September 6, 2017

"He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House. He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party."

Hillary blames Bernie for what happened. Her new book, "What Happened," isn't out yet, but somebody managed to get a picture of this page:


Quayle said...

Wow, all that past accomplishment.

So why did the working class voters abandon you?

Wait! Let me guess! "You didn't get your message out."

That was it.

sparrow said...

Maybe the tag should be Hilary doesn't go away ie How can I miss you if you won't go away?

furious_a said...

Bitter, angry woman gonna bitter angry.

MartyH said...

Bernie Sanbers isn't even a Democrat! Why should his goal be to ensure that there is a Democrat in the White House?

Nonapod said...

Bernie dared to defy the will of the Empress. She had no choice but to crush his aspirations.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Crooked Hillary" is Sander's fault? Not, well, Crooked Hillary's? Thank you for sparking yet again my delight that this piece of shit is not president.

Jim at said...

Dear Hillary,

Please run again.

Thank you.


The Bergall said...

Histrionic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called "Cluster B" or "dramatic" personality disorders. People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and distorted self-images. For people with histrionic personality disorder, their self-esteem depends on the approval of others and does not arise from a true feeling of self-worth. They have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention. The word histrionic means "dramatic or theatrical."

This disorder is more common in women than in men and usually is evident by adolescence or early adulthood.

Greg Hlatky said...

It's always worth asking: how horrible a candidate must you be when you have all the media, all the academics, all the arts and entertainment industries, all the techies, all the "thought leaders" and public intellectuals and all the foreign press and officials on your side and you lose to a political tyro hated by his party's establishment who basically winged it for the entire campaign?

rcocean said...

If Hillary had been elected, she would've called her opponents "Sexists" about 6,000 times by now.

Todd said...

Not-President Hillary Clinton

That just NEVER gets old!

Daily, she shows the country how ungrateful she is as she has yet to publicly thank America for not tossing her ass in jail.

rcocean said...

The so-called "Bernie Bros" are a bunch of SJW pajama boys, and 'male Feminists'.

But even they get called "Sexists".

furious_a said...

Is Russia where have technology make Brazil woman give debate ques-questions to Hillary.

Original Mike said...

I may have to buy her book. Schadenfreude on every page.

rcocean said...

"Hillary Goes Away" - I didn't know you did sarcastic tags.

Michael K said...

"This disorder is more common in women than in men "

McCain is the male exception.

Jaq said...

A male feminist is just a guy who takes a different tack to getting laid.

Sydney said...

Bernie Sanders isn't a Democrat, and Donald Trump isn't a Republican. Hillary and the DNC had to conspire to cheat Bernie Sanders out of his primary win. Donald Trump trounced the Republicans and Hillary. And yet, these politicians don't seem to have gotten the message. We the voters reject them.

rcocean said...

Everyday day without President Hillary is like a day with Sunshine and free ice cream for everyone.

rehajm said...

Bernie can't possibly be the only person she blames in the book. It's a thick book...

Fernandinande said...

The Dentures of THE SUPER BERNIE!

The Super Bernie walks into a bar, and tells the bartender "I'm here to disrupt the Democratic party!" and the bartender says "Are you paving the way for Trump's 'Crooked Billary' campaign?" and The Super Bernie says "No, I'm trying to focus our strength on working families," and the bartender says, "Sorry bro, there aren't any working families in this bar, you probably want the bar across the street - but be careful: there's always a danger of spending too much time courting donors!" and The Super Bernie says "I'm trying to strengthen our focus on working families, quit getting me confused."

rcocean said...

"A male feminist is just a guy who takes a different tack to getting laid."

Or a guy with low testosterone. Look at Pajama Boy- he's sort of a male lesbian.

Sebastian said...

Who had more contempt for the party he wanted to "represent," Bernie or Donald?

Of course, I am pleased that Bernie derailed her campaign, but Hill is right to be upset: an non-Dem becomes a Dem for a few months and then converts back. But weak as her party was, it was still too strong, giving her a path to the nomination. At least the GOP was rudderless.

furious_a said...

how horrible a candidate must you be...

Don't forget the Basket of De-Horribles (Blumenthal, Brazile, Podesta,McAulifee, etc) who trail in the Clintons' skeezy wake like gulls after a shrimp boat.

Bilwick said...

Over at Glenn Reynolds' "Instapundit" blog there's a discussion about this, specifically about Queen Cacklepants complaining that Bernie the Brilliant "promised America a pony." But hasn't promising America a pony (metaphorically speaking) been the basic "liberal" Democratic strategy since at least the FDR Era. (Personally, I prefer Mencken's "promising to turn A loose in B's cornfield," but that probably had more bite when America was more rural and agrarian.)

