June 8, 2011

Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, is pregnant.

The NYT reports.

ADDED: Isn't this convenient? Turn off the criticism, lest it hurt Huma. We're supposed to accept the assertion, of course. Is it true. Oh! Shut up! How terrible to question this! It’s really outrageous. The implication is outrageous. It's outrageous.


BlogDog said...

Do we know it's his?

Milwaukee said...

I can only congratulate them, and wish them well. I hope they find a way to create a home for that child, where the child is surrounded by those who love him. Or her. Children deserve two loving parents.

Congressman Anthony needs to know that it isn't about him, never has been, and is even less so now. Do what is best for your child. You too mom.

Fen said...


I don't put much credence in anything coming from anyone associated with Weiner.

That Pravda is pushing this doesn't help.

chickelit said...

Weiner's wife is pregnant

It's a good thing in and of its self.

How this possibly harm Breitbart?

I don't get this plot twist.

Shanna said...

Well that sucks for her. Makes decisions much more complicated...(or maybe she doesn't feel that way-who knows?)

Fen said...

Tomorrow's NYT Headlines:

Weiner's Cat Diagnosed With Feline Leukemia

Oprah Begs Nation To Show Weiner Mercy

Climate Scientists Prove Weiner Indictment Would Lengthen Hurricane Season

Shouting Thomas said...

Can't get any better than that!

What's next?

chickelit said...

When that kid grows up it might be awkward that his dad put those photos out there in the first place.

That kid won't be riding no school bus.

Freeman Hunt said...

The instances of "And if you thought Weiner couldn't seem any more despicable..." go on and on.

Shouting Thomas said...

Can't get any better than that!

What's next?

wv: mudgene

Yes, I think that's what the kid is inheriting.

Fen said...

Madison - Union Protests In Solidarity With Weiner

Goldstein Spotted In Sheraton Hotel Press Conference!

windbag said...

From the liberal viewpoint, the easy way out of this is a no-fault divorce and an abortion. Then, everyone can get closure and move onto to the really important things in life.

Seeing Red said...

He can b a SAHD.

Like John Lennon.

ricpic said...

Rosemary's baby?

Fen said...

Every Time Weiner Is Asked To Resign
A Cute Little Polar Bear Cub Dies

Phil 314 said...


Anonymous said...

When that kid grows up it might be awkward that his dad put those photos out there in the first place.

I doubt anyone will care by then.


windbag said...

How about a reality show in which Charlie Sheen, Oprah, and Dr. Ruth all offer advice on what Weiner's next move should be?

test said...

"chickenlittle said...
When that kid grows up it might be awkward that his dad put those photos out there in the first place.

That kid won't be riding no school bus."

Please. By the time he's old enough for school Huma will be making 500k/year or more trading on her political connections.

Patrick said...

I guess I'm more or less willing to not give a rat's ass what sort of arrangement these two have for their marriage. Weiner has already shown he has no character, if character is defined as how one acts when it is most difficult to do the right thing. Now, Huma is bringing a child into the world, presumably with this clown. At that point, I start pointing fingers at her if she doesn't absolutely require him to actually "take responsibility" for what he's done. that kid deserves to have a father of which it can be proud. Redemption is always available, but never easily. Resign, stay out of the public eye, and quit embarrassing your wife and child. If she doesn't demand that, well, it says a lot about her.

Shouting Thomas said...

From the liberal viewpoint, the easy way out of this is a no-fault divorce and an abortion. Then, everyone can get closure and move onto to the really important things in life.

First, do a sex check on the fetus.

If it's a girl: Abort! Abort! Abort!

Irene said...

He'll probably make a very attentive father. He seems to have a tender relationship with his Maltese dog, who appears in many of the released photos.

Automatic_Wing said...

It's gotta be Hillary's kid, right?

chickelit said...

Please. By the time he's old enough for school Huma will be making 500k/year or more trading on her political connections.

I wasn't serious about the kid ever going to public schools.

As far people "forgetting" about this so soon- do you think people would have forgotten about a candid Clinton snapshot? The written descriptions still live on.

