January 24, 2025

"Attorneys for the defendants called them peaceful demonstrators emulating sit-ins from the civil rights era."

"Federal prosecutors in court documents described their efforts as 'organized invasions' carried out with physical force, chains, ropes and locks — all of it carefully planned and live-streamed.... In a letter lobbying Trump for the pardons this month, the antiabortion Thomas More Society called them a group of 'peaceful pro-life Americans' that included 'grandparents, pastors, a Holocaust survivor, and a Catholic priest.' They argued to Trump that the [Freedom of Access to Clinics Entrances] Act was unconstitutional and that part of prosecutors’ reasoning for bringing the charges was to protect the right to abortion, which no longer existed in 2023 because of the Supreme Court’s ruling the year before overturning Roe v. Wade."

From "Trump pardons antiabortion activists who blocked access to clinics/The pardons came the evening before thousands of activists are expected to march to the U.S. Capitol in the 52nd annual March for Life" (WaPo)(free-access link).


Peachy said...

remember when the Soviet-Democxic Media ruined Mr. Nick Sandman's life - as he stood there and did ---- nothing. Nothing - just stood there.

The Soviets created a smirk - and then turned the smirk into a felony.

That's what Soviet-Democrats do.

Quaestor said...

Empower women. Promote Life An appealing approach, but I doubt it will change minds. Unfortunately there is no power more alluring or more desperately defended than the power to kill.

tim maguire said...

The devil is in the details. All J6 protestors are smeared as having attacked police, even though almost none of them did. All clinic protestors are smeared as intimidating young women and blocking abortion access, which almost none of them did.

Peachy said...

Leftists demand abortion on demand - and lecture that it's not a human.

Leftists also whine and moan that illegal birth right citizenship is constitutional. Because it's a human!

Leland said...

Who was arguing that "abortion no longer existed"? The Anti-abortion activist or those Prosecuting them? WaPo's writing isn't clear. I hope it was the activist, because I can understand suggesting SCOTUS banned abortion as at least something they may misconstrue for the benefit of their cause. If the prosecutors argued it, then they are incompetent.

Kate said...

Kurt Schlichter wrote a great column about a week ago arguing that all J6ers should be pardoned because we can't have a two-tier system of justice. BLM rioters got a slap on the wrist. That same argument would apply to these pro-life protesters.

Trump is doing it! Pretty exciting.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm not saying that you can judge a judge's judgements on the basis of sex and the hyphenation of their last name, but I'm certainly thinking it loudly.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, did the demonstrators block access to the clinics? Or could the women going into the clinic easily step around them?

Leland said...

Also, I haven't forgotten the tactics used by BLM protesters against federal courthouses across the country. Biden's DoJ opted to not prosecute those protesters.
And here is what happened when Senator Tim Kaine's son assaulted pro-Trump supporters at the Minnesota capital after his father's loss to Donald Trump: https://apnews.com/article/cf3534aba3814c4eab83e1f8dad1352b (Spoiler, he was given probation) If you think it wasn't violent, here is a description:
“Some of the counter-demonstrators, equipped with face and head coverings and goggles, broke away and attempted to enter the rally from the second floor staircase by pushing and shoving,” a news release from Ramsey County Attorney John Choi said. “During the disturbance, they employed smoke bombs, mace and fireworks, thereby creating a chaotic and dangerous situation.”
By some, Tim Kaine's son was wearing head coverings and googles while seen pushing and shoving people.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Again non-violent protesters. Has the WaPo done a deep dive into what exactly the Biden Family members could have done to warrant pardons?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes. What was the rule, like 100 feet, they "violated"?

rhhardin said...

Blocking public right of way is illegal in Ohio, nothing to do with abortion. Counts as fighting words.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Shorthand for "the constitutional right to one" no longer existed in Federal law.

Peachy said...

Watch this 8 minute clip : Josh Hawley reminds us about the Women's clinics that were bombed/destroyed/harassed/vandalized/etc. - No one on the Soros left /Biden's corrupt DOJ did a thing about it. In fact - Biden's Nazi Antifa thugs worked without hindrance.

