I'm watching CNN, which is displaying an exciting countdown.
Suddenly: Projection! McCain will win, but "we don't know how big of a margin," so that's not interesting. On the Democratic side, Obama has a lead according to the exit polls, but they won't make a projection. Well, that's not too interesting either.
We flip back to "American Idol." More later.
ADDED: John McCain looks happy, giving his victory speech. And now CNN projects Obama as the winner of the Democratic primary.
AND: I kind of loved Castro.... Jason Castro, singing "Daydream."
AND: Obama is speaking — and CNN is displaying the percentages 56 to 43% at the bottom of the screen. Is Obama growing a mustache? How insane that would be. You can never do anything quirky when running for President. "I want our students learning art and music and literature and social studies." Why is that the business of the federal government? He's offering students a $4000 tuition credit — which won't get you very far, of course — but you'll have to work in a homeless shelter or do Peace Corps to qualify. "You invest in us. We'll invest in you." But you can work in any sort of job and make $4000. Is he also proposing a big government jobs program? He seems a little tired, pausing occasionally as if he can't remember his lines. Maybe it's very hot in the room. Now, it's over and the CNN folk are complaining about how long the speech was.
AND: CNN is getting back to Hillary Clinton, whose speech got stepped on by Barack Obama. "Let's get real" — seems to be a new slogan.
IN THE EMAIL: "Cheeseheads take down Hillary. This is almost as good as if the Packers had won the Super Bowl."
Cindy Mccain looks horrible in pink.
I like John Mccain but god does he give a horrible speach.
Speech not speach.
Oh. I thought you meant peach and accidentally hit the "s" key first.
Why I'm voting for Obama in the Ohio primary:
To put another nail in the Clinton political coffin.
I'm watching Hillary on CNN. she's thanking the marching band from the high school. Man, this is painful to watch. Look away, look away!
CNN has its exit polls online. Obama won all age groups except 65+.
It looked like Hillary is speaking from a gym. Barack looks like he's packed a major arena. Anybody know what his venue in Houston is?
But now I feel sorry for Hillary. All that hard work. But if she had won, I'd be pissed. I can't feel good either way!
Check out Drudge:
Wisconsin Exit Polls:
Obama Won:
Women (51-49)
All age groups under 65
All education levels
All regions of the state -- urban, suburban and rural
Voters without college degrees (50-48)
Democrats (50-49)
Whites (53-46)
White men (59-38)
Voters who decided in the last week (58-42)
Won or tied voters of all income levels
Tied among white women
Tied among union members
Tied among union households
I feel sorry for Hilary too.
I just spoke to my mother who was crying.
Oh great. Now Hillary has everybody crying for her. Suck it up, guys. She's evil.
Obama in at the Toyota Center in Houston.
The cheese makers and beer percolators have spoken.
I started channel surfing 20+ minutes ago.
Obama's still talking?!?
That's not great oratory.
Obama's public image for whatever reason has eclipsed hillary's. This graphic helps put it into perspective
"I want our students learning art and music and literature and social studies." Why is that the business of the federal government?
Because under the NCLB regime, schools have had to cut back or eliminate programs that teach some of those things. That statement by Obama doesn't necessarily indicate federal programs to subsidize those programs, but rather his intention to remove the burden of NCLB that has taken those choices away from the local schools; then they could reintroduce those programs of their own accord -- freed from government, not directed by it.
"I want our students learning art and music and literature and social studies." Why is that the business of the federal government?
Maybe a more direct answer would be, "Because George W. Bush made it the business of the federal government." And Obama intends to fix it.
I agree. Growing a mustache would be as insane as Hillary going topless or McCain wearing a coonskin hat.
Ann said...
"'I want our students learning art and music and literature and social studies.' Why is that the business of the federal government?"
I'm not sure I understand. So are you opposed to federal involvement in education curricula?