Perhaps Peter is right, but it's premised on a future in which our erected officials get away with even more than they do today.

Shouting Thomas said...

Could be a turkey baster bastard.

David Crosby ever seen with Huma?

ampersand said...

Bony Tony breaks the rules and Huma get's the tongue lashing. Is that fair?

Time for a hymen check. I suspect unbroken but spit shined enough that you can see you're face in it.

rhhardin said...

Children turn out to have been the point, but only retrospectively.

Shouting Thomas said...

Finally! A picture of Weiner's Weiner!

Fen said...

Dear Ms Abedin,

Congratulations on your baby. I'm sorry you are going through this scandal

Advise you seperate yourself financially from Weiner before Breitbart takes him to court for falsely accusing him of a Federal Crime to a national audience.

Good luck

Shanna said...

He seems to have a tender relationship with his Maltese dog, who appears in many of the released photos.


Fen said...

Tele in corner playing FOX NEWs: "..puts tremendous pressure on Weiner"


Stop doing that!

The Drill SGT said...

Jews, what's the rule?

Actually, I assume our hostess knows the rules

As I understand it, Jewishness is matrilineal. Islam is Patrilineal. So under both sets of rules the child must convert into the religion rather than be born into it.

regardless, the child will be born and baptized (D)

Anonymous said...

The poor child has a disaster for a dad.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Ann Althouse is such a trusting soul.

That's why I read this blog.

People lie. Powerful people lie more.

AllenS said...

Maguro said...
It's gotta be Hillary's kid, right?

Damnit! I was going to say, what if they did a DNA on the child and found out that the father was Hillary.

Brilliant minds...

traditionalguy said...

Oh no. The mental illness curse of the family line passes to another generation.

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

In about 10 years, the unborn child will do a Google search on the names of his father and mother, and he'll find all these stories and documents about his father's sexcapades. In some cases, he'll even find copies of the actual communications. Or a picture of his dad's erect slong will still be available.

It's a sad and tragic tale.

Jason (the commenter) said...

He wasn't just cheating on his wife, but his pregnant wife.

The Drill SGT said...

Marshal said...
Please. By the time he's old enough for school Huma will be making 500k/year or more trading on her political connections.

With O'bama in control of the party, Huma has no connections until Chelsea runs for President. Though she'll be 35 in 2016, it's not likely she'll run. by 2020, Huma's kid will be in 4th grade :)

The Drill SGT said...

Jason (the commenter) said...
He wasn't just cheating on his wife, but his pregnant wife.

So much for the Chris Matthews theory that it was her fault (implying, he wasn't getting any) (Also means she's at most bi, not full lesbo :)

Fred4Pres said...

I feel very sorry for Huma. I think it works against Weiner. Even Joanney Baloney Walsh thinks he should resign:

"The pregnancy changes everything. Weiner could depict fighting as political courage, but dragging a pregnant wife deeper in this muck?"

Fred4Pres said...

It makes Anthony Weiner a complete cad and joke. He did this when he knew his wife was pregnant.

It makes Chris Matthews a joke too. Nice comment fat man, blame the pregnant chick, how's that leg tingle of yours?

Weiner is contemptable.

Anonymous said...

Question the asserted pregnancy all you want. Huma Abedin hasn't verified it. In fact, she hasn't said anything at all-- nothing!

...which leads me to wonder, Althouse, why you are trashing her now too? With all that we know now, she's an innocent bystander just like Genette Cordova was. Does it make you feel good to shit on her and her unborn baby?

Weiner should have resigned long ago. He is unfit for office. But what you are doing her is transparent, Althouse: You are attacking innocent people to try to make this into something more than one man's misdeeds, desperate to find a "conspiracy" that you can use to advance the conservative cause. You'll try to destroy one person until you find there's nothing there, and then you'll move on to trying to destroy the next.

It's a despicable, despicable business.

windbag said...

He wasn't just cheating on his wife, but his pregnant wife.

