"... put the Democratic Party in this position in the first place.… The Biden family — and the disconnected reality that they and their ineffective little circle live in — is responsible for the Trump sequel and the wilderness the Democratic Party finds itself in today.... These people drank so much of their own Kool-Aid... that they believed — and still seemingly believe — that an 82-year-old man with a 38% approval rating on a good day, who can’t sit down for a simple traditional 10-minute pre-Super Bowl interview, was the answer for Democrats in 2024 and now this same group thinks the Bidens are the answer for Democrats now? The fact that they continue to surround themselves with the same cast of clowns who delivered them nothing but the most devastating humiliation in modern political history — a president’s own power taken away by his own party — is all you need to know about them. They’ve learned nothing and they are the absolutely last and worst remedy for what ails the party in 2025 and 2026."
Did the Bidens "put the Democratic Party in this position" or did the Democratic Party put the Bidens in the place where they found themselves? What happened "in the first place"? The Democratic Party has itself to blame for forcing Biden on the country in 2020 and for everything that happened down the line.
ADDED: Dana Carvey captured the essence (on last night's new episode of "Real Time"):
Interesting to watch Democrats project on other Democrats; "These people drank so much of their own Kool-Aid"
They would come here in the comments or tell us on TV to ignore what we saw because it was AI, and now they say, "nope, we didn't drink the Kool-Aid, the Biden's did". Sure.
Those are the right questions. But it's so strange, really. The Democratic Party, including its leadership, is filled up with very bright, energetic, savvy people. And they allowed this to happen. How and why? It is quite a mystery.
I watched the whole embedded clip with Carvey...he's an equal opportunity comic impersonator and makes it easy to laugh at his targets regardless of political party. It feels so healthy.
We can laugh at that impression of Joe Biden, but the misery, death and destruction that guy was the proximate cause of - both here and around the world - is nearly incalculable.
In fact, if I ever retire I might write a book about the Biden presidency. Title? “I Did That.”
They put Biden in place even after having heard, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up”. That was uttered by Obama, one of the people responsible for putting Biden in that place. Let that sink in.
As Breezy pointed out upthread, he was perfect for the job. Job = patsy. They've flooded America with unvetted aliens. Cost is inestimable, but lingering for decades.
Clinton, Obama, Hillary, Biden Harris. Has either party run a string of candidates who are even close to being as corrupt as that group? Not just corrupt, but incompetent, and evil. Say what you want about Trump, but he has a transparent history of over 30 years in the public eye. And he has been very consistent in his views. Bidens 50 years in politics is also easy to view, and he has always been the same loud mouth, cruel, greedy, incompetent fool. The Dem party owners knew he was a dementia patient before 2020. Next up, Bernie/AOC?
"the most devastating humiliation in modern political history — a president’s own power taken away by his own party"
The worst offenses are those against the party. When he left the race, Biden referenced the best interests of the party and the country, in that order.
"The Democratic Party has itself to blame for forcing Biden on the country in 2020 and for everything that happened down the line."
Factcheck: True
But, Democrats being Democrats, want to place the blame elsewhere.
Poor, Joe. He wanted to be President his entire career, but when he was finally put there, it was in name only because his brain was pudding. Now he's being blamed for the fallout of a presidency he never actually had.
Not sure if that would be considered karma, but whatever it is Joe deserves it.
"The Democratic Party has itself to blame for forcing Biden on the country in 2020 and for everything that happened down the line."
The radical leftists who have co-opted the Democratic Party are to blame, and until the Party cleans house and kicks out the crazies, it'll be more of the same nonsense.
How is Biden to blame? Harris was the candidate, and its the DNC and the "Democrat Party" that decided to have no primaries and then panicked after one debate and dumped Biden.
But the great thing about the D's is there's never any discussion of the agenda or their policies. What they want to do, if they get power, never changes. The Labour party in the UK is the same. So, every postmortem (sic) after a loss, is just how to change our marketing strategy. What candidate can we get that believes the same things, but can sell the sizzle not the steak better.
