October 25, 2024

"The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election. Nor in any future presidential election."

 "We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates. As our Editorial Board wrote in 1960: 'The Washington Post has not "endorsed" either candidate in the presidential campaign. That is in our tradition and accords with our action in five of the last six elections. The unusual circumstances of the 1952 election led us to make an exception when we endorsed General Eisenhower prior to the nominating conventions and reiterated our endorsement during the campaign. In the light of hindsight we retain the view that the arguments for his nomination and election were compelling. But hindsight also has convinced us that it might have been wiser for an independent newspaper in the Nation's Capital to have avoided formal endorsement.'" 

That's "A note from the publisher," William Lewis, of The Washington Post, "On political endorsement."

Great! I prefer this policy, especially if it is based on a real commitment to professional, high-level journalism. There's a crazy amount of bias, which drives me away from whatever they are hoping to push. My sympathy for Donald Trump, the target of so much unfairness, is a bit absurd. I'm supposed to hate him? You idiots have made me love him. But somehow now you are drawing the line. What game is this?
We recognize that this will be read in a range of ways, including as a tacit endorsement of one candidate, or as a condemnation of another, or as an abdication of responsibility. That is inevitable. We don’t see it that way. We see it as consistent with the values The Post has always stood for....

But why make the change right now?

... and what we hope for in a leader: character and courage in service to the American ethic, veneration for the rule of law, and respect for human freedom in all its aspects.

Which was, presumably, true all along, so why change now

We also see it as a statement in support of our readers’ ability to make up their own minds on this, the most consequential of American decisions — whom to vote for as the next president.

Interestingly, I am undecided, and wouldn't it be funny if it was because I was waiting for The Washington Post to tell me what to do?! 

Our job at The Washington Post is to provide through the newsroom nonpartisan news for all Americans, and thought-provoking, reported views from our opinion team to help our readers make up their own minds.

Yeah, could you do that too? Time to get back to that as well. 

Most of all, our job as the newspaper of the capital city of the most important country in the world is to be independent. And that is what we are and will be.

Okay. Fascinating. But why now? Why withhold support from Kamala Harris? It can't possibly be that you'd support Donald Trump. I mean, I could understand, if you felt you needed to support Trump that you'd resort to this idea of not telling us, but that can't be what's going on here. I am amused at the thought though.

ADDED: The Washington Post also published "The Washington Post says it will not endorse a candidate for president/Publisher William Lewis explained the decision as a return to the newspaper’s roots":

An endorsement of Harris had been drafted by Post editorial page staffers but had yet to be published, according to two people who were briefed on the sequence of events and who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. The decision to no longer publish presidential endorsements was made by The Post’s owner, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, according to the same two people.

That article quotes Chief Communications Officer Kathy Baird denouncing the rejection of endorsement as "cowardice" and "a moment of darkness that will leave democracy as a casualty" (which is, presumably, a play on the paper's motto "Democracy dies in darkness"). 

We're also told of the decision over The Los Angeles Times not to publish an endorsement (which would have been of Harris). According to the daughter of the paper's owner — Patrick Soon-Shiong — "This is a refusal to ENDORSE a candidate that is overseeing a war on children.... For me, genocide is the line in the sand."

So, this may be all about Israel. The papers don't want to elaborate the reasons for supporting Harris because they would need to avoid or somehow deal with the topic of Israel's war against Hamas. Harris can't explain her position very well either. She needs help, and she's not getting it. She's evasive, and the newspapers are — in this endorsement avoidance — evasive too. 

ADDED: The BBC is covering how much the Israel issue hurts Kamala Harris in Michigan:


Mason G said...

"You idiots have made me love him. But somehow now you are drawing the line. What game is this?"

Typical Democrat strategy- when you think you're losing, change the rules.

Shouting Thomas said...

It’s a pretty amazing day. I can see a preference cascade for Trump in motion. Democrats have only themselves to blame. They should have run real, contested primaries. They probably wouldn’t have nominated an obvious incompetent. Everybody’s beginning to abandon ship on Harris.

John Webster said...

Why are the opinions of editorial writers any more important than the opinions of other people who make the effort to be reasonably well-informed about major issues? Political journalism is now overwhelmingly a very partisan occupation, with a large and increasing number of journalists disavowing the need for fairness. Several journalism professors have openly said that all journalism should be activism, and there are many examples of younger journalists at big name outlets having that philosophy.

