... to talk about comments. Got a question about the comments policy? Don't understand or appreciate the deletion policies? Do you have some suggestions about how to improve the comments section?
This is the permanent — at least for now — place for conversations like this. Meade and I will participate in the comments. So... let the conversation about conversations begin.
1 – 200 of 431 Newer› Newest»Let the constant comments commence.
I have conversations in living rooms with persons of differing viewpoints than I hold. They (infrequently) become heated. Other than anonymity, permanence and mono-vocal context, how is a topical virtual conversation in the comments section different from a living room?
I'll take a pekoe at the comments...
What's wrong w/ back and forth attacks?
I'd rather ban the constant references to the wv.
Constant Comment makes great iced tea!
Thank you for finally enabling the mobile template.
Constant Comment was the "tea and oranges" that Leonard Cohen was referring to in the song "Suzanne."
And all because I forgot to include the link on my last suggested article.
@chuck You're welcome. I don't like the way it looks, but I know it helps some people.
Where's Trooper been?
Some people have objected to the fact that comments, on at least one occasion, have been deleted due to lack of any real point - other than the exchange of insults (most of which should have been left at high school) - or relevance to that particular thread, but, at the same time, some truly vile things, mostly from J, have been allowed to stand. I realize Ann has voiced a commitment to open speech and, since this is her house, she has a right to make the rules; in particular, if it costs money to maintain the blog.
As one of the ones whose comment(s) were deleted that day, I understand why, but I do appreciate the position of those who have objected to being deleted for just, in their view, making their point while some people who just come here to slime the rest didn't have anything happen to them.
For the record, I'm not talking about people like garage, Alpha, or Freder, who do try to defend their side. I mean the ones who just want to snark for its own sake.
My $.02.
Troop's left the blog. He took offense to the mass delete.
For the record, I think he's wrong.
"...but, at the same time, some truly vile things, mostly from J, have been allowed to stand."
J was caught up in some of the problematic back-and-forth that motivated me to start deleting things like that. I took his comments out along with some other people.
The idea that J and only J should be deleted was not right, in my view. The remedy needed to be more even-handed. There were a lot of people going back and forth, and I believe J thought he was defending himself.
Does this signal the demise of the cafe threads?
If this is an infinite meta-conversation, then don't you want the most recent comments on top??
missed the mass delete - can someone point out the scene of the mass delete? are there mass graves?
Just being rude and obnoxious is not ground for deletion...but!!commenters who actually threaten other people with physical harm, do cyber stalking by grabbing IP addresses should you actually link to his account (don't do it!) should NOT be allowed to post those types of things.
"J" has left threatening, sexist, annoying and other types of posts on my own blog.
Personally, I don't have a problem with back and forth, tit for tat insults and argumentative diatribe.
However, when it only descends to the level of threats of being sued ..ala Allie and contributes nothing to the topic .. or threats of rape ala J, I think this crosses the line and you should do something about it.
I compared your blog to a cocktail party where people can mingle, argue, joke and exchange ideas. A cocktail party where the guest start barfing on the floor and literally attacking each other is no fun. You wouldn't allow people to act this way in your home, why on your blog?
There is a fine line between free speech and allowing psychotic and deranged guests to drive the other guests away.
I love the fact that I can comment on the comments. In fact, the only thing I like better is commenting on the comments on other comments.
Frankly, I don't understand the whoop- de-do about deletions. Althouse should be deleting even MORE comments. Not just "J" but some others who've shown they're total bores or trolls - and won't shut up.
And there should be a post limit per thread -say 10 - unless you're actually funny, which means nobody - except maybe trooper on a good day.
madAsHell said...
Does this signal the demise of the cafe threads?
It shouldn't. The cafes are more light-hearted and don't usually attract the nasty stuff.
It was one of the hot issue threads that prompted the delete, IIRC.
When you get a lot of back and forth between two people that devolves into something little better than name-calling (and, truth in advertising, I've been in a few of those), it sucks the oxygen out of the room for everyone else, it would seem.
"Troop's left the blog. He took offense to the mass delete."
That gets a big "oh, bullshit" from me.
He's got his own place, and he would like Althouse commenters to come over, and a few do go there to lick their wounds after their vanity is hurt on this blog. That's fine with me. He's been serving that function for way longer than the recent policy-change that involved some deletion.
"Mass deletion" = way too much drama. I got rid of some clutter. That's all. I'm trying to make the blog a better place for readers who don't care about inter-commenter disputes (and flirting).
Most commenters do best by staying substantive. Talk about the subject at hand. Don't start going back and forth insulting (or sucking up to) another commenter. The visual effect of lots of short, relatively meaningless comments from 2 or 3 or 4 commenters is really bad. If you've been part of that, but you don't understand what I'm talking about, you need to step back and think from the perspective of a new reader.
There are other ways to be a good commenter than staying on the substance of the post, but if you want to be that kind of good commenter, think about what new readers are seeing. Are you interesting and amusing? Are you a good character?
Really, the clutter culling Meade and I are doing is about keeping more people in the conversation and making the conversation interesting.
You want to see the stuff I deleted? Believe me, it was just plain stupid. It drove people away.
And the conversation has been a lot better under the new policy.
You don't like it? Get your own blog. Start your own conversation. That's what Trooper did, but I don't think the current crop of wound-lickers amuses him too much. He's been trying to say that, but vanity is jamming the channels over there, and his commenters don't know it.
Assuming your post linking to "the right place..." isn't sticky on the main blog, are you going to be putting a link in your sidebar (To Comment on Comments, Commenting and Commenters)? Because it seems to me that this is an ongoing topic which comes to a boil on a cyclical basis, or at least it has for several years now.
Don't really care either way if you put up such a link; just curious if you've thought about it.
"Does this signal the demise of the cafe threads?"
No. Café threads should be diverse, funny, and interesting, not a grab bag of sour complaints.
That's what this page is for.
This page is more like the restroom.
Nothing wrong with a good smackdown contest, but J was boring. More generally, commenters should follow Jim Rome's advice: have a take, and don't suck.
I have been spending a lot less time here. Part of it was the weird flirting, part of it was the predictably vituperative denouement into which every thread seems to descend, but mostly it has been the tolerance for J, who does not deserve it.
This page is more like the restroom.
pic of a pun.
I was just watching the local news. It was classic politics. Walker sent out some errand boy to defend and explain his new policy which is an infringement on free speech. I almost felt sorry for the dolt.
Professor, you have a thin skin. This is not a classroom. This is the real fucking world. If you can't handle criticism then just stay in the classroom and stop being a hypocrite, declaring this being a bastion of free speech. The free speech theory is what brought me here. The interesting posts and mostly interesting commenters has kept me here, in spite of your sanctimony and asshole commenters. You have a sharp mind professor. But you are not righteous. You were wrong. It takes a strong person to admit they're wrong. However, it is a rare trait in attorneys and politicians.
I have found the teaching profession to really be the world's biggest teacher's pet club. It would probably not be a shock to you that I was never a teacher's pet.
