May 2, 2022

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can write about whatever you like.

It was an awfully dull sunrise today, so let me give you this photo of the rabbit in the rye — not ryegrass, rye, the grain —  that we planted in our front yard:



Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm trying to watch PBS newshour.

"news" they call it

It's TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP... Fox News Fox News Fox News... Tucker Carlson is a white supremacist Nazi whose audience is all old white supremacists .

Rinse and repeat each night. Strange news.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'm putting ethernet drops throughout our new house. I've been practicing creating ethernet cables. After the third try I created an ethernet cable that passed the checks. No open wires and no cross connections.

Jupiter said...

It's my turn to call attention to a piece published by the NYT. It is a hard-hitting collection of Tucker Carlson's greatest hits. I guess this is supposed to be a hit piece. Maybe I'm just the dog he's whistling too, but if I had never heard of TuCa before I saw it, I would sure as Hell be looking him up now.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Headline: "Man shoots date in Florida after learning he's a man, not a woman: deputies"

Marquis Player, 19, of Sylacauga, Alabama, was meeting his date in the parking lot of a Front Beach Road motel at about 3:30 a.m. Sunday after arranging the encounter through Tagged, an online dating app, and Snapchat, according to court records.

As requests for sex change increase, so will these types of unfortunate incidents.

wendybar said...

The three little baby bunnies from under my shed have finally left the nest....Mama was getting antsy.....time for another litter.

wendybar said...

Oh my!!!!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

trending on reddit right now. (click for audio)

link to reddit video

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Ukraine is in trouble. Now that the Rusia's Ramadan Bombing Pause is over... prepare for shock and awe.

Original Mike said...

"I'm putting ethernet drops throughout our new house. I've been practicing creating ethernet cables. After the third try I created an ethernet cable that passed the checks. No open wires and no cross connections."

I'd keep making them until I could make three or four good ones in a row.

gadfly said...

*President Obama announces $2.4 billion in grants to accelerate the manufacturing and deployment of the next generation of U.S. batteries and electric vehicles. (August 5, 2009)

*Most of the lingering concerns that drivers have about electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles can be traced back to their batteries. That's because Chevrolet's Volt is catching fire, though not in the way General Motors wanted. Dating back to May, the Volt's lithium-ion battery packs burst into flames following tests designed to measure the vehicle's ability to protect occupants from injury in a side collision. (November 29, 2011)

*Biden administration making $3 billion investment in lithium-ion battery production. (May 2, 2022)

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I'd keep making them until I could make three or four good ones in a row.

That's the plan. Practice now, before I need to start installing them for real.

farmgirl said...

Gadfly- your point is:
Obama is behind the Biden puppet presidency?

farmgirl said...

Mike of Snoqualmie:
Central vac? Or no?
Farm dirt is real dirt- wish I had a central vac system.

rhhardin said...

YouTube suggests Bach BWV 41 after I listen to BWV 40.

rhhardin said...

Beware of rabbit nests if you're power mowing. They like yards. I put up a triangle of stakes around them so I don't cut that grass for the time it takes for the little guys to leave.

farmgirl said...

A strange thing: when I view the sunrise photos the next morning, they boost me. Brighter and more beautiful then the night before.
Lol, maybe my subconscious appreciates them more in context of time? Last thing I see before bed and 1st thing the next morning. Makes for serene sleeping…

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Central vac, yes. The HVAC furnace and ducting is already in. The A/C unit will be installed later. It's a heat pump system with propane back up.

iowan2 said...

*Biden administration making $3 billion investment in lithium-ion battery production. (May 2, 2022)

No one will mention the power grid crashes if 20% passenger cars are electric.

Rollo said...

"not rye grass, rye, the grain — that we planted in our front yard"

Great! So you'll be ready when the shit hits the fan and everything goes to hell.

Rollo said...

Johnny, Amber, come back!

I don't want to have to talk about abortion all week.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

I always like it when you catch 'em in the rye.

Jupiter said...

Headline: "Man shoots date in Florida after learning he's a man, not a woman: deputies"

Moral - Never date a biologist!

Marc in Eugene said...

I hope you all noticed that the (fictosexual, if I have recalled the neologism correctly) Kondo fellow's imaginary 'girlfriend''died' the other day-- somehow the file or program or whatever it was was erased or deleted.