nasty divorce with disputes over finances that stretched on for a decade after it was finalized. The court papers have been impounded since 1989.

Romney’s Bain Capital helped Stemberg start Staples in 1986.

Stemberg is represented in court today by attorney Brian Leary, who asked Judge Jennifer Ulwick to close the courtroom to media and the public.

“I woke up this morning to find all sorts of stories on blogs,” Leary told Ulwick. “That sort of damaging and salacious detail is just the thing we’re trying to guard against.”

Stemberg is now a managing general partner of Highland Capital Partners in Lexington. His spokesman, George Regan, said Stemberg is prohibited from commenting on the case “because of a longstanding gag order related to this case.”

The Romney campaign did not immediately comment. The former Massachusetts governor is represented this morning by attorney Robert Jones, who did not object to an open courtroom.

Darrell said...

Voters decided to make Republicans clean up the mess they created. Yes, that's the ticket! Obama can run again and win in 2016 or 2020. America's vision will be clear in 2020--get it? The campaign writes itself!

Kelly said...

Going on my experience when Obama won in 08, I curled into a ball for several days, drank heavily, ate huge tubs of chocolate chip cookie dough. After my mourning period was over, I dusted myself off and hoped for the best. Turns out I was overly optimistic.

garage mahal said...

U mad, bro?

No, not at all, based on available data, Obama is likely to be reelected. I am concerned about Republicans cheating though.

JohnJ said...

"... what should we expect to see?"

How about a return to sober, responsible, adult leadership for one.

…and, with a Mormon in the White House, an end to the embrace of the mind numbing, superficial aspects of American culture.

Matt Sablan said...

"No, not at all, based on available data, Obama is likely to be reelected."

-- At this point, available data says it could go either way. A real nail-biter.

Hagar said...

Obama apparently did not have a "plan" for his first four years in office; just his showing up was supposed to be enough for the seas to stop rising and the planet to begin to heal.

What makes you think there is a plan for his second term?

bwebster said...

I wrote a post earlier this week about the coming liberal meltdown. Should be fun to watch.

bagoh20 said...

What I fear is the malaise and feeling of hopelessness that will overcome us if Obama gets four more years. To wake up facing the certainty that the next four years will be like the last, but now with a huge insurmountable deficit, higher taxes, faster rising healthcare costs and dwindling numbers of doctors and long lines waiting to see them, to face the dawn knowing the long fever you thought was braking just got worse.

All of us will become victims of the stagnation resulting from tax payers, and job creators going back into their holes to weather four more years of winter.

It will be hard for Romney to make things worse than that, even if he is jumping behind the wheel of a speeding car headed for a cliff. There may still be enough room left to stop in time, if we hire someone who knows the brake from the gas.

Christopher in MA said...

based on available data, Obama is likely to be reelected.

Chris Matthews' nightly tingly orgasms are hardly indicative of final election results.

I am concerned about Republicans cheating though.

Then we're even. I know Democrats will cheat. I'm concerned about Republicans manning up and stopping them.

Robert Cook said...

If Obama loses, as seems possible, it will because he campaigned as a progressive, but governed as a resolute centrist, (an oxymoron, I know). Voters expected Obama to make efforts to remedy the ills of the nation, and he has spent his four years continuing business as usual--managing government to serve the prerogatives of Wall Street and the 1% and not attending to the needs of the people; expanding the continuous and ubiquitous electronic surveillance of all Americans; sweeping the crimes of the previous administration under the carpet; and continuing and expanding on those crimes.

The Presidency is Obama's to lose...and he may lose it. Yet, even if he salvages his job after such a close call, he will take exactly the wrong lessons from his decline in public support, and will probably apply himself even more assiduously to his program of appeasement of the military/financial complex.

Bayoneteer said...

If only they were that high-minded professor. No, if O loses it will be non-stop conspiracy theories about hacked voting machines, missing ballot boxes, and racism, racism, racism.

Big Mike said...

3. Barack wasn't a "true" liberal, and didn't really govern according to proper liberal principles (Robert Cook, to name names, has been pushing this one for a while).

4. The Republicans bought the election.

5. Voter suppression (as Drill SGT already noted upthread). Note that this meme will deliberately ignore pretty blatant efforts to disenfranchise deployed military personnel.

6. Romney is really left of center, and forced to talk conservative to keep his base. So the election wasn't really a repudiation of liberalism.

7. Barack ran a poor campaign.

@chrisnavin, your second #5. Maybe.

Oh, and @garage? Barack has lost. Now it's just a question of whether it's a 100 electoral vote landslide, or merely a 50 electoral vote loss.

Unknown said...

Eric Holder will say that we're a nation of racists.

JohnJ said...

"No, not at all, based on available data, Obama is likely to be reelected."

That's the correct conclusion, at the moment.

The trend is toward Romney, but that trend must continue a bit before he overtakes the President, especially in the Electoral College.

Ohio is a major concern.

Unknown said...

they merely selected what seemed to be a plan over the absence of a plan; they wanted change and we have a new plan for change.

WTF? Romney has "secret" plans--details to be disclosed only after the election. No sane person can honestly say that they chose Romney because they like his plan.

Big Mike said...

Speak of the devil! Look who posted while I was typing! Did I call it or what?

cubanbob said...

garage mahal said...
U mad, bro?

