March 17, 2011

Union thuggery against Althouse and Meade: "We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go."

"We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day. We will harrass the ever loving shit out of you all the time. Campus is OCCUPIED. State street is OCCUPIED. The Square is OCCUPIED. Vilas, Schenk's Corners, Atwood, Willy Street – Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied. Did you really think it was all about the Capitol? Fuck the Capitol, we are the CITY... We have the numbers and we don't back down from anyone. We all know each other. We all know each other. We know each other from Service Industry Night at the Orpheum, because we're regulars at the same coffee shops, restaurants and bars, we know each other from the co-ops, we know each other because we've had a million jobs each (and we all worked at CapTel at least once), because we live in every shitty townie house in ever-changing groups of 2 – 7 people, because we are young and horny and screw each other incessantly, because we're all on facebook, and because we aren't anti-social, life-denying, world-sterilizing pieces of human garbage like the two of you. WE WILL FUCK YOU UP. We will throw our baseballs in your lawn, you cranky old pieces of shit, and then we will come get them back. What are you gonna do? Shoot us? Get Wausau Tea Patriots to form an ad hoc militia on your front lawn? That would be fucking HILAROUS to us. You could get to know the assholes on your side in real fucking life instead of sponging off the civil society we provide for you every single day you draw breath."

UPDATE: The document, which had been posted at scribd, was deleted soon after I posted, but not before I copied it. Here, then, is the full text:
Because of their extensive, lifelong, union freeloading (Althouse, the breadwinner of their pathetic, sexual-frustration driven “family” is an AAUP freeloader, a public sector secondary education freeloader, a University of Michigan freeloader, a University of Colorado freeloader and, most disgustingly to us, a University of Wisconsin Freeloader), their movement freeloading (they have greatly enhanced their reputation and social currency both within her nauseating Tory brotherhood they represent and across the  Op:countertroll Vs Althouse and Meade 3/18/11 11:41 AM currency both within her nauseating Tory brotherhood they represent and across the Page 2 of 7 internet by wandering around Madison lying about all they see) their repeated lies and general commitment to irresponsible citizen-journalism (how dare they sneak around an ongoing citizen protest movement taking pictures of trash minutes before our volunteers clean it), their false claims to have infiltrated the movement despite the fact that as a decentralized, participatory and democratic movement #wiunion cannot be “infiltrated” and indeed welcomes the attention of hostile outside observers, their attempts to incite Tea Party Falangists to act on their sadistic and violent impulses against fourth grade teachers and their students, and their desecration of the statue of Hans Christian Heg Ann Althouse and Meade are hereby put on notice.



Did you really think this could go on forever? That you could sit on the steps of our house, walk the streets of our city, lie about us to strangers, tell gun-toting rednecks from out of state and the Northwoods how depraved and deserving of punishment we are all while maintaining plausible deniability for any of the consequences that your actions might cause? Did you think you could fuck with HANS and get away with it?

This isn't a one way fight any more. We will take it from the internet right to [DELETED: My actual street address — parenthetical by Ann Althouse]. Do you have any idea where you live? Let us spell it out for you. We understand that you like to eat on the square. You like the Baked Potato at the Old Fashioned, do you? There were five of us in there last Tuesday. You like to eat at Fresco? We're in the Overture eating, serving, cooking, playing, and performing. At least twenty of us have worked for Food Fight. You like to fucking drink at FAIR TRADE do you? At FAIR TRADE? You are citizen-BANNED from Fair Trade. We will Walker you straight out of the place whenever you show up. We are at every coffee shop on State, open to close, all the time. We will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go. We will picket on public property as close to your house as we can every day. We will harrass the ever loving shit out of you all the time. Campus is OCCUPIED. State street is OCCUPIED. The Square is OCCUPIED. Vilas, Schenk's Corners, Atwood, Willy Street – Occupied, Occupied, Occupied, Occupied. Did you really think it was all about the Capitol? Fuck the Capitol, we are the CITY.

We are hard-drinking, weed-smoking, rude, obnoxious, auto-didactic, uppity fucking TOWNIES. We know you hate us. We know you hate us because we ruin your imaginary, Men's Magazine, UW Admission's Pamphlet, Madison Magazine, Isthmus Arts vision of our City. You think that our town should be on perpetual vigil just in case you needalittlepeaceandquiet. YouthinkweshouldgodownquietwhileWalker economically rapes us because you want to lead a fucking tour group? Sorry babe, not gonna happen. And because you couldn't even show a modicum of fairness, integrity, or neutrality and because you had the iron fucking stones to try to pull this here, on OUR campus, in OUR city, in OUR state in OUR country (and that is about the only reason we have any grudging respect for you), now YOU are a target.

And guess what – we aren't SDS. We aren't fucking TAA. We aren't Timmy “olive branch” Cullen, we aren't yogi, granola-eating types you see at Willy Street or whatever. We are NOT radically nonviolent. We comply with the laws of the City because it is our City and we love it, but OH MY GOD do we hope Meade tries to get all tough with us. WE LOVE IT. LOVE IT. Just last night we saw a Jimmy John's worker who we know beat the ever loving shit out of some idiot drunk asshole who wouldn't be civil and polite in his workplace. We have the numbers and we don't back down from anyone. We all know each other. We know each other from Service Industry Night at the Orpheum, because we're regulars at the same coffee shops, restaurants and bars, we know each other from the co-ops, we know each other because we've had a million jobs each (and we all worked at CapTel at least once), because we live in every shitty townie house in ever-changing groups of 2 – 7 people, because we are young and horny and screw each other incessantly, because we're all on facebook, and because we aren't anti-social, life-denying, world-sterilizing pieces of human garbage like the two of you. WE WILL FUCK YOU UP. We will throw our baseballs in your lawn, you cranky old pieces of shit, and then we will come get them back. What are you gonna do? Shoot us? Get Wausau Tea Patriots to form an ad hoc militia on your front lawn? That would be fucking HILAROUS to us. You could get to know the assholes on your side in real fucking life instead of sponging off the civil society we provide for you every single day you draw breath.

Pay your dues or action will be taken. The action will be legal, peaceful, and nonviolent (on our end anyway – if you want to do it the other way fine with us. Meade is a tough guy on LGM or whatever but he's a chickenshit IRL. We dare you buddy. Double dog dare you.) but it will also be swift, decisive, direct, personal and effective.

Our demands are as follows. Choose a package. 
Package 1: Pay your damn dues, you Union Freeloading pieces of shit 

You are getting fat on union money. You are getting fat on our tax money. You are getting fat on an undeserved bully pulpit that you got from credibility won from the hard struggles of public sector workers, university professors and unions throughout history, and that increased dramatically in scope due to OUR MOVEMENT. So PAY YOUR DUES. Wedemand:

1) Because you have taken the words from our mouth - A complete recantation of all lies about #wiunion (not lies in leagalese – lies in the commonsense moral Op:countertroll Vs Althouse and Meade 3/18/11 11:41 AM Page 3 of 7 definition of the word. Choose an ethical system that you believe is fair, run it by us, and we will let you know which posts violate it) posted on your personal blog, in all comments sections of all other blogs, on your flickr account and your youtube account, spoken in podcasts or on bloggingheads, or said out loud anywhere in Madison. Take it all back. We don't trust you, so we will draft a statement for you.

2) Because you have taken the bread from our table – a 5,000 dollar donation (each) in your own names and made public to the Industrial Workers of the World general fund, the Bradley Manning Defense Fund, the Recall Alberta Darling effort, a group of our choosing that advocates for the pro-democracy movements in #libya, #algeria, #iran or in Pizza for the Protesters (we prefer Ian's, the Nickel or Roman Candle, but any friendly place will do – if you attempt to order us shitty pizza or pizza from an unfriendly restaurant we will eat it and consider are demands still unmet).