My career was mostly in the private sector. I worked for clients that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire. And I can assure you many felt the same about me. But, the ones who wanted to win hired me, because I'm a winner. I don't need to like someone to work w/ them. I don't like you and I'm quite certain you don't like me. But, in the real world that is not required to do business. Is this the real world, or just an extension of your classroom?
I'm trying to make the blog a better place for readers who don't care about inter-commenter disputes (and flirting).
Given your history with a particular flirting commenter, that made me laugh. ( I mean that in a good way :)
I began as a liberal and moved to the right when i was an academic and realized that censorship was very much alive on the left. I am a free speech advocate to the degree i would recommend that no comments, however vile, be deleted. The most extreme commenters reveal their emptiness very clearly and i doubt if any have thin skins. To deny the use of the N word, in my opinion, is patronizing to black readers
edutcher said...
...she has a right to make the rules; in particular, if it costs money to maintain the blog.
It costs her something far more valuable than money to maintain the blog.
So you've already noted you'll delete further criticism of your suggestions to initiate Amazon purchases from your site as a way to show appreciation. I was just wondering if that would apply to this thread as well, as I still believe that call to action is a violation of TOS.
"Let the constant comments commence."
Sheesh, I go away for a few days and miss all the fun. Ain't that always the way.
Are you gonna put a link to "Constant Comments" on your sidebar?
Is someone musical going to do a parody singing head video of the song "Constant Sorrow?" This could be a swinging place, I tell ya.
Is this the place to talk shit about Althou.se?
On the other hand....if you, as a reader, don't like a comment or style of the commenter.....well, that's why God invented the scroll wheel on your mouse.
Walk on by... walk on by.
Also...if you can link to Constant Comment Tea on your blog....I'll buy it!!!!
I sometimes -- like just now -- see one of Instapundit's many Amazon posts then, realizing I do need something, come here to click through and do my shopping because I figure you could use the bit of cash more than he. Will Glenn eat my soul?
Imus attributes (advertiser) Constant Comment to Mrs. Bigelow getting into the cooking sherry.
"Assuming your post linking to "the right place..." isn't sticky on the main blog, are you going to be putting a link in your sidebar (To Comment on Comments, Commenting and Commenters)?"
It's linked in the text above the compose window on the comments page, where I think it can be seen.
Linking it in the sidebar... I could... but I don't think it would be noticed.
LOL, rh.
BTW, I wonder how many people there are like me who come here on a regular basis (5 times a week), read many of the comments, but are content to to seldom pipe up?
Too bad you pissed off Trooper. Though he has his own blog, excising people's comments just to make a point is rather draconian. I looked forward to his takes on threads in Althouse.
"I have been spending a lot less time here. Part of it was the weird flirting, part of it was the predictably vituperative denouement into which every thread seems to descend, but mostly it has been the tolerance for J, who does not deserve it."
Well, then, Tyrone, this new policy is for you. You're an excellent commenter from way back, and I want you and others like you back. I want new people too.
I'm evicting the Occupy Althouse crowd.
There are a couple of commenters that, as far as I can tell, are intent on making any threat they comment on entirely unreadable. However, they would have much less success if the rest of the (mostly) reasonable commenters would just ignore them.
So, if you consider yourself a (mostly) reasonable commenter, and your intent in not to make a given thread unreadable, then please don't feed the trolls.
Having spent so much time in past years traveling cross country via car, we have become connoisseurs of sorts of restrooms in various states. Thus, I can't help but inquire as to the amenities offered in this one: Family bathrooms? Changing tables? Nursing stations? Those really cool air dryers that actually DO seem to work without chapping (they have them at the service center at the Tamarack exit off I64 in Beckley, WV, for example, where they also give you a choice of paper towels!)? WiFi? And so forth.
Above all, do the locks on the doors really lock, and is their sufficient staff for wiping up after potty-seat piddlers?
nd, who ever declared this blog to be a bastion of free speech? No one. Besides - time, place, and manner. Think about it.
As usual most of the strife passed over my head.
Some of the comment threads were pretty tedious, mostly from repetition of insults and stupidity.
I do not miss J.
Here's the link to buy Constant Comment.
I suppose I should ask for the syllabus so that I know what to comment on. Uhm or how. Or when.
And thanks to Althouse for all the work.
"...don't feed the trolls."
It's odd -- people have been making that plea for 20+ years now, and yet there is something in human psychology that seems to make it impossible for too many people to actually do. It's like eating potato chips or something -- you think, "Ok, I'll jsut get this one zinger off that will really burn this troll!", but of course that's impossible -- if the troll were in fact 'burnable', they wouldn't be a troll -- and so you respond again and again, getting pulled into the troll's little masturbatory game and soiling the thread.
Long ago I learned: one troll, one insult. And done.
"So you've already noted you'll delete further criticism of your suggestions to initiate Amazon purchases from your site as a way to show appreciation. I was just wondering if that would apply to this thread as well, as I still believe that call to action is a violation of TOS."
Yes. That issue has been asked and answered. It's a boring nonissue, and I will delete it even over here.
Did you know that on NPR they ask for listeners to use the NPR Amazon portal to show appreciation for NPR? Do you think they would do that if it were a violation of the "TOS" (as you call it)?
There usually is someone like a J who craps all over the comments, going back for years.
"how is a topical virtual conversation in the comments section different from a living room? "
In the living room, there is less hiding behind anonymity, courageously knowing they can say anything and not get the poke in the nose the same thing would get you in that living room.
"Is this the real world, or just an extension of your classroom?"
The classroom is part of the real world, and your notion of how students can be treated is repugnant.
Most commenters do best by staying substantive. Talk about the subject at hand. Don't start going back and forth insulting (or sucking up to) another commenter. The visual effect of lots of short, relatively meaningless comments from 2 or 3 or 4 commenters is really bad.
Yep. Looks horrible especially when it's nonsensical. I say plenty of things off-topic hereabouts, but I would like to think the snark always takes out some of the sting. That's amusing to me and, along with learning things from other regulars much brighter than I (and a job that allows me a lot of down time) is why I haunt the house.
On the other hand, allowing a growing mountain of nonsensical rants, most of which are completely unprovoked and nothing more than rampant, serial abuse of other regulars, has got to count against someone in some way.
There's not feeding the troll and then there's showing the troll his or her own contradicting statements. Granted, the latter is just another form of troll chow, but I've noticed that it's very effective at ending a thread carpet-bombing.
There's a huge difference between A) trolling for the sake of trolling, B) snark-laden-but-cogent back and forth, and C) thoughtful posts about the topic at hand, however heated they may become.
Frankly, I don't think that making the rare cogent statement that belongs in category C removes the stench of constant A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A, A...
This blog is not heavily into censorship. But what I'd find useful in blogs in general would be a "deleted comment bucket" where all host-deleted comments would be sent. That way, folks who didn't want to read offensive comments would not be exposed to them, but those who did want to see what was deleted would have the opportunity.
I, for one, would have headed straight for the Roman Catholic list of banned books in preference to the nonsense promulgated for centuries by the church.
I'd like to see all "ad-hominem" comments sent to an Ad Hominem bucket as well.
"I still believe that call to action is a violation of TOS."
Well, you'd better call the blogger police then.
Freeze, blondie!! You're busted!!
Psst, Jim -- the Koch brothers are under your bed again.