I thought McCain's speech was much better than I am accustomed from him. Hillary's was dreadful-- like she knows she's a dead gal walking and knows she's not going to be able to avoid the end.
Obama's was... not up to the standards I've come to expect from him. I am not sure why he thought that speech was right, but it wasn't.
Loooooong speech.
And repetitive.
I heard Obama in person last month in South Carolina.
But I've heard the same speech every time since.
Obama was wordy and pedantic in the Q&A session I heard.
He may start to bore people, over a long campaign.
McCain we will always watch, because "He gonna blow!!!!!!"
Meade said...
"Growing a mustache would be as insane as Hillary going topless...."
Obama 56 to 42 for Clinton; so far. Will AA wear a cheesehead hat in celebration? The turn out was over one half million on the Dem side with 59% in. Repub side has roughly 200K with 59% in.
I am listening to a talking head and he is saying this is the first test of the new Clinton team. I guess they failed.
"Obama is in the Totota Center in Houston".
There is an arena called "The Toyota Center" in Houston? Just does not sound right to me - incongruous and out of place if you get my drift.
Mccain's speech talked about experience. Obama about the future.
Obama is going to paint Mccain as the past and Mccain is going to paint Obama as inexperienced.
Obama's speech was substantive tonight also.
I am surprised that Obama won throughout the entire state of Wisconsin.
I expected that she would do better in northern Wisconsin. Specifically, the Fox Valley, Lacrosse, Stevens Point, Wausau.
"Obama is going to paint Mccain as the past and Mccain is going to paint Obama as inexperienced."
Not much painting will be needed on either's part.
The old American conundrum. Change is inevitable and is needed. It brings the new day. It brings progress, innovation, improvement. Yet the past matters, because the past is prologue, because of the wisdom of the ages, because we stand on the shoulders of our fathers.
Should be a great campaign. I would have preferred Rudy in McCain's role, but he doesn't represent that side of the equation quite as well, I guess. I am glad the phony, the other phony, the huckster, and the feminist-achieving-by-marriage are all in the past.
AJ -
"Obama is in the Totota Center in Houston".
So you were looking for this place in Detroit?
I guess the middle class and working class in Wisconsin saw right through Hillary's plan to save them.
Meade calls Hillary (not Bush) "evil." I think you should reserve the word evil for true evil, or else you insult the language and our intelligence. Can I politely tell you to find a new hobby? I assure you that the right-wing knife that turns for Hillary now around here will quickly shift gears when and if Obama gets the nomination. Socialist, vapid, inexperienced, untested, retreat-from-Iraq,Hussein Obama, better watch out! Just you wait and see the coming take-no-prisoners blood sport. It will make shooting squirrels look like child's play.
Althouse says: "I want our students learning art and music and literature and social studies." Why is that the business of the federal government?
Answer, in the unlikely event that this was a genuine question rather than the beginning of a series of posts you will cite when you finally endorse McCain: Obama was responding to the narrow mandates of NCLB, a *federal* statute that is implemented through a *federal* agency.
Gee, why would a federal statute and a federal agency possibly concern a president?
Listening to Obama again, I'm thinking that with 7-1/2 months yet to go the semi-rhythmic "we can do this we can do that" schtick is going to get very old and fall flat. He's peaking now, no doubt. But that's too soon. Unless he has something else to offer.
Trumpit said...
Meade calls Hillary (not Bush) "evil." I think you should reserve the word evil for true evil, or else you insult the language and our intelligence… Blah, blah, blah.
Hillary is evil, true evil. She has no soul, morals, or ethics. There is no right wing knife turning for Hillary. She is turning the knife herself. Hillary is the socialist, vapid, inexperienced, untested one. The only documentation about her is her own biography. Cite one major accomplishment, one major policy implementation, one major bill she has authored or co-authored. She only has thirty five years of experience being the equivalent of a high ranking precinct captain.
