Comey didn't want to shake hands at all...
[Brookings Institution fellow Benjamin Wittes, a close friend of Comey's] said Comey "really did not want to go to that meeting" and tried to distance himself from Trump to ensure the FBI's independence from the White House. Comey, who is 6 feet 8 inches tall, was wearing a dark blue suit and stood near the similarly colored curtains in the back of the room, hoping that Trump would not spot him.Video at the link.
And that seems to have prompted Philippe Reines to tweet us some video of himself playing the role of Trump in Hillary Clinton's debate prep:
Not easy to avoid the unwanted Trump hug, sometimes it even takes practice...— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) May 19, 2017
A favorite moment from debate prep (9/24/16):
ADDED: I don't think trying to evade a handshake makes you look good. But what do you do when confronted with a person who has a handshake-plus move? There's the right hand doing the basic shake, and then the left hand gropes you on some other part of your anatomy — the upper arm or the shoulder? Do you just let him? If he's a star?
1 – 200 of 286 Newer› Newest»Comey has proven to be a dipshit.
Comey was afraid Trump would unmask him as an alien Reptoid on TV. Face it, he's six foot eight. He's a reptoid.
That whole thing does make Comey seem crazy.
"A friend of James Comey said Thursday that the former FBI director was "disgusted" when President Trump tried to hug him at a White House event earlier this year, calling it an "intentional attempt to compromise [Comey] in public.""
Good grief, it turns out Comey IS a nut job!
Wait, didn't Trump shake hands with the Russian Ambassador?
Thereby compromising his independence?
Sign me up for Impeachment!
Its amusing to read stuff at the FDR library about J. Edgar hoover.
FDR would call J. Edgar into his office and tell him jump & J.Edgar would say "How high"? Hell, J. Edgar even Eleanor telling what to investigate and what not to.
Now, FBI director can't even shake hands without compromising the wall between FBI and the POTUS.
So now if you shake someone's hand, your compromising him, her, whatever?
These people are getting nuts.
Or I want photos, film of every hand shaken by a pol for whatever reason.
This is so cool. Comey is outing himself as a total nut. What is this strange power that Trump has?
Maybe Comey should have bowed or curtsied.
Nah, it was the cooties.
And the great thing is that Comey's friends keep telling these crazy stories, thinking they are making him look good. What do his enemies say about him? How could it be worse?
How unusual to have a pussy located on one's shoulder.
Comey lacks the skill of cultural comity, an inability to adapt to the folkways of Trump.
This is one of the more crippling sorts of bigotry. He is not a man you want dealing with foreigners, or not most of them, if he cannot take to even variant American customs. He is a man who will have to be patronized, as he is ill-equipped to do the patronizing.
I make reasonable accommodation with a genetic prejudice to indulge female-females.
Althouse, time to dig out some Robert Caro LBJ stories about what it was like to get the treatment from the Father of the Great Society. Now THAT was an invasion of your personal space.
It's hilarious to me that Comey- standing directly in Trump's line of sight- right in the center of the semi-circle- was supposedly hiding from Trump.
Hide in the periphery, buddy.
Such a dopey cover story.
Dear Lord preserve us.
First, Comey or his friend is proven to be a liar after the video came out. The original accusation was Trump hugged Comey. That's not a hug.
I've seen Trump treat people like this for many years. Watch the apprentice. It's not abnormal to have a handshake plus move. If you're someone like Howie Mandel, all you need to do is put our your fist for the bump.
But if you're not a germaphobe, then what's the big deal?
Comey is crazy, or his friend is lying.
It was a couple pats on the shoulder; hard to see how anyone could be put off by that.
"He's more famous than me," said Trump as he spotted Comey. Kind of a cutting remark in hindsight.
First Comey did not want to go to the meeting. Then Comey wears camo to the meeting to hide. Then he feels compromised after the perfunctory handshake.
Wowee, LLR Chuck, your buddy the former FBI commandant looks paranoid, some might say crazy. Please check up on him, for his own sake.
Can Hillary release all of the tapes?
Wow, I watch that video, and I see absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever, between Trump and Comey.
Is this news?
Trump may really be driving some folks crazy, if they are talking about this.
I never would have seen that as a hug. It looked like Trump shook his hand, and Comey kind of leaned in for Trump to say something in his ear.
I modify my comment: Comey has proven to be a crazy dipshit.
Unlike unreleased documents and anonymous sources, there are actual pictures documenting how stupid this one is. I'm guessing the lefties will steer clear of this thread.
