September 28, 2024

Things not believed.


Maynard said...

Partisan Democrats don't believe it, but they will repeat the lie, because Trump ...

Achilles said...

The number of people that support Kamala Harris is shockingly low. Nobody actually openly supports her anymore in any public setting.

It is just too embarrassing to support such a stupid and lightweight person.

She wouldn't get 60 million votes in a legitimate election with paper ballots and purple thumbs and voter ID.

Wince said...

President Biden and I supported the toughest and fairest set of bipartisan border security reforms in decades.

Congressional Republicans voted against them — twice.

I guess that means they weren't very "bipartisan" then, were they?

RideSpaceMountain said...

She is unburdened by what has been. Didn't these clowns get the memo?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"The Department of Homeland Security knows of at least 660,000 illegal immigrants at large in the U.S. with criminal records, including 13,000 convicted killers, nearly 16,000 convicted of sexual assault and 56,000 involved with dangerous drugs.

Thousands of other migrants have been charged but not yet convicted of those and other crimes.

They are part of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s “non-detained docket,” a list of more than 7 million illegal immigrants that ICE is supposed to be monitoring as they roam free in the U.S."

We will see this news DUTIFULLY buried by the Soviet-D press.

15,000 killers, 20,000 sexual assault convicts, 60,000 robbers among illegal immigrants at large

Leland said...

"We took Executive Action"
Yes they did on day one:
"Section 1. Policy. Immigrants have helped strengthen America’s families, communities, businesses and workforce, and economy, infusing the United States with creativity, energy, and ingenuity. The task of enforcing the immigration laws is complex and requires setting priorities to best serve the national interest. The policy of my Administration is to protect national and border security, address the humanitarian challenges at the southern border, and ensure public health and safety. We must also adhere to due process of law as we safeguard the dignity and well-being of all families and communities. My Administration will reset the policies and practices for enforcing civil immigration laws to align enforcement with these values and priorities."
They never gave a chance for bipartisan legislation. They defunded border protection the same day and then "reset" the laws our nation without legislation, and now pretend that they can do nothing without legislation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden opened the southern border - and asked Illegal entrants to surge the border - abusing our asylum system, and they did. To the tune of millions.
The first thing biden and Myorkas did was cancel all of Trump's executive orders that kept the border closed to illegals. Trump's orders were simple: follow laws already on the books.

Biden should be impeached. Myorkas was impeached - but the corrupt left under Chuck Schumer refused to follow through.

Biden begs - 'abuse our asylum laws and surge the border. '

gilbar said...

serious question:
What percentage of the population of Haiti is Now living in the USA?
hints: there were 11,470,261 people in Haiti last year..
5% of that would be: 573,513 people

Biden administration gives temporary protected status to 309,000 more Haitian migrants
Friday’s announcement (
June 21, 2024)would shield an additional 309,000 Haitians living in the U.S. from deportation, according to DHS. Immigration advocates estimate that this would bring the total of Haitians in the U.S. with protected status to roughly 500,000.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

FLASHBACK, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas Brags About Rescinding "Too Many Trump Immigration Policies To List"

The Truth

Wince said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kamala is such a joke. That millions of loyally blind and thoroughly propagandized American leftist morons will vote for her really says a lot about our media and our education system.

While I wish we had a better spokesperson than Trump - Trump is all that stands between us and complete leftist Soviet-Democrat Authoritarian tyranny.

Wince said...

RFK Jr. said...
"All you have to know is 7 words, and you never have to admit to doing anything wrong again."

"I was born in the middle class."

Also seven words, Steve Martin in The Jerk.

"I was born a poor black child."

Temujin said...

She was given the charge of our southern border. She clearly felt as if that was beneath her, or she was simply not interested. Probably both.

>She never- NOT ONCE- called the Chief of the Border Agents to talk with him, set up a meet with him, or to simply ask him a single question. Not in 3.5 years.

>Up until yesterday, she had personally visited the border ONE TIME, in 3.5 years. Such was her concern.

The 12 million+ that are in this country since she and Joe took over, the 425,000 missing children are only the partial story.

