September 19, 2024

A well-attended sunrise this morning.


Talk about whatever you want in the comments.


gilbar said...

that's what happens, when sunrises don't take place until mid day

PM said...

I smell pot.

Michael K said...

The equinnox is coming !

DINKY DAU 45 said...

I remeber back when someone from up in here was so excited to buy 5 shares of trump garbage stock scam for $80+ a share and now is able to cash out for $15+ change ..Will the con and scam ever reach many of those up in here.They believe they are eating dogs,trump won,trump won debate and all the other scamaroos...Goodness ART LINKLETTER said it best PEOPLE ARE FUNNY (and easily duped.

Iman said...

Ommmmmm… Ommmmmm

Humperdink said...

Israel struck the terrorists with the technology. Let me remind our intelligence community, China has supplied and embedded our seaport cranes with technology. What kind of tech? Who knows?

Paddy O said...

I'm curious how you feel when you're walking to your spot and first see a group of people who are there? Is this is a quiet meditation for you or do you like when people are around to share the experience and beauty. I know Meade is with you usually, but it's different when there are strangers.

I tend to get frustrated when I see people in my usual quiet place. But I don't think that's a good reaction. I once wrote a rather lengthy paper on how beauty, especially noticing natural beauty, is a moment we share with God. God thinks its beautiful too and we can sit in sharing a moment that brings the divine and physical together. I use terms like pneumatology and eschatology in linking this as a moment but it all comes down to simply sharing a time and place that transcends the usual and fills our souls with something good.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

trump told everyone who listen(most up in here) audience went wild for him at the debate with Harris he won..This fella is a goner does he even know where he is and his fans all cheer and say yeah the audience loved him cheering loudly( no audience at debate nitwit)

Inga said...

“‘They didn’t correct her once,” Trump complained, referring to Vice President Kamala Harris. “And they corrected me, everything I said, practically. I think nine times or 11 times. And the audience was absolutely — they went crazy.”


There was no audience.

Inga said...

They fact checked him two times, not 9 or 11.

Inga said...

Oh, just saw this. Sorry I posted this too.

wendybar said...

Sean Davis
Understand what’s happening with the Teamsters: the members all want Donald Trump, but the leadership knows it can’t officially endorse Trump without putting the entire organization at risk due to the bloodlust of the Democrat party at every level in blue states where the Teamsters are most prevalent.

So how to deal with that?

You announce official neutrality while simultaneously releasing a poll that shows your members love Trump and hate Kamala Harris (and that Harris polls significantly worse than Biden, who was deposed by Democrats).
4:00 PM · Sep 18, 2024

Eva Marie said...

Just from what I remember:
1. Live births
2. Cats in Springfield
3. Crime rate
4.Losing the election
5. Trump said he was being sarcastic

Humperdink said...

Inga-norant implies the debate was fair and balanced.

rhhardin said...

Wm. Spaniel weekly on the Ukraine war has been top notch for the whole war. Focus on strategies being employed and why. Good graphics.

wendybar said...

New Jersey EV drivers hit with $250.00 bill in the mail.

mindnumbrobot said...

Although Trump has been a public figure for a very long time, it feels like we're getting a lot more about the actual person. Maybe this has something to do with the assassination attempts, but your definitely seeing more of Trump the man than Trump the caricature. His appearance on Gutfeld being the latest example.

I'm one of those people, of whom there are many, who never cared for him personally. The arrogance, crassness, etc. The man from Queens was always very grating. But I have to admit the more I see the other side of him the more I like. Seems like a genuinely interesting, funny guy you would like to have a beer with (if he drank). Is anybody else getting this vibe?

Eva Marie said...

Inga, do you just say what comes to the top of your head without googling to see if you’re correct first? Because this was so easy to check. Why would you want to say something so obviously incorrect.

Inga said...

A young mother lost her life because of Georgia’s abortion bans.

The doctors who delayed Thurman’s care were operating under these laws, Harris pointed out. “It appears the people who should have given her health care were afraid they’d be criminalized after the Dobbs decision came down,” she said.