And please stop, Liberal/leftists with your fake outrage, especially you "Bernie Bros". We all know you'll never stop voting D, you'll always "Fall in line" and support whoever the Democrat Power Elite serves up. You'd vote for Biden again, if he ran in 2028. Even if he was dead.
As for Poor Ol' Joe, I'm always amazed how much personality and looks affect our judgement of leaders. If someone, like Biden, gives off a likable "Good ol' Joe from Scanton PA", then people seem to give a pass, and hit soft or not hit at all. Because in reality, Biden surpassed Hillary in corruption, lying, abuse of power, and vengeful hatred of anyone - especially Trump - who opposed him. He deliberately flooded this country with millions of illegals and didn't give a damn who got hurt, and he was perfectly willing to start WW III with Russia.
Someone up thread said Joe was "incompetent". Well, I disgree. He and Congressional D's were very "competent" in pushing their agenda, spending tax dollars on their favortie people and projects, and stacking the courts with Leftwing fanatics. He was only "Incompetent" in getting re-elected.
I think they are desperate AGAIN to take down Bernie sanders and now AOC as well. Those two resurgent will get all of the white college educated women.
I assumed this was just someone in the Biden camp messing with everyone. Joe's ready to step up, get back in the ring. Wink, twitch, wink. I don't think we can assume Biden himself even knows what year it is or that he remembers he was once President of the United States.
What's amazing is that Biden is far from the craziest idea the Dems can fall for. At least he is a real thing that you can see and touch, and be sniffed by.
The Biden family is a corrupt at the democrat party. The dems knew they had Biden by his short hairs - because Ukrainian money family money grubbing is just the tip of the left's corrupt iceberg.
The Biden brand had residual good will from his past occasional flirtations with common sense. His utter lack of earned respect within the party, and his vulnerability to manipulation, made him the ideal tool for the hate America squanderfest that is the Democratic Party's current reason for being.
This whole current story line on the Bidens is so ridiculous and absurd that I can't help but wonder if it's some sort of scripted head fake, or new shiny object, that's being put out there.
On the other hand, when a political head fake/pysop is being run, usually there's a real plan playing out behind the scenes while everyone is distracted. So what is the real plan? I'm not seeing any.
That sounds a lot like the Obamas, too. You have to be full of yourself to want to be president. After a while it desensitizes you to things beyond your own wants and needs.
Every time the Democrats took over the White House they had a candidate who had been plucked by the media and especially groomed for the post. Carter, Clinton, and Obama all made the cover of Time or Newsweek years before their run to generate chatter. They were anointed (so were Hart, Dukakis, and maybe Edwards and Kerry). You could even trace this back through Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Wilson, though with more difficulty.
Time and Newsweek declined in recent years and the Democrats had no savior waiting in the wings. The party had also been balkanized. It wasn't going to accept some new straight white (or black) male hopeful. The only one who could make the others back down and make sure that Trump (or Sanders) didn't win was old Joe. Biden was pretty much the only choice for the party in the same way that Harris was pretty much the only choice for Biden, once he'd committed himself to picking a woman of color.
I do like how a "one-time senior White House advisor" is talking about a group he or she must have been fully a part of as "these people." You were one of these people, buddy. Own it.
Eric the Fruit Bat said... "Perhaps the cabal really did think Harris would be able to get up to speed."
It will be interesting to see how many California Democrats still think this is possible. If she's nominated for governor, she will certainly win and will spend 4-8 years giggling away in that office. Are there still people who expect anything of substance from her?
Yes, Biden is responsible for the current, in-progress trump debacle.
Biden should have been persuaded to resign in mid 2023, when the decline had firmly set in. Perhaps they tried. Harris would have grown into the office (I know, I know, they said that about trump too) and been ready, if not able, to beat trump
Biden should have been persuaded to resign Passive voice for the win. Who is doing the persuading? The Democrat problem is that no one knows who the man behind the curtain is.
Leslie Graves said... But it's so strange, really. The Democratic Party, including its leadership, is filled up with very bright, energetic, savvy people. And they allowed this to happen. How and why? It is quite a mystery.
While Biden in many ways lost his ability to process what was happening in the world that tragically affected other people's lives, "lovable" uncle Joe never lost his selfish and spiteful ability to punish enemies.