Kamala was put in charge of the border, and her result is that the US is now enabling and funding one of the largest human trafficking operations in history. As well as a giant drug operation with gang tentacles now reaching literally every corner of the US- from Madison to Seattle, small towns in Maine to San Diego, Ocala, FL to Austin, TX.

We are awash in crime and drugs. And Kamala bestowed upon us, a visit to the border.

She is a hideous human being on so many levels.

Earnest Prole said...

She’d be better off just shutting up about illegal immigration and hoping people forget she was vice president for the past four years.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It is not up to congress to pass legislation to save everyone from Biden/Harris's corrupt executive orders that opened the border.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The count was 90+ I think...
During a September 2021 interview with MSNBC's Nicole Wallace, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas bragged that the Biden administration had, "Rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them!"

we have the recording.

tim in vermont said...

Democrats care about everybody in the world but actual Americans, and then they wonder why people vote for Trump.

RideSpaceMountain said...

She's trying to. Everyone with normal bloodflow to their brain won't let her.

narciso said...

she's fired all of them

Bill Crawford said...

Please excuse my ignorance. Were these convictions in US courts, or in their country of origin (released from prison in Nicaragua, for instance?

victoria said...

No one believes Fox, liars and declaring the fealty to the former President, the owrst man on the face of the earth, net to hus buddy Putin.

Yancey Ward said...

And cat women in Pasadena.

Kate said...

She went to Douglas, the sissy border crossing. Higher elevation. Yesterday in the flat desert was 110F. She wouldn't touch Nogales or Yuma where the issue is tough.

Even now when she's pretending to be serious she isn't serious.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Wasn't it FOX that had to pay $787,000,000 in settlements for lying and false information? I thought I read that in the news ?

n.n said...

Letter from Lechleitner to Gonzales

tim in vermont said...

Looks like a "call to action" went out to the liberal message boards, whatever form they take now.

gilbar said...

true, but TOTALLY Irrelevant.. She doesn't need ANY "votes".. she just needs (and WILL GET) the vote COUNT

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Right on!...screw the past. Ignore everything that has ever occurred. Never learn from our past or from our mistakes...just keep on truckin' blindly down the road. It will be "joyous" and wonderful. Great plan.

Quaestor said...

For shame! You people are unfair to Vice-President Harris. Just remember...

tim in vermont said...

"Your letter requests the number of noncitizens on ICE’s docket convicted or charged with a crime. As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges." - Patrick J. Lechleitner
Deputy Director and
Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director

That's a letter from the Biden's head of ICE dated this past week. So I guess that Harris better get busy firing the liar in her own administration!

n.n said...

Springfield residents displaced through mass immigration reform. American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Excess murder, rape-rape, probably rape, and other criminal enterprises, too. There needs to be emigration reform to mitigate progress and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Fox News agreed Tuesday to pay Dominion Voting Systems nearly $800 million to avert a trial in the voting machine company’s lawsuit that would have exposed how the network promoted lies about the 2020 presidential election.
The stunning settlement emerged just as opening statements were supposed to begin, abruptly ending a case that had embarrassed Fox News over several months and raised the possibility that network founder Rupert Murdoch and stars such as Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity would have to testify publicly.
“The truth matters. Lies have consequences,” Dominion lawyer Justin Nelson told reporters outside a Delaware courthouse after Superior Court Judge Eric Davis announced the deal.
Outside of the $787.5 million promised to Colorado-based Dominion, it was unclear what other consequences Fox would face. Fox acknowledged in a statement “the court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false,” but no apology was offered.
“We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues,” Fox said. Its lawyers and representatives offered no other comment or details about the settlement.
This is the company that all the folks up in here are touting? WTF? 800 million for lying and false info? I believe the other right wing companies also paying up NEWSMAX,,ON1 or something like that..these are propaganda channels that people get brainwashed into and it looks like they are getting caught and having to pay up..LAWFARE ,,nah just companies that lie and get caught...c'mon man..

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n.n said...

Straight from the horse's mouth.

Mr. D said...

Come to the Twin Cities and you'll see otherwise.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

The leftist hysteria on this is understandable. Kamala is finished once this gets out to the general public.

n.n said...

