May 28, 2009

Drudge is delightfully Drudge-y this morning.

Does it even matter what that refers to? It's this AP article:
"I do see this opportunity for climate change to be ... a game-changer," [Nancy Pelosi said at Tsinghua University in Beijing]. "It's a place where human rights — looking out for the needs of the poor in terms of climate change and healthy environment — are a human right." To achieve this, Pelosi said governments would have to make decisions and choices based on science. "They also have to do it with openness, transparency and accountability to the people," she said. "Everyone has to have their situation improved by it."
I love the photographic-editorial cleverness of making Pelosi's environmental greenness remind us of this:


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yeah. This whole administration gives me the feeling that we have entered an alternate universe.

We aren't in Kansas anymore.....(or the USA either)

Jason (the commenter) said...

Some people interpret the first Oz book as a political parable, so the comparison could not be more apt.

Don't let go of your silver slippers people!

Anonymous said...

Would that mere water would melt her.

JAL said...

It sure would be nice to fire the nanny.

I kind of like Mary Poppins better role model ...

If these radical changes were based on real science instead of guilt and ideology I do believe the people in the market could make it happen.

It's like towns that fine people who do not recycle. Make it available and cost effective and we'll do it.

KCFleming said...

"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory ... of how we are taking responsibility."

And subjects we are.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wander who is greener cats or dogs?

Bob said...

Well, it's Pelosi's House, so we can't just drop it on her...

Jason (the commenter) said...

Quayle : Would that mere water would melt her.

She may seem powerful, but all you need is someone with a good heart, who sticks to their goals, and has loyal friends to defeat her.

Don't be afraid of politicians, they are silly, powerless people; each and every one of them:

L. Frank Baum: The Scarecrow was now the ruler of the Emerald City, and although he was not a Wizard the people were proud of him. "For," they said, "there is not another city in all the world that is ruled by a stuffed man." And, so far as they knew, they were quite right.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Did she ask the Chinese to beat those coal plants into windmills?

Treacle said...

Earlier this week: Pelosi's pussy.
Today: Pelosi's toto.
Springtime for the speakerbox!

John Burgess said...

The counterposition of this with the story about the transgenic marmots that glow green is priceless!

knox said...

I've really got to give credit to the Leftists who conceived the environmental movement. It gives idiot politicians like Nancy Pelosi the ability to tell us: Do What I Say Or Die.

Even the silliest policies can now be taken seriously. No black cars! Paint the roofs white! Stop cow farts now! All of which really are a means to one end: power and control over our lives and the crippling of capitalism.

Environmentalism (as it functions today) is like Political Correctness. They are essentially meaningless institutions, but perfect ways to shame, silence, and ridicule any opposition to liberal/Leftist policies.

Anonymous said...

I met Margaret Hamilton when I was five. She came to speak to my Grandmother's church circle. She looked so normal and nice. I was very disappointed and asked her why she didn't have warts.

Anonymous said...

Just watch out for the winged monkeys.

Jeremy said...

Ann loves Drudge.

'Nuff said.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory ... of how we are taking responsibility."

I have a feeling we won't be starting our inventory by looking at jet travel or large houses. Excuse me, jet travel or large houses enjoyed by politicians. But yes, for the rest of us saps, every aspect of life will be inventoriable.

garage mahal said...

I always thought it was cute how conservatives are scared of a grandmother from San Fran, much like the munchkins were scared of the Wicked Witch of the West.

Palladian said...

The Munchkins had good reason to be afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West, garage. Thank God Obama dropped a house on your girlfriend, the Wicked Witch of the East already, so that's one less dangerous bitch we Munchkins have to worry about.

kjbe said...

I love the graphic play, here, but inventories really aren’t that spooky – they’re really just aids to clearer thinking and more honest appraisal. When what we do exceeds its usefulness, it becomes a liability. If there are areas in which we have liabilities (or things that we are doing right), it would be wise to know what they are so that we’re better prepared for the future. Without the list you have no place to start. Any shop-keeper would agree, though I'm not convinced that it'll happen that way.

Palladian said...

Dangerous witch I meant, of course. Damn typing!

garage mahal said...

The Munchkins had good reason to be afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West, garage..

The Wicked Witch of the West was in a dream, in a fictional movie.

The house began to pitch, the kitchen took a slitch! .

I love that tune. And oddly I was humming that the other day and my wife asked wtf I was singing that for.

Hoosier Daddy said...