The good news is that he's now in contention for the John Edwards Sensitivity Award for 2011.

AllenS said...

The Weiner can't resign. He'd leave his wife and child without a means of financial support. And, besides, who wants the little child to grow up with a father? The little child would be like a total orphan.

Hang in there, Wiener!

edutcher said...

What AllenS said.


Remember Willie "officiated" at the wedding (still haven't figured out what that means). Maybe he demanded a droit de seigneur.

AllenS said...

to grow up with a father

Ugh, that should be without a father. Dang. If I could only learn how to type while laughing, I'd have this commenting thing down pat.

Anonymous said...

"How could this possibly harm Breitbart?"

When she miscarries, the DailyKos can blame Breitbart for murdering their child and elicit at least two percentage points of positive poll numbers for a minimum of two weeks.

That's how it can be used to harm Breitbart.

Toad Trend said...

I feel sorry for Mrs. Weiner.

Really, I do.

Finding out that you are married to Penisaur has to leave her feeling quite, well, flaccid.

Hope Tony the Putz has a comfy couch.

Anonymous said...

>"The Weiner can't resign. He'd leave his wife and child without a means of financial support."

This is of course, bullshit. But it is the talking point they are attempting to generate by announcing this now.

First of all, Weiner's wife works and makes six figures and has completely paid insurance. So, she is fully capable of supporting the entire family on her salary alone.

Secondly, if he resigns, he has been in the Congress for 19 years and would walk away with a 7-figure Congressional pension and health insurance for the rest of his life.

There is absolutely no reason why her pregnancy changes anything - except places his actions in an even worse context than before. This gambit by the Times will likely backfire. Now people know that he knew she was pregnant when he was cheating on her. Makes him look even more like a piece of shit husband and slimeball.

Cearly, Anthony Weiner needs to mend fences with his family. He needs time to heal those wounds.

He should resign.


For his family's sake.

Staying only shows he doesn't care about his family. That he's putting his career before them.

The Drill SGT said...

edutcher said...
Remember Willie "officiated" at the wedding (still haven't figured out what that means). Maybe he demanded a droit de seigneur.

Clinton gave up his law license, isn't a Rabbi or Imman. The wedding was in NY state so:

Who can perform a marriage ceremony?
To be valid, a marriage ceremony must be performed by any of the individuals specified in Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law. These include:

•the mayor of a city or village;
•the former mayor, the city clerk or one of the deputy city clerks of a city of more than one million inhabitants;
•a marriage officer appointed by the town or village board or the city common council;
•a justice or judge of the following courts: the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts of New York, the New York State Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, the New York State Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, the Family Court, a Surrogates Court, the Civil and Criminal Courts of New York City (including Housing judges of the Civil Court) and other courts of record;
•a village, town or county justice;
•a member of the clergy or minister who has been officially ordained and granted authority to perform marriage ceremonies from a governing church body in accordance with the rules and regulations of the church body;
•a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual group to preside over their spiritual affairs;
•other officiants as specified by Section 11 of the Domestic Relations Law.

Fred4Pres said...

John Edwards is saying: "Damn, this Weiner guy is even worse than me!"

Curious George said...

Apparently Huma didn't crawl for the door to prevent him from f***ing her silly.

Or didn't crawl fast enough.

newton said...

Democrat Donkey, smiling from ear to ear - "Wonderful!!! That's Wonderful!!! Now, when's the blessed event gonna be, Congressman?"

Weiner, a bit shy - "Next January, actually..."

Donkey, still smiling - "Nah! I mean YOUR resignation!!!"

Anonymous said...



jamboree said...

My mom got that way about Maria Shriver and "the children". "Oh, can't the media just let it pass. Would you like that if you were the wife or the (out of wedlock) child?"

I don't get it. It must be a previous generation thing where married men cheated, married women took it, hardly anyone got divorced, and women hoped to hush it up to spare themselves as much pain as possible and not "jeopardize their position".

I would shout it from the rooftops. If you didn't mess up, you're not the one who should be embarrassed. If I were the kid, I'd be THRILLED that finally my true parentage was out in the open instead of swept under the rug like some dirty thing.