No, not at all, based on available data, Obama is likely to be reelected. I am concerned about Republicans cheating though.

10/24/12 9:23 AM

Cheating is a democrat specialty. No doubt you are concerned that dead people, felons and illegal aliens will have their votes challenged.

kcom said...

I would hope that when Obama and his minions move out of the White House that Romney and Ryan and their staffs would find their computer keyboards intact - with all the R keys still in place.

On second thought, I'd probably get all new computers. Or have them very thoroughly checked for spyware.

Darrell said...

Meanwhile, Romney voters in NC have receipts showing a vote for Obama.

Democrats hold all the patents on vote fraud. Copyrights, too. Garage's concerns are as phony as he is--and that is saying a lot.

Wince said...

The judge hearing Allred's motion, Jennifer Rivera-Ulwick, must have been appointed recently to the bench.

She's worked in the Family Court for years, and was still court counsel during the weekly panel of the Bar Association CLE on the new Uniform Probate Code I attended in February (she had a broken ankle a made a strong effort to get there every week).

She was one of the detail people at the court when it came to estate probate maters. The Mass Bar Assoc is political, but something tells me she might be careful about the law and her early reputation as a judge.

Drago said...

Cook: "...but governed as a resolute centrist..."

Shorter Cook: failure to confiscate and/or have government control/direct all private property is the new "hard center" (see Chris Mathews for the latest and greatest lefty label).

Cookie has got to be some weird leftover 60's academic type.

bagoh20 said...

Cook, You're simply blinded. the whole world is replete with nations going bankrupt by policies that take from the producers and give to the non-productive well beyond what was sustainable. It was stupid policy that had no chance of success and nobody is succeeding with it. If you want to do that, just be honest and do your theft and servitude with a gun like a good communist.

Unknown said...

Democrats hold all the patents on vote fraud. Copyrights, too. Garage's concerns are as phony as he is--and that is saying a lot.

Will you fucking babies stop whining please? Can we agree in advance that whichever party wins establishes them as the better cheater?

Matt Sablan said...

Part of Obama's slipping in Ohio is that he kept telling people to run ads in Oiho and no one had the heart to correct him.

Darrell said...

No, Jake. Obama is going to lose and it won't be fraud. It will be voters firing his sorry ass.

Robert Cook said...

"3. Barack wasn't a 'true'
liberal, and didn't really govern according to proper liberal principles (Robert Cook, to name names, has been pushing this one for a while).'

He wasn't, and isn't.

For those paying attention, this was obvious before he was elected to the presidency. I didn't vote for him last time because it was apparent he would not be the president he promised he would be and this those who voted for him expected him to be.

That many of those supporters continue to delude themselves as to the nature of Obama's presidency--as do many who oppose him, thinking him a "socialist" or merely an "extreme leftist," both ludicrous propositions and not borne out one iota by his presidency--reveals that our political system and the players in it (including the voters) have become decoupled from objective reality.

Tank said...

Big Mike said...

3. Barack wasn't a "true" liberal, and didn't really govern according to proper liberal principles (Robert Cook, to name names, has been pushing this one for a while).

From their perspective, there is some truth to this. Zero:

Went along with bank bailouts.

Brought in Goldman Sachs reps as his economic team.

Gitmo - open.

Drones expanded.

Afgan and Iraq - still there.

Patriot act - still in effect.

Several new "wars." - Libya, Somalia, etc.

Basically continued Bush's foreign policy and anti-terror programs.

Gave up on Global Warming.


Yes, to the left, he has been a moderate.

karrde said...

@Andrew X,

n the immediate aftermath -- that this proves that "America is virtually ungovernable, fatally flawed in structure (in that it lets that horrible right wing govern at all), etc etc." Just as is said whenever the left's agenda runs into constitutional government.

Then, when President Romney begins to (ahem), govern.... and succeed within that very constitution, expect all that talk to vanish for about ten years... when a new generation of nitwits uses that kollej edoocashun of theirs to listen to the same damn siren song all over again, to elect some new leftist pinhead to do the same crap Carterbama did, which will not work, and America will promptly become "ungovernable" again.

And so on.....

Actually, I suspect that it will be closer to 16 years before a young, exciting new candidate for President gets lots of attention from a fresh batch of college-age voters.

(If you don't get what I mean, think for a minute about who won the Presidency in 1960, 1976, 1992, and 2008. This series hasn't been completely bad, but also hasn't produced many stellar Presidents.)

Drago said...

EDH: "The Mass Bar Assoc is political, but something tells me she might be careful about the law and her early reputation as a judge."


I hear you EDH, but lets face it. This deal has already been cut. The Judge will unseal the records, not that some 25 yr old divorce case will have any relation to Romney at all.

One alternative scenario: The left has already worked out a deal with the Judge NOT to unseal the records (because there isn't anything damaging to Romney in them) BUT it will be portrayed by the left as a nefarious plot to pressure the judge into not releasing harmful anti-woman info on Romney.

Then that meme will be combined with the previous meme's about Romney being "secretive" (Taxes) and anti-woman ("his advice went to the woman's disadvantage!!eleventy!!1!") and greedy ("Secret payoffs from Staples guy 1 Romney!!!1!!").