Says Reynolds about Hillary, "Has there ever been a whinier losing presidential candidate?"

traditionalguy said...

Poor Bernie. All he wanted was a Communist tyranny done right by staring it with Great Cultural Revolution kick off.

Everybody knows Hillary was stymied by Obama and Bill. They both knew her well. She never knew what Trump knew about Americans in an aroused Democracy with a great leader. She thought Bill and Barack's psyops narratives in a corrupt media industrial complex was how Americans are lead. Oops.

sparrow said...

It was her arrogance more than any single factor that tanked her campaign IMO. A few more precautionary trips to Wisc. and Mich. plus tactful language in describing the general electorate and she might have won. Glad it worked out as it did, of course.

rehajm said...

The book is released early next week. She must be steaming about being upstaged by that fucking hurricane.

chuck said...

That's embarrassing. I sure wouldn't want to go public with a whiny explanation like that.

Richard Dolan said...

Notice how easily this can be reversed -- just substitute "Bernie" for every mention of Hillary!, and vice versa, in the quoted passage, and it works just as well. In the Bernie version, of course, it would end with the idea that, but for crooked Hillary!'s stealing the nomination, he would have beaten Trump and we'd have a Real Democrat in the White House.

Hillary! deserves a bit of thanks for sparing us from learning whether Bernie's version is the more accurate reading of recent events.

furious_a said...

Bernie the Brilliant "promised America a pony."

Keep digging, 'merica! There's a pony in there somewhere!

Bill Peschel said...

Bill Clinton rode a fortunate moment in the country's history, when the spread of high-powered, low-cost computers created new industries and made older industries that adopted it more efficient and profitable. He had nothing to do with it (except Al Gore inventing the internet, of course).

He did have an effect by allowing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" to pass, which forced a generation of gay soldiers to hide their sexuality on pain of expulsion, NAFTA, which accelerated the drain of manufacturing that devastated the middle class, dumping Glass-Stegall which ballooned the financial side of the economy and led to the bubble bursting in 2007-8, and refused to pursue Bin Laden even when we had a chance to capture him in the Sudan. (Dick Morris: I just don’t think it was his thing,” Morris says. “You could talk to him about income redistribution and he would talk to you for hours and hours. Talk to him about terrorism, and all you’d get was a series of grunts.”)

And of course, the Middle East has been a haven of peace and prosperity since the Camp David Accords, as Her Presumptuous Majesty pointed out.

chickelit said...

Hillary is not going away. She the very face of the Party in 2020.

rehajm said...

Can someone Flesch-Kincaid this thing? She's talking to me like I'm five...

Fernandinande said...

Billary's campaign bus was cruising down a country road when all of a sudden the bus veered off the road and crashed into a tree in a farmer's field.

The farmer went over to investigate the crash, then dug a hole for each campaigner on the bus, and proceeded to bury them all.

The next day the sheriff saw the crashed bus, and asked the farmer about it. After hearing the story the sheriff said "Wow, the speed limit here is only 30mph, and they were all killed?"

The farmer replied, "Well, some of them said they weren't dead, but you know how Billary and her political operatives stretch the truth."

Michael K said...

The 1920s were also an era of prosperity and invention and the 90s and the 20s ended the same way.

The difference was that Roosevelt came along and screwed up the next decade.

Don't get me wring; I think he did a good job with WWII but he knew nothing about economics except what his advisors picked up from Keynes.

Henry said...

Amelia Earhart blames the Pacific.

Michael K said...

is and es all look the same to my finger.

J. Farmer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

and os.

J. Farmer said...

"Anyone who like me when they think about the Clintons thinks about zombies, thinks about the undead, thinks about stakes through the heart, silver bullets and so on, has just received confirmation. It's as bad as we thought it was going to be."

-Christopher Hitchens, 2008, RIP

TrespassersW said...

Which acquisitions editor at S&S was the fecking genius who decided that the book-buying public was dying to subject themselves to this?

cubanbob said...

chickelit said...
Hillary is not going away. She the very face of the Party in 2020."

If only Jeff Sessions were to do his job. Then she really would go away. With all the felony counts, I'd say Twenty Thousand Years In Sing-Sing would be about right.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Sure, she looks like a loser now but there may be an even bigger loser in 3 years. Let's say that Donald Trump gets reelected in a landslide. Hillary Clinton will be the only person to have beat him at ballot box, albeit not in the electoral college. We like to think that Donald Trump's victory was a big surprise, but maybe the anomaly was that he almost lost it.

