May 2, 2011

"Was Limbaugh Sarcastic or Sincere?"

Andrew Sullivan and a lot of other people were terribly confused. They expect sarcasm to drip, but Rush underdripped today.


Anonymous said...

I caught some of it, and think that he was more trying to draw attention to the fact that Obama has kept most of Bush's policies in place- to Obama's credit.

In other words, he's genuinely happy that Obama and others accomplished what was acomplished, but wants it to be clear that, had President Obama followed the promises that Candidate Obama made, we would not be here.

Not really sarcastic, IMO, but perhaps ironic? (dontcha think?)

- Lyssa

rhhardin said...

Sarcasm isn't a good trick.

Teens use it because they can't express themselves: say the opposite and you don't have to figure out what you really want to say.

Rush should avoid it, as most older than teens do.

Rush wanted to say Obama was classless for praising himself, by praising Obama equally.

Taking responsibility is for when the mission fails, not when it works.

But Obama isn't any kind of leader, even a bad one.

Lance said...

Underdripped? Just watched the clip, and Limbaugh clearly sarcasted all over the reports of Pres. Obama singly deciding to send in the SO team.

EnigmatiCore said...

Who knows what Rush was thinking.

I know what I am thinking, though, which is that Obama made a great call in approving this mission. He made a great call in letting it be delayed, for better weather. He made a great call in not reading the Pakistani's in before we went. He made a great call in not scuttling the mission when the chopper went down.

This could easily have gone very badly.

chickelit said...

Andrew Sullivan and a lot of other people were terribly confused. They expect sarcasm to drip, but Rush underdripped today.

Epic systemic mind closure.

KCFleming said...

"Was Limbaugh Sarcastic or Sincere?"

He was Sincastic.

edutcher said...

This is like Willie trying to take some credit for the way the US military performed after 9/11.

He said it was because of him, while the rest knew it was in spite of him.

El Rushbo nails Little Zero with words dipped in acid.

KCFleming said...

Didja see Hillary's face in the photo as the Prez and Biden and everyone watched the live video feed in the Situation Room?

Not good.

And hasn't 'the Situation Room' been ruined by Jersey Shore?

mesquito said...

Rush sincerely congratulated Obama for embracing the policies and the assets -- including Dick Cheney's own Personal Assasination Team -- that made this possible. The sracasm is embedded, inherent, understood.

Synova said...

I think that he starts out sort of serious, that Obama deserves credit for not, I forgot how he worded it, for not squelching it.

The rest sounds like he had been talking to Jeremy or someone else, or listening to journalists, who are trying to portray Obama as a military mastermind. So I think he was being completely sarcastic about that.

About giving Obama credit for doing something right and doing something good? I think those first three sentences were sincere.

Synova said...

"Taking responsibility is for when the mission fails, not when it works."


Anonymous said...

He's point out that the left and MSM continually ripped Bush and Cheney for the very same policies and acts for which they are now lavishly praise Obama.

Bush was the warmonger. Obama is the strong war president.

(Which, come to think of it, bothers me considerably, because, when challenged on the point, Obama is derisively reaffirmed by his supporters as being a Christian.

I'm worried that Obama carried out this strike precisely and specifically to hasten Armageddon and the Lord's second coming.

This is very troubling.)

Bruce Hayden said...

The part that I heard did not sound sarcastic at all. Rush seemed to think that it was a good thing that we had finally gotten OBL.

Yes, he did mention that it was Bush (43) policies involved, that Obama had not squelched. But, Rush seemed to be playing this fairly straight.

You can often tell when he is being sarcastic, and I just didn't hear it in his voice.

Maybe, as he nears 60, he is mellowing. Any chance of that? Didn't think so.

traditionalguy said...

When an opponent hits it out of the park, an honest man will congratulate him, a dishonest man will make up a slander about him and a professional politician will refuse to mention it. Therefore Rush is an honest man. Good thing to remember the next time he is called names by AL and Jeremy.

Methadras said...

Of course he was sarcastic, but in a way a douchebag like Little Miss Sullivan completely misses. Limbaugh praised Bush and his policies through Obama by backhandedly praising Obama for using them himself whether he intended to or not.

Ned said...