There's nothing there, but when you're axelrod and obama and you've got nothing else, what else are you gonna do?

It will be the McCain & Bush 1 affairs stories all over again.

Darrell said...

And we'll go through every Department firing out all the zealots that have been enforcing rules to further the Leftist goals-challenge all those new civil service reclassifications. The toilet will be flushed this time.

Unknown said...

No, Jake. Obama is going to lose and it won't be fraud. It will be voters firing his sorry ass.

Hey, here's a surprise. An idiotic whiner insists on whining idiotically. Thanks for your contribution Darrell.

Big Mike said...

b.../b our political system and the players in it (including the voters) have become decoupled from objective reality.

I don't think it's our political system - and certainly not the voters - who are decoupled from objective reality.

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie has got to be some weird leftover 60's academic type."

Not in the least. I was raised in a Republican family--all of whom, besides me, remain Republican--and I registered as and voted Republican in my first two Presidential elections, (Ford/Carter and Carter/Reagan).

Growing up, leaving my family and seeing the world as it is brought about my change in perspective and the dropping away of the dogmas I had been raised with.

Darrell said...

Fuck you Jake, and the disingenuousness you rode in on.

Clare said...

#2 is already happening on the MSNBC and CNN morning shows.

I saw several devoted Palace Guards disappointingly mention the lack of a new plan in the recently published "plan" book that Obama trotted out.

And I heard them mention, "Romney means change".

Zach said...

Liberals will suddenly find great fault with Obama's personal qualities, which will make the election about him rather than about liberalism.

Every losing campaign eventually blames the candidate.

Bob Ellison said...

I look forward to the new nicknames. After "Zero", "Nobama", "Chimpy McBusHitler", etc., someone is bound to come up with something better than "Mittens".

Nit RomHitler?

I'm not that good at wordsmithing.

Christopher in MA said...

Will you fucking babies stop whining please? Can we agree in advance that whichever party wins establishes them as the better cheater?

That's rich, coming from a member of the party that spent eight years whining "selected, not elected!"

But if you want to establish the ground rule that whichever party wins an election is the party that cheated better, admit you have no faith in the democratic process and register as Mickey Mouse, like a good prog.

Unknown said...

Darrell -
Just stop whining. Thanks buddy.

Christopher in MA said...

I look forward to the new nicknames. After "Zero", "Nobama", "Chimpy McBusHitler", etc., someone is bound to come up with something better than "Mittens".

"Mittler." It's already the name du jour with the Koz Kidz and DU, so expect Debbie Wasserman-Test to start using it on election night.

Bob Ellison said...

Mittler RobMe?

Seeing Red said...

Cookie's smoking the hard stuff again.

My house is owned by the King and that's too conservative for Cookie.

Cookie wants it all.

Bob Ellison said...

Darn it, Christopher in MA, I should have known that. Haven't been to those sites in a while. I'm falling down on the job-- the Internets are flying on without me! Thanks for the reminder.

ricpic said...

Cookie won't be happy until every kulak has his cow taken away for the common good.

Seeing Red said...

DWS has a chance to lose her seat, her challenger has outraised her lately. If you want to help Karen Harrington, the info is at Vodkapundit, but it's now on the
2nd page.

Unknown said...

That's rich, coming from a member of the party that spent eight years whining "selected, not elected!"

Hey, dumbfuck in MA is back with more of his gibberish.

In fact I'm not a member of any political party. But in a different thread, Christopher squealed that as long as he can imagine something to be true, then it is as good as factual!

There's no point in arguing with delusional freaks like Christopher. Better to let him shout at his monitor than to disturb his fantasy world.

roesch/voltaire said...

Geography and math classes will no longer be required, in there place will be more mass com courses that specialize in pushing malarkey--and everybody will be happy for about two years.

Seeing Red said...

We both see the world as it is, Cookie, we disagree on the best way to help.

Darrell said...

Says Jake Diamond whining about nonexistant whining. Except from Garage, of course, but he's working the aftermath--setting up the meme.

Seeing Red said...

Via Insty:

LOWER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: “Farewell to algebra” . . . for minority kids? “I seem to have touched a raw nerve with my posts about (government-approved) lower educational standards for minority kids. Is it possible that the common core standards will similarly lower the bar, this time for math performance?”

The soft bigotry of low expectations. Very sad.

Nathan Alexander said...

There will be an absence of many of our familiar commenters.m those who do stop by will be hostile and mutter ad nominee attacks and non-sequiturs about whining or vote suppression.

Oh, that's already happening, isn't it?

DADvocate said...

Massive fraud and intimidation in the election. Already seen some of that in North Carolina where ballots marked Romney are coming up Obama when run through the machine.

Nathan Alexander said...

Hominem, not nominee.

Apple thinks it knows what word I want more than I do.

Kind of like limousine liberals thinking welfare for red state citizens is more in their interest than keeping more of their only they earn in a job.

Nathan Alexander said...

"Only" should be money. Small touchscreen keyboard + autocorrect strikes again.

Unknown said...

Jake Diamond whining about nonexistant whining

Darrell happily confirms his idiocy.

Christopher in MA said...

Hey, dumbfuck in MA is back with more of his gibberish.

