April 8, 2022

"Yesterday afternoon, President Joe Biden hosted a good old-fashioned bill-signing ceremony at the White House.... None of [the politicians crowding around him] wore a mask, although House Speaker Nancy Pelosi carried one around her wrist like a handbag..."

I'm reading "A Push for Normalcy Tests the Gerontocracy/As those around the president fall ill, the White House—and the nation—must adjust expectations" by Russell Berman (The Atlantic). Pelosi, as you probably know, just tested positive for Covid. As have a bunch of other Washington politicians.

This afternoon [Biden] watched alongside his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, as the Senate confirmed her to the bench. The two embraced, and neither wore a mask. Biden’s current relaxed posture toward the virus may represent a political imperative for the president heading into an election season that is already expected to be difficult for his party; the public, Biden acknowledged last month, is “tired, frustrated, and exhausted” after more than two years of pandemic life....

Most recent infections among public officials, even those in Biden’s age bracket, have been mild.... [G]iven how close the virus is coming to Biden, and how little alarm the White House is (publicly) expressing, a positive test result wouldn’t be surprising; it might even be, well, normal.


rhhardin said...

The omicron variants actually serve as a vaccination program.

MayBee said...

Remember when ACB was smeared as a "Super Spreader"?

wendybar said...

And liar Psaki said that was okay because she wasn't next to him for 15 minutes. They think we are stupid as their constituents are. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10697437/Psaki-insists-Biden-not-close-contact-COVID-positive-Pelosi.html

gilbar said...

i thought that THIS would have happened LAST Year
"We regret, that due to COVID.. Our beloved President Biden must resign

Paul said...

Surprised Pelosi didn't give Biden a small pox blanket to.

Blackbeard said...

Do as we say, not as we do. The oldest and most basic law in politics?

Skeptical Voter said...

But the Science!

BertBaker said...

Is this how they get rid of Biden? Covid induced "respiratory failure" in the middle of the night? Or maybe, more politely, claims of Covid induced brain deterioration and an excuse to utilize the 25th? And Nancy's in on it! If it wasn't for that pesky Kamala.......

Ann Althouse said...

"And liar Psaki said that was okay because she wasn't next to him for 15 minutes."


It was the best she could do. What a job.

BG said...

I had Omicron in December. I donated blood in March. The Red Cross is testing for antibodies and mine showed enough antibodies that it could be used for therapeutic purposes. I had the J&J in April of 2021. I am not getting any boosters.

Grandson's girlfriend hasn't had any "vaccinations/boosters" so she has become a pariah to my son, who got all the "vaccinations/boosters." I wish the girlfriend would expose herself to one of these variants going around and get it over with. She's 18 and in good health.

I also wish that having had the disease counted as being "vaccinated." My passport expires this year and I'm wondering if it's worth it to renew it with all the travel "rules."

iowan2 said...

Iowa has been operating this way since the mRNA treatment has been available. This is the way rational people operate. I have friends in the 80's. The either wear a mask in groups, or accept their fate. They are rational.

The reason this is a big deal, is because they keep squawking about the science, but want it both ways. Biden extended his emergency powers and the same time he is eliminating the rule 42 that shipped illegal aliens back across the border because covid is over. But not an airplanes, that have very efficient Air handlers, decontaminated cabin air.

It's all the stupid double standards that set the Dems up for these massive examples of duplicitous signaling.

Listening to Psaki explain the contradicting actions, is better than an evening sit com.

Sebastian said...

"a positive test result wouldn’t be surprising; it might even be, well, normal"

IOW, as if we need a reminder, vaccines and boosters don't stop the spread.

"Grandson's girlfriend hasn't had any "vaccinations/boosters" so she has become a pariah to my son, who got all the "vaccinations/boosters.""

Not passing judgment on BG's family, but this just illustrates the general insanity: vaccines don't stop the spread, and other people's vaccination status is irrelevant to the health of a vaccinated person, leaving aside that for young, healthy people at minimal risk to begin with the net benefit of vaccination is bound to be very, very small.

Andrew said...

Some of you are forgetting that the virus is partisan. At a Trump event, the virus is a dangerous animal. When Democrats gather, it becomes a mild annoyance. At a BLM protest, the virus takes a knee. For average people, stay home and mask up.

TreeJoe said...

Not even 6 months ago vaccine passports were widely in effect to gain access to restaurants, many facilities, and travel. On the basis that vaccines were a personal health choice but actually protected others.

And here we are.

Michael said...

They didn’t fall I’ll. They tested positive.

n.n said...

The bigot you say. Mengele mandates. Take a knee, beg, follow the cargo cult, not the science.

mikee said...

"Poor old Joe, taken out by Trump's virus."
Heard in a Starbucks two weeks from now.

Howard said...