3) Because you have attempted to take our very safety and indeed our lives, because you have incited violence against us and above all because you have proven yourselves inadequate to the grave and solemn responsibilites of Citizen- Journalism – Your silence. You want to make everyone shut the fuck up? Be the change you seek. We demand ZERO more posts about us, ever. We demand the admin pw for all of your shit to be publicly posted on a movement friendly facebook group or 4chan. We demand to be allowed to vet everything you post before you post it and edit it for any and all lies related to #wiunion, #wewarewi, #union, #usuncut #opesr #wikileaks #solidarity and #allthatisgoodandholyonthisearth. We demand that you Delete Fucking Everything.

4) You will never, ever, ever, ever in your motherfucking life come within 20 feet of the statue of Hans Christian Heg. Althouse, you are a job-hopping carpetbagger from New England. Meade, you are an obnoxious right-to-work Zombie from southern Ohio who only lives here because its apparently the only place in the world you can get laid. Heg is OURS. We are WISCONSIN. You don't fucking touch Hans Christian. Ever. And that goes double for the Lady on the other side.

Package 2: Move the Fuck out of Our City 

Get out, and stay out. Far out. Meade - You ain't no man for this city. We're out on the streets every day, all day. The 77 square is not for y'all. You say we're from out of state? Bullshit. You're from fucking out of state. We'll show you just how fucking Madison we are. Althouse, we will ruin your goddamn career, your comfort, your pocketbook, your sense of safety and wellbeing, and your life.

And don't try to pull up at another one of our cities either. Don't like your AAUP card? Turn it in. If you want to carry water for Koch and the Chamber, they can foot the fucking bill for it. Get a job on the Tea speaking circuit or with AEI or some other garbage think-tank in DC or Claremont or whatevs. We have friends everywhere. All land-grant University towns are occupied. All major cities are occupied. Everywhere with a critical mass of smart, uppity people is Occupied. If you want to advocate for national internetless, right-to-work rural fortress state hell with no transit in or out, you can live in it. If you want to defend Falangist Michigan, move to Pontiac. If you want to make us all work for Olive Garden you can fucking eat there. Why don't YOU go shop at Wal-Mart. Because the shit you wear looks like it comes from places like Jazzman and Bop and we work there too and we aren't having it any more. No more free rides, baby.



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Lincolntf said...

For it to be analagous to Tawana Brawley, the author of the fraud would have to be an immoral, self-serving shitbag (as well as a Democrat in good standing). That is clearly not the case here.

Franklin said...

Holy shit.

That is fucking ridiculous. Where will this end?

Stay safe Professor.

Meade said...

1. We have excellent security devices on our home. Anyone who steps onto our property will be identified. We also have several good neighbors who look out for us as we look out for them.

2. This person's threat has been reported to the city police, the county sheriff, and the FBI.

3. Over the next week, I will stop in every business establishment mentioned and visit with each proprietor. I'll hand each one a copy of the threat and ask them to take a position. If they refuse to condemn this person's threats - tainted food, intimidation, etc., we will report.

4. Thanks, as always, for all your support here in the comments. Please refrain from making any counter threats even in jest. AA will delete any that we come across. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Be careful, you two. I think Jim Shankman needs a visit from the police unless they are, as Jim says, union-lovers.

Paddy O said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
galdosiana said...

Oh, and I love how he warns people about this post on his facebook page:
Jim Shankman NSFW. Oh, so NSFW.
Yesterday at 11:03am

vbspurs said...

mike wrote:

Reading this, I'm reminded of a famous scene of Democrats fighting each other. That's about as bad as it gets with D's.

Thanks for this video! Just proving that Mad TV have been doing better skits than SNL going on a decade.

Paddy O said...

"Thanks, as always, for all your support here in the comments"

Do keep us updated as you can.

Stay safe, but stay free. You're fighting the good fight out there.

Sal said...

Give an angry loser too much alcohol and an internet connection, and that's what you get.

galdosiana said...

Good ideas Meade, and it's great to know that you guys are taking the appropriate actions and have neighbors looking out for you. Take care.

vbspurs said...

Murgatroyd666 wrote:

Note the deafening silence from the usual gang of left-wing twerps regarding criticism of this threat.

That shocked me. Really.

Gavin Sullivan said...

It's nice to know somebody cares.

vbspurs said...

Meade wrote:

3. Over the next week, I will stop in every business establishment mentioned and visit with each proprietor. I'll hand each one a copy of the threat and ask them to take a position. If they refuse to condemn this person's threats - tainted food, intimidation, etc., we will report.

MEADE. You are a Mensch. A complete and total Ohio Mensch.

FloridaSteve said...

Please keep us posted as what your response will be to Mr. Shankman and how it turns out. At a minimum I hope you've contacted the Police. I'd be curious to know how "helpful" they were considering that they support the union causes.

DADvocate said...

Here's Shankman's Facebook page. He claims he's a volunteer with the AFL-CIA, Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) and Ian's Pizza. (Isn't that the pizza shop that sold/gave all the pizzas to the protesters?) No paid employment reported. Looking at his wall he seems obsessed with union related issues. He's already bad mouthing one of the "fighting 14", Senator Cullen, who apparently has co-sponsored a bill with a Republican.

Once written, twice... said...

Meade wrote "3. Over the next week, I will stop in every business establishment mentioned and visit with each proprietor. I'll hand each one a copy of the threat and ask them to take a position. If they refuse to condemn this person's threats - tainted food, intimidation, etc., we will report."

First Meade you will probably be talking to some 23 year old manager. Second, they are just going to think you are some weirdo nut job. (Probably because you are.) Third, please tell me this is not some scheme that you and Ann hatched to get yourselves back on that fourth tier Andrew Beerbrat radio show?

vbspurs said...

I don't know about Fox or traditional media, but I know Michelle and Jim will link to this. And Instapundit should too, for obvious reasons.

Good one, Fen.

Re: "I'm sure FOX, FreeRepublic, GatewayPundit and Malkin will be interested in this.

Emails Away!"

Moose said...

Ah, welcome the the wonders of progressivism.

You guys might want to see if you can get a concealed carry permit. Academia is gettin' sorta rough.

X said...

myself I probably wouldn't bother with the local police, but that's only because of the chilling effect of police unions.

again I have to ask why a public service union member wouldn't be worth less money to the taxpayers due their shitstained union tails.

vbspurs said...

Jay Retread wrote:

First Meade you will probably be talking to some 23 year old manager.

And 23 year-old manager will bump it up to corporate, but corporate will already know about it, since the Meadehouse lawyer will have alerted them with a letter, with full Scribd document attached.

It's the Mom and Pop shops we have to worry about (or not).

SarahW said...

I suppose Mr. S's friends on facebook are pleased to be so generously included in his extortion plans.

Maybe they were wishing for personalized pizza boxes.

adam said...

So they are all regulars at the same restaurants, night clubs and bars?

From the oppression they tell us they suffer, and the stories of how they are kept from abject poverty only through collective bargaining, I'd think they'd only know each other from the same soup kitchens.

I guess the 6 figure proletariat doesn't slum Union Halls anymore.

vbspurs said...

Ron wrote:

wf:obarro Where The Latino Prez lives?

LOL! And I don't feel badly posting that, since the magic 200 post threshold has been reached. No one reads past 199.

Anonymous said...

He's got to be reading this, and happily masturbating all the while ...

