“Democrats burst out singing “We Shall Overcome” after Rep Al Green was censured pic.twitter.com/bCJ0SWWm7U
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 6, 2025
The New York and California delegations began to sing “We Shall Overcome.” Quickly, the Platform was passed; still the New York delegation sang. Now Wisconsin stood on its seats. The rear of the floor booed the front of the floor. A few hundred posters, STOP THE WAR, quickly printed a couple of hours earlier for this occasion, were held up. Defeated delegates yelled, “Stop the War,” in the fierce frustration of knowing that the plank was Lyndon Johnson’s and the party was still his. The convention recessed. Still the New York delegation sang, “We Shall Overcome,” standing on their seats. The convention band across the way tried to drown them out. It played in ever-increasing volume “We Got a Lot of Living to Do.”
The managers of the convention turned the New York microphones down, and amplified the public address system for the band. So on the floor of the convention, the doves were drowned in hostile sound, but on the television sets, the reception was opposite, for the networks had put their own microphones under the voices of the delegates, and they sang in force across the continent. Thus a few thousand people on the floor and the gallery heard little of the doves—all the rest of America heard them well. Politics-is-property had come to the point of fission. He who controlled the floor no longer controlled the power of public opinion. Small wonder the old party hands hated the networks—it was agitating to have mastered the locks and keys in the house of politics and discover that there was a new door they could not quite shut. In disgust the hawk delegations left the floor. The doves continued to sing “We Shall Overcome.” Now, the orchestra played “Happy Days Are Here Again.”
The demonstrators chanted, “We want peace! We want peace!” “I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover,” the orchestra offered, then rejected, then switched over to “If You Knew Suzy,” then they gave up. The demonstrators began to sing the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” New York, California, Oregon, Wisconsin, South Dakota and other delegations marched around the empty floor. It was half an hour after the convention had recessed. Still they sang. It had been a long war to lose....
That was tremendously moving television in 1968, at least as I saw it when I was 17.
Are there greater a**holes? If so, who and where? Maybe, just maybe, Trump won't lose the House in 2026.
They should just lose the pretense and play Dixie. It's what Preston Brooks would've wanted.
♫Wishin' we were back in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away, look away, look away, (D)ixie Land♫
'We shall overcome....' ... Aren't the next words 'some day' ? Progressive Democrats think that means 'soon', while the rest of the world thinks differently, at present. Republicans just need to keep making sure this stuff is televised, along with their DOGE updates and other actual progress.
Sounds like racism to me. White man Johnson oppressin' the black man. Of course, Green might be jewish, in which case, it'd also be antisemitism.
I note in passing, using google's AI: "According to historical accounts, after the Confederate surrender at Appomattox, President Abraham Lincoln famously requested a band to play "Dixie" at the White House, stating that he considered it "one of the best tunes I have ever heard," essentially claiming the song as a shared American tune despite its association with the Confederacy during the Civil War; this was seen as a gesture towards reconciliation." Make of that what you will.
As to boorish protests, expect more of them, and more violent ones, as the left realizes how much (all, if possible) of their federal funding support they are going to lose over the next 4 years.
From the Land of Many Clown Cars.
Bowman pulled a fire alarm to disrupt a vote. D's voting for censure? 3. Green disrupts a Trump address to Congress. D's voting to censure? 10. Adam "shifty the shit"Schiff continues to lie about Russiagate and leaks classified info. D's voting to censure? 0
Some D criticizes Israel. Democrats voting to censure? 22 (mostly Jewish).
Hint to DOJ trace the elements to ANTIFA.
D Congressmen who love America = probably 20 percent.
D congressman who love Israel = probably 95 percent
D Congressmen who love graft = 100 percent.
This is worse than Jim Crow! This is Jim Eagle!
The kleptocracy cackles with bitter resentment, yearning for a progressive era of Diversity, Extraction, and Incest.
Keep digging, Dems.
I see your We Shall Overcome and raise with a Deus Vult.
A song of oppression, by members of the law-making body of the most powerful and richest nation in the history of the world.
Overcome what? Decorum? Civility
Hafta admit , internet more fun since Trumps historic victory
PRESIDENT Trump trying to accomplish everything to save America before mid terms, in case the crazies steal elections again
mindnumbrobot said, "This is worse than Jim Crow! This is Jim Eagle!"
You leave Guvnah Jimmy out of this! He never hurt nobody!
“We shall overcome “ - the revolution is coming alright, just not the one that they expect. See my link to another masterpiece YouTube from Carl Benjamin earlier this morning.
Concerning Trump’s speech John Fetterman says,
“A sad cavalcade of self-owns and unhinged petulance, It only makes Trump look more presidential and restrained. We’re becoming the metaphorical car alarms that nobody pays attention to — and it may not be the winning message.”
And the self-owns continue.
If one of the J6 people had waved a cane the question would be whether life imprisonment or death was the appropriate penalty.
