"... in the history of our party: roll over and play dead. Allow the Republicans to crumble beneath their own weight, and make the American people miss us. Only until the Trump administration has spiraled into the low 40s or high 30s in public approval polling percentages should we make like a pack of hyenas and go for the jugular. Until then, I’m calling for a strategic political retreat. The Army has a term for this: 'tactical pause.' It’s a vision move — get out of the hour-to-hour, day-to-day combat where one side (ours) is largely playing defense and struggling to defend politically charged positions (like explaining D.E.I. or persuading voters to care about foreign aid).... I don’t think a lot of Americans are waiting around for us to use the same old arguments and same old language to pile on Donald Trump — they’re tired of it...."
Writes James Carville, in "The Best Thing Democrats Can Do in This Moment" (NYT).
Putin said that Trump would “restore order” in Europe and that European countries “will all stand at the feet of the master and will tenderly wag their tails”. Those remarks were reposted by Trump on social media.
Trump reposting Putin.
A sound strategy, Mr. Carville, but.... How can we miss you if you won't go away ?
Tell us more about Putin Kackles? Where is this Putin? Is Putin in the room with you now? Did Putin touch you in the no-no place? Here, show us on this doll where Putin touched you.
Carville is the guy that just last week said "The Republicans are sinking and will be finished in 30 days."
30 days is longer than 2 weeks James. Just 2 more weeks James! 2 weeks!
Democrats are not a viable party. A "burden" some may bray. A selfie-abortion is the solution. Karmic.
Works for me.
Hard to believe, but Carville is actually becoming boring.
Does anyone monitor Carville's meds?
Times commenters appear to disagree strongly.
It kind of seems like he is saying that the Democrats should stop digging. He doesn't know the Democrats.
Yes, Democrats, please follow this advice. Go entirely radio silent for 12-24 months.
It's your only way forward.
As a straight, white cis male Carville no longer speaks for the Party. He will be ignored.
" 12-24 months"
Nay, 24-36 years.
"...embark on..." ?
Brother, they've already been embarked, torpedoed and sunk.
It's the Democrats only move if they want to make a comeback. Maybe they'll realize that Trump's biggest political assets were Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Rachel Maddow, the View and Morning Joe.
Worked for us Republicans. "You wanted Joe Biden so badly? Here, have four years of him!"
Does Carville think AOC, Schumer, Murphy, Harris and Omar aren't effective spokespeople? What about Joy Reid? Rachel Maddow?
I think that the best move for them is to purge their leadership, the same way we did. But Democrat ranks and file are too subservient to their masters, err, I mean leadership.
It's not especially new or daring. It's what happens over the course of a political cycle. And it's not necessarily because people are revolted by the party in power or because it collapses under its own weight. It happens because voters get tired of the party in power. They take its achievements for granted and focus on a new set of problems or opportunities.
Eventually the clock runs out, even under the best of circumstances. That's why Carville is a "somebody" now, rather than a nobody. In 1992, Bush was politically hapless, Clinton was a master politician who pulled his party's image back to the center, and Perot was around to split the vote, so what Republicans had been able to avoid in 1988 befell them four years later.
This would have been a good and likely effective strategy in 2017, where naive and inexperienced Trump caused a ton of problems for himself.
Instead, the left-heavy Deep State went after him with a vengeance. The Dems must purge aggressively or transform into a new party. I fear the woke revolutionaries won't let that happen, so they'll drive the moderates into the Republican camp.
LOL. Whether it's now or 24 months, their arguments won't change. Why does he think DEI, men in women's sports, allowing in 12 million illegals, supporting Palestinians, or larger government will become winning issues in 24 months?
The Democrats dont have to attack Trump. The MSM does that for them. 99 percent negative stories about Trump. And the courts are now exercising their power and stopping Trump from running the white house or the executive branch.
So, yes the D's should just shut down. Stop opposing every Trump nominee 47-0, and be quiet.
Saith Carville: "Until then, I’m calling for a strategic political retreat. The Army has a term for this: 'tactical pause.'"