Yes, Jim, you do matter! You actually got someone who isn't a scum-sucking loser to pay attention to you!

This is the high point of your wretched, futile life!

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said...

I'd be sending updated CVs to colleges and universities in Texas, Washington State, Tennessee, Florida, or New Hampshire if I were you, get the f--k out of hightaxland and wash these f--ks out of your hair..

John Scott said...

Fly in that heavyset kid from Australia.

Econophile said...

All for having the audacity to hold a view different from someone with a "coexist" bumper sticker on his bicycle frame. This is truly disturbing. And truly Madison.

We could see the same phenomenon in the video from the Capitol where nearly every nut under the rotunda paused their routine to attack one lone dissenter. Because these people don't regularly engage in reasoned debate, they and are first befuddled and then quickly apoplectic when encountering another perspective.

As MadisonMan noted, this greasy, hate-filled twerp is obviously in the East Side, probably dicking around at Mother Fools this very moment.

Ben Masel said...

Here's one Madison lefty who's embarassed. This is not productive. I'll have a word with him.

Meade said...

Thanks, Ben.

Once written, twice... said...

Obviously, if this was a real threat then Ann and Meade would take it directly to the authorities (as they should) and not blast it all over the Internet. Instead, they are trying to milk it for all that it is worth. What does that tell you?

vbspurs said...

I especially resent Jim Shankman's use of our iconic WWII sign, "Keep Calm Carry On" as his avatar. Grrrr.

Oh, and since it's St Paddy's, I found this nugget of solidarity posted on a Facebook group called, "Ireland Uncut".

To my surprise, it wasn't a support group for wayward Irish Jews.

Jim Shankman
Solidarity from Wisconsin. Please let me know anything I can do from the States to help raise awareness. There is a large and interested Irish diaspora community here in the Midwest US who would love to support efforts to rid their ancestral homeland of the same criminals that attack them here. THEY'LL NEVER BEAT THE IRISH.

March 13 at 10:59

Carol_Herman said...

Oddly enough, I still think the writer of this threat is the nurse with the bullhorn.

Ann Althouse said...

"Here's one Madison lefty who's embarassed. This is not productive. I'll have a word with him."

Thanks, Ben. It's obvious to me that the majority of protesters have worked hard at keeping things peaceful. It sadly easy for one person to wreck that.

I think this writer imagines that he's hilarious. Or "hilarous."

Anonymous said...

From Gaza to Madison. End the occupation!

vbspurs said...

Jay Retread wrote:

What does that tell you?

That you're a douchenozzle.

Meade said...

Why do you think we didn't take it directly to the authorities, "Jay Retread?" And why are you apparently try to discourage fighting internet fire with internet fire?

Also, why, unlike, for example, Ben Masel, do you hide behind a pseudonym?

Anonymous said...

What does that tell you?

Jim, it tells me that you're a contemptible loser.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

It tells me, Jay, that you're dense.

They already contacted the authorities. This is the counter strike. It says, "Fuck you! Not only will we not be silenced, we are going to spread your threat for you. We are going to plaster it all across the internet."

When you try to silence bloggers, you amplify them.

Anonymous said...

Dear Meadehouse:

I know you guys have covered your backsides six ways from Sunday, and I agree that the best response is to make the idiot kid a poster child for the dippy protesters.

He needs to get nailed, but "the quality of mercy is not strained." Surely this dumbshit is a single simpleton. But one never knows.

PeterK said...

well isn't that special

A.Worthing said...

ann, i am actually asking... what is the context here. how did you get this?

anyway, as the song goes... don't let the bastards drag you down...

paul a'barge said...

Y'all have guns, right? Carry permits also, right? I mean, y'all are armed, right?

Please tell me you're armed.

Once written, twice... said...

Meade, when can we expect Ann to be on Fox News talking about this? I hope you prearranged it.

john said...

Victoria secretly visits Trooper's site.

vbspurs said...

Ann Althouse resurfaced with:

I think this writer imagines that he's hilarious. Or "hilarous."

Yes, yes! Withering scorn for misspellers! It chaps their arse.

wv: cryosms (the spasms engaged by crybabies)

Mutnodjmet said...

The soul of the person who wrote that diminished a bit with each word he/she typed. I am sorry you and Meade were subjected to such hate, because your coverage of the WI Capitol Building has been some of the best reporting, in the classic sense of the word, that it has been my pleasure to read. God bless and keep you.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I like your suggestion that,from this day forward, we will refer to our librul whackadoodle trolls as Jum Shankman.

vbspurs said...

Not so secretly, John!

Anonymous said...

I know you are probably already looking at this, but you realize that this tool has his mother, brother, girlfriends family, etc in his friend list? I am not sure he is smart enough to fake the friend part of facebook….I would think that the next step to finding him and his picture would be easy…..and since he friended (?-I am not a facebook guy) his mother Kim in 2008, doesn't that make it all the more likely that it is legit? I would guess the cops could have him nailed in less than 6 hours. Once he is in the ass packing saloon, he can learn what hard fucking is all about.

reader_iam said...

then Ann and Meade would take it directly to the authorities

In these very comments, and not so far up from yours, it's quite clear that they already did so.

As to the other, I'll bet that in decent portion it's called "light being the best disinfectant."

Revenant said...

Obviously, if this was a real threat then Ann and Meade would take it directly to the authorities (as they should) and not blast it all over the Internet.

They did take it to the authorities, little brain.

Honestly, now -- if you can't keep up, take notes.

vbspurs said...

Fly in that heavyset kid from Australia.

Julian Assange ain't fat.

Michael said...

He left out "And we will run squealing like a little girl as soon as you push back, whining about how unfair it is that you responded to us."

adam said...

BTW - a little social network spider coughed this Internet hairball up:

So the #wearewi folks can be backtracked and identified with nominal effort.

Why not hit the "countertrol" with a batch of "counter" TROs?

vbspurs said...

I just got to Ben's comment. Don't worry Ben: we would never lump you in with the Wankmans of Madison.

Terrye said...

And to think these people keep telling us they are the middle people...etc.

I guess being a nasty little brat is what democracy looks like.

Lukedog said...

This is creepy and sad.

Fortunately, this person is in the minority.

The majority of the hundreds of thousands of protesters at the capitol for the last month have been peaceful and non-threatening.

In fact, I saw some of the more "typical" protesters at the capitol today; they were wearing straw hats with flowers and singing "this land is your land"

I'm a bit confused, though. Very many of you seem to be "regulars" on this site. You must be big fans of the blog. So I just can't understand why you seem almost excited by this horrendous letter.

An opportunity to talk about what guns you own? A new outlet for your anger?

This letter should make everyone feel bad. Period.

john said...

"...cause were all young and horny and screw each other incessantly..."

I think everyone here is just jealous of Jim.

Or maybe he's talking about Rosie Palm and her 5 beautiful daughters.

vbspurs said...

I wonder if Dr Kim Shankman, Dean of Benedictine College knows what her bouncing baby boy is up to these days?

CyberNorris said...

The amount of bigotry in Madison is incredible. I lived there eleven years. We briefly lived in an apartment after moving there... someone took a knife to our door and carved "REDNECK" in it... a different word and it woulda been a hate crime.

I even ran for public office while living there. I lost count of the number of times our cars were egged. I had two car windows broken out and a mirror damaged. People would walk by my house and scream obscenities if my wife or I were outside.

I moved my family out of WI in 2008 so that our daughter could grow up in a city and schools that I can trust.

Madison is a different world.

BadgersForWalker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben Masel said...

PS as it happens, I'm on your end of town, Tex tubbs Caddilac. I'll wait if you want to discuss face to face.

Fen said...

