March 18, 2025

Sunrise — 7:03, 7:06, 7:07, 7:17.





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Josephbleau said...

I see a judge has stopped the US Military from the trans ban. Perhaps the judge will ban the US from fighting a war someday because 51% of soldiers are not female.

I wonder why the doj can’t file suits in red jurisdictions to create conflicts that would require SCOTUS to act.

Quayle said...

New York Post reporting that a federal judge has ordered USAID to be put back together.

Big Mike said...

Breaking news that Trump got Putin to agree to a 30 day ceasefire. It’s a long way from a ceasefire to peace, but if the report is true then this could be a good first step towards peace.

rehajm said...

Lots of weak sauce and unjustifiable piousness from the judiciary defenders today. Be a better person tomorrow…

Dr Weevil said...

Putin did NOT agree to a 30 day ceasefire. He agreed to a partial ceasefire that was limited to not hitting each others' energy infrastructure. Half an hour later he hit the power plant in Slovyansk and knocked out power for half the town. In other words he spat in Trump's face.

Why Slovyansk? That's where the 2014 invasion of the Donbas began, when KGB colonel Igor Girkin and 50 heavily-armed Russians pretending to be locals seized the armory and went around beating and robbing Jews, Gypsies, and anyone heard speaking Ukrainian, and killing anyone who objected.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

More waste of time as trump and pal elon get slapped around in courts again What a waste of time and $$ fire ,then have to rehire them SAYS THE COURTS. WTF and more veneration of VLAD today as still no Russian concessions only Ukraine. Russian doesn't agree with crap and trump is being played by Benjamin AND VLAD.. us military INVASION OF MEXICO . I THINK THE ADDERALL is starting to take over

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: The West can't be saved

lonejustice said...

Picture #3: The gap between two worlds.

Big Mike said...

The fuss over autopen signing has led to independent examination of the documents. The preliminary conclusions are (1) there were two autopens used, (2) Joe Biden unquestionably signed Hunter’s pardon, and (3) some pardons were signed by hand, but not by Joe Biden. Now this is getting interesting.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I like #3 also.

Kakistocracy said...

"Breaking news that Trump got Putin to agree to a 30 day ceasefire."

The only thing we can deduce from all this is that Ukraine’s recent attacks on Russian energy infrastructure have been effective.

I think most Americans would refer to this sort of thing as a ‘nothing burger’.

So basically Russia flatly rejected the 30 day ceasefire idea, and has instead offered something completely different which is of benefit to Russia.

So Putin gets to protect his one weak spot?

Trump really is utterly shameless.

Played by Putin like a cheap trombone. Dunning and Kruger agree.

Peachy said...

The whole point of Soros-Biden - was to insert maximum destruction

Peachy said...

"Our tax dollars were stolen for the self-enrichment for DC elites.

But even worse, they used our money to build an entire political infrastructure that was weaponized against us."


Peachy said...

Kak - If Trump fails - then the EU can give it a shot. WWIII.

lonejustice said...

I am only 2 years younger than our host, but this is one of my favorite music videos:

Original Mike said...

Glenn Reynolds: "Elon Musk is not a perfect man. But he has agreed to tackle the biggest problem facing the U.S. He is not tinkering around the edges. He is taking bold steps, which are necessary to fix BIG and complex problems. That distinguishes him from oh, about 98% of the politicians in both parties.

Congress is stocked with politicians who have been in national office for years, even decades, but who have done nothing to control the national debt, balance the budget, or even present a budget. Some have fancied themselves as presidential timber. Many still do, God help us. But none have a track record of real and lasting success or of even making a serious effort to try to fix the problem."

Amen. Our problems are not a secret. The hosers in our government have done nothing to fix them, and never will. Godspeed Elon.

You don't like Elon's actions? Then step up and do something constructive. Or STFU.

Rusty said...

Josephbleau said...
"I see a judge has stopped the US Military from the trans ban."
Another feel good gesture. The United States Military is solely the responsibility of the executive.
If Trump want's to fire every corporal in the US Army nobody can stop him.

wildswan said...

