June 7, 2012

"Who are these people? They're not even from Wisconsin... and they're calling it over?!"

The day after the recall election, protesters show their spirit... confronting the CNN bus....

The Solidarity Singers shall not be moved... but the CNN bus is leaving.


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Anonymous said...

We'll take the obligatory Bluto Blutarsky quote as read, just this once.

Tom Spaulding said...

One side had people like her.

The other side had proven ideas worth investing in, so they attracted outside money to help them beat back recall elections forced on the entire state by... people like her.

Mark Nielsen said...

I saw this clip earlier today. Sweet, sweet, liberal tears. I guess I'm a horrible person.

Rob said...

I love the tone of voice of the two folks in this video. They sound just like an SNL comedy sketch.

Farmer said...

The other side had proven ideas worth investing in, so they attracted outside money to help them beat back recall elections forced on the entire state by... people like her.

The other side also had people running around foaming at the mouth about union thugs and lazy, entitled state workers.

Brian Brown said...

Silly, ignorant, not at work, and unhinged.


Chuck said...

The Walker-recall people just need to "move on." Seriously, they should just move on with the business of their lives.

I think everybody should just move on, after the massively-failed Walker recall attempt.

I am so serious about this, I am going to start a non-profit group aimed at devoting attention to more serious and substantive matters. I'd like to use the name "Move On" in a website, and I think I will call my group "MoveOn.org."

Does anybody know if that .url is taken already?

cassandra lite said...

Talk to the hand.

Lucien said...

Somehow that first guy saying it wasn't over reminded me of Tim Treadwell from "Grizzly Man".

Scott M said...

The other side also had people running around foaming at the mouth about union thugs and lazy, entitled state workers.

One side also had union thugs and lazy, entitled state workers foaming at the mouth with dirty, dirty feet.

Carnifex said...

Like Mark Nielson, I too saw this earlier. What this song needs is more cowbells! Or maybe temper tantrums.

As an aside, I thought the little girl pigtails was quite apropos.

Farmer said...

I think everybody should just move on, after the massively-failed Walker recall attempt.

I think most of us have moved on. Your side won. Now make with the jobs!

Brian Brown said...

By the way, I love how it is "My house, my capital"

me, me, I, I

Modern progressiveness in a nut shell.

Farmer said...

"One side also had union thugs and lazy, entitled state workers foaming at the mouth with dirty, dirty feet."

Another proven idea worth investing in!

Brian Brown said...

Speaking of sweet, sweet, tears.

Dems not starting a whisper campaign that Clinton is going senile.

He's 65 you know!

Ann Althouse said...

There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.

The real shame is that way the Democratic Party has tried to exploit their energy with no real commitment to their politics. The kids were not ready for prime time, and the Party is way past prime time. It's not like it averages out.

Farmer said...

Modern progressiveness

Typical modern conservativeness!

Farmer said...

There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.

There were a lot of really old ones too. Smelly old hippies. They're the ones that seem ridiculous to me.

Anonymous said...

There was also Sleeveless Mach Preacher Guy, who's got no excuse. I do feel a little bad for some of the kids: you look at them and think, this is all they've got.

Synova said...

I can't watch those... not her... not the crying guy in the street at night... not that fellow talking about Kleefich (?!) and cancer.

I know that these clips are getting posted over and over on the blogs I read, but I just can't do it. They're getting posted so more people can laugh. I expect it to be too painful, and I can't do it.

Shite said...

I saw this and laughed. So what they called the election early, they were right, weren't they?

Stupid libs.

I don't know how much property taxes in Madison are, but lurking here and reading other articles about teacher and administrator pay, I bet they are $5000.00 average.

These two don't pay property tax.

Anyone that doesn't pay property taxes does not have skin in the game when it comes to paring back the public unions.

STFU, punks and weirdos, and freeloaders.

Mr. Forward said...

Thistle ith a thore luther.

Tom Spaulding said...

The other side also had people running around foaming at the mouth about union thugs and lazy, entitled state workers.

And why was that? Because union thugs and lazy entitled workers put a knife to the gizzard of the Golden Goose. And the Golden Goose did not flinch, but won election after election after recount after recall. And we're back to the facts: good ideas won, bad ideas lost...repeatedly.

As The Colonel says in Boogie Nights after the guy complains about multiple girls OD-ing on his coke:

"Well, do you think this means that maybe ya, oughta think about getting some new shit?"

Original Mike said...

This woman maybe had a point at 9pm on Jun 5th, but to complain about CNN's calling the election now, when they have been so thourghly vindicated by the results, is pathetic.

Farmer said...

And why was that?

Because it's easier than making an intelligent argument, I suppose.

Temujin said...

I cannot imagine why these people lost.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I can understand somebody having trouble suddenly having to deconstruct Hitler from an election.

The democrats and the Unions that ran with and nourished the unrealistic expectations of these people should be made to answer.

That woman that slapped Barret was made to believe that it was inevitable.. that it was going to happen.. slam dunk.. sure thing.

Aren't there any adult respectable decent democrats left?

There should be some heads rolling.. if there was any decency left there.

Original Mike said...

"The real shame is that way the Democratic Party has tried to exploit their energy with no real commitment to their politics. The kids were not ready for prime time, and the Party is way past prime time. It's not like it averages out."

Mike Tate has no regrets.

Synova said...

"There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.

The real shame is that way the Democratic Party has tried to exploit their energy with no real commitment to their politics.

The earnestness of youth makes it worse, in my opinion. And I think this is probably one of the cases where there is a real question of just how responsible are the people who told the lies to a young person being laughed at from coast to coast.

Temujin said...

I cannot imagine why these people lost.

pellehDin said...

Considering the number of people "not even from Wisconsin" who voted in the recall election, it seems only fair.

And yes, I am looking forward to the ultimate decision of the Court of Appeals on the Wisconsin Voter ID law. I would be overjoyed [but shocked] if voter ID didn't somehow reduce Democrat votes - massively.

Synova said...

"And why was that? Because union thugs and lazy entitled workers put a knife to the gizzard of the Golden Goose."

The liver, Tom. It's a goose *liver*.

Fen said...

The Farmer: Because it's easier than making an intelligent argument, I suppose.

When was the last time a liberal made an intelligent argument here?

None of the liberals here impress me as deep thinkers. Its all bumper-sticker sound bytes repeated ad naus.

Are people like Farmer the best they've got?

Tom Spaulding said...

Because it's easier than making an intelligent argument, I suppose.