Althouse: ...so you don't need to email us anymore.
Translation: "For the love of God, stop sending us emails about comments!"
"There are a couple of commenters that, as far as I can tell, are intent on making any threat they comment on entirely unreadable. However, they would have much less success if the rest of the (mostly) reasonable commenters would just ignore them. So, if you consider yourself a (mostly) reasonable commenter, and your intent in not to make a given thread unreadable, then please don't feed the trolls."
Isn't it amazing that "don't feed the trolls" is still relevant advice? We've heard it for years, and it still works as a fresh insight.
And I'm saying that knowing I've probably violated the precept in this very post!
It seems obvious that the most effective way to express disdain for the Amazon portal, should that be the desire, is never to use it.
Seems like I missed something interesting. This is what happens when I don't check in everyday. What's the scoop?
Ignorance is Bliss said...
"Given your history with a particular flirting commenter, that made me laugh. "
Me too.
For the record, I'm pro- flirtation.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
edutcher said...
...she has a right to make the rules; in particular, if it costs money to maintain the blog.
It costs her something far more valuable than money to maintain the blog.
Well aware of it (and I believe I've said so on several occasions), but, yes, very good point.
"This blog is not heavily into censorship. But what I'd find useful in blogs in general would be a "deleted comment bucket" where all host-deleted comments would be sent. That way, folks who didn't want to read offensive comments would not be exposed to them, but those who did want to see what was deleted would have the opportunity."
I don't know how to do that, but I don't think you'd find the stuff in the bucket worth reading. It's not super-offensive stuff. It really is boring clutter.
I leave offensive stuff up unless it's mainly just racist epithets. I take down personal stuff about nonfamous individuals who are not present in the conversation... if I notice it. (I don't read everything.) I don't want you to read that.
Basically, I'm big on free speech and I want all viewpoints, but I'm not going to be snookered. People who are trying to ruin my blog will not get away with it. I can tell the difference, and I'm not going to let what I have built and worked on for 8 years be wrecked by people who hate me.
"But what I'd find useful in blogs in general would be a "deleted comment bucket" where all host-deleted comments would be sent. ...
"I'd like to see all "ad-hominem" comments sent to an Ad Hominem bucket as well."
A restroom with buckets! Awesome idea! ; ) : )
(Still obsessed with the analogy. Cracks me up)
"Translation: "For the love of God, stop sending us emails about comments!""
LOL. Actually, there's almost no email like that. I want whatever complaints there are to be in public view.
Calling this a "restroom" is derisive and classless. Don't pretend you don't have a problem professor. You wouldn't open the "restroom" and enlist your spouse if you didn't know you had serious issues. You are a very easy to read.
And believing the classroom is the real world is quite revealing. I'm surprised you had the temerity to say that. The way you treat commenters here is the way you treat students. You reward the ass kissers and villify the ones who call you on horseshit. I suppose that's "reality" for you. And there lies the core problem, Al Haig.
I am completely accepting of the Althouse free speech policy and its occasional disruptions. Its not my blog. I do wish there was a technological way to skip over J -- and especially those who respond to him / her / it. Same goes for Alex.
It is certainly a disincentive to comment if your topical / pointed / funny insertion is buried among a miasma of name calling. I generally try to get my comments in early before it happens.
Threaded comments may help this, if J and Alex get on their own thread and stay there. The disqus system takes a little getting used to, but with the option to view "most recent" and "most popular" you can usually find the good conversations.
Blogger is not really "comment moving" friendly. I presume that they want to make sure the blogger respects the commenters by not moving their posts around.
The bucket idea is an okay one, but it seems more work than its worth.
I leave offensive stuff up unless it's mainly just racist epithets.
However accurate that statement may be, the comments are littered with a particular repugnance that continues to refer to people as "yids" in an easily identifiable negative manner. I've not understood the difference between that and ye olde N word.
The way you treat commenters here is the way you treat students. You reward the ass kissers and villify the ones who call you on horseshit. I suppose that's "reality" for you. And there lies the core problem, Al Haig.
This is false. Empirically false.
Also wow, de-stress a bit buddy. :)
But ... but ... I never got to Byro-level!
I only went after J once, when he responded derisively to a comment of mine that he clearly did not read nor understand.
This is false. Empirically false.
Yeah. I always thought her name as Ann.
Ann said: "This page is more like the restroom."
I was thinking more like the time-out room.
Question: How often will this room get a thorough cleaning? Comments get stale after a couple days. Besides, once you reach the 200 comments page point, it will be far to cumbersome to keep up.
The comments are mostly well made,and I learn a lot from the ones that I don't agree with.
A Dead Air affliction sometimes happens when two or three guys are determined to attack each other, to to no real effect. It wastes everyone's time.
So my thanks go to Ann and Meade for attempting to remedy that problem.
Cheers! This page's for you.
Ditto Scott M.'s point regarding "yid."
Wicca perp is outstanding, though.
I cannot believe that anyone can have a problem with how the professor runs her blog! It's her blog!
Actually, its like a runaway government program...all the yokels have benefited from the hands off approach, but when a modicum of structure/cuts is enacted, it's time to protest the Althouse Comments Austerity Program!
I tend to not get alot of traction in the comments but here goes: why don't you just flag bad or offensive or even pissy comments as such?
Grade them so to speak. Allow people to express themselves, and keep the beige-ness from creeping in. Censoring them is just hammering down the high points (or filling in the low points - your choice).
"The bucket idea is an okay one, but it seems more work than its worth."
Exactly. And at our advanced age, we are looking for less work not more. Life is already short enough. It's all about keeping it sweet.
@David, thanks for that comment.
And keeping w/ the classless qualities of our professor: Tomorrow is the 1st anniversary of Elizabeth Edwards death. Go back and see how this enlightened and loving couple along w/ some other commenters handled that. I didn't like Elizabeth and I despise her husband..but the comments were despicable.
David said...
As usual most of the strife passed over my head.
Wow, that is so totally true for me as well. Sorry about sounding like a Valley Girl but you took the words right out of my mouth.
Roughly what percent of the comments posted across all the blog posts that you post do you read?
John, This page is not just for me. It's for anyone w/ balls and a complaint, and it's also for the ass kissers.
OK, you hate the blog and/or the author. So, why are you here again? Just have to get all you insults out before you flounce off?
Henry said...
I am completely accepting of the Althouse free speech policy and its occasional disruptions. Its not my blog. I do wish there was a technological way to skip over J -- and especially those who respond to him / her / it. Same goes for Alex.
Usually, I agree, especially with J who sometimes makes a valid observation and then slimes anyone who disagrees or wants to expand the point. I've learned just to ignore him.
Alex, on occasion, does have something to say and you don't get slimed for responding to it.
YMMV, of course.
I think I've only emailed you 2x and that was to say, "Thanks for your blog" and "Thanks for filling in at Instapundit".
I never thought you would view that as harassment, but ok (okay?), from here on out, I'll never email you.
2 emails in 4 years.... this ought to keep you going for the rest of your life:
I leave offensive stuff up unless it's mainly just racist epithets.
How about sexual innuendo?
He doesn't belong in a forum.