Henry said...

"When I finally challenged Bernie ... he couldn't come up with anything."

Good Lord, Griselda. He lets you off the hook and this is how you thank him?

Henry said...

This isn't writing. It's listing.

Meade said...

"McCain is the male exception"

I like cluster B patients who DONT get captured. Okay?

Henry said...

The misused em dash and comma in the center of the page are what bother me the most.

Periods. They make your writing punchy.

tcrosse said...

Which acquisitions editor at S&S was the fecking genius who decided that the book-buying public was dying to subject themselves to this?

Selling books is not the point of the exercise. It is the transfer of a large amount of money to Hillary Clinton from Les Moonves and CBS Corporation, possibly for services rendered or pending. In other words, Hillary was bought by Big Media, and this is how they pay for H>er.

eric said...

It's the man's fault!

I'm just a woman!

buwaya said...

Sanders was not really trying very hard, was he?

I thought it was very interesting in that he seemed to be going out of his way to avoid hurting Clinton. Almost as if he was a set-up, a fake opponent, a pro-forma other guy in the primary. The Dem primary, on the part of Sanders, certainly wasn't the rat-pit deathmatch of the Republican primary.

It was his followers who were the phenomenon.
They made his challenge non-fake.

That too was a phenomenon separate from the man. Or rather, the times made the man, as to a large extent with Trump.

furious_a said...

It is the transfer of a large amount of money to Hillary Clinton from Les Moonves and CBS Corporation

Keep an eye on the bulk purchases by "Center for XXX Progress" and "XXX Families Coalition". Plus the "40% OFF" stickers on the B&N remainder tables. said...

She claims she wanted to go after Bernie but Obama stopped her. So....strong, independent woman just does what men tell her to do. Real presidential material there.

YoungHegelian said...

Why can't this woman just enjoy her grandchildren & her ill-gotten gains & leave the rest of us in peace?

Every election the right & the left wings of the Democratic Party have to get together & work out some sort of modus vivendi. It's always been like that. That modus vivendi works best when it grows organically from the bottom up, & it doesn't work top down.

Like it or not, the Democrats are going to have to come to terms withe the Bernie wing of the party. HRC is not helping that process. Not in the least.

Then again, neither the Clintons nor the Obamas ever really gave a shit about the Democrats in the trenches, so this is of a piece for HRC.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Original Mike said...
I may have to buy her book. Schadenfreude on every page.

No! Steal it! Don't give her another penny! She'll just use it to run for office again!

Jaq said...

I saw him on the street last week, he gets a rock star reception wherever he goes. Sorry Hillary.

Infinite Monkeys said...

No! Steal it! Don't give her another penny! She'll just use it to run for office again!

Use her own money? What do you think donors are for?

Chuck said...

Does all this mean that we will never, ever have to endure another Clinton candidacy?

And does it also mean that Democrats will now be stuck with the likes of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris as their de facto leadership?


JaimeRoberto said...

If he really wanted to disrupt her, then he would have made an issue of her emails, but instead he made those off limits.

I'm thinking of sending her my wife's sweatshirt that reads "I Didn't Do It".

MayBee said...

Can you imagine being a former first lady, a former US Senator, a US Presidential Candidate.....and whining about "Bernie Bros" in your memoir?

Big Mike said...

In the past the Democrats would rip each other's throats out during the primary, then unite to present a solid front against them there durty stinkin' Republicans. Hillary probably counted on that.

As Will Rogers famously said, "I don’t belong to any organized party: I’m a Democrat."

But in 2016 the Democrats did not -- probably could not -- unite behind Hillary. Maybe some people were never Bernie supporters because they liked socialism, they were Bernie supporters because he was the last politician left standing after Hillary and the DNC shut down everyone else. I imagine most people who were Bernie supporters for this reason either didn't vote or voted third party or may even have voted for Trump. (Many of his positions on social issues are, in fact, mainstream Democrat.)

I do know some women who look forward to the day when we have a female president, but "OMG not HER!!!

The leading Democrats of 2016 are serious disappointments. It would be nice if Barack Hussein Obama extended the same courtesy to Donald Trump that George W. Bush extended to him. It would be nice if Bernie Sanders didn't flaunt his personal wealth by buying a $700,000 home -- his third, if I understand correctly -- while preaching that everyone needs to sacrifice and to pay more taxes. A $700,000 home in a good area of Washington, DC, wouldn't be much of a house, but in Vermont I imagine that it's quite something.* And can Hillary Clinton for gosh sakes stop whining? She picked her campaign team herself. No sense complaining if they told her she didn't have to campaign hard in Wisconsin and Michigan.