Trump was marking Comey, like a male dog would. It was a way of pulling Comey into the inner circle, one in which members need to declare their loyalty to Trump. It didn't work out that way, did it?
So Comey is a drama queen.
OK, so I was wrong...
Anyone ever notice how Trump shakes hands? It's aggressive. He pulls the other person's hand toward him so much so that it sometimes looks as if he's almost pulled the other person off balance.
OM, there is absolutely no reason any leftie commenter should avoid this thread. Comey's reaction was understandable.
Nobody seems to know any gamesmanship anymore.
Consider The Secondary Hamper, which would have played perfectly in the situation.
In particular scroll down a couple pages to Figure 8.
Inga--Nah. If Trump had wanted to piss on Comey, he would have.
I sympathize with Comey a little bit. It's really hard to hide when you're 6 foot 8.
"Comey's reaction was understandable."
The claim wasn't that Comey found the hug "distasteful", Inga. It was that it "compromised" him. That's wackjob territory, part and parcel with all the rest of the Russian conspiracy bilge.
Mattman--yeah, and wearing a red tie.
Trump's odd aggressive handshakes
"But what do you do when confronted with a person who has a handshake-plus move? "
Go with it. These are his folkways. No doubt he is doing his best to tolerate your own oddities that you, perhaps, are not perceiving.
This is wisdom that may not be teachable without having been raised in a truly multicultural environment. Or being willing to learn, while travelling. Another reason to travel btw.
"It was that it "compromised" him. "
That is something else. Looking like he was friendly with Trump may indeed be a risk in terms of how his true tribe (bureaucratic Washington?) perceives him.
News report:
In his 1997 book The Art of the Comeback, Trump wrote, “One of the curses of American society is the simple act of shaking hands, and the more successful and famous one becomes the worse this terrible custom seems to get. I happen to be a clean hands freak. I feel much better after I thoroughly wash my hands, which I do as much as possible.”
I once thought it might deter him from running from office. I guess he decided to seize his demon.
In man-code, the handshake is never avoided, that's passive behavior. Take the hand, show firm grip, establish equality in physical space.
The man who is afraid of being compromised by a handshake has already been compromised in some other way.
Finally. An impeachable offense.
The best part of the video is kissing her on the neck.
readering--it would have been really cool if Trump had pulled out a wetwipe, given his hands a thorough scrub, and then offered one to Comey.
"there is absolutely no reason any leftie commenter should avoid this thread. "
I agree. Show just how bat-shit crazy you are for the entire world to see.
I think Comey knew that he was compromised in any number of ways and that Trump was very aware of it. Look at any recent photographs of Comey and he looks stunned a lot of the time. He looks to me like a man who knows he's playing with fire and about to get burned or a man entering into the first phases of dementia. ( I know the camera lies like hell but there have been a lot of vacant looks in stills and during the various hearing videos.) Yesterday's links to the Ashcroft episode make it clear what kind of treachery Comey is capable of. I think Trump reads people pretty well and probably got bad vibes from Comey right from the start.
I think Michael nails Comey right at the top,
Inga: "Trump was marking Comey, like a male dog would."
So that's your take on it, eh?
"He thought it was an intentional attempt to compromise him in public."
More and more and more Comey is proving to be totally full of shit.
July 5, 2016. That was the day that anyone with integrity and associated with, or knowledgeable about, law enforcement understood that Comey was a lapdog for his Democrat masters.
His sanctimonious posturing makes me a lot more than "mildly nauseous."
Inga: "Anyone ever notice how Trump shakes hands? It's aggressive. He pulls the other person's hand toward him so much so that it sometimes looks as if he's almost pulled the other person off balance"
I know, right?!
It's almost like Trump is a salesman or something!
Dominating Handshakes! Oh My!
Is There No Escape?!
It's like there is an entire science behind all this or something!
Needless to say Inga remains completely befuddled that business is conducted in just this way across the globe and has for centuries.
Thanks for catching up Inga!
Comey "really did not want to go to that meeting" and tried to distance himself from Trump to ensure the FBI's independence from the White House
It is obvious too that Comey thought (still thinks?) of himself as a sovereign, a government unto himself, rather than being a servant in the Executive Branch, which is embodied in person in the Chief Executive (President), who was duly elected.
I am hoping that this Republican Congress will pass federal legislation outlawing the man-shake/hug forever.
The BET Honors, the NAACP Image Awards, and the Grammys may all be moved to the British Virgin Islands in order to avoid U.S. jurisdiction, but I think it will be a net benefit to the economy.