Cool. You're up to the plate: Make the intelligent argument for replacing Scott Walker with Tom Barrett, continuing to have taxpayers fund the pensions and health care of public-sector unions, the storming of the capitol, the endless recalls and recounts, and people like Pippi Bongstalking in the video. Make the intelligent argument for all of that.

You're a Farmer. Dig in.

Teach me.

Wally Kalbacken said...

Michael Dickman? Is he related to Bud Dickman?

Walker needs to be magnanimous in victory. So I recommend that he appoint Mayor Barrett as Wisconsin's International Ambassador of Cheese.

AlanKH said...

This could be the longest Stage 1 episode EVER.

Brian Brown said...

Shite said...

These two don't pay property tax.

Anyone that doesn't pay property taxes does not have skin in the game when it comes to paring back the public unions.

STFU, punks and weirdos, and freeloaders.

Yep, nothing like someone who doesn't pay their "fair share" screaming it is her Capitol building...

Brian Brown said...

The Farmer said...

Because it's easier than making an intelligent argument, I suppose.

As if you would recognize it...

Balfegor said...

Re: Althouse:

There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.

The real shame is that way the Democratic Party has tried to exploit their energy with no real commitment to their politics. The kids were not ready for prime time, and the Party is way past prime time. It's not like it averages out

I think it goes beyond "tried." The Democrats were clearly successful in coopting these young adults -- look at how cut up they are about a Democrat losing. And whether they're ready for prime time or not, it's no one's fault but their own that they've turned themselves into stormtroopers for a party and union machine that doesn't give a fig for their interests or their politics.

Young people like the people on the video may be barely civilised savages, but we can't treat them like they're softheaded and can't make adult decisions for themselves. If that were the case, they shouldn't even be allowed to vote. Or are we talking about 15 year olds who can't vote but cut class to join drum circles and whatnot?

Petunia said...

Poor "Thistle". And to think she has a job working with children. Scroll down just past halfway.


Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I don't get the outrage in calling the race. The polls were closed. Delaying the projection wouldn't have changed the end result.

Original Mike said...

I am puzzled at the recallers who seem genuinely shocked that they lost. Not that I was certain of the outcome, but some of these people do not seem to have entertained the possibilty that they could lose.

Balfegor said...

Re: Bushman:

I don't get the outrage in calling the race. The polls were closed. Delaying the projection wouldn't have changed the end result.

Apparently there were people still lined up to vote who had got into the voting centres by the time polls were closed, so they were still allowed to vote. It didn't matter in the end, but I can see the symbolic point there.

lemondog said...

"Who are these people? They're not even from Wisconsin..."

We are all ... ONE

fivewheels said...

All I have to say is that "Pippi Bongstalking" is pretty damned funny.

And that she likes the sound of her own voice -- shouting -- way too much.

Original Mike said...

"These two don't pay property tax.

Anyone that doesn't pay property taxes does not have skin in the game when it comes to paring back the public unions.

STFU, punks and weirdos, and freeloaders.

Of course she does (assuming she rents) but she's not smart enough to know it, so your point's still valid.

Original Mike said...

"Apparently there were people still lined up to vote who had got into the voting centres by the time polls were closed,"

Has anybody seen any pictures of this? I'm not sure I believe those reports.

traditionalguy said...

She was robbed, I tell you, robbed! The Wisconsin Government was already hers because she and her friends did the heavy protesting work for it. She earned it. CNN did nothing but minimize her hard work on a drive through.

You try chanting for a living. It is hard on the vocal chords.

She just listened to the wrong Citizenship Courses being taught to her by Ayers and Obama. (Hint: Ayers and Obama always lie.)

Michael Haz said...

I cannot imagine why any sane adult would entrust his or her children to Camp Caboose.

As for Thistle - she appears to be in need of help to be deprogrammed from the cult she joined in support of the recall.

That and a good shave of her armpits.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The Farmer:

I don't think it is accurate to say Repubs view them as "lazy, entitled state workers". Now if you'd said "govt workers whose compensation has become just too expensive" like the average Transit Employee in Philly with total compensation of $90,000, that would be on the money.

X said...

"Apparently there were people still lined up to vote who had got into the voting centres by the time polls were closed,"

what does that matter? they don't run a cnn feed in there do they?

ErnieG said...

A paraphrase:

Mongol General: Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their douchebags.

John said...

Before getting too smug... sure these loons lost. But 3-1/2 years ago the loons (that includes our magnificent host) won. The game is not over.

Patrick said...

Congratulations to Tom Spaulding on the Pippi Bongstaling name.

Now, if he'd just get back to updating Caught Up...

Jaq said...

Age and cunning beats youth and energy every time. The old people who want to saddle these young people with life long debt to pay for their own comfortable retirements are going to come out on top every time.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glenn said...

I predict that sometime soon a woman who looks like this chicks mom will accuse Gov Walker of rape, child abuse, petty theft and speeding. If that doesn't stick another one will come forward with whatever remains in the criminal code. The NYT will eat it up.

edutcher said...

I guess it really isn't a river in Egypt ("We couldn't lose; we DIDn't lose; we did not lose").

Paul Zrimsek said...

We'll take the obligatory Bluto Blutarsky quote as read, just this once.

You mean the Germans DID bomb Pearl Harbor?

Jay said...

Speaking of sweet, sweet, tears.

Dems not starting a whisper campaign that Clinton is going senile.

Oh, please, tell me you're not making that up.

Ann Althouse said...

There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.

Ann, young is no excuse for ridiculous.

Jaq said...

In 2008 they schooled us to never get outworked again.

I have already requested vacation for the FRI MON and TUE around the election to get involved in the R's "ground game"

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. We can't trust the Dems to share our world view and just differ on methods anymore. I think even Clinton is shocked at what Chauncey Obama is trying to do.

wildswan said...

Yes, these people are young and I bet they thought the old lefties had some secret plan to pull the whole thing out. I bet they believed that the election was fifty-fifty. And when these young people saw it wasn't that way they wanted to do more than stand in the same old song circle. And instantly they exposed their cluelessness. So much for the idea that occupiers were in training to become militant informed leaders. Who doesn't know why you can call an election after the polls close but before all the votes are counted? - An Occupier - that's who

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Because it's easier than making an intelligent argument, I suppose.

The Farmer said:
As if you would recognize it...

Well, shite....I guess that settles it. All you forgot was "I'm rubber and you're glue" and "I know you are but what am I?"

