I've linked to @washingtonpost over 10,000X in 25 years of doing DRUDGEREPORT. I currently give them 37% of their referral traffic, according to https://t.co/ryZX1supbD. It's a brutal business. Not even a thank you. Instead: YOU'RE A RUSSIAN OPERATIVE! https://t.co/pFjPYxkzqa
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) November 13, 2017
Non-progs can't get no respect.
It's just Democrat hysteria like we see here.
I have in my pocket documented evidence of 57 Russian operatives in the Trump/Drudge collusion nexus!
Sorry, Matt. WaPo has a sugar daddy and doesn't really want your traffic. Privately, they're happy to have it.
They still can't forgive him for breaking the Lewinsky story.
In the end, LLR Chuck and all his lefty operational allies will call every republican a Russian Operative since it helps the lefty narrative.
Cut your links to them for 2 weeks and see what happens.
Without WaPo, NYT and the Daily Mail Drudge doesn't have a business. They don't need him. He is just a middle man.
I have cause to believe Russian operatives have far more factual credibility than Democrat Party house organs.
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
Without WaPo, NYT and the Daily Mail Drudge doesn't have a business. They don't need him. He is just a middle man."
If you understood business you would understand the value of the middle man.
Wow they are getting desperate.
... and how replaceable they are.
"Without WaPo, NYT and the Daily Mail Drudge doesn't have a business. "
Now that is funny ARM. Drudge provides links your referenced news sites do not. Reminds of the business model that made Fox News a ratings leader.
Keep trying.
The Drudge Report was built on stories spiked by The Washington Post, New York Times, etc. It's a love/hate relationship, but I bet there are plenty of reporters who write stuff that the editors spike, who pray for his continued good health.
Obama did encourage illegals to vote in a typical, Obama, sneaky way.
... and how replaceable they are
Yet, nobody does it, in spite of the fact that nearly anybody has access to the required infrastructure for nearly free.
57? Was that the super-secret Heinz Project?
im in vermont said...
Yet, nobody does it, in spite of the fact that nearly anybody has access to the required infrastructure for nearly free.
Founder effect. Sans founder others would rise.
I'll bet ARM has a viable business plan to supplant Drudge just sitting on the shelf.
Right next to all those "no go zone" articles from Europe quoting political, security and police chiefs that ARM claims do not really exist....
....hey, maybe there is a something about the latter in relative to the former that might clue us into Drudges success.
AReasonableMan said...
... and how replaceable they are."
And here you go again, proving my point. The middle men like Amazon, Expedia and the rest are so replaceable.... amazing isn't it that they haven't been replaced.
Let us not forgot how Drudge made his name: by covering the Clinton escapades that the public relations branch of the Democratic Party aka the mainstream media ignored. The Drudge Report was one of the first indications that the wall surrounding the old gatekeepers who decided what we did and didn't need to know was about to crack and crumble. I guess the rise of Rush Limbaugh was also an indicator although he was operating in an old medium, not the shiny new Information Highway.
red scare at home drives red scare abroad.
ARM: "Founder effect"
There is literally no barrier to entry into this business space and there are hundreds of billions on the sidelines.
It's not as if someone is trying to ramp up to compete with Amazon.
Further, per your Founders Effect "point", who cares if the influence of Drudge carries on within his organization long after he begins to recede or take a backseat?
There are still almost no barriers to entry, especially for all those lefty zillionairs who could spend whatever it took to create buzz and marketshare.
Heck, they wouldn't have to spend any money at all. Like the fake lefty, top down invented, version of the tea party that got round the clock play for free on every media platform. Like the astonishing buildup of that hilariously moronic Ed Schultz, the supposed antidote to Rush Limbaugh who got wall to wall free press and buildup but ended up fizzling (which broke LLR Chuck's heart, no doubt).
Not to worry. The left still has Democrat Underground, DailyKos and other news sources for the left and their LLR allies.
So its all good.
The secret Heinz Project...
Seems to me disinformation is a leftwing deal. Putin and the left have a lot in common.