No, Trump, it wasn’t a “beautiful thing”.

“And it’s taken it off the shoulders of the federal government … The people are deciding. And in many ways, it’s a beautiful thing to watch.”


mindnumbrobot said...

My favorite part was their explanation for not endorsing:

The union's extensive member polling showed no majority support for Vice President Harris and no universal support among the membership for President Trump.

Heh. Harris only needed majority support while Trump needed universal support for an endorsement. That's hilarious.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Used Bloodbath lie and Charlottesville lie.

Eva Marie said...

So he said it’s a beautiful thing about this specific case or are you making things up?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mother Jones. LOL. Sitting under a copy of Rolling Stone.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

They fact checked him on eating dogs in Springfield and killing babies after birth.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gosnell - The left refuse to acknowledge. Aborted full term babies being killed after birth - the left refuse to acknowledge.

Iman said...

“From the liver to the knee!”

Inga said...

Ok, I will correct myself, he was fact checked 5 times, not 2. Most certainly not 9 or 11 times and where was the audience?

Eva Marie said...

From your article (by the way the hospital is not agreeing with MJ interpretation. It is not commenting.)
“stuck in traffic, she missed her appointment for a surgical abortion using a technique called dilation and curettage (D&C), so the clinic instead gave her medication to end her pregnancy and sent her home. The distance meant that days later, when Thurman began experiencing a rare complication from the medication abortion—her body hadn’t expelled all the fetal tissue, putting her at risk of a dangerous infection—she couldn’t go back to the provider for a free D&C. Only when her condition deteriorated did she end up going to a hospital outside Atlanta.”
So it looks like there was a lot of bad self care that contributed to her predicament. Very sad.

Eva Marie said...

Yes Inga those were 2 of the fact checks but not the only 2.

Inga said...

“According to ProPublica, Georgia’s ban on abortions after six weeks affected Thurman in multiple ways. When Thurman discovered she was pregnant with twins in July 2022, she was just over the gestational limit. Because the 28-year-old medical assistant could not get an abortion near where she lived, she had to drive four hours with a friend to North Carolina. Then, stuck in traffic, she missed her appointment for a surgical abortion using a technique called dilation and curettage (D&C), so the clinic instead gave her medication to end her pregnancy and sent her home. The distance meant that days later, when Thurman began experiencing a rare complication from the medication abortion—her body hadn’t expelled all the fetal tissue, putting her at risk of a dangerous infection—she couldn’t go back to the provider for a free D&C. Only when her condition deteriorated did she end up going to a hospital outside Atlanta.

There, her blood pressure falling and organs failing, Thurman was diagnosed with “acute severe sepsis.” But physicians waited 20 hours to operate. The hospital and doctors did not respond to ProPublica’s requests for comment. But the delays mirror many other stories about abortion bans leading to dangerous disruptions in pregnancy care since the Supreme Court overturned Roe. Physicians afraid of being prosecuted have raised alarms about the laws’ hard-to-interpret exceptions: How close to death does a pregnant patient have to be in order for them to perform emergency abortion?

Thurman ultimately died in the operating room. A Georgia state committee tasked with reviewing maternal deaths found that the delay in providing the D&C had a “large” impact on her death, and they deemed it “preventable,” according to ProPublica.”

Iman said...

Got yer talking points from Jag-off Central, didja.

Eva Marie said...

Her death would have been preventable if she hadn’t put off getting the abortion, if she hadn’t missed her appointment, if she hadn’t neglected to go to the hospital earlier. Extraordinarily sad.

BUMBLE BEE said...

60,000,000 viewers. No audience?

BUMBLE BEE said...

With voters like Dinky and Inga, not answering the questions asked is Oh-Tay!
Trying for six dollars a dozen eggs are we?

Narr said...

Now look what you've started.

Michael K said...

DD and Inga. Almost up to 100 IQ points.

Inga said...