Mark: "More and more and more Comey is proving to be totally full of shit."
His fingerprints are on so many Clinton CYA exercises over the years the mind reels.
Better than a limp dick sweaty handshake!
OTOH, as a short female, Comey is probably used to using his height, looming over most people, to his advantage.
He was disgusted he was out manouvered.
He lost his advantage.
Comey is no gentle giant.
I'm saying this Because of a conversation I had with my cousin this weekend. she's shorter than I am and she has noticed in her community that tall females dismiss her and think she's stupid because she short . she got into engineering school. She's no stupe.
I have observed (As a trained Social Worker) Mr. Comey for some time. I have wondered what results would come from his taking the "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory". The MMPI is the most valid-and-reliable tool to determine individuals, if any, psychopathologies. (It as a very sound "Lie Scale".)
BTW, this just in from the left: a hand wave over the shoulder now constitutes "rape rape".
Inga said...
Trump was marking Comey, like a male dog would. It was a way of pulling Comey into the inner circle, one in which members need to declare their loyalty to Trump.
5/19/17, 4:47 PM
Just like you believe he had twelve drop dead gorgeous world class Russian escorts mark the mattress Obama slept on, right, genius?
No doubt they donated their time for that job
Comey looked extra douchy walking across the floor with his fingers intertwined. And that weak smile was intended to display his contempt.
So Drago, when will all those "Democrats go to jail for improperly unmasking people"? You've been curiously quiet about that, you were so sure it would happen, lol.
But what do you do when confronted with a person who has a handshake-plus move? There's the right hand doing the basic shake, and then the left hand gropes you on some other part of your anatomy . . . ? Do you just let him? If he's a star?
You can lead your dopey commenters to water but you can’t make them think.
Comey and the media reporting on this - is a national embarrassment. Comey obviously has NOTHING on Trump. If he did he would not be reduced to putting pathetic stories like this out.
Great new game. Find the DC swamp monster. Is that Spicer in the bushes, Comey in the curtains, where will they think of hiding in plain view next...
"But what do you do when confronted with a person who has a handshake-plus move? There's the right hand doing the basic shake, and then the left hand gropes you on some other part of your anatomy . . . ? Do you just let him? If he's a star?"
"You can lead your dopey commenters to water but you can’t make them think."
"Well, yes, he might've grabbed him by the penis if he had half a chance." Comey didn't get close enough.
The morale of the story is ... Don't f**k with the FBI.
Trump is the ultimate doofus if he thought he was bigger than the FBI, the IC community and the MSM. Trump, his family and his goons are being killed daily and they'll all go down, down, down.
Get your Russian Vodka out for some stiff shots as they will be days, weeks, months and years of pain for Trumpski's. Ypa! (that's cheers in Russian pronounced ura)
Comey is a son of a bitch. He actually got Hillary off once before back when clinton was president, and he also has a history of getting contracts from the clinton foundation. The guy has actually been a clinton lackey for much of his career. So, the fact thst he would lay out the case of Hillary engaging in extremely reckless behavior and then saying " bit no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case" while not passing this off to the AG is extremely problematic. He found bill clinton meeting AG on a plane to not be suspicious, but trump merely being friendly is disgusting and suspicious?
Ya know, at some level, between professionals, when underling A determines that he & Boss B mutually detest each other, then it's time for A to go. It's gotta be A because it's B's show.
Clearly, Comey & Trump were at that point. It seems like they just couldn't work with each other. If that's the case, then Trump was right to fire Comey, no matter what the cause of their mutual loathing was.
These guys are powerful, but they're still human beings. And sometimes human beings just can't stand each other. Sometimes, even two perfectly decent people can't stand each other. It happens.
Just leaked that Jared Kushner is a "person of interest" in FBI probe. The best way for Republicans to ease out Trump is to go after his family.
Comey agreed to testify in an open session in a Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing after Memorial Day. I can't wait.
Sure, Comey divorced the FBI from its law enforcement mandate. And he appeared to think he was Attorney General as well as FBI Director. And he and his family has deep ties to the Clintons. But he hides behind curtains at parties so that Donald Trump won't ask him to dance. OK.
Comey said, way back when about Hillary's handlings of emails:
"“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
although we didn't find clear evidence that Hillary intended to violate laws governing handling of classified, the argument is Hillary didn't know thst she was not supposed to get it guys to build a server in her house? How, is it possible that comey could say this with a straight face and expect him to take him seriously.