Jay Retread: Ann and Meade are trying to milk it for all that it is worth. What does that tell you?

That you are a pathetic disgrace.

adam said...


"Denial" is not a river in Egypt.

It runs through Madison.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Lukedog said...

I'm a bit confused, though. Very many of you seem to be "regulars" on this site. You must be big fans of the blog. So I just can't understand why you seem almost excited by this horrendous letter.

You see what you want to see.

An opportunity to talk about what guns you own? A new outlet for your anger?

This letter should make everyone feel bad. Period.

And it does. But your partisan blinders won't let you see that.

You'll persuade a lot more people by listening to what they actually say than by reading their minds and telling them what they're really saying.

You're not a mind reader, you're a blind partisan. But I have hope you can change.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the baseballs, these wimps throw like girls. Am I allowed to say that?

Luke said...

This kid is the son of a prominent Madison orthodontist. He grew up just nouveau-riche enough that he never had to worry about not driving a late model Beemer, but just tense enough that his own freedom from having to work wasn't completely secured. He panhandles on Union St., stinks like patchouli, dabbles with petty theft, sleeping on the street, visiting homeless shelters, safe in the knowledge that he can always go home and sleep in his feather bed overlooking the lake. but he doesn't want to, mainly because his parents want him to. That, and it woudl remind him of what a complete failure he is.

JSF said...

Kudos to Ben masel for standing up the the Threat.

My my, my A-Liberal is quiet on this post, so I can theorize that A-Lib defends this sort of rhetoric?

Maybe Shankman really is Jeremy's true name.

Why does hatred get you further on the Left side of the equation then the Right?

bil_d said...


I would not have posted that screed. It serves to draw attention to them, which is exactly what they hoped.. Sadly, in my humble view, you played into their hands this time.

However, if anything the likes of which they detailed DOES occur then you have their admission of guilt in hand..

On another note, it appears that school boards and county boards are now engaging in closed session employee benefit/contract negotiation committee meetings to circumvent the new law before it takes effect. Essentially extending/enhancing C.B. agreements before the law prevents them from doing so... this could clearly cause some serious problems. Agree with the new law or not these boards around the state need to give adequate public notice, and allow for some public comment...

Folks need to be aware of all district meeting postings and then attend and speak up - for or against..

vbspurs said...

BadgersforWalker wrote:

lso, I love all these self appointed "leaders" of the protest movement and "defenders" of Madison. Chances are nobody as ever heard of you, or ever will.

Jim Shankman is Jared Loughner without the headshot.

Harry Schell said...

This is exactly what the 2nd Amendment is all about, in addition to self-defense from criminals.

Never know when evil will come knocking, so take care, y'all.

And don't miss, if it comes to it.

These people have so lost the arguement, this is all they have. No reason, however, to think this is just for show.

Once written, twice... said...

Lukedog, one of Althouse's most regular conservative posters "Tropper York" took this opportunity to write about taking a baseball bat to a liberal in graphic ugly detail. Between that and the gun nuts, Meade wonders why I don't use my name?

Carol_Herman said...

Wow. Glenn Reynolds at InstaPundit has linked to this. AND, he has the word "fuck" in his title.

Tens of thousands of people, at least, are viewing this threat, now.

And, yes. I still think it was the nurse with the bullhorn. Because? You need motivation.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one who sees shades of "Fight Club" in the letter?

reader_iam said...

Yeah, I know--this is probably going to get me yelled at, but here goes:

I'm not too sure it's all that great to post links to Shankman's relatives. We don't necessarily know what their stance is on anything or that they'd approve of this, so ... I mean, we all have relatives ...

And I'm quite sure that Meadehouse are aware of those connections and how to get in touch with them if necessary.

(Full disclosure: I Googled all that stuff too, earlier on, but there was a reason I didn't publicly post links to specific people.

Which is not to say I wouldn't do so to Jim Shankman himself. That's different.)

Unknown said...

Am I the only one who sees shades of "Fight Club" in this manifesto?

Unknown said...

Howdy Ann & Meade,

I wish that pussy & his asshat friends would throw his baseballs in my yard.....

In Texas we have the Castle Doctrine....I feel threatened...buh-bye.

Will said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a defense of "civil society" combined with threats and profanity. There's a first for everything!

Beth said...

This sounds so much like the stuff I read on blog posts and in manifestos from the current crop of "anarchists" that have found their way down to New Orleans and are squatting in the lower 9th ward, panhandling from people who barely have enough to feed themselves.

The "occupy" repetition is right out of their language; you can find the same kind of rhetoric with a little googling of the more dogmatic phrasing. These folks came onto our campus and "occupied" a building during a peaceful student gathering protesting tuition increases. Most of the "occupy!" crowd weren't enrolled here. They glommed onto a local walking group's Mardi Gras parade and ended up in a melee with the cops, after walking on people's cars and tagging homes - but it's all just property man, so why be so uncool, right?

There's a bit of a sense of humor (the baseballs in the yard line is funny, it is) but that doesn't mean they're not seriously trying to intimidate Althouse and Meade. I hope Mr. Shankman receives a visit from the authorities soon and is made to explain his "demands."

I do doubt this writer represents the folkshe claims to, the townies, union workers, and so on. The one thing I've noted that wannabee anarchists tend to share is an utter lack of a core. They co-opt other people's issues and try to hang their anarchic philosophy thereon. I may be wrong, of course. But it wouldn't surprise me.

Unknown said...

Oh no, I am so sorry these idiots are threatening you guys! If you ever need help with a peaceful counter-offensive, please let me know.

The Genius Savant said...

Althouse and Meade -- Keep fighting the good fight.

Hope you're taking at least some minimal precautions to protect your safety as I don't trust these ultra-Leftist thugs to stick to mere words.

As shown by the comments, you're not alone!

DADvocate said...

In fact, I saw some of the more "typical" protesters at the capitol today; they were wearing straw hats with flowers and singing "this land is your land"

OMG. Stuck in the sixties.

Mark said...

So sorry to hear of these threats.

Thank you to you and Meade for your reporting.

blake said...

These guys sound like nihilists!

Anonymous said...

"The New Civility: Blogger Ann Althouse’s ‘Madison Privileges Have Been Revoked’" Investors .com


Ben Masel said...

I'm headedback off to my usual East side haunts. Don't take it
TOO seriously.

(of course he's within his rights if he sticks to the posters.)

BadgersForWalker said...

I love all these "leaders" of the protest movement and "defenders" of Madison, chances are nobody has ever heard of these people or ever will.

Ann Althouse said...

"ann, i am actually asking... what is the context here. how did you get this?"

Meade and I both keep a Google alert on my name.

vbspurs said...

John wrote:

Am I the only one who sees shades of "Fight Club" in this manifesto?

With a touch of V for Vendetta thrown in? Yes.

"V: There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot."

Once written, twice... said...

Next Meade is going to scratch a backward "B" on his cheek. That will get him on Fox News for sure!

Bob Ellison said...

Like many here, I agree that this thing merits serious attention. The Professor and Meade are wise enough to treat it appropriately. And you two should know that quite a few of us, as @Bob (not this one) said, would commit to your defense if necessary. Some of us have enough free time and resources to come a-runnin' if you call for help.

vbspurs said...

Meade and I both keep a Google alert on my name.

Like Charles Johnson, who has a web spider which lights up when his name is found online. Seriously, he was interviewed by the LA Times when that happened (coincidentally).

That's why Jim Shankman left his name en clair. He was meaning to send you this, probably via post, and uploaded the rough draft on Scribd first.

Probably to run it by a couple of his cohorts, or at least the hyphenated girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

I am appalled at this union thuggery.