And after all that it turns out Maria was the one doing the leaking.

I really doubt Huma needs to be protected and if she does at the expense of cleaning house, that's really very unhealthy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Huma Abedin is pregnant.


How does this change the despicable, unethical and possibly illegal activities of Anthony Weiner.

Are we all supposed to go: "Awww. Well, then let's just forgive and forget". ???

I don't think so. Her pregnancy means nothing.

Anonymous said...

AllenS said...

The Weiner can't resign. He'd leave his wife and child without a means of financial support. And, besides, who wants the little child to grow up with a father? The little child would be like a total orphan.


You forget who who boss/confidant is..

"It takes a village"

All kinds of libtard mantras in play here....

Anonymous said...

This could not happen to the nicer guy. But, I am worried about the single-mom from Texas who now will be sued by her former husband. What a mess. So many threads to this mess: I love that Clintons are back on center stage. I really, really find them appalling. I cannot believe that they are the democratic party's standard bearer. Even my GF is more qualified than Hillary, at least she made her own career, without depending on my high-price K-street consultancy.

NB: The 2012 still does not change. Obama/Biden all states victory.

Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin is mulling a run for mayor of New York City now that kinky Congressman Anthony Weiner appears to have sexted himself out of the 2013 race.

Now, who asked if New Yorkers were going to demand that Weiner resign....?!


Chef Mojo said...

It's been an open Washington secret for years that Huma serves at Hillary's... Pleasure.

When Huma married Wiener, there was much incredulity and mirth in DC.

Quotes from the bar at The Guards around that time:

Ha! Leave it to Huma to know about plausible deniability! No one, let alone Hillary, is gonna believe that she's fuckin' that rat fuck sonofabitch!

Two years, man. Wiener'll be up on charges of rapin' pages, mark my words. No way Huma is gonna get offa Hillary's leash. Man's gonna pop!

Those were a couple of Dems saying that...

Roger J. said...

re the pregnancy thing--if true at least aMr W knows what the weiner is for (note the spelling)

Somehow I dont think this is going to end well for Weiner--

Hamdu'llah for ms weiner--a child is always a blessing even if he father is a putz

Carol_Herman said...

Ah. I guess traveling with Hillary wasn't enough to keep the "inevitable" from happening.


Was it done with a bulb baster?

I thought Webster Hubbell was dead?

As to Huma's "pregnancy" ... Do you really think this reaches term?

All the lady has to do is start using a pillow. (They have one in shops that sell clothes to pregnant ladies! Or at least they did! I remember, when I finally got pregnant ... the joy of going to this special store to shop. And, each fitting room had these "pillows.")

What they don't tell ... when your pregnancy is for real. And, not just a convenience ... That the clothes aren't gonna fit around your "tummy" at the end.

But leave it to Hillary to cook up a winnah for weinah.

Meanwhile, just in case Huma gets to "deliver" ... Would you count the months? Even if it saves Anthony's ass NOW ... what happens when the muslim lady gives birth?

You expect to see a rabbi showing up?

You don't see the problem, now, with Weiner's district?

Did you know it could get "consumed" by re-districting?

It was "formed" by re-districting in the first place!

As entertainment?

Who doesn't like a story with a baby in it?

Even if the dad's a schmuck. Putz. And, schlong, all combined.

Maybe, Anthony can write books for kids? Do you remember when Fergie did this?

The market for saps is never ending. Book publishers have already given millions to Hillary. You ever read one of them?

Maybe, this "story" is why Andrew Breitbart raced to go on the radio, this morning ... And, because he was asked to supply "the proof" that he's seen the dick. He passed his iPhone around.

Ah. And, you probably thought turkey basters were just for basting turkeys.

Carol_Herman said...

Fen, this is your night!

Meanwhile, if Huma has a kid ... she will opt for a name that ends in Abadin. She's not going to throw herelf away on weiner.

The Drill SGT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

As long as she doesn't name it Oscar.

Or Miles.