If she expressly hired an IT guy to build a private server for her, and she knew thst classified emails would go to that server, since after all, WHERE ELSE WOULD IT GO? She isn't using her govt account then that shows willful intent to mishandle classified emails.
The only people Trump can absolutely trust is his daughter and son-in-law. Everyone else will leak and see their career in the coming Pence administration. So to quickly bring down Trump the Republican Deep State must separate Kushner and Trump's daughter from the West Wing.
Note that the Drudge Report has gone dark in their defense of Trump.
"He thought it was an intentional attempt to compromise him in public."
Just before he called Comey over he called someone else over (not sure who), and shook his hand as well, and asked him to stay up there next to him. Was Trump trying to "compromise" him as well? It's not as though he singled out Comey. It's a ridiculous claim.
By the time Trump gets back he will be lucky if the evolving Republican coup does not handcuff him when he gets off Air Force One.
Let's all call him "Crazy Comey".
"Inga: "Trump was marking Comey, like a male dog would."
Did trump pee on him?
Also, you also mentiMe how trump always has aggressive handshakes. So, then if trump is the same way when addressing comey, why is Thst some CRIME as opposed to trump greeting people? Thst seems to be how he greets people. So is the crime that he didn't adhere to proper etiquette? How big of a cold fish is Comey?
Democrats are sidelined in this coup.
How soon until we get a fact check on trumps statement Thst comey is a nut job? And then the day long caterwauling about how trump lied about comeys mental state?
Republicans in Congress will fawn over Comey when he testifies in public against Trump. They will then gravely declare Trump must be removed so that Pence can restore order.
"He thought it was an intentional attempt to compromise him in public."
Probably the story isn't true. If it's true, there's something seriously wrong with Comey.
Have you heard? Jared Kushner's father is a jailbird! Gee whiz! OMG! The FBI is SO interested in him! Like father, like son, they always say. So they want a good hard look at him--because he is so interesting! Of course he is a person of interest!
I don't how many present or former FBI folks comment here, but most of the agents I have known are pretty sure we all could go to jail if we were of sufficient interest to them.
I am happy to hear dissenting views.
You have been warned.
Comey, who is 6 feet 8 inches tall, was wearing a dark blue suit and stood near the similarly colored curtains in the back of the room, hoping that Trump would not spot him.
Now consider how Trump would take all this. He's used to hanging out with the Mayor of New York and the Chief of Police. Do you think the NYPD Chief would feel shaking the Mayor's hand to be something compromising? That he should run away and hide in the drapes? Hell no. The NYPD Chief would have a drink with the Mayor and throw him in jail afterward if he found he'd broken the law.
It's not about the appearance of impropriety. That's for the guys who typically find all the evidence but still need to look good letting the perp off because she didn't "intend to". No it's about who did and didn't break the law. No handshake interferes with that.
No wonder Trump didn't feel Comey was his kind of guy. Some sort of weirdo who doesn't like to shake hands? A powerful man who hides in the back of the room? This is the guy responsible for counterterrorism? This is the guy who's supposed to stare people down and determine whether they're safe or going to build bombs or shoot up a nightclub?
This is the guy? Hoover was probably rolling over in his grave.
If Hillary had thought to just knee him in the groin when he went in for the grab, she'd be President today.
"Inga: "Trump was marking Comey, like a male dog would."
"Did trump pee on him?"
Yeah, Comey's the crazy one. Not Trump.
Crazy, not crazy, whatever. It's pretty evident who the patriot is between them, and who's the poseur.
Well, you never know where those tiny hands have been.
Methinks someone has Comey Derangement Syndrome.
Just sit back and embrace the backlash against this utterly toxic administration. Enough with the lawyering. Trump can afford lawyers much more overpriced than what the state of WI can afford.
Re: Trump's odd aggressive handshakes, pretty weird. It's like he's trying to suck your hand into him. The way his toddler personality swirls around you and sucks you into the vortex of his ego, his hand is sucking you into him also.
The guy just all around sucks. People don't reach out to him.
It's pretty clear what is going on in the FBI--they can't find anything, so there must be a cover-up. So now they are investigating a cover-up because they can't find anything.
Comey could be a patriot and a self-righteous prig. I have met him. He is.
so if you watch the video the whole interaction takes like 5 seconds. And Comey had to run outside and record his notes on the coversation? Was the interaction even long enough to generate disgust? Also, did Comey really think he could make himself invisible by standing next to a curtain?
Comey is all poseur, all of the time.
Trump called him out to show that he was Comey's President. Chicken Comey wanted to slink away
and keep up his posing while being Clinton's secret mole in authority at the Federal Blackmail Institution. He needed to put on his show of power over the Orange haired clown.