"Dumbfuck in MA." I like it. You should forward your resume to Letterman; he could use some good writers.

In fact I'm not a member of any political party.

You just hate Romney impartially, that's all.

But in a different thread, Christopher squealed that as long as he can imagine something to be true, then it is as good as factual!

I don't remember that, but if I said it and it isn't just an echo from the voices in your head, I have no doubt you took it out of context.

There's no point in arguing with delusional freaks like Christopher. Better to let him shout at his monitor than to disturb his fantasy world.

And yet, somehow, you can't come up with any better response to concerns about voter fraud than "stop whining!" Someone's delusional, dear boy, but it's not me.

Geography and math classes will no longer be required

Because Romney has never needed mathematics in his life. Better check those meds, RV.

in there place will be more mass com courses that specialize in pushing malarkey--and everybody will be happy for about two years.

In your case, I'd argue for remedial spelling and grammar courses.

DADvocate said...

Garage will be pleased to know that Obama has a massive lead in other countries, except Pakistan where he's made so many drone attackes.

Robert Cook said...

"My house is owned by the King and that's too conservative for Cookie."

Your house is owned by the bank, and, given the opportunity, the bank will redefine the terms to their advantage and to your disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

"Every losing campaign eventually blames the candidate."

Except this one, because Obamessiah is beyond criticism.

Listen, don't you realize that white liberals are fatally paralyzed with respect to race. They simply, physically cannot criticize blacks.

Anyway, regardless of who wins, this is a racially polarized election. The entire result depends on race, on getting enough whites to come out and vote their racial interests. Blacks are 99.44% pro-Obama. They are the Democrat base.

If Romney wins, they will blame it on the evil rednecks, and get down to making Tim Wise's predictions come true. Meanwhile, race-neutral neocons like Althouse will continue to deny the truth.

Bob Ellison said...

Rmoney has potential. Very sneaky.

Nathan Alexander, back when spell-check was becoming ubiquitous, I read an essay by someone who complained that lexicons should be flexibly featured, so that the next time he makes a typo like "mangaer" (for "manager") he doesn't get corrected with something like "manger". He noted that such a correction might be useful in Divinity School, but in business writing, not so much.

Robert Cook said...

"'I look forward to the new nicknames. After "Zero", "Nobama", "Chimpy McBusHitler", etc., someone is bound to come up with something better than "Mittens".'

"'Mittler.' It's already the name du jour with the Koz Kidz and DU, so expect Debbie Wasserman-Test to start using it on election night."

The most obvious--and apt--nickname is "Shit," as in, "Shit Romney."

Unknown said...

Obama has been a good President in very difficult times. I pin far more blame on the disciplined, I would even say fanatical determination of the Republicans to defeat him from the day of his 2008 victory to the present for the painfully slow progress in the economy. In tribute to their success -- should President Obama be defeated -- I hope the Democrats in the Senate will return the favor to Mr. Romney

But I believe Obama will win in November.

Later, Haters!

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Cheating is a democrat specialty

Projection. When a Republican accuses you of something you can bet the house they're already doing it. Democrats don't need to cheat, they outnumber Republicans. They just need to get people to the polls, which is what Republicans try to prevent. For instance, a criminal operation in multiple states, hired by the GOP, to throw Democratic registrations in the garbage.

Dante said...

I think we will see riots, and maybe that's a good thing.

It is time to rethink our approach to race relations in this country, and how the approach of redistribution is destroying the very lives it is purported to help.

Bob Ellison said...

I think you're right, Robert Cook!

Maybe Shit Rmoney will win the competition.

Darrell said...

No, Jake, you confirm yours--every time you comment.

You and Stephen Hawking have a combined IQ of 200. Live with it.

Seeing Red said...

That's not the letter I received from the USG, Cookie. It stated they hold the paper, but pay the banks.

We've always qualified for a conventional loan.

USG holds 90% of the paper now. Power being what it is, I'm sure some enterprising young turk in the US Attorneys' office will come up with the brilliant idea since The King owns my house, they can come in at will and tell me what needs "correcting" for the children.

Unknown said...

You just hate Romney impartially, that's all.

I don't hate Mittens, actually. I just despise what he stands for, unless of course he just happens to have flip-flopped into one of his rare reasonable and sane policy positions. But then I can wait 5 minutes and he'll have flip-flopped again to pander to right wing idiots.

I don't hate Obama either, by the way, but I won't vote for him, and thanks to our great electoral college system, the vote I cast for president is bascially irrelevant.

Finally, as far as vote fraud is concerned, I've never seen any evidence that contradicts the conclusion that in person voter fraud is essentially nonexistent. On the other hand, I'm convinced that vote suppression attempts by the GOP in the guise of reducing in person voter fraud can have an impact on elections.

Darrell said...

When a Republican accuses you of something you can bet the house they're already doing it

The Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh saying about the Democrats/Left turned around! How fucking clever garage! So you don't have an original thought in your head, do you?

bagoh20 said...

R/V Are you happy with the absence of geography, math and science classes now, because we are not teaching those things, despite spending more than most of the world on education. We are probably both unhappy with that, but you think the answer is more of the same.

Seeing Red said...

--Projection. When a Republican accuses you of something you can bet the house they're already doing it. Democrats don't need to cheat---

You really are clueless, aren't you?