His point was OBVIOUS. had obama done what he campaigned on/promised this would not have happened. His inaction on overturning President Bush's policies is what made this possible. Followed by I, ME, I ME, I, ME.
The Military are the heroes.
obama...well he's obama.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that the stupid fat drug addict's show is too complicated for sophisticated minds such as Andrew Sullivan's to follow.

( that was sarcasim)

- Lyssa

Fred4Pres said...

Virtually everyone is happy Osama bin Laden is dead. And I have no regrets it happened on Obama's watch. Killing Osama is like planting an oak tree. The best time would have been twenty years ago. The second best time is today.

It would have been nice if Clinton killed or detained him when he had the chance. It would have been nice if we killed him at Tora Bora. But eventually we found him and we killed him. Obama is not the primary cause of that, but he is a contributing factor and deserves credit for doing so.

So as someone who has both praised Obama today, mocked Obama a bit today, and once or twice mistakenly said Obama when I meant Osama--I am guessing Rush is doing the same. He is no fan of Obama, but there is nothing wrong with something good happening and this message about Osama bin Laden is a good one.

Cedarford said...

Ned said...
His point was OBVIOUS. had obama done what he campaigned on/promised this would not have happened. His inaction on overturning President Bush's policies is what made this possible. Followed by I, ME, I ME, I, ME.
The Military are the heroes
Not Obama.
I wouldn't limit it to the military as "The Heroes".
I'd add the CIA, the lawyers that stood up to John McCain and defended enhanced interrogations even if McCain and the Left then inflicted professional damage on the lawyers careers.
I'd add the Pakistanis that helped us get KSM and helped us with some info on the couriers despite Islamoids within Pakistan who would like to kill such of their fellow Pakistanis.
I'd add in the Brits, Canadians, FRENCH, Aussies that have gone in on other missions to get high value targets.
Add in the people at NSA, the National Geographic Spatial Intelligence Agency.
All the people in the Bush and Obama Administration that never wavered from wanting this guy dead and the ACLU without a client.

The actual trigger-pullers were on the very end of a long trail of people that led to Binnie's death, and this was apparantly a much easier mission than many. More risky than blowing out the brains of a few Somali pirates, but less risky than other missions where the elite troops took losses.

Fred4Pres said...

Cedarford, well said.

le Douanier said...

I heard this live.

The answer is obvious. And, it did drip.

Limbaugh's POV re BHO is not in any way, shape or form unpredictable.

Sully is harder to predict, but so are crazy people.

Cedarford said...

I've never killed a man, but I've read many an obituary with a great deal of satisfaction.

Mark Twain

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chuck66 said...

Obama used all the War on Terror techniques that Bush used.
-Secret prisons
-Illegal warrentless spying
-"Enhanced" interragation techniques
-Assassination without trial

Basically Obama has become Bush for this specific issue.

bagoh20 said...

I don't usually listen to Rush, but couldn't miss it today. He sounded clearly sarcastic to me. To take him seriously today, you would have to agree with Obama's opinion of himself and ignore Rush's.

Victor Erimita said...

Rush's sarcasm was not in this case directed at Obama or the efforts that "brought Bin Laden to justice." It was directed at themedia leftosphere's nakedly disparate treatement of yet another set of Obama's actions, compared to similar actions of Bush. From the retention of Gitmo, to the capitalizing on "harsh interrogation-divulged information, to drone attacks and so on, Obama has continued many of Bush's policies in the GWOT. Policies that the leftosphere, and notably Obama himself hysterically criticized during Bush's two terms.

bagoh20 said...

Obama is the "kinder and gentler" Bush that Bush Sr. promised.

BJM said...

Slightly OT: Obama's body language in the photo Drudge is frontpaging at the moment is interesting.

Hillary is clearly shocked and Gateses jaw is clenched but Obama is hunched down in the corner.

A humane response or a tell?

le Douanier said...


Here is the picture, which is the picture of the day at Hotair--that's where I got the link.

bagoh20 said...

It doesn't matter what you thought of Obama yesterday, today he looks better.

Did you ever play pool and sink the 8 ball on the break? That simple feat can get you laid when things are right.

Alex said...

Who the fuck cares? Obama just got re-elected.

Alex said...

