July 13, 2022

Here are 8 TikToks for your delectation tonight. Let me know what you like best.

 1. You know what it means when you kick the Italian husband under the table.

2. That feeling, halfway through a hike.

3. What kind of reader are you?

4. Sometimes there really is a rescue possum.

5. Sometimes the cat is satanic.

6. Meet Andrea, the on-line influencer.

7. "Yeah, space is sexy. It's also none of my business...."

8. "Is baby talk ever acceptable?"


Leslie Graves said...

Hot recognizes hot.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The cat - notice you dont' see the whole chair. yeah - fake.

The Vault Dweller said...

I figured the cat video was reversed.

Inga said...

Number 1 is hilarious. The rest, meh.

Kai Akker said...

#1, LOL. Bred -- or Kulchurred -- out of the younger American males. Nice to see a masculine man, nothing fancy!

Freeman Hunt said...

"Is baby talk ever acceptable?"


Lyle Smith said...

NASA is a bunch of peeping Toms.

Marc in Eugene said...

Two years ago or whenever it was that I had TikTok, I followed the baby talk fellows; sometimes amusing, sometimes tiresome. (The generality of Australians on T. seemed to be less tiresome than Americans, who knows why.) Opossums belong in the wild. I couldn't tell what the woman in #2 was saying because on this laptop I have to use the earbuds to hear the audio and had taken them-- quite obnoxious-- out after the Inspired Unemployed but I vote for that one, anyway, because I well know that half way on the hike feeling.

wildswan said...

I liked the way the possum just casually climbed in the box-bed.

I didn't like ugly woman, baby talk or Mr. "stars bore me". TokTok on the Webb pictures?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I've experienced the half-way up hiking feeling. Round a bend and you finally see the top and it's still so so far far away. oh no.

Temujin said...

I happened to pick out the 'which kind of reader are you' one first and...well..Key and Peele, among my favorites. I don't need to see any of the others. This was great.

Plus- why would I give more time to this f***** Chinese data aggregator? (making sure you're paying attention)

Dave Begley said...

#6. The Dis-Influencer.

Birdwatcher said...

#4, Sometimes the cat is Satanic.

Nancy said...

I liked this set because they weren't too long. Especially enjoyed Italian husband, what kind of reader, opossum, influencer. ALL cats are Satanic.

michaele said...

Having seen an opossum run to ground and cornered by our dog, no thanks to trusting them under any circumstance. The self amused questioning of whether they even liked hiking struck me funny.

Susan in Seattle said...

I've had the 'halfway through the hike' feeling but 'which kind of reader are you?'was the one that made me laugh.

Charlie said...

I didn't enjoy any of these, except maybe the cat.

I h8 Tik-Tok.