It is going to be interesting if Occasional Cortex runs for President in 2028. She will command the Bernie Sanders cohort of primary voters and as a female won't likely get screwed by the party hierarchy as easily since she is likely to be heavily supported by the media, too.
The Democrat party is full of bright, energetic and savvy people? I'm sorry, but I don't buy that assessment. As a retired lawyer, Order of the Coif guy from a top law school and all that, I spent a career among very bright people. But some were in reality highly credentialed fools--and not "savvy" at all. Those bright people let their party get taken over by extremist ideologues. The Democrat party is going to have to be like a cat coughing up a hairball to get rid of those ideologues before it can return to power. And power is what the Dims love. The party also has a gerontocracy problem--those folks will have to shuffle off to their natural end. And it's got a very thin bench of younger centrist people. On the other hand, now that Dr. Jill is out of the White House, the makers of sofa fabric will find their sales are down.
Democrats should keep on keepin’ on… 80/20 issues? Keep riding the 20… keep burning shit down… just stay away from our children and keep your fucking, thieving fingers out of the US Treasury.
“Did the Bidens "put the Democratic Party in this position" or did the Democratic Party put the Bidens in the place where they found themselves?” The Bidens, at the very least, fully cooperated in this scam presidency. They couldn’t have been put anywhere otherwise.
The Democrats will advance, one funeral at a time. In 6 years the Democrats will have their own Trump, the first Democrat in years that ordinary people would invite into their homes.
Yes Yes Yes. They rigged the primary to in 2020 to keep Bernie and Elizabeth from winning. They BS everyone Biden being a moderate. I also wonder who was in control of Biden? Was it Obama old team or was Jill in control?
Welker: Leader Schumer, what do you say to Americans who feel as though you and other top Democrats misled them about President Biden’s mental acuity?
Schumer: No. Look, we didn’t. And let’s—let’s look—let’s look at President Biden. He’s had an amazing record. The legislation we passed, one of the most significant groups of legislation since the New Deal—since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, putting in 235 judges, a record. And he’s a patriot. He’s a great guy. And when he stepped down, he did it on his own because he thought it was better not only for the Democratic Party, for America. We should all salute him. We should all salute him.
Biden should have been persuaded to resign in mid 2023, when the decline had firmly set in.
Oh, horseshit. You people were telling us - over and over and over - there was nothing wrong with Biden. Sharp as a tack. No, he's not wandering off. Smartest man in the room.
Biden was a puppet of Obama, and his mental decline, obvious to all honest observers before the election of 2020, was a feature, not a bug, for his control by Obama and his minions in the administration. Obama, who in Operation Fast & Furious ran guns to the Mexican drug cartels explicitly in order to have a cause to destroy 2nd Amendment rights, had zero problems having administration officials loyal only to him run the Biden administration, including the autopen for signing things Biden either never knew of, or even opposed. I for one look forward to memoirs in a decade or so about the way this corruption was handled by the operatives. It is the greatest presidential scandal of my lifetime, and I was here for the first time Nixon got kicked out because of his scandalous behavior.
There are plenty of smart Democrats, including those who disagree with me about almost everything. Schumer, Rohanna, Mayor Pete, Bernie, Obama, Susan Rice, etc. But the party apparatus keeps promoting democrats who are not that smart. Biden, AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxine Waters, etc. Because so many of these are women or women of color, nobody can say "they're not that smart." But then they get nominated and people see it for themselves without having to say it out loud.
I hereby impeach: Every mainstream media news site that DID'NT tell me that Biden was not competent to be President. Also, I impeach EVERY Democrat political leader that did not only fail to tell me that Biden was not competent to be President, but actually pushed him for President. I am no fan of Trump, but it's THE DEMOCRATS who have given us no choice. I have no love for Trump, but WHAT CHOICE HAVE YOU GIVEN ME?
I voted for Warren in 2020 and for Phillips in 2024 because I thought Biden too old, but I still don't see signs of old age decline as obvious as Trump's behaviors these days. Demanding the Maine governor give heartfelt personal apology to unfreeze funds? Cut off his 2024 opponent's security clearance as a national security risk? Continunue daily to demand annexation for Canada? Conduct Tesla sales event with CEO on White House grounds?