The Munchkins had good reason to be afraid of the Wicked Witch of the West, garage. Thank God Obama dropped a house on your girlfriend, the Wicked Witch of the East already, so that's one less dangerous bitch we Munchkins have to worry about..

I don't think I've laughed that hard in months.

You gotta admit garage, Hillary has that cackle down pat. Nancy just tends to stammer a lot when asked probing questions. I thought maybe it was a side effect of the botox but then I just concluded she's a lying bitch.

Jeremy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

but inventories really aren’t that spooky – they’re really just aids to clearer thinking and more honest appraisal

Only if we voluntarily take inventory of our own lives.

However, when we are forced by the government to take "inventory" of "every aspect of our lives" the intrusion into areas that the government has no business being involved is scary. What next? Are they going to go poking into your underwear drawer to make sure you are wearing recyclable cotton panties before you rebel?

I have taken inventory and realize that I need to add more canned tuna to my Armageddon Pantry before hyper inflation brings the cost up to $8 plus per can. (Note to more .380 ammo, 12 gauge shells, coffee, olive oil, booze, flour, sugar and canned tomatoes getting low on some supplies)

Jeremy said...

Without the list you have no place to start.

It's not the list I'm worried about. It's the starting. Governments don't do a great job of keeping inventory. They do a bang up job of regulating, taxing and controlling.

-The Other Jeremy

KCFleming said...

"Without the list you have no place to start."

Great list-makers of the recent past:

Germany, 1927-1945
China 1930-1970
USSR 1917-1970
Cambodia 1975-1979

traditionalguy said...

Looks to me like it's open season on the Obama Boys main rival for Democrat slush fund control. The meme is that Pelossi is a controlling ( Witch ) politician, while in comparison Sweet Old OBama-man will listen to us and smile at us while he directs the Crisis fighting measures du jour causing us to become Socialist's Serfs. But what a great Smile!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want to start an organization called Swift Cats for Truth.

I think its mighty time dog owners pay for the tremendous carbon paws their dogs have on the planet.

Long live the cat.

Unknown said...

I love the graphic play, here, but inventories really aren’t that spooky – they’re really just aids to clearer thinking and more honest appraisal. When what we do exceeds its usefulness, it becomes a liability. If there are areas in which we have liabilities (or things that we are doing right), it would be wise to know what they are so that we’re better prepared for the future. Without the list you have no place to start. Any shop-keeper would agree, though I'm not convinced that it'll happen that way.We already have a wonderful system to tell us when things exceed their usefulness. It is called the free market. If it makes sense financially to change behavior, people will change behavior. When internal combustion engines are no longer the no longer the most efficient way of transporting someone from point A to point B, the price of alternate transport will be lower, and like magic people will use the alternative. When government gets into the game with lists (and the taxes added on to force us into the alternative prematurely) the efficiency goes away-we actually waste resources by demotivating innovation. Using the engine again, if taxes move the price of a gasoline engine above the price of an electric, people will buy the electric-and strain the grid, raising the price of electricity. Further, with people already swapping to the electric engine, the incentive to develop a better electric (one which might be cheaper to run than current models), is delayed. Years of efficiency ends up being lost in the time between the forced conversion and the time where high electric costs restore the incentive to prior levels.

Penny said...

Where else in China would Pelosi have received such enthusiastic response for this message? Those darn college students...just so precious with their naive optimism.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

People with SUVs = dog owners.

Why else would they need such moving real state... for the dog... who else?

chickelit said...

Equal portions of blue and yellow make green.

knox said...

I always thought it was cute how conservatives are scared of a grandmother from San Fran, much like the munchkins were scared of the Wicked Witch of the West.

If you're not at least a little worried, you're a fool. Up to this point, the sort of controls they're talking about is all liberal-wet-dream, feel-good bullshit. (Because how else would they get so many democrats on board?) But one day their reach will extend so far, they will touch on something you actually care about.

And the Jon Stewart, insert-snarky-comment-pat-self-on-back method of dealing with reality only gets you so far.

Jason (the commenter) said...

garage mahal : I always thought it was cute how conservatives are scared of a grandmother from San Fran, much like the munchkins were scared of the Wicked Witch of the West.

This is why what Drudge is doing is important. The mean-spirited people who call her "bitch" and such, they obviously have no power and are bitter because of it. And bitter people can't create anything new to displace the status quo. They even support the status quo by venting displeasure in words instead of actions.

But Drudge is different, he still has some Dorothy in him. He's got humor on his side, and that's something every politician should be afraid of.

Hoosier Daddy said...

If you're not at least a little worried, you're a fool..