Letter from Lechleitner to Gonzales

Murder, rape-rape, probably rape, too, and other criminal enterprises in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Trump says he killed the bipartisan deal to secure the border because “it made it much better for the opposing side”

Trump was president for four years. Why didn't he resolve the problem? Why didn't he complete the wall and have Mexico pay for it?

He just made a show of doing stuff, but he expects Harris, as Vice President, to have done more.

Other than the fact that a Vice President can’t veto or sign legislation, make treaties or sign international trade agreements, make judicial and administrative appointments to head agencies, and direct troops and armaments around the globe, a VP has a lot of power to do stuff.

Apparently, Mike Pence ran the country, I guess.

n.n said...

Yes, the illegal alien flux took on a new life with Obama and enjoyed unprecedented progress with Biden/Harris. The question is if Trump, unburdened by Pelosi et al, will pursue comprehensive emigration reform.

hombre said...

As nearly as I can tell from lefty aggregators the leftmediaswine are avoiding this story. As DNC talking points emerge that could change.

narciso said...

they live in a world of make believe

The rule of Lemnity said...

The house republicans are not blameless here. They are in charge of the house and they couldn’t even mustard a vote against Biden’s Mayorga. To paraphrase Mencken; We deserve the government we got good and hard… or something.

Big Mike said...
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Big Mike said...

Is Kamala Harris a woman? According to feminist theory women lie.

(I’m not a biologist so I cannot be sure. I suppose I can ask Willie Brown.)

Drago said...

Sam Francis and Solzhenitzen described the soviet regime and how the police would allow criminals to break laws while arresting ordinary citizens. Many Americans still can't process the fact that this is precisely what The New Soviet Democratical Party has done and is doing.

Cloward-Piven + Anarcho-tyranny.

Lazarus said...

Trump didn't complete the wall because Ryan and McConnell and then Pelosi and Schumer wouldn't allocate the money. But it wasn't about building a wall. It was about decreasing illegal immigration. That did happen during Trump's four years, and if he'd been reelected, we wouldn't have had these recent waves of millions of illegals.

Vice Presidents have a seat at the table and a voice in the decision-making process. Joe Biden has said as much: Kamala Harris was involved in the decision-making process. If she wasn't, then take it up with Joe. Harris did nothing to stem the flow of illegals and she offers nothing that would realistically stop that flow in the future.

The much-touted "bipartisan" border bill would do nothing to stop the admission of supposed refugees and asylum seekers and would make it harder for future presidents to turn things around.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Our government may be irreparably broken.

Jersey Fled said...

Somewhere I read a post from a “very smart guy” that said that Kamal was in panic mode and we should look for the signs.

This is one of them.

Lazarus said...

Mayorkas was impeached by the House. Schumer didn't relish a trial, so the Senate didn't ketchup and have one.

narciso said...

In every conceivable way, they smashed the boundaries, the border itself, the legal institutions, with the soros das with push from above with kristen clarke,

tim in vermont said...

So I guess that makes the acting director of ICE a liar, then, by your logic.

tim in vermont said...

"Give me the power to nominate, and I will care little for your power to elect." - Machiavelli

MountainMan said...

The House passed HR 2, The Secure Border Act, on May 5, 2023. It included everything to secure the border. It then went to Chuck Schumer’s office and has not been heard of again. It has been completely ignored by the MSM and our progressive friends. So don’t say nothing was done to secure the border. The Dems sabotaged it just like they blocked just about everything Trump tried to do. The Dems want open borders to sow chaos, punish the deplorables, skew the Electoral College snd the House, and create one-party rule.

Michael K said...

I learned a new term from Derbyshire this morning. "Gentry Republicans." goes with "bipartisan."

Michael K said...

No doubt the most peaceful of Haiti's outstanding citizens.

Michael K said...

Both of the last are true.

Michael K said...

victoria seems to be drunk earlier today than usual.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Liar Liar Pantsuit on fire!

Gusty Winds said...

I'd like to suggest sending them all to Madison, WI where "everyone" is welcome. But that's only 70 miles from where I live. Let go with Martha's Vineyard.

Michael K said...

