March 10, 2022

I scroll through TikTok so you don't have to. Here are 4 things I found for you.

1. A 4-year-old girl narrates her snowboard run: "Dada, I absorbed those!"

2. "Why are missing feet washing up on Canada's beaches?"

3. "Why your pianist friend never answers the phone." 

4. Dad is always concerned about eating early.


Misinforminimalism said...

Looking forward to that kid being Ruler of the World in 25 years or so.

Nancy said...

Thanks a million, Ann!

Ann Althouse said...

Please comment on the videos. I don't want the same comments that have already been done about not liking/trusting TikTok. Say something new that relates to the new material here.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

That first video made my day. So great. thank you.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"I am not a stuckasaurus at all!"

tim maguire said...

The missing feet was a really interesting, if macabre, factoid.

Loved the snowboarding little girl. "I'm not a stuckasaurus." Genius.

Will Cate said...

Early? You call this early?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

The missing feet thing in Canada has been going on for a while.

Temujin said...

Thanks, Ann. I always appreciate your combing through to find some good ones.

I fear I'm turning into that early diner guy. Not sure what it is. I don't go to be early. It's so weird to be watching my usual dining time slowly but surely becoming an earlier dining time. I'm not yet standing at the door of a restaurant at 4:30 with my fingers and nose pressed up against the glass, waiting. But a 7:15 reservation? I have to catch myself from refusing to 'go out that late'. What has happened? And yeah, we do have to watch our timing to get back for the dog. There are real-world issues if we don't.

I used to laugh at early-bird diners. I'm not there yet. Not by any means. But suddenly, it does not seem so outlandish to me. Help.

The winner was the snowboarding kid. Very cute stuff.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The pianist is great. I'd hire him to be in my band.

Anthony said...

Yeah, the feet thing. I lived up there for years and it was weird. Good explanation though, and one I am satisfied with.

Jupiter said...

If they wash up on the beach, they aren't missing. And they have been doing that for decades now.

BD in Akron said...

Aren't those actually EXTRA feet?

JaimeRoberto said...

I don't know about that explanation for the feet. It's just what they want us to think. It's gotta be aliens.

Ann Althouse said...

They’re missing. They’re missing the rest of the body.

RigelDog said...

Feet washing up on shore are not exactly "missing," are they? The body is missing.

Krumhorn said...

Love the guy riffing on the phone ring tone in C min. Perfect!
I don't know if it was real or not, but the 4yr old snowboarder was an overdose on cute

- Krumhorn
(my preferred adjectives: brilliant/awesome)

Doug said...

When you are young and employed, even if you knock off at the stroke of five, you're home by 6, probably don't have a meal ready until 6:30 or later.

When you're retired, you eat at a time relative to your normal bedtime, because you don't want to go to bed with a full stomach. Five o'clock therefore makes perfect sense. And if restaurants want to offer you an early bird special discount at 4:30, hey why not?

Doug said...

When you are young and employed, even if you knock off at the stroke of five, you're home by 6, probably don't have a meal ready until 6:30 or later.

When you're retired, you eat at a time relative to your normal bedtime, because you don't want to go to bed with a full stomach. Five o'clock therefore makes perfect sense. And if restaurants want to offer you an early bird special discount at 4:30, hey why not?