September 9, 2024

"James Earl Jones, a stuttering farm child who became a voice of rolling thunder as one of America’s most versatile actors..."

"... in a stage, film and television career that plumbed race relations, Shakespeare’s rhapsodic tragedies and the faceless menace of Darth Vader, died on Monday at his home in Dutchess County, N.Y. He was 93.... From destitute days working in a diner and living in a $19-a-month cold-water flat, Mr. Jones climbed to Broadway and Hollywood stardom with talent, drive and remarkable vocal cords. He was abandoned as a child by his parents, raised by a racist grandmother and mute for years in his stutterer’s shame, but he learned to speak again with a herculean will.... Some theatergoers, aware of Mr. Jones’s childhood affliction, discerned occasional subtle hesitations in his delivery of lines. The pauses were deliberate, he said, a technique of self-restraint learned by stutterers to control involuntary repetitions. Far from detracting from his lucidity, the pauses usually added force to an emotional moment.... 'Because of my muteness,' he said in... a 1993 memoir... 'I approached language in a different way from most actors. I came at language standing on my head, turning words inside out in search of meaning, making a mess of it sometimes, but seeing truth from a very different viewpoint.'"

From "James Earl Jones, Actor Whose Voice Could Menace or Melt, Dies at 93/He gave life to characters like Darth Vader in 'Star Wars' and Mufasa in 'The Lion King,' and went on to collect Tonys, Golden Globes, Emmys and an honorary Oscar" (NYT).


Maynard said...

He lived a good life. RIP.

Michael K said...

He did well in a couple of Tom Clancy movies, just as Lou Gosset Jr did in a role written for a white actor.

rhhardin said...

Wm. F. Buckley has the pauses characteristic of a former stutterer.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Graduate of the US Army Ranger School at Ft. Benning.

Rory said...

He had a terrific, quite energetic, guest shot on Big Bang Theory, when he must have been 83.

Clyde said...

I enjoyed all of his work that I saw. May he rest in peace.

Aggie said...

R.I.P. A very respected man, a good life, well lived.

rehajm said...

So sorry he’s passed. A presence. Jimmy Choo!!!

The Vault Dweller said...

I think about 20 years ago or so he appeared on an episode of Will & Grace, as himself. He was in an acting funk and couldn't summon his normal strength of performance so he took acting lessons from the over-the-top character Jack. It looked like he had a lot of fun in that role and was ok with not taking himself seriously.

Narayanan said...

what is with he was 'raised by a racist grandmother '?
while in Wikipedia === He said in interviews that his parents were both of mixed African-American, Irish, and Native American ancestry.

Vance said...

Rest in peace. I don't know your politics before, but I know you are going to vote Democrat now, whether you want to or not.

Yancey Ward said...

Rory, you beat me to it- I came to this thread to recommend exactly that episode of The Big Bang Theory which also included a brief cameo for Carrie Fischer, too. Both demonstrated their ability to laugh at themselves for which I remember them fondly.

Leland said...

One of my favorite actors. Sad we won’t see more from him.

Rabel said...

"Born in Mississippi, raised in Michigan, Jones early 'realized that people of every color could be racist, could be victims of racism.' This was due to his 'part Cherokee-Choctaw grandmother who had a double edged contempt for White folk and is the best example of racism that I know.'”

As is said, - You don't hate them enough.

Narr said...

Arkabutla, just down the road from here. If I ever knew that, I had forgotten.

It's a good place to go elsewhere from.

Readering said...

Always thought he won Oscar for Great White Hope but it was a Tony. Scott as Patton beat him for the Oscar. Understandable but since the guy turned it down unfortunate.

Breezy said...

His was a voice for the ages. RIP.

The rule of Lemnity said...

He played a small part in the greatest baseball movie ever.

narciso said...

Much like demosthenes

donald said...


donald said...

My hair is standing up remembering just how funny that was.

donald said...

He was not in Bang The Drum Slowly buddy. Cause that’s the best baseball movie ever. Not to argue or nuttin.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I remember him most as Terrance Mann in Field of Dreams. And now he, too, has disappeared into those rows of corn.

Mikey NTH said...

May the Voice be With You, Mr. Jones.

Political Junkie said...

Nice. Did not know that. Thank you!

john mosby said...

Lem, you mean Bingo Long, right?


Original Mike said...

"mute for years in his stutterer’s shame, but he learned to speak again with a herculean will.... "

Just like Joe Biden!

gilbar said...

he was my favorite character in Dr Strangelove.. Made me WANT to be in the USAF

Ann Althouse said...

I saw him in live theater, in "Othello," in the 1970s.

And I saw him on the street once in NYC, in 2007/2008. I heard an amazing voice and turned to see where it was coming from.

cb said...

Off topic. Thanks 'Atlantic' for this bad ass Trump picture that'll go down in history:

Readering said...

Google top 10 things that sound cool when spoken by james earl jones

Dave Begley said...

His Field of Dreams speech about baseball is a classic.

Dave Begley said...

After reviewing the career of James Earl Jones, don’t tell me that America is a racist country.

Dave Begley said...

Like an Ann Althouse, Jones earned his degree at Michigan.

Dave Begley said...

And he converted to Catholicism.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Thulsa Doom in Conan, explaining the Riddle of Steel.

effinayright said...

Back when, everyone knew that Vader voice, including my rambunctious 8-year-old son Marcus.

So when he got seriously out of line, I would go all James Earl Jones on him, delivering one of Jones's famous line in his trademark deep and commanding voice:

"Leave young Marcus to me...."

Marcus always fled the scene.

gadfly said...

"This is CNN."

Blair said...

Always three there are. James Earl Jones, Sergio Mendes... who else does Death point his bony finger at?

Curious George said...

"The rule of Lemnity
He played a small part in the greatest baseball movie ever."

Sandlot? No. Not even third.

Rana said...

He played a role in TWO of the greatest baseball movies ever!

Rana said...

Yes. It is one of the greatest movies about baseball. There are great movies about baseball players, but for the sheer love of baseball and its meaning to generations of Americans, The Sandlot is a great baseball movie. Same goes for Field of Dreams. The Sandlot is one of the reasons my daughter chose to go into baseball as an athletic trainer.

Saint Croix said...

She hated white people and was constantly ranting about them. It traumatized him as a little boy.

Saint Croix said...

RIP, Darth. What a voice.

Anthony said...

He'll always be Thulsa Doom and Terrence Mann to me. Apparently, he hated the latter movie and never gave a crap about baseball.

Rick T. said...

Ed Kranepool