Unknown said...

Vicki McKenna was just talking about this threat on her show.

Dave said...

So I have a question:

After they assault all the Tea Partiers and Repulicans they can find, who exactly do they think is going to pay the taxes that make state and local government jobs possible?

MaggotAtBroad&Wall said...

I always thought the answer to free speech was more free specch, not intimidation. It's sad when unhinged lunatics who are inequipped to debate on the merits resort to bullying to quiet their adversaries. It's the sign of an intellectually inferior and weak opponent.

You and Meade have been very fair in your reporting. You don't deserve this treatment and the added stress it brings.

Anonymous said...

The children are out again? I wonder what year of their 10 year BA degree they are on.

Jim Treacher said...

If Jay Retread didn't think this was a real threat, he wouldn't keep trying to change the subject.

Beth said...

Just read Luke's description of Shankman as a bougie kid turned crusty punk. Yep, that's what I had in mind. They play working class hero - without working. They are parasites on the people with whose interests they claim to identify.

vbspurs said...

NotYourTypicalNewYorker linked:

"The New Civility: Blogger Ann Althouse’s ‘Madison Privileges Have Been Revoked’" Investors .com

Har-Har.! Oh, this story is going to be huge. Huge. Rush Limbaugh huge. Pun bloody well-intended.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...


First, thanks for being a reasonable liberal voice here. Please stick around. We could use a reminder that not all liberals have gone insane.

But second, this should be treated very seriously, especially if it's not serious. Let me explain the contradiction: if Mr. Shankman thinks this is all just a laugh or a tactic, then a visit by the authorities and some uncomfortable questioning may be the cheapest way possible for him to learn that in the real world, he's responsible for his actions. For his own good, he needs to learn this lesson.

Anonymous said...

"Here's Shankman's Facebook page. He claims he's a volunteer with the AFL-CIA, Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) and Ian's Pizza. (Isn't that the pizza shop that sold/gave all the pizzas to the protesters?) No paid employment reported. Looking at his wall he seems obsessed with union related issues. He's already bad mouthing one of the "fighting 14", Senator Cullen, who apparently has co-sponsored a bill with a Republican."

No visible means of support..typical pig in the public trough. Harmless twerp with delusions of being the reincarnation of Trotsky. I'm with Crack...double dealing faculty members are the biggest threat.

Unknown said...

Is this the kind of thing that you are getting, Miss Althouse ?
Then I shall take it up with my brethren and we shall see how they
like it.

County Treasurer (Rowan) (R)
Wllliam R. Morrison

vbspurs said...

A commenter on which sums up the trolls' reaction here:

"Dantes - Counterinsurrection |03-17-2011 17:12:08

Obviously, this is a plant from the Tea Baggers to make the unions look bad.

Not a hint of concern for the safety of the intended target. Just:

"This makes us look really bad, it must be fake!"

Anonymous said...

I'm only maybe half way down, but I gotta bounce back top and say "Shit! Fuck whoever that was."

No excuse, oppositional or stupidly supportive justifies that thing.

Please take this seriously and report, if you already haven't.


On a different note. I think it's too bad Blogger can't fork off threads, as this one could have spawned a dozen excellent topics.

wv: forri - Be alert, forri or shi is obviously tetched.

DADvocate said...

Between that and the gun nuts,...

Being a Southern boy I grew up with hunting guns in the house. I live in a rural area where I recently saw bobcat on my back porch, a cougar and a bear have been reported within 5 miles of where I live. Last year there was a murder for hire about a mile down my road. The nuts are anyone stupid enough not to be able to protect themselves and their children.

Tell us how you feel about the inner city folks that own guns.

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Freud

Y-not said...

Ann, Meade -

I've been waiting for this after all of the really heroic efforts you have both made to document the battle in Wisconsin. Frankly, I'm relieved that so far it's 'just' a threat, but I sure hope you have taken precautions.

Keep up the good work and stay safe!

ps: Sorry for the dumb nick. I created an account specifically to be able to comment here today and my regular nicks were all taken. As you can probably guess, I came over via a link posted in the comments at Ace's place.

SarahW said...

Well, his Anna plays the balalaika, worked for Captel, and etc.

Charlie said...

Jim Shankman must be happy that most of us thought his screed was written by a woman!

vbspurs said...

The police being involved now becomes trickier, no? Because if it wasn't actually SENT to Meadehouse, but existed in internet limbo on Scribd, then it doesn't constitute an issued threat.

Sure, authorities can be alerted, but can they knock on Wankman's door for his screed if Meadehouse "merely" chanced on it via a Google search?

After the Westboro Baptist decision, I'm left to wonder what is allowed in terms of hateful free speech.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Macho Response is in:

Thugs: You've Messed With The Wrong Old Lady

Anonymous said...

They are hosting this garbage at a third party, Scrbd. I was just checking the Terms of Service there. How about this one?

8.4 post, upload, or distribute any User Content or other content that is unlawful or that a reasonable person could deem to be objectionable, offensive, indecent, pornographic, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, distressing, vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or otherwise inappropriate;

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Someone wants to be Ginsberg without the genius.

wv: redigr (...)

Avec Plaisir said...

Looks like his hard-drinking, weed-smoking, rude, obnoxious, auto-didactic, uppity matress skank is a part-time UW worker/student and probably a wanna-be future union Trotsky-ite. I'm hyphening my way straight to hell.

Anna Ogden-Nussbaum
Libraries and Research
Madison, Wisconsin Area Libraries
• Online Tutor at BRAINFUSE
• Copyright Assistant at Dawson Media Group
• Text Floor Clerk at University Book Store
• Research Intern at Pushing the Limits
see all...
• Emporia State University
• University of Wisconsin-Madison
6 connections

Toad Trend said...

So, its true, we already know who the creature is?

I'm all for an FBI anal exam. That should give him pause the next time he gets the urge to lash out in such a way.

He apparently didn't get the memo on civility.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

@vbspurs: I see you!! It has been forever!

wv: tursheos

vbspurs said...

Dios mio, caballero!!! Mi Ernie llego!!!! HI ERNIE!! :)

Anonymous said...

Beth --

"They co-opt other people's issues and try to hang their anarchic philosophy thereon."

You ain't wrong. Kinda the definition is to not have a body or structure. I look at anarchic dumbasses as viruses. Little packages without any function whatsoever but to disrupt the organism they find.

Related note: The SlashDot community seems to be growing a spine in condemning Anonymous. Same thing.

wv: slicsyra - Dunno, some dumbass virus.

Revenant said...

With a touch of V for Vendetta thrown in? Yes.

I'm amused at how many lefties like V for Vendetta. Talk about missing the point.

The V character -- in the original graphic novel, at least -- was an anarchist. Not one of the whiny little 20 year old "anarchists" who are really socialists with bad vocabulary skills, but a person who believes that no form of government should exist. His ambition is not to "overthrow" the government, but to completely destroy it and replace it with nothing at all.

In short, he's a guy to whom even a hard-core libertarian would say "whoa, dude, you're taking this Tea Party shit too far".

Lyle said...

Jesus. Sounds like the Klan.

Once written, twice... said...

Ann titling this post as "Union thuggery" is a good indication that she views this as more of a political point scorer (and a way back on to Fox News) than as an actual threat. (And I am still not convinced that this is not conservative mobying.) Ann has no idea whether this came from someone associated with a union or is just some unaffiliated crackpot. But you can bet your last dollar if a liberal blogger took a similar screed directed at Obama and said that it was a Tea Party thug" Ann would screech to high heaven. At this point Ann is a tool. That is why she is being asked to appear on Fox News.