I prefer opinion pages that have a genuine diversity of well-reasoned opinions. The idea that editorial writers are high-minded gurus who know what’s best for the rest of us is ridiculous. At any rate, their influence is negligible.

ndspinelli said...

A tacit endorsement of a Fascist.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Twitchy has a round up of the freak-outs!


rehajm said...

Bezos is scared…

Two-eyed Jack said...

The entire staff can't contain its despair at not being able to attack Trump in a final banzai charge. "This is how democracy dies," they wail.

rehajm said...

I prefer this policy, especially if it is based on a real commitment to professional, high-level journalism

…on that one I’m taking the under and backing up the truck.

North woods crab said...

LA Times also failed to endorse a candidate. There it was the owner who introduced the policy. Dr. Soon-Shiong is liberal but he isn’t stupid. My guess is he didn’t want his paper endorsing such an amazing idiot like Kamala. Maybe Bezos feels the same way.

Shouting Thomas said...

I doubt that. What’s Trump going to do to WaPo? Probably nothing. He’ll have more important things to do, like ending the Ukraine war.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Wonder if Bezos is hoping for a mass resignation so he can re-staff without having to pay severance?

Duty of Inquiry said...

"Our job at The Washington Post is to provide through the newsroom nonpartisan news for all Americans"

So, they're going to fire all the reporters and columnists and start over?

tcrosse said...

Take it up with Bezos.

deepelemblues said...

They think Trump is going to win, and they also think that Trump is going to send them to Mar-a-Dachau if they piss him off, so better be careful!

rehajm said...

They’ll still have the peephole in the paywall so Ann can continue to spread the manure though, right?

Shouting Thomas said...

Nobody really believes that about Trump. Trump will have to clean house at the DOJ, FBI and CIA. The election rigging, domestic spying and the contrivance of the Russia collusion hoax has to be punished.

rehajm said...

…Oh. So all that fear and pearl clutching from the left was just for show? Quelle suprise…

Original Mike said...

Kamala is so bad they couldn't endorse her. That's really, really bad considering how far they've been willing to debase themselves up to this point.

Leland said...

Are they doing this so they can feign impartiality when covering the week after the election or because they can read the polls and don’t want any part of Democrat attempts to steal the election?

Shouting Thomas said...

Self-inflicted wound. The Democrats should have run real, contested primaries.

Clyde said...

First the L.A. Times, now this. They'll always have the New York Times, though.

Original Mike said...

WaPo staff had written an endorsement of Harris , but management overruled.

I had a link to this in the other thread, but the spam filter ate it and now I don't remember where I saw it.

Dixcus said...

why make the change right now?

Because the choice before us is clear: Literally Hitler™, Facist, literally holding another rally in Madison Square Garden, invoking the Nazi Regime and threatening Our Democracy™... or Kamala Harris.

Tough choice. Tough choice ... meh, WaPo is undecided. Now is not the time to be picking sides.

Dixcus said...

How is Jen Rubin still employed by the Washington Post after she chided LA Times employees to quit after they ALSO refused to endorse Kamala Harris?

Dixcus said...

They don't want to be put up against the same wall.

Dixcus said...

A lot of people need to be hanged for stealing the last election and I think Trump is exactly the kind of guy to hire someone to do it for him.

Original Mike said...

Well, Jennifer Rubin will resign for sure. /s

Dixcus said...

They haven't done that since before Kennedy.

Which, by the way ... how'd that work out for him?

Original Mike said...

"Kamala Harris - "He's Hitler"

Washington Post - "Yeah we've thought about it and we're still not going to endorse you over Hitler. Sorry.""

Stephen Miller

Shouting Thomas said...

@Dixcus. Trump is a pretty surprising guy. I doubt he’ll go on a vendetta. That’s one of the reasons I like him. I think he’ll focus on, first, ending the Ukraine war, and second, on good governance.

Bob Boyd said...

They can't come out and say they endorse Harris because it conflicts with their policy of lying about everything all the time.

RCOCEAN II said...

Whats their game?

Simple. The Wapo/NYT et al have been so biased against Trump and in favor of the Democrats for over 8 years now. No one to left of Schumer thinks they are objective and unbiased. Many on the Center-right ignore everything they say. Their crediblity has fallen to record low levels.

So they refuse to endorse Kamala. Now, they can say "of course, we're objective - of course, we're not biased in favor of the d's - why we didn't even endorse Kamala for President!"