The Chicago Way is pure demoncrat.

You've never seen the picture from the cemetary?

Seeing Red said...

Try being a republican in Chicago and vote when your voter's reg goes missing.

Old post from either Blackhawk 5 or Ace of Spades - happened in his precinct.

Seeing Red said...

Has anyone seen the ad from Minnesota "If our banks were run like our elections?"

FUNNY! It's at Powerline.

Seeing Red said...

My dad's mail in ballot was stolen in the 2004 election. He requested it, never got it, but it registered him voting.

traditionalguy said...

I have a vision of Hussein Obama yelling Allah Akbar as he pushes the last button at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue needed to destroy the American dollar. That is called work place violence

Robert Cook said...

"Has anyone seen the ad from Minnesota 'If our banks were run like our elections?'"

Who says they're not?

Christopher in MA said...

Obama has been a good President in very difficult times. I pin far more blame on the disciplined, I would even say fanatical determination of the Republicans to defeat him from the day of his 2008 victory to the present for the painfully slow progress in the economy.

Ah, yes, the old Mitch McConnell "one term president" whine. As if Democrats didn't spend eight years tearing down Bush, engaging in economic malfeasance (for which W bears a great deal of blame, being too much the gentleman to have crooks like Slobbering Barney and Chris Dodd hauled off in chains) and outright treason during the war.

In tribute to their success -- should President Obama be defeated -- I hope the Democrats in the Senate will return the favor to Mr. Romney.

I'd expect nothing less from Democrats. Party uber alles, afer all.

But I believe Obama will win in November.

Hold on to that dream.

Later, Haters!

Racists, my son. We're racists, not haters. Check with Axelrod for the new memo.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Unknown said...
Obama has been a good President in very difficult times. I pin far more blame on the disciplined, I would even say fanatical determination of the Republicans to defeat him from the day of his 2008 victory to the present for the painfully slow progress in the economy. In tribute to their success -- should President Obama be defeated -- I hope the Democrats in the Senate will return the favor to Mr. Romney.

This is basically correct except the Democrat senators will not act like the Republican house. They are patriots not partisans.

edutcher said...

What will we see?

Anybody see (or read) "Seven Days In May"?

If the Chicago crowd thought they could get away with it, they'd try it.

Jake Diamond said...

Democrats hold all the patents on vote fraud. Copyrights, too. Garage's concerns are as phony as he is--and that is saying a lot.

Will you fucking babies stop whining please? Can we agree in advance that whichever party wins establishes them as the better cheater?

As always, when cornered, the Lefties call telling the truth whining.

(they really need new writers)

Shouting Thomas said...

This is basically correct except the Democrat senators will not act like the Republican house. They are patriots not partisans.

Bullshit. Bullshit. And more bullshit.

The job of the oppposition is... get this... to oppose!

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
1. Desperate attacks, material that otherwise would not have been dumped into the public discourse.

Projection be thy name, Althouse.

But I predict crazy anti-muslim billboards, anti-Obama billboards, anti-Obama movies in the mail, Republicans tearing up Democratic voter registration forms, robo-calls telling people wrong dates to vote, mailers sent out to hispanics telling them wrong dates to vote, Republican donors/cable providers giving free air time for anti-Obama movies.

Wait, that's already happening..

I think it was N.Carolina where 130 people 110 years old or older cast their votes. Guess who they voted for?
Did Milwaukee ever find those 100,000+ African-American voters that don't seem to exist?

edutcher said...

AnUnreasonableTroll said...

Obama has been a good President in very difficult times. I pin far more blame on the disciplined, I would even say fanatical determination of the Republicans to defeat him from the day of his 2008 victory to the present for the painfully slow progress in the economy. In tribute to their success -- should President Obama be defeated -- I hope the Democrats in the Senate will return the favor to Mr. Romney.

This is basically correct except the Democrat senators will not act like the Republican house. They are patriots not partisans.


That's why we haven't seen a budget for 3 years.

Seeing Red said...

This is out of Newsweek?

“As the authors note, what makes Obama’s executive actions different from those of his predecessors is Obama, unlike Franklin Delano Roosevelt during the Great Depression or George W. Bush after 9/11, “is not expanding executive power to meet the demands of an external crisis. Instead, he is counteracting a new pattern of partisan behavior—nonstop congressional obstruction—with a new, partisan pattern of his own.”

And when Newsweek asked Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director, whether Obama would continue to govern this way if he won a second term, Pfeiffer did not hesitate in answering, “Yeah.”

Pfeiffer said Obama would “work with Congress where we can—and then be willing to act where they won’t. There are always things on that list.”

My way or the highway - I'm the nation. ME!!!!!!!

Roger J. said...

The Bush v Gore election, subsequently decided by SCOTUS, will not obtain in this election. (at least in my opinion).

There will, of course, be expressions of angst among partisans of both stripes. These are the things the MSM needs to keep their viewership up.

At the end of the day we will elect a ppresident (and I hope it is Mr Romney), and he can get on with the busness of governing.

I genuinely hope there will be no litigation as occured in Florida--but who knows.

Pundits will pontificate, scream and rant about whatever their hobbyhorses tell them to.

