July 16, 2018

Sign of the decline of Twitter?

Or is Maggie Haberman just tired?

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is noways tired...

And, of course, Trump himself is still holding strong...


traditionalguy said...

"Never pick a fight with someone who has more than 500,000 Twitter followers," say the guys who buy their ink by the barrel.

Mattman26 said...

So Trump is the one who throws our norms out the window; but it's okay for Hillary to publicly accuse a sitting president of being a traitor?

Darrell said...

Remind me, what team did Hillary play for besides her own?

Darrell said...

Hillary, born in 1947, was named after an obscure beekeeper in New Zealand. He would later go on to reach the top of Mt. Everest in 1953.

Hillary's mother should have told her that she would never be President of the United States.

stevew said...

FFS Hillary is a shit.

Personally quit twitter 18 months ago, at the same time I quit FB, and have never looked back. With Althouse posting the more annoying tweets I get to relive my disgust with that medium on a regular basis.


Otto said...

The NYT and haggerman realize that twitter is their rival. No longer are they the lords of framing the news. Twitter allows the public to see directly what the president says not what the newspapers say the president said ( notice the non-equivalence which is fake news) and it allows the president to select the subject. There is no need for press conferences, where reporters ask loaded questions.
All future presidents will use twitter.

Rob said...

Anent Huma Abedin, which team does Hillary play for, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.

Mattman26 said...

I know what you mean, Rob, wink wink.

That reminded me of the time Ali G somehow conned former Bush 41 press secretary Marlin Fitzwater into sitting for an interview, and quickly turned it into something about whether Hillary munches the carpet. (Fitzwater, to his credit, walked off.)

Darrell said...


What, did you get a Word Of The Day calendar for Christmas?

Mattman26 said...

Correction: I found the clip, and Ali G asks Fitzwater if Hillary "drinks from the bushy bowl." (At least I think that's what he says.)

cronus titan said...

THere is a lot to unpack in those three tweets.

1. Haberman has a good point. Twitter is snark devolved into its natural state. Occasionally, we rarely a nugget of information. Mostly, it is useless nonsense that makes all who read tweets stupider as a result.

2. Seemingly every week, sometimes more often, Hillary Clinton reminds us why she faceplanted twice as a candidate. There is nothing likable about her. Not her fault -- that is just who she is. I do not recall any other losing Presidential candidate filled with such public bitterness. She is seriously considering running again. As far as she is concerned, she was robbed of The Precious twice, first by a "fairy tale" (in Bill Clinton's words) and second by the Russians and Comey.

3. Trump is correct. The decisions of Obama, Loretta Lynch, Comey, et al were all premised on the cocksure assumption that Hillary would win. They ignored cyber security and cyber attacks to give her a clean sheet when she assumed her rightful place in the line of succession. When she lost they were so angry and stunned they couldn't see straight. Comey, McCabe, and Strzok tried to cook the books to nail Trump. Before this is over, Obama and Lynch will be implicated too.

Humperdink said...

Decline of Twitter? Not until President Trump says so.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Trump is correct about the previous admin not caring about this issue; how long is the color of Obama's skin going to protect him?

Darrell said...

Crooked Remainers in Britain might get a do-over vote for Brexit in the UK.

Shit like that gives Hillary hope.

rehajm said...

Oh, the public struggles of self promoters trying to quit social media.

Face it, you're an addict.

-Follow me on Twitter

dbp said...

Hillary lost, in part, because she is utterly clueless.

Whether she composed the tweet, or hired and equally clueless underling to do it, if you are trying to accuse the president of the United States of disloyalty, why would you phrase it in a way that makes it seem like he is a latent homosexual. Especially when it reminds people that you might be guilty of our time's worst sin: Being gay and being so ashamed that you lie about it?

dbp said...

I look through these things three times, but only after posting it takes just a split-second to see "and" instead of "an".

Darkisland said...

If President Trump ever moves from Twitter to Gab or Tusk, Twitter will be dead.

He may not even need to move. Just cross posting would probably be enough.

Especially if he gives Twitter's censorship as the reason.

Twitter better hope that they never piss our president off.

John Henry

MountainMan said...

Shortly after the Nov 2016 election my financial manager added shares of TWTR to my account for about $20/share. Right now it is trading at about $44.50/share. Thank you, Donald Trump. Making Americans Rich Again!

MadisonMan said...

Leftists discover they can't beat Trump at Twitter. Ergo, must abandon Twitter.

mccullough said...

Hillary plays for the Global Team. Americans don’t give a shit about soccer. It’s a colonial sport. Someone who played for America would know that. The US soccer team didn’t even play in the World Cup. So why would you even watch it if you are an American? Only a globalist in America would follow the World Cup. Americans are watching baseball.

paminwi said...

I had a negative view of Maggie Haberman before I got on Twitter. But, then thought I would follow her to see if I could/would change my mind. No such luck. She's so biased but just can't break out of her mindset. Another person who is of the same mold is John Harwood. Twitter has been able to expose so many for who they truly are. IMO looks herald with disdain for flyover country and people with conservative views.

Shouting Thomas said...

Hillary is feminism.

Like communism, feminism always suffers bad PR because the "real" version has never been tried.

So, it is with Althouse. She's convinced that a "real feminism exists that isn't Hillary, that makes sense and that addresses some real problem.

But, every college women's studies program, every women's publication and every political operative says Hillary is feminism.

Hillary is feminism.

And what is feminism? The stereotypical woman scorned who will shit all over everything and tear everybody around her to pieces in the pursuit of revenge over being rejected.

Tommy Duncan said...

I saw a political cartoon recently with a drawing of Hillary laying on the bathroom floor. The caption said: "I've fallen and I can't shut up."

Dad29 said...