Richard Fagin said...

Don't know if the Madison PD or the county sherriff's office will help in your case or not, professor, considering whose side they seem to be on, but put up a NO TRESPASSING sign, and let the first goon who comes on your lawn to get his baseball get thrown in the pokey for criminal trespass.

That theat worked wonders keeping my stepdaughter's scummier boyfriends off my property.

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Hi, Vics!

I see Beth has been around too.

I guess everyone is here.

Roll call??

wv: gledneym (ja?)

jonshore said...

You need back up, I'm there.

vbspurs said...

ElCubanitoKC wrote:

Roll call??

No quorum will be complete without Ruth Anne...but good call.

Victoria --> going to my local Irish pub to celebrate for a tad, Be back soon! Besos y abrazos and all that. :)

vbspurs said...

You will never believe what the WV was...


On St Paddy's!

Ernesto Ariel Suárez said...

Ha ha! Enjoy a pint in my name. I have up the stuff for Lent.

WV: unbragis (I ain't braggin' 'bout nothin'!)

SarahW said...

His Anna is also a "professional" protestor


Article from:The Capital Times Article date:August 30, 2004 Author:Sensenbrenner, Lee Copyright

Byline: Lee Sensenbrenner The Capital Times

One Madison protester who had traveled to New York earlier this week in a van was released from jail just in time to participate in Sunday's march past Madison Square Garden.

Anna Ogden-Nussbaum took part in one of the protests that produced many arrests. She rode her bicycle in a "Critical Mass ride" opposing the Republican National Convention and was detained with more than 200 others, her mother, Jenie Ogden, said in Madison this morning.

Ogden said that her daughter, who turned 21 when while being held in a lockup in lower Manhattan, was charged with disorderly conduct and parading without a permit. The …

Jarby said...

After reading the letter a few times and noticing some repeated motifs and phrases, it seems to me this guy is mostly ripping off the whole "Anonymous vs. Scientology" movement from a year back. I was heavily involved in it myself and had contact with the Anonymous culture before that, and a lot of the memo sounded familiar. "Operation: Counter-troll" was itself a giveaway, as were the V for Vendetta/Fight Club motifs. A real Anon, though, would not be happy with his threatening to post personal info on 4chan; "we are not your personal army" is a rule of thumb for them.
In other words: he's a typical college kid who feeds his delusions of grandeur by imagining he has an internet army at his back.

Mike said...

Jay Retread, are you assuming the whole Jim Shankman persona is a Moby or that someone hacked into his accounts, uploaded and sent it around.

Lukedog said...


"Sounds like the Klan" Come on, this is a rotten letter, but what the hell? A Klan connection?

Which part sounds like The Klan? The part about throwing baseballs in their yard? The part about picketing on public property as close to your house as we can?

Again, this letter is awful, however comparing it to The Klan is ridiculous.

It appears people are becoming unhinged.

Anonymous said...

mr. retread, so far the only "tool" on here (other than the author of the note) is you.

and I bet you don't come with a lifetime guarantee....

SarahW said...

Jay, no false flag. It's real.

Cedarford said...

Luke said...
This kid is the son of a prominent Madison orthodontist. He grew up just nouveau-riche enough that he never had to worry about not driving a late model Beemer, but just tense enough that his own freedom from having to work wasn't completely secured. He panhandles on Union St., stinks like patchouli, dabbles with petty theft, sleeping on the street, visiting homeless shelters, safe in the knowledge that he can always go home and sleep in his feather bed overlooking the lake. but he doesn't want to, mainly because his parents want him to. That, and it woudl remind him of what a complete failure he is
Luke, is that Shankman?
Sounds familiar.
Well-off Jewish kid "rebels" because Dad was a busy professional and money-focused, didn't have time to notice daughters angst or son's gay identity crisis - kid goes off to live in Cuba (Medea Benjamin), or become a local activist drama queen (Shankman).

Not that this is only a progressive Jewish thing.

Look at poor WASP William Ayres!

Reading the manifesto against Meade and Althouse, while the threats should not be blown off, it still rings of sad desperation. It enlists all sorts of allies of the writer that in all likelihood do not share his aggressive fantasies of retribution. Who probably are not as close, in lockstep solidarity with the writer as portrayed.

Some stuff is downright pathetic alienated suburbanite stuff - "I'll knock baseballs on your lawn! And walk in to get them!" With lots of Leftist, Left-UNionist boilerplate and gay-Left causes like "The BRadley Manning Defense Fund".

I think what might be best is Mommy and Daddy Shankman cutting off this guys allowance and telling him it's time he made his own living. Sell the BMW, live within his new means.

Kevin said...

"Ann has no idea whether this came from someone associated with a union or is just some unaffiliated crackpot."

His Facebook page identifies him as a volunteer with the AFL-CIO and WEAC.

Anonymous said...

Jay Retread.

It's been my experience that retreads have a tendency to blow up.

You're spent.

Once written, twice... said...

Mike, if this "Jim Shankman" is responsible for this screed and is not affiliated with any union, will Althouse take back her "Union thuggery" smear? I doubt it.

If this Shankman guy is really behind this he is a stupid loser and should be shammed.

Jeff Faria said...

So, Ann, you're noticing this NOW, huh, in Madison. Well, this is the way it is with public employees in Jersey cities like Hoboken and Jersey City every single day. And has been, like... forever.

As I used to say to people who wanted to talk about The Sopranos: By comparison, Tony and the gang were, you know, honest.

But hey- don't take MY word for it!

DADvocate said...

Jay, you seem awful interested in defending this guy and inventing all sorts of possible schemes to do so. Exposing such threats to the light of day is one of the strongest defenses and counter-attacks there is.

Maybe, you're him or his best buddy from kindergarten. What's your interest in defending him? Will you be keeping any death threats you get under the covers? Are you trying to quiet us down so you can send more death threats without repercussion? Do you keep your union card on you at all times? Has your mother changed you diapers lately?

Rich Rostrom said...

Ann Althouse said: the worst that could happen is that I would retire, with a nice pension.

Don't underestimate the malicious. Suppose they gin up a "scandal" of some kind, which can be construed as "cause" for outright firing with loss of pension rights?

It doesn't have to be any sort of legitimate beef, just something a kangaroo court can pretend is real.

Then what do you do? Sue for reinstatement? Whoever you can scrape up enough money to pay for, against their full-time lawyers, in front of a judge who is probably a Democrat appointee...

Mike said...

So you think this "Jim Shankman" persona is some kind of made up character with a real life girlfriend (she was arrest at the RNC in NYC) who agreed on facebook to be in a relationship with him. He also maintains multiple social network accounts and ties to unions. All so he could post a screed as one of his dozen Scribd postings and embarrass unions?

This conspiracy theory is getting awfully complicated. Do you have a simpler one that explains all of these things that isn't - Shankman is real, a union support and thug?

somefeller said...

I'm late to this party, but sorry to see you got a threat like this. While I doubt this person is serious about doing anything other than being a keyboard warrior (generally, people who are capable of doing real harm don't include Donkey Kong references in online screeds), the calls to law enforcement were warranted. Also, as Beth pointed out at 4:27pm, he sounds like your standard college town revolutionary wannabe, with all that entails.

Lucius said...

It's striking how this person wraps himself in the flag of "townie"ism, addressing Meadhouse like they were moneybags interlopers in some industrial wasteland, then proceeds to regurgitate every Art Major hipster cliche known to man (do you know why "we'll" prevail-- because we're promiscuous!!!).