* Anybody have a picture? The mainstream media seems strangely uninterested in Bernie's houses.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Henry said...

This isn't writing. It's listing.

I thought listing was what she did when she tried to leave the 9/11 memorial.

Henry said...

It's both.

Nonapod said...

It never ceases to amaze me how some people find Hillary likable.

Mr. Daou seems like a lost soul who’s trying to find some purpose in his life ever since Hillary Clinton lost (from What Is Verrit, And What Does It Do?

Although I disagree, I can at least understand preferring her to Trump, but to actually like her after everything that's happened? It's truly bizarre to me. I can only assume these people are either masochists or certifiably delusional.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Original Mike said...
I may have to buy her book. Schadenfreude on every page.

9/6/17, 1:40 PM

Don't buy it, get it from the library. Or wait until it's selling for about $1 - shouldn't take long.

Mattman26 said...

If, during the primary campaigns, someone showed you a sentence that read, "He didn't get into the race to make sure a [member of Party X] won the White House. He got in to disrupt the [X] Party," you would have assumed it was referring to Trump and the Republicans.

MaxedOutMama said...

I am reacting to Hillary lately as if she were a sad spectacle. I don't want to jeer, but there's nothing to admire. Like an elderly bag lady, I feel that she should be gotten off the streets and sheltered/cared for in better circumstances. Because I am not a hypocrite I would be prepared to donate money toward that effort.

But I certainly don't want to pay for a book or do anything that keeps her staggering around out there in public.

I am hoping for a Democratic resurgence - a revitalized party that is able to take the concerns of "those people" seriously once more. The longer that Hillary is trying to stay in focus, the more difficult that will be.

Njall said...

Hillary isn't helping her country, her party, or herself by dragging this grieving process out for so long.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I still think that the title of her book shows exactly how inept, out of touch and delusional she really is.

What Happened. (period full stop in a calm voice)


What Happened?!?!?! (with the raised inflection questioning of someone who just got hit in the face with a cream the 3 Stooges)

Waah???Wut??? Wuh Happened????

Did they not think that there would be so many people choosing the OR reading of the title instead of the serious tone that she intended (in her own head of course)

Todd said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

No! Steal it! Don't give her another penny! She'll just use it to run for office again!

9/6/17, 2:25 PM

Thanks (jerk). Now I might have to buy a copy...

Yancey Ward said...

Sanders treated Clinton with kid gloves and Hillary! knows it, too. Had Sanders been willing to go for the throat right from the start, he may well have been president today. Instead, he listened to Hillary's sycophants in news media about how going after her ethics and criminality would "backfire" on him. He was wrong to listen to the clueless and corrupt.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Props for the closing subjunctive. Always nice to see some ghostwriter who remembers how to use it.

rcocean said...

Why can't this woman just enjoy her grandchildren & her ill-gotten gains & leave the rest of us in peace?

Why didn't 80 y/o Johnny McCain retire after almost 35 years in Congress? Why is Joe Biden seemingly running for 2020? Why is 100 y/o Ginsburg holding on to her SCOTUS seat?

These egomaniacs are motivated by power. They never want to give it up, and if have to, they want it back.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hillary is continually whining about who thwarted her path to the throne: Comey, Putin, Bernie!

This. Never. Gets. Old!

Why is she writing this book? She doesn't need another $10 Million, right? She's already a gazillionaire.

Re-litigating the 2016 election can't be good politically for the Dems. They lost. Move on. Get over it.

She wants to keep her name afloat in the public arena, with hopes of winning the Dem nomination in 2020 at the ripe old age of 73. The dream (getting ultimate power) shall never die!!!!

MadisonMan said...

I'll get the book from the library, or I'll borrow the daughter's copy. I'm sure she'll buy it.

tcrosse said...

Hillary as Norma Desmond: "I am big. It's the politics that got small."

Yancey Ward said...

Why was the book written? The main reason is that she plans to run again- it really is that simple.

Yancey Ward said...

And if you think she will be too old to run in 2020, you have to remember- she always planned to run in 2020, she just thought she would be in the White House at that time.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bay Area Guy said...
Hillary is continually whining about who thwarted her path to the throne: Comey, Putin, Bernie!"

And that awful man who intimidated her so during the debates ended up winning because of other awful men.

Poor Hillary. She's so pure and noble, the victim of dastardly white male privilege.

buwaya said...

"Had Sanders been willing to go for the throat right from the start, he may well have been president today."