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Are the Solidarity Singers not moving on? Seriously? Were there out there today?

bagoh20 said...

When I was a little boy, and sometimes I didn't want to stop crying, my mom would tell me: "You should stop now, there are kids in Wisconsin who can never stop crying. It's worse than I imagined.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"Apparently there were people still lined up to vote who had got into the voting centres by the time polls were closed,"

Apparently those people don't own watches or have the ability to schedule their time based on what everyone predicted would be the largest turn out ever.

You got up at the last minute before the closing to go to the all you can eat buffet and some one else ate all the shrimp and lobster. Slim pickin's. Too bad. Get up earlier next time.

Chip Ahoy said...

This was offered earlier but I passed but since you're offering it again, and since it's you, fine, *watches* Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha oh man, reality totally SUCKS !

I am a human being. I wrote this.

Anonymous said...

Also, perhaps becoming a national laughingstock will cause this young women to question herself and the people who have used her. The cocoon she lives in will be hard to escape.

Chip Ahoy said...

So All I have to do is put a lunch bag over a parking meter and write a note on it? I never thought of that.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The republicans should be reaching out to these people.. this is a rare opportunity.

Look.. there were lied to, used and betrayed.

But.. the republicans are really not much better.. lacking leadership, balls and imagination.

Watched Coriolanus (2011) last night.

Aridog said...

The video is hysterical. I'd note, however, that the goofy chick trying to play a home-made Bodhran is confused about bodhran technique. Maybe it's just too "martial" for them, eh?

Revenant said...

I think most of us have moved on. Your side won. Now make with the jobs!

Just imagine how many people could have been employed with the money that had to be wasted on this election.

At least a thousand, wouldn't you say?

Tom Spaulding said...

Why is it so difficult for Farmer and his ilk to "make an intelligent argument" that backs their beliefs, but so easy for them to dismiss their opposition's?

Laziness? Ignorance? Arrogance? Gotta be something...

Brian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Simon said...

Chuck said...
"The Walker-recall people just need to "move on." Seriously, they should just move on with the business of their lives."

As Paul Z noted above, this has become the business of their lives. They are professional protestors and protestrices.

Ann Althouse said...
"There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young."

The young are usually ridiculous. One hopes that they grow out of it before reaching the age of many of those depicted in the video. But, you know, that's how it is. For the young, maybe that IS what democracy looks like; how would they know any better?

Do schools in Wisconsin have competetive events in which children are routinely on the losing side? Or do they do that ghastly "everyone gets points for trying" nonsense?

Original Mike said...

"Just imagine how many people could have been employed with the money that had to be wasted on this election. At least a thousand, wouldn't you say?"

More like ten, based on Obama's track record with green "investments."

TosaGuy said...

"There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young."

Most young people do not act like her. Most young people work or go to school and make the best of a beautiful day. Many serve in the military and are entrusted with responsibilities that most people twice their age can't fathom. Most young people do try to act like grown ups, which is why they are mostly invisible.

Only a few throw tantrums on camera in front of a large bus.

A bus in Madison is not a tank in Tiananmen square

Such people should be mocked accordingly.

Alex said...

So is garage on suicide watch?

Revenant said...

Apparently there were people still lined up to vote who had got into the voting centres by the time polls were closed, so they were still allowed to vote. It didn't matter in the end, but I can see the symbolic point there.

But if they were standing in line at a polling place, how could they have been discouraged/encouraged by CNN calling the race?

I've never been to a polling place in my life that had a CNN feed.

David said...

What a great video clip. Such restraint by he MacIver Institute. Less is more.

bagoh20 said...

Something about Thistle just screams radical leftie. I don't know what it is about her look, but I would be 100% sure of her politics just from seeing her walk by. What is it?

Alex said...

bagoh - it's the stupidity of that hair style that screams leftist.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy that just because they're in their early 20s the protesters are somehow less responsible for their own childish behavior. Let the voter beware: caveat suffragator.
I'd be hopeful that this episode would result in some self examination and perhaps even maturation but the sleeveless man demonstrates the opposite: protesting reality.

David said...

Young? Angry Depressed Girl is sort of young, though no child, but the singers are decidedly not young. The perfectly named Mr. Dickman surely is not. He also needs a new outfit. His guns are getting rusty.

bagoh20 said...

"it's the stupidity of that hair style that screams leftist."

It's like a silent scream. She's yelling even when she's eating a sprout sandwich.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"I've never been to a polling place in my life that had a CNN feed."

"Smart" phones. But if they weren't in line at 8:00, they shouldn't be voting. And for those who might have been in lines, there wouldn't be enough to make a difference.

(I'm still not believing there were any lines. Supposedly, there were lines at the polling places one hour after the polls closed and no TV crews went out to film them? I'm calling bullshit.)

David said...

Angry Depressed Girl is correct, in a Feingoldian sense. They did not win so it's not over. It is rather sad that she takes it so personally, especially since Walker's reforms are in the long term best interests of her generation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


You should talk..
Had Walker lost you would have dropped him faster than facebook stock.. in fact I wouldn't be surprised if there is a tread revealing your support for Barret.

At least garage.. whatever his faults, is loyal and consistent.. Something you have no concept of.

Brian Brown said...


They're trying to throw Billy Jef under the bus:

“He’s 65 years old,” said one adviser, explaining how Clinton in a CNBC interview managed to say that the economy was in recession when it is not.

Brian Brown said...

"Apparently there were people still lined up to vote who had got into the voting centres by the time polls were closed,

My understanding is that if you are inside the polling place they let you vote.

There is no indication that anyone was denied a vote in this election.

bagoh20 said...

Anybody starting to feel bad about making fun of these people? They didn't choose to be this way. Nobody wants to be stupid?

Maybe just hand them a note on the down low.

I can only imagine how angry they would get reading these comments - especially this one.

Sorry guys, but I'm just trying to help you.

Original Mike said...

"My understanding is that if you are inside the polling place they let you vote. There is no indication that anyone was denied a vote in this election."

Their argument is that calling the race influenced those voters (It's not my argument, mind you.)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

“He’s 65 years old,” said one adviser, explaining how Clinton in a CNBC interview managed to say that the economy was in recession when it is not."

And they are talking about raising the 'retirement' (SS age) to 80.

So...which is it. Senile at 65 or able to tote that barge and lift that bale at 80??

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Poor roadie.

calling it OV-ER with a smile on their face.

Jaq said...