Meanwhile - silly petty leftist idiot females keep yammering on about bleach drinking. And mis-quote Trump - with their usual Soviet lies.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

One was arrested for silently praying outside a clinic on the sidewalk. But "too close" to the clinic according to Biden's Nazi enforcers.

Peachy said...

The instigators in the J-6 crowd were all wearing masks.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Conversely "conservative" Hugh Hewitt says we should crack down on the (few) violent J6ers to show we respect the law, and set an example. It's infuriating because the Left just laughs and continues there 2-tier system. I'm enjoying all the punch-back R Congresscritters are giving the media when they ask about Trump's pardons. Saw MTG just shred a clueless reporterette and then lecture her that "Biden letting rapists and cop killers out of jail" was more newsworthy that J6.

Laurel said...

I'ma harp on this because it's the Left, again, playing by Calvinball rules (made up as they go).

If we're forced to call people by their preference, then the PRO-LIFE side wants in. NOT "anti-choice".

But, of course, the Left has no rules to live by. Well, besides will to power.

RCOCEAN II said...

Just one more reason for cutting the FBI. If they have enough people to swoop around the country putting Pro-lifers in jail for "blocking access" to an abortion clinic, they have too many people.

There's no reason for a special federal law regarding abortion clinics. Plenty of local laws will do. Some of the sentences handed down were outrageous. One woman got 5 years! The maximum per the law is 10 years. Insane. Why in the hell should anyone spend 10 years in jail for blocking access?

So, good for Trump. God bless him.

RCOCEAN II said...

Just one more example of Uniparty Stalinist behavior. Break the immigation laws, no problemo. Commit arson and loot and you're antifa or BLM - no problemo. Besiege an ICE building or attack Trump's White house - OK with us.

But block access to an abortion clinic - 5 years in jail. Be a proud boy - life in prison.

RCOCEAN II said...

The Left practices double-think and has a tier-approach to justice and the law. One for them, another for their "enemies". Almost Every Leftwing Democrat DA and Judge practices it. We need to do more about it, then just go "wow, just wow". Or stupidly proclaim we'll be nice to them when they want to destroy us.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The Trump 43 Impeachments and subsequent lawfare attempts to influence the 2024 election has caused a rip in the flow of political time. Pardons now come at the beginning of Trump 45. I want to say, "we're not in Kansas anymore", but that would beg the question, where the heck are we?

Howard said...

This isn't the type of story that I would ever dive into an article let alone multiple articles and details etc. I like how this move was coordinated with the anti-abortion March on Washington. This is Trump tending his garden.

Enigma said...

Remember when they turned a blind eye to prosecuting violent people in the 'mostly peaceful protests' involving fire and bricks in 2020?

Remember when they set up kangaroo court impeachments and a Jan 6 show trial to distract from their guilty actions?

Remember when they changed laws, made up new laws, and colluded with local prosecutors to execute a bunch of garbage lawfare cases?

Remember with Joe Biden's puppet masters dictated that he give medals and pardons to the guilty, to include his entire family...just a few days ago?

And many more...

That's the corruption of power. We are reliving the 1970s Brezhnev-era USSR.

Enigma said...

Huh? Trump is #45 and #47.

Howard said...

Donald Trump has just figured out how to orthogonally attack standard political behavioral theory as practice by modern American politicians. It seems like that Pouilyeve guy in Canada has figured it out as well.

narciso said...

Kristen clarke who excuses cop killers was the architect of this

Peachy said...

De-fund the police opened the door to Antifa-thug- leftist Soviet violence on -demand.
Crook Joe and his corrupt pile of handlers did that. That is who they are.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Oops. my bad.

Peachy said...

You are only afforded civil rights if you obey the Corrupt Soviet-Democrats in power.

Deep State Reformer said...

Those who make basic justice difficult make *** ***** inevitable. No justice, no peace. Just saying.

Peachy said...

There are not enough F U's for the Vile Corrupt A-hole Soviet Left.

Enigma said...