Trooper York said...

I think we should approach this pregnancy with all the respect, kindness and deferance that the mainstream media and partisan Democrats approached Governor Palin's last pregnancy. No more no less.

I expect Andrew Sullivan to be on the case demanding ultrasounds and medical reports.

The Drill SGT said...

Carol_Herman said...
Meanwhile, if Huma has a kid ... she will opt for a name that ends in Abadin. She's not going to throw herelf away on weiner.

The kid's last name will be weiner. Remember that allowing folks to think that the putz isn't the father is a death sentence if Huma goes to visit her mom :)

Carol_Herman said...

Um, I'm not assuming Huma is actually pregnant!

And, yes. I do see Anthony Weiner, in a few months, spitting vile at Andrew Breitbart to cause his wife to miscarry!

Plus, just in case I'm wrong, I doubt Huma would let her kid be touched by a rabbi. (And, if it's a son? Oh, boy. First boy. Comes with more than just circumcision.)

By August we will know if Weiner can turn Breitbart into a target.

And, Sherlock. Just so you understand "clever," why is this news "announced" now? And, why by the NY Times?

Shanna said...

The kid's last name will be weiner.

Awful. Quick Huma, divorce this man before the kids ends up dealing with that all its life. I mean, my last name is pleasant and comments get annoying...

rhhardin said...

The Weiner backstory from Brietbart interviewed by John and Ken apparently here.

Anonymous said...

It's coming soon now. Tony's John Edwards "Just go away!" scorn moment. One or two more posts/revelations and even AA will have to abandon the Democratic dreamboat and his knowing wife to their well-deserved fates.

But even though they've proven themselves to all be contemptible scalawags, the principle that their collective wisdom of deciding what is good for all of us by virtue of their electedness, must not be questioned lest the power of the state to constrain our ancient liberties be diminished.

At some point, we will re-connect with our inner Kirk and exclaim "We. Have. Had. Just. About. Enough. Of. You!"

ampersand said...

Weiner has been reported to be taking advice from Bill Clinton.
Perhaps Wiener misunderstood the part about handing out cigars?

Carol_Herman said...

Well, let's see.

Huma is in Libya with Hillary right now. Also, she wasn't by her husband's side at the hotel. Maybe, if she was, Breitbart wouldn't have gotten all the attention.

Now? Well, IF she's not pregnant, at some point (but she has to be "home" to do this) ... she says she miscarried. (Having only missed, so far, one period, or two.)

Breitbart will be accused of manslaughter? You bet! There's a greater risk to that charge flying, that a real pregnancy to be hidden "inside the tent."

For the democraps, it will stop the pressure on forcing Weiner out.

Why, of course, did he wait so long to announce his happy news? Wouldn't that have been a much better appraoch at his news conference? (It also would have been before Breitbart put in the "unclothed" weiner into circulation.)

Did you know there used to be a tme women lied to men that they got pregnant, just to get married?

Yeah. And, then they said they "lost it." It's like losing luggage.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is there a name for what Althouse just did there?.. some kind of french/latin name?

A name for catching somebody's words and trowing them right back at them.

Its just funny.

Fen said...

Julius: Althouse, why you are trashing her now too? With all that we know now, she's an innocent bystander just like Genette Cordova was. Does it make you feel good to shit on her and her unborn baby?

Two things:

First, where the hell was this outrage when an innocent bystander was being falsely accused of a Federal Crime? Where was your outrage when the JournoList Whores repeated those lies?

Second, I find your appeal to her "unborn baby" hypocritical. You guys maintain that its not a baby, its just a parasite that can be killed... until its covenient to use as a political shield?

Scott M said...

Doesn't matter who's got what in which body cavity. The beef isn't with his wife and never has been. The only thing she was ever a focus of was the wondering how she was going to react.

The beef is with Der Weinerr and his obvious disregard for telling the truth, personal responsibility, and treating the American public like we're a bunch of morons.

Rose said...