They settled to avoid having Rupert subpoenaed. I guess they thought it was worth it.

effinayright said...

"Dueling Executive Orders" is no way to run a county formally set up as a Constitutional Republic.

Michael K said...

"Apparently, Mike Pence ran the country, I guess." Just like Kamala has the past four. Pence was the fifth column that ran the Covid response.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

“But it wasn't about building a wall. It was about decreasing illegal immigration.”

No one talking about Donald Trump says he really was able to show us detailed policy depth on what he was talking about. It's the exact opposite. Whatever Trump says something, everybody else has to explain for him what he said.

Michael K said...

If only...

Michael K said...

Well said.

Bill Crawford said...
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n.n said...

There are nervous Republicans and Democrats jumping ship. There are excess murderers, rape-rapes, rapes, too, and other criminal enterprises. Is the problem immigration or emigration reform? Someone is lying.

Bill Crawford said...

From NBC News "More than 13,000 immigrants convicted of homicide — either in the United States or abroad — are living freely in the U.S."

n.n said...

They were deported from Martha's Vineyard, Obama's castle by the rising sea waters.

Iman said...

None dare call it treaso… wait a minute. I call it treason. If it isn’t, nothing is.

mikee said...

That bipartisan bill would allow only about ONE MILLION illegal immigrants to be allowed in legally per year. They'd effectively get amnesty or asylum immediately. The other millions of illegal immigrants would still be treated the same, with a court date years in the future and an immediate release into the US. So explain how that "bipartisan" bill did anything, anything at all, to stop undocumented migration, except document a million a year as somehow Okey-Dokey illegal immigrants?

stlcdr said...

What @gilbar said. Trump gets 80M votes (sic), Kamala gets 80M +1.

stlcdr said...

When the Government (though any proxy) wants to punish you, they have no end of ability to do so.

Jerry said...

Don't think it makes much difference. Ya don't become magically innocent as a newborn lamb just by crossing the border, ya know...

Jerry said...

It didn't do anything positive at all - but it certainly shows that the title of any bill shoved forward as a 'really good thing for the country' is 180 off from the actual intent.

PB said...

No reforms needed. Just enforce existing law as you and Joe have sworn to do.

Jerry said...

I think they've realized that the folks they nominally 'trusted' have gone way off the rails with the nomination (or coronation) of Harris. They KNOW she's a simpleton, and they probably know who's really pulling her strings - and that their goals are NOT good for the US.

But they say what they know - and they'll suddenly have all sorts of legal problems. (Like Adams in NYC - how dare he speak against the Holy Illegals?)

So they just back away slowly... until they can run.

Jerry said...

Yeah, because it's never as simple as taking him seriously, but not literally.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Most people believe Bush won in 2004 because of his get out the vote machine. Biden/Harris have invested in ground game, Trump hasn't believing it no longer matters. We will see.

I received my absentee ballot and mailed it back yesterday. I have been waiting two years for this moment.

Whatever the faults of the Democrats, Trump must be defeated.

The Republicans failed in their clear duty to convict him for Jan. 6.

I am voting against Trump.🇺🇸

Bill Crawford said...

Both are horrible. Knowing someone has such a conviction in another country and STILL letting him in or convicting him here and releasing him (Why? Because he's illegal? Overcrowded prisons?).

Jerry said...

They'd rather rule over the ashes of a country than see everyone prosper outside their control.

Makes me wonder if they look at the 'Hunger Games' books, at the political setup of the super-rich Capitol City and the subjugated and impoverished Districts as a goal they'd spend all their political influence to bring about...

Dr Weevil said...

They "couldn't even mustard a vote"? If they can only ketchup, many of us will relish the results.

Jerry said...

From what I've seen, she's uncomfortable as all hell in public, even with a totally compliant and supportive media. I'm thinking she knows she's in WAY over her head, but at this point there's no way she can back out - and survive.

rhhardin said...

Somebody recommended believing something incredible each day. Maybe Mencken.

David53 said...

They’re eating the cats - please don’t change your screen name, it always reminds me of the great Kiffness mix

It has over 70 million views across all platforms. A real catchy tune that’s hard to get out of your head.