Roughly what percent of the comments posted across all the blog posts that you post do you read?
Interesting question. I don't actually remember (it's been years now) how I stumbled across it, but when I click on the very bottom link on any particular thread, ATOM allows me to subscribe to it. It goes directly into my RSS feed folder of my Outlook 2007. Once there, I rename it to something resembling the subject of the thread and every time there's a new comment, it basically acts like an email inbox with the threads with new comments in bold with (x) next to it where x is the number of new unread comments.
Very useful. I haven't been able to get it work otherwise though. There are plenty of apps that will track new threads, but I've not had any luck with one that will also show updated comments like ATOM and Outlook 2007 do.
I am tempted to write a strongly worded comment, because I am a deeply feeling person who feels things, deeply.
It must be pithy, wise, and make a sly reference to socialism (natch). It will contain a neologism that becomes a common Internet meme. It will change your lives.
But right now, I have a stuffy nose, and my head is full of mush, and the Benadryl will make the words disappear by morning.
But I assure you, it was an epic comment.
The great value in a tradition of Free Speech is that we get to know what our friends and our enemies are thinking.
To skillfully raise up a morality censorship with accusations of terrible guilt contained in the Speech of others really seeks to end that valuable part of free speech.
Language police are also just big bores showing off something or other...exactly what I cannot really comprehend.
Paco, You were right on cue..stage right..the ass kisser enters.
Fucking priceless! Thanks for proving my point.
Pogo had nothing to say. Pogo had nothing to say.
Nah nah nah nah nah Pogo had nothing to sayay.
Pogo, Thanks for the smart levity. I love most of the commenters here, and can abide the ones I don't.
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
Don't understand or appreciate the deletion policies?
I'll bite. What are the deletion policies?
Whatever floats your boat, Internet Tough Guy! Glad to provide you that warm little frisson of validation. Don't let that old blonde lady tell you what to do! Just puff out that chest and keep telling yourself, "I'm a winner! I'm a winner!"
ndspinelli said...
John, This page is not just for me. It's for anyone w/ balls and a complaint, and it's also for the ass kissers.
Couldn't agree more, but you should have included "or an aggrievement".
Ninety five percent of commenters are asses who need to be kicked in the balls. These cocksuckers wouldn't know censorship it if it bit them on the cunt. What the fuck? If some motherfucker starts pissing and moaning just ignore the shit out of them.
And tits. That is all.
"I don't like the way [the Blogger mobile template] looks, but I know it helps some people."
Amen to that, on both counts. Aesthetically the mobile template is putrid, but it completely does away with the resizing song-and-dance trying to get the column width right for the screen size.
Regarding the main subject here: I certainly agree with the need for some pruning (and apologize for my part in some of the excess back-and-forth; but gosh darn it I grew up in a family that practiced Recreational Arguing as an art form, and sometimes--when the blood running from my tongue gets too salty to ignore--I just have to respond!)
However, once things reach the new equilibrium, I'd strongly advise a policy of warn first, then delete. That way, we can see what it is you want to curtail, and the clueful among us can take notice.
" '...don't feed the trolls.' "
It's odd -- people have been making that plea for 20+ years now... Long ago I learned: one troll, one insult. And done.
Well, yes. But I'd go a bit further. The problem with a too-strict observance of DNFTT is that newcomers don't necessarily know. What would this place be like, for example, if no one ever pushed back at Cedarford?
So "One Insult" isn't really the right response; it's "An occasional smackdown so that people realize that silence isn't agreement." (And for heaven's sake, read the thread first, too; it's usually enough for one person to say, e.g., "You know, that sounds like pretty vile antisemitism to me."
And good grief, who put a bug up ndspinelli's [redacted]???
And what David said.
And that's all 7 of them.
(It took you 6 sentences however.)
I like the "removed by blog administrator" so we know who's been naughty, if not how, and it helps keep Althouse transparent, but it doesn't help the aesthetics.
My mother used to make imitation CC with Lipton and Tang. The smell of it dry reminds me of pencil shavings.
My mother used to make imitation CC with Lipton and Tang.
My Mom's friend did this, and gave the mix to us in a big Mason Jar. I loved it.
I have no complaints about comments. When people go off, I just ignore it. Why waste your time on something like that?
"Roughly what percent of the comments posted across all the blog posts that you post do you read?"
I think I skim about 80% and read somewhere like 40%. If you're a commenter I've come to like, I'm much more likely to stop and read you.
I'm more likely to read the first 30 comments than comments around 100 and up.
Candyass blogger move of all time:
They are trying to argue that all those comments were spam that needed to be removed. But the bloggers and commenters over there had interacted with [the commenter]. You don't interact with spam. A step up from spam is "troll." But everyone knows not to feed the troll. Why did they go back and forth with [the commenter] if he was a troll?
Their interaction is the evidence that he was not a troll. [The blog owner] simply became exasperated and embarrassed when [the commenter] outwrote him, and he destroyed the material that made him look bad.
He's like a scientist who destroys his data after his conclusions are questioned. The obvious presumption in the case of destruction of evidence is that it hurt your case. Of course, the evidence of their interaction with [the commenter] is still there, and that evidence also, as I've just explained, is evidence against them.
What colossal losers!
Who are some of your favorite commentors?
My 2 cents:
Free speech is a limitation on government, not blogs.
We can't trust the government about that, it's too important, but this is just a blog. I love it, but it's not in need of a bill of rights. I trust Althouse enough to keep me coming back.
I support more deletions. What is clearly crap should go. It obvious by the smell.
I think it would produce a better quality place rather than a lesser quality one.
The ratio of crap is just too high. The good stuff is phenomenal, but I know I miss a lot of that solely due to the stench thrown up by some. It discourages both the good comments and the reading of the ones that do persevere despite it.
There is nothing lost by filtering valueless crap. Nobody has to present their ideas in such a way. If they have something worth saying, they can say it like they would in person. That would be my standard.
If you wouldn't say it to someones face then don't. If Ann feels that she would have to punch you in the face, then she should delete. It's her house.
Think of it like a home, where you invite people in to talk. Open, tolerant, even risque, but if someone craps on the carpet, you kick em out.
You kick out the guy that knocks on the door to sell you Viagra, that's a lot less objectionable in my opinion. He's just trying to make a living.
@edutcher -- Alex isn't vile, true. But his/her/its moby stuff is just a complete waste of time, especially when some sucker gets hooked.
So nd, what defines an ass kisser? And how in the world are they rewarded? Are they paid? Invited to a nice Thai buffet?
I have been here pretty much since day one, and the only rewarded commenter thus far is Meade, and he was bold enough to ask for his reward.
Secondly, I value this blog and the capitalist in me thinks I should pay, at least something, for that which has value. So I use the Amazon link whenever I can.
I am a Wisconsinite and the coverage here of the Madison protests during the last year is hands down the best in the state. Filled with video and interesting interviews.
Lastly nd, it's really all politics. You dislike the profs positions. so you attack the rest of us ass kissers. Pathetic.
I think it is funny when moby hooks a whale.
Oh yea, and I have not bought anything through the Amazon portal since the comments were stopped. I always read the comments, and what people wrote often enticed me to buy something. There is nothing there anymore. You have have to have content to make advertising work. You can't put up a billboard in the closet and expect business.