It's a feint. The Party bosses have no intention of changing their goals or even their messaging.
Carville predicted Kamala would win in a landslide.
"It's the Democrats only move if they want to make a comeback. Maybe they'll realize that Trump's biggest political assets were Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Rachel Maddow, the View and Morning Joe."
Trump's biggest political liability is himself. I've voted for the man thricely but I do not and never have underestimated his ability to shitpost when he shouldn't or suck the oxygen out of a room when he should listen. I think those moments are far far fewer than his enemies screech constantly about, but they happen. The fact that he doesn't have another election to run for might make this worse.
Donald has a base, but like any politician he can still do or say something that pisses off that base. Donald Trump has a boss.
roll over and play dead
They don’t need to play.
Missing the Democrats will be like missing prostate cancer.
Kakadoodle - explain to the class why Putin invaded Ukraine under joe Biden?
While they are rolled over with tender cruise ship bellies exposed… we should eat their entrails. lol.
Too much?
Sounded like a good idea until I saw it was Carville's. Not sure he's been right about anything since the 1990s.
He is telling the woke race baiters and tranny males in women’s locker rooms to please shut up!
Democrats love fake polls.
Isn't this the guy with the raspy voice and the ice cream stores?
DEI is institutional, systemic Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry): racism, sexism, ageism, and other class-disordered ideologies.
Foreign aid is not the issue. The issue is waste, fraud, and abuse, and placing Americans second. It is also dark money to process American Civil Liberties Unburdened, ethnic Springs, coups without borders, etc.
Next up: planned parenthood, transgender conversion therapy and grooming, labor and environmental arbitrage, affordable with trillion dollars in forward-looking debt, shared... shifted responsibility, [catastrophic][anthropogenic] immigration reform, albinophobia, redistributive change schemes, etc. #WeKnow
The Dems can't change because they keep saying stupid things which must be backed up due to party loyalty. Carville is addressing this issue in his own unique way. "Shut up about identity issues and return on class issues. In 2026 no one will remember what Joy Reid said in 2024."
Trouble is, in the last quarter of 2023, there was this Big Gulp distribution of billions from the Federal Government to identity/climate/migrant groups. Those guys won't shut up till the money runs out; they'll noisily contest for possession of what The Big Guy gave them against the Doge Brothers who are cleaning up Dodge. Fanatics United will be calling for rodenticides to be sprayed on tropical islands so as to restore habitats; they'll be calling for the abolition of ranches in the West in the interest of Prairie Restoration; they'll be buying land with tax-payer money and transferring it fee simple out of the USA into tribal nations; they'll be funding legal challenges to keep child mutilation going; they'll be defending the High Speed Rail whether it swallows the California budget or not; they'll be defending with the resources of the law requiring impossibly expensive rebuilds from wildfires while they will defend with the resources of the law the fact that they did not prepare for wildfires.
In short, the iceberg has hit and the great ship sails majestically on. Laughing, the passengers gather up bits of ice for their drinks.
If Democrats came out fiercely against public corruption they'd have massive support for their party goals. It is shocking they don't since public corruption is the major factor in perpetuating poverty. But they won't because D leaders are themselves all in on the corruption. They're like the medieval papacy, the head of causes they are too corrupt to actually believe let alone pursue.
Will voters tire of Musk's act?
How will voters react to seeing Ukraine fall?
How will they react to mass deportations (if they ever happen)?
Will tariffs drive up costs?
What if Trump's unconventional cabinet picks bungle a crisis?
As a three-time Trump voter, I can weather any of these scenarios. But let's see about first-time Trump voters for whom this has been all talk, not real.
Dems would be smart to wait and see.
Most dictatorships Ive read about bloat the bureaucracy.