Anyone want to bet Obama and Hillary did a big high five when they heard OBL was dead?

Alex said...

Sullivan calling Limbaugh an asshole = huge surprise. I suppose Sully knows all about assholes.

Chuck66 said...

Hillary thought "this makes it less likely I get the 2012 nomination".

bagoh20 said...

"A humane response or a tell?"

Very interesting picture.

Obama looks like the kid that started the fire that the rest of them are watching.

EnigmatiCore said...

Should they have not, Alex?

Sure seems like the very reaction I would have wanted them to have.

bagoh20 said...

"Anyone want to bet Obama and Hillary did a big high five when they heard OBL was dead?"

If they didn't, they aren't human.

Carol_Herman said...


Rush Limbaugh always comments about the news of the day. And, this one? Well, Obama came out and OWNED IT.

Best comment showed up at Lucianne. Or, FREEPER's. (Alas, I don't remember the name of the poster.)

But, "they found him when they realized the saw a big house without telephones."

Protected by the Pakistani military.

And, kudos to the PLANNERS! They knew the layout of the house's interior. Even to the place, outside, where garbage was burned.

I'm sure Osama Bin Laden went in and out in a burka. He had to "hire guards." And, they had to bring in food.

Perhaps, there were public records on the compound, itself? Otherwise, coming in as they did at 3AM ... without knocking. How did they know where the bedrooms were?

Hope the Belgians never, ever find out the names of the Navy Seals. Or the International Courts will go after them. To say nothing of the nut jobs who will put out home addresses and phone numbers, on the Internet!

Hey, is Kloppenhoppen taking over some of her lost lead, yet?

Carol_Herman said...

Wasn't it told long ago, when Osama was supposed to be in a cave, that he was on dialysis? And, required medical equipment?

bagoh20 said...

I gotta see what they are looking at.

Mark said...

Credit where it's due: Obama made the right decisions on this operation in the right way. I'm not sure burying Osama at sea was the right decision (I hate giving the conspiracy theorists more grist for the mills) but actually securing the corpse instead of shredding the compound from the air was the way this needed to end. Good job Mr. President.

Alex said...

excuse me if I can't celebrate with my enemies.

Terrye said...

Sarcastic. But Rush should be careful with that, not everyone is smart enough to catch it.

Alex said...

Good job Mr. President.

Low expectations huh.

Peano said...

Andrew Sullivan is confused? Stop the presses.

The entire subtext of Limbaugh's speech was "Piss on Obama." If you can't see that, you need to go back to your Little Lulu comics.

Peano said...

They expect sarcasm to drip, but Rush underdripped today.

With that comment, you overblonded.

Peano said...

Terrye said... Sarcastic. But Rush should be careful with that, not everyone is smart enough to catch it.

Manifestly. Hence this Althorse posting.

Fred4Pres said...

While I welcome the inclusion of Osama bin Laden to the circle of life in the Arabian Sea (check out the hagfish doing their thing), it does not change the fact that most of Barack Obama's policies suck.

And that the success in bringing down Osama bin Laden was due to Barack Obama following the precidence of George W. Bush, not the nonsense advice of Andrew Sullivan and Glenn Greenwald about turning the war on terror into a police action.

dreams said...

He was being sincere when he praised Obama for keeping in place Bush's policies but he was being sarcastic about everything else. You would think even an HIV infected liberal brain could figure that out.

Brian Hancock said...

Today wasn't meant for sarcasm or comedy.

Alex said...

Today wasn't meant for sarcasm or comedy.

yes mein Fuhrer!

Mark O said...

Use this as an IQ test. Those who get Limbaugh are smart--130-150, those who are confused are Democrats.

Alex said...

Dems falls short of signatures to initiate recall election on GOP State Senator Grothman


Brian Hancock said...


Except for you, so it goes

Alex said...

Yezzzz, all the traitors who refuse to bow down to zeee Fuhrer Obama must be immediately rounded up and dealt with in the harshest manner. schnell! schnell!

Phil 314 said...

Sarcasm? Well of course, that's in every Limbaugh show.

Drip? Obviously depends on listener's POV.

Since I don't listen I really don't care.