The Grand Delusion. Sorry Democrats you built a house of cards, then you reached too far, went with Sanders economic plan and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Scoop up that fertilizer and plant a weeping willow tree in your echo chamber. We told you over and over. But we're "not to smart" because we voted for the icky guy. Enjoy the suck.
Providing out-of-office politicians a security clearance IS a national security risk. They don't need them. They should be granted in special cases for the benefit of the US government, but allowing them in the hundreds to people who are no longer in a policy-making position and, nowadays, probably willing to screw the current administration out of animus, is nuts.
Out of office Politicians with perrenial security clearances: just thinking of that prick John Kerry, sitting in a Paris Cafe, with Iranians, trying to torpedo Trumps foreign policy.
We sometimes think that the old timers were more decent than modern pols. They were just as assholy but there was no internet then, and we have to depend on lying newspapers.
“They were careless people, Joe and Jill -- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
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"They’ve learned nothing....""
So the Bidens are the American Habsburgs?
Maybe not - that would require Joe to "remember everything."
Did the Bidens "put the Democratic Party in this position" or did the Democratic Party put the Bidens in the place where they found themselves?
Spot on. The cabal needed somebody that fit the suit and would shut up. They got the first part…
Kudos to NY Post for keeping them focused on their messenger and not their message…
Whoever arranged the fraudulent votes for Biden in 2020 is responsible.
Whoever arranged the fraudulent votes for Biden in 2020 is responsible.
Perhaps the cabal really did think Harris would be able to get up to speed.
Interesting to watch Democrats project on other Democrats; "These people drank so much of their own Kool-Aid"
They would come here in the comments or tell us on TV to ignore what we saw because it was AI, and now they say, "nope, we didn't drink the Kool-Aid, the Biden's did". Sure.
To understand the Democratic Party, think of the Republican Party and remove reason and accountability.
Those are the right questions. But it's so strange, really. The Democratic Party, including its leadership, is filled up with very bright, energetic, savvy people. And they allowed this to happen. How and why? It is quite a mystery.
I watched the whole embedded clip with Carvey...he's an equal opportunity comic impersonator and makes it easy to laugh at his targets regardless of political party. It feels so healthy.
The Gigante administration wishes to reenter the arena.
"Get me my bathrobe! I'm tanned, rested, and in the best shape of my life!"
The same people who a few months ago could see nothing wrong with Biden are totally convinced they know what Trump is thinking.
Exactly. The Bidens did not orchestrate the big "quit and endorse Biden" strategy in 2020. Someone else did.
We can laugh at that impression of Joe Biden, but the misery, death and destruction that guy was the proximate cause of - both here and around the world - is nearly incalculable.
In fact, if I ever retire I might write a book about the Biden presidency. Title? “I Did That.”
They put Biden in place even after having heard, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F things up”. That was uttered by Obama, one of the people responsible for putting Biden in that place. Let that sink in.
They did, and as usual, they turn on the very people they USED to love and put on a pedestal. (ex:ELON)
wendybar said...
They did, and as usual, they turn on the very people they USED to love and put on a pedestal.
People are but objects to them for a means to power.
They got away with it. That's all that matters. Success!.
As Breezy pointed out upthread, he was perfect for the job.
Job = patsy. They've flooded America with unvetted aliens.
Cost is inestimable, but lingering for decades.
Clinton, Obama, Hillary, Biden Harris. Has either party run a string of candidates who are even close to being as corrupt as that group? Not just corrupt, but incompetent, and evil.
Say what you want about Trump, but he has a transparent history of over 30 years in the public eye. And he has been very consistent in his views.
Bidens 50 years in politics is also easy to view, and he has always been the same loud mouth, cruel, greedy, incompetent fool. The Dem party owners knew he was a dementia patient before 2020.
Next up, Bernie/AOC?
"the most devastating humiliation in modern political history — a president’s own power taken away by his own party"
The worst offenses are those against the party. When he left the race, Biden referenced the best interests of the party and the country, in that order.