Some fools will buy it, and it allows them to have a talking point. Further, the WaPo Editorial board knows their influence on Trump/kamala is zero. The Trump supports and center/right dont give a damn what they say. The Democrats and left leaning Independents will vote for her regardless.

rhhardin said...

Interestingly, I am undecided

Odds are that you're in the 18-34yo demographic, the dumbest voters.

Readering said...

I'd say the idiot, or maybe child, is the one who claims she was "made to love" someone by all the hate shown him. Since most presidents have been much hated, I guess she has compiled a big scrapbook over the years with ex-presidents with hearts. Certainly, enough hate for Biden on this site to generate big love. Not to mention the communist-fascist-prostitute Veep.

RCOCEAN II said...

BTW, while the average libtards are still screeching Trump/Hitler, the elite seem more calm about a Trump victory. Some Big donors who were silent in 2020 or supported Biden, are now giving to Trump. Many of them are Jewish and give Oct 7th as the reason.

Maybe the Wapo Op-ed reflects this calm reaction to a trump victory. Or maybe the elite know the Democrats will steal the election no matter what. So what does it matter?

Sprezzatura said...

If you’re really rich, why wouldn’t you make sure DJT doesn’t put you on a list of enemies?

If he loses, Kamala will not use the government to target you. But if he wins (and you’ve heard from Pence and the rest of the folks that worked w/ DJT last time) you will want to be in line to get your payday. Rather than letting that government money go to another rich guy while DJT screws you.

rehajm said...

Mar-a-Dauchau. Heh…

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe Bezos just doesn't endorse the idea of Kamala in the WH. Noone with a lick of sense does.

Balfegor said...

Both this and, I think, the similar decision by the LA Times were probably driven by the owners, not the editors and surely not the staff. I think what may be happening is the owners/investors are looking at those polls that show trust in the media collapsing across the board (even with Democrats, to some extent!) and realising that if they want their pet newspapers to have any value at all, *something* must be done. It's not so much the decision not to endorse (we all know they'd endorse the Democrat) and talk is cheap. Rather, I think they're deliberately baiting their more radical and untrustworthy staff to go berserk in public, and possibly resign (and good riddance!) as a signal to the public that they're willing, as an institution, to tell the loonies on staff "no." That they might not be impartial, but that as step one on the path to winning back public trust, the inmates are no longer running the asylum. The bigger the fit the staff throw, the better for the owners.

boatbuilder said...

Wow! WaPo pulls out the chair on Kamala.

boatbuilder said...

That's pretty funny, Original Mike.

rehajm said...

Yah. When the options are the equivalent of tastes great/less filling a sentient being can get away with that…

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

In the unlikely event the usual suspects want to return to real journalism, provoking your resident hysterics into bailing voluntarily would be a good start. You don’t become a billionaire by not manipulating people.

Yancey Ward said...

Imagine you have a business hemorrhaging money and need to let go a lot of high-cost staff- you can fire them, of course, but it will cost you money up front to buy out contracts and other unemployment fees and lawsuits. What could be better than have that staff quit with a lot of huffing and puffing?

Yancey Ward said...

It will be interesting to what Jen Rubin does- she was applauding all the L.A. Times staff that was quitting in response to their paper's management not endorsing Harris. Will Rubin quit?

friscoda said...

“NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...
Wonder if Bezos is hoping for a mass resignation so he can re-staff without having to pay severance?”

Wins the day! Kudos!

boatbuilder said...

Being put on an alleged "enemies list" of DJT would be the crowning glory of any liberal billionaire's life and career.

Projection is not a good look for you, Sprez.

boatbuilder said...

The editorial position might be based solely on the strategy of getting rid of Jen Rubin. Makes a lot of sense, when you think about it.

Hassayamper said...

Democrats have only themselves to blame.

Absolutely true.

They should have run real, contested primaries.

Well, yes, but for a lot of people I've talked to, it was much more the laughably flimsy and manifestly unjust Stalinist show trials. Americans don't go for banana-republic bullshit.

Anybody other than a power-crazed leftist ideologue must surely recognize that this has been the most overtly politicized set of prosecutions in all of American history. An outright conspiracy by some of the most powerful people in the country to grossly violate the civil rights that Trump shares with all the rest of us.

There is absolutely nothing that occurred in the Red Scare of the 1950's that is as evil and un-American as what these shitty, wicked, awful people did.