This Sullivan/Limbaugh difference feels more like two kids in the backseat of the car with one yelling

Mom, he's looking at me funny

Brian Hancock said...


Appears to be misplaced sarcasm, and not comedy with you. Wish you the best with your Hitler fetish.

MadisonMan said...

Maybe he wants people to talk about Rush Limbaugh.

The Crack Emcee said...


Obama as a military mastermind.

A friend of mine used that phrase today and I couldn't stop laughing. It was so bad, he finally took it back and tried to change the subject, but by then I was already on the floor wiping away tears and gasping for air. The Obots have really got to work on their delivery on the down slope.

I think these two videos, in order, sum up my feelings on Obama and this action:

He is still whatever he is, and our country (and our military) is still exceptional.

bagoh20 said...

"Today wasn't meant for sarcasm or comedy."

Which is why we should solemnly view the operation through the eyes of Taiwanese animation.

Via Hot Air

Ned said...

Blogger Cedarford said...

Agreed 100%! I do believe Rush was right though, this was not obama's preferred course of action. He and holder have said so many times. he was "polled" into it.

Kevin said...

Can Madison top this?

From Portland Indymedia:

Candle Light Vigil tonight for Usama Bin Laden
author: social workers united
There will be an candle light vigil tonight in the South Park blocks
To celebrate his life and we hope to end imperialism in the United States.
We will be burning Bibles and other Christian related material.

chickelit said...

Link for Kevin's cite: link


Kevin said...

Some people in Portland had a Bible burning for Easter, so I think this is legit.

bagoh20 said...

Thanks Crack, I love Bill Whittle's stuff.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What rh said..

Brian Hancock said...

@bagoh20 punting. That video was sweet!

le Douanier said...

I saw that Hot Air video today.

I kept thinking that it was maxed out, but then it kept going.


Roux said...


roesch-voltaire said...

Rush's irony comes from the tension of the right that claims Obama is a socialist and at the same time only continuing the Bush policies; it certainly confuses many on this blog. I gathered from his speech that Obama recognized and praised a long line of folks who made this possible, including the will of the American spirit.

Terrye said...


I am sorry, but it is difficult not to be saracastic when you see the left go nuts giving Obama an atta boy for employing the exact same methods they call Bush a fascist for using. Imagine if Bush had done this and there had been no body..hell half the Democrats I know think Bush was behind 911..well until today all of a sudden they have a reason to blame Osama. I guess that means the Truther movement is dead. Rosie O'Donnell will be so crushed.

Terrye said...


And what about the tension on the left that claims 911 was an inside job but still wants to take credit for taking out a terrorist?

Or how about the tension on the left that wants to lock up Bush and Cheney for creating and developing many of the methods they opposed and yet their guy was more than willing to use?

Patriot Act...enhanced interrogation technique, kill teams, etc.

gadfly said...

Today was atypical for America's anchorman. Those who believe that Rush doesn't do sarcasm well do not understand Rush's "being absurd to illustrate absurdity" technique.

He completely fooled Andrew Sullivan today because Atlantic's featured blogger swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker.

First thing out of Obama's mouth was that he personally had authorized the black ops action and Rush jumped all over it.

Erik Robert Nelson said...

I'm with the ones who think Rush's intent is obvious. Honestly, I can't see how anyone could not interpret this differently unless they were completely blinded by their own ideological biases.

Gabriel Hanna said...

Rather than worrying about who meant what when they said it then and mean something else now, prehaps we can give President Obama credit for not following the policies of Candidate Obama.

I don't agree with most of what Obama wants to do, but on the foreign policy front he has definitely grown in office, as the saying is.

The President did the right thing. He could have done the wrong, easy thing--the Leftists praising his courage and toughness today would be praising his restraint and wisdom if he had chosen to let bin Ladin go.

In the face of that temptation--an amen chorus who will praise you no matter what you do--would YOU find it in yourself to change your mind, the way Obama has?

They told me if I vtored for John McCain I'd get Bush's third term. I voted for John McCain, and I got Bush'd third term...

Brian Hancock said...

@terraye. Agreed. But I do not think today is meant for that. Glad he is dead. Glad for the families. Glad for our country. Obama was the guy who had to make the decision and he made the right one.

Fred4Pres said...

Obama as a military mastermind.

