March 13, 2025

Sunrise — 7:04, 7:10, 7:17.




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Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: The Donald Trump Polka (from wayback in 2016)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mr. Buttigieg lackluster performance as Head of The Department of Transportationality surely disqualify him for the Office of Presidentiority. He does not have enough experiencial experience.

Josephbleau said...

According to James Carville’s prediction the Trump administration only has 9 days left before it completely self destructs. I think he should have hedged a bit and given Trump 6 months. Now it looks like he is going to have to admit that he is a failure at Trump tea leaf reading.

Mason G said...

"He does not have enough experiencial experience."

But he's gay. Surely, that's all that really matters, right?

Eva Marie said...

I’m very worried about the mission to bring back our astronauts. The Democrats have so vilified Musk that if anything goes wrong with the return, Democrats will destroy Musk and Trump. Yesterday’s launch was scrapped - which is pretty normal. But are they being cautious or are they being overly cautious?
That Wisconsin anti Musk ad was horrific. If the Democrat candidate does not disavow that ad, I hope voters will vote their disapproval and vote for the Republican candidate.
DOGE is important but our goal to reach Mars is of paramount importance.

Eva Marie said...

Let me just add, as a kid I loved Ray Bradbury. Musk is a very Bradbury kind of space explorer.

rehajm said...

Democrats do not sounds defeated enough. Please continue until they do…

Josephbleau said...

“ I’m very worried about the mission to bring back our astronauts. ”

It would not surprise me if some crazy found a way to sabotage spacex. I hope Musk is spending a lot on security and is collecting a lot of data and video on the launch sites.

Wa St Blogger said...

What is it about the lust for power that a man dying of cancer effectively says you can have my congressional seat over my dead body. People keeping their seats well into their 80's, never retiring, even after decades. Is that all you wanted from life? Sad.

Eva Marie said...

Wa St Blogger: those were my thoughts exactly. Unbelievable. I think the staffers who become more powerful the weaker the office holder is, are the driving force behind this kind of behavior.

Lawnerd said...

Looks like Schumer is caving on the government shutdown.

Aggie said...

Those poor astronauts stuck up on the ISS have got me thinking of this old tune.

Did they ever return?
No they never returned
And their fate is still unlearn'd
They may orbit forever
In the skies above us
They're the pair who never returned

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Looks like Schumer is caving on the government shutdown.”

Remains to be seen, but surely someone in the Democrat councils has suddenly sat up and blurted, “Holy shit, they’ll have to put non-essential federal workers on furlough!”.

A neat trap.

Quaestor said...

"Now it looks like he is going to have to admit that he is a failure at Trump tea leaf reading."

Carville is a mystery. Somehow with no background and no career position, he became Bill Clinton's defender-in-chief in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Through a tumult vicious lies and vile public behavior, he managed to make Ken Starr the villain of the scandal rather than the serial rapist inhabiting the White House. If a human being could be manufactured from human feces, James Carville would be the only living example. Yet, there are media outlets that gladly pay him a generous five-figure per diem for a few minutes of airtime spounting his wackadoodle opinions festooned with copious saliva spray. Nice work if you can get it.

Quaestor said...

“Holy shit, they’ll have to put non-essential federal workers on furlough!”.

What a golden opportunity to seize their workstations, padlock their offices, and deactivate their parking garage IDs. Trump must be disappointed by the Democrats' servile cowardice.

We need to revoke the very recent "tradition" of using blue to denote the Democratic Party on maps, graphs, and TV news scrolls, and start using yellow instead.

Peachy said...

Democrat Party - run by script writers.

Jupiter said...

"Is that all you wanted from life? Sad."
I think it is rather an unfortunate illustration of the fact that over time, our aspirations are slowly, slowly, slowly brought into congruence with our possibilities. As the angular stone is ground, and becomes spherical thereby.

Jupiter said...

Yet that need not concern us, for we are young, and shall not soon be old. Let us, therefore, consider the verb "behoove". The subject of this verb is, without exception, "it". "It behooves." It is a sort of verbal institutionalization of the passive voice. Many are behooved, but nowhere are there found any behoovers.