This behavior is way, way, way older than that. Power-mad bureaucrats wait for and set up opportunities to use excessive force, and then prosecute whoever they can. They are power trippers and choose careers in law and law enforcement because it makes them grin from ear to ear. Review the Pinkerton Detectives vs. unions. Review J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. Review the ATF at Ruby Ridge and Waco, TX.

Peachy said...

"Just two months ago, DC Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced Paulette Harlow who is 75-year-old and in poor health to 2 years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic.

When her husband begged for mercy for fear she would die in prison due to poor health, the Judge mocked their Christian faith saying: "maybe you should make an effort to remain alive because that is a tenet of your religion."
Just two months ago, DC Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced Paulette Harlow who is 75-year-old and in poor health to 2 years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic."

When her husband begged for mercy for fear she would die in prison due to poor health, the Judge mocked their Christian faith saying: "maybe you should make an effort to remain alive because that is a tenet of your religion."

wow. Soviet Judges are assholes.


wildswan said...

Ten of the pro-lifers pardoned by Trump were protesting at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, which specializes in late term abortions. Group members had obtained bodies from these abortions and had determined that some appeared to have been partially born and then killed. This is illegal and the group members called on the DC police to investigate. When there was no response they organized a protest at the Surgi-Clinic. They went inside the clinic and more or less milled about the waiting room discussing the issue with the staff and patients. Some had brought locks and chains with them but the chains were not used to chain doors shut but were draped about their own persons. One woman who is Jewish testified that as the doors at Auschwicz should have blocked so these doors must be blocked. Essentially this was a protest, not a blockade. And this type of protest had been used before elsewhere without FACE charges. But the issue in DC was explosive since most Americans are opposed to late term abortions which, as I have said, were the speciality of the Surgi-Clinic. Moreover Dr. Santangelo, the abortionist had been caught on video saying he would not assist any child who survived one of his late term abortions. That's illegal. The group was trying to draw attention to all these issues. And the DOJ was trying to suppress such attempts, hence the prosecution and the savage sentences.
Thank you, Donald Trump, for setting these brave souls free.

This article by Senator Ted Cruz details the issues with the Surgi-Clinic.

This article gives some information about some of those who testify to the humanity of the unborn child right at the doors to the killing centers

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

"Attorneys for the defendants called them ..."

Never, ever believe anything an attorney says in support of their case.

Big Mike said...

Nothing more perfectly confirms that abortion is aligned with Satan than the terror displayed by abortionists and abortion-loving judges and prosecutors when confronted by a few elderly people on their knees praying.

Birches said...

I knew the chains weren't used to lock the doors to the abortion clinic weren't used when the WaPo describes them but doesn't say they were used. Journalism is easy to understand if you put aside what the writers are implying and realize that it didn't happen at all.

gilbar said...

just to be clear..
Blocking roadways, occupying federal building, defacing priceless works of art..
That was ALL okay, right?
it was just praying for babies that was criminal?

Peachy said...

DC Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly

How do we rid ourselves of these Soviet Judges?

Peachy said...

Exactly. Soviet Democrats are walking talking demons

CJinPA said...

Legal question: Should people be allowed to block entrance to other facilities, say, doctors' offices to prevent folks from receiving a vaccination you think is harmful?
The abortion protest law in question and/or the sentences are too harsh. But where do you draw the line?

narciso said...

in a different era, they would throw them to the wolves,

Yancey Ward said...

I agree with Howard. Now the world will probably end.

Gusty Winds said...

Democrats not only went after Trump as a political opponent, they also went after citizens including J6 hostages (who knew the voter fraud was real), and these pro-life protesters. They tried to put totalitarian fear into MAGA Americans and it didn't work. All these people who were persecuted, and prosecuted unjustly are freedom fighting martyrs and heroes.

Christopher B said...

Physically *preventing* access or trespassing on private property (i.e. you are not scheduled for an appointment with the clinic or accompanying someone who is). Same place you draw the line for anybody. Walking past someone who disapproves of what you are going to do does not prevent you from accessing the building.

Greg Hlatky said...