What if? Bold strategy I know, But what if, the democrats actually went along with what the people wanted, and worked harder than Doge to root out corruption, and ineficiency! Saying that if Doge can do it, we can do it even better. And, and, at the same time, they cut out all the trans bullshit, and quit lying about all the other stuff like women losing their rights, and blacks being back in chains. What if? What if they tried to out conservative the conservatives! Yeah, Right. I know, I'm gonna go smoke something to make that all seem like it could actually happen. lol
Hey James, here’s a more strategic approach that someone like Bill Clinton (your former boss) could pull off in his sleep: Immediately and cheerfully compromise with Republicans on any issue where Democrats trail 70-30 or lack 50 percent support within the party. That will take immigration and trans schemes off the table (among many other losing issues) and begin to get the party out of the corner it’s painted itself into.
It seems like Carville's strategy is to have people shut up long enough for the fickle voters to forget the shitty way Dems govern and how they show contempt for the American people. But that won't work. They can't eran grifter dollars by being silent. They HAVE to raise a fuss and generate angst to get they money.
Maybe a better strategy would be to competently run the government, focus on uplifting people and build a united country. But that can't work for two reasons. One it would make them Republicans, you know, literal Nazi fascists, and two, see paragraph 1. No grift in it for them.
Another old man who should retire.
it’s time for Democrats to embark on the most daring political maneuver..."
"... in the history of our party: roll over and play dead. Allow the Republicans to crumble beneath their own weight, and make the American people miss us.
It's a policy with a long and storied history on the GOP side.
And if the Trump policies suck, then it would be the right thing to do.
So if they Dems don't do this, you can know it's because they expect Trump's politics to actually help the voters
Readering: "Another old man who should retire."
Defenders of the completely corrupted Delaware Chancery Court and its 2 primary lefty hacks McCormick and Laster, like readering, should probably sit out any and all discussions about who should be retiring.
The good news re: the completely corrupted Delaware Chancery Court and its political hackery?
Being called out by the Delaware Supreme Court, the Governor and the DE legislature which has several bills eady to go to mitigate the damage the ani-Elon hack judge has caused.
Carville assumes that Trump's policies will fail, just as Democrat policies have always failed. But what if, this time, those policies actually work? Playing dead could be the prelude to being actually dead.
jim5301: Sounded like a good idea until I saw it was Carville's. Not sure he's been right about anything since the 1990s."
He is sure the hell correct about the psychos that have captured and run the New Soviet Democratical Party
Gadfly and Inga tried it after the election. Were gone maybe a month. Came back with the same lousy takes.
In other news, 70% of young adults like what DOGE is doing.
Allow the Republicans to crumble beneath their own weight...
A sound strategy, it eventually happens to everyone but it generally takes a century or so. Look what's happened to the Democrats as we close in on the centennial of the Roosevelt administration.
Only until the Trump administration has spiraled into the low 40s or high 30s in public approval polling percentages
So, still way higher than Brandon??
Yes. Do as '2025 Carville' says, Ds.
Carville is trying to come up with a purported "strategy" to cover the fact that DOGE is cutting all of the illicit funding of Dems and their issues and they can no longer actually afford to fight.
Our debt is an existential threat. Here’s an idea - why don’t Democrats join and help with the cutting waste department. They keep complaining about the military budget. Why can’t they help with suggestions for cuts?
Good idea, Carville. It will work. It will take at least 65 years, but it will work.
Trump is inside their OODA loop; interpreted by the left as being like Napoleon, who did the same thing, as analyzed by Marx.
"...or persuading voters to care about foreign aid)" I urge voters to care about the embarrassing fact that so many Americans are driven to set up a Go Fund me account after their loved one has died from drug overdose.
So Hamas is advising Democratic party
A retreat, waiting out Trump's chaos and events in general, is best electorally for Dems, but second best for the country--better would be a grand compromise on taxes, entitlement reform, defense cuts, streamlined government.
Of course, rolling over and playing dead presupposes you're not actually dead, like the Know Nothings, the Copperheads, the Whigs, and a few dozen other political parties that had some influence at some point in our national story and are now gone and forgotten by nearly everyone.
Why play?
Another fly in Carville's ointment is the press. Carville thinks the MSM will successfully do the work Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters have tried to do and so miserably failed to accomplish. Unfortunately for his well-laid plan destined to gang aft agley is the fact that Americans hate leftwing journalists with a searing passion that makes their distain for the Democrats seem tepid by comparison.
