March 25, 2025

Sunrise — 6:34, 6:41, 6:47, 6:59.





Talk about whatever you want in the comments. And support the Althouse blog by doing your Amazon shopping going in through the Althouse Amazon link.


RCOCEAN II said...

I wanna talk about the NCAA tournament. Why are West Coast and Midwestern teams always overrated? Of course, at least they've stopped putting Arizona in as a No. 1 seed.

And what about those mormons at BYU? who knew they could play Basketball?

Narr said...

Six-pointed sun in #4.

Dave Begley said...


Your putative former student, Brad Schimel, just said on Fox that $100m is expected to be spent on the WI S. Ct. race.


rehajm said...

Of course, at least they've stopped putting Arizona in as a No. 1 seed

Ha. I used to make $$ betting against Lute in the tournament. Long ago when there was sports journalism there was a piece with a surprising amount of data that concluded it was a miscalculation of strength of schedule. The old ACC teams used to beat the crap out of each other all season while Pac-10 juggernauts weren’t so much juggernauts. Analytics got better so seeds tend to be better, the 7-10 matchup notwithstanding…

Big Mike said...

@Dave Begley, the wife had Fox on while we were eating and I heard that too. Can you imagine the level of corruption that the Democrats must be looking at, that it’s worth $100 million to flip a pair of Congressional seats? Because Crawford has been caught saying that if she is elected to the Court then they will redraw the Congressional Districts so that the Wisconsin Congressional delegation will go from 6-2 Republican to at least 4-4, if not lean Democrat. $100 million to flip two seats, that’s a lot.

Kakistocracy said...

"Moody’s warns on deteriorating outlook for US public finances
Rating agency says Donald Trump’s policies could make it more difficult to offset rising deficit and debt" ~ FT

Confirmation that Trump's policies are harmful to the US economy, fiscal situation, debt, and credit rating.

I assume Trump will claim that Moody’s is fake news.

Iman said...

Walter Kirn made a good point vis-à-vis Goldberg bringing this Signal kerfuffle up now. Kirn says Goldberg possibly had a golden opportunity to keep his yap shut and listen in on numerous discussions over the next four years, lol.

AZ Bob said...

Today saw a lot of noise from the Dem/media about a magazine editor being mistakenly included in some top secret chat room that dealt with the US attack on the Houthi pirates.

None of the reports were willing to say that any US plan was impacted by this. In fact, it should be said: No harm, no foul.

Moreover, to promote this narrative, President Trump should give some special award to Jeffrey Goldberg for not compromising the attack ahead of time.

"Thank you for protecting American lives," Trump could say. "Not many journalists love the country enough to have kept quite before the operation."

Original Mike said...

"I assume Trump will claim that Moody’s is fake news."

Moody's was all in on deficit spending when Obama was in the white house. Mark Zandi is a democrat shill.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Moody’s warns on deteriorating outlook for US public finances
Rating agency says Donald Trump’s policies could make it more difficult to offset rising deficit and debt" ~ FT"

Confirmation that Trump's policies are harmful to the US economy, fiscal situation, debt, and credit rating.

I assume Trump will claim that Moody’s is fake news."

A projection, "...could make it..." is counted as proof positive by LLR-democratical Rich....because actual real world performance and facts don't work out for Abacus Boy.

Example: "Moody's ratings played a significant role in the 2008 financial crisis by failing to adhere to its own credit-rating standards and falling short on its pledge of transparency in the run-up to the Great Recession.
The credit rating agency agreed to pay nearly $864 million to settle with U.S. federal and state authorities over its ratings of risky mortgage securities before the financial crisis.
Moody's ratings were "directly influenced by the demands of the powerful investment banking clients who issued the securities and paid Moody's to rate them," according to Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen.
Moody's settlement resolved allegations that the firm contributed to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Despite the settlement, Moody's stated that it stands behind the integrity of its ratings and noted that the settlement contains no finding of a violation of law or admission of liability."

Moody's. Corrupt, bought off and "fake news".

I can't imagine a more perfect representative organization for LLR-democratical Rich to defend to the end, like child sexual groomers, Argentinian sex/drug trafficking gang members, islamic supremacist regimes (like Iran) and their terrorist beneficiaries, etc.

It's all just too perfect.

ga6 said...