"The Democratic Party has itself to blame for forcing Biden on the country in 2020 and for everything that happened down the line."
Factcheck: True
But, Democrats being Democrats, want to place the blame elsewhere.
Poor, Joe. He wanted to be President his entire career, but when he was finally put there, it was in name only because his brain was pudding. Now he's being blamed for the fallout of a presidency he never actually had.
Not sure if that would be considered karma, but whatever it is Joe deserves it.
"The Democratic Party has itself to blame for forcing Biden on the country in 2020 and for everything that happened down the line."
The radical leftists who have co-opted the Democratic Party are to blame, and until the Party cleans house and kicks out the crazies, it'll be more of the same nonsense.
Poor Jill, she must be having a hard time adjusting to living in obscurity in Delaware. Giving up all that power is a very hard thing.
How is Biden to blame? Harris was the candidate, and its the DNC and the "Democrat Party" that decided to have no primaries and then panicked after one debate and dumped Biden.
But the great thing about the D's is there's never any discussion of the agenda or their policies. What they want to do, if they get power, never changes. The Labour party in the UK is the same. So, every postmortem (sic) after a loss, is just how to change our marketing strategy. What candidate can we get that believes the same things, but can sell the sizzle not the steak better.
And please stop, Liberal/leftists with your fake outrage, especially you "Bernie Bros". We all know you'll never stop voting D, you'll always "Fall in line" and support whoever the Democrat Power Elite serves up. You'd vote for Biden again, if he ran in 2028. Even if he was dead.
You won’t read that in the Yew Nork Times.
As for Poor Ol' Joe, I'm always amazed how much personality and looks affect our judgement of leaders. If someone, like Biden, gives off a likable "Good ol' Joe from Scanton PA", then people seem to give a pass, and hit soft or not hit at all. Because in reality, Biden surpassed Hillary in corruption, lying, abuse of power, and vengeful hatred of anyone - especially Trump - who opposed him. He deliberately flooded this country with millions of illegals and didn't give a damn who got hurt, and he was perfectly willing to start WW III with Russia.
‘In fact, if I ever retire I might write a book about the Biden presidency. Title? “I Did That.” ‘
Don’t…Don’t… Don’t… Don’t… Don’t…
Whenever I read about a Biden Senior Statesman I play the following, at high volume.
Someone up thread said Joe was "incompetent". Well, I disgree. He and Congressional D's were very "competent" in pushing their agenda, spending tax dollars on their favortie people and projects, and stacking the courts with Leftwing fanatics. He was only "Incompetent" in getting re-elected.
I think they are desperate AGAIN to take down Bernie sanders and now AOC as well. Those two resurgent will get all of the white college educated women.
I assumed this was just someone in the Biden camp messing with everyone. Joe's ready to step up, get back in the ring. Wink, twitch, wink. I don't think we can assume Biden himself even knows what year it is or that he remembers he was once President of the United States.
What's amazing is that Biden is far from the craziest idea the Dems can fall for. At least he is a real thing that you can see and touch, and be sniffed by.
Joe Biden was a demented scamster, who would do as he was told.
Feature? or Flaw?
The Biden family is a corrupt at the democrat party. The dems knew they had Biden by his short hairs - because Ukrainian money family money grubbing is just the tip of the left's corrupt iceberg.
"is as"
The Biden brand had residual good will from his past occasional flirtations with common sense. His utter lack of earned respect within the party, and his vulnerability to manipulation, made him the ideal tool for the hate America squanderfest that is the Democratic Party's current reason for being.
"Kevin said...
To understand the Democratic Party, think of the Republican Party and remove reason and accountability."
if you divide the electorate into 4 quadrants:
College Females.......Non College Females
College Males...........Non College Males
The Democrats are currently winning only the 1st quad
(College "Educated" Females)
So, when Kevin uses the female character line to describe Democrats.. he is SPOT ON
Democrats are devious liars.
the 2020 Biden Presidency Vs. Weekend At Bernie's
what were the differences?
I'll start: Biden was filmed in Delaware, and Weekend was filmed in North Carolina
This whole current story line on the Bidens is so ridiculous and absurd that I can't help but wonder if it's some sort of scripted head fake, or new shiny object, that's being put out there.