At the end of the day, on January 20th we will inaugrate a new president, and he can get on with governing. There will be sturm und drang, but most people will get on with their lives.

gerry said...

Fear of being labeled racist will silence many liberal critics, since Obama is one of their own. They'll just call everyone else stupid shits who should be rounded up and prevented from injuring the progressive march into servitude of (to?) the state.

It will be loud for a while, but since many former Obamaphiles will be punching the ballot for Romney to prevent the destruction of their children and grandchildren, the ruckus will die down quickly because even they will be telling the crazies to STFU and to get along with living.

Seeing Red said...

It's like 2010 never happened. Voters beefed up the republican side to actually remind Obama he's not king. It's terrible when voters speak, isn't it? Oh, wait, 200++ years of voters speaking, bad.

gerry said...

Oh, and it will be a landslide. The preference cascade has occurred, and the MSM is in denial.

Seeing Red said...

00Will you fucking babies stop whining please? Can we agree in advance that whichever party wins establishes them as the better cheater?--

Wouldn't that depend on the margin?

How did Al & Gregiore win again?

Keep counting until you get the result you want?

Seeing Red said...

DBQ was going to read Romney's secret plan.

I wonder how she got it? I like the cafeteria-style deduction option, how about you?

Seeing Red said...

--In tribute to their success -- should President Obama be defeated -- I hope the Democrats in the Senate will return the favor to Mr. Romney.---

That will depend on how close it is and I hope Mitt learned from RR's mistakes, cut then tax increase, not increase and cuts down the road, where's Perot's chart when you need it?

We're $3 in spending for every $1 taken in now.

Cedarford said...

Dante said...
I think we will see riots, and maybe that's a good thing.

It is time to rethink our approach to race relations in this country, and how the approach of redistribution is destroying the very lives it is purported to help.

I happen to agree.
If the election is close, and Obama loses, besides the inevitable court challenges, you will see black thugs egged on by OWS scum rioting or threatening to riot if the Black Man is not left in charge - as he has a moral right to - as Obama is a black man.

Simpering white liberals will beg the election be overturned because - "it is more important to avoid having innocent dead people from riots than perhaps have the technical winner of the election take office and Divide America".

I think widepread black rioting and threats of more violence against people of other races because Obama lost would have the exact opposite effect of the 60s riots that coerced massive new entitlements and affirmative action throughout the land even though AA was never voted on.

It would be a time when the rest of society determined the black thugs had gone too far and had to be checked, checked hard.

Roger J. said...

BTW--the only reason I am continuing to comment is to wait to see what "boombshell" mr trump is going to unleash in a minute or so. Mr Romey's attorney has already vitiated Ms Allred's "bombshell."

Where is a good october surprise when you need one.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

what should we expect to see?

If I lived anywhere NEAR a city that contains a significant "ethnic" neighborhood component, I would get the Hell out of Dodge.

I expect to see violence and it will be ugly.

I think the cheating (see S.Carolina and pre programed electronic voting machines defaulting to Obama even when you vote Romney) and voter fraud will be so rampant that we may be inflicted with Obama for another 4 years ....in which case I expect to see the country become a 3rd world dictatorship and we are toast.

I pity the young people who will have to live with this horror for the next 40 years.....or longer.

Seeing Red said...

--"Has anyone seen the ad from Minnesota 'If our banks were run like our elections?'"

Who says they're not?--

Since my husband wasn't on an account, I couldn't deposit his paycheck in that account.

From the peanut gallery's view, IDA, Cookie.

Roger J. said...

DBQ: I live in Memphis, a city that is 70 percent black. I am not getting out of Memphis, nor do I suspect any significant out rage. At the risk of being a smart ass, many of the black youts wear their pants down under their ass and cant even run. We had a great case a while back when such a yout attempted a robbery and continued to fall down tripping over his pants until the police captured him.

But, of course, that's just anecdotal.

Lyssa said...

I expect highly exploitable bitterness over the country's intense racism, likely for the remainder of my lifetime. The perfect replacement that the race pimps have been searching for as the people who actually experienced Jim Crow die off.

I expect that the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world are just giddy at the prospect.

victoria said...

Don't count him out. The biggest mistake you righty's can do is underestimate Obama.

Vicki from Pasadena

Drago said...

vicki: "The biggest mistake you righty's can do is underestimate Obama."


That's hilarious coming from an obamaphile.

The only one that has been underestimated in this election cycle has been Romney by those on the left.

How's that working out for you btw?

CWJ said...


Newsflash. Geography has virtually disappeared from American College curriculums - much less being a requirement. Indeed, it is not even offered by my local high schools.

Its a pity, surely.

As I recall, your comprehension of Demography is quite limited. I suspect your comprehension of Geography and Math may be similar.

Big Mike said...

Finally, as far as vote fraud is concerned, I've never seen any evidence that contradicts the conclusion that in person voter fraud is essentially nonexistent.

I guess you've never been to Chicago, where the local Democrats laugh and joke about the amount of fraud they perform in elections.

jp said...

We have the best form of government the world has ever had; therefore, we will continue to be a shining light for the people of the world.

The question is how great we will be in the future and for how long.

jp said...

We have the best form of government the world has ever had; therefore, we will continue to be a shining light for the people of the world.

The question is how great we will be in the future and for how long.