Original Mike said...

@Aggie - Charlie and the MTA!

When I was young, I never understood why his wife handed him a sandwich, but not a nickel.

I understand now.

Jupiter said...

A while back, we rented a "cabin" near Hood River, Oregon. The cabin was actually situated next to what I would call a "creek", not exactly a river. But fairly clearly, it was immediately downstream of Mount Hood. And there were many boulders strewn around, approximately spherical, 8-15 inches in diameter. It was clear, that they had originated as irregular boulders, somewhere high on the slopes of Mount Hood, and in the course of descending thousands of feet, had lost their corners. Still, it was strange, to see so many spheroids, some prolate, more oblate, in profusion. As if some artist had been at work, attempting to perfect some inscrutable design. The Universe can abide a corner. But gravity is unforgiving.

Michael McNeil said...

Tonight's total lunar eclipse is beginning. Maximum totality will be basically at midnight Pacific Time, with a couple of hours preceding and couple of hours following. The most interesting part to me isn't totality per se, but the projected curve of the spherical earth marching across the face of the moon prior to totality—and then marching back again afterward.

Jupiter said...

I think behoove must be an immigrant verb. It does a lot of work, that American verbs just won't do.

Original Mike said...

"The Universe can abide a corner. But gravity is unforgiving."

The Airbnb we stayed in the last two nights was at the base of a limestone cliff on the west coast of NZ. Several hundred feet with big overhangs. If you looked at the rock face, there were big cracks delineating monstrous blocks. Clearly, those blocks are coming down someday, as atested to by the many blocks lying at the bottom, right next to the house.

Nothing came down while we stayed there, but I sure wouldn't want to own that house (or stay in it long term).

gadfly said...

Eva Marie of the Bradbury Sci-Fi Clan: "DOGE is important but our goal to reach Mars is of paramount importance."

Why do we need DOGE except to refill Elmo's pockets after Tesla takes its dive. Doge's actions are illegal but if the paramount goal is finding enough money to pay for a trip to Mars so everyone aboard the spacecraft can die makes no sense at all.

It's only the economy on Earth that mattters. And Americans could care far less about Mars than anything else except Don and Elmo who have reached the bottom in popularity.

gadfly said...

Tesla made $11 billion in US Income over the past three years but has only paid four-tenths of one percent in taxes. The poorest of poor individuals among American taxpayers are paying 10% of Adjusted Gross Income. And of course, our president isn't paying anything either since he has been under continuous audit for at least 10 years - but now those audits must have been abandoned.

Eva Marie said...

Why do we need DOGE?
The answer is this: the Pentagon failed its audit for the seventh year in a row.
That’s reason enough

wendybar said...

Broken Clock

It sure is disturbing to know that who you vote for doesn’t matter. It only matters what judges have been appointed because they are apparently really in charge of the country.
3:14 PM · Mar 13, 2025

Original Mike said...

"The poorest of poor individuals among American taxpayers are paying 10% of Adjusted Gross Income."

I thought you were smarter than that, though certainly not as honest as that.

wendybar said...

He died Thursday morning, and posted this X in the afternoon!!!!


This congressman passed away and it’s still posting propaganda about Trump.

I wonder if he’ll also be voting in the next election

Raul M. Grijalva

President Trump’s latest reckless decision to fire thousands of employees at the Department of Education jeopardizes critical student aid programs, weakens protections for students’ civil rights, and undermines essential support for students with disabilities. This move severely threatens every child’s access to a quality education nationwide.

Trump and Musk are prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy over the future of our students. It’s selfish, and it’s illegal. This radical gutting of the Department will mean funding cuts for every student:

- 26 million kids across every school district—rural, suburban and urban—will lose access to critical funding to help them get succeed.

- 12 million students will lose access to career and technical education, including pathways to good-paying jobs through apprenticeship programs in trades and STEM careers.

- 10 million students from low-income families could lose access to higher education.