Then it's like we're in a timewarp, and he's demanding money for revolutionary fronts in (did I read this right?) Algeria and Iran?!!? Does he think the pre-reformed Eldridge Cleaver is waiting on the other end?

I strongly doubt this anti-social person has any comrades to embrace his threatened wrongdoing. But I also hope Madisonian activists will learn a little perspective on the excesses of emotion they have felt, and encouraged, throughout this overblown period of protest. Because they persistently project violent fantasy onto the Tea Partiers (and because they tend not to be gunowners), they are far too complacent and self-indulgent about violent rhetoric. They need to get real.

wv: nownh "Nownh man, please listen . . ."

SarahW said...

Anna's mom and Dad are proggy's too, , to the point of moonbattery.

MItchell's facebook is here

Genie Ogden's has one too, and apparently she works for U WI

Kevin said...

While I doubt this person is serious about doing anything other than being a keyboard warrior

He seems to have paid close attention to where Althouse and Meade hang out in Madison. This is definitely more than just a generic threat - he has clearly been tracking them.

Once written, twice... said...

BTW, this is the little game that both the left and the right now plays. Search out the most despicable behavior or words from some unaffiliated unknown person on the other side and then run to your media all breathless with your statements of outrage and claim that it represents the whole of the other side. See Ann on Fox News tomorrow at 2 p.m.

That is why Ann is a tool.

vbspurs said...

Luke, is that Shankman?
Sounds familiar.
Well-off Jewish kid "rebels" because Dad was a busy professional and money-focused, didn't have time to notice daughters angst or son's gay identity crisis - kid goes off to live in Cuba (Medea Benjamin), or become a local activist drama queen (Shankman)

I had to come back after doing some research. Didn't find the daddy orthodontist listed in Wisconsin (which is not to say he doesn't exit, Luke, just didn't find it), but trust Cedarford to imagine that he's Jewish.

Luke, is that Shankman?
Sounds familiar.
Well-off Jewish kid "rebels" because Dad was a busy professional and money-focused,

Shankman is a Jewish name, but it's also a German Christian name. I'm fairly sure it's also found in the British Isles.

And though his mother could well be a Jewish academic working in an all-Catholic college like Benedictine, somehow I doubt it.

Cedarford, no matter how much time passes, I can always trust you to inject anti-semitism into everything. Our very own Pat Buchanan.

Now I really need some Guinness.

Anonymous said...

If you weren't gun owners before this happened ...

Brad said...


OF COURSE you report this to the proper authorities.

Threats were made - doesn't matter if the person was 'serious' or not, this sort of garbage needs to be smacked down HARD.

DADvocate said...

Looking at Shankman's Facebook page for the past month, he seems obsessed enough to be dangerous.

I notice Ben Masel left a comment for Shankman, "Where's the don't like button? The frustration's understandable, the threats, however veiled, are not productive." Maybe Shankman won't get the love he's hoping for from other lefties. At least Ben will stand up for what should unquestionably be right.

Charlie Martin said...

It may seem obvious, but I presume you've notified the police, and given that the police are in the same unions, the FBI?

Paddy O said...

"Now I really need some Guinness."


At the end of the day, this day especially, what a great thing that we can all now go and find a bit of good cheer with our friends Guinness, whose brew was made to be a Christian comfort to the oppressed and downtrodden.


Peano said...

Sound and fury signifying nothing.

James said...

These are the new Fascists. Let's call a spade a spade. Or a Marxist a Marxist as the case may be.

Jeff Faria said...

Jay Retread said...
"this is the little game that both the left and the right now plays. Search out the most despicable behavior or words from some unaffiliated unknown person on the other side and then run to your media all breathless with your statements of outrage and claim that it represents the whole of the other side...

That is why Ann is a tool."

Sorry, clownboy, but this IS actually typical of public sector workers EVERYWHERE. This behavior is not the exception - it is, in fact, the rule.

And that is why you're a tool.

The Ghost said...

Your days are numbered, Althouse! We will throw rocks at your windows late at night! We will order a hundred pizzas and have them delivered to your house. WE WILL NOT PAY FOR THEM. We will call you nasty names or commit simple battery and then run away! We will write extended screeds that portray youth, ignorance, and lack of direction as virtues, screeds which will make us embarrassed later in life.

We will do horrible things to you, things that will truly harm and intimidate you into silence, but only if nobody is watching.

Trooper York said...

Jay Retread said...
Lukedog, one of Althouse's most regular conservative posters "Tropper York" took this opportunity to write about taking a baseball bat to a liberal in graphic ugly detail."

Who said anything about liberals?

I was only giving some self defense advice based on a threat posted on the internet. It could be for a liberal or a conservative or just a Jehovah Witness who might ring your bell. You have to be prepared.

And don't worry Mr. Retread. Nobody would need a bat for the likes of you. Get over yourself pal.

David Flanagan said...

Sounds a tad grouchy, wouldn't you say?

somefeller said...

He seems to have paid close attention to where Althouse and Meade hang out in Madison. This is definitely more than just a generic threat - he has clearly been tracking them.

I didn't say it was a generic threat, just that I have trouble taking people like this person seriously. Not because I'm sheltered with regard to the existence of genuinely violent people out there, but because I know that such people usually aren't loudmouth college town Che Guevara wannabes. But like I said, it is a legitimate law enforcement issue and should be treated as such.

eiaftinfo said...

Were I you I would take this threat and the growing violence it represents seriously. I have three seats left in my "Defensive Pistol I" class next month, if you would like a seat, it's yours, simply for the good work you have done. Drop me a note if you have any interest.

DaveW said...

What good would it do to report this to the FBI? The FBI is an arm of the DOJ, run by Eric Holder, appointed by our union boss in chief Commander Zero. Who, you might have noticed, is sympathetic to the union side in this and may feel it's time to punch back twice as hard.

What makes anyone here think there's recourse to the Federal Government in a case like this? President Erkel's honor?

Clairvius Narcisse said...

damn that's a lotta comments to wade through.
glad to see you have taken this to the authorities.
this "man" should face swift justice.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Althouse and Meade: fight the good fight!!!!

To the genetic sludge that wrote the threat to them, lots of luck with the rest of your life. You won't be happy with any of it.

Lukedog said...

Mister Snitch,

Are you kidding me? "This is actually typical of public employees everywhere"

Come on, that kind of comment, the kind of comment that can never be substantiated, makes you sound like a 10 year-old.

Have a little respect.

Troy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
le Douanier said...

Good to know that Meadehouse is a well run house ready to address such problems. And, the reaction does seem to be appropriately thorough and forceful, on all fronts.

BTW, could Meadehouse sell it's perfect perp-identifier system to the gov?

And, it's nice to see that Cedarford doesn't think everything is a progressive Jewish thing. In fact he finds some faults that are not Jewish things at all! Who knew?

Mike said...


Search out the most despicable behavior or words from some unaffiliated unknown person on the other side

This is a letter TO them - not some obscure comment a blog somewhere.

And how would one become affiliated if not actually being at the protests and volunteering at the organizations?

Kevin said...

I didn't say it was a generic threat, just that I have trouble taking people like this person seriously. Not because I'm sheltered with regard to the existence of genuinely violent people out there, but because I know that such people usually aren't loudmouth college town Che Guevara wannabes.

This guy sounds obsessed and unstable.

Put it this way: I live in a very liberal city. If I got a generic threatening communication because of my contributions to conservative political candidates (which are a matter of public record), I would respond one way. If I got a threatening communication that additionally listed where I lived, where I worked, the restaurants I liked to eat at, and the stores I like to patronize, I would have a whole other level of response - I would not assume that someone who went to that level of effort to track me was likely harmless.

Lombardi Chick said...