ElPresidenteCastro said..."Professor, Who are some of your favorite commentors?"
You, ElPresidenteCastro, you're my favorite!
See Bagoh, You work in the real world and understand how it works.
Marry me?
Shit too late.
It's nice to see the wife have a job, other than attending protests and making pancakes.
Speaking of favorite commenters and shit.
Well Beta Rube, I don't remember you and blogger has you ~2 years old. But, I'm glad you buy via Amazon and commend you for supporting someone you wish. That's what this country is about. You do what you want, I do what I want. If I do or say something you don't like..tell me to go shit in my hat. Free speech is easy to understand..if you truly believe in it.
Alice's insight that you're all just a pack of cards should be remembered. Except you're not even a pack of cards. You're all just pixels in cyberspace.....I think the jokes, the flirtations, the anger provoking comments are all part of the same phenomenon. There's something about us that doesn't like being pixels in cyberspace and we make comments that solicit a physical response. We are pixels with a will to being.....Whenever possible I prefer to here tell lies about myself to make myself seem credible--not to you but to me. I ocassionally tell the truth, but only because it demonstrates just how unimportant the truth is. Truth, lies, insults, compliments: they all have the same valence here among the pixels. This is an ethereal existence and we should enjoy it as such. Given the endurance of cyberspace this is probably all that will remain of us when our carbon based info processors perish. Meta is as meta does.
I agree with "bagoh20" - the ratio of crap to good stuff is simply too high. Either get an "ignore Button" on your comments or delete more of the crap.
Someone talked about the "scroll function" - yep that's what its made for. But. Constantly hunting through the comment threads trying to find a non-crap comment gets old -fast.
As for J, there has always been a J. There has always been someone that a lot of other ones complain about. Always.
Better to accept this reality than go on bothering about it.
I changed my posting name two years ago on a lark. I started hanging out here when my daughter, now 28, was an undergrad at Madison.
I was new to the idea of blogs, and very drawn to this one because of the University connection.
Not a fan of the mobile template. I guess I will have to see if there is a way I can disable it just for your site. So much is lost in the mobile template. Tell these naysayers to get iPhones. It handles the standard template just fine.
In the interest of full disclosure, I stole this from Ritmo. But..we should put up a Festivus pole because we are certainly having the "airing of the grievances." Tomorrow will be the "feats of strength."
How about allowing attacks, but banning whiners--including folks who whine about attacks? The blather of whiners is more tedious than the same from attackers, imho.
Or, maybe all views should be allowed w/ one exception. Each day one commenter will be randomly selected for a 24 hour banning. No comment for ___________. In addition to a day long vortex-vow of cyber-silence, the banned commenter must also go out into the world and plant a tree. For the children.
What Freeman said. Earlier I tried to Google one of the very earliest troll threads/commenter comments threads some of the specifics I could recall (from 2005). There were too many returned results to pinpoint it in a reasonable amount of time, despite being no slouch at such things.
Yes there have always been "J's". The problem occurs when the "J's" get too numerous or post too often.
Not to mention the troll enablers who always want to fight the "J's".
Its one reason why the "just ignore them" approach never works. All you need is 3 or 4 "troll enablers" or maybe even 1 troll sockpuppet and your blog is ruined.
It's not that I don't appreciate the objections, or the inherent optimism that things would be different, if only. It's just that things won't change and the optimism is misguided. Hard lesson learned long ago, for what it's worth.
I have been reading your blog since 2004, and occasionally commenting. For the past several months, I have not enjoyed it so much - as a result now I stop by less often. It's been a while since my last visit, and today I stumbled across this post. There are two reasons that have been my barrier. The first was easily rectified; I didn't want to see one of the ads that was being displayed. (I installed an ad blocker and the problem vanished.) The second reason had to do with the tone of the comments. I haven't been reading recently enough to know what you have been deleting, and I can't say whether my bad vibe stems from any of posters who are being discussed as the culprits. What I identify is that it seemed to me every thread devolved into the same predictable, snarky tone. It was tiresome. I know I could just read your posts and skip the comments, but the temptation to click on the active threads is too great, and I haven't felt like spending the time to be annoyed. YMMV.
but gosh darn it I grew up in a family that practiced Recreational Arguing as an art form, and sometimes--when the blood running from my tongue gets too salty to ignore--I just have to respond!
@ Kirk....Hell...we must be related. Debating was a family tradition.
Cuz? Is that you?
Oops, seems that someone didn't like hearing her own words.
Let's listen again:
Candyass blogger move of all time:
They are trying to argue that all those comments were spam that needed to be removed. But the bloggers and commenters over there had interacted with [the commenter]. You don't interact with spam. A step up from spam is "troll." But everyone knows not to feed the troll. Why did they go back and forth with [the commenter] if he was a troll?
Their interaction is the evidence that he was not a troll. [The blog owner] simply became exasperated and embarrassed when [the commenter] outwrote him, and he destroyed the material that made him look bad.
He's like a scientist who destroys his data after his conclusions are questioned. The obvious presumption in the case of destruction of evidence is that it hurt your case. Of course, the evidence of their interaction with [the commenter] is still there, and that evidence also, as I've just explained, is evidence against them.
What colossal losers!
All you need is 3 or 4 "troll enablers" or maybe even 1 troll sockpuppet and your blog is ruined.
But it sounds like that kind of back and forth is exactly what's being deleted now.
I'm saying that the people who want anything J posts to be deleted need to get over it. There will always be a J.
Sockpuppet,"And the truth shall make you free."
"What I identify is that it seemed to me every thread devolved into the same predictable, snarky tone. It was tiresome."
If only Althouse could remove snark from the comments. Life would be grand, as Alice Munro knows!
nd, can you elaborate on what you mean by the truth?
Absolutely Meade, From my reading of the post you were unjustifiably deleted by a autocratic[and apparently short] professor and your bride and fellow commenters called bullshit on that.
" 'Life would be grand if it weren't for the people,' says Valerie moodily. 'That sounds like a quotation, but I think I just made it up. The problem is that Kimberly is a Christian. Well, that's fine. We could use a Christian or two. For that matter, I am not an un-Christian. But she is very noticeably a Christian, don't you think? I'm amazed how mean she makes me feel.' "
"Labor Day Dinner"
"I'm saying that the people who want anything J posts to be deleted need to get over it. There will always be a J."
Right, and there will always be weeds and Democrats. But they need to held in check or you get disaster.
Its like the Fonz, no one took action, and the next thing you know he's jumped the shark.
I'm not suggesting that anyone person should be eliminated from the conversation. Everyone at some time has something to contribute. In fact lately J has been quite erudite lately and even I have made sense occasionally. But when it becomes vituperative instead of just contentious it is not so much fun anymore.
Williams' 9:40 post is very much on point.
Alice's insight that you're all just a pack of cards should be remembered. Except you're not even a pack of cards. You're all just pixels in cyberspace.
Still patiently waiting on clarification between racial attacks, that are supposedly verboten hereabouts, and the seriel us of the word "yid" as a pejorative.