The "pregnancy" 1.) gives him an out - he can resign to "spend more time with the family" - then there will be a convenient "miscarriage." The stress, you know. OR 2.) it a brilliant move on the part of Clinton and his wife to put him in his place, NOW how bad do you feel, Weiner?

Worse, if Matthews is right and it is a loveless marriage - then Weiner is trapped, knowing it is not true, but not being able to say anything. And his demeanor, aside from his arrogance, shows what could be a very lonely man, trapped by his own grand plan, climb his way up the power ladder, rub shoulders with the most powerful in the world, yet, have nothing.... And NO, I don't feel sorry for him.

Speculation, yes - but that's what lying did. Created situation where people fill in the blanks.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Actually, I am quite appalled by the use of the "Huma is pregnant" gambit.

Speaking as a woman who has been in the 'done wrong' position, the very very last thing I would dream of doing would be using a pregnancy as some sort of a political tool to somehow protect the power position of myself and my dickhead husband. OR. to use a pregnancy, if I wanted to control my ex, to remain in the marriage.

I have too much respect for myself and for my future child to use a child as a bargaining chip or tool.

It is as if they are using the unborn body of their supposed child as the 'bloody shirt'. (Somewhat apropos for a political persuasion that finds nothing wrong with dismembering and murdering unborn children)

If Huma has consented to this ploy, I have less than zero respect for her as a human being.

Trying to get some sympathy for a man who deserves none. If Huma is party to this horrible charade, then she deserves nothing either.

These people are beneath contempt.

SukieTawdry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SukieTawdry said...

windbag said...From the liberal viewpoint, the easy way out of this is a no-fault divorce and an abortion. Then, everyone can get closure and move onto to the really important things in life. 6/8/11 6:09 PM

And it was just last year that New York's divorce law finally caught up with its no-fault abortion law. Odd, that.

Was it only yesterday that I thought the little worm couldn't possibly sink lower?

Revenant said...

"Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, is pregnant."

Well I'll be damned.

It WAS possible for me to be less interested in this fuckin' story.

el polacko said...

i'll believe this story when the fetus tweets its sonogram.

Anonymous said...

Worse, if Matthews is right and it is a loveless marriage - then Weiner is trapped, knowing it is not true, but not being able to say anything.

Turn it around: *IF* the rumors about Hillary and Huma are true, then Weiner has a very powerful bargaining chip. Huma and the Clintons would have very strong motivation to prevent Weiner from saying, "I did what I did because I was trapped in a sham marriage. I was Huma's and Hillary's beard. As a normal, healthy, heterosexual man I needed an outlet. The outlet I chose violated no marriage vows."

On the other hand, if the rumors are true, Weiner had better watch his back. He might have an unfortunate accident.

gerry said...

Look, Huma is probably in it for the power and money, too.

End of sympathy.

John henry said...

We've done Congressman Weiners dick to death. What about Senior Policy Adviser Huma weiner's vagina?

She was raised from age 2 in Saudi Arabia by a Pakistani mother and a Indian/Iranian father.

Was she surgically altered? Did she undergo female genital mutilation?

We need pictures!

John Henry

gerry said...

i'll believe this story when the fetus tweets its sonogram.

If it has to sign a cellphone carrier contract, I hope it remembers to add a full-term exception rider.

It's hard to cancel a contract after you've been terminated.

Known Unknown said...

The NYT is despicable.

"According to three people with knowledge of the situation."

Who are these three assholes, and what do they stand to gain from blabbing to the NYT about this?

Does the NYT think this helps Weiner? Is that why it was published?

Fit to print, my ass.

test said...

" gerry said...
Look, Huma is probably in it for the power and money, too.

End of sympathy."

Even if you accept this as factual, which it is not, this is a pretty shitty attitude. The only possibility which would reduce my sympathy for her would be if she were a willing participant. Like others I think this a vanishingly small likelihood. It's unlikely on its face, but further because it was done in such a stupid manner it's impossible to believe two people could be so lacking in judgement.

Even then don't you feel sorry for people whose choices end poorly?

You guys are letting your dislike of leftists cloud your judgement.

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