Clyde said...

The Mother of All Temper Tantrums by the left.

Christopher in MA said...

Finally, as far as vote fraud is concerned, I've never seen any evidence that contradicts the conclusion that in person voter fraud is essentially nonexistent.

Didn't watch the DNC convention, did you?

Lydia said...

Won’t happen straight out of the box, but if Romney does win, I think it’s possible he may act as a balm for the country. He projects strong, but kind, father. And he’s got a track record of being a conciliator, in addition to totally lacking a mean streak.

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
Cheating is a democrat specialty

Projection. When a Republican accuses you of something you can bet the house they're already doing it. Democrats don't need to cheat, they outnumber Republicans. They just need to get people to the polls, which is what Republicans try to prevent. For instance, a criminal operation in multiple states, hired by the GOP, to throw Democratic registrations in the garbage.

Are you lying now or were you lying before?

Baron Zemo said...

If anything conservatives will be more pissed off when Romney goes back to his Rhino ways.

He will legitmize Obamacare in a watered down version. Keep the same foreign policy. And only attack entitlements along the edges.

The attacks will be coming from the right not the left.

Watch and see.

Baron Zemo said...

But even that is better than the mess we have now.

Baron Zemo said...

Clint Eastwood will be a much better Secy of State.

furious_a said...

Lots of lawyer skydiving accidents over Ohio followed by...

...rediscovery by the Praetorian Media of homelessness and casualty counts in Afghanistan.

furious_a said...

I've never seen any evidence that contradicts the conclusion that in person voter fraud is essentially nonexistent.

Dead people don't vote "in-person", silly.

James said...

I've been reading the FiveThirtyEight blog at NYTimes for the past few weeks. Even though Nate Silver gives Obama a 68 percent chance of winning re-election, many of the commenters there talk of conspiracies.

Perhaps most frequently mentioned is that Tagg Romney either owns Diebold or invested in Diebold and he has a hand in the specific voting machines used in Ohio.

Second there's talk of voter supression and a few have been threatening to move overseas.

Anonymous said...

RogerJ, so funny and so right.

All those wishing for riots are just indulging their apocalyptic musings. They want the blood to run in the streets and be nestled so snugly in their underground shelter, eating canned beans. Ah, the joys of feeling safe, hmmm, how long will the beans hold out?

Time to stock up on beans and rice and bullets again apocalyptos, for both scenarios, lose or win! Whoopie!

DADvocate said...

I expect Obama to declare martial law and establish a dictatorship (or dictatorboat).

Crunchy Frog said...


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ah, the joys of feeling safe, hmmm, how long will the beans hold out?

Hey!! I also have canned hams, chicken, tuna and of course SPAM. Not to also mention cases of wine and hard liquor. I'm no piker. We can last for at least a year.

Plus I can knock off one of the deer that are pests eating my apples and plums. We are surrounded by tons of meat on the hoof. Cattle, deer, sheep. No problem

Having learned from the past, unlike some other peoples, I am not afraid to face the reality that there could be some societal chaos and rioting. It doesn't mean I welcome it or want it to happen.

Put your head in the sand if you like. I prefer to keep a clear line of sight.

yashu said...

Self-plagiarizing what I wrote elsewhere:

Some on the right (and a few on the left) talk of the possibility of "race riots" if Obama loses. I don't buy it, never have. White Democrats at the NYT & MSNBC & so on may take to their fainting couches or go apoplectic. IMO black Americans, not so much. They'll be disappointed, but they'll take it in stride. And mostly, they'll be disappointed in Obama.

With a few exceptions, it's not black people pushing the "Romney & Romney voters = racist" line, the "they hate Obama because he's black" line. It's white leftists and liberals like Chris Matthews, the lily white MSNBC crew, celebrities like Garofalo, etc.

Many black Americans of course still have some significant psychological/ emotional investment in the idea of a black man as POTUS, and most of them will probably vote for Obama. But there's nowhere near that 2008 level of identification with Obama as an icon. IIRC Chris Rock already had a line a while back (don't remember what it was) subtly distancing himself as a black man from Obama (or Obama's "white half").

The MSM didn't make much of Artur Davis's defection, but I saw that as a very significant event. That Davis saw such a move as politically viable-- and not as politically suicidal-- says a lot.

IMO, black people use the race card, of course, because, like all human beings, they're apt to use what's convenient or advantageous to them, defensively or offensively, as a tool or weapon. And in many cases its use is sincere, in good faith. But IMO black people are also the first to know, to realize and recognize when and to what extent the race card play is bullshit. They know, because it's their own bullshit excuse. It's like women are the first to smell a bullshit "damsel in distress" card from another woman, while clueless men go all captain save-a-ho. Black people recognize a bullshit race card play, while the Chris Matthews of the world go all captain save-O.

IMO, most black people won't buy the "Obama lost because he's black." It's bullshit, and most won't fall for it. They may say it, but IMO they won't really believe it. Obama will have lost because he's Obama, dorky half-white Obama, a particular man-- not because he's black. It's white liberals (like the Matthews of the world) who'll say and believe "Obama lost because he's black." It's white liberals who need and will hold on to that delusion. IMO, generally speaking, black people won't.

traditionalguy said...

