October 12, 2024

Sunrise — 6:44, 7:01, 7:12.





Dixcus said...

I agree with Barack Obama. Noted Indian-American Kamala Harris ... the first Indian-American to ever be elected to Congress ... is looking like she might lose the election, and you know who's fault that is?

Black men.

Barack ... who is the only black man allowed by the Democrat AWFL's to own a home on Martha's Vineyard without the United States military being called to remove him to a "camp" onshore ... is right.

Black men are ruining it for Kamala. The Indian-American.

Dixcus said...

By the way ... Maureen Dowd's column today was horrific. In it, she maintains:

[Kamala Harris] needs to make the case for herself more assertively.

There simply IS no case for Kamala Harris. She is either the continuation of the Biden Presidency, which has been so rejected that he has been the only US President to be the victim of a coup that hasn't resulted in even a single arrest ... or she rejects the Biden Presidency and wishes to take the country in a new direction.

She hasn't rejected Biden's Presidency. In fact, on The View, she said she would change NOTHING that Biden has done. But if she did decide to take the country in a new direction (and 78% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track) then she'd have to posit that direction. She'd have to say: "This is where I want to take the country, and here's why."

But she cannot do that. She is mentally retarded. That's not a slur. It's a medical diagnosis. She is mentally retarded and simply does not have an IQ high enough to explain to the country where she would like to take it.

So, sorry Maureen: You aren't going to see any forceful or assertive case be made by Kamala Harris. She is incapable of that mentally, which is why as a DA in California, they NEVER LET HER TRY A SINGLE CASE.

rehajm said...

To clarify…The Vineyard has long been a haven for elite blacks…

rehajm said...

The Florida refugees returned today. Even got power back this evening. Who’s in charge there?

Dixcus said...

Then there aren't too many elite blacks. There are exactly 326 black people living on Martha's Vineyard, out of 20,530 residents. This represents 1.59% of a population that in the United States represents 13% of the population.

The only possible explanation for this disproportional impact of opportunity to live on Martha's Vineyard can be racism.

Dixcus said...

Not sure, but you can bet that he's not hand-feeding supplicants any Doritos in the Governor's Mansion.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Tim Walz took a group pheasant "hunting" today. I say; "hunting" because no one in the party had a shotgun. I guess it was more of a pheasant taunting trip than anything else.

Mason G said...

"The only possible explanation for this disproportional impact of opportunity to live on Martha's Vineyard can be racism."

Based on the left's own definitions, this would seem to be true.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Barry is, like Kamalalala, only half black. I don't know if black men buy the story.

BUMBLE BEE said...
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BUMBLE BEE said...

Hurling pointed invectives?

tastid212 said...

Here's something that has puzzled me for a long time. Maybe someone can explain it to me. Dozens of polling companies monitor political races nationally, statewide and locally. Yet we always read about "internal polls" conducted by the political parties themselves that are presumed to be more accurate. How can that be? What advantage does a group of overtly partisan, temporary pollsters have over professional polling firms that do this all the time? What are internal polls measuring that outside pollsters aren't?

Sydney said...

You Madisonians have a very lovely lake. It seems just the right depth and size to catch the light of the sunrise in beautiful ways that you don't get with large bodies of water.

rehajm said...

The only possible explanation for this disproportional impact of opportunity to live on Martha's Vineyard can be racism.

That’s stupid…

rehajm said...

You can buy more accurate polling with larger sample sizes and slice and dice the data in ways the public polls never bother to do. Also big focus groups. That’s how you learn the brothers aren’t going for Kamala…prolly know why, too but you don’t let that leak out..

rehajm said...

You can buy more accurate polling with larger sample sizes and slice and dice the data in ways the public polls never bother to do. Also big focus groups. That’s how you learn the brothers aren’t going for Kamala…prolly know why, too but you don’t let that leak out..

MadTownGuy said...

@Sydney, I lived in Madison for a while, and the lakes are very photogenic. But I also lived for a short while just off Lake Michigan, in Kewaunee County (almost Door County), and Lake Michigan has spectacular sunrises too; also, when it's just getting cold way up there, 'sea smoke.'

Aggie said...
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Aggie said...

Were they singing that old English ditty "Well, I was a pheasant plucker's mate..."?

Breezy said...

You get a bigger paycheck by asking more follow ups, having broader samples, and proving accuracy better than public polling.

Dixcus said...

Yes. Yes it is, Rehajm.

Dixcus said...

Actually, he had one. It wouldn't shoot. Also, all the hunting orange he was wearing was literally PRISTINE, having just been bought from Wal-Mart that morning. He'd never worn ANY of this hunting gear before. As Instapundit noted, this is a failure of his staff to position him for success because any COMPETENT STAFF would have "dirtied up" the hunting clothing so that it looked used before ... you know, like Hollywood directors do it.

If it's not a 14-year-old "wrestling student" ... Tim Walz hasn't been interested.

Dixcus said...

The "internal pollsters" are measuring actual voter sentiment. The ones you read about in the mainstream media are only there to create content that the media wishes to then pontificate on. I can produce whichever outcome you want just by carefully selecting who gets polled. If you pay me.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Yes, I see Insty's update. Looks to me like he couldn't figure out how to load it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

#1 Tennis player Novak Djokovic Instagram to Rafael Nadal on his announced retirement at the end of upcoming Davis Cup.

"Rafa, one post is not enough to express the respect I have for you and what you have done for our sport. You have inspired millions of children to start playing tennis and I think that’s probably greatest achievement anyone can wish for. Your tenacity, dedication, fighting spirit is going to be taught for decades. Your legacy will live forever. Only you know what you had to endure to become icon of tennis and sport in general. Thank you for pushing me to the very limit so many times in our rivalry that has impacted me the most as a player. Your passion for representing Spain has always been remarkable. I wish you best possible farewell in Malaga with Davis Cup team of Spain. I will be there in person to pay respect to your stellar career."

Aggie said...

Or maybe the group's self-preservational instincts cut in, and they made the gun unfireable. I would have been inclined to do the same, if I was stuck being there.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

That would imply that the group had been dragooned into going hunting with Walz. Where's the joy in that?!