Shooting squirrels is child’s play. They are tasty too. Now shooting grouse and woodcock are maddening. The only reason they call it grouse or woodcock hunting is be cause golf and mad cow disease were already taken. Ah, but they are really tasty birds. A good cigar goes well with a snifter of cognac or fine Scotch afterwards rounds out the pleasure of hunting and cooking a fine meal yourself.
Duck and goose hunting is fun, but cold and wet at times. Pheasant hunting is also a good time.
There is nothing better than eating great game.
Middle Class Guy,
You once again prove yourself to be a lower form of life than the weeds growing in my garden. How is your emphysema doing? Don't you want to live long enough to enjoy your measly police officer's pension? Well, thank fully you won't. Good riddance!
In my whole adult life, I've never felt more proud of Wisconsin than I do tonight.
"In my whole adult life, I've never felt more proud of Wisconsin than I do tonight."
Yeah, we always feel "proud" when people do what we think they should do.
The question is: are you Michelle Obama? She's only "proud" of places that vote for her husband.
I just listened to a very interesting analysis by a former Democratic pollster. He was on with Ari Fleisher. They both agreed that no matter what happens, if Hillary gets the nod from the DNC or the super delegates the Democrats will lose the Black vote. They have relied on the Black vote for too many years and to lose it will be disastrous for them.
Blacks will feel that the party they have supported for many generations has abandoned them when the first serious and qualified Black candidate is in position to become President. This will cause a real rift in the Democratic Party, as if the party is not already being torn asunder.
Trumpit said "Meade calls Hillary (not Bush) "evil." I think you should reserve the word evil for true evil, or else you insult the language and our intelligence.
Middle Class Guy, you didn't need to reply. Trumpit had already subverted himself, by himself.
Henry said...
Middle Class Guy, you didn't need to reply. Trumpit had already subverted himself, by himself.
You are right. Some times my smart ass gene kicks in and I just cannot resist. Not enough wine or something. My apologies. Now he will probably make some silly, demeaning, and low insulting comment. Sorry.
42% of the Republican in Wisconsin voted for either Huckabee or Paul. Tells you something about a backwater state like Wisconsin.
He's offering students a $4000 tuition credit — which won't get you very far, of course — but you'll have to work in a homeless shelter or do Peace Corps to qualify. "You invest in us. We'll invest in you." But you can work in any sort of job and make $4000.
Well, if a person majors in art, music, literature, or social studies, $4000 works out to three months' salary at the Taco Bell he'll be working at after graduation. :)
Seriously, though, the *last* thing we need is more people spending four years in college studying some fuzzy discipline. We need more scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. We do not need more people who can discuss the symbolism of the color green in early 20th century painting.
"We need more scientists, mathematicians, and engineers."
To make love to them, or what?
Trumpit said...
42% of the Republican in Wisconsin voted for either Huckabee or Paul. Tells you something about a backwater state like Wisconsin.
Wisconsin is not a backwater state. Having traveled, vacationed, hunted, and fished there; I can tell you it is just as sophisticated as any other state. There is something for everyone. Of course as you have never left your mother’s basement, you would not know that. BTW, has she ever taken the lock off the door?
We do need more scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. They can also be artists. The last thing we need are more grant writers, academics, or over educated, Mensa moron, intellectual idiot slackers who believe they are owed a living just because they went to college. We need people who can develop ways we can be more productive, develop better products to sell on the worlds markets, and solve some of the scientific problems that face us now and in the future.
I forgot to mention earlier that wild turkey is a fine bird to eat. They are very difficult to hunt, but if you are lucky enough to bag one, you are in for one very fine meal.
Oh, my pension is not measly. I did not think that wishing death upon people was a Liberal value. I guess I should readjust my thinking and keep my guns clean and my ammo dry.
Please excuse my neglect for asking, but just what do you do for a living and what have you ever done to make a difference in the life of anyone?
Sorry Henry, I am sober tonight.