Jay Retread said...

"Blah blah blah blah blah, sneer. Blah blah blah blah blah, sneer. Blah blah blah blah blah..."

Nice regard you have there for your fellow human beings, Retread. All too typical on the far left.

At least you're honest, I suppose.

Rob Crawford said...

Again, this letter is awful, however comparing it to The Klan is ridiculous.

Why? They were all about committing violence to maintain Democrat party power. Thought they were doing it for noble reasons, too.

With one notable exception, what's clear here is that the left's primary concern with political violence is maintaining their monopoly.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Micheal Moore is getting more coherent in his writing and editing.

Unknown said...

Stay safe; and I hope this loser gets the attention he so richly deserves

Jum said...

Holy crap! The only thing missing from this rage-filled pre-psychotic rant is "His name was Robert Paulson."

Anonymous said...

shoot 'em

Anonymous said...

shoot 'em

mRed said...

Luke Dog & Retread.

I'm from Ohio and we ARE seeing this type of missive and other forms of threats and theater from unions, both public and private business, and from teachers. I do not know how common it is across the nation, but it is much more common than you two are saying. Your shame tactics and defense of these people is indefensible. Nice try though.

Freeman Hunt said...

I have to agree with Crack.

The last one was nothing. This, however, is an actual threat.

Since commenters here have figured out who it is, you should call the police so that they can have a little sit down with Mr. Shankman.

The Ghost said...

"this is the little game that both the left and the right now plays. Search out the most despicable behavior or words from some unaffiliated unknown person...That is why Ann is a tool."

Uh...this isn't a poster on the DU talking about what he'd like to do to George W Bush. This is a threat directed AT her specifically.

"Search out the most despicable behavior?" Was she supposed to pick a less venomous personal threat to highlight?

This might be the dumbest hack post I've ever read on the internet. I know that sounds like a stretch, but the subtle details make all the difference.

Lukedog said...

Rob Crawford,

"they were all about committing violence..."

This loser wrote a creepy letter.

The Klan murdered and tortured scads of innocent people based on religion and the color of their skin.

Don't do this. Inflammatory comparisons like this hurt everyone...including those whose lives were directly affected by the horrible heyday of the KKK.

Freeman Hunt said...

Since some of you don't get it, I'll explain:

The baseballs in the yard line isn't funny. He's saying that they'll prowl around her house with the excuse that they've thrown a baseball into her yard and are just there to pick it up.

Mian said...

It's a shame its come to this.

SarahW said...

See, I think Anna helped Jim write his letter.

They are certainly collaborating (colluding?) here and the writing style is familiar. Of course, they might simply be picking up on each other's style.

They certainly consider themselves a "group".

Automatic_Wing said...

I suppose it goes without saying, but the only reason this pathetic little creature is threatening you is because you've done such a great job over the past few weeks.

Thanks for that, your work has been superb, a true public service. It's too bad that you attracted this asshole's attention and I hope that law enforcement has a little chat with this twerp and squares him away. You don't deserve this bullshit.

Steven said...

It would have been nice if Ben Masel could have said "this is wrong" rather than "this is not productive."

Rob Crawford said...

Wasn't downplaying what they did. I was pointing out that their motives were the same, as was the sense of justification.

All tyrants believe they're doing Justice.

Freeman Hunt said...

Come far enough into conservatism to love the Second Amendment. Then celebrate with the purchase of a 9mm and some hollow points.

MnMark said...

This is hilarious....Althouse and Meade really, seriously got under their skin. Which is funny because the Althouse criticism of the left is really so mild in the bigger scheme of things.

These people are really so empty. The author of that tantrum can't be more than 25 years old. Really puerile. But it's great...they show themselves for what they are. Now the left can busy themselves denying that they support those kinds of threats, and distancing themselves from it.

Lukedog said...

Cool Rob Crawford.

Steve Koch said...

For home defense I keep an aluminum baseball bat by the front door and a pump action shotgun. Motion activated lights are cheap and super easy to install. The right dog is a great alarm system.

A walking stick (especially a thin lightweight but sturdy metal one) is great for hiking and self defense. You can get bear pepper spray in a quite small container that is easy to carry and use.

I don't know if Meade is into MMA but, if you absolutely can not avoid a fight, basic info is punches in bunches, kick to the legs, start with kicks and punches, close with knees and elbows (remember, you're in it to win it).

This is a great opportunity to make a lot of trouble for this miscreant. BTW, Jim Shankman has posted a link to this thread on his facebook site. Talk about brazen.

Wasn't the demand that you pay big bucks to his charity a case of extortion? Isn't that a felony? If you put this lefty criminal who threatened you away for a few years, it will discourage others from harassing you and others.

Might be a good idea to put one of those one touch 911 call applications on your phone.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The baseballs in the yard line isn't funny. He's saying that they'll prowl around her house with the excuse that they've thrown a baseball into her yard and are just there to pick it up.

What would be great is if Meade could throw a mean hardball and bean the guy with it when he comes up with that line.

" ...THIS must be your baseball....WHAP!"

Ah well.... just day dreaming.

Rob Crawford said...

The author of that tantrum can't be more than 25 years old. Really puerile. But it's great...they show themselves for what they are. Now the left can busy themselves denying that they support those kinds of threats, and distancing themselves from it.

Not gonna happen. So far the responses have been one "not productive" and a whole pack of "not our problem; you made it all up".

Rob Crawford said...

This is a great opportunity to make a lot of trouble for this miscreant. BTW, Jim Shankman has posted a link to this thread on his facebook site.

So he's owning up to it?

Kinda rough on garage, et. al. and their claims it's all a COINTELPRO scam or something.

Bill Richards said...

Folks like this scum are dangerous. Their inability to understand what they are saying is criminal is the type of lack of self-control that leads them to believe violent conduct is acceptable. It is good law enforcement was informed. These anti-social types are too close to the edge to be ignored. As we saw by the Gifford assailant, these left wing crazies are violent just waiting to be set off by some radical like Jesse Jackson or Michael Moore or Sen. Larson to set them off.

JSF said...

I'm happy that Ann and Meade contacted the authorities on this threat. No one deserves this.

But please note, AlphaLiberal's silence is deafening in this thread.

Next time he pops his head up with empty rhetoric, ask him:

"Where were you when Ann and Meade were threatened by your Political tribe?"

JSF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charlie Eklund said...

Ann and Meade-

God bless both of you. We're all...well, most of us, your corner.

vnjagvet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MnMark said...

I think it's very interesting that simply posting a series of videos that just show the leftwing protesters behaving as they do at these protests has angered them so much. I mean isn't that basically all Althouse/Meade did? Point a video camera at them and post what they saw? And that so infuriates these people that they resort to these kinds of threats?

vnjagvet said...

Ben Masel said Here's one Madison lefty who's embarassed. This is not productive. I'll have a word with him.

If Ben is the same Ben Masel that appears as one of Shankman's facebook friends, having the right word with him might be helpful. IMO, the right word at least would be advising that Shankman and his cohorts, if any, write a letter of apology to Meadehouse, foreswear any intention to harm them, and publish it everywhere that his thuggish threat appears.

Anonymous said...

is there no recourse available to you in light of this clearly rage filled and totally inappropriate threat give to you? I want you to know you should fee free to contact your supporters to help you. I personally would be glad to help you if you put forward a plan of how to bring people who make menacing threats like this to justice in some form or another. At the very least you could hire people to track down the people who authored this document and make their names public. so everyone can know how is trying to affect normal political struggling so that it turns personal, illegal and implies a very real threat of violence either to your person, property, or job. I think that this is simply atrocious

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