Drudge created his business using an ancient model, identify an unmet demand, in this case, news not provided by corrupt elites through their various house organs. You can get liberal alternatives to Drudge almost anywhere, but ultimately they are pointless, because they are never going to report the stuff the mainstream media does not report. There would be little to no daylight between them, and for example CNN or the WaPo.
"The problem with the internet, is that there are no gatekeepers" - Hillary Rodham Clinton during the time of the scandals surrounding her husbands sexual depredations. Drudge was an alternative to the elite's gatekeepers. Founder's effect applies to that market niche.
eems to me disinformation is a leftwing deal. Putin and the left have a lot in common.
They both love to pick at old wounds like the Civil War.
The Left has never forgiven Reagan and the Republicans for winning the Cold War.
"The problem with the internet, is that there are no gatekeepers"
- Hillary Rodham Clinton
The hive mind left agree.
Also, it should be illegal to criticize the Clintons. We were so close to making that happen.
Surely Matt Drudge, of all people, understands that when the Left says, "Everything is political," they mean it.
If you're not on the hive mind left you are: a white supremacist, deplorable, and a Russian operative.
got that?
"AReasonableMan" states, ".....He is just a middle man".
This is what happens to people who make political comments about subjects they have no business talking about.
Without a "Middle Man" most businesses in this country would not exist. What an ignorant comment!
"The middle men like Amazon, Expedia and the rest are so replaceable.... amazing isn't it that they haven't been replaced."
ARM has no idea why WalMart got successful.
Seems to me the Federal Government is pretty much a Middle Man. For a fancy price too.
Drudge links to anyone with an interesting story.
This includes things like Indian and Pakistani newspapers, Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera.
Besides British papers, from the Guardian to the Daily Mail, Irish, Australian papers, etc.
He does not initiate any stories, he simply disrupts the coordination of them (often enough creating his own alternate coordination), and the suppression of those actually in the US MSM, which they may have reported but buried.
A great deal of the propaganda game is selective emphasis of information. This game has been played forever. You will find it described by Cicero.
Donald Jr meeting directly with a Russian Lawyer = Treason
Hillary using her own lawyers to hire Fusion = Opposition Research
Drudge linking to a site run by the Russians = Treason
MSM writing articles bases on a phony dosier = Freedom of the Press
"frequently links to Russian and conspiracy sites" - interesting take.
If Drudge linked to a Russian site once, and 10000 times to conspiracy sites, it is formally true he linked "frequently to Russian and conspiracy sites", but rather not the whole truth
Ya think Drudge larned tweeting from Trump
Big Mike: "The Left has never forgiven Reagan and the Republicans for winning the Cold War"
Or Nixon for defeating commie Helen Gahagan Douglas.
Since the Dulles brothers fine tuned the CIA propaganda War With thousands of professional Third Reich psychologists, actually running a newspaper like the WaPo has been a goal. It looks like they bought themselves one.
But what the miss out on is how easy it is to figure out what they refuse to cover is what we need to know. And there is real irony in learning from the CIA writers that reading stolen emails and publishing them is a crime.
"Or Nixon for defeating commie Helen Gahagan Douglas."
It was Alger Hiss that got Nixon in the cross hairs of the left wing media.
Helen Gahagan Douglas was sleeping with LBJ back in the day.
"frequently links to Russian and conspiracy sites"
They mean RT and WAPO.
Russia Today is clearly Russian. And the WAPO has been at the forefront of the Russian "collusion" conspiracy which a year later has found no such evidence.
The only reason I read articles from the WAPO or NYT is because Althouse, Drudge, or Instapundit links to them.
If they stopped, it would mean nothing to me.
"It looks like they bought themselves one."
Almost all of them.
Technically speaking, linking to the WAPO and the DNC and Soros funded sites IS linking to the Russians, since we now know just how much in bed they all were in creating the fake dossier used as the improper basis for a FISA surveillance warrant used by the lefties to spy on their domestic political opponents.
Just like the Soviets and the East Germans.
But only exactly like them.
"With thousands of professional Third Reich psychologists,:
They didn't have or need them.
The Nazi propaganda effort was third rate.
These built on even worse German WWI propaganda.