Has Obama considered this coming humiliation to be a Karma come back to Blagoyavitch being ruined by Obama's ChiTown gang?


Baron Zemo said...

So you are saying that Barry is not a "Real" Black Guy.

Sounds about right.

He is not a "Real" anything.

yashu said...

PS Like Maybee, I'm not at all certain Romney will win the election.

He should win. I very much hope and am hopeful that he will win.

But we'll see. (Among other things, I expect some fraud/ corruption in the voting process, and Eric Holder runs the DOJ. Does that make me a "whiner"?)

I was a nervous nellie about the Walker recall too, and that turned out OK. So, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Drago said...

Inga: "All those wishing for riots are just indulging their apocalyptic musings."


Liberal president is on the ropes electorally.

Liberal/leftist folk begin to announce how they will riot/burn/kill in response to impending liberal presidential loss.

Conservatives make note of the many threats issued by leftist.

Other leftists (Inga) pretend that the conservatives made it all up as some sort of twisted wish.

It has always been thus with the left. If you dare to notice and comment about what is happening, you become the agent of what is happening.

See "talking down the economy" re: Clinton/Gore, obama.

yashu said...

He is not a "Real" anything.

Well, he is one of "The Real Presidents of the USA." Alas.

He has a show that plays on multiple MSM channels.

PatCA said...

Releasing the Allred is the biggest sign of desperation.

gerry said...

Releasing the Allred is the biggest sign of desperation.

Especially when you see what she's tryng to get at.

Anonymous said...

Drago, so which leftists are announcing they will riot, pillage and plunder? Oops I mean riot, burn, kill. Hey is rape in there somewhere? I must start reading lefty blogs, I feel I'm missing some important stuff here.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

so which leftists are announcing they will riot, pillage and plunder? Oops I mean riot, burn, kill. Hey is rape in there somewhere?



Lots of you tube videos here.


and of course the ever popular twitter death threats against Romney because he might take away their free stuff.


You really should get out more.

Amartel said...

"... what should we expect to see?"

Overwhelming relief from progressives with the realization that their utopian fantasy world of "fairness" and "equality" will remain a fantasy and not become a dreadful reality for which they might be held responsible.

Also, bonus, they get to go back to being tedious, sanctimonious, hectoring scolds.

Anonymous said...

DBQ, LMAO, seriously, you cite those websites as credible?!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I didn't say credible. You asked where it was on the net that blacks are threatening to riot. If you don't believe the twitter feed, then the videos of blacks actually talking about it....not to mention Thomas Sowell whom I do consider credible.

I hope it doesn't come to this, but given the past and the race riots Watts and given my personal experiences with black racism in the Bay Area, I have no doubt that there 'could' be some bad things happening.

As I said. Continue to stick your head in the sand or up your ass...I don't care. I do care for my friends and family who still live in the eye of the coming storm.

There is no way in HELL, that I am going to go to those areas any time in the near or moderately distant future.

Anonymous said...

Oooooo, coming storm, shades of the Terminator, some people cling to their fantasies. Ridiculous.

Baron Zemo said...

Sorry Buddy but he is not a "Real" President.

A "Real President" gives a shit if an ambassador is being murdered before his very eyes. He doesn't go off to Vegas and say "You win some you lose some."

A "Real President" has a press conference more than once a year and has to answer questions by someone other than Jon Stewart or David Letterman.

A "Real President" is held responsible for his actions and is not graded on a curve.

He is not a Real anything.

Well except a "Real" disgrace to the office and a blot on our Republic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Autistic Children Recognize Stereotypes Based On Race And Sex, Study Suggests

yashu said...

Baron, I don't disagree.

He's as "Real" as some of The Real Housewives. But saying that is an insult to The Real Housewives.

Baron Zemo said...

Well he is a Pussy so he could be a Real Housewife.

Barrack Nene Obama.

Eric Jablow said...

Remember the Underpants Gnomes from South Park?

1. Desperate attacks, material that otherwise would not have been dumped into the public discourse. Liberals distancing themselves, saying things like "He hasn't presented us with a comprehensive plan for his second term," to preserve their ability to say, after the election, that the American people did not choose conservatism and they don't want conservatism; they merely selected what seemed to be a plan over the absence of a plan; they wanted change and we have a new plan for change.

2. ???

3. Profit!

yashu said...

neo-neocon aptly reminds us here that the Real qualities of the Real Barack Obama (perceived by more and more people lately) were evident in 2008 and before.

Amartel said...

O's a Real President of Genius. (Like the Bud Light commercials re: Real Men of Genius.) Mr. Everything's Great in Libya Guy. Mr. al Qaeda's on the Run (into our Consulate) Guy.

Also, O's most like Teresa on NJ than Nene. All the lying and spending. Not that I would know anything about such matters.
Ahoy polloi.

Baron Zemo said...

I don't know.

In the last debate Barry seemed like an angry black woman.

janmaxwell said...

If anyone here bothered to look at any poll other than Rasmussen, you might be surprised to see that Obama is leading in all the states he needs to get to 270, and Romney is not. Put your fingers on your computer keys and go look at what the rest (non-Fox) world is looking at. You might start with Nate Silver at the NY Times, the Time Mag poll out tonight, and the terrific reporting from Jon Ralston in Nevada.

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