The Democratic position on abortion:

- No restrictions
- No exemptions
- No opposition
- No alternatives

tim maguire said...

Does it get you 2 years in jail?

Peachy said...

Additionally - anyone who wants to peacefully demonstrate against Abortion - will be treated to the gulag by the Vile Corrupt Soviet Anti-Freedom Democratic Left.

CJinPA said...

I'm trying to figure out what happened. This is "physically preventing access" right?:
The other lead organizer, Darnel, live-streamed the events from outside, records show, telling viewers on Facebook Live, “We have people intervening physically with their bodies to prevent women from entering the clinic to murder their children.”

Wince said...

wildswan provides some interesting context above.

Jupiter said...

That is a dangerous argument. The J-6 pardon is not justified by BLM rioters going free in (God, how long ago was it?). They are justified by the fact that the J-6 "riot" was instigated by government agents, and the "criminal justice system" in DC is a corrupt tool of tyranny. And please note that the pardon does not address those immense problems, it merely alleviates slightly some of their more appalling consequences. We are in a war, with a monster. It still walks among us, seeking whom it may devour.

Peachy said...

I hope everyone everywhere - every normal human in the US - refers to the democratic party as the "Soviet Democrats". That is who they are.
May it spread.

Jupiter said...

Who appoints them?

narciso said...

Remember Stem Express, that did a brisk business in fetal parts, that Fusion GPS was contracted to put Daleiden out of business

J Severs said...

"physical force, chains, ropes and locks — all of it carefully planned and live-streamed" - sort of like a Just Stop Oil protest.

Jupiter said...

No, they should not. People who block public rights-of-way should be removed and prosecuted. Applies to freeways, roads, streets and sidewalks. Alleys. Lanes. Bike paths.

Jupiter said...

""They should not have been prosecuted," said Trump, citing the age of some of those convicted." Hmmmm.... "elderly man with a poor memory". So, basically, a "Biden pardon". Maybe that is a new legal term, like an "Alford plea".

hombre said...

Federal prosecutions were necessary because state laws were inadequate to deal with trespasses and related conduct, right? It was not because the Biden Admin. was pandering to the baby killers for votes. Right?

Ampersand said...

Like a lot of fast news cycle political debates, the rightness or wrongness of each side hinges on empirical issues for which we have limited information. First, how significantly did the protestors impinge on abortion seekers' rights of clinic access? Second, were the sentences reasonably proportionate in light of other sentences for comparable crimes?
It's inconvenient as hell, but a sane opinion requires a well grounded answer to these two questions.

cfs said...

"J6 judges behaving badly: a chronicle…"


mccullough said...

You could say that these aren’t airports, rail-yards, interstate highways, or shipping docks so the federal government isn’t the proper level of government to pass and enforce these laws.

Peachy said...

Feds, Son of Democrat Tim Kaine, and Antifa-Nazis -WEAR MASKS.

Another planned gift from the corrupt left.

Robert Cook said...

In like, mind, but much more accurate:

"I hope everyone everywhere - every rational human in the US - refers to the republican party as the "Nazi Republikkkans". That is who they are.
May it spread."

Darkisland said...

Not because it is "Human", because the plain language of the constitution requires it. And I am hardly a leftist.

Mexico and Canada seem to have even less restrictive birthright citizenship than the US.
Canada even gives full citizenship to a baby born in its airspace. So a baby born to a Haitian woman over Manitoba, illegally flying from Haiti to Alaska, is a full Canadian citizen.

I did not even find an exception for the baby of a person on diplomatic status. (That may have been a problem with my finding, though)

Mexico does not grant "citizenship" to anyone at birth. But they do grant "mexican nationality" to everyone regardless of parents or their status (except diplomats). It is very much the same as citizenship. One normally becomes a citizen automatically at 18 though there are a couple qualifications like good behavior. "Citizens" get to vote, hold govt jobs and other priveliges.

If an American woman crosses the border illegally driving to Nicaragua and gives birth in Quejetero, that baby is a Mexican national, eligible to become a citizen in 18 years. Doesn't even matter if the car stops during birthing.