As some point, people will admit Obama knows what he is doing better than we do, and that we can't predict how he will play the general election based on the how he has been playing the primaries (which has, with only a few exceptions, been flawless as far as such things go). The Clinton Obama primary race IS the race for the Presidency in 2008. McCain has no chance -- no Republican did this year, but McCain can't possibly win at 73 in a change election, with his reputation for being a high integrity maverick blown to hell in an orgy of kissing right wing ass to secure the nomination. What endeared him to those of us in the center and center left -- and I use the word endear with some trepidation when it comes to McCain -- was an honesty and unpredictability that made him seem like he was capable of rising above the GOP partisan fray when it was important for the sake of the nation. But that's gone now -- he has been a huge disappointment in the depth of his embrace of right wing politics at the expense of his former convictions. He is running squarely on Bush's record, and it won't be pretty. Tonight, it looks like his strategy will be to recycle all of the arguments Hillary has used against Obama (to such great effect) - many many more years of experience, realism (lack of optimism, really), grumpiness and condescension. Expect that strategy to change 4 or 5 times as it does nothing to help his numbers.
Obama, on the other hand, is running a near picture perfect campaign against a very formidable foe, who has a legendary and supposedly ruthless political machine behind her, and he has managed his resources better, played a stronger ground game, has been strategically brilliant, is in better shape financially (and otherwise) facing the next two months, has had a single, consistent campaign theme that is entirely authentic, and he has been consistently cool and poised under pressure. Behind that insirational oratory is an person of great character and authenticity. Forgive him his overlong speech tonight (and every now and then) -- it won't be the last. He brings his A game 95% of the time -- his opponents are lucky if their A game shows up 50% of hte time. And he packs 20,000 supporters per event per night, in Houston no less. McCain would stroke out if he actually had to speak in front of that many people.
There is nothing wrong with admitting it. Obama would make a fine President, he is an historical figure, somebody who can help us put aside our differences and get something done for a change, who can help us restore our standing in the world, and he is somebody who has accomplished a great deal more in his 47 years than the media gives him credit for.
We can be cynical and say that anybody that inspirational must be full of it, that anybody who communicates that well must be superficial. Or we can admit that he is striking a chord, which is real and substantive and important, that he is inspiring the next generation to rise up and actually do something about the fate of our nation and our world, and that there is substance behind what he is saying.
listening to his never ending speech was not not inspriing at all. Actually the more I hear him, the less I like what he is trying to say. His policy can be summed up to " yes, we will provide"..
I felt sorry for his foreign policy section, there was nothing major there..
hmmm, I rethinking about the vote I cast.
she's thanking the marching band from the high school.
The marching band just wants it all to stop. They have to listen to politicians drone on at every patriotic event because they elected to get out of gym class last fall.
Not every attractive choice is attractive in the end.
I remember memorial days. Not what you're supposed to remember. Hot, bugs flying around, mayors, humbug that goes on and on.
At least the mosquitos are suppressed in the winter.
You do get to improvise interesting alto parts to the Star Spangled Banner.
I assure you that the right-wing knife that turns for Hillary now around here will quickly shift gears when and if Obama gets the nomination.
Good one! The game-controller metaphor.
Is Obama growing a mustache? How insane that would be.
Look for Hillary to grow one now.
Imus is destroying Hillary this morning, as graceless. And Bill Clinton is a bully and a punk.
That will repeat until the election now.
Working for, even being around, Hillary right now would be horrendous. Her bile to the little people people around her is legendary.
She was mean in victory; I'd hate to see what defeat looks like up close. But I can guess.
My favorite?
Hillary to her AK State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with "Good morning":
"F*ck off! It's enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I'm not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut."
(American Evita; by Christopher Anderson, p. 90)
AK = Alaska
AR = Arkansas
"We can be cynical and say that anybody that inspirational must be full of it, that anybody who communicates that well must be superficial."
Oh no, we can't be cynical, at least if Obama wins, according to his wife: "[Barack] is going to demand that you shed your cynicism.... Barack will never let you go back to your lives as usual!"
