1. "Biden Races to Cement His Legacy Through a Series of Actions" — "In the final days of his term, President Biden has issued a series of policy decisions intended to cement his agenda and, in some cases, make it harder for President-elect Donald J. Trump to put in place his own. The 11th-hour decisions, many of them executive actions, include measures on environmental justice, prison reform, immigration and foreign relations. Some are intended to preserve Mr. Biden’s legacy, while others are last-ditch efforts to expand his approach. Many are likely to be undone after Mr. Trump takes office next week. The actions have gotten the attention of Mr. Trump, who said on social media earlier this month that Mr. Biden was 'doing everything possible' to make the transition process 'as difficult as possible.' 'Fear not, these "orders" will be terminated shortly,' Mr. Trump added."
2. "Biden to Deliver Farewell Address, Capping a 5-Decade Political Career/The president has sought to portray his administration as transformative, but his speech on Wednesday night comes amid a backdrop in which he is not leaving on his own terms" — "The White House would not disclose what Mr. Biden plans to say in his speech, set for 8 p.m. Eastern. But in his final months he has been seeking to cement a legacy as a transformative president that stabilized domestic politics while bolstering America’s leadership abroad, one who ushered the nation out of a pandemic, made historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy, and worked to strengthen democratic institutions both nationally and globally."
If you were really transformative, you would have a legacy because the people saw what you did and lived through your era and were genuinely changed. You wouldn't need to cement anything. You wouldn't need to set up obstacles to try to slow down your successor.
Now, here's an appearance of cement in something from last week about Jimmy Carter: "A Legacy From Carter That Democrats Would Prefer to Escape/For decades, Republicans have reveled in invoking Jimmy Carter’s name to deride Democrats as weak — mockery that has influenced the way Democrats present themselves to voters":
“[Carter] became an exemplar of why you had to look tough and not weak in foreign policy'.... Indeed, more than 30 years after Mr. Carter left office, Republicans reached back to the Carter years to dismiss a momentous decision by President Barack Obama that delivered a forceful rebuttal to the idea of Democrats as weak or ineffective: approving the American raid to assassinate Osama bin Laden in 2011.
“Even Jimmy Carter would have given that order,” said Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate for president....
This aspect of Mr. Carter’s legacy was ultimately set in cement by his defeat at the hands of Ronald Reagan, a former actor and governor who presented himself as a decisive and forceful contrast to the sitting president. “He was the standard by which Democrats and Republicans judged political effectiveness,” Tim Naftali, a presidential historian, said of Mr. Reagan. “So by definition, Carter, whom Reagan had beaten, was the opposite of effective, the model to be avoided.”
Set in cement. Cement, the noun, not cement, the verb. It's where a bad legacy is stuck. It's far too late for Biden to take the active role and cement anything positive. He can make his peevish "11th-hour decisions" and "last-ditch efforts" but like Carter, he will be remembered as "the opposite of effective, the model to be avoided."
If they Executive actions, then they can be undone by same. That’s not what one would call cement. Unless by cement his legacy, they mean Biden claiming he would do things, then finally doing a half ass job when it is too late to matter, and then having his work fall apart after he departs. Say, how is that Crime Bill he sponsored as Senator going? And you probably thought I was referring to Afghanistan.
Biden going out has has blatantly tried to sabotage the incoming administration. It borders on sedition and it certainly makes a case for immediate transfer of power after the election. How many wars can he get us in before he is out. Disgusting, I couldn’t be more disgusted with the democrat party.
Well, ancient Joe has certainly cemented his legacy as the worst President in US history. An unparalleled record of failure and incompetence. And don’t forget the bribes!
I assume he cannot be convicted of crimes while potus, but I would like to see a.full blow investigation of his entire crime family. Hunter may be protected but all the rest of his family is not.
The Roman Empire invented cement. Of course.
From 2014: "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden.
The last 4 years cemented Biden’s legacy as wrong on nearly every major domestic policy issue as well. From the border to the grocery stores, Biden has been a disaster.