We know with certainty that Trump does not play for the sort of team that Hillary and Huma played for.

Ralph L said...

Gov. Mike Huckabee
‏Verified account @GovMikeHuckabee
11m11 minutes ago

Hillary tweeted, “Q for Trump as he meets Putin: Do U know which team you play for?” @POTUS never accepted $500K dollars for 1 speech from Russian bank, taken $140m for his foundation from Russian sources, or sold Russia 1/5 of US uranium supply. Which team are YOU on, Hillary?

Since he used k, m must be million, OK?

SeanF said...

The best response to Hillary's "Which team do you play for?" tweet was James Woods':

"The varsity. You’re selling hot dogs in the bleachers. Get back to work."

David Begley said...
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David Begley said...

Hillary's not in the ballpark but she doesn’t even know it.

I hope she does run. Three time loser.

MayBee said...

I decided 6 years ago that Twitter encouraged me to be my worst self, and since then I've seen it bring out the worst in just about everybody else. Good for Halberman.

rehajm said...

They might play for different sort of teams but there’s overlap in the players they’d like to sign.

tcrosse said...
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Earnest Prole said...

I found the clip, and Ali G asks Fitzwater if Hillary "drinks from the bushy bowl." (At least I think that's what he says.)

More precisely, “What about Hillary Clinton? Does she drink from the furry cup? Does she eat from the bushy bowl? If she does, just cough.”

Douglas B. Levene said...

I gave up reading and posting on Twitter a few months ago for a few reasons. One, it was a time-suck. Two, it was damaging my personal life by making me angry all the time. Three, I never changed anyone's mind. The only benefit was that it sometimes allowed me to sharpen my arguments but that wasn't enough to compensate for the harms.

Drago said...

MadisonMan: "Leftists discover they can't beat Trump at Twitter. Ergo, must abandon Twitter."


End of Thread.

narciso said...

For reasons passing understanding Maggie 'risotto tray' German, still gets exclusives, yet her stories are about a third true, because used anonymous sources.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - Inga stands shoulder to shoulder with Hillary-Stroke.

Shimmy shimmy.

Carol said...

GOP consultants, 2009: Republicans need to use Twitter!


Crimso said...

Twitter certainly peaked with Chait recently asking what BOFA is. All downhill from here.

dreams said...

"Or is Maggie Haberman just tired?"

I think she is tired of losing and Trump and his voters are still not tired of winning.

walter said...
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walter said...

"Those snared in Podesta’s flypaper are currently suffering an abundance of embarrassment for their shameless buttering-up and apparent cozinesss with their inside sources in Clintonworld. Reading the emails, we witness CNBC/New York Times contributor John Harwood slathering Podesta with flattery, giving him campaign advice and praising Hillary Clinton. In another email, the Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin offers Podesta a “heads up” about a story she’s about to publish, providing a brief pre-publication synopsis. CNBC’s Becky Quick promises to “defend“ Obama appointee Sylvia Mathews Burwell.

New York Times Magazine writer Mark Leibovich (who wrote a famous book lambasting permanent Washington’s courtship rituals) asks Clinton’s press secretary, Jennifer Palmieri for permission to use portions of an off-the-record interview with the candidate. Palmieri withholds only a couple of comments and concludes her email to Leibovich, “Pleasure doing business!,” giving it a creepy, transactional vibe. POLITICO reporter Glenn Thrush sends Podesta a chunk of his story-in-progress “to make sure I’m not fucking anything up.” Beyond WikiLeaks, a January 2015 Clinton strategy document obtained by the Intercept describes reporter Maggie Haberman—then at POLITICO and now at the New York Times—as someone the campaign “has a very good relationship with,” and who had been called upon to “tee up stories for us before” and had never disappointed.

Conservative writers at Breitbart, the Daily Caller and elsewhere have seized on the leaked emails to accuse the establishment media of shilling for and colluding with the Clinton campaign. But that’s not how I read the emails. "

wwww said...

Haberman was getting into arguments on twitter about news coverage.

Some people get baited on twitter. If you're the type who gets baited, it's better to get off twitter.

Tom Nichols will go on and on arguing with crazy randos on twitter.

Howard said...

Sounds like Maggie is tired of getting her ass handed to her.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"great world cup"

oh yeah-- hot sauce 'n soccer !!

what she lacks in qualifications, she makes up for with sincerity

tim in vermont said...

I can’t believe HIllary, who took hundreds of millions of dollars from Putin cronies and other foreigners with business before her as SoS for her cushy “charity” which, among other things, paid her husband 17 million dollars cash money not too long ago for a part time job, is accusing Trump of treason.

tim in vermont said...

She’s just mad because Trump isn’t fanning the proxy wars with Russia like she did. Anybody who is seriously interested in peace needs to strongly consider voting for Trump, who is objectively the candidate of peace.

tim in vermont said...

A real and beneficial to all parties form of feminism may be theoretically possible, but don’t expect the harridans and termagants who elbow their way to the front of the movement to discover it.

Mountain Maven said...

People stopped believing Maggie's agit prop and called her on it.

Yancey Ward said...

This is coordinated effort from the Left to force Twitter to close Trump's account. They have spent 3 years now baying at Twitter to shut Trump down, but this has failed, so now they are organizing a boycott of Twitter as a new strategy.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Decline of Twitter? We can only hope!


All else is just drivel and distraction - like background music on an instructional video, or Creepy Cortana letting me know she is available to remind me about buying eggs next time my location (which I keep turned off) shows at a supermarket.

FIDO said...

I agree with her self assessment. She personally is not helpful to the discourse at all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Twitter is for people that think in soundbites.

The only Twitter feed I ever found worthwhile was authored by this guy named David Javerbaum called "The Tweet of god."

Absolutely great stuff.