The British have always dominated in this, propaganda, coordinated news, etc.
The British propaganda systems in WWI and WWII deserve a good study, that is, of the mechanics of the messaging and message control process, and of the organization behind it. There isn't one, or no popular ones that I know of.
I hit the WaPo paywall most of the time but not this one, so without Drudge, how many hits would WaPo get?
The article certainly doesn't live up to its billing.
The author's name is P. Bump.
The Left has never forgiven Reagan and the Republicans for winning the Cold War.
The unanswered question is: Do they hate him for winning or for whom he defeated?
Apropos of this; I guess everyone's heard that George Takei is blaming the viralness (virality?) of sexual harassment claims made against him on Russian Bots!
Ralph: "The unanswered question is: Do they hate him for winning or for whom he defeated?"
Oh, its been answered alright.
The answer is "yes"...and really "yes".
NorthOfTheOneOhOne: "Apropos of this; I guess everyone's heard that George Takei is blaming the viralness (virality?) of sexual harassment claims made against him on Russian Bots!"
How did Putin make all these Hollywood types do this for decade after decade?
It's getting so bad that Inga/Chuck will probably demand Wyoming be forcibly ejected from the United States.
(Inga seems to have difficulty establishing cause and effect relationship understanding and LLR Chuck goes along with whatever the lefties are saying that day)
WaPo = DNC mouth organ
The Left has never forgiven Reagan and the Republicans for winning the Cold War.
Indeed. Which is why I find it so humorous the people who openly cheered for the Soviet Union during the entire Cold War are now the very same people screaming 'collusion' about Mother Russia.
buwaya - "The British propaganda systems in WWI and WWII deserve a good study, that is, of the mechanics of the messaging and message control process, and of the organization behind it."
George Orwell - 1984:
Ministry of Truth (Minitrue)—This government ministry is concerned with creating propaganda, controlling the media, manipulating historical documents, and producing Newspeak dictionaries. It is where Winston Smith works and is responsible for supplying the citizens of Oceania with various forms of media, which support Big Brother and the Party's agenda.
George Orwell - Politics and English Language:
Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers.
"George Orwell - Politics and English Language:"
Orwell knew what he was seeing, but didn't describe the organization (the real one); he simply created a fictional one.
There really was such an organization, which coordinated news with the "press lords" of the day (Beaverbrook, etc.), and other media too.
Winston Churchill was on good terms with the "press lords", usually, but when he was on the political outs in the 1930's they turned on him, and he met a near-solid wall of silence and dismissal, organized by the Conservative party and the British establishment in general.
A manipulated, coordinated press is not a new thing.
Drudge provides a service, a carefully curated set of links that never challenge the world view of his readers. But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested.
"But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested. "
Your MSM gives you a uniformly pre-digested world-view as it is.
Choose your world-view and choose your news.
AReasonableMan said...
Drudge provides a service, a carefully curated set of links that never challenge the world view of his readers. But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested. "
Drudge links to both conservative and liberal publications and columnists. And, as buwaya points out, the liberal MSM gives you pre-digested news. You see it as "objective" only because that is what you want to believe.
Fish don't know they are wet.
AReasonableMan said... But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested.
But most people watch the network news or read the NYTimes, WashPo, BostonGlobe, AJC, etc, so your assertion is laughably incorrect.
Does no one remember Ben Rhodes laughing at how easy the Obama admin. found it to dupe and manipulate the stupid, compliant Media? Predigested is the least of it!
You think that's air you're breathing, ARM?
So ARM is now pretending that Drudge never links to leftist websites and sources?
F'ing hilarious.
AReasonableMan said...Founder effect. Sans founder others would rise.
>Wiki: Egg of Columbus
Trump and Drudge threaten our Precious Bodily Fluids!
I believe that Drudge helps provide a good counter-narrative to the MSM's narrative. Whether you believe that's good or valuable or not I guess depends on your own personal world view. I imagine that most of Drudges regular visitors are well aware of the greater media's agenda as well as Drudges. I don't think there's any illusions here.