John Henry

Darkisland said...


On average, President Trump is 46

John Henry

Virgil Hilts said...

Trump at 57% approval. Ann, would love your thoughts on Preference Cascade. Not sure we have seen something quite like this within the U.S. in last 40 years.

Ambrose said...

I understand the Episcopal Church wants the powerful to be more merciful to the powerless. Does this count?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

LMAO @ Cook here embodying the essence of Stuck On Stupid and the futility of arguing with libtards. Peachy makes a point with supporting example. Enigma adds multiple pertinent examples to support the argument. Cook counters with a false assertion and a smear. Democrat Party members are immune to reason.

tommyesq said...

Agreed (with mccullough) - the overturning of Roe v. Wade etc. removes the need for Federal protection of abortion clinics. This should now be a state trespass/harassment type situation.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Story from aggregators: Among them was 33-year-old mother Bevelyn Beatty Williams, sentenced to over three years for blocking a clinic entrance and allegedly injuring a worker’s hand during a protest... “I was persecuted as a Christian standing for my beliefs when it comes to life,” read a statement from Williams on her fundraising page. “This is devastating news. Not only is this bond extensive for the accused crime, but she made it very clear in the courtroom that she was going to make an example out of me.”

Peachy said...

Kook - the only problem is you are full of shit.
YOUR party is corrupt and Soviet - by their very actions and behaviors.
You HATE the GOP - so you think it's fun to call them names.

You're just another cog in the loyalist leftist hivemind.

Iman said...

“You're just another cog in the loyalist leftist hivemind.”

Correction: we have determined cook was promoted to buttplug at some point during the Fall of 2023.

Leland said...

Agree with McCullough.

When Senator, and former VP candidate, Tim Kaine's son blocked Trump supporters by physically assaulting them; he wasn't federally prosecuted and served no time in jail.

Peachy said...

Oh and Cook - Enjoy the Cheney war criminals - who are now on YOUR wonderful all-knowing god-like corrupt party.

Lucille Ballers said...

Actually Trump's approval rating was 47%. The poll also showed 58% opposing the pardons for January 6th.

Mind your own business said...

"all of it carefully planned and live-streamed" Oh my!! How evil! Wait, doesn't that describe just about everything the DOJ does? So those attributes of people's right to assemble and protest are enhancement factors?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I thought it was Tampon Tim Walz's son arrested for that arson, never charged.

wildswan said...

I believe the description I gave above of the protest at the Surgi-Clinic is correct. I got it from someone close to the group. I know that good prolifers stood outside and said the prolifers inside were blocking access with their bodies But the statement was incorrect. Saying that prolifers were blocking access "with their bodies" when they were not but were merely sitting inside and talking was a controversial claim made by some prolifers during a short period of time in the past.
Suppose you were taking an airline flight home to see your dying mother and you saw you had to cross a union picket line to reach the gate. As you approach, the pickets shout their slogans and try to press pamphlets into your hands and arguments into your mind. You shy away from some noisy person and slip, bruising your knee. You go on into the plane and reach your destination. That's pretty much how the tactic used at the Washington Surgi-Clinic worked and how the day played out. Naturally, the Narrs present it as a day of terror but in reality, in general, people were arguing and shouting "Get out of my way" v. "Don't go in." You may think that the unborn should have no last-ditch defenders who assert their humanity one last time but that's just the point of disagreement.

The Gaza encampments on college campuses actually blocked Jews from using pathways to get to classroome and libraries. There were barricades and linked arms and shoving and cursing and demeaning remarks. This wasn't the same thing as the abortion clinic protest in question. Simply put , "Save your unborn child" is not the same kind of slogan as "From the river to the sea." One is trying to save a life, the other is a call for a second genocide against the Jews. That's the difference and I don't expect the left to be able to see it.

Christopher B said...

Dunno about son but Walz's daughter was providing antifa intel on the deployment of the MN Guard.

Christopher B said...