Moody's. The movie "The Big Short" has a scene in which a Moody's partner explains and defends their acceptance of statements from the companys they are rating. In other words the companies and agencies are rating themselves, Moody's just put their stamp of approval on it.

Drago said...

"In other words the companies and agencies are rating themselves, Moody's just put their stamp of approval on it."

Moody's is every bit as reputable and principled as LLR-democratical Rich.

The New Soviet Democraticals put out their hoaxed-up narratives and Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, puts his stamp of approval on it and pushes it here.

New Soviet Democraticals are as clumsy and non-adaptable as the old Soviets.

Kakistocracy said...

Consumer Confidence Drops Further, Key Measure Flags Recession Risk ~ WSJ

US consumer sentiment tumbles as long-term inflation expectations hit 32-year high ~ FT

Recession is coming before end of 2025, generally ‘pessimistic’ corporate CFOs say: ~ CNBC survey

Looks like nobody thinks Trump can handle inflation.

Maynard said...

I sorta think that Rich enjoyed all the swirlies he got in HS.

He just enjoys being a silly little twit. That is his turn on.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Recession is coming before end of 2025, generally ‘pessimistic’ corporate CFOs say: ~ CNBC survey

Looks like nobody thinks Trump can handle inflation."


"nobody" doing a lot of work there, eh Abacus Boy? A CNBC "survey"..........Too funny. Looks like a few CFO's are setting up a line of excuses for failure to perform....

Reality on Main Street, where it counts:

"The bottom line is the percentage of Americans who say we’re on the right track is through the roof. And if you were to compare it to when presidents have historically been reelected — of course Trump is not constitutionally eligible to run for reelection, but I think it sort of puts it in perspective — 42% of the country says the country is on the right track when the incumbent party is reelected. And also keep in mind, back when [then-Vice President] Kamala Harris lost and the Democrats were turned out of power, only about 27 to 28% of the country said the country was on the right track."--Harry Enten, CNN (sorry Abacus Boy, not Harry Sisson....Harry Enten. Try not to weep)

More Harry Enten: "All we talk about is how unpopular Donald Trump is. But in reality, he’s basically more popular than he was at any point in term number one and more popular than he was when he won election back in November of 2024. What are we talking about? His net favorable rating right now comes in at minus four points. Compare that to where he was when he won in November of 2024, when he was at minus seven points, or in March of 2017 when he was at minus 10 points. So when you compare Trump against himself, he’s actually closer to the apex than he is to the bottom of the trough. And of course, that’s so important because Donald Trump, historically speaking, has had his numbers underestimated."

Yikes! It's like a double kick to the narrative groin of LLR-democratical Rich....not that you'd hit anything important there....or even present...if you know what I mean when it comes to the beta "males".

Thanks for playing!

Drago said...

Aaaand, since our very own Reverse Cramer, LLR-democratical Rich has spent years proclaiming ALL of Musk's companies frauds and fakes and destined for failure (yes, literally hundreds of pronouncements over several years), I will leave you with this from Gary Black on X:

"It’s not rocket science why $TSLA +28% in the last week vs NDX +4%: 1/ Elon’s all-hands meeting was a big success, with Elon conveying vision, confidence, energy, and calm to the troops; 2/ It’s clear from credit card data that TSLA orders (and specifically deposits) have not been impacted by Elon’s politics and DOGE activities, despite what MSM says; 3/ China TSLA weekly insured registrations have had two strong back-to-back weeks (YTD highs), and TSLA China 1Q registrations are now just -0.6% behind last year’s 1Q; 4/ The gorgeous new Model Y is ramping production quickly, which should lead to UPWARD FY ‘25 delivery revisions as we start 2Q (now 1,903K +1.6% YoY; was 2,078K +10.6% YoY at Y.E.)."

Poor Rich! On top of X's solid performance and SpaceX monopolizing mass to orbit and neuralink performing wonders and the Boring Company landing new, major contracts seemingly every week. And se havent even addressed the stellar performance Teslas battery and optimus divisions!

Tsk tsk tsk

Poor, sad, Rich.

Please tell me you shorted Tesla, "Reverse Cramer" Rich. Please tell us...

Jimmy said...