I think that many on the Left make a false assumption about many people on the Right. For whatever reason they assume that people on the Right are unaware of whatever the "official" media narrative might be since they only visit Drudge, Foxnews, listen to Rush Limbaugh, and generally get all their info from the greater Conserv-o-sphere. But the fact of the matter is, most of the time the Conserv-o-sphere is reacting to the official MSM narrative.
Conversely, many people on the Left get their info from the liberal MSM, late night comedy, and left leaning sites like the HuffPo and such, which of course generally won't report or discuss much about what's being discussed in the Conserv-o-sphere. So in a way the Lefties are only ever receiving the official narrative and not any counter-narratives. So you could argue that they're the ones who are ignorant.
"Conversely, many people on the Left get their info from the liberal MSM, late night comedy, and left leaning sites like the HuffPo and such, which of course generally won't report or discuss much about what's being discussed in the Conserv-o-sphere. So in a way the Lefties are only ever receiving the official narrative and not any counter-narratives. So you could argue that they're the ones who are ignorant"
On Saturday, I mentioned the Menendez trial to my liberal brother. He watches CNN and reads the local paper - so he knew nothing about it. And if CNN wasn't covering it, that surely means it can't be very important, right?
"the Lefties are only ever receiving the official narrative and not any counter-narratives.'
Not the lefties really, we are speaking of the bulk of the population which does not seek out news but merely passively receives what comes through the easiest channels. The conservative channels serve a particularly engaged portion of the population that require people to seek it out. Hence the usual survey and focus-group finding that the conservative media audience is particularly well-informed.
As Iowahawk noted, it is the job of the liberal media to cover stories - with a pillow, until they stop breathing.
"Drudge provides a service, a carefully curated set of links that never challenge the world view of his readers. But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested"
Oh, sweet, sweet irony! So laughable that no further comment is required.
There isn't much doubt though, that Drudge's support easily covers Trump's margin of victory. Trump owes him big time. It's certainly no wonder that the Left and the MSM hate him so. But their mendacity created him so they got exactly what they deserved. Perhaps when some tech oligarch has a few free minutes he can explain the Internet to the mandarins of the Left. No rush, though.
"the Lefties are only ever receiving the official narrative and not any counter-narratives.'
Isn't it odd that a Wal-Mart cashier in Oklahoma is exposed to a greater diversity of opinion than a lawyer in Manhattan or a surgeon in San Francisco?
Isn't it odd that a Wal-Mart cashier in Oklahoma is exposed to a greater diversity of opinion than a lawyer in Manhattan or a surgeon in San Francisco?
Exactly. Given the state of our culture and entertainment, I'm fairly certain that a working class fellow in rural Kentucky can accurately infer a lot more about the day-to-day life of an well heeled urbanite in New York, DC, or Hollywood than vice-versa. The blue state bubble is mostly one way.
Buwaya is correct that the British Monarchy and its aristocracy Tory party were propaganda masters who hated Churchill for his uncontrolled truth telling habit.Winston had become wealthy from writing as a truthful war correspondent/military officer published by those same propaganda papers (and as a writer of English history books.)
What Buwaya left out is that those British Rulers-cabals were Germans. They planned the surrender of Europe to Hitler for a promise of keeping the Empire. Then they suddenly made Winston PM with orders to sign the pre negotiated deal, and mean while Hitler had his Panzers stop attacking the BEF for a week. But tricky Winston refused to sign it and instead sent small craft to rescue the BEF and many French troops from Dunkirk. The British Navy had earlier been ordered only to rescue 50 thousand aristocrat officers but abandon 200 thousand common troops and the French troops.
The British Nazi Monarchy guys were right not to trust Winston.
Those of us who read Drudge are constantly bombarded with the New York Times curated point of view, regardless, we just think about it critically. I know you regard critical thinking as anti-intellectual, ARM.
I am currently reading about the Suez Crisis, and Churchill had to have realized by then that Hitler would have offered the Empire a better deal.
Not that I think that would have been a good thing.
AReasonableMan: "Drudge provides a service, a carefully curated set of links that never challenge the world view of his readers"
Cripes man, what have you done?