IF Trump wins - I dare not yet say WHEN he wins, but all signs are pointing that way - If he wins, the victory will of course be a merited reward for his own steadfastness and bravery.

But the "glory" can also be shared by the absolute sewer scum in the Democrat party who thought these show trials would deter the American people from peacefully and democratically and honestly electing their favored candidate.

Merrick GARLAND.
Letitia JAMES.

Step forward and take a bow.


You and your minions and co-conspirators (looking at you, Marc Elias).

Now prepare yourselves to have everything you've done dragged under the microscope, and pay the price for your tyranny and treachery.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Projection is not a good look for you, Sprez.
Quote the Reverend Richard Penniman.
The Girl Can't Help It!

Hassayamper said...

Trump is a pretty surprising guy. I doubt he’ll go on a vendetta.

I'm hoping he'll magnanimously issue pardons to Joe and Hunter Biden for taking bribes from Ukraine, Turkey, China and all the rest, "in the spirit of bipartisanship and healing" of course. What fun it would be to watch the Left's reactions. I think it would be more devastating than another round of marquee tit-for-tat trials.

Spiros said...

Great! Now demand accuracy and impartiality and let the losers know -- keep your own opinions firmly under wraps or start looking for a new job.

Skeptical Voter said...

A war on children--well you can read that in a couple of ways. Some might read war on children and genocide as Israel in Gaza. I don't read it that way but acknowledge that there are those who do.

But there's another way to read it, with which I agree. Jeffrey Carter on one of his substack issues says that the transgender issue is going to hurt the Democrat party--in a very big way. And it will come about at first because of transmen playing women's sports. Carter is a winter time resident of Nevada. He said that the kerfuffle over the University of Nevada women's volleyball team refusing to play the San Jose State team--because it has a transgender male on the team has hurt the Democrat incumbent Senator running for re-election. The Nevada girls aren't alone---women's volleyball teams from four other colleges have forfeited their matches rather than play San Jose State. What happened in Nevada was that the university (presumably its DEI department) had insisted that the girls play. They still refused. The Democrat incumbent was cruising to victory beforehand; the race is now a dead heat.

SteveSc said...

You can believe them. Until the next election, anyway...

Hassayamper said...

They haven't done that since before Kennedy.

The proverbial "smoky back-rooms" really made their return with the Super-Delegate nonsense the Democrats imposed after Reagan thrashed Carter in 1980.

John henry said...

I would like to point ot that in my monthly "Machinery Minute" columns I have adopted a strict, dare I say "cruel"? Neutrality. Much as I would like to show my support for president trump in my natterings about packaging machinery, I have not done so.

Why piss off half my readers?


DINKY DAU 45 said...

trump will be vanquished by Harris,,The women are coming,the only thing he'll be governing is his commissary stipend..There is no way America(not a garbage can) only in trumps and his trumpeters minds,will elect him after the 1st criminal fiasco People who believe he'll be elected will be up in here next 8 years whining and running the tired conspiracy theories without an ounce of proof.. 10 more days and this nightmare in history will be over all except for the court s to do their jobs, and hold this convicted felon even more accountable (finally) mark it down. I wonder if his immigrant wives were all vermin like he loves to say and if they poisoned the country plus eat the pets? This fella is a bonafide loser...

John henry said...

The tears of the journalists over at journa.host are sweet, sweet, nectar indeed. I do feel sorry for the tens of thousands of cats owned by the journos, though. I fear they may experience some frustrated kicking.

John henry said...

Anyone remember the uproar 11 years ago when it looked like the Hitler brothers, Oops I mean the Koch brothers, looked like they might buy the la times?

There was an ep where a couple evil businessmen were going to buy the paper from the Katherine Grahamesque owner. The journos, led by editor in chief threatened to quit. Crony told eb (evil businessman) that if he took over, all he would would be a bunch of empty desks.

Eb replied, in one of tv's great lines "that's all I need. I hope you will stay. But if you don't I can fill those desks"


John Henry

MikeD said...

I was most satisfied when reading Walz's hometown paper, Minneapolis (Red) Star-Tribune, also failed to endorse.

John henry said...

I loved the the way president trump boomeranged the "fake news" back on the media in 19. Here is a clip of Cia asset Robert Woodward almost in tears at the now defunct nauseum.

"Mr president (sniff, sniff) we are not fake news"


John Henry

tcrosse said...