So Trump is right. Comey is crazy weak. And Comey does not have any idea how to out wrestle DaTrumper.
By the end of the mid-terms, Trump will be the winner and have his own Congressional leadership.
Wow. So I guess the obligatory conseraphony criticism here of Comey will revolve around the basic lines of: He's not as much a scumbag as Trump!
Great defense, guys.
So, there is actually a video of the interaction.
Here's how the Times characterizes it:
"comey is UNSETTLED"
Now lets look at the video:
If you watch it, you can see that he is talking to a bunch of people and greeting them, and a few people he calls over and they shake his hand. Comey is one. This was what Comey considers "UNSETTLING"
Hey, look on the bright side. It woulda been worse had Trump grabbed Comey by the pussy........
"Wow. So I guess the obligatory conseraphony criticism here of Comey will revolve around the basic lines of: He's not as much a scumbag as Trump!" I'd say he's a BIGGER scumbag than Trump
I'd say he's a BIGGER scumbag than Trump
It's interesting that the fans of the emotional toddler president have toddler-level insults and comebacks.
Comey's going to testify in public in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. So we'll all be able to judge for ourselves who the nut job is. Really looking forward to it.
"did Comey really think he could make himself invisible by standing next to a curtain"
When it was clear that his protective camoflage coloration wasn't working, Comey should have feigned death instead.
Hey, look on the bright side. It woulda been worse had Trump grabbed Comey by the pussy . . .
I think that's her leetle joke.
Comey is all poseur, all of the time.
Apparently defenders of the toddler president also have adolescent comebacks. This one above, seems to have been plucked straight from J.D. Salinger's coming-of-age novel, Catcher in the Rye.
Here is a direct link to the video jr565 cited. It's a reception for law enforcement leaders who worked inauguration security.
Trump waves over the head of the Secret Service, gives him a modified soul shake, then waves over Comey and gives him a handshake and a pat on the back.
If this bothered Comey then I have to conclude that the man is something of a nut job.
Trump's ship is sinking fast. Of course the rule is woman and children second after the golden bear.
Comedy is a fuckin' phony ass phony phoning it up up in here. - Holden Caulkfeld
Thanks for the video, Rabel. I'd say people have lost their minds, but that presupposes their actions are sincere.
Comey is phoney, aight.
Phony as lazily-rhymed bologna.
Inga: "So Drago, when will all those "Democrats go to jail for improperly unmasking people"? You've been curiously quiet about that, you were so sure it would happen, lol"
There would have to be an investigation to uncover that and, thus far, it appears that the leaks are not being investigated.
I wonder why that would be?
So, just to be clear, you are now officially okay with any and all leaking of confidential and sensitive information?
God, this is the best reality show ever. I laugh every day. I bet we are the #1 situation comedy the world over. I imagine the Big Bang Theory is scrambling to come up with better storylines. (Sorry I'm off-topic.)
"I wonder why that would be?"
Because it's bullshit.
Hey Toothless. I always like to see your interesting comments. I agree that Trump has a tactical mind that seldom bothers with the emotion of empathy. He will win you over if possible with a show of goodness and basic affection. But when that fails, he keeps Ivanka and Kellyanne around to instruct him in uses of empathy.
So I repeat myself, and I say let's use Donald to win the Labors of Hercules, and then we can fire him for being so good at winning.
Inga: "Because it's bullshit."
So, your official position now is that illegal leaks are not occurring.
I always like to see your interesting comments. I agree that Trump has a tactical mind that seldom bothers with the emotion of empathy.
Thanks, I like yours. But I must say, what tactical strategy is he implementing? Destruction for its own sake doesn't sound like a strategy. There are plenty of ways to be destructively fun: Knocking over sandcastles, paintball, throwing confetti, neutral slams in the snow... throwing pies in people's faces. But I can't for the life of me understand what is it about this destructive impulse in the conservatives that just leaves them wanting the most destruction they can see in the most powerful leader of the country. Some of us like America to channel our destructive impulses elsewhere, I'd like to think.
He will win you over if possible with a show of goodness and basic affection.
As toddlers always do.
Being a narcissist means being frozen in a 3-year old's state of emotional development. I'm intrigued by this need to regress; I suppose going naked at a music festival and tripping on E and shrooms just doesn't do it for conservatives, though. There's a problem with Toddler Trump's play at patriotism, though. It's all about him. He'll decide he doesn't like his parent country and wants a new parent country. The Russians sure are impressed with his Israeli intel! Yeay! Smother the approval on him wherever he can get it.