All anyone has to do is simply go to the site and see every link Drudge provides and note the astonishing "all the above" quality of those links. Drudge has Talking Points Memo on the page!
Further, I guess nobody at CNN or MSNBC or NYT or CBS/NBC/ABC etc "carefully curate" their content.
Nope, it's all just thrown out there willy-nilly!
But really, all this 'drudge is a russian operative' stuff is just more Lefty/LLR battlespace prep to say that Drudge should be filtered out of your online possibilities.
Gee, who would have guessed that leftists would be seeking to shut down alternative media sites....besides every single person alive, that is.
AReasonableMan said...
Drudge provides a service, a carefully curated set of links that never challenge the world view of his readers.
The only way you could say this is if you are incredibly stupid, or if you only read what others say about Drudge without actually looking yourself. Replace "or" with "and" works as well.
But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested.
Definitely "and." Add complete lack of self-awareness to incredibly stupid and unwilling to do own research.
The next month should be very interesting. The CIA and FBI Junta is in crisis mode and still expects Trump to submit to their blackmail powers like Bush, Clinton ,and Obama did for 28 years. And fearless Trump and Drudge just keep on outing them.
Something has got to give. We will either stay a United Republic that elects its government for fixed terms, and then replaces them the same way, or we will be the left overs of a media driven attack mob.
The RN did not intend to rescue '50,000 aristocrat officers' at Dunkirk, nor was that expected, or possible. It was impossible to sort out the officers for one, and the actual aristocrats were with the combat troops.
The first 50,000 on the ships, May 26-29, were in fact mainly "useless mouths", Pioneer battalions (half-trained conscripts), rear-area troops, RAF personnel, wounded in the field hospitals, and the like. It took some days for the combat troops to get into the Dunkirk perimeter, including the "fashionable" regiments such as the Guards brigades of the 1st and 3rd Divisions.
The 7th Guards Brigade for instance (The Grenadiers and the Coldstream) was holding the perimeter at Furnes, and counterattacking, on May 30th.
I highly recommend the British Official history here - its by far the most detailed account of the overall BEF actions in 1940 - there is a need though for something better, the account is quite incomplete, there are excellent supplements that add to the picture substantially, such as for instance Airey Neave's "Flames of Calais" - and for that matter there was never a more "establishment" fellow than Airey Neave. An opportunity for an ambitious historian.
Two particularly "fashionable" regiments were in fact deliberately sacrificed at Calais, the Rifle Brigade and the KRRC, to delay the approach of the Panzers to the Dunkirk perimeter.
Lot of denial here regarding exactly what Drudge does for a living. That's good for his business of course.
He links to WaPo and the NYT. Democrat hacks. but but but --- not democrat hack enough!
AReasonableMan: "Lot of denial here regarding exactly what Drudge does for a living."
You mean that screaming DrudgeReport page where everything Drudge does is there for all the world to see?
Yeah, we are all in denial about Drudge emphasizing the stories that the MSM likes to bury.
Really ARM, you are entering LLR Chuck territory now, and trust me, you never want to go Full LLR Chuck.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "He links to WaPo and the NYT. Democrat hacks. but but but --- not democrat hack enough"
He links to Mother Jones and Huffington Post, but not communist/leftist enough!
He links to ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN/MSNBC, but not democrat hack enough!
He links to the Atlantic, Boston Globe, The Nation, Politico, LA Times, etc, but NOT democrat hack enough!
I am very happy that you guys are happy with the gentle cocoon that Drudge provides. Very happy, that you are happy.
Buwaya admits that the British Navy only rescued 50K out of the 300K on Dunkirk Beach. They committed no more ships to the rescue effort. But he accepts the Official Reports that those 50 thousand were not the important British Army units, but some rear echelon guys with little fighting ability. That is the point. The Britisn Navy and the British Government are one in the same; and therefore their leadership was in on the surrender plan.
The question is why those Lords were not later arrested and hung for treason. But Churchill cut them slack to keep a wartime unity government, just like Trump and Sessions are doing now for Hillary's treason.
ARM, why don't you look around for who gets the widest range of views in their news, liberals, or conservative. But you can't read about that in the Washington Post, so there must not be any data on it.