Al Green is proof positive that the cotton boll doesn't blow far from the plantation.
The radical leftist insanity and hatred are killing them. Too bad.
Well, this about sums it up.
The Fem-Dems are going to take Trump behind the bleachers.
"The Democrats refusing to stand for this young brain cancer survivor is one of the darkest political moments I've ever seen. Big shout out to Rep. Laura Gillen, a Democratic congresswoman from New York and the only Democrat to stand for DJ."
Peachy said, "The Fem-Dems are going to take Trump behind the bleachers."
The cringe...it burns.
"Of course, Green might be jewish, in which case, it'd also be antisemitism."
Plus, if he decides he's a woman, it will be sexism, misogyny, and quite possibly rape, if he changes his mind. Or, transphobia, if he actually has his equipment altered. Anyway, the insensitivity of his censure is placing lives at risk!
This is totally normal behavior.
While I don't have time to find his exact words, Lincoln said that "Dixie" was a prize of war.
They will overcome what exactly? Good manners? Reality? Sanity?
I can't help my feelings
I'm goin’ outta my mind
Rightwing out to get me
They don’t like my behind
I can't do my bidness
If I can't grift some bucks
Down in Houston where they don’t give two fucks
Come on and kick me
Come on and kick me
(Whoa, whoa)
Come on and kick me
(Whoa, whoa)
You got your problems
(Whoa, whoa)
I got my eyes wide
(Whoa, whoa)
You got your big plans
I got my pimpstick
h/t Rivers Cuomo
This is a big deal the size of a small deal.
"Maestro, Archipelago, please..." At least Shouting Thomas will get it.
Its a shame, that was a winnable war until the Dems pre-emptively waved the white flag.
"D congressman who love Israel = probably 95 percent"
That seems incredibly inaccurate to me based on what I have seen these last 18 months.
"'We want peace! We want peace!'" is now "Slava Ukraini! Slava Ukraini!" They went from shouting "baby killer" to "those babies need estrogen". Sad!
right on, Al Green. Censure is all they can do? Snowflakes.
Quick...get that picture of George Wallace!
The same old is new again. Both parties hierarchies are for the unending war in Ukraine.
If they want to go back to a 50 to 60 year old playbook maybe adopt the old adage what if they gave a war and nobody came
Regardless of optics (or audio), they're not very good singers.
@ Peachy Re: Feisty fem-dems, any random transgender could take them all out, not to mention any man. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.
I'm sure the AP stylebook will now instruct writers to refer to Al Green as "the disgraced Texas Congressman".
Dems. Sitting quietly, for a change. While still demonstrating that they are total assholes.
We shall overcome... the Union, the rebellious deplorables, the DOGE audit, the humane objectors. All's fair in lust and abortion!
Clyde said, "@ Peachy Re: Feisty fem-dems, any random transgender could take them all out, not to mention any man. Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
The risible kid in me thinks they're cringeworthy, but the adult utilitarian in me sees a bunch of ass-kicking wonderwomen that would be a great morale-booster for guys stuck in Donbass trenchlines. Jasmine Crockett is worth a Russian Brigade at least...she could take them all on.
Democrats are trying to portray their movement as the mistreated underdog, morally righteous, undeniably justified, and the only path to salvation for a broken country that is irritatingly racist occupying stolen land.
Just ignore their 22% approval rating from the people they seek to rule by any means necessary.
Sheesh, I haven't seen such handwringing on this site since Marjorie Taylor Greene heckled Biden.
Oh, none of you actually thought that was inappropriate?
My bad!
And how about those "transgender" mice!
Never mind! (homage to Emily Litella)
we note the MSNBC response from dedicated leftists is:
"But Marjorie Taylor Green!"
Kakapoodle - got anything on this Democratic Disgrace? Only Only One democrat stood up for a black kid with cancer.
That makes you all racists. But you already were. We just all got to see it.
"The Democrats refusing to stand for this young brain cancer survivor is one of the darkest political moments I've ever seen. Big shout out to Rep. Laura Gillen, a Democratic congresswoman from New York and the only Democrat to stand for DJ."
oops - I meant Freder... not that it's a big diff.
Google’s version left off this verse from their version of the lyrics:
Black and white to-gether,
Black and white to-gether,
Black and white together, someday!
Oh, deep in my heart,
I do believe,
We shall overcome someday.
Judging from self-segregating blacks-only dorms and “separate but equal” commencement ceremonies, “someday” is receding into the distance.
Sixty/odd years ago I sang this song standing next to a black man at a minor Civil Rights demonstration. The great Civil Rights battles had been won by 1964, but there were still skirmishes left in the struggle back when I was an undergraduate.
I do not think you guys are just ideologically misled, I think you are bad people...