Dear Ms. Althouse,
Here's hoping you will soon realize that Meade is just a passing fancy and send me an e-mail so you can find your true love. Flirting? Masher? Nope, I'm too old to keep up. Lucky guy, Meade.
I've been on-line since the Big Bang. 300 baud acoustically coupled modems and Selectric Typewriters as terminals (I wrote a driver for the 2741, IBM's model number for the Selectric terminal for a time-sharing operating system).
Comments have always been a big problem. Lettertors to the editors are easy - check lists to the round file, like HR and resumes.
Some comment threads are golden, such as Volokh and Belmont Club. Mostly PJMedia posts are far less tedious than the average pig in a poke. Have you ever talked to them about how they do it?
Just checking: Are Ewok jokes still permitted?
Like howzerdo I've been reading this blog for a long time, and also Trooper York's. It's indicative of a worry that the first time I actually comment is on a dedicated 'comment' thread.
Others have said, and I agree, that there has been a reduction in the quality of the comment community here. I put that down simply to the popularity of the blog; and that idiots are an inevitable part of "the Bell curve of anything". I'm not sure the blog author can really do anything about it. This 'restroom' is temporary at best.
There is absolutely no comparison between the breadth of interests in this blog and TY's - not a criticism, just an observation. I enjoy both, but for very different reasons. If I want to be informed or provoked into thinking about a wide range of topics then this blog is a good place to browse. Some of the commenters are enhancements in their own right; others much less so.
TY's is not in the same class, and I doubt he would even pretend so. That said, his efforts are at times funny, and some of his series are quite well written. But the problem is, at times there is a taint of misogyny in his posts that no amount of "just bustin' balls" can paint over.
I thought that Ms Althouse's comment on the recent influx of commenters at the TY blog was quite perceptive, and very accurate. From past reading of his efforts, I'd also be amazed if he allowed the infestation to continue much longer. (Everyone has a tipsy aunt who can't be safely left behind at home when you go out to visit; my hope is that TY has an answer for this, because it is now ruining his blog as well)
Anyway, good luck here, and thanks for several years now of interesting and stimulating posts.
Shocking meat video FTW.
There is one, and only one, way that this thread could be an interesting post.
If Althouse intended this thread to be a trap where the whiny losers from her blog would be tricked into reveal their lameness.
But, my guess is that Meadehouse is entirely earnest as they present this ode-to-whine.
Whine box is as whine box does.
"Freeman Hunt said...
I'm saying that the people who want anything J posts to be deleted need to get over it. There will always be a J."
About right. I think I've actually read one or two of his posts. Now I just skip over them. Same with Carol_Herman...not that they are cut from the same cloth...I just don't find the rambling entertaining or interesting anymore. Titus never. A few others.
I do read Pogo, AllenS. Always interesting or funny. Both very smart amazing people. You too Freeman, always the voice of reason and clever/funny too. Others I'm to tired to think of.
I always read America's Politico. Sure it's as predictable as the sun rising in the east. But it's nice to know the world still spinning.
Shit, I hate to disagree with Freeman Hunt. She frightens me.
But I do disagree: J is different from other commenters we've complained about. I think J is just an Althouse hater who tries to destroy threads and ruin the comments part of this blog.
We've complained about Ritzy Brazziere, who admitted himself that he argued in bad faith, taking positions merely for the sake of starting a pissing contest, thread jacking, and using insults as a debate tactic. But Ritzy would also argue points and contribute to the conversation. SImilar points could be made about several other commenters.
But J never contributed anything of value. And if you disagree with me, then you're a Wiccan perp, probably aligned with the LDS, and quite possibly a Freemason.
Pastafarian: How different is "J" from, say, Dave-TM (sorry, not going to bother with doing the TM part the correct way)? For just one example.
Oh, and Wiccan perp is an entirely different thing than "wicca perp." Sorry.
; )
I set up a moderate first deal just to block J. I've blocked him for years but he still tries to post two or three times a day. Here, I'd never let Titus through, or many others, but mine is a religious blog. My readers are all believers from around the world. We get a secularist from time to time but they don't stick around. I try to keep the blog relatively safe for them, and on point. Talking about hogs or whatever would more or less be anathema for us. But you have other things you're open to here. The only other thing I block are violently Islamic things where threats come in. These are rare. I have more of a seminar format where I ask a larger question and try to build a bigger understanding of the topic. I rarely go after current events, but when I do I can hit 6000 hits in a day. My usual number is more like 300.
ndspinelli said...
Absolutely Meade, From my reading of the post you were unjustifiably deleted by a autocratic[and apparently short] professor and your bride and fellow commenters called bullshit on that.
I wasn't deleted. I was banned. And everything I had written there was deleted. I had written substantive comments and I engaged, on the merits, in debating topics that the bloggers presented.
I was not trolling, I was not thread-jacking, I was moderate in the number of comments I posted. I challenged and questioned the bloggers and some of the commenters. I'm sure I was annoying. Obviously.
No one here has ever been banned. Everyone is welcome to read and/or comment within certain loose, but well-stated, bounds. Vigorous debate, creative and comic writing, and free self expression are all encouraged.
You, nd, like so many others, are of course free to leave and will be welcome to come back and your comments will continue to be valued by us for the quality of the writing and the sharpness of thought and humor and wisdom you express.
Thank you, best wishes, and goodnight.
@edutcher Troop's left the blog. He took offense to the mass delete.
Did someone tell the Pope?
I guess I was sleeping through the mass delete.
The professor is free to manage the comments however she sees fit.
Consistency is nice.
FWIW I would like to see a collection of the best wv comments.
Do other commenters on other blogs play games with the wv?
"Do you want it after the 'OK'"? ... "I *did* tell her. ... "Just tell me what we're doing here." ... "And now I'm having you squeal." ... "The third one is the struggle." ... "Uncle, my ass!" ...
Reading the comments to this point i am having a sense of having been here before. This is looking more and more like the run up to a putsch, the conversations that set the table for a little house cleaning, the formation of some principles meant to replace some of those worn out principles that have guided us up til now but which have become inconvenient to our mission.
Dust Bunny Queen way up in the thread said this:
"There is a fine line between free speech and allowing psychotic and deranged guests to drive the other guests away."
I am amazed that so many people don't understand that their free speech rights don't apply to private property. While in a technical sense, these pixels, I imagine, belong to Google since they own Blogger, they are being arranged by Althouse/Meade. I suppose I could look at the fine print of the Blogger contract to find out.
Either way, free speech isn't guaranteed here and the owners can feel free to delete, change, or alter comments as they please. Don't like it? Too bad.
No comments about the 9 yo kid susspended for sexual harrasing his teacher for calling her pretty?
Or the controversy in India-Pakistan for the nude photos of a model with ISI in her arm?
"Whine box is as whine box does. "
Is this the place where we lodge complaints that our Constitutional right to not be offended were violated, and demand Justice?
....just kidding.
I really don't see much of a problem with the comments on Althouse.
In fact, there is much to be proud of--in my book.
It's really quite simple. If you respect Althouse, you'll respect her blog, and in turn....well, you get the picture.
Personally, when I see a comment by "J", I leave Althouse immediately.