Nobody knows til after the fact if we are in a period of negative growth. Clinton knows that because he has an actual working brain. He is speculating and makes that clear. Look at the past two jobs numbers, and think what they portend.

I know this is more intellectual effort than Obama can muster, but still. How ridiculous.

"The Labor Department said Thursday that applications for weekly benefits dropped by 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 377,000. That’s down from an upwardly revised 389,000 the previous week."

He look, they keep revising the last report upward and the current report they guess low, so it works out that the number is always dropping! The economy is improving!

Liberals, we are talking about concepts that have to do with math here, so don't be shocked if you don't understand the point of the above comment.

bagoh20 said...

They started with blaming the money, then the supreme court, lying conservatives, talk radio, stupid voters, the DNC, Obama, Barrett, voter suppression, and the media. Soon there will be nothing left to blame but themselves. They'll get there.

Na, just kidding. There is a certain impenetrable density that goes with a anyone over 30 who still thinks like this. Right Professor?

James said...

The woman in the pink top and sunglasses playing the drum must be a true believer. She was there in the Capitol when I stopped by last September.

Michael Haz said...

Regarding people lined up to vote - if you are in line to vote at 8:00 (the official poll closing time) the polls will remain open for you to vote.

You may not join a line of people waiting to vote if you arrive at that line after 8:00.

The DPW had the opportunity or request a judge's order to keep the polls in a community open longer if there is evidence that many people were prevented from voting by the polls closing at the regular closing time.

The DPW chose not to seek a judge's order to keep the polls open longer in any community anywhere in Wisconsin.

If Thistle has a legitimate complaint based on her first-hand knowledge of polls closing before voting ended, her complaint is with the DPW, and not with CNN.

The internal polls showed that Barrett was going to loose, beginning about 4 PM. The DPW knew a loss was at hand and perhaps with that knowledge simply gave up.

TosaGuy said...

Miles Kristen is the guy who poured beer over an GOP elected official.

It's okay though because he is young.

Tank said...

What are the time limits for voting if you are dead or an illegal alien or bussed in from Ohio?

What about gay black lesbians with sex change operations? When do they vote?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The DPW had the opportunity or request a judge's order to keep the polls in a community open longer if there is evidence that many people were prevented from voting by the polls closing at the regular closing time.

No, they were prevented from voting by their own actions of not showing up in a timely manner or choosing to vote an absentee ballot.

The polls closed at their regular time which was not a sneak surprise.

The people who didn't get to vote did it to themselves and need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Just because some people are too irresponsible or too stupid to follow the rules is no reason to make extra special accommodations for them.

Don't be late. Too bad for you.....slackers.

Patrick said...


I looked at a few of the other pictures. It reminds me of the adage noted I believe, by P.J. O'Rourke:

You can't run a protest movement on Centrum Silver.

Most of those folks were doing pretty much the same thing, with the same ridiculous and boring chant

Hey Hey, Ho Ho [insert name of current oppressor of all that is good and holy] has got to go!

MadisonMan said...

Oh, that call out for an autotuning. If only....

policraticus said...

What? Over? Did you say over??? NOTHING is over till we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?? Hell no!

Daddy Binx said...

Tom Spaulding wrote:
Why is it so difficult for Farmer and his ilk to "make an intelligent argument" that backs their beliefs, but so easy for them to dismiss their opposition's?

To paraphrase Timothy Geithner: They don't have an intelligent argument, they just don't like yours.

Synova said...

I wouldn't mind at all if everyone refrained from predicting the winner in national elections until the last poll closed in Hawaii.

(I was going to say I was open to that not being Guam, but on second thought I think that the polls in Guam close before any others open.)

Hawaii and Alaska, then.

After that everyone can guess as much as they wish.

Rich B said...

That was a cruel trick her parents pulled naming her Thistle. From wikipedia - "Thistle is the common name of a group of flowering plants characterised by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins" She sure is a prickle on the margin.

Blue@9 said...

Yes, these people are young and I bet they thought the old lefties had some secret plan to pull the whole thing out. I bet they believed that the election was fifty-fifty.

These people live in a bubble. Their teachers and classmates are all liberals. They go to protests where everyone is a liberal. They bleat slogans about how they represent people power and democracy and that anyone who opposes them is an evil racist, greedy, teabagging 1%er. Look at their main reaction to the election: It was bought with outside money. They can't accept the fact that more than half of their fellow citizens disagree with them. They don't know anyone who disagrees with them, and they don't know anyone who supports Walker, so they bought the lie that Barrett would win handily. And of course their leaders lied to them--telling the truth might have killed all the enthusiasm and fundraising.

Original Mike said...

You can make a case that the recall may have turned Wisconsin politics around. How delicious would it be if Wisconsin put Romney over the top?

Clyde said...

Obviously the cute baby hedgehogs that are the picture of the day are not the only ones whose eyes have yet to open.

And "Thistle"?!?! Get outta town! Is that really her name? I guess with the number of hippies in Madison, it's not unlikely.

Methadras said...

Clearly the leftards don't understand what statistics are. They have lost their collective fucking minds. All of them. Keep weeping leftards, you are fucking losers at life.

bagoh20 said...

"How delicious would it be if Wisconsin put Romney over the top?"

That does not mean this recall was important to the national election. "The big winner was Obama" even if he loses.

CityofMisfitToys said...

"And "Thistle"?!?! Get outta town! Is that really her name? I guess with the number of hippies in Madison, it's not unlikely."

Yup and she's a counselor for children...YAY.

Rob said...

OF COURSE the real winner was Obama. His will be done. We may not understand the plan, but the plans of the omniscient are beyond our ken.

Quaestor said...

The Farmer wrote:
The other side also had people running around foaming at the mouth about union thugs and lazy, entitled state workers.

They were talkin' truth to power, bro... truth to power.

lohwoman said...

Thistle Pettersen is 43 years old, according to a Chicago Trib story about the G-8 protests, which she also participated in. Camera must take 20 years off your age.

Quaestor said...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi wrote:
I don't get the outrage in calling the race. The polls were closed. Delaying the projection wouldn't have changed the end result.

You're assuming the tattooed chick has your acumen. A mistake, I fear.

Quaestor said...

CityofMisfitToys wrote:
Yup and she's a counselor for children...

And that tattooed baggage acting out her puerile rage beside the CNN bus was one of her clients, I surmise. One generation corrupting another... nice.

Roger J. said...

I thought Thistle was cute--dumb, obscene, but cute. The pigtails were a nice touch.

