April 4, 2022

Joni at the Grammys.


It's a long walk across the stage with a cane, but she finds a way to dance.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

At first I thought that must be Hillary Clinton doing her best Joni impression. yick.

Iman said...

Good thing Dylan wasn’t there, she’d have taken the cane to him… Jackson Browne, too.

Kevin said...

It's a shame one of the final acts of her public life is to take a forceful stand against free speech. The world has no use for anti-free-speech artists

Hopefully for her sake history will forget this incident and focus on her contributions to rock music, which were god-level

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"I tried so hard to extinguish the voice of Joe Rogan - " " Thank you.." "We leftists of Canada have a long tradition of successful free-speech stomping."
"Thank you" "Do you like my fake blonde hair?"..."It's attached to the hat."
"Thank you."

gilbar said...

shouldn't '60's people have had the Decency to have Died.. A LONG Time Ago?
If your claim to fame is: Don't trust anyone over 30... Shouldn't Y'all be DEAD by now?

Curious George said...

"Hopefully for her sake history will forget this incident and focus on her contributions to rock music, which were god-level"

Rock? No.

Critter said...

Joni was near the top as a singer song-writer for her generation. Many kudos for that.

But her life decisions beginning with giving up her daughter so she could move to California to be a star have been hard to understand. Then she cashed in on her discarded daughter with a song. Ugggh.

Her recent opposition to free speech is another head scratcher.

Once again, musical and lyrical talent does not correlate with making good life decisions. Sad to see her these days.

AZ Bob said...

Joni walks this way.

Howard said...

She's a walking Anti-Smoking PSA.

madAsHell said...

Best Historical Album.

How long has this been an awards category?

The Grammy's needed to find a category which Joni could win. It's a participation award for the elderly.

Ampersand said...

Joni Mitchell, as a person and as an artist, is too complicated to reduce to culture war partisanship. I'm grateful for her songs, dubious about her tastes in men and politics, and ever hopeful that the remainder of her life should be as wise and as painless as possible.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Stomping on free speech is a complete game changer for me.

There are bridges that are too far.

She is mud.

Breezy said...

Good for her! Many of her songs are staples of our culture and should be treasured, despite some of her life choices.

Richard said...

The Grammy's remind me of the Oprah Winfrey show - everyone wins an award.

wendybar said...

Joni used to be against the man...now she IS WITH THE MAN. What a weird switch around from the 60's. They have become what they hated.

Wince said...

AZ Bob beat me to it!

Temujin said...

I liked her better when she was a young chick in Laurel Canyon.

I suppose I was more to look at back then, too. Well...maybe.

Readering said...

I was thinking, her in the historical category? But comments indicate, yeah, that's her.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Blue is sometimes my favorite album ever. I'm glad that I have never had any desire to meet, certainly not get the autograph from, or even to have a conversation with my favorite musical artists. I don't really care what they think; I just like their music. When it comes to Joni, John Prine, Patti Smith, Lucinda Williams, Jackson Browne and several others, I don't pay much attention to the outside noise. I didn't mention Dylan in that group because he is above all others. He's not God but he's Buddha and there probably is no God. I never was that crazy about Neil Young, so he can go fuck himself.

William said...

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. She's making the best of it, but old age hasn't treated her well. You can sing biting protest songs about the inequities and bad decisions of mankind, but, when it comes to screwing people over, Mother Nature is the worst. Still, just the fact that she can hobble across the stage puts her miles ahead of Mama Cass or Janis Joplin.

Lurker21 said...

Joni used to be against the man...now she IS WITH THE MAN.

Joni looks like she is the man. Ask her what her pronouns are.

IamDevo said...

My favorite Joni lyric:
"Help me, I think I'm fallin'.....AIEEEEH!"

M Jordan said...

The generation that would never grow old has gotten old. Or died. I’m a boomer and, for all our faults, proud of my generation (inasmuch as one can be proud of a group half the world belongs to). We loved our kids, took care of our dying parents, worked faithfully at our jobs, paid our mortgages, and really did change the world (though unfortunately, mostly for the worse).

I watched an Electric Light Orchestra concert in London from three years ago with an audience full of boomers. They sang every word with Jeff Lynne. It was sheer joy. Is there a more hopeful song in the universe than “Mr. Blue Sky”? That’s the boomer culture I’m proud of.

Bunkypotatohead said...

You like roses and kisses and pretty men to tell you
All those pretty lies.

She looks like hell.