That guy really, really bugs me. The creeps kinda way-
Too many thing to read a absorb on the internet to waste one more second wallowing in mental pollution.
That's just me, and it's a personal choice.
The only other thing I would like to point out is that the first few comments on a blog post usually set the tone and direction of the thread--no matter which way it was intended to go by the host.
It's an awesome, awesome responsibility-
I have become a fan of this blog because of the commenters. Please tread carefully in attempts to craft or cool the comments. I cringe a little at deletion guidelines because I'd hate for it to become cliquish rather than an 'all are welcome' affair.
When people advocate deletion of stuff that is crap, I cringe a little. What you think is crap may be something that I don't mind, or vice-versa.
Contrast is a powerful device.
Whatever happened to Capt. Hate?
Good morning and thank you, Meade. You are what Wordsworth called, the Happy Warrior. For the most part so am I, although I probably have more of a dark side than you. I think we're cut from the same cloth but our chosen professions had a much different influence on us, shaping our world view both good and bad.
Lets start w/ something I think we can all agree on, this "beef box"[an homage to Joe Pyne] was long overdue. I was heartened to see it appear. I don't posture and I never look upon myself as a victim. I took offense to this forum being called a "restroom." In my ethnic, blue collar upbringing problems were discussed in the kitchen. My wise mother would often say, "Better out than in" when one of us kids let fly w/ a "frank and honest" complaint, to use diplomatic terms. I'm certain many families had these discussions in the living room. Unfortunately, some families, like my brides, never had a forum. But I doubt any family had meetings in the bathroom! I know this is not our family, but the calling of this forum a "restroom" says a lot about the person who said it, and nothing about us commenters.
As stated previously, I am a professional who operated in the real world, not academia. I really don't know your background, you're obviously as smart as your bride, but I believe you were a businessman. You certainly act as such. I'm certain I could do business w/ a professional like you. But that's not an option here. I took a sabbatical a year ago. That might be prudent again, I'll think about it.
"This is the Happy Warrior; this is he
Whom every man in arms should wish to be."
Nobody, It is more than a bit ironic that the main character of discussion, J, has not appeared. I've seen over the years I can often learn much about someone based on what they DON'T do.
I don't think the comments are any different now than they've been in the past, aside from there now being more people.
But I know that there is a favorite commenter who complains often about what he perceives to be a decline.
I imagine those complaints have something to do with all this.
Either way, minor deletions or no, the comments at this blog will be fine.
My name is Triangle Man and I support this policy.
Imagine two blogs like this:
One the current Althouse, and another with the "crap" deleted per Althouse preference.
Which one would you read? Which one would you comment on? At first probably both, but eventually? I suspect we all would NOT choose the same one.
I'd hate for it to become cliquish rather than an 'all are welcome' affair.
It’s kind of already cliquish, though. I don’t know that deleting will change that.
(count me in as amused at the sudden 'anti flirtation' policy coming from this particular source!)
Imagine two blogs like this:
One the current Althouse, and another with the "crap" deleted per Althouse preference.
Which one would you read?
Well, Bagoh, I'm glad you've presented yourself as Exhibit A. About halfway down these comments is a post by you that was deleted by a blog administrator. What kind of crap are you posting here?
I want to make a correction. There is one commenter who has effectively been banned inasmuch as each of her comments will always be deleted, unread, whenever we come across one. In that one case, there is no amount of good commenting that can win her back the privilege of expressing herself on this blog.
For everyone else, please know that you are welcome here anytime. It's great for us when we find new commenters participating in the conversations, as it is a pleasure to see many familiar faces and names come, go, and come again.
To be clear, there is no "no flirting" policy. The policy, simply stated, is - don't leave clutter.
Express wit, intelligent debate, humor, creativity, silliness, and, of course, affection - particularly with sharpness and pithiness. If you do, your comments, whether or not they receive a reply, will be highly valued here.
Flirt, troll, chat, derail as you wish - but please be judicious. While some amount will be tolerated, we have our limits and if you wish to test those limits, deletion will be your clue to enough having become enough.
Finally, the spam filter is not easily calibrated. So if you've posted a comment that doesn't show up, or one that disappears, please email either one of us and we will have a look at it as soon as we can.
Thank you for reading Althouse and thank you for your unique contributions.
One wonders if the banned commenter is Carol Herman, one time "new star" of the comment section on this blog. One wonders, and hopes. Back during the Scooter Libby trial, I spent (too much) time at Just One Minute, and she had the long, disjointed and borderline racist posts that reflected poorly on the blog.
But who knows, it could be Patrick, although I decidedly do not fall into the category of "her."
J, at 11:11am 7 Dec 2011, on the "Skeletal Santa" thread:
"Like say Trad. guy aka Byro-sorepaw the Subluxanator (Sac white supremacist sockpup with dozens of phony s-names, etc)."
That's the 2,037th time he's made that accusation, by the way, on some 897 threads. I just wanted to point that out, since you've indicated that repetition and clutter won't be tolerated.
Except when they are, I guess.
There's also the industrial-grade crazy of claiming that half of the commenters here are the same guy from Sacramento (now including traditionalguy, who's been here for years). If that were the case, I don't think I'd come here any more. New readers probably don't realize how insane J is, and believe this, and are driven away.
Past, I'm just waiting to see if his next "yid" comment is deleted given the apparent animus against racial epithets. I doubt I'll have to wait too long.
Count me among the infinitesimal minority that isn't bothered by J. At least (s)he reads the prior comments in a thread before unleashing his nuttiness. And since I find it hard to believe that anyone could be both functional and as psychotic as J appears to be, I think the character of J is some sort of satire of bad internet commentary. At least that's how I read his stuff, which occasionally gives me a couple of laughs rather than acid reflux.
The comments that really kill threads, IMO, are the ones by people who've clearly not read any of the previous comments.
I suppose I should clarify that although I don't enjoy Herman's posts, and I scroll past, I don't think she ought to be banned for writing verbose, often pointless posts. I don't think "does this bore/annoy Patrick" ought to be the consideration for banning on any blog other than one I write.
"I decided to not take a sabbatical. I'm sure you and your bride will be pleased."
A second wind after some EBL recovery time--which is completely different than proverbial wound licking?
And there's no boring (nearly to the point of pitifulness) flirtpalooza at the EBL Recovery Center either.
[Hint for EBLRC: don't seem like bitter wound lickers if you don't want to be called out as bitter wound lickers.]
Meade, You certainly realize there is a big disparity in what you said in your last post, and what your bride spewed on Bloody Sunday. Are you speaking for her also?
J, 2:16pm, 7 Dec 2011, in the thread about "78 right-of-center bloggers...":
"...byro-jay. Recall the war you pretended to oppose? You don't want to expose your klan side do you? Most of the time, yr a "liberal" remember.(of course the server reveals all of your cyber-stalking)..."
Nope, no repetition or clutter here. Just insightful commentary.
Go ahead and do a compare & contrast. Describe the disparity you feel you perceive.
At the risk of sounding repetitive, as I've already mentioned it three times without a response, compare nigger with yid. Is one worse? Is one more acceptable?