Eva, no he didn’t say “it was a beautiful thing” in this case, I don’t think even Trump would be so cruel. Trump said that the states making their own abortion laws was a beautiful thing to watch. Not so beautiful in Georgia.

Michael K said...

She has no other reference. I'd accuse her of stealing that from Fox News but that's impossible. She would not be so stupid if she had watched once.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Does anyone ever recognize you there?

Eva Marie said...

Thank you for the correction.

Inga said...

Eva, her death could’ve been prevented if the GEORGIA doctors hadn’t delayed giving her a D and C for 20 hours

Inga said...

Bumble Bee, did Trump hear the TV audience? He has extra special keen hearing!

Michael K said...

The lunatic sources the dullard uses explains some of her seeming stupidity.

Eva Marie said...

That’s not what your article states.

Political Junkie said...

Question for Wisconsites, as I do not live there. Tammy Baldwin is not impressive in my eyes, but I think she will be releected easily. The Marist poll today has Baldwin +3. Is that legit in your eyes? Marist has WI Pres race dead even. Thanks.

Inga said...

Yes, my article DID say this… read more carefully.
“There, her blood pressure falling and organs failing, Thurman was diagnosed with “acute severe sepsis.” But physicians waited 20 hours to operate.

Inga said...

“Usually, these signs of sepsis would be addressed with a D&C to remove the fetal tissue. But the LIFE Act prohibits “administering any instrument … with the purpose of terminating a pregnancy.” That made performing this normally commonplace and safe procedure a possible felony for the doctors.Hospital staff delayed the procedure for nearly a day, as Thurman’s condition worsened. Finally, hours after her organs began failing, she was taken in for surgery — during which she died.

Eva Marie said...

OMG. Read your article. “The Georgia state committee tasked with reviewing maternal deaths found the delay in providing the D&C had a ‘large’ impact on her death.” Not the only impact.

Inga said...

“A Georgia state committee tasked with reviewing maternal deaths found that the delay in providing the D&C had a “large” impact on her death, and they deemed it “preventable.”

The senile asshole thinks a Georgia State Commission that reviews maternal deaths is a “lunatic source”? Thank God you are no longer practicing medicine.

Eva Marie said...

BTW, if the pill had worked but remnants of fetal tissue hadn’t been expelled as the MJ article states, then what was the problem with performing the D&C?

Inga said...

Eva, OMG, what part of “large impact on her death” do you not understand? I’m sorry but you seem to be having problems understanding the medical aspects of this event. You are sounding ignorant.

Leland said...

They were still fact checking after the debate and getting them wrong. Seattle Times said Trump was wrong about rioters taking over city blocks for days in 2020, and community notes on X sent the Seattle Times links to their own stories about the CHAZ occupation in 2020 in Seattle in the Capitol Hills section of the city.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

I am genuinely at a loss to imagine what the Trumpist wing of the GOP can’t simply deny, ignore, or embrace.

‘Robinson is under pressure from staff and members of the Trump campaign to withdraw from the governor’s race due to the nature of the story, which they say involves activity on adult websites in 2000s.’

Robinson under pressure to withdraw from gubernatorial race

Eva Marie said...

MSNBC states that it could be a “possible felony”. So this is all BS. Propaganda for the stupid. Everything in life is a possible felony.

Inga said...

Eva, what part of “large impact of her death” do you not understand? I think you may be having difficulty understanding the medical aspects of this event.

Eva Marie said...

BTW, I don’t understand why hospitals don’t treat sepsis more seriously. When I had my TikTok account I followed 3 people who were being treated/not treated for sepsis. In and out of the hospital several times. Seemed like very poor care - this was during the pandemic. Very sad.

Inga said...

Eva, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but no, I think you are more than just ignorant.

Inga said...

They didn’t treat this woman’s sepsis in a timely manner because they were afraid of the legal ramifications of Georgia’s Life Act.

Maynard said...

If we ignore the increasingly desperate troll, she may drift away, just like Chuck.

Iman said...

eat teh cat, eat eat teh cat, rich!

Maynard said...

I just watched Trump on "Gutfeld!".