When ARM leaves his gentle cocoon he has one of his famous meltdowns. We are due for one of thise before the year is up. Don't let me down, ARM!
Lot of denial here regarding exactly what Drudge does for a living.
Giving exposure to stories the Left would rather see buried, we all acknowledge that. ARM apparently won't admit who is in denial.
You'll never achieve self-actualization that way, ARM.
Think of ARM as Tokyo Rose and it makes sense why he hangs out here.
ARM probably holds a Drudge Grudge because Drudge broke that blue-dress story when the Hive's Media Division tried to spike it.
"Buwaya admits that the British Navy only rescued 50K out of the 300K on Dunkirk Beach."
No, they rescued over 300,000, using for the most part RN warships.
When the evacuation started, which is my point, most of the troops they wanted to evacuate were not yet at Dunkirk, they were still fighting to get there.
Which is why I recommend reading the link I gave you. Or at least just look at the maps. The positions of all important units are detailed, and what they were doing during that period. Its an official history, but its not going to lie about where the Coldstream Guards were, or 200+ other battalions. The map usually printed of the Dunkirk perimeter is misleading as that was not the situation over the entire period, but only the last few days.
As for the likelihood for Britain suing for peace, or not, if you want to push this, and there is evidence in your direction, it was after Dunkirk.
But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested.
It's easy to go through the world if you believe those who don't agree with you are simply uneducated.
Why if only they'd read yesterday's NYT! If only they'd taken Professor Snadenpuss's seminar on Women Poets of the Industrial Revolution! If only they'd been with me when I had the conversation with the woman from Malawi about sustainable energy! Then they'd know! Then they'd agree!
It's easy, but it belies your own stupidity of how the world works.
Worse yet, it belies your own stupidity of how you yourself work.
"I am very happy that you guys are happy with the gentle cocoon that Drudge provides. Very happy, that you are happy."
And who, in your opinion, doesn't provide a gentle cocoon.
The Left has never forgiven Reagan and the Republicans for winning the Cold War.
The Washington Post has never forgiven Drudge for making history with the "Blue Dress" story their then-property Newsweek spiked.
ARM: But most people can cope with the world as it is and do not need their news pre-digested
Poor ARM, as clueless about "aggregation" as he is about "middlemen".
Hey ARM, look what is seeping into your comfortable cocoon!
I think they are serious about getting Hillary off the stage. She is probably the only Democrat who could lose to Trump.
And let's see the Washington Post not write about this: Sessions directs prosecutors to 'evaluate certain issues' involving Uranium One and Clinton, leaves door open on special counsel (Fox) - Headline
Drudge is 'old people food' for the mind, or mindless, depending upon your point of view.
Yeah, Republicans wanting to investigate the Clintons, there's some news. Nothing like that has ever happened before.
There's a surprise. You couldn't even see the article from The Atlantic about how feminism and the Democratic Party sold out their principles for a likely sex criminal, could you?
Swim in your comfortable cocoon, ARM.
Don't forget to read the part about violent rape, and you can explain why The Atlantic got it wrong! I think that Herself is under attack by the honest wing of the Democratic Party, who want the odious pair and their execrable cronies gone.
There are two excellent sites to go to for links, one is Drudge and the other is Arts and Letters Daily. The former will get you all the English papers, Russian news, vanity Fair, the New York papers, LA times, the lot. ALD has all the great book reviews plus City Journal, First Things and all the lefty and prog publications.
You must be old school, liking to type in your own links. You seem to miss the point of Drudge worse than the WaPo fellow.
Reading your posts again I realize you have never looked at Drudge. Either that or you are a moron. Hopefully the former.
The founder effect is a term from biology: "The reduced genetic diversity that results when a population is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors."
It's not an economic principle. The first provider of a new good or service doesn't necessarily have any advantage in the marketplace. Where are all those DuMont TVs? The Altair computers?
OpenID openidname said...
The founder effect is a term from biology
True, I confused my name-spaces. I meant first-mover advantage. Drudge was first at a time when there was no competition.
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