What if someone that frequents your blog hurls one or the other at other people that comment on your blog as an insult. I can compare and contrast them all day long, but I don't believe either to be appropriate. Given that one has already been declared off limits, I should hope to think the other would be as well.
Don't racial insults have a transitive property?
Jesus Christ on horseback, I can't even keep up with the little twerp:
J, once again in the Skeletal Santa thread: "...Byro TWM the Subluxanator, since like yr mama--po'Janey,right?--mysteriously disappeared during one of your visits to Yuma and your LDS pals, raht. Maybe you mean ...barracaded while dressed in their mama's dresses?? Yeah something like that."
So we have a Byro accusation, 7th grade "yo mama" insults, and anti-mormonism. Next: J in the VERY SAME FUCKING THREAD, 1:08pm:
"...AZ stoners, eh rosebud-byro...Byro-rosebud, scientologist...AZ-trash. Many people are on to you now...Sac mental health people"
I've replaced with ellipses mostly unreadable gibberish and spittle.
Same thread, 1:17:
"...Byro OWS?...drug-scum...spam away with your dozens of s-names mental patient. The server admin thinks its funny as well."
At the risk of being repetitive: These were all on one thread. None have been deleted yet, after several hours, so I guess that means they meet your criteria for acceptable comments.
@Scott M, I'm sorry, my last comment was directed to Mr. Spinelli.
Please tell me, specifically, where you feel racial insults are being used.
@Pasta, aren't all those comments you quoted ignorable? I just did a search through today's threads and didn't see a real problem.
ndspinelli: Am I one of the "obscure reinforcements?" You've got to be kidding me.
@ndspinelli, please repost your 1:59 PM comment and leave blank the four-letter name of the person you reference in the first line. I'm going to begin deleting any comment that mentions that person by name. Thank you.
Please tell me, specifically, where you feel racial insults are being used.
I'm asking, specifically, if the two of you that hold sway over the content of comments on this blog consider "yid" as racially off-limits as "nigger". That's a specific question.
If you want me to dig up multiple postings by a particular unfortunate regular hereabouts, I'm sure it will not be a problem, but I wanted to get your take first.
@Scott M, we consider abuse of individuals, by using any racial epithet or ethnic insult on this blog, to be a comment worthy of deletion.
Thank you. I'm not going to bother going OOOO, OOOO! HE DID IT AGAIN! DELETE THE HERETIC. I'll leave that up to you. I will simply mention that "yid" has been used repeatedly by the same commenter without sanction of any kind that I could see.
ndspinelli said...
Well Meade, I was going to mention ____ in my response to your question but in the interest of harmony I did not. Now I see honor is only one way here. You have your brides back, which I can abide. But she's being snarky about wound licking and so she has to expect some shit from me. It's my take that our benevolent professor didn't get all of the love she hoped for in this thread. She has her noble groom taking heat and trying to put out the fires she set. And, I noticed some obscure reinforcements dropped in to lend support last night. They all had the same theme, "I haven't been here for awhile but the comments are bad.." Doesn't pass the smell test, Meade. I decided to not take a sabbatical. I'm sure you and your bride will be pleased.
12/7/11 1:59 PM
Triangle Man said...
The banned commenter is almost certainly ____. Her comments never amounted to anything more than harassment.
12/7/11 11:48 AM
ndspinelli said...
Well professor, you're out of control. How could legit comments about Blago's sentence and possible prison, and Chicago politics in general be deleted? If you banned me you missed the one where I asked you a legit question about Leonard Peltier. Better get that deleted also. If you wish, I can tell you where else I've commented in case your unable, for whatever reason, to navigate your own blog. Just say the word. You've lost whatever moral authority you clinged to the past few days. Salud!
12/7/11 4:58 PM
PaulV said...
4 Massachusetts democrat House Speakers wErE convicted fot felonies but usually do not have to serve time. Just to save state $$$$
12/7/11 3:54 PM
ndspinelli said...
Who is deleting professor, you or your better half. You see Meade expressed a much more sane and open policy over on the beef box. I was just deleted here. I'm not going to email you. I know how that works. let the sunshine on this controversey. I will meet snark w/ snark. You stop being snarky on wound licking, and so will I. You fess up as to why you posted this and I'll let it go. But, what you did here is cowardly horseshit..even by your low standards.
12/7/11 3:34 PM
What I Learned Today From Althouse Blog
1. Ann is Evil.
2. Meade is her eunuch.
3. You are a sycophant if you appreciate Ann’s work running the blog.
4. You are a suck up if you agree with Ann’s opinions.
5. You are a fascist freedom-of-speech-hater if you wish somebody would just delete the more crazy J posts.
6. You are intolerant if you scroll past Carol Herman’s ramblings and fail to stop and mine the nuggets of wisdom that might, just might be found there every once in a while.
7. Ann is a capitalist pig for mentioning that she makes a couple of bucks when you order through the Althouse Amazon portal something that takes no effort on anybody’s part to do and they are free to disregard the suggestion.
8. Gratitude is in short supply for those who have gained a following from being a regular commenter on Ann’s blog, who despite sometimes incredible levels of rudeness on their part, she continues to carry on her blog roll.
I do think it's rude to come to someone's blog and insult them. the way you want to run your blog is your business and if people don't like it they will leave.
I do have to say though that this: "Thank you for reading Althouse and thank you for your unique contributions." sounds like a form letter :)
If I had my druthers, I would delete all comments with the fake word 'yr' included, which would take out most of the crazy J comments and leave the ones where he's actually talking like a normal person.
Chip said..
The comments that really kill threads, IMO, are the ones by people who've clearly not read any of the previous comments.
I think that is short sighted, as I am one.
I read the headline, the link (sometimes--sometimes I'm already aware)
I'm compelled to comment.
My own thoughts-
Not weighed, not filtered by other comments.
If I repeat another comment, so be it-
I guess we think alike.
Sometimes, I just speak to the topic at hand.
Damn anyone else's opinion.
I don't understand why that irritates you.
Meade, I would say your Machiavellan-lite tactics were good cop/bad cop. But, the more I observe I think it's "crazy control freak cop/ errand boy cop."
I had a family member that was a control freak. She was also an addict. I got her into rehab and met w/ the shrinks. They gave me an analogy that made so much sense to me. The male shrink asked me if I watched Ed Sullivan as a kid. I told him it was my old mans fav. He then asked, do you remember the plate spinners who would be running back and forth trying to keep 8 dinner plates spinning on 8 thin poles. Indeed I did. He then said "That's been your family members life for over a decade..she's trying to control the uncontrollable."
Just sayn'
Are you an enabler, Meade?
ndspinelli said...
Oh..everything up in that area is Thumb related..reataurants, hotels etc. They are very proud of their Thumbdom.
I'm not ____..I have value..pleeeeease don't delete me massaaa. I'm tryin' to pick my share.
12/7/11 6:14 PM
ndspinelli said...
Oh, if you have a reference to Jesus' mother you apparently need to have a euphemism. I suggest the Virgin Ann or Virgin Debby [].
12/7/11 6:17 PM
ndspinelli said...
Fascinating article professor, thank you soooo much. You're the best!
12/7/11 6:19 PM
howzerdo, Your question is a tacit admission of guilt.
Just sayn'
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