On the other hand, when a political head fake/pysop is being run, usually there's a real plan playing out behind the scenes while everyone is distracted. So what is the real plan? I'm not seeing any.
That sounds a lot like the Obamas, too. You have to be full of yourself to want to be president. After a while it desensitizes you to things beyond your own wants and needs.
Every time the Democrats took over the White House they had a candidate who had been plucked by the media and especially groomed for the post. Carter, Clinton, and Obama all made the cover of Time or Newsweek years before their run to generate chatter. They were anointed (so were Hart, Dukakis, and maybe Edwards and Kerry). You could even trace this back through Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Wilson, though with more difficulty.
Time and Newsweek declined in recent years and the Democrats had no savior waiting in the wings. The party had also been balkanized. It wasn't going to accept some new straight white (or black) male hopeful. The only one who could make the others back down and make sure that Trump (or Sanders) didn't win was old Joe. Biden was pretty much the only choice for the party in the same way that Harris was pretty much the only choice for Biden, once he'd committed himself to picking a woman of color.
I do like how a "one-time senior White House advisor" is talking about a group he or she must have been fully a part of as "these people." You were one of these people, buddy. Own it.
Eric the Fruit Bat said...
"Perhaps the cabal really did think Harris would be able to get up to speed."
It will be interesting to see how many California Democrats still think this is possible. If she's nominated for governor, she will certainly win and will spend 4-8 years giggling away in that office. Are there still people who expect anything of substance from her?
Yes, Biden is responsible for the current, in-progress trump debacle.
Biden should have been persuaded to resign in mid 2023, when the decline had firmly set in. Perhaps they tried. Harris would have grown into the office (I know, I know, they said that about trump too) and been ready, if not able, to beat trump
Biden should have been persuaded to resign
Passive voice for the win. Who is doing the persuading? The Democrat problem is that no one knows who the man behind the curtain is.
Harris as California governor ... shudder.
Leslie Graves said...
But it's so strange, really. The Democratic Party, including its leadership, is filled up with very bright, energetic, savvy people. And they allowed this to happen. How and why? It is quite a mystery.
While Biden in many ways lost his ability to process what was happening in the world that tragically affected other people's lives, "lovable" uncle Joe never lost his selfish and spiteful ability to punish enemies.
It is going to be interesting if Occasional Cortex runs for President in 2028. She will command the Bernie Sanders cohort of primary voters and as a female won't likely get screwed by the party hierarchy as easily since she is likely to be heavily supported by the media, too.
The Democrat party is full of bright, energetic and savvy people? I'm sorry, but I don't buy that assessment. As a retired lawyer, Order of the Coif guy from a top law school and all that, I spent a career among very bright people. But some were in reality highly credentialed fools--and not "savvy" at all. Those bright people let their party get taken over by extremist ideologues. The Democrat party is going to have to be like a cat coughing up a hairball to get rid of those ideologues before it can return to power. And power is what the Dims love. The party also has a gerontocracy problem--those folks will have to shuffle off to their natural end. And it's got a very thin bench of younger centrist people. On the other hand, now that Dr. Jill is out of the White House, the makers of sofa fabric will find their sales are down.
Democrats should keep on keepin’ on… 80/20 issues? Keep riding the 20… keep burning shit down… just stay away from our children and keep your fucking, thieving fingers out of the US Treasury.
“Did the Bidens "put the Democratic Party in this position" or did the Democratic Party put the Bidens in the place where they found themselves?”
The Bidens, at the very least, fully cooperated in this scam presidency. They couldn’t have been put anywhere otherwise.
Is Joe still around? He disappeared faster than any ex-President 1 can remember.
Maher is going to interview Trump.
Won't happen, but I would pay good money to listen to a well-buzzed Trump.
I wish there was a recording of that meeting.
The Democrats will advance, one funeral at a time. In 6 years the Democrats will have their own Trump, the first Democrat in years that ordinary people would invite into their homes.
Yes Yes Yes. They rigged the primary to in 2020 to keep Bernie and Elizabeth from winning. They BS everyone Biden being a moderate. I also wonder who was in control of Biden? Was it Obama old team or was Jill in control?