I think so too. But I also think that he was a designated loser from the beginning, who had no real intention of winning. A man with a purpose would have seen such advice for what it was.
It was his followers that made him a threat, to a large degree I think they embarrassed him.

campy said...

If Hillary had been elected, she would've called her opponents "Sexists" about 6,000 times by now.

And lined her pockets with as many million$ of dollar$.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Keep an eye on the bulk purchases by "Center for XXX Progress" and "XXX Families Coalition". Plus the "40% OFF" stickers on the B&N remainder tables."

When I was a poor college student I used to buy paperbacks almost by the yard from local thrift stores. There was always a steady supply of Bobby Sherman albums and copies of Jonathon Livingston Seagull and Love Story. When I was a poor college student for the second time I did the same. There was always a steady supply of Peter Frampton albums and copies of Ragtime and Joseph Wambaugh novels. Thrift stores are a great indicator of who was formerly popular and are now discarded. The Goodwills of 2022 are going to be absolutely bursting with the works of Hillary Clinton.

Fabi said...

I'm buying the book -- and jerking off to every single page.

Yancey Ward said...


I think Sanders didn't realize he could win until it was already too late to do so. The same sort of thing happened to Biden- he didn't think he could beat Clinton, so didn't even enter the race. Both men misjudged Clinton's inevitability.

Tom_Ohio said...

Wow, how sour are the grapes ?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I'm buying the book -- and jerking off to every single page"

God bless you. I bet Laslo just deleted his comment while cursing his tardiness.

'TreHammer said...

...oof...that's gonna leave a mark...

Rae said...

She seems to spend much of her sober time thinking about the menfolk that have wronged her. Bill, Barry, Bernie.

80% chance she runs again. With the same result, unless the economy tanks.

Earnest Prole said...

She's like a scorpion.

Jeff Weimer said...

Horsepuckey. He was *allowed* to run in the Democratic party to make Hillary look centrist and sane in comparison. It's the irony that the party had no idea that their electorate thought well enough of him and his proposals (say what you will, he *earnestly* believes his bullshit, and that authenticity was devastating compared to her) that he nearly took the nomination away from her.

Paddy O said...

If Hillary wanted Democrats to win, she would have stepped aside and let a better candidate run in the first place. She was a horrible candidate who pushed aside and intimidated much better, much more engaging, much more capable, much younger candidates. What Hillary feels about Bernie, every other Democrat feels about Hillary, but they'd never say it, because Clinton corruption rules the roost, and the Democrats are paying for it in every election.

Bernie got the Democrats and Progressives excited. Bernie, of all people. That shows that a Democrat with charisma and talent would have likely been swept into office. Hillary's ego, her me-first and me-alone attitude got Trump elected, when a lot of people would have voted for anything, but wouldn't vote for that.

Fabi said...

Just trying to sneak one in, Cracker! :-)

MadisonMan said...

Hillary's ego, her me-first and me-alone attitude

Encapsulated so well with that horrible "I'm With Her" slogan. It's all about HER.

I'm Full of Soup said...

What Happened? Ugly happened because Hillary Clinton is an ugly person through and through and I am not referring to her physical appearance.

Lance said...

Clinton does realize that she beat Sanders, right? And that Sanders does not occupy the White House?

johns said...

One additional theory about Bernie's run. He ran like Ralph Nader ran, not because he thought he could win but in order to drag the party to the left.
Then I agree with those who say he didn't realize how many would support him, and when it was too late he realized that he actually could have won if he had started out with that purpose.

Bob Loblaw said...

Would she have been this whiney as president? Good lord did we dodge a bullet!

The Godfather said...

I think I’m reasonably knowledgeable about recent US political history, and I’m pretty sure that NO LOSING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE HAS EVER WRITTEN A BOOK ABOUT WHY HE LOST, until now. And the losers include candidates who suffered embarrassing losses, like Goldwater and McGovern; incumbent Presidents who surely expected to be re-elected, like Carter and Bush 41;, and candidates who had reasonable grounds to argue that they “was robbed”, like Nixon (1960), Gore, and Romney.

But only Hillary has written a book about it.

Oh how I wish the Democrats will nominate her in 2020.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I'm buying the book -- and jerking off to every single page"

No, Sir, I won't be needing the gift receipt for this purchase........

Molly said...

Reading these comments, and my own reaction too them reminds me that there are a lot of people who just did not want HRC to win the presidency. No doubt there are a lot of reasons why people did not want HRC to win. But at the top of my own list is that it would have been a horrible travesty of justice to have the "first woman President" be a person who accomplished almost nothing, except on the coattails of her accomplished husband. I've long believed that HRC's nickname should have been "Lurleen".