I was surprised how non-close the results were, given the run-up newstory that the race was tightening. Yet Obama won almost all counties except the NW and NE and Adams/Juneau.
Then I hear on the radio this morning about Hillary!'s 10-point lead in the polls in Ohio and think that being a pollster must be the best job in the world. When you're wrong, you get paid and people don't mind!
I hate the goddamned post office.
There is nothing wrong with admitting it. Obama would make a fine President, he is an historical figure, somebody who can help us put aside our differences and get something done for a change, who can help us restore our standing in the world, and he is somebody who has accomplished a great deal more in his 47 years than the media gives him credit for.
He'll make a fine president if you want to move quickly toward socialism. Alot of us still don't, and he won't be bringing us together.
Wanna list his great accomplishments? Go ahead. Let's see what he's done so far.
Wanna list his great accomplishments? Go ahead. Let's see what he's done so far.
He's beaten Hillary! For ridding the American Political Landscape of the Clintonian scourge, I will always be thankful to Mr. Obama.
This is more than Rudy Giuliani could do. Or Joe Biden. Or Fred Thompson. Or . . .
Oh boy, one socialist knocked off another. Big accomplishment. That's what I mean.
You got nothin.
I'm philosophical about this. I tried to get Mr. Resume himself elected back in 2000. Does anyone have a longer list of accomplishments than Al Gore, Jr? The Republican party that year put forth an empty suit. Obama may be an empty suit -- you think he is, but at least he's an eloquent one. He can communicate. Think how well the country would be NOW if the current President had been able to actually communicate his ideas. That's something Obama will never lack. And it's sorely needed.
Ya got me.
I admit it would be better to have a president who can actually speak the English language.
Let's see, is that an accomplishment that shows he's ready to be president?
Is Obama still speaking? I nodded off about midnight, just after he promised that his administration would pay the tuition for 4-year old kindergarten, provided that the students committed to working 400 hours of community service.
I'm philosophical about this. I tried to get Mr. Resume himself elected back in 2000. Does anyone have a longer list of accomplishments than Al Gore, Jr?
Yeah, yeah, he invented the internet, Love story was based on him, he discovered Love Canal, etc., etc. Sadly, if you haven't figured it out by now, that a long list of lies and embellishments are not a long list of accomplishments, you likely never will.
Zeb, it's good to see you still have the anti-Gore Republican Party talking points from 2000. The pack rat in me salutes you! :)
We need more scientists, mathematicians, and engineers.
Our practice of skimming the cream of the Third World seems to be working well for us. The law of supply and demand says we don't need scientists, mathematicians and engineers as much as we need investment bankers, hedge fund managers, doctors, lawyers, or entertainers.
This thread would have been a lot better if the professor had stuck with American Idol and not the American Idle who are running for something.
Who was that Jacucci guy with the red suit. He really sucked.
And that Castro guy the professor liked. Dead ringer for John Travolta. In dreads. So he is what the sweathog would look like if he was a Rasta instead of a Scientologist.
The skinney Leif Garret guy was sure to be Titus's favorite. Just sayn'
The Assuie dude missed a bet when he closed the show with Lite my Fire, he should have went with Tom Jones, that would have knocked it out of the park.
Also, one of the guys brought his really scary kid with him. "Yes, my son Damien is in the audience."
Paula is still high.
Seacrest out. Well you know anyway.
Palladian: The cheese makers and beer percolators have spoken.
Yes, the VCBC (Vast Cheese and Beer Conspiracy).
What's this make, nine? Seriously, how many houses do we have to drop on this witch?
IN THE EMAIL: "Cheeseheads take down Hillary. This is almost as good as if the Packers had won the Super Bowl."
No it's not. Go Big Blue. Champs 2007/2008.
Seriously, how many houses do we have to drop on this witch?
I know that's a mean statement, but I'm still laughing.
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