- 7.5 million students with Individualized Education Plans—accounting for 15 percent of all students nationwide —will lose access to special education services.
3:16 PM · Mar 13, 2025

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sister in Tampa reports a clearly visible lunar eclipse with pics via our WhatsApp chat.

wendybar said...

The corrupt are caving and leaving.....

Roger Stone
Capitol Police Cheif resigns hours after I exposed two different gun men in the Capitol during both the Inauguration and the State of the Union address on the StoneZONE yesterday on @77WABCradio

Whiskeybum said...

Lunar eclipse is waning now in the central US - only about 25% remaining in shadow. When at full eclipse, it was a beautiful rusty red. So glad it was clear here; the forecast yesterday was for cloud cover.

wendybar said...

NO!! Anybody with a functioning brain could have told you THIS was going to happen. They think YOU are stupid.....the people who vote Democrat ARE....and you would think they would have learned something by now....


Gov. Gavin Newsom's Department of Finance on Wednesday notified state lawmakers that California will need a $3.44 billion loan to cover costs associated with the state's Medicaid program known as Medi-Cal.

The letter did not specify why exactly the program fell short on funds. While experts note there are many factors that go into Medicaid costs, some are pointing to the money the state spends providing health insurance to undocumented people"

Drago said...

Soy Boy Cat Lady gadfly: "The poorest of poor individuals among American taxpayers are paying 10% of Adjusted Gross Income. "

Its incredible that you actually wrote that...and then hit "publish".

What is your major malfunction?

planetgeo said...

Looks like Schumer just realized that the old government shutdown trick that used to terrify RINOs doesn't work when Trump is in charge and DOGE is systematically laying out exactly where all the cuts should be made. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

planetgeo said...

gadfly, you really should have your very own emoji. Start with the poop emoji and put a fly with crazy bugeyes on top of it. Where do you come up with all that shit?

wendybar said...

The conservative new media are all getting swatted. The Progressives have NOTHING else, because THEIR media has lied to us for so long, that nobody believes anything they spew they try to ruin peoples lives. One man was held at gun point. THIS will not end well. Do they REALLY want a civil war??

Breezy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave Begley said...

Creighton wins in double OT.

Iman said...

Barky and Joe… together again:

tcrosse said...

Let us, therefore, consider the verb "behoove".

Back in the early days of steam television Ernie Kovacs had a morning show out of Philadelphia. He had a puppet character named Albumen the Horse, who would start every sentence with "It behooves me..."

MadTownGuy said...

Quaestor said...

"...We need to revoke the very recent "tradition" of using blue to denote the Democratic Party on maps, graphs, and TV news scrolls, and start using yellow instead."

Heh. ActBlue becomes ActYellow. Has a nice ring tonut.

boatbuilder said...

Gadfly's boneheaded tax commentary is less egregious regarding personal income tax than it is for corporate finance and taxation. Of course the Trump comment is invincible in its idiocy.
Whether there is any "truth" to any of the assertions made is a secondary issue.

Leland said...

The poorest of poor individuals among American taxpayers are paying 0 income tax. 40% of households in the US owed no income tax in 2022.

Iman said...

Sumbitch Schumer wanted to shutdown the government and blame it on Trump, but the sumbitch folded like a cheap sundress. He was beaten by the “bastards”.

Iman said...

The “Bucktoothed Bandit From Buffalo” Hochul is headed to WH for a meeting with Trump re: NYC’s status as a sanctuary city.

A directive to DC law enforcement has been issued: do NOT shoot down anything flying on a broomstick.

BUMBLE BEE said...

From Coffee and Covid...
Welp. Times have changed. The Journal reported that over the last ten years — i.e., spanning the pandemic — editors at over 40 journals have rage-quit in protest of “editorial differences” with publishers related to the poor quality of their published science. Indeed, exactly ten years ago in 2015, Richard Horton, then editor-in-chief of the blue-ribbon journal The Lancet, penned a striking critique of the scientific publishing industry. In a Lancet editorial, he prophetically wrote:

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”

You would think a scathing critique of science like that from a top science journal’s top editor — half of published science might be false! a turn toward darkness! — would have swelled into a tsunami of brutal self-reflection and reform. But no. It hardly even splashed. Horton’s complaint sank right into corporate media’s putrid pond of conformity with nary a ripple.