You have to appreciate Trump's sense of humor. He seems like a real mensch.

donald said...

Today is the 51st anniversary of the death of Gram Parsons. I just so happen to be staying at the Inn tonight, which was available last week. I’m amazed at that and am just about to head over from Garden Grove. Me and the hippies tonight people.

Kevin said...

The ducks and geese are missing.

Leland said...

Oh no, they are occupying Althouse photo spot. September 19th will be remembered as the day the photo spot was taken from us.

planetgeo said...

Looks like the Madison Village People practicing, but not yet in sync, on the "YMCA Song".

planetgeo said...

And I think it's commendable that the Democrats employ "differently-abled" people like Inga and Dinky to serve as "blog troll interns" here.

Mad Anthony Wayne said...


Leland said...

Speaking of MSNBC states, Georgia, and trying to make Trump look bad:

William50 said...

Interesting comment by Kamala concerning the 2nd amendment.
Even though you are a legal gun owner doesn't mean that the government/police cannot enter your home at any time to check on your guns.

Eva Marie said...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - Oscar Wilde

Eva Marie said...

(Sunrise watchers)

William50 said...

Kamala stated that when the Biden/Harris administration came into office that unemployment was the worst since the great depression. The facts prove that she lied.
Under Obama the rate were ; 2010-9.8%, 2011 - 9.1%, 2012 - 8.3%
Trump; 2021 - 6.3% post covid and falling

Michael K said...

The dullard considers MSNBC and "pro publica" to be reliable sources. Scary that this was once a "nurse".

Michael K said...

And "DD"

Paul said...

Why aren't they skinny dipping?

Original Mike said...

"In 2021, Vice President Harris agreed to lead a $42 billion effort to expand internet access to millions. It's been 1,039 days, and no one has been connected—no homes, no businesses, not even a shovel in the ground."

She doesn't take her job seriously. Why would she want to be President?

Original Mike said...


n.n said...

The babies had already been aborted. What remained were voices from the clinic and a warning to women that abortion before six weeks should be accompanied with a doctor's visit and after six weeks it is imperative to ensure that all remnants of your child have been removed by natural process or surgical intrusion.

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm curious how you feel when you're walking to your spot and first see a group of people who are there? Is this is a quiet meditation for you or do you like when people are around to share the experience and beauty. I know Meade is with you usually, but it's different when there are strangers."

I expect to find no other people there, and I like that, but just as I adapt to different types of sunrises, I immediately accept whatever the situation is. A big group like today really surprises me, and I didn't see them until I started walking down the steps. It was kind of funny, but it was nice. They were all young people — college students, following a (voluntary) class assignment. They weren't playing music or being loud at all, so they weren't affecting the serenity. Often there is one other person or 2 or 3. I just say "good morning" to them. Meade is more likely to start up conversations. I tend to think in terms of not bothering anyone, and I'm pretty sure I project a desire not to be bothered. Everyone I've run into in 5 years of doing this has been respectful and low key. There's never been anyone intrusive or scary in any way that I noticed. Recently, I was minimally annoyed by a couple where the woman was acting too affectionate toward a man who didn't seem to care about her. I think she was trying to be attractive by acting like an airhead. When the sun emerged, she said "What is that?" Basically, it's very mellow out there.

Original Mike said...

"When the sun emerged, she said "What is that?""

Yeah, that'll attract him.

Ann Althouse said...

"Bumble Bee, did Trump hear the TV audience? He has extra special keen hearing!"

Trump didn't purport to hear people in real time. He said "And the audience was absolutely– they went crazy." The audience was out there watching, and the reaction went out immediately on social media. Maybe he's more tuned in to on-line life than some of these people who are so embarrassingly hot to mock him.

Why not attack him for saying "they went crazy"? How could he know the internal psychological conditions?

And you wonder why criticisms of Trump don't stick! Stop braying about every damned thing.

Original Mike said...

Inga said..."Ok, I will correct myself, he was fact checked 5 times, not 2."

How many times did they fact check Harris?