We all know that "cement", implying heaviness and permanence, is the wrong imagery here. Biden disengaged some time ago, and is the dozing elderly schoolteacher, oblivious while the classroom runs amok. The shadow activists in the White House now have 6 days of oversite-free policy looting to snatch whatever was on their progressive dream wish-list. Some will be reversed when the adults return, some not.
This is a routine war of retrenchment. See Mussolini's slow mountain-to-mountain withdrawal as the US military moved thorugh Italy during WW2.
The political pendulum is firmly on a rightward swing -- Trump is back despite 8 years of constant attacks. Leftism has flamed out for a while, as Woke anarchy now repels many Woke people and even some anarchists. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Biden together again. Still, the proud, arrogant, zealous, and competitive politicians on the losing side will die trying to remake reality and somehow 'win.'
Pride goes before destruction.
No one's going to say that Biden's presidency is sleeping with the fishes, but the many uses of cement certainly come to mind.
The real cementing of Biden’s legacy comes when they move the inauguration closer to the election and rein in executive orders to prevent a repeat of damage Biden’s team (does anyone really believe it’s Biden himself?) has done to implement their program AFTER that program was rejected by the voters,
Otherwise we may have to remind them of another use for wet cement.
The Biden regime redefined just how bad a Presidential term can be. Biden seems to think he is FDR or LBJ. Reality is America is being laughed at around the world, in spite of MSM trying to portray him as competent.
One of the worst Presidencies in history. Biden was fundamentally a weak corrupt stupid fool.
His legacy should be written by someone like Hitchens, or Didion.
ee cummings, indentation is lost
meassandca V
i had cement for her,
we became each
other humped to tumbling
garble when
pulled the sluice
Hey, Biden was the best puppet in the history of the presidency. He obediently allowed his handlers to move his lips and hands any which way they desired.
His monument in DC will be a Punch and Judy stage set. Mr. Punch versus "Joey the Clown."
J6-ers tried to save us from his presidency. We all knew he’d be terrible, even those who voted for him just because they hated Trump so much.
Here's how "cement" was used in the NYT on January 3: "An unconditional discharge would cement Trump’s status as a felon just before his inauguration on Jan. 20 even as it would water down the consequences for his crimes. Trump would be the first to carry that designation into the Oval Office."
"In some cases, make it harder for President-elect Donald J. Trump to put in place his own."
Scorched earth comes to mind. Biden just put in more sanctions on Russian oil that, if successful, will raise gas prices in the US. They are already rising in most states.
Producer prices are up due to higher energy costs which can be traced right back to Biden's sanctions. Biden is doing his best to impose the worst possible economic conditions on the incoming Trump Administration. Biden is the psychopath that they told us Trump was, and that's the first rule of propaganda, projection.
a legacy as a transformative president
He was, but not in a good way.
Team Juice serving up one more for the road
Implementing policies of foreign comic book villains is no way to cement a lasting legacy. Effective policies are the concrete foundation of a positive contribution to humanity. He was a petty and corrupt politician his whole career. Set in stone…
Cement is to too strong a word. There was some adhesion, but the word that springs to mind is paste as in pasted together. Biden went through his career pasting things together. The paste dries and things fall apart.....Wasn't Biden the guy in the room who nixed the idea of the raid on Bin Laden?.....However, I think it's hyperbole to describe him as the worst President in US history. Even among failures, he's a mediocrity.
Hardening into cement and refusing to acknowledge reality and change is now the principle political ideal of the Democratic Party. Identity politics, DEI and bigot-o-mania now, bigot-o-mania forever! The Crusade against the Bigots is eternal! Of course, what this really means is looting the government till.
James Buchanan, Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden, a triumvirate of awful. One of them hasn't finished screwing America yet. Tough to decide which of the three is the worst. We can guess though.
The only good application of this word, to this administration, is to characterize Joe Biden's intellect.
Biden is the most empty President for at least a hundred years -- he came in as a nothing, and thereby his emptyness surpassed post-stroke Woodrow Wilson and Reagan's late Alzheimer's years. Whatever Biden "did" was decided by others. That either makes him a zero (personally), or the decisions of his handlers were mediocre.
It’s the NYT and others trying to cement a Biden’s legacy in the public’s mind other than unmitigated failure.