Quaestor said...

Look at their main reaction to the election: It was bought with outside money. They can't accept the fact that more than half of their fellow citizens disagree with them.

If Wisconsin citizens are so easily bought, then democracy died there a long time ago.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Hi! Thank you for visiting my site. I am a singer/songwriter and bicycle enthusiast living in Madison, Wisconsin. My birth name is Kristine Pettersen but I like to be called “Thistle.”

A return to simpler ways of relating and existing as a creature on the earth is a high priority of mine. Through sharing music and riding bikes to exciting destinations, I experience a return to my core values of social justice, sustainable living, awesome friends and having fun.

marylynn said...

That was hilarious. And pathetic. Didn't this girls Mother teach her that too much kool-aid is bad for you?

Clyde said...

Okay, we can't blame her parents. Her web site says that her birth name was Kristin but she prefers to be called Thistle.

Balfegor said...

Re: Synova:

I wouldn't mind at all if everyone refrained from predicting the winner in national elections until the last poll closed in Hawaii.

I wouldn't mind if there were no running totals from individual districts/states/etc. while the counting is underway. Or better yet, that everyone put out unofficial subtly-off nonsense numbers to placate the media while the real numbers are secretly conveyed to the secretaries of state and the heads of the respective campaigns, only to be disclosed to the public and the media at the very end of the night when every count and automatic recount is done. The reputation of our civil service is not so high that we can be confident no one will fudge their count based on what they see happening in other districts.

Balfegor said...

Re: Scott Walker's Love Child:

She looks like a much more pleasant person when her face is not all melty with rage.

Pat Bay said...

If you believe that being 20 something = too stupid to know better, then raise the voting age. If not, then leave it as is and treat the 20'ers as you would treat adults.

But either way, one does no favor to the "kids" by shielding them from reality: their arguments are thin as piss and were soundly rejected by the people on that basis. And their behaving like boors only alienated more people.

They should learn this; they've been sheltered long enough already, hence their propensity to act like they're still in their terrible twos.

Anonymous said...

Who was the guy with Thistle? Arty Choak?

Conserve Liberty said...

There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.

The real shame is that way the Democratic Party has tried to exploit their energy with no real commitment to their politics. The kids were not ready for prime time, and the Party is way past prime time. It's not like it averages out.

Empathy is so rare these days. I ahve children that age - conservative politically - a network news producer, a HS teacher and a graduate English student - who are every bit as evocative and emotional and certain in their own ways.

To paraphrase, we have the lives we learn with and then we have the lives we live with afterwards. They're still learning.

edutcher said...

Jay said...


They're trying to throw Billy Jef under the bus:

“He’s 65 years old,” said one adviser, explaining how Clinton in a CNBC interview managed to say that the economy was in recession when it is not.

You just made my day.

Thank you, sir (if I had anything worth leaving, you'd be in my will).

Sofa King said...

I have to say, the white, young, over-educated liberal verbally dressing down the poor old black *bus driver* for being insufficiently - leftist, I guess? - the optics are really, just terrible.

Chuck66 said...

"I have to say, the white, young, over-educated liberal verbally dressing down the poor old black *bus driver* for being insufficiently - leftist, I guess? - the optics are really, just terrible."

Kind of like the Wal-Mart haters. Almost always rich white liberal urbanists.

There are some Wal-Marts I have frequented where I am about the only white person shopping there. And to see the check cashing counter on the first of the month. Basically urban Wal-Marts are used primarily by lower income persons of color. While those trying to close them down are rich white folk.

Fritz said...

bagoh20 said...

Anybody starting to feel bad about making fun of these people? They didn't choose to be this way. Nobody wants to be stupid?

Not yet; maybe next week.

Unknown said...

I see the MacIver Institute has a more recent video of some violence at an AFSCME-sponsored protest in Milwaukee?


I didn't see that in the evening news. Then again, I'm pretty burned out on news anyow.

Amartel said...

Mortimer Duke from Trading Places: "Now, you listen to me! I want trading reopened right now. Get those brokers back in here! Turn those machines back on!"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People like her... running the country... sleep well.

bagoh20 said...

Thistle is not young (40s). Most of these protesters are not young. I'll bet most are college educated as well. Now what's the excuse? Maybe that is the excuse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BTW- are the votes in yet? Was it 50-50 like the jokers at MSNBC insisted?

I Callahan said...

Thistle is not young (40s). Most of these protesters are not young. I'll bet most are college educated as well. Now what's the excuse? Maybe that is the excuse.

It's the People's Republic of Madison (or Ann Arbor, or Columbus, or Berkley). Liberal enclaves are just echo chambers - like minded people associating with each other, and no one else. The old Pauline Kael thing.

Aridog said...

James said...

The woman in the pink top and sunglasses playing the...

... Bodhran, albeit a home made POS. It is an old Celtic instrument and I'm quite sure she imagines herself very "folksy" by imitating playing one. My earlier comment on the "drum" has a link to a sample of correct playing.

RE: "Thistle's" website ... she has her music there, too ... and her rendition of "through the Window" has her "my house, my capital", whatever, meme repeated over and over. Joan Baez she ain't.

Pastafarian said...

Thistle looks pretty good for 40-something.

Must be the avoidance of actual work and responsibility. It's like a fountain of youth.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Hey y'all, don't mock liberals. Obama's got Wal-Mart stock up from 52 to 64 over the past 18 months.

Mr. Forward said...

Winston Churchill was 66 years old when he became Prime Minister in 1940.

FedkaTheConvict said...

Thank You Letter to the Left
Posted on June 7, 2012 by The Dubuque Town Crier

June 6th, 2012 at 3:57 pm

To all leftists, occupiers, unionistas and malcontents, Thank you!

What an election! We couldn’t have done it without you. Without your tantrums, outbursts and boorish behavior we might have stayed home for this election. Without your filthy, pot smoking hemp -headed minions occupying and violating the Capitol we might have been complacent. Without your obnoxious protests, boycotts and other actions from your union playbook, we might have sat this one out.

But you couldn’t hold back. You couldn’t restrain yourselves and behave like adults. You couldn’t accept the 2010 election results. We sat and watched as you erupted in a juvenile hissy fit that embarrassed Wisconsin. The spectacle you created is what motivated us. And thanks to your ill-mannered behavior, we won. We turned out. Big time! And now we are organized and energized. Committed. “All in”. And we aren’t going away. We now have our own organizations (no dues required), an army of volunteers and the means to communicate. And countless new sources of funding, including a donor base from all 50 states. And we have “iverifythe recall” to ferret out your infiltrators in our future local elections.