These are Democrats we're talking about.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Don’t they eat dogs in China?

Dog’s could be a bargaining chip – dogs and sticks.

Never waste a good crisis.

Penny said...

"How else would they get so many democrats on board?"

Why the old fashioned way, of course. They are including unemployment compensation for up to three years for anyone losing a job because of environmental legislation.

It's quite different in China, where lost income comes straight out of savings.

Dante said...

Strange congruences occur if you read the article while listening to Dark Side of the Moon?

MadisonMan said...

These are Democrats we're talking about.

I know what you really meant, but the fact that Democrats -- who can't do anything without shooting themselves in the foot (if only there were more stringent gun laws!) -- are trying to do stuff is comforting. I'd be more worried if Republicants were doing it, because they at least seem to be able to crack the whip and get the caucus to march in a straight line. (Well, except for Larry Craig).

Ineptitude is the friend of the common man.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is a tough crowd.

This crowd is so tough it would boo Gandy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Anybody seen Trooper?

garage mahal said...

I said yesterday Democrats are worthless to causes I care about. But Congress is full of Republicans who call themselves Democrats, that's what makes this all pretty hilarious. Conservatives aren't afraid of big government, just afraid of Democrats running the government. The entire conservative movement has boiled down to "A Democrat said this, EVERYBODY RUN! They're going to fit us with uniforms, send us to camps and make us paint our roofs white!" It may as well be Oz.

Elliott A said...

What is a parallel irony is that the basic premise that restricting carbon emission would have any impact on global climate is itself a myth as was Dorothy's trip through Oz a dream. The trajedy is that Pelosi and company have no intention of waking back to reality, rather to emulate the Pied Piper.

traditionalguy said...

FYI to all who have not seen politics practiced in a one party State or area: There are always 2 parties competing for the money and power control, but they compete among each other before the General Election. Political hits in the media originate somewhere for a purpose.

Rialby said...

Environmentalists mistakenly believe that we should all take an inventory of our lives and activities because they will be spared owing to their own piety. They all live perfectly green lives - they should have no concerns about government asking them to give up anything.

It's the same reason that the Left embraces tax increases - not because they want to pay additional money to the government but because they believe they'll be the recipients of the benefits of government largesse (at the expense of the evil wealthy).

Ralph L said...

Somerset Maugham said there's no one on earth more ruthless than a woman of a certain age who thinks she's doing good.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Conservatives aren't afraid of big government, just afraid of Democrats running the government. .

garage, quit pretending you know what drives conservatives. Yes conservatives hate big government which is why most of them stayed home on the last election and why Dems now rule Congress. Few conservatives were enamored with Bush and I for one would have welcomed a blue dog democrat in 2000 or 2004 but the best you chuckleheads could come up with was Al 'The Planet Has a Fever' Gore and Lurch.

So now we're stuck with Tovarich Obama and his pathetic sidekicks Whorehouse Harry Reid and Botox Nancy. But, if that's what the peoples want I suppose the rest of us just need to buck up and take it I guess.

Hoosier Daddy said...

They're going to fit us with uniforms, send us to camps and make us paint our roofs white!" It may as well be Oz..

Well garage to be fair, Obama did say he we can't drive our SUVs, eat as much as we want to set our thermostats for optimal orchid growing. Democrats do seem to think that individual choice is reserved to abortion whereas other individual choice must be curtailed to save the planet. If not, they'll just regulate us into compliance.

Once Obama starts channeling FDR then I'll worry about being sent to camps.

garage mahal said...

Well garage to be fair, Obama did say he we can't drive our SUVs, eat as much as we want to set our thermostats for optimal orchid growing..

And you listened to him?

traditionalguy said...

Lem... Why not all rush over and comment something Trooperish at Trooper's Blog and get his attention.

veni vidi vici said...

"Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory ... of how we are taking responsibility."

While this is all very amusing in a "spoken by an old woman that smells of pee and mothballs" sort of way, if she's serious in any of these sorts of enviro-gestapo statements, we should expect no less than her leadership by example. "Ladies" first, Nancy!

chuckR said...

It probably was her brigade of flying monkeys who wrote the stimulus bill that O still hasn't read.

First up for inventory, Al Gore's homes. Next, DiFi's husband's contracts with the government. After that, let's discuss the Speaker's use of the Air Force taxi service. And after that, let's do a lifestyle inventory of every member of Congress.

Inventory of our lives? After you. No, I insist.

Bitterly clinging to the hope that the US still exists.

ricpic said...