Republicans lost a special election in Penn. by less than 500 votes. Scott Pressler lead the team trying to keep this happening, but got no help from the GOP. this is just what will happen in the mid terms. Most of the Congress Republicans are happy to lose, as long as they can keep their corruption going.
Once the left takes the house, Trumps last two years will be nothing but impeachments, and court cases to put him in jail after his term.
The GOP is gutless. the stakes are very high, and those assholes are on vacation, again.

Drago said...

But wait everyone! LLR-democratical Rich's moronic comment gets even "better"!

LLR-democratical Rich: "US consumer sentiment tumbles as long-term inflation expectations hit 32-year high ~ FT"

The Financial Times!

Here's a Financial Times tidbit (captured by Sawyer Merritt on X) after Rich's hilarious dependency on Moody's and CNBC for a comment (along with the WSJ which despises Trump):

"NEWS: The Financial Times has issued an apology after suggesting that @Tesla had shady accounting with $1.4 billion "missing."

In reality, the Financial Times just didn't understand the accounting, and an expert reached out to them to explain it to them.

FT: "One unavoidable conclusion is that at a certain point it’s necessary to trust the auditor’s judgment."

Yeah. Ya think?

"didn't understand accounting"

Just like LLR-democratical Rich.

Kakistocracy said...

Drago's 'Manic Monday' has rolled over into Tuesday. Get a blood draw and lab tests -- a low lithium level is insufficient for the treatment of mania, bipolar disorders.....

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich once again surrenders the you knew he must. This has become almost a daily event....interestingly just as it did with the psychotic LLR-democratical Chuck whose "stay" with us Althouse was cut short by......well....a violent sort of insanity as evidenced by his postings.

Rich is well on his way.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Reddit video: a smooth coffee ride

Drago said...

Personnally, I give some credence to the theory that LLR-democratical Rich-y is wandering about discombulated by the fact that one of his key mentors, Harry Sisson, has sort of dropped off the planet for having preyed on young women, leading Palette, an astroturfing arm of the New Soviet Democratical Party, to drop young Harry Sisson (who knows nothing about much of anything but still is more informed than Rich) from their stable of 18 - 24 "rocket scientists" (LOL) leaving Rich all by his lonesome.

Not to worry Rich. David Hogg is still available for you to hitch your skirt to for appropriate talking points and directives on what you are allowed to think and say. So be hopeful little man! There is a path forward!

Drago said...

Other reports are also coming out now regarding Harry Sisson which might greatly explain LLR-democratical Rich's heavy "reliance" on young Harry"

Josh Holloway @Pxlps1 Mar 19
"BREAKING : 🚨‼️‼️

Things are coming out by the hour as this video shows Harry Sisson was Chief of staff at “M Pulse LLC” Ran by CEO ( And alleged groomer) Camil Maroun who also happens to be a felon

Allegedly Harry knew and disregarded the fact that the boy was being groomed and continued working for Camil Maroun"

Hmmm. I'm starting to understand why LLR-democratical Rich so passionately defended pro-groomer policies for our schools and unrestricted child sex trafficking via open borders. We cannot read minds of course, so we'll never really know for sure.

Kakistocracy said...

^^ No one knows you like yourself. You two should speak in the presence of a therapist... 😉

Aggie said...

@Jimmy 9:42 pm - ..."Republicans lost a special election in Penn. by less than 500 votes. Scott Pressler lead the team trying to keep this happening, but got no help from the GOP. this is just what will happen in the mid terms...."

Not saying this is untrue, but to be accurate, this district went for Harris by almost 60% and is a blue district. Pressler is the patron saint of get-out-the-vote and you're right, the Republicans should be making sure he has more money than he can spend. If they only lost by 500 votes, maybe they could have won with better / more support - but it was never a likely thing.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "^ No one knows you like yourself. You two should speak in the presence of a therapist... 😉"

Will the "therapist" (wink wink) know why it is you get everything so very demonstrably wrong. Because that is the question on the table.

wendybar said...

Does anybody else here play Wordle on their computer?? I can't access it anymore since yesterday. When I try link to it, it tells me to rotate my device. It's a 17 inch screen!!! Not easy. I do NOT own a cell phone to play on.

wendybar said...

Does anybody else here play Wordle on their computer?? I can't access it anymore since yesterday. When I try link to it, it tells me to rotate my device. It's a 17 inch screen!!! Not easy. I do NOT own a cell phone to play on.

Big Mike said...