A Potemkin Village built of cement. Why didn’t the Soviets think of that?
Whew! That was a lonnnnng 4 years.
You can break up cement with a jackhammer. Or even just a sledgehammer. We'll have to see if Trump has one of those when he arrives on Monday.
@Althouse, over at Instapundit Stephen Green links to an article by Robert Spencer that begins as follows:
The left is at war with reality and has been for decades now. And Old Joe Biden has just confirmed that this war is still raging, although it has become so familiar that many Americans overlook the pitched battles that are still being fought.”
You see, back in the day “felony” meant that you had done something serious Committed murder, or stole something of value, or at least committed perjury under oath (C.f., William Jefferson Clinton). It didn’t mean a bookkeeping error.
Another example, Democrats portraying themselves as “tough” for the bin Laden’s raid. Ordinary Americans looked at each other and asked why that was anything other than a no-brainer.
When you remove the disincentives to commit crimes you get more crime. Bigger crimes. When you try to legitimize evil doers with the best medals and awards you destroy the meaning of the medals and awards. That’s the cemented legacy.
@RMc, +1. But at least he answered the question “Who died and left Milton Friedman in charge” of economics, which urned out to be like asking who died and left Isaac Newton in charge of gravity.
the Biden legacy.. Cement shoes, and thrown in the Potomac
The main thing for Biden is that he’ll be remembered for a disastrous four years as President, rather than his failed attempt at a “high tech lynching” of Clarence Thomas, so there’s that.
It’s called “scorched earth” – an army, usually defeated, destroys everything in its path as it retreats, leaving the victors with nothing to sustain themselves or rebuild the shattered society the losers are abandoning - Howie Carr…and he’s correct…
"Some are intended to preserve Mr. Biden’s legacy"
Which is that of a not-so-bright man who saw the way to fame and fortune was through thievery using government as a cover, becoming mean and bitter throughout the whole process.
If he had the slightest bit of introspection or self respect he would have kept his mouth firmly shut ever since the morning of November 6. Instead he has firmly cemented his legacy as the worst president in our lifetime.
Executive orders are weak and routinely overturned. They will certainly be reversed by Trump, but they distract from the serious action that is soon to happen. Government programs are funded through the annual budget -- Republicans now have full control over the budget. In a mirror flip of the 2021 and 2022 inflationary and woke budgets, a handful of Republican senators will control the fate of many government programs and plans (see what Manchin and Sinema did before).
Trump will not be able to technically stop some of Biden's actions, but these will soon become "unfunded mandates" with no staff and no ability to exeucte.
They'll need to drain whole tanks of adrenochrome to get Joe thru this speech.
Some of you are confusing cement with concrete. Cement is the glue that binds the concrete matrix together. there are four basic ingredients to concrete, cement, sand, stone and water plus some additives and admixtures. The water is added to help blend the materials and give the mixture plasticity and work-ability. Too much water weakens the end product too little can leave voids. Concrete is the second most used material in the world after water.
As a legacy metaphor the cement shoes fit perfectly.
If you recall Obama warned about Biden: "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up".
Imagine having a very public career across 6 decades and thinking that the last 6 days will be what determines your legacy.
taped but presented as live?
In aggregate, Biden's theories didn't work in the concrete.
He's putting cement shoes on America to drag it deeper into the shithole Obama fundamentally transformed us into.
They can call it cement all they want, but it still looks like spackle from here. Time will tell.
Slogging and Cement do make for some interesting metaphors. But who is slogging through the stuff? I could see Biden slowly, laboriously, plodding through an ever thickening mess and just barely making it to the other side, only to collapse into a beach chair in Delaware never to emerge. Or is Biden with his late actions trying to set up Trump. Does he hope his successor will start out striding with confidence only to slowly be brought to immobility?
If the latter he'll likely be disappointed. Trump will either show up in "Yuge Boots" and stomp that measly puddle of cement all over his detractors. Or show up for work in a Cement Truck this time.
The Fishwrap of Record said…
“But in his final months he has been seeking to cement a legacy as a transformative president that stabilized domestic politics while bolstering America’s leadership abroad, one who ushered the nation out of a pandemic, made historic investments in infrastructure and clean energy, and worked to strengthen democratic institutions both nationally and globally.”