My kids (the oldest is 12) have enough common sense as to made the right decisions as to going after Osama bin Laden. What is interesting (and somewhat heartening) is Barack Obama ignored fools like Holder, Greenwald, Sullivan and others and followed the advice of adults who told him how to make this happen. And they made this happen.

And I give him credit for not fucking up. I do not want to see Barack Obama re-elected, but I sure as hell do not want Osama bin Laden creating CO2 or other mischief. Much better that he is feeding the lower sea creatures of the Arabian Sea.

PaulV said...

Rush was aiming at the Obama supporters, not OBAMA.

roesch-voltaire said...

Crack thanks for the link;I have even more respect for Obama-- here is a black man who doesn't get dragged down by turbulent and fragmented family, but manages to transcend it to some degree, take responsibility for himself and go on to establish a career and family-- I could only wish.

Fred4Pres said...

I do not vilify the left, hell, while I disagree with a lot Sullivan and Greenwald say--I actually agree with them on many civil liberty issues when it comes to detainees. But some of the left are contemptable and I find them abhorent: Traitors and scum.

Synova said...

"Which is why we should solemnly view the operation through the eyes of Taiwanese animation."

Okay... now I got the giggles. The Taiwanese animation girls have outdone themselves.

Terrye said...


Yes, Obama made the right decision, he made the decision he was elected to make. That is his job...just like it was Bush's job to go after the Taliban and AlQaida in the first place. My point is that someone like Andrew Sullivan can not see Rush's sarcasm...considering the fact that Andrew did not support the policies necessary to get the intel that made the mission possible. Obama could have given Bush some credit, but he is not a big enough man to do that.

Fred4Pres said...

Candle Light Vigil tonight for Usama Bin Laden
author: social workers united
There will be an candle light vigil tonight in the [Portland, Oregon] South Park blocks
To celebrate his life and we hope to end imperialism in the United States.
We will be burning Bibles and other Christian related material.

le Douanier said...

Re Crack's video:

I watched the whole thing, as roesch-voltaire did.

And, I honestly don't get it? Is that the R strategy for 2012? Sheesh. Y'all would be better off nominating Trump.

BTW, Mercer Island is not a bad place to live. It's around the corner from Bill Gates. Not that that means anything, but it's a point of reference for folks that don't know the area.

Automatic_Wing said...

Crack thanks for the link;I have even more respect for Obama-- here is a black man who doesn't get dragged down by turbulent and fragmented family, but manages to transcend it to some degree, take responsibility for himself and go on to establish a career and family-- I could only wish.

Don't forget "clean and articulate" and "he's a credit to his race".

Might as well cover all the bases.

Jenner said...

Ah, what's so hard about understanding Rush? He's a simple man from Literal-ville.

Rush honestly and sincerely praised Obama for not getting in the way of this operation - he does deserve some credit for that does he not?

Rush then went on to illustrate Obama's tendency to insert himself into every favorable accomplishment, whether or not he should be taking credit for the success.

Is any of this not true? You may not agree with Rush's emphasis all the time, but you'll have a hard time proving him to be a liar.

le Douanier said...


Did folks know that cleaning the body and wrapping it is the procedure for a normal Muslim death?

But, martyrs are to be put in the ground uncleaned and in the clothes in which they died.

This funeral by flushing may have been more purposeful/intentional than I originally thought.

Henry said...

...perhaps we can give President Obama credit for not following the policies of Candidate Obama.

This is both true and untrue. Obama did campaign against Guantanamo and all that went with it.

But he also campaigned on staying the course in Afghanistan. I thought at the time that this was a terrible mistake -- that consolidating gains in Iraq (McCain's stance) was much more important -- and I still think that.

But, the killing of Bin Laden does confirm candidate Obama's point. The bunker of global terrorism is in Pakistan. If you want to kill terrorists that's the place to go.

The more I think about it, the more credit I think Obama deserves for this. He said he would attack into Pakistan and got a lot of ridicule for it (partly for saying it; it's not the kind of thing you're supposed to say). And when he was given the responsibility he followed through.

I think this is a tactical victory and I don't think we can win the war against terror by tracking down individual terrorists.

But Obama still deserves a lot of credit.