So thank you Mike Tate, Graeme Zielinski, Fred “Loonie” Levenhagen, Ismael Ozanne, Maryanne Sumi, Noble Ray, Charles Tubbs, Joanne Kloppenberg, Segway Boy, John Chisolm, public employee union members, UW TA’s, WEAC, SEIU, MTI, AFSCME Council 24 in Union Grove and WI prison guards,. Thanks for the death threats, the intimidation, the bullying, belligerence, thuggery and goonish behavior.

The lack of ethics and the failure to enforce rules and laws.

Thank you for putting your selfish, greedy motives on display for all taxpayers to see.

Your antics might have made you feel good but they didn’t make you look good.

They sickened the rest of us.

Thank you Shirley Abrahamson and Ann Walsh Bradley. Your petty politics woke us up.

Thanks you Miles Kristan for dumping the beer on Robin Vos’s head.

Thank you University doctors for writing the phony excuses; Madison teachers for calling in sick or dragging your students to the protests without permission.

Thank you Katherine Windels for making death threats against the Governor.

The noontime capitol singers who taunted Sheboygan high school students.

Thank you WEA Trust for raping Wisconsin taxpayers.

Thank you Gwen Moore for your embarrassing minstrel show.

And thanks all of you for harassing the Walker family at their private home.

You have all been exposed.

Your tactics have been rejected.

Your bad behavior has been forever captured on You Tube.

Thank you Peter Barca and fellow Assembly members for donning your foolish orange T-shirts and screaming “shame” at legislators just doing their jobs.

Thank you Mark Miller and all 14 senators for fleeing the state and making fools of yourselves in the process. Illinois need a few more village idiots.

Thanks for showing us what democracy doesn’t look like.

And Mayor Barrett. How grateful we are that you chose one low road after another in your issue-less campaign against the Governor. This was your strike three. You are out. Take a seat on the bench and stay there. I have a hunch this was your final at-bat.

All of you helped turn Wisconsin permanently red.

Your Governor, Scott Walker, will not just complete his first term, he is all but assured as many future terms as he seeks. He will be your governor for a long, long time. Get used to it. And his national “rock star” status just might lead him to be your President some day.

Just think, it couldn’t have happened without you!

So to all of you blue fisters, thank you from the bottom of my happy, red heart.


A Wisconsin taxpayer

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

FWIW, the Romster is up by 1 in MI (OK, it's 1...).

Jason said...

You call that "bodhran TECHNIQUE?"

I'll see your Gothard Sisters, and raise you John Joe Kelly!


Lipperman said...

Miles in his fave T-Shirt, video bombing local election coverage

Seeing Red said...

--There were a lot of very young protesters. They may seem ridiculous to you, but they are young.---

I know they're used to 24/7/365, but even they have to go to class on time some time or be somewhere at a certain time, right?

If a store says it's closing at 9, they usually lock the doors so no one comes in after.

Farmer said...

The Farmer said:
As if you would recognize it...

Well, shite....I guess that settles it. All you forgot was "I'm rubber and you're glue" and "I know you are but what am I?"

That wasn't my comment. I'm not going to demand an apology or anything, but yeah.

Farmer said...

Cool. You're up to the plate: Make the intelligent argument for replacing Scott Walker with Tom Barrett, continuing to have taxpayers fund the pensions and health care of public-sector unions, the storming of the capitol, the endless recalls and recounts, and people like Pippi Bongstalking in the video. Make the intelligent argument for all of that.

You're a Farmer. Dig in.

Teach me.

Why? The election's over. I'm looking forward to all the new jobs!

Farmer said...

When was the last time a liberal made an intelligent argument here?

None of the liberals here impress me as deep thinkers. Its all bumper-sticker sound bytes repeated ad naus.

Are people like Farmer the best they've got?

That's your rationale for why it's okay to call your opponents lazy, entitled thugs?

Farmer said...

Why is it so difficult for Farmer and his ilk to "make an intelligent argument" that backs their beliefs, but so easy for them to dismiss their opposition's?

Laziness? Ignorance? Arrogance? Gotta be something...

I guess I don't think "lazy union thug" is much of an argument. It seems pretty easy to dismiss. And fun!

Anonymous said...

This is what disconsolate looks like!

Farmer said...

Just imagine how many people could have been employed with the money that had to be wasted on this election.

At least a thousand, wouldn't you say?

What was it, 18 million that was spent? I'm lousy at math (not kidding) but wouldn't that be 18K per employee? Are those the kind of great jobs we can look forward to?

Synova said...

Yeah, I know it... 18K? I'd rather be unemployed, because then I could extort taxes to pay me to live much better than that!

edutcher said...

Jim Treacher said...

This is what disconsolate looks like!


Isn't that the state next to Meshugunah?

Synova said...

I think John Stewart said "50 million", but that's John Stewart.

Is 18M what the taxpayers of Wisconsin had to shell out for this whiney-fit?

Aridog said...

@ Jason ... no argument from me, John Joe Kelly is tops. His solo in you link is a perfect example of Bodhran technique.

Revenant said...

So the argument for why CNN shouldn't have called the race before everyone had voted boils down to... "it discourages the 'people who believe everything they hear on TV' demographic"?

I think our democracy will somehow survive.

Synova said...

If disconsolate looks like this what does datconsolate look like?

Revenant said...

What was it, 18 million that was spent? I'm lousy at math (not kidding) but wouldn't that be 18K per employee? Are those the kind of great jobs we can look forward to?

18 million is what the state government spent. I hate to break this to you, but the government wasn't the only entity that spent money on this election. :)

Revenant said...

I guess I don't think "lazy union thug" is much of an argument.

It is a description, not an argument.

X said...

Farmer you sure seem disconsolate for someone who said yesterday he wasn't of the left.

Brian Brown said...

Oh well, Billy Jeff was forced to grovel to Wolf Blitzer that he was wrong on the Bush tax cuts.

No now he's senile and stupid!

Synova said...

"That's your rationale for why it's okay to call your opponents lazy, entitled thugs?"

People like their privilege, don't they. Stings when you have to face the lack of it.

(One of the "how privileged is your white *ss" questions is... Do you assume people will view your actions as reflecting on everyone else of your race.)

Thing is... while one doesn't get to chose their race, they do get to chose their political associates.

