October 11, 2024

Garnering Amish votes.

I'm reading "The famously secluded Amish are the target of a Republican campaign to drum up Pennsylvania votes for Trump" (WaPo):
Amish PAC aims to garner more votes for President Trump in 2020 in a state both the president and the Democrats are desperate to win. Amish people tend to align strongly on policy with Republicans.... But making voters out of the Amish, who forgo television and the Internet and believe fiercely in the separation of their religious community from government intrusion, may be a steep goal....

A quote from Ben Walters, who co-founded Amish PAC: “The Amish care about religious liberty, business regulation, abortion and judges. Those are four things that the Amish overwhelmingly support President Trump over whoever the Democratic candidate is. We talk a lot more about issues than we do about candidates."

A quote from an Amish woman: "I think Trump — who’s Trump? He’s the president, right? — he’s doing pretty good. Just from what I hear people say, he’s trying to improve things."


RideSpaceMountain said...
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Dave Begley said...

I appeared in Knox County, Nebraska in opposition to a solar development. Knox County is about 250 miles northwest of Omaha and along the SD border. An Amish farmer named Levi spoke. He had the hat and a beard. Said he doesn't use electricity, but somehow he knew that the federal income tax credits for solar and wind are worth $1.2 trillion. I learned that same fact (via the Internet) per a report from Goldman Sachs about 2 weeks prior to the meeting.

Was this Amish guy a Goldman Sachs customer? I talked to a local guy and he told me that the Amish are very well informed.

Narayanan said...

their elders have to be to protect them

RideSpaceMountain said...

Dear Amish,

You may not be interested in English culture wars, and the culture wars are not interested in you.


The party that has routinely called you the American Taliban

Humperdink said...

I was taking an Amish teenager home last week. He was listening to the radio and asked if that was Trump on the radio. I said yes and asked if he liked him. He responded “my wallet does.”

They follow the news in NW PA.

Geoff Matthews said...

Uniformed voters are a dime a dozen.
But the Amish a low-maitenance population. They don't ask for much, and what they do ask for (leave us alone) most people want.

Will Cate said...

Ya know, that's even worse than just "garner" ... it's "aims to garner"

n.n said...

Target journolism garners violent dreamers.

That said, the Amish are pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. All American. Hold the garnish.

Dixcus said...

Maybe the Amish don't want a First Lady who punches out his girlfriends.

Leland said...

“We talk a lot more about issues than we do about candidates.”

Some of us do.

CJinPA said...

Exactly. Move that Amish country lady 100 miles to the east and you have an uninformed Philadelphia voter casting her vote with a list of demands for taxpayers and society.

planetgeo said...

I've visited the Amish community around Arthur, IL many times. They're remarkable people. Hard-working, courteous, lots of kids who are also courteous, not dependent on government or anyone else, and lots of American flags lining their Main street. Ergo, no chance any Democrat is going to win there. And if Kamala garners enough ballots to "win," these are the people who will survive the apocalypse.

Come on down and check out the people who will repopulate the planet after the apocalypse. I recommend the fried chicken buffet at Yoder's when you do.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I think it's the Amish who're okay with getting drunk so long as you're using power tools but maybe that's the Mennonites.

The rule of Lemnity said...

An Ikea tariff 🪑

Gospace said...

If the Amish/Mennonite community turned out in NY, they couldn't tip the state. But there's be 2 or additional "safe" Republican districts.

The government statistics on how many there are here are wrong.

People locally have been saying the number of children here is way down. Last year we had two small kindergarten classes in the public school totaling about 40 children. When I first moved here 25 years ago there were 90-100. There was 1 small Amish/Mennonite school. There are now 3 of them- that I know of and pass on a regular basis. I've heard there are two others. They're chock full of children. There are more children locally then ever before. They're not showing up in government statistics. Nor in the organized sports leagues or youth groups.

Deevs said...

After that quote form the Amish woman, being Amish has never looked more appealing to me.

wsw said...

#garner I feel the same way with 'foster'

Enigma said...

I've visited Amish country in Indiana and Pennsylvania. The small towns routinely have Edward Jones investing offices. Many, many people love to buy Amish-grown food and dairy products. All that cash must go somewhere, even if they live a simple life.

Amish products have a solid platinum reputation, and their McDonald's restaurants have family-sized tables that seat a dozen people. Be fruitful and multiply...and multiply your cash...

RideSpaceMountain said...

“He is richest who is content with the least, for contentedness is the wealth of nature” – Socrates

Anabaptism is what civilization would look like if European civilization prioritized contentedness over nebulous "happiness".