* * *

Looking at the maps and reading more details I'm struck by how far away Abbottabad is from the tribal areas near Afghanistan. Abbottabad is practically on the border of Kashmir. Which itself is interesting.

Terrye said...


Oh please. Obama said that the only thing the US military was doing in Afghanistan was air bombing villages and killing civilians...and then he increases the number of drone attacks.

Obama tried to have it both ways. He did not want to sound like he was soft on terrorism, but he did want to complain about the best way to do that was to say that Bush took his eye off the ball and blah blah blah...but the point is that Obama would not have found Osama Bin Laden if not for the efforts of a lot of other people..Bush and Cheney among them. It would not kill him to admit that.

Automatic_Wing said...

Looking at the maps and reading more details I'm struck by how far away Abbottabad is from the tribal areas near Afghanistan. Abbottabad is practically on the border of Kashmir. Which itself is interesting.

Yeah, this place is not the remote, lawless village that people expected UBL to be holed up in. The Pakistani military academy is a kilometer from his compound and there are several lsrge hospitals in town where UBL probably recieved treatment for his medical conditions. Though we won't be able to confirm the latter, what with his body being buried at sea and all.

Henry said...

@Terrye -- All you say is true. I too think Obama's focus on Afghanistan in 2008 was about positioning and expediency. I think the escalation in Afghanistan since 2008 is a strategic mistake (though many counter-terrorism experts disagree).

Yet whatever Obama's motives, he did commit to aggressive operations in Afghanistan and this is one of the outcomes.

roesch-voltaire said...

Rush lays on the lard before all the reports are out. Obama never claimed he was the only one who thought of this tactic, but clearly he had to make the decision and take the risk.Obama praised the Navy Seals and others in the speech I watched last night, and I counted five references to God--or what ever that is worth. By the way the mission was not flawless,as Rush claims-- one helicopter unexplainably fell from the sky. As I said before Rush doesn't know how to resolve the contradiction of the right win narrative about Obama- the socialist who continues the Bush doctrines and thus circles his own rhetoric in search of the bite.

Synova said...

RV, that's why I don't think he was being sarcastic toward Obama, but toward Obama sycophants.

Carol_Herman said...

Here's a guess. Osama wasn't taken out as dead weight! Nor was he dropped into the sea by helicopter. He, and whatever else they got out of that crap house, was taken to the USS Vinson.

Yes. Osama was buried at sea. But not dropped into it like a rock. From above.

Hiding from the USA has now become much more difficult.

And, our military was able to carry this off in spite of congress. In spite of John Kerry having access to military information. And, myriad other travails.

At least this time there's no comparisons to Jimmy Carter!

One of the greatest things about America, because we have NO aristocracy! We can survive leadership at the top that is less than stellar.

Republican said...

Dripping sarcasm regarding the crapload of lefty praise being heaped on President Obama for being such a tactical and military genius, as if President I-Me-My had no help from anyone.

Obviously shifting gears when sincerely praising the *military*.

Rush at his best, which is unfortunately not often in recent years.

le Douanier said...

Here is a a closeup of the picture that drudge and Hot Air have highlighted.

Terrye said...


Obama could and should have given credit to Bush. The fact that Obama has discovered that the job is harder than he thought it was just makes it that much more deplorable that he did not do that.

Fen said...

Obama made a great call in approving this mission. He made a great call in letting it be delayed, for better weather. He made a great call in not reading the Pakistani's in before we went. He made a great call in not scuttling the mission when the chopper went down.

In the Marine Corps we call that "meets expectations".

But then, Obama gets accolades for being "clean looking and articulate" so maybe we should give a medal for not fucking this up.

Fen said...

4.6, 4.6

Fen said...

this place is not the remote, lawless village that people expected UBL to be holed up in. The Pakistani military academy is a kilometer from his compound and there are several lsrge hospitals in town where UBL probably recieved treatment for his medical conditions. Though we won't be able to confirm the latter, what with his body being buried at sea and all.

I wish we had wiped it off the map. An object lesson for those who shelter OBL's kind.

LoafingOaf said...

Who the fuck cares what Limbaugh says about anything. He's a hardcore drug addict. Republican judges have put people in prison for far less than what Limbaugh did.