Time was when the best help Trump supporters could give Trump was to struggle against the Mainstream mis-dis-information with memes and analysis of the lies. It was a hybrid peace - a hybrid war is a a war where propaganda is an essential part of the attack with the Armed Force part uppermost. In a hybrid peace the propaganda is uppermost, as I understand it. In peace you try to sell everyone on anti-semitism's latest disguise, settler-colonialist theory; then you go over to war but you try to cast the war in those same terms. So we're in a hybrid peace and what are they trying to sell us? Whatever it is, Trump seems to know about it and he is trying to rip out little rats' nests of conspiracy cells in government. The Gov. to Gov. supported NGOs to apparently non-gov supported NGOs to themes that seem to be widespread but are really just astroturf-double agent-dirty doings supported by Gov cash. But what is it?
I can't see it. They say "Our Democracy" is under assault; they say judges should run the country. Return of the divine right of kings as the divine right of experts and bureaucrats?

wildswan said...

Sooner rather than later it will come home to the judiciary branch that they supported the presence of murderous gangs, child mutilation, waste-fraud-and-abuse in government, a useless military, antisemitism and racial discrimination. There was always a reason for judges to enable these social ills; there was always a reason to ignore them. There was always the feeling that one could sit there proudly and order everyone else about and call it "rule of law." If I were a judge, I'd be looking at how a left bias which allowed plagiarism discredited Harvard. I'd ask myself where I thought I was going to be in five years - whether some sort of AI might not even now be forming which could scan decisions and show similar language and its source.

Josephbleau said...

Roberts seems to be the kind of guy who thinks that if he is nice to the tiger it will eat him last.

FormerLawClerk said...

New York Post reporting that a federal judge has ordered USAID to be put back together.


Wonder how much the judge's wife is making at her NGO no-show job?

gadfly said...

Donald Trump was left humiliated as he waited over an hour for his phone call with Vladimir Putin. The Russian dictator was addressing the annual congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in Moscow before he laughed off a warning that he was leaving it late for his call to the US president.

Russia bombed Ukraine energy infrastructure in Slovyansk just hours after Vladimir Putin told Donald Trump he would halt attacks on the grid.

Putin rejected Trump’s proposal for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine after their “frank” phone call.

gadfly said...

Paul Adam Engelmayer is a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. His unnamed wife supposedly works for USAID.

However, it was Judge Carl Nichols, a Trump appointee and former clerk for Clarence Thomas, who delivered the ruling after hearing arguments from the Trump administration and two groups representing federal workers in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.

wendybar said...

Imagine that asshole. Americans who work hard for their money would like to keep more so THEY can spend it, not have assholes like you spending it on illegals and tranny operations....EAT SHIT SCHUMER and all other Progressives who feel this way.

Nicholas Fondacaro
Dem Senate leader Chuck Schumer mocks Americans who want to keep their hard-earned income and praises the government as a "barrier" to them:
"You know what their attitude is, 'I made my money all by myself. How dare your government take my money from me?' ... They hate government, government is a barrier to people. A barrier to stop them from doing things."

rehajm said...

…as was correctly noted yesterday, for countless reasons, you can’t have Hawaiian judges altering the flight plans of airplanes in the air. We all know they could care less about safety and loss of life when there’s political points to be scored but thats not a valid reason…

wendybar said...

"Scarcely any political question arises in the United States that is not resolved, sooner or later, into a judicial question.

The President, who exercises a limited power, may err without causing great mischief in the state. Congress may decide amiss without destroying the union, because the electoral body may cause it to retract its decision. But if the Supreme Court is ever composed of imprudent or bad men, the Union may be plunged into anarchy or civil war."
-Alexis de Tocqueville

john mosby said...

Wildswan: "Return of the divine right of kings as the divine right of experts and bureaucrats?"

Yes, exactly. Starting with AP History, the left are indoctrinated with the idea that progress means Revenge of the Nerds. The shop class and football team gorillas don't get to run things anymore (as if any schools have shop classes anymore, but roll with me here). The working class has to be saved from itself, else it becomes the Know-Nothings trying to keep out Catholics, the Southerners pouring catsup on lunch counter sit-ins, the hardhats clubbing VN War protesters, or now MAGA-ites. Enlightened government consists of a uniparty Left giving general guidance to Ivy/Oxbridge Special Advisors (SPADs), who then direct a professionalized bureaucracy. Any small disagreements between uniparty factions get settled by judges who won every level of the Nerd King of the Mountain game.

Exactly the Divine Right of Experts. You got it in one.


Leland said...

Access the JFK Files

Leland said...

Clyde said...