Like a good little obedient Nazi Stalinist, I got my second booster day before yesterday. Just a slight eyeball and body ache for a couple hours a day after the shot.

Mindfully vaccinated son and grandson are quarantining right now with the China virus. It's a super nothing burger for them.

I hope you people enjoy your long covid symptoms. The smart people however are putting on armor to combat the Chicom bioweapon.

James K said...

I had Omicron in December. I donated blood in March. The Red Cross is testing for antibodies and mine showed enough antibodies that it could be used for therapeutic purposes. I had the J&J in April of 2021. I am not getting any boosters.

Similar story for me: J&J in March 2021, Covid in January. My wife got Covid a couple weeks ago and I did not "distance" from her, and did not get even an asymptotic case (I tested myself at the end of the week just out of curiosity.) I won't get a booster either.

It wouldn't surprise if Joe wants to get it, to show how tough he is (and knowing that there's a 99% chance he'll be fine), and thinking it might help him with the voters. That is, if he thinks at all.

wendybar said...

Good thing Jill Bidens and her Secret Service people weren't there....too busy taking bribes from real terrorists (and not those pesky white supremacists that are hiding on Progressives behind every bush) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10694617/Two-men-arrested-DC-pretending-federal-officials.html#comments

MadTownGuy said...

Skeptical Voter said...

"But the Science!"

The meme factories on social media have revised the messaging from "Trust the Science" (Capitalized, of course), to "If you're not a scientist, and disagree with scientists about science, it's actually not a disagreement. You're just wrong. Science is not truth. Science is finding the truth. When science changes its opinion, it didn't lie to you. It just learned more."

What rot. For months we heard pronouncements on masking, vaccines, physical distancing, and so on, and until very recently, no immunity from prior infections. (Never mind that the efficacy of those measures was already known not to be as effectual as claimed, and the CDC appears to have been intentionally incurious about natural immunity.) Now that the previous claims are not politically expedient, the 'science' didn't lie to us? Tell it to Nancy Pelosi.

Lucien said...

Pelosi needs a miniature mask she can wear on a chain as a protective amulet. She’s Catholic, so probably has some saints’ medals somewhere, too.

Achilles said...

How long ago were the Branch Covidians talking about "exponential growth" and masks and 6 feet apart and locking down schools?

Next time you idiots want to lock everyone down we will remind you how wrong you were this time and not listen to you. Your opinions and judgement are obviously trash.

Hopefully at some point we fire every person at the CDC and NIH and rebuild those institutions from the ground up with honest people.

When there is a real emergency I hope the damage you Covidians have done to public trust doesn't get too many people killed.

Darkisland said...

I read Monday or Tuesday that Nancy had tested positive.

I also read the next day that she had planned to make an official visit to Taiwan and that Red China had fiercly objected.

Speculation in that article was that she may or may not have had any test at all but was just using it as an excuse to back out of the Taiwan visit.

Don't want to offend the Chinese masters, right Nancy?


William50 said...

Funny how this has now turned into an pandemic of the vaccinated. Who woulda thunk.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"the nation—must adjust expectations"

Seriously, why? What an irrational, ridiculous thing to say.

Static Ping said...

He probably does not even remember what COVID is half the time. As for Pelosi, she appears to be plastered half the time and acts like an entitled jerk the other half, so good luck.

Considering all the efforts to undermine Biden, I would not be shocked if his handlers are hoping to expose him. I know that sounds like a conspiracy theory, but these people put a fourth rate man with obvious dementia in the White House accompanied by perhaps the least liked and least competent Vice-President ever, so there are no rules anymore. There ain't no norms.

n.n said...

Actually, aside from planned parent/hood, and absent masks, sequestration, and excess adverse events from a mandated distribution of non-sterilizing "vaccines", as far back as Covid-19, even high risk cohorts were at low risk with early, affordable, safe treatments.

rcocean said...

Tommorrow if Biden thinks it politically expedient and reinstates mask manddates, all the libtarads will jump onboard and act like this never happened. God how the R's wish they had such sheep as their "base".

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

"...a good old bill signing..."

The Beltway version of a good ol' bonfire. Probably without Keystone or Keystone light as a social lubricant. They use power and sticking it to the people for that purpose.

Brick Rubbledrain said...

If you want a word to chew over, what about “ normality” , as opposed to the grating “ normalcy” ?

Rollo said...

New poll question: When Joe and Nancy kiss, which one sticks their tongue in?

iowan2 said...

Brick, are also a Bob and Tom listener? That's Tom's pet peeve.

wendybar said...

THIS is why nobody cares, or listens to a thing that comes out of this White House. Tell me again how Covid isn't politicized by the left.

PSAKI: Kamala Harris "has been wearing a mask inside.”

DOOCY: “She wasn’t wearing a mask yesterday at the Senate.”

PSAKI: “She was playing an important role in confirming...the first black woman to the Supreme Court.”