Synova said...

In the end, of course, money in the economy is money in the economy so all the cash spent on poster-board and mailings and ad time is sorta-kinda all in there no matter where it came from.

Tax funds, the 18 million, is a different matter. That is stolen directly from other services the government is required to provide, since the government budget, unlike the general economy, really is a finite pie.

So it probably hurt handicapped children and janitors in public buildings. Those sorts of "important" people.

So again... bravo to the left!

John Cunningham said...

"Governor Conan, what is best in life?"
"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their dyke and queer activists, to drip Leftist tears on ones battleaxe."

Synova said...

So... I was going to say "and that's why conservative demonstrators tend to behave better," but I think I'll just skip it now.

Tom Spaulding said...

Why? The election's over. I'm looking forward to all the new jobs!

I suspect you can't/won't do it because whatever answer you might try at this point must stand on its merit...and it simply can't, or we'd have heard it by now. Not surprised.

The Left had no intelligent case to make for replacing Scott Walker with Tom Barrett, so they screamed "Koch Brothers" or "outside money" or "Obama is the big winner" when they lost. An ideology so bereft of ideas, there is actually nothing there to make a case with. Pity.

That's why they tried to demonize"Scott Walker" the man, not argue their alternatives to Walker's policies. Hitler mustaches, faux love children and death threats in response to being asked to pay a few percentages more for their own benefits, (yet still far less than the taxpayers who pay the balance).

"Recall Walker!" they yelled, not "Repeal Act 10!". Why? Because they had no "Act 11" ready that would give the same necessary results to balance the budget. Because it's not over until they win.

That's why chanting, drum circles and protests are the preferred communication tactics of the Wisconsin Left, and undoubtably why so many of the gullible and inarticulate find Lefty politics so appealing. It does not require much intellectual heft to be a participating member.

All You Need is Hate.

Farmer said...

Farmer you sure seem disconsolate for someone who said yesterday he wasn't of the left.

You have to be on the left to think Walker's policies are no good? Do you have to be on the right to think they are? That sounds like a boring way to live!

Anyway, I don't think I'm disconsolate. I never thought Barrett had a chance and I thought it was a terrible idea to bet everything on emotion instead of making a case against Walker's policies. It seemed like a losing strategy from the get go so it's not like it was a shock.

What I'm feeling right now is hope that lots of good jobs come to the state as a result of all this. Walker's our guy like it or not so I don't see the point in being a baby about it. I don't have much faith that his plan to create jobs will work but I wouldn't take any joy in seeing it fail after all this and I'll be very happy if it does work, and quite willing to admit I was wrong.

Farmer said...

People like their privilege, don't they. Stings when you have to face the lack of it.

What a delightful lady!

Tom Spaulding said...

I thought it was a terrible idea to bet everything on emotion instead of making a case against Walker's policies. It seemed like a losing strategy from the get go...

Hear! Hear! Consensus!

Farmer said...

That's why they tried to demonize"Scott Walker" the man, not argue their alternatives to Walker's policies. Hitler mustaches, faux love children and death threats in response to being asked to pay a few percentages more for their own benefits, (yet still far less than the taxpayers who pay the balance).

I didn't try to demonize Scott Walker. He seems like a nice enough sort. The Hitler stuff is stupid coming from either side. The love child stuff was queer as hell and as I've said before, anybody who makes any death threat against anybody ought to be tracked down, charged and prosecuted.

But I also was repulsed by all the people who were demonizing my family, friends and neighbors who work for the state. That sort of thing is embarrassing and childish no matter where it's coming from.

Revenant said...

You have to be on the left to think Walker's policies are no good?

I supposed there are people not on the left who think the major purpose of government is giving money to unionized government employees.

I'm just saying I've never MET one.

Tom Spaulding said...

But I also was repulsed by all the people who were demonizing my family, friends and neighbors who work for the state. That sort of thing is embarrassing and childish no matter where it's coming from.

Agreed, but I tend to find sympathy for those retaliating that I can't muster for the instigators.

Once they occupied the Capitol and compared the Governor to Hitler and refused to accept the results of multiple elections, what push back did they expect? And Walker never once demonized the demonizers.

Synova said...

"What a delightful lady!"

Just remember this conversation next time Obama himself pre-emptively explains that anyone who opposes him does so because he doesn't look like the pictures of the guys on the money.

Because this "delightful lady" took that personally and then came the *further* explanation that anyone who objected *proved* they were racist.

Get over it. No one was talking about you.

David said...

"I took a sledge hammer to a cash machine and saw the world turn greener."

This is one of the lines from Thistle's song "Through a Window," which also titles her album. She apparently went through a window at the capitol and this gave her the inspiration for the song. She also went through a tunnel and threw a brick at the M&I. (Refrain: Threw a brick at the M&IIIIIII.)

Her voice? Not bad, limited range but on key. A little screechy but that's the sound she's seeking, I think. The guitar work is basic folky stuff. She will not be the new Mary Travers.

"If I had a sledge hammer . . . . . "

I always wondered about the "if I" part. Just go get a damn hammer and get to work.

Farmer said...

Agreed, but I tend to find sympathy for those retaliating that I can't muster for the instigators.

Once they occupied the Capitol and compared the Governor to Hitler and refused to accept the results of multiple elections, what push back did they expect? And Walker never once demonized the demonizers.

My family, friends and neighbors didn't do those things.

Just remember this conversation next time Obama himself pre-emptively explains that anyone who opposes him does so because he doesn't look like the pictures of the guys on the money.

Because this "delightful lady" took that personally and then came the *further* explanation that anyone who objected *proved* they were racist.

Get over it. No one was talking about you.

You seem angry.

Rose said...

The real shame is that way the Democratic Party has tried to exploit their energy with no real commitment to their politics. The kids were not ready for prime time, and the Party is way past prime time. It's not like it averages out.

Yep - and I think about all the kids (two of mine included) who thought they were voting for 'youthful' Obama, and I said but, but, but... Joe Biden??? Harry Reid????????? Nancy Pelosi??????????????? And they'd shrug an acknowledgement, but plunge full steam ahead anyway. The time of reconciliation will come - the Dem's chickens, coming home. to roost. When those kids realize the dems are willing to enslave them for the rest of their natural lives, that day will come.

David said...

More on Thistle:

She has more Facebook friends than you do.

She can probably sing better too. Some of her other songs reveal a pretty nice voice. It's all lame protest lyrics all the time but a nice voice.