Welker: Leader Schumer, what do you say to Americans who feel as though you and other top Democrats misled them about President Biden’s mental acuity?
Schumer: No. Look, we didn’t. And let’s—let’s look—let’s look at President Biden. He’s had an amazing record. The legislation we passed, one of the most significant groups of legislation since the New Deal—since Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, putting in 235 judges, a record. And he’s a patriot. He’s a great guy. And when he stepped down, he did it on his own because he thought it was better not only for the Democratic Party, for America. We should all salute him. We should all salute him.
Biden should have been persuaded to resign in mid 2023, when the decline had firmly set in.
Oh, horseshit. You people were telling us - over and over and over - there was nothing wrong with Biden. Sharp as a tack. No, he's not wandering off. Smartest man in the room.
Right up until the night of June 27.
So, stuff it. You're not fooling anybody.
Here’s MY salute, Chuckie!
........('(...エ...エ.... ッ~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.キエ
Pedo Pete is tanned, rested and ready.
Biden was a puppet of Obama, and his mental decline, obvious to all honest observers before the election of 2020, was a feature, not a bug, for his control by Obama and his minions in the administration. Obama, who in Operation Fast & Furious ran guns to the Mexican drug cartels explicitly in order to have a cause to destroy 2nd Amendment rights, had zero problems having administration officials loyal only to him run the Biden administration, including the autopen for signing things Biden either never knew of, or even opposed. I for one look forward to memoirs in a decade or so about the way this corruption was handled by the operatives. It is the greatest presidential scandal of my lifetime, and I was here for the first time Nixon got kicked out because of his scandalous behavior.
There are plenty of smart Democrats, including those who disagree with me about almost everything. Schumer, Rohanna, Mayor Pete, Bernie, Obama, Susan Rice, etc. But the party apparatus keeps promoting democrats who are not that smart. Biden, AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Maxine Waters, etc. Because so many of these are women or women of color, nobody can say "they're not that smart." But then they get nominated and people see it for themselves without having to say it out loud.
"So, stuff it. You're not fooling anybody."
Well, nobody except himself.
I hereby impeach: Every mainstream media news site that DID'NT tell me that Biden was not competent to be President.
Also, I impeach EVERY Democrat political leader that did not only fail to tell me that Biden was not competent to be President, but actually pushed him for President.
I am no fan of Trump, but it's THE DEMOCRATS who have given us no choice. I have no love for Trump, but WHAT CHOICE HAVE YOU GIVEN ME?
That was said about the Bourbons, wasn't it?
Though the Habsburgs were indeed also quite hapless by the end of their run.
I voted for Warren in 2020 and for Phillips in 2024 because I thought Biden too old, but I still don't see signs of old age decline as obvious as Trump's behaviors these days. Demanding the Maine governor give heartfelt personal apology to unfreeze funds? Cut off his 2024 opponent's security clearance as a national security risk? Continunue daily to demand annexation for Canada? Conduct Tesla sales event with CEO on White House grounds?
"but I still don't see signs of old age decline as obvious as Trump's behaviors these days."
Of course you don't. Nobody expects you to.
"Pedo Pete is tanned, rested and ready."
And his life-sustaining breasts have been unburdened.
The Grand Delusion. Sorry Democrats you built a house of cards, then you reached too far, went with Sanders economic plan and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Scoop up that fertilizer and plant a weeping willow tree in your echo chamber. We told you over and over. But we're "not to smart" because we voted for the icky guy. Enjoy the suck.
Providing out-of-office politicians a security clearance IS a national security risk. They don't need them. They should be granted in special cases for the benefit of the US government, but allowing them in the hundreds to people who are no longer in a policy-making position and, nowadays, probably willing to screw the current administration out of animus, is nuts.
Out of office Politicians with perrenial security clearances: just thinking of that prick John Kerry, sitting in a Paris Cafe, with Iranians, trying to torpedo Trumps foreign policy.
We sometimes think that the old timers were more decent than modern pols. They were just as assholy but there was no internet then, and we have to depend on lying newspapers.
“They were careless people, Joe and Jill -- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”
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