As if the constant readers of the WaPo were going to vote for anybody else.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

This over confidence of a Trump win reminds me so much of 2022 when the “red wave” was barely a trickle.

Are early swing state voters breaking for Trump or Harris? What a new poll found.

In the Tar Heel State, Harris edged out Trump 55% to 43% among those who said they’ve already voted.

In the Peach State, Harris led Trump by 10 points — 55% to 45% — among respondents who said they’ve already voted.

In Arizona, Harris once again led Trump among respondents who said they already voted — 56% to 44%.

Miami Herald

Inga said...

“The findings come from three separate Marist College polls conducted in North Carolina, Georgia and Arizona between Oct. 17 and 22. They sampled an average of 1,460 adults in each state and have margins of error between 3.2 and 3.5 percentage points.”

Aggie said...

Get back to you later on this one, STINKY !

Aggie said...

1. Don't talk yourself into believing in Red Waves ! They don't exist.
2. The lessers that have been busy arrogating themselves as 'Culture Warriors', telling you how to live your beliefs and censoring all of the 'others' for the past 10 years, are seeing handwriting on the wall. Their bottom line drives their behavior, make no mistake. Just as many of them sang the praises of Adolph Hitler's rise, they would sing the praises of anybody if they thought it would increase their sales revenue - or at least, they'd stop with the relentless criticism.

They'll do anything, say anything, to sell the paper. Consider it in this light. They're hedging their bets for a reason.

boatbuilder said...

Live by the Bezos, die by the Bezos.

boatbuilder said...


Maynard said...

Who is clearly emitting more nasty flop sweat? Inga or her doppelgänger Kamala-lala-ding-dong?

It is sad and quite pitiful. These people will never figure things out.

boatbuilder said...


Inga said...


“Red Wave” Redux: Are GOP Polls Rigging the Averages in Trump’s Favor?

Polling by right-leaning firms has exploded this cycle. Maybe they want to be accurate—or maybe they’re trying to create a sense of momentum for Donald Trump.

Last month, a GOP-friendly polling firm presented itself, and its data, in a highly unusual way. Rather than maintain a nominally neutral public-facing profile, this pollster acted more like a cavalry brigade for Donald Trump’s campaign. And the firm did so explicitly, openly, and proudly.

It all went down in mid-September, at a time when the FiveThirtyEight polling averages showed the slightest of leads for Kamala Harris in North Carolina, a must-win state for Trump. Her edge was short-lived: The averages moved back to favoring Trump. And Quantus Insights, a GOP-friendly polling firm, took credit for this development. When a MAGA influencer celebrated the pro-Trump shift on X (formerly Twitter), Quantus’s account responded: “You’re welcome.””

Inga said...

“The implication was clear. A Quantus poll had not only pushed the averages back to Trump; this was nakedly the whole point of releasing the poll in the first place.

To proponents of what might be called the “Red Wave Theory” of polling, this was a blatant example of a phenomenon that they see as widespread: A flood of GOP-aligned polls has been released for the precise purpose of influencing the polling averages, and thus the election forecasts, in Trump’s favor. In the view of these critics, the Quantus example (the firm subsequently denied any such intent) only made all this more overt: Dozens of such polls have been released since then, and they are in no small part responsible for tipping the averages—and the forecasts—toward Trump.“

Christopher B said...

Ace at AofSHQ covered this a couple of days ago. At that point it was just speculation, though.

Gusty Winds said...

Bezos isn't an idiot like Mark Cuban.

MadTownGuy said...

Stephen King and Mark Hamill posted their subscription cancellations on X. I'm sure Bezos will miss them.

Aggie said...

So, the Editor-at-Large, Robert Kagan, has resigned his position at the Washington Post, in outrage at their choice of not issuing an endorsement for the preferred Democrat candidate.

By the way, his wife is Victoria Nuland, whom you might remember as the organizing force in the Intelligence Services, behind the 2014 color revolution in Ukraine.

Drago said...

The lefties/dems/LLR-democraticals (but I repeat myself) are going absolutely bonkers over the Israeli's launching strikes against the New Soviet Democratical allies in Iran that obambi/biden/harris have been funnelling billions to over many years in order to support their terrorist pals Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.

Absolutely bonkers.

Drago said...

This will be the 4th or 5th time King has "left" X and about the 2nd or 3rd time Hamill has "left" X.

Let us know when its their 10th and 8th time, respectively, that these 2 non-relevant over-the-hillers publicly announce they are leaving X.