Pelosi's a Democrat, she has to work "the poor" into every sentence she utters. Of course in Dem speak "the poor" equals the parasites. Once you understand this everything Dems do falls into place.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Well garage to be fair, Obama did say he we can't drive our SUVs, eat as much as we want to set our thermostats for optimal orchid growing..

And you listened to him?

Are you suggesting that I'm not supposed to take what the President says seriously? Or should I just take it with a grain of salt and assume he's just throwing some red meat to the Green whackos?

knox said...


I don't really know who--or what-- your reply is aimed at. "Yes! Republicans suck!" I won't deny that. Nor would anyone else who is a regular on this site, or a large number of American conservatives. Not sure why you posted what you did, or its relevance to the discussion at hand.

Regardless, if you aren't worried about the way things are heading right now, you are the partisan. The deficit alone should pretty well terrify every American. The only thing democrats seem to be afraid of is GW, just the latest in a long string of environmental disaster scenarios.

Kirk Parker said...


Don't you live in a fairly rural setting? The problem there with both .380 and 12 gauge is that you have to be up close and personal before they are effective. Hopefully there's also something like .308 in your inventory...

Hoosier Daddy said...

The deficit alone should pretty well terrify every American..

Don't even get me started knox ;-)

Bush doubled the national debt in years which liberals decried yet now it's glorious we're running a $1.8 trillion deficit because we're spending it on 'good' things. We were broke then and we're just as broke now and Team Obama thinks this is right where we need to be to spend a trillon here for health care and a trillion there for cap and trade.

Jesus wept.

hombre said...

Climate Change has displaced human rights with Nanny Pelosi and many of the lefties.

Environmental enforcement carries ever so much more potential for implementing the statism and its appurtenances preferred by liberal fascisti.

And those inventories! They can start with our guns, then move on to our books ....

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hopefully there's also something like .308 in your inventory...

Yes. Remington 30.06 semi auto deer rifle. Also a 22 for plinking around and decimating ground squirrels (the little pricks).

We have lots of access to the 30.06 ammo as I have a friend who reloads those as well as 12 gauge shells among others. He's a big sporting clay and skeet shooting aficionado. His workshop has 32 gallon garbage cans full of shells which he also sells to the goose and duck hunters and their guides in season.

The .390 ammo is a bit harder to come by and is usually sold out unless you order ahead.

See....taking inventory is a good thing.

veni vidi vici said...

"The only thing democrats seem to be afraid of is GW, just the latest in a long string of environmental disaster scenarios."

Fer Chrissakes, can we just move on from the whole George W's Katrina enviro-disaster already? It's been what, 4 years now? Sheesh...

Jeremy said...

"I love the photographic-editorial cleverness of making Pelosi's environmental greenness remind us of this..."

It only reminds the wingnuts.

Jeremy said...

Hoosier - "I don't think I've laughed that hard in months."

You don't get out much, do you?

Jeremy said...

veni vidi vici said..."Fer Chrissakes, can we just move on from the whole George W's Katrina enviro-disaster already? It's been what, 4 years now? Sheesh..."

Been to New Orleans lately?

The people who are still digging out and living in trailers haven't forgotten about it.

Crimso said...

"To achieve this, Pelosi said governments would have to make decisions and choices based on science."

Considering who's saying it and what the subject is, that right there is funny; I don't care who you are.

"The people who are still digging out and living in trailers haven't forgotten about it."

And if they're still blaming Bush for it then they're still idiots.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Hoosier - "I don't think I've laughed that hard in months."

You don't get out much, do you?

Hi Jen. Actually I do get out quite a bit. In fact I'm just back from a 30 mile ride, shit, showered, shaved and now kicking back with a dee-licious Goose Island India Pale Ale in a lighly frosted tulip glass waiting to hit the bar with my beloved.

Hows your day?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Been to New Orleans lately?

The people who are still digging out and living in trailers haven't forgotten about it.

You have to wonder why they have to be to still be digging out after 4 years since Katrina swept through.

It didn't take 4 years to dig out Berlin after that hurricane called the Red Army leveled the city.

veni vidi vici said...

Hoosier, don't bother. The willful misreading of my joke in response to the comment about GW (that's "global warming" to you, Jeremy) and enviro-disasters only makes a brotha shake his head in dismay at the alarming lack of reading comprehension.

I'm sure you'll agree that the idea that a turd in the punchbowl thinks he's anything but a turd in the punchbowl *is* rather amusing, in a "laughing at the short-bus" juvenile sort of way, though, eh?

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