People keep saying that we’re a “50-50 nation,” but we aren’t, are we? More like a 45% (R) - 25% (D) - 30% (“let me get back o the sports pages”) nation.

Original Mike said...

LOL. From a sci-fi novel I'm reading, published in 1995:

"People who bothered to think about such matters often wondered how it was that all the various news media seemed to work themselves up into the same frenzy—whether it was over some crime that had been commonplace for centuries, rapture at another rediscovered formula for living, or hysteria over this month’s doomsday-imminent scenario—invariably using the same words and phrases, all at the same time. Whichever way the public turned, it found itself inundated by the same chorus being chanted in unison from an industry that had once been renowned for its healthy and vigorous diversity of opinion on anything."

Original Mike said...

"The reason was that a central committee of representatives from all the major networks and press groups met periodically to update an Index to Correct Opinion giving guidelines to the approved slant on all persons and subjects of any note, which was then circulated to the newsrooms. The process operated subtly. No actual directive for conformity was ever issued, but as observers of the system quickly noted, dissenters and mavericks tended not to do so well in the promotion and career stakes."

Luke Vost said...

The night retreats, its shadows fade,
A gentle glow begins to cascade.
The sky ignites with hues of fire,
Awakening earth with soft desire.

Whispers of light kiss the ground,
In every corner, hope is found.
Golden rays stretch through the air,
A promise whispered, calm and rare.

The world unfolds from slumber deep,
Nature stirs, her secrets keep.
Each dawn a canvas, fresh and new,
Painted skies in rose and blue.

So greet the day, let worries cease,
For dawn brings forth a world of peace.
With every sunrise, hearts take flight,
Born anew in morning's light.

Jim at said...

I sorta think that Rich enjoyed all the swirlies he got in HS.

More likely the atomic wedgie.

rehajm said...

It sounds like linking to a mobile version of the wordle page instead of the web version wendybar. Try linking another way, like through a google search result or clear your browser history…

rehajm said...

The GOP is gutless. the stakes are very high, and those assholes are on vacation, again.

…no, that’s them hard at work…

rehajm said...

It’s important to them that any majority they wins is thin so a few members of the Dole/McCain coalition can claim a ‘crisis of conscience’ when us voters want them to do something they abhor….

Kakistocracy said...

"US consumer sentiment tumbles as long-term inflation expectations hit 32-year high"

This is essentially mainstream America betting that Trump is a mid-wit. Fairly self-evident I would have thought.....

This was always expected. Trump’s newly imposed and impending tariffs are going to contribute to significant cost-push inflation soon. In response, inflationary expectations are already rising, something which could feed into genuine inflation as well. Experts had already predicted Trump’s policy proposals would be highly inflationary even before his election. But MAGA mid-wits probably believed they knew more about economics.

Old and slow said...

rehajm said...
"It’s important to them that any majority they wins is thin so a few members of the Dole/McCain coalition can claim a ‘crisis of conscience’ when us voters want them to do something they abhor…."

This is a depressingly accurate description of the GOP leadership motivation. They like being in the majority, but their personal power is strengthened by it being a slim one,and they share many of the goals of the Dems.

rehajm said...

Things they abhor: reducing government spending, reducing the size and power of government (see previous), prosecuting Democrats, no matter how severe their crimes, landslide victories, veto-proof majorities (their side only)….

rehajm said...

It was the bureaucratic equivalent of forcing every pirate to check in at Port Royal


Iman said...

“I sorta think that Rich enjoyed all the swirlies he got in HS.

More likely the atomic wedgie.”

Kaka let the tainted taste of his Underoos guide his every decision, every action.

Tina Trent said...

Wendybar, I think the NYTimes is preparing to paywall wordle, just as they have done with their food section and some other features. I couldn't find a way to play it without going through the irritation of rotating my screen. You can always play quordle, which belongs to someone else. It is much larger but you can scroll up and down, and they have several other word games like octordle.

wendybar said...

Thanks rehajm and Tina. I tried doing what rehajm suggested....didn't work. I can still get the other games that they offer for free...but I agree with Tina. They need a cash cow since there is no reason to subscribe to the NYT's anymore. Oh while it lasted. I will try those other ones Tina!! Thanks!

Jersey Fled said...

U.S. natural gas production hit an all time high yesterday concurrent with Trump lifting Sleepy Joe’s ban on LNG exports.

More winning.

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