Lombardi Chick said...

"Taking responsibility is for when the mission fails, not when it works."


BOOM. There it is.

Lombardi Chick said...

Can Madison top this?

Kevin, maybe not, but Milwaukee gets an honorable mention (JSOnline):

Judge says he's 'saddened' by bin Laden's death

When news began trickling out that al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden had been killed, many Americans rushed to their TV sets for details, broke into chants at baseball parks or hit the streets to cheer the end of a 10-year manhunt.

But Milwaukee County Reserve Judge Russell Stamper had a different reaction.

He considers the death of bin Laden a case of coldblooded murder.

"I was saddened," said Stamper, who fills in for county judges when needed. "You murdered a man."


Lombardi Chick said...

Who the fuck cares what Limbaugh says about anything. He's a hardcore drug addict. Republican judges have put people in prison for far less than what Limbaugh did.

Obama did "a little blow", didn't he? I bet you listen to him?

Dustin said...

"LoafingOaf said...

Who the fuck cares what Limbaugh says about anything. He's a hardcore drug addict. Republican judges have put people in prison for far less than what Limbaugh did."

Is this meant to be ironic? The only reason you are screaming about him like that is because you care what he said. He's got a large audience. Larger than any of the networks or newspapers.

Bringing up his drugs from however many years ago is particularly petty and hypocritical. How come democrats are such hypocrites about drugs? You don't even get freedom of speech if you got addicted to painkillers when you had back surgery? Seriously? Of course, you really mean to deny rights to conservatives rather than druggies, you silly fascist.

Anyway, nice trolling, I guess.

AllenS said...

Looking at the picture that Drudge has up, Hillary! looks like she's about ready to hurl.

Fen said...

I wish chronic pain on LoafingOaf. So much pain that he becomes addicted to pain killers. Then let him pop off about Limbaugh.

Brian Brown said...

Hey, remember when "politicizing 9/11" was bad?

Um, Obama plans a Thursday trip to Ground Zero.

Shocking, I know.

Nancy Pelosi, press conference, September 7, 2006:

[E]ven if [Osama bin Laden] is caught tomorrow, it is five years too late. He has done more damage the longer he has been out there. But, in fact, the damage that he has done ... is done. And even to capture him now I don't think makes us any safer.

The Internet is the worst thing to happen to liberals since Ronald Reagan...

Tom said...

I'd just like to point out that ordering the killing Bin Laden is what a US President is supposed to do.

But the MSM is praising Obama to the skies for doing something that ANY US President would do.

Don't you think they are setting the bar a little low?

Tom said...

Isn't ordering the death of Bin Laden something a sitting US President is supposed to do?

What, like Obama had to spend days deciding whether or not to have Bin Laden killed?

carrie said...

I heard part of Limbaugh's program yesterday. I think he was giving credit where credit was due, which included Obama and Bush. I think he was sincere in his praise of Obama for having the courage to go against his base and pursue this lead even if it meant keeping Gitmo open. However, Limbaugh made it clear that Bush's policies played a big role in this, and that maybe Obama didn't acknowledge that role as much as he should have. Rush also play an excerpt from an Obama speech in April of 2009 when Obama vowed to shut Gitmo down, etc. According to the paper, the lead of the name of the courier was obtained in 2007, so someone must have done a great job of convincing Obama that the lead was important enough for him to drop his campaign promises to close Gitmo and end the war. Anyone know who that was? If it was reported, I missed it.

Amexpat said...

Watched the clip and it looked like Rush was Dylanesque - both sincere and ironic at the same time.

BJM said...

@pbAndj 10:51

Yes, the thumbnailed image creates a different impression than in the larger photo. However, the WH released the photo, obviously without realizing the weak message it sent.

As a former marketing exec, the weak visual message vs a strong leadership image is what caught my eye. This is not the first time the WH media machine stumbled when a strong favorable media message was a given. I am surprised that they haven't addressed better vetting of their imagery.

That was my point, not a political comment on Obama per se.

hombre said...

"Was Limbaugh Sarcastic or Sincere."

In light of his use of "single-handedly," etc., only the dupes who are capable of believing that Oblahblah is both qualified and able to the extent described by Limbaugh could ask this question.

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