I also agree with mccullough. The purpose of this law is nothing more than providing enhanced penalties much the same as the novel use of that Enron law against the J6 folks. Without it, most of the protestors would be facing a misdemeanor trespassing charge.

Jim at said...

"I hope everyone everywhere - every rational human in the US - refers to the republican party as the "Nazi Republikkkans". That is who they are.

If you're going to spend the next four years running around screaming NAZI! at everybody who disagrees with you, you're going to get very tired, very fast.

And the rest of us will ignore you. Carry on.

Jim at said...

Actually Trump's approval rating was 47%.

Nope. Rasmussen has him at 53 today. And cite your poll showing the 58 percent opposing the pardons.

Narr said...

Just to be clear, I have made no comment on this matter, and don't know why wildswan wrote about "the Narrs" in her first paragraph above.

Eva Marie said...

Why are lefties for helping Ukraine and against helping Israel?

n.n said...

So, they did not block access to the abortion chamber, but marginally impeded progress. The Democratic law was appropriately labeled as FArCE.

I have a dream, that one day a human life will be judged by conception in Loving, and not the carbon content of her body and a "burden" of evidence.

RCOCEAN II said...

Writing about chains and ropes and locks is supposed to scare people into imagining all sorts of things. "Oooh they weren't non-violent they were going to do something with those chains and ropes like lynch people or tie people up or....".

These are people who were at most blocking access to the clinic. They should have been arrested by the local police and treated just like any other protester who blocked the entrance to non-vital building or business.

By the way, this "face act" was pased by the House by a "Voice vote" so the GOPe tratiors didn't have to identify themselves. 17 GOP senators voted for it. And Clinton signed it into law.

It forbids: "The use of physical force, threat of physical force, or physical obstruction to intentionally injure, intimidate, interfere with or attempt to injure, intimidate or interfere with any person who is obtaining an abortion"

So, anyone who "interfers or Intimidates" someone who wants to have abortion is guilty of crime. Any injury (like a bruise) can result in a sentence of up to 10 years in jail. Trump is the only Republican whose done anything about this absurd law.

wildswan said...

I'm sorry I seemed to allude to you. I presume you called yourself Narr because you were aware sooner than I was that the news media had gone over to doing something they called "Narratives" rather than reporting on the news. The Post has now made this trend explicit - specifically saying it will be doing exciting Narratives that attract readers. Inevitable, this is shortened in my mind to Narr. So I guess you could say you knew about Narring when knowing about The Narr wasn't cool. I'll try to say The Narr or A Narrie when I refer to the Wapo and its Nattering Nabobs of Narring.

Narr said...

No problem. I found out about Narr(ative) as a thing just now, looking up the meanings of Narr or NARR. My use of the name dates from my first appearance here some years ago, when I shortened a longer pseudonym that I used elsewhere to just Narr (which is Kraut for 'fool,' 'jester,' or 'joker').

There's National Association of Recovery Residences, and there used to be a North American Rat Registry, to name just two acronyms.

John said...

No, I think 46 is solidly reserved for the worst president ever: Joseph R. Biden

Big Mike said...

From Instapundit:

Just two months ago, DC Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced Paulette Harlow who is 75-year-old and in poor health to 2 years in prison for praying outside an abortion clinic.

When her husband begged for mercy for fear she would die in prison due to poor health, the Judge mocked their Christian faith saying: "maybe you should make an effort to remain alive because that is a tenet of your religion.


Judges for the federal district court in Washington, D.C. opined that Trump’s decision to commute sentences for 14 individuals and pardon all others convicted on charges related to Jan. 6 could not change the “truth” about that day.

“[T]his Court cannot let stand the revisionist myth relayed in this presidential pronouncement,” Judge Beryl Howell wrote in an order Wednesday. “The prosecutions in this case and others charging defendants for their criminal conduct at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, present no injustice, but instead reflect the diligent work of conscientious public servants, including prosecutors and law enforcement officials, and dedicated defense attorneys, to defend our democracy and rights and preserve our long tradition of peaceful transfers of power—which, until January 6, 2021, served as a model to the world—all while affording those charged every protection guaranteed by our Constitution and the criminal justice system.”