You almost have to feel sorry for the D's. They grew up with the stunning imagery of the Civil Rights era - Central HS in Little Rock, the police dogs in Birmingham, MLK's hanger's on point from the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. These historical midgets are so desperate to be relevant and remembered that they either apply the iconography of the 60's to the most trivial of incidents - like the censure of Rep. Green - or they pursue civil rights for the undeserving - men in women's sports.
More on the self-absorbed pretty man/ Democrat Cult.
From Justine Bateman - a Democrat.
got anything on this Democratic Disgrace? Only Only One democrat stood up for a black kid with cancer.
First of all, what on earth does the kid being Black have to do with anything? Secondly, I might think that it was terrible if there had actually been a point to that little bit of theatrics (on Trump's part, not the little boy's). I was just baffled of what that little interlude had to do with anything Trump was saying in the rest of the speech.
And the ultimate hypocrisy is staging that little stunt when Trump and Musk have been slashing NIH research and other public health agencies. Or when Trump makes up an incredibly ignorant and stupid story about "transgender" mice.
And where was Althouse deriding using children as political props?
Freder - the kid with cancer is black. Reality. Your party obsesses over race all of the time. & your party screams, without evidence, non-stop, that Trump is a racist.
Nope- turns out every Democrat in that chamber - except ONE - is an actual racist.
This is not the first time the Senate has seen a cane brandished.
Furthermore, Freder -
Trump and Musk are slashing waste and fraud.... and that enrages the corrupt left. Yeah - they might make a mistake - and need to fix the error - but at least they admit it and fix it. Unlike the secretive corrupt democrat party elite authoritarians. Your party is nothing but a sewer.
After 4 years of war, money grubbing, millions of illegals, fraud, waste, lies, censorship, pandemic from fauci Chi Coms, beagle torture, forced jabs.... defund the police, men in women's private spaces, men in women's sports, etc... you dems go nothing... but
"Marjorie Taylor Green!"
Freder Frederson said...
“And the ultimate hypocrisy is staging that little stunt when Trump and Musk have been slashing NIH research and other public health agencies.”
Maybe Soros and all those other rich Democrat donors should stop subsidizing politicians and AGs and subsidize health research instead. Think of the children!!
Green at 77 another politician who should retire. But GOP did not even field a candidate in 2024.
Green finally accomplished something in the House: a moment of bipartisan. Not an easy task nowadays.
Ah Freder and Victoria (I assume that's Vicky from Pasadena another nom de blogger). I'm old enough to remember the Democrat outrage when Joe Wilson shouted "You lie" as Obama laid down a big whopper. The world was going to come to an end at Wilson's breach of decorum. Would I have bothered to censure Al Green--who was acting like a silly old geezer shaking his cane at the clouds in the sky. Probably not, but our current Congress loves to focus on the small stuff while ignoring its real job. But I think Walter Cronkite liked to close by saying, "And that's the way it is" or something along those lines. Deal with today's reality--a bunch of midgets in Congress and a power seeking missile in the Oval Office.
”But Marjorie Taylor Green!"
Greene is better looking, smarter, and vastly more sane than Maxine Waters. Just sayin’
What is the definition of insanity again?? How ANYBODY can STAY in this party as it circles the toilet, is beyond me. Just goes to show how LOW you will go.
Ugh. These Dems are insufferable.
Nobody except boomer age types remember that song and its context. With the Republicans should have done was expel Greene from any House of Representatives activity or duties except for voting in the committee of the whole, as the D's did with Marjorie Taylor Green in the last session but no. The no balls R's lose again and the D's just whiff. It's like they lined up for a field goal when they're supposed to be kicking off.
@David 53 If you can bother to look it up Fetterman's words were spoken to describe the actions of the Democrats at the State of the Union speech.
Remember Carl Sagan? He frequently used the phrase billions and billions as a shorthand for an incomprehensibly vast number of stars, galaxies, molecules, what have you in the physical sciences. It also represents the incomprehensibly vast expense that has been mostly wasted on "cancer research" since the first befuddled politician decided to wage "war" on an ill-defined set of ailments that do not share a common cause. We've been at for 137 years without much commensurate success.
Over that last 20 years wasteful spending on bogus non-repeatable research has exceeded the outlay for disciplined and valid research because the unaccountable bureaucrats awarding grants have become accomplices to fraud. Would you enjoy a $500,000 Treasury check? You would? Then pepper your grant request with plenty of magic words and phrases such as "climate change" and "racism" and it's yours. (Just be sure to kick back ten percent for THE BIG GUTY, m'kay?) And if you get your entirely baseless, incomprehensible, and non-repeatable research published (we have a list of fly-by-night, don't-give-a-fuck journals for your convenience) we'll cut you another 500 grand check. Who cares? Nobody reads that shit, anyway. And don't for the love of Pete discover a cure for anything (as if you could) that would derail the gravy train.
Ooooh, a censure!!! It'll go on his permanent record!
At least they aren't chanting.
"What do we want?"
"To behave like a$$holes!"
"When do we want it?"
"All the time!"
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