In baseball terms, Biden is what is known as an 0-fer.
Newton hasn't been in charge of gravity for more than a century. Gravity's Einstein's baby now.
I take no pleasure in noting that it isn't old dementia Joe doing any of this. The anonymous admin officials, not to mention his horrid wife, Doctor of Education Jill, getting his signature on things deserve worse than they will ever get.
Good to see you're also thinking of the Roman Empire a lot. Equality!
Is anyone going to watch Biden's farewell address? It will be a waste of time, and few will bother.
Most of the cement is between his ears.
Wasn’t is reported that he used to swim nude in the cement pond?
He's making mud pies.
A cement brain, all mixed up and permanently set - Zig Ziglat
Zig could have been speaking of Biden but probably was not.
John Henry
Biden’s legacy was cemented when Obama said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
the bin Laden’s raid.
Ordinary Americans looked at each other and asked why that was anything other than a no-brainer.
more like bone headed = there was no need to raid and assassinate
simply publish / dox him and see what happens in Pakistan
[chinese saying is use knife in another's hand to kill ]
Obama said, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
shows Obama knows how to use knife in another's hand to screw up USA
"and, in some cases, make it harder for President-elect Donald J. Trump to put in place his own."
The agenda of the Democrats was found to be wanting by the voters. Trump was elected to put his agenda in as a replacement. Joe Biden to America: "Democracy my ass! Fuck you!"
The malevolent leftist children actually running the "Biden Administration" only think they are cementing his legacy. Luckily for the country, it's more like "Elmer's Glue" applied slap-dash overnight as for a last-minute student project. And lots of White-Out (literally) by the media, covering over the actual history of what really happened.
Biden will be remembered for his four criminal prosecutions against Trump, and for pardoning his son for being the frontman for an international criminal enterprise. And he will be remembered for his dementia and his refusal to leave office until his own party forced him out.
More like a thin coat of spackle
Biden said he was going to be a ‘bridge’ to new ‘generation of leaders’. Hubris kept him too long in the presidential race and he will be remembered chiefly for being a bridge back to Trump.
It was fitting that Carter died at the end of the Biden presidency, since their two presidencies have striking similarities marked mostly by political failure. Carter had partial redemption based on his post presidency. Biden won't have that luxury.
Cement overshoes for his career
Biden's Legacy summed up by a liberal.
Biden's corrupt and lie-filled legacy needs to be liquefied, poured into shoe molds, and dumped over a tall bridge.
What angers me most about the right (and I include Trump) is that they will not go after corrupt Joe and Corrupt Hillary with the same vigor.
Joe and Hillary are actually guilty of everything we know about.
Joe his brother and his son Hunter grifted international pay to play money - hiding it inside shell companies. Hunter had no business on a Ukrainian Energy Board. That's laughable.
Hillary created and used a private server to hide her dealings while she was Secretary of State. She then went on the fund the fake Dossier - used as a pretext to go after Trump based on nothing but lies. Lies spread by Soviet MSNBC and Soviet liar Adam Schitt.
Congratulations to liar Biden. You are now the worst president in modern history.
You opened the border - and ruined our nation. Then your hack Soviet media lied about it. F U - old man. You and your corrupt party are a disgrace.
Strange how comfortable Schumer feels in honestly stated the illegal numbers.
11 million!
Funny how all the illegals Biden let in are "dreamers' now.
So, yeah, I’d say tariffs are coming. Also and related and for the umpteenth time -- American consumers pay the tariffs. I want to say again -- tariff revenue is not external. It is not paid by foreign countries.They are not writing checks to the treasury....
"For far too long, we have relied on taxing our Great People using the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Through soft and pathetically weak Trade agreements, the American Economy has delivered growth and prosperity to the World, while taxing ourselves. It is time for that to change. I am today announcing that I will create the EXTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE to collect our Tariffs, Duties, and all Revenue that come from Foreign sources. We will begin charging those that make money off of us with Trade, and they will start paying, FINALLY, their fair share. January 20, 2025, will be the birth date of the External Revenue Service. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ~ Donald J Trump @ Truth Social
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