Bay Area Guy said...

Jimmy Carter should have written a book in 1981 blaming his defeat on Ted Kennedy, the Ayatollah, and that fucking killer rabbit.

Bob Loblaw said...

Then I agree with those who say he didn't realize how many would support him, and when it was too late he realized that he actually could have won if he had started out with that purpose.

Too late for what? The superdelegate system ensures people like Sanders don't get nominated. The most he could have done was hurt Hillary even more than he did.

Though nobody can really say how much that is - I'm skeptical of the existence of any great number of voters who found Bernie Sanders' policy positions reasonable and then decided to vote Trump instead of Hillary. Most likely Sanders got people who wouldn't ordinarily have voted involved in the process, and after he dropped out they did too. That's not a net loss for Clinton.

Ray - SoCal said...

I doubt all the dirty tricks were needed by Clinton to defeat Bernie.

Hillary's mismanagement is why she is not President. A few more visits to Wisconsin and Michigan, more, ok even a little, focus on the working class, less anti male and White rhetoric, and she would have been President. The only person to blame is herself.

kevino said...

In the first place, her thesis that President Trump would not have gone after her on her lack of character without Sen. Sanders is insane. It's an obvious plan for the Trump campaign, and it's perfectly understandable given her attacks on him.

Her delusional rant here also flies in the face of history. In the book "Shattered", the authors detailed:
1. Her lack of ability to counter Bernie on substance, particularly his appeal to working people and millenials. Working people want to work. Millenials wanted someone less corrupt who could walk up stairs.
2. Bernie was a populist, and she couldn't even understand populism. At one point in the book she's quoted as saying she doesn't understand the appeal of populism.
3. Bernie worked hard for her, but she ignored the advise of his staff who pleaded with her people that she was losing the rust belt.

Bernie wasn't much of a candidate, but he had a lot of appeal over her:
1. He wasn't nearly as dishonest, corrupt, and incompetent.
2. He wasn't physically falling apart.
3. He represented change.
4. He was at least superficially concerned about ordinary people instead of the ultra rich.

He saw a corrupt system and tried to fix it; she catered to the corrupt. The only way she could beat him was to cheat.

Fabi said...

Lance makes a fine point -- Bernie energizing the base should have helped her significantly. It's not his fault that she couldn't close the deal with his supporters.

Birches said...

Why can't she just go away?

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
And if you think she will be too old to run in 2020, you have to remember- she always planned to run in 2020, she just thought she would be in the White House at that time.
Argh. Stop making sense.

William said...

I'm almost certain that she has read this book, but I can't imagine her writing it. Some passages, I'm sure, are as told to, but you can be certain every true emotion has been blanched out of the manuscript. The page given above is measured and calculated in its criticism of Sanders. That's the problem. Everything she does is measured and scripted. We don't like the Hillary that we do see, and we think that there's an even uglier one lurking just below the surface.

lonetown said...

any mention of rigging the process against him?

roger said...

" It's always worth asking: how horrible a candidate must you be when you have all the media, all the academics, all the arts and entertainment industries, all the techies, all the "thought leaders" and public intellectuals and all the foreign press and officials on your side and you lose to a political tyro hated by his party's establishment who basically winged it for the entire campaign?"

and greg wins the thread

Kansas City said...

This one page is so classic Hillary Clinton. It is petulant, phony, correct in significant respects, calculated, entitled, self absorbed, and politically correct.

It is so interesting to read that I might buy the book. It is a very interesting subject matter (the election campaign) and it might be worth it to read a couple hundred pages of calculating crooked Hillary to gain some insight. I can't remember another quick first person account of a campaign by a candidate.

An interesting question is why did she do it? My guess is money (always money with the Clintons) but more likely the desire to disparage people, blame people and in her dreams open up a lane for 2020.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She's so disgusting and vile.

Portlandmermaid said...

This excerpt reminds me of the tactics espoused by the One Minute Manager nonsense of the 80's: reprimand your employees first, then praise something about them, usually accompanied by a comradely pat on the shoulder.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She won't go away because she's a sociopath addicted to power. Addicted to ultimate power, corruption, money grubbing and power. Oh I said power already didn't i?

Kansas City said...

William is correct above. Even her criticisms of Bernie are measured and scripted. It is a funny description that a book is "scripted," but I think it applies. You read it - there is a criticism, then a compliment. I doubt Trump will fare as well.

Also, some of the above comments about her being whiny in writing the book seems correct.