So Thirty Day Carville says Trump is gonna collapse... well it is now 28 days Carville... what ya gonna do when it hits zero day and Trump is still steam rolling along... gonna make it 60 days? 90? What?:
Paul said, "So Thirty Day Carville says Trump is gonna collapse... well it is now 28 days Carville... what ya gonna do when it hits zero day and Trump is still steam rolling along... gonna make it 60 days? 90? What?:"
He'll wait 2 weeks that evening
He'll wait 2 weeks that night
He'll wait 2 weeks that afternoon
It'll make him feel alright
He'll wait 2 weeks in time of peace
And 2 more weeks to settle scores
He'll wait 2 weeks before he waits 2 weeks
And then he'll wait 2 more
DudeX, Democratic sequestration would be karmic and a viable salve to mitigate climate change. Throw the baby on the bonfire. Just do it.
Carville has a legit point here. The Dem leadership has done a lot of damage to the party. There's a lot of house cleaning to do. A lot of re-building. Without coming right out and saying it, Carville's message is, the party has fucked itself six ways from Sunday and needs a complete re-structuring and they need to keep their people from doing even more damage in the mean time. (see Gov. Evers support for changing "mothers" to "inseminated persons", for example)
Come on, man! What the donkeys really need to do is yell louder, call everyone not on board with their far-left identity politics and progressive BS more names and be sure to remind all of us that Trump is literally Hitler! at every opportunity. That will solve their messaging problem and insure they go the way of the Whigs ASAP.
Maybe some actual smart people can create a new party out of the debris. One that does not hate the US and does not attack their opposition as evil incarnate, but proposes actual solutions to current problems.
@Big Mike: You could be right. Or, "I'm not dead. I'm just playing dead." As long as they roll over, who cares? For all we know, the Whig Party and the Know Nothing Party have just been playing dead all these years, waiting for a lonely nation to turn its eyes to them once again.
The Limp Dick Resistance
I suppose everyone realizes Carville's actual motive behind his publicly offered advice. Carville today is the desiccated husk of an obnoxious political courtier whose career started and ended with the utterly despised Clinton Crime Family. He has tried to regain relevance by appearing on second and third-rate cable shows. Last year he was touting the "sharp as a tack" brain of Joe Biden. "Ah know Joe Biden," he would screech like an addled Cajun swamp monkey, "thar ain't no 'publican as smart as him, no sah-ree!" After that risible mendacity collapsed, he assured all who had the misfortune to listen that "Kamala gonna wipe da floor wid dat Trump," right up to the last hour before the vote results rolled in like tide.
Carville, is desperate for a measure of respect. Like a blind squirrel with a found nut, he has realized his former benefactors are bleeding out, so he's trying to get ahead of the downward curve by saying play dead now, or be dead later.
Michael said, "The Limp Dick Resistance"
Small (D)ick energy.
Democrats couldn’t keep quiet for the rest of the car ride home. I like the idea of them trying, though…Is Pumpkinhead’s Christmas tree gone yet?
Go troll in a trailer park, you snake-headed, acid-tongued lefty sumbitch.
Shared/shifted responsibility. On the off chance that Trump triumphs, they'll always have the brayers in the fourth estate, and the uncivil corporations to race, sex, transgender, Diversity, shame people to take a knee. Pethaps another Pelosi-rrection.
Leftists have sequestered the lead (pun intended). Karmic.
Don’t go away mad. Just go away!
'I can’t get a straight answer from you': Judge loses patience with Trump admin lawyer for repeatedly ignoring court order unfreezing USAID funds, issues harsh This is senseless Whose gonna enforce trump and the Congress to do anything,,those days are gone..? Nobody ! the judge can keep spouting and trump will say FU im the King WITH IMMUNITY IF I CALL EVERYTHING official THANK THE LAME scotus.. This perp is not going to listen to no judge..give us a break...This has been created and the country will reap the harvest of it doings..Fuk the judges they got no say over the King Off with their heads..
Shorter Carville: "We're already dead. We may as well act like this is a strategy on our part."
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