April 30, 2022

Shatner is staying.

One response:


Temujin said...

Funny response.

However, I suspect people will be talking about William Shatner long after Tim Shafer is food for dandelions. Although both will reappear regularly at Techie and Trekkie conventions for years to come, even after they, themselves, have departed for the Alpha Quandrant.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

All the Soviet lefties who like the calling any negative info on their precious D=Party "Russian Disinformation!!!!!" are leaving.


rhhardin said...

Don't knock the VIC-20, a great computer. I had a "guess your age" program typed in on the K-Mart display model

I can guess your age. Is it 0?
Is it 1?
Is it 2?
Is it 3?

it could also guess your weight.

Lurker21 said...


Shatner wants to replace the blue Twitter Tweetie Pie.

Someone also suggested that instead of "Tweets" the postings should be called "Shats."

Every morning I get up enthusiastic about seeing what the networld has shat out overnight.

Heartless Aztec said...

I prefer to call it Twatter and twats. It has a very free spirited 70's porn vibe to it and it rolls right off the tongue.

gilbar said...

we've Heard enough!!
Amber Heard as the Voice of Twitter!!

gilbar said...

You could do better Rhhardin, you Know you could!
I can guess your age. Is it 0?
Higher or lower?
Is it 100?
Higher or lower?
Is it 50?
Higher or lower?
Is it 75?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Probably won't happen after Shatner took that space ride on one Bezos' Blue Origin rockets. He should have held out for SpaceX.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Commodore 20. Yeah, we had one. But sticking with my Raspberry Pi 4 64 bit 8gb RAM for $87.91 (USD 2020) from Amazon; keyboard and display sold separately. Compare the specs.

gilbar said...

Isn't Interesting; how FEW people are coming out, and saying "Free Speech is GOOD"

It's Almost as If, the People RUNNING this country; don't Believe in this country

Jefferson's Revenge said...

Commodore computers were cutting edge in the early 80’s. Well ahead of their time, especially graphically. They were a client of mine for a few years. Owned and run in a very hands on way by a guy named Jack T. He was a gruff, cheap SOB and proud of it. If he was in a bad mood or a department displeased him they would suffer a Jack Attack. He would fire them all. The next day they knew to all come in to work and ignore the firing because Jack would forget them and move into another department. Interesting and stressful place. Not for the faint of heart.

Tom T. said...

The Commodore VIC-20 was indeed a great computer for its time. That endorsement reflects well on Shatner. His agent had good judgment!

Lucien said...

Possibly the best ever use of “adorbs”.

John henry said...

Gilbar, rhhardin,

Don't forget the peeks and pokes!

I forget what they did but remember programming them.

Also typing in 3 pages of dense code from a magazine to load a program

John LGKTQ Henry

loudogblog said...

I still have two Vic 20 computers. The thing about the Vic 20 is that it had an amazing SID chip for doing audio reproduction. It was really impressive for the time. Those SID chips are very hard to find now and the Vic 20 SID chip has never been copied exactly. (Though some chip makers have tried.)

Mikey NTH said...

William Shatner seems to be having far more fun than any other celebrity I can think of.

Greg The Class Traitor said...

I was listening to a radio program this morning about the 1990s in Russia

One thing that hit me: The people supporting social media censorship are essentially to the left of, and more delusional than, Gorbachev

Gorbachev created Glasnost, "Openness", because he understood that censorship and secrecy were mainly used to hide the failures of the Soviet Government, and the result was that nothing could ever get better.

Musk is trying to bring Glasnost to Twitter, and the "Progressive" hardliners are behaving now just like the Soviet Communist hardliners were behaving then

I guess some things never change

MadTownGuy said...

Commodore 64 was amazing in its time, but I opted for a used and slightly modified Atari ST on which I learned the rudiments of midi composing. A built-in midi port plugged into my keyboard, and later a Roland sound module.

Chris Lopes said...

"William Shatner seems to be having far more fun than any other celebrity I can think of."

It's amazing how much fun you can have once you reach that "I no longer have to give a fuck" stage in life.

GrapeApe said...

Denny Crane

Quaestor said...

I was floored by Shatner's use of adorbs. That's something cat ladies say about other cat lady's cats.

Paul said...

Man does this bring back memories... My first professional job.. IBM 5110!! Basic language. 5" floppies. Yea I moved on but... just out of college and my first 'big time' job.... just as Jimmy Carter f*cked up big time and lost his re-election.

Yea... and now it's Joe Biden.

Ted said...

For people who think Shatner is too old: He's 91, but his hair is only 45.

Howard said...

I preferred Earth Wind and Fire