October 10, 2024

Goodbye to Ethel Kennedy.

From RFK Jr.'s "American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family" (commission earned):
After my father fell for my mother, they embarked on what Arthur Schlesinger described as “one of the great love stories of all time.” My dad loved Ethel Skakel’s fiery spirit, and was intensely proud of her reckless competitiveness and athleticism, her self-confidence, her humor, and her peculiar blend of deep religious faith and mischievous irreverence. Her fearless, fun-loving, outgoing personality perfectly complemented my father, providing encouragement to a man who was inherently quiet, vulnerable, and shy. Her devotion to him became a platform for his growth as a public leader. Where Jack was detached and deliberative, my father burned with passion. She fueled those flames. 
My parents were so affectionate with each other that they often appeared pasted together, arms draped over each other’s shoulders, kissing and calling each other “sweetheart,” “darling,” and “honey.” I had an early allergy to corniness, and these antics would have put me in anaphylactic shock had they not been so casual and adorable. They held hands when they ice-skated or walked on the beach. On river trips they lay against each other beside the campfire. He proudly introduced her at his speeches, and she always took the front row and hung on every word, even after hearing the same stump speech a hundred times. Her disciplined attention to his talks always impressed me. I thought, “She must have learned that in Catholic school, where they rapped your knuckles for wavering attention.” She sat behind him in the motorcades, and he would look around whenever he lost track of her. He told reporters that his greatest achievement was “marrying Ethel.”


Iman said...


Odysseus said...

Charming, and disarming excerpt from RFK Jr.

Kate said...

How poignant. A great love that was cut short over 50 years ago, and now finally Ethel can go home.

Aggie said...

RIP. I don't like a lot of what I've seen from the Kennedy family over the years, but she's one of those matriarchs to which none of it applies, as far as I can tell.

Yancey Ward said...

4......3.......2......1........The stroke will be blamed on the son for endorsing Trump.

mccullough said...

11 kids

One Fine Day said...

Now I am intrigued. Was Bobby that much of an opposite from Jack?

Political Junkie said...

Ponder the sympathy RFK Jr would be receiving if he was the D nominee for President. This would be the lead story. It really would.

n.n said...

Equal and complementary in love, life, and liberty. Fair winds and following seas, lovely lady.

mccullough said...

He was shorter and didn’t have pain-pill problems.

PM said...

Nice clip, thanks.

Humperdink said...

Very touching.

rhhardin said...

"Tie Ethel's Tubes - 60s bumper sticker

n.n said...

And eleven for Posterity. Wow. Love you, mom. Sweet.

Mikey NTH said...

That was a lovely tribute.

MadisonMan said...

That's a long life. Now she gets her reward.

Eva Marie said...

96 but still sad. RIP

traditionalguy said...

It’s been 60+ years but I still remember liking her very much. Hell of a woman.

Ralph L said...

It's good to read some balance to what I've heard. She comes off badly in the chapter of Ask Not about the Martha Moxley murder by her nephew, writing (or signing) an awful letter to the judge before sentencing. Perhaps they were like Ron and Nancy--so wrapped up in each other, the kids went wild. Raising 11 children on your own would be hard enough even when rich, but Kennedys?

Lazarus said...

Somebody (an ambitious social climber) who knew the family said that Ethel still had conversations with Bobby 20 years after his death. That struck me as weird and creepy at the time, but I understand it now. Still, I've gotten very cynical about politicians and their marriages, and wonder what their relationship was really like.

n.n said...

She scored an 11 in Posterity. An inspiration for Muskism. BLM

Megthered said...

Robert Kennedy had to clean up a lot of JFKs messes, including Marilyn Monroe. He might have been devoted to Ethel but he was a Kennedy, so he was a slimy horn dog like his brothers.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Seeing her grandson endorsing Trump gave her a stroke from which she never recovered. Expect a Trump mugshot with a caption: "This man killed the last Kennedy matriarch"

The rule of Lemnity said...

Wait a minute. RFK jr was Ethel's son... NEVERMIND.

SweatBee said...

When you know that Bobby was a flirt and a cheater just like his brothers, these glowing PDA descriptions sound more creepy than sweet.

Aggie said...

Second son syndrome.

William said...

I read the NYT obit. It was complimentary and she does seem to have been a remarkable woman. The photo editor did her no favors though. Some rather harsh photos were used for illustration. She wasn't as good looking as Jackie, but she looked more animated and friendlier. As a widow, she was more faithful to the departed, but she doesn't seem to have had Jackie's success as a mother. Two of her kids died young and for foolish reasons......One of the secrets of a happy marriage is early widowhood.

Skeptical Voter said...

For a lot of us the success or failure of that first really major decision in one's life has a tremendous impact on final outcomes. I've got fraternity brothers and high school friends who are now on their third wife. The "champ" in that regard has been married five times and divorced four times. Then there are the fortunate ones who got it right the first time. 59 years down the road I know I made the right choice. Not wisdom--just plain luck.

Lucien said...

Aggie: Third son, I believe.