Howell made the comments in an order dismissing cases against Proud Boy leader Nicholas Ochs and Texas man Nicholas Decarlo, who threw smoke bombs at police. Both were sentenced to four years in prison in Dec. 2022.

Judge Tanya Chutkan, who also presided over the criminal case former special counsel Jack Smith brought against Trump in Washington, D.C., wrote in an order relating to one defendant that dismissing the case “cannot repair the jagged breach in America’s sacred tradition of peacefully transitioning power.”

Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly similarly wrote that pardons, commutations and case dismissals “cannot change the truth of what happened on January 6, 2021.”

“What occurred that day is preserved for the future through thousands of contemporaneous videos, transcripts of trials, jury verdicts, and judicial opinions analyzing and recounting the evidence through a neutral lens,” she wrote in an order dismissing Dominic Box’s case. “Those records are immutable and represent the truth, no matter how the events of January 6 are described by those charged or their allies.”

Add to this Amy Coney Barrett joining the dwarf and the two affirmative action hires (and Roberts) to let Judge Merchan perform his sham sentencing of Donald Trump for a sham trial with sham charges, and one truth becomes inescapable -- women simply do not belong on the bench as trial judges, or appellate judges, and certainly not Justices on the US Supreme Court.

Deep State Reformer said...

How can the FACE Act (1994) possibly be Constitutional? Any of you legal professionals or constitutional history scholars, pro- or anti-, care to give a layman friendly explanation? I'm asking in good faith. The sentences these folks received were entirely unjustifiable IMHO, so there's no need to address that aspect. Even a link to a credible source would be good, but understandable for us non-lawyers please.

Prof. M. Drout said...

The best reason for the pardons is that none of the J6 prisoners received fair trials: the 'Justice' Department withheld potentially exculpatory evidence, never came clean about the role of agents or "informants," and massively over-charged people to force them into pleas in which they were instructed to lie. Additionally, the judges lacked impartiality: not only was this evident from their meretricious conduct on the bench (which is at least debatable), but their newly published comments demonstrate beyond a doubt that they lack judicial temperament and are atrociously biased.

For these reasons, we cannot know the guilt or innocence of ANY of the J6 prisoners and they ALL needed to be pardoned. We cannot judge guilt just by some video that shows a guy hitting a police officer because the entire process was so tainted that we cannot have any confidence that we have seen the video in context. The lack of fair trials by itself makes the pardons morally necessary.

That said, I agree with Kurt Schlichter that we can have one of two things going forward: a one-tier system in which people are prosecuted / convicted for their ACTIONS without regard for which "side" they are on, or a two-tier system in which the "side" I am on is permanently on top. I and millions of other people will not accept any two-tier system in which we are on the second tier, and I assume people on the left feel the same way, which is why everyone should welcome a return to a one-tier system.

But not quite yet. Many people on the left facilitated, or at least didn't speak out against BLM and Antifa rioters, statue-topplers, Tim Kaine's son, Hilary Clinton, Hunter Biden not being prosecuted, while at the same time praying grandmothers and people waved inside in the capitol by police officers were sentenced to overly harsh sentence. The discrepancy needs to be addressed. We need a few years of both pardoning and commuting (and signing off on huge monetary settlements for) the victims of persecution, and very aggressively punishing illegal behavior by government officials, "protestors" who block traffic or damage property, and public employees who abuse their limited powers.

Let the left side get a good solid dose of their own medicine so that they are never tempted to behave again like they have for the past 5+ years. THEN we can return to equal justice under the law, which in the long run is the only stable system.

Gravel said...

I'm enjoying watching the resident lefties move through the stages of grief.
Cookie is stuck - hard - on anger; and Inga, I infer, is in deep depression.

The lack of emotional competence on display is both sad and funny.

Rusty said...

Yancey Ward
"I agree with Howard. Now the world will probably end."
When he's not straining to be edgy, he can make sense. He won't admit it, but he voted for Trump.

Rusty said...

What happened, Robert? They change your meds?

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