The comments here would be better if they allowed replies. It also would better stimulate discussion.

Big Mike said...

Breaking news! Hillary has discovered where Wisconsin is ... she's going there as part of her book tour.

Please let me know how much she charges per book signing (not that I'd ever go).

Clyde said...

If Hillary Clinton's character had been unimpugnable, then Sanders' attacks would have had no effect. But when someone becomes the new gold standard for dishonesty and corruption, then it's open season on her character, or lack of same. Diogenes would never have considered her for a moment.

RMc said...

"(S)o he had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character."

Sometimes the jokes really do write themselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She will run in 2020 - her last chance to shred the 1st amendment.

Clyde said...

Hillary continues to channel her inner Jake Blues: "I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!"

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Does all this mean that we will never, ever have to endure another Clinton candidacy?"

As long as Hillary as the establishment republicans, LLR's and dems on her side she'd be a fool to stop running.

Bay Area Guy said...

God, I hope Hillary runs in 2020. She'll be a female perpetual presidential loser like William Jennings Bryan or Alf Landon.

Jaq said...

Bernie promised them ponies! What a world, what a world...

Comanche Voter said...

Hey Bernie I think you are a silly putz. But you did one good thing in your life. You ran for President in 2016. Your country thanks you. As for the Hildebeest? She was just collateral damage in your noble effort.

Bay Area Guy said...

This book -- about how Hillary was sunk in 2016 -- will sink her again in 2020.

This is totally fabulous.

Narayanan said...

Marketing genius would be Art of the Deal bundled with her book. Take one or both ... A virtual recall referendum.

Narayanan said...

Hillary carping about Bernie ... Warning or invitation to Fauxcahontas?

Narayanan said...

What Happened ... Bernie promised a pony,. I buried it in poop ... By Hillary.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The entitlement is on display. Democratic Party= Hillary Clinton.

It was HER TURN.

furious_a said...

Both men [Bernie and Biden] misjudged Clinton's inevitability.

The Haggard Queen™ *was*inevitable in the primaries. The Party Organizatsiya rigged it so. Watching footage of the Dem Nevada caucus was like watching Somali warlords loot an aid convoy.

tcrosse said...

The comments here would be better if they allowed replies. It also would better stimulate discussion.

The usual anti-Trump commenters have not come to H>er defense. Most of them swear they voted for somebody else, and now disown H>er. If I had voted for H>er, I would deny it, too.

rcocean said...

Lets be honest.

HRC was the WORST POTUS of the last 40 years. I only say 40 years, because I can't remember past 1977.

HRC was basically "Bill's Wife" until 2001.

Then she ran for a safe NY senate senate seat. Once in the senate, she did absolutely nothing. After losing to Obama, she was made SoS, where she did absolutely nothing. After leaving the SoS, she did absolutely nothing until she ran for POTUS. After beating a 70 year old, Jewish Socialist from Vermont, she was nominated for POTUS. During the campaign she did absolutely nothing - and lost.

No doubt, during the next four years she will do absolutely nothing and then run again in 2020. And then WIN - 'cause sexism.

rcocean said...

Hillary was only nominated because she was a women. No man, with her complete lack of charm, experience, and ability would've been nominated.

Hopefully, the Democrats will repeat their love of unqualified POtuS candidates and give the nomination to Harris in 2020.

The Vault Dweller said...

Who in the world does Hillary think she is fooling, by trying to pretend that is was only because of innuendo of Bernie Sanders that the moniker, "Crooked Hillary" was able to stick? That is like the Media thinking they are losing respect only because of Donald Trump's attacks on them.

I'll give them both a hint. Trump's rhetorical attacks are always aimed at characteristics that people are already inclined to believe.

Meade said...

"Breaking news! Hillary has discovered where Wisconsin is"

Oh she knows where Wisconsin is. She just doesn't like Wisconsin because Wisconsin doesn't like here.
She was here in Madison for a campaign rally in February 2016. A month later, Bernie had a rally here.
He got something like 4 times the turnout she got.

And that might've hurt her feelings.

furious_a said...

Bill Clinton rode a fortunate moment in the country's history.

Timing helped, but Bill Clinton was a gifted political actor and a tireless campaigner. He was Bugs Bunny to the Republicans' Elmer Fudd. Hillary had the charm of Mao's widow and reeked of entitlement. She wasn't know as "The Lady MacBeth of Little Rock" for nothing.

Meade said...

The Bernie supporters I know (none Bernie Bros), in 2016, all told me Hillary belonged in prison.

Meade said...