One thing I found odd about the commentary on the Dragon capsule splashdown was the reference to it landing "off the coast of Tallahassee," given that Tallahassee is about thirty miles inland from Apalachee Bay.

Jaq said...

So Oliver Stone's JFK, which linked Oswald to the CIA, was right?

Oswald's last words: "I need a lawyer! I'm a patsy!"

[Bang... bang!]

Jaq said...

I found it impossible to believe that Putin would agree to a cease fire without some iron clad concessions by Ukraine, and this is just my guess, because I will wait a day or two for the facts to come out, but par for the course for the US would be to lie about what Putin said in the meeting, then accuse Russia of breaking a "cease fire" that was only a figment of US propaganda. That's only a guess, but it would be par for the course for Ukraine. Kiev such a nest of liars, going back to when they made up fake evidence against Trump's campaign manager in 2016 and "leaked" it to the New York Times.

Jaq said...

They also lied about the Maidan snipers who shot into the crowd in the 2014 coup, then blamed the democratically elected government which they promptly overthrew with US help. So their lying goes back way before the 2016 election interference on behalf of Hillary.

wendybar said...


You can tell the adults whose parents never told them 'no' when they were children.

wendybar said...

Buck Sexton
Those who cheered as J6 American prisoners were locked in solitary for 18 months without trial, now suddenly fight tooth and nail for foreign terrorists’ “due process”

They hate what holds America together, and love what destroys us

planetgeo said...

Althouse is providing a heckuva public service. This blog provides commenters like Kak, Dinky, and gad with an alternative to joining the rest of their buds who express their views by firebombing Tesla dealerships. Not so sure about Derve though.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

A dog that isn't barking-
The person who shot Trump last summer was eliminated immediately by law enforcement who had a sudden attack of competence.
I don't remember his name; he's down the memory hole of history. Who was he, what was his motivation? Does anyone believe that he was acting entirely on his own, that the Secret Service just plain old screwed up when they did not secure that rooftop with a straight shot at the candidate?
I'm old enough to remember the names Sara Jane Moore and Squeaky Fromme, 2 crazed leftists who tried to kill Gerald Ford, and SIrhan, and of course Oswald, assassins who succeeded. Ray is the guy who killed MLK.
All of these people were thoroughly investigated and are (or at least were for a time) notorious.
The attempt that occurred less than a year ago? Never happened?

Jersey Fled said...

Two choices. Either Roberts gets control over his judiciary or we start impeaching judges. Including him.

Rusty said...

Planetgo said.
"Not so sure about Derve though."
He's auditioning for circus geek.

Kakistocracy said...

Up until this point conservatives and progressives have generally agreed (in principle at least) on the importance of the rule of law. This is now being thrown out the window.

So is this now a bigger split between Trump, Vance, et. al. and the conservatives? They're no longer conservative from an economic or legal perspective. What even are they?

Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a strong man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.

Jersey Fled said...

Rule of law does not mean a dictatorship of partisan judges. The judiciary is a coequal partner, not the Presidents boss.

narciso said...

Crooks he looked like a goof, kind of like a younger Jesse Plemons,

DINKY DAU 45 said...

USDA hires back all 6,000 fired a month ago with back pay. So Musk gave them a month paid vacation. Seems a bit wasteful.WHAT A BUNCH OF INCOMETENTS.

Kai Akker said...

Wildswan, JSM +1
Planetgeo LOL

Josephbleau said...

“ Seems a bit wasteful.WHAT A BUNCH OF INCOMETENTS.“

I always thought you were a MAGA satire account Dink, now we have proof. That was one of your best efforts!

Dr Weevil said...

As usual, Jaq just can't stop lying about Ukraine. He says that "they made up fake evidence against Trump's campaign manager in 2016" as if the current Zelenskyy government were responsible for what Poroshenko did. The fact is that the Ukrainian people voted Poroshenko out in 2019 for being a corrupt oligarch and voted in the non-politician Zelenskyy who ran on an anti-corruption platform and has delivered on it. As I have noted before more than once, Zelenskyy is in fact the Ukrainian equivalent of Trump (also an entertainer): the guy they turned to in disgust at the entire political class. Of course, everything else Jaq says about Ukraine is also false. I've asked this before, and Jaq has never answered: did Jaq's wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, whatever run off with a Ukrainian? That would explain (but not excuse) his otherwise inexplicable and irrational hatred.

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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