Do not get into a long distance bicycle race with her--you will lose.

She is hardcore. She works at it. She goes places and does stuff. How she makes a living is invisible. She seems to have a lot of friends who believe that America is a police state. Whether she believes that is unclear.

A pretty young woman (the pigtails are her worst look) who has a nice singing voice and a lot of energy and drive. Not an undergraduate--close to 30. (Old enough to know better, Althouse.) There is a sweet picture of her at the fancy Benbow Inn in California with her parents. She is so bitter in that video Althouse posted. So angry. Irrational. How sad. But there are those who love her.

Is this a great country, or what???!!!

Really, Thistle, it is a great country. I promise.

Blue@9 said...

Anyway, I don't think I'm disconsolate. I never thought Barrett had a chance and I thought it was a terrible idea to bet everything on emotion instead of making a case against Walker's policies. It seemed like a losing strategy from the get go so it's not like it was a shock.

They got emotional because arguing the issues made them poll worse and worse. There's a reason the words "collective bargaining" were never brought up by Barrett.

Tom Spaulding said...

My family, friends and neighbors didn't do those things.

But those things were done, in your name and on your behalf, if you voted for Barrett.

I must have missed the State workers counter-protest that welcomed fiscal responsibility and supported Walker. They certainly existed, though. Reportedly, about 37% of union households DID vote for Walker, so I guess a little over a third recognize a sweet deal when they get one and don't cry about it being a shade less sweet in this economy. We should hope that number increases.

Farmer said...

But those things were done, in your name and on your behalf, if you voted for Barrett.

Nonsense. That's like saying the people who scream "lazy union thugs!" speak for all the normal, sane people who voted for Walker.

David said...

Thistle is 43 years old!! The biking is keeping her in shape.

There goes the Althouse excuse.

She has a MA in Spanish from University of Michigan.

Teaches at the local Montessori school--Spanish and hispanic culture.

Blue@9 said...

Nonsense. That's like saying the people who scream "lazy union thugs!" speak for all the normal, sane people who voted for Walker.

You're right to the extent that you can't control the people who support your side, but on the other hand the Left both tolerated and encouraged this extreme behavior. Did anyone stand up and say "Hey, wait a minute, Walker is not Hitler"? Or "Hey, Walker is not a racist vampire who is trying to enslave you."? If it happened, I never heard about it.

Tom Spaulding said...

I have no evidence that any normal, sane people voted for Barrett. I do have plenty of evidence in print and video, right on through to the concession-speech face slap, that "people not like Farmer" did vote for Barrett...in droves.

So claim your minority status as the normal, sane guy who voted for Barrett. Gather all of your kind you can find. Betcha can't fill the Capitol.

BTW, they self-identified as "union", the lazy/thug parts are adjectives.

Petunia said...

"Thistle"'s real name is Kristine.

The Solidarity Shriekers announced today that they will henceforth assault eardrums around the Square only on Fridays.

garage mahal said...

There's a reason the words "collective bargaining" were never brought up by Barrett.

You consistently prove you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Those words were publicly brought up numerous times, like in both of debates before the election, and numerous other times on the campaign trail. Did you even try, or did you just make it up, or were you just parroting what you heard on wingnut blogs? Honestly curious.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

You consistently prove you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Those words were publicly brought up numerous times, like in both of debates before the election, and numerous other times on the campaign trail.

Oh look, the assclown is here.

How'd the "1 million signatures" work out for you, bozo?

Brian Brown said...

David said...

Thistle is 43 years old!!

And she has the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old.

Brian Brown said...

The Farmer said...

My family, friends and neighbors didn't do those things.

Which is wholly irrelevant since the people banging the drums and marching with Walker = Hitler signs were the ones who organized the recall.

In other words, you followed them.

Steve Koch said...


Do you think it is ok or not ok for the state to force gov workers to join a union and to confiscate their wages to pay union dues?

Regarding jobs, unemployment in Wisconsin is down and Wisconsin's business climate ranking has improved from 41st 2 years ago to 20th now (a meteoric rise). Very impressive, right?

Walker turned a $3 billion deficit into a surplus without cutting services or raising taxes, pretty impressive, right? If that does not impress you, how would you have proposed to erase the deficit?

Steve Koch said...

Welcome back, Garage.

Farmer said...

You're right to the extent that you can't control the people who support your side, but on the other hand the Left both tolerated and encouraged this extreme behavior. Did anyone stand up and say "Hey, wait a minute, Walker is not Hitler"? Or "Hey, Walker is not a racist vampire who is trying to enslave you."? If it happened, I never heard about it.

But "the Right" both tolerated and encouraged the union thug nonsense. If any of you guys spoke out against it, I sure never heard about it.

Anyway, I wasn't interviewed on TV or the radio and I didn't go to the Capitol for the protests but I've certainly complained about that sort of crap from the Left loudly and clearly, and I've been doing so for many years. Beyond that, what's my responsibility? Should I have taken out ads? Started a blog? Pfft, I'm busy running a business.

Tom Spaulding said...

You consistently prove you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

Nice to hear from the Voice of Authority about such things. Persuasive language, too.

CityofMisfitToys said...

"And she has the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old."

I kinda feel sorry for her, she seems a bit like a Veruca Salt character that through history has rarely (if ever) been denied her wants.

She doesn't seem to understand how to process that she hasn't gotten her way.

David said...

Garage, you're alive (sort of.) Many were worried. Or at least I was. How did the Undisclosed Location work out for you?

Brian Brown said...

But "the Right" both tolerated and encouraged the union thug nonsense.

Where, exactly is the "nonsense"?

Are you suggesting nobody in a union accosted, threatened, or tried to harm anybody?

Further, comparing that to Walker = Hitler is absurd.

Since Walker isn't Hitler, but people in unions were thugs.


Farmer said...


Do you think it is ok or not ok for the state to force gov workers to join a union and to confiscate their wages to pay union dues?

What a reasonable question! Why yes, as a matter of fact, I do think it is okay for the government to force workers to join a union, to confiscate their wages, to make them don bee costumes for the amusement of the Legislature and dance the macarena every Tuesday and Saturday and...

Damn it! You caught me!

garage mahal said...

How'd the "1 million signatures" work out for you, bozo?

I know you live to make people miserable you hateful little mutant, but I can assure whatever disappointment I had is long gone. We're stuck with this jackhole, for now at least, and thems the breaks.

So why you are still miserable? I see most of the other Walker cult members here are still miserable too.

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