When did Hillary learn the truth about Bill's relationship with his intern? If only Hillary had divorced Bill then. She still might not be president but at least Bill and the intern would be happy.

n.n said...

Democrats continue to wallow in the residual muck from Water Closet.

Narayanan said...

Kim in North Korea, Hillary in WH. Discuss among yourselves. I am verklempt.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Will no one rid us of this tiresome cunt?

Can't believe i just said that. Normally I value civility in political discussion, thinking it helps to keep emotions down and minds open. But maldicion! the woman is well past her sell-by date.

hawkeyedjb said...

Wow, the leadership and strength of character just jump off the page. How could America have passed this woman over?

Jaq said...

I can't believe I deleted a comment about Hilary that I thought was actually too mean. Still, I won't stop beating up on her until she is good and gone.

She is delusional about Bernie too. If I thought Bernie had actually defeated Hillary, I would find a way to make sure that Bernie never had to buy a drink again.

Jaq said...

the defeated Democratic candidate admits to mistakes, regrets and “dumb” moves from her presidential bid — but says she still does not understand why so many Americans oppose her. “What makes me such a lightning rod for fury? I´m really asking. I´m at a loss,” she asks in the book. “I think it´s partly because I´m a woman.”

If you weren't a woman, you would have been lucky to get elected mayor of Bugtussle Ark.

Jaq said...

I love when they say "I'm really asking" because you know it means, "I am asking rhetorically, and if you try to answer me, I will block out anything you say." I could sit down with her and explain why people hate her, but she surrounds herself with sycophants, so she never hears it.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

No matter the joke, the punchline is Hillary!

Gahrie said...

Timing helped, but Bill Clinton was a gifted political actor and a tireless campaigner.

Two words explain both of Bill Clinton's wins:

Ross Perot.

Gahrie said...

"(S)o he had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character.

The only character Hillary has is the printing on her Chinese take out containers.

Gahrie said...

Says Reynolds about Hillary, "Has there ever been a whinier losing presidential candidate?"

Al Gore has given her a good run for the money. Literally.

Big Mike said...

Is there any place in her book where Hillary describes how much of the money raised for Hatian earthquake relief actually got spent in Haiti?

Big Mike said...

Maybe Democrats don't care about Haiti because Haitians are black?

Jack Tors said...

"What Happened" could be the title of the sequel to OJ's "If I Did It"

PatHMV said...

What a terribly boring excerpt. Do people really and truly pay to read this kind of pablum?

Jaq said...

“What makes me such a lightning rod for fury?

Maybe she should go back and read Alynski again. Oh, that's right! Only Democrats are allowed to do stuff like that. The real problem isn't a termagant like Hillary though, it's that the Democrats completely dismissed the fact that a huge slice of America absolutely rejects her candidacy "categorically." In fact Democrats viewed that as a feature, thinking that it would be fun to inflict her on their enemies.

I can't imagine why people who are legitimately angry at being left behind by an economy that serves rich Democrats very well (America is already great!) would balk at being termed "deplorable."

Dude1394 said...

I continue to be grateful for God looking after the USA.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meade @ 7:31


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Hillary. Why didn't the media hide her private server? They hid all the other dead bodies.
Poor Hillary - the media is her friend. Won't you be her friend, too?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ T in V -'s that the Democrats completely dismissed the fact that a huge slice of America absolutely rejects her candidacy "categorically." In fact, Democrats viewed that as a feature, thinking that it would be fun to inflict her on their enemies.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Roy Jacobsen said...
Which acquisitions editor at S&S was the fecking genius who decided that the book-buying public was dying to subject themselves to this?

I too have been puzzling over this ever since her last book deal pre-election where she laid out her bonafides for a multi-million dollar advance and the books were remaindered almost immediately. Which followed her multi-million dollar windfall for her other books, none of which sold in any meaningful quantities.

At what point do the shareholders of CBS have a beef with the Simon & Schuster editors who keep throwing money at a politician for books that don't sell? Why isn't this a DNC-Media scandal? Oh, that's because she's not a Republican, which would ensure she be investigated for this scam in which major media provide in-kind contributions to their favorite candidates. Still, CBS is publicly traded and should have to follow generally accepted accounting, right?

Buehler? Anyone?

Todd said...

she still does not understand why so many Americans oppose her. “What makes me such a lightning rod for fury? I´m really asking. I´m at a loss,” she asks

That passage indicates either a) she is just too stupid to be allowed to operate any machinery (to include a can opener) or b) such a calculating liar that is so full of hubris that she believes no one will challenge that statement. I guess it could be "and" versus "or".

Thank God in heaven, she is still not President.

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