Not even “peer review” — science’s so-called ‘gold standard’ — can be trusted anymore. Last year, 23 disgruntled scientists penned a public letter to Springer Publishing that said, “Some of the work that has been published is so seriously flawed that it is not credible that it underwent any meaningful form of peer review.”

In other words, we think you’re lying.

Kai Akker said...

NeverPraiseRepublicans is outdoing itself these days. Their little broadcasts are, more than ever, straight-ahead editorial attacks on Trump, while glorifying his opponents. They are making the strongest case possible for eliminating their own subsidy. Sic semper dementiis.

Big Mike said...

This congressman passed away and it’s still posting propaganda about Trump.

I wonder if he’ll also be voting in the next election

Voting? Grivalja plans to be re-elected just as soon as he can get Satan to let him out of Hell to campaign.

Keith said...

gadfly said...
Tesla made $11 billion in US Income over the past three years but has only paid four-tenths of one percent in taxes. The poorest of poor individuals among American taxpayers are paying 10% of Adjusted Gross Income. And of course, our president isn't paying anything either since he has been under continuous audit for at least 10 years - but now those audits must have been abandoned.

3/14/25, 1:11 AM

As others have alluded this is in error. The United States tax code is very progressive with the lowest income taxed at zero percent. However, the post fails to take into consideration, transfer payments. Welfare, Medicaid, housing, food, stamps, and so on. As has been well, documented the lower income households take more free money from the government than what they pay out. It’s not that like most of us blessed in this country we are forced to pay taxes to the government from the fruits of our labor. Quite the opposite. The government pays them.

rehajm said...

...and while others are addressing the poor people income tax error I'll address the other two egregious errors. First is the Liz Warren 'GE doesn't pay taxes!!' error. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of tax reporting periods and the tax loss carryforward. Our reporting is annual but tax losses may be larger than revenue gains in a single period, so our system fairly allows companies to carry losses into subsequent reporting periods. We only require companies to pay tax on income...

...the goofy audits thing is next. Not sure what it was trying to say but to make it irrelevant: First, any AGI over $1 million gets an eyes on from the IRS, technically an audit. Third the fact IR looks at a return is not a conviction or implication of guilt or wrongdoing, it is IR examining a return for possible errors and Second (thirdly) I know of no instance where IR allows tax payments to be suspended in perpetuity because a return is flagged every year...

Jersey Fled said...

“ The far-left NGO 'Concern Worldwide' states that due to USAID cuts, they will be prevented from helping migrants from Third World countries settle in Ireland.”

Wait. Our tax dollars were going to resettle third world migrants to Ireland?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Chuck Schumer knows when he’s defeated.

Jersey Fled said...

Gadfly apparently never heard of the earned income tax credit.

Peachy said...


boatbuilder said...

Did anyone ask the indigenous peoples of Ireland whether they were OK with their ancestral homeland being infiltrated by foreign peoples who do not share their heritage or traditions? Financed by the United States? Or is that sort of moral righteousness reserved for ....others?

Jupiter said...

"The United States tax code is very progressive with the lowest income taxed at zero percent."
To expand upon Jersey Fled's comment, those eligible for the EIC actually have a negative tax rate. I discovered this when I helped a friend with her taxes, and was able to inform her that her refund would be substantially large than her withholding. Of course, this is the most abused provision in the entire tax code, and therefore the very poor, mostly female persons who take it have a high likelihood of being audited.

Jaq said...

If Trump enters one more negotiation with Zelensky, Zelensky is going to end up with the deed to Mar a Lago for the promise to think about something someday... maybe.

Jaq said...

"Gadfly apparently never heard of the earned income tax credit."

Basically the sum of all gadfly's knowledge is printed on the talking points faxes blasted out by the DNC.

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