It's dangerous to have a leader so easily manipulated through just basic flattery. Hard to understand why conservatives can't see this.
Earnest Prole said: "You can lead your dopey commenters to water but you can’t make them think."
This has to be my favorite comment on this thread.
Allow to asked you a question or two Mr. Prole. Are you a commenter? Would that not make you dopey? Or sleepy? Or Grumpy? Or just a mental dwarf?
Just watched the video. What's the big deal?
Shake hands, say hello and get on with your life. I'm not a big fan of having my hand shook like that but it just ain't a big deal. When it happens, it happens just deal with it.
I don't get the trying to hid part though. He seemed part of the group.
I did like the "More famous than me" part. Nice salesman line. I use something like that all the time, telling my clients that they know more than me about something. Most of the time it is a true statement.
They hire me because I have broad, and somewhat deep, knowledge. Just not as deep as someone who specializes in one thing.
I agree, this makes Comey look like a dick.
John Henry
back in the real world
maybe he didn't shake the right hands,
It's pretty clear what is going on in the FBI--they can't find anything, so there must be a cover-up. So now they are investigating a cover-up because they can't find anything.
Comey could be a patriot and a self-righteous prig. I have met him. He is.
That sounds like the ballpark for sure.
From your link:
"The Pentagon says since the campaign against ISIS began in 2014, the terror group has lost more than 20,000 square miles of territory and 4.1 million people have been freed from the brutal grip of ISIS rule."
Why are you bothering us about our fight against ISIS, when we could be talking Comey's memo and handshakes?
May 19, 2017
Why was Comey "just completely disgusted" when Trump pulled into the handshake and grabbed him around the shoulder?
"He thought it was an intentional attempt to compromise him in public."
Comey didn't want to shake hands at all...
Well, if a handshake is as good as a wink as good as a word, I wonder what a secret off-the-record meeting on the tarmac is.
a veteran of the phillipine experience, notes where we are going,
toothless revolutionary wrote:
It's interesting that the fans of the emotional toddler president have toddler-level insults and comebacks.
You were the one that used the word scumbag. if that's a toddler level insult then why did you make it about Trump?
Secondly, you said' "So I guess the obligatory conseraphony criticism here of Comey will revolve around the basic lines of: He's not as much a scumbag as Trump!" I was simply saying you are mischaracterizing the argument against comey. Since, it was you that made it be about who the bigger scumbag is, I merely clarified.
Comey is the bigger scumbag than Trump. Trump may be a blowhard and also a vulgarian, but Comey tanked an investigation to help Hillary, who he has been in bed with for years, win. Even though it backfired on him spectacularly.
I should say, not in the sense of some poor person who doesn't know where his schlong belongs-with five children, he is entitled to that presumption-but in the sense of wimpy, weak, effeminate, unmanly. He was never a field agent. He never bore arms in the service of his country. He's a lawyer and a schnook. Put him in an equal match up without the weight of a whole organization behind him and he crumples like a Kleenex. I wonder how he will do in prison once the receipt for his soul is found in the archives of The Clinton Library.
Check out what King Louis Quatorze is up to.
Get ready for a f*ckin' revolution.
Comey was trying to make a Justin Trudeau move to avoid the power hug of Trump but the nut job was not as successful. Be interesting to see how this handshake plays out in the Middle East.
Comey helped tank a Hillary investigation once before.
He also tried to undermine George Bush when he tried to implement a program that fought terrorists. Though I notice he seems to love the deep state NOW.
Hear, hear!
The voices of the 36% speak!
Good to know that these dead-enders always were the extreme right-wing nutjobs they kept pretending they were too well potty-trained to really be. We thought these commenters were the decent Republicans. But the majority of them are anything but.
Enjoy your downfall. Whatever happens from here on out, no one will believe Trump, the Liar. Any legacy his administration could have ever had (yeah, right!) is now permanently hobbled.
Ego's a bitch, eh. Hubris. This guy is like the Icarus who lacked flying skills. Just crashed and burned before even getting off the runway.
How to Tank a Republican Administration in One Hundred Days or Less, by King Donny Tinyhands.
Available at booksellers near you.
Comedy's starting sound a bit prissy.
ah yes, the whole Ashcroft at the hospital business, that alberto Gonzalez still doesn't understand how he was sidelined by comey and goldsmith, with help from Mueller, the program in question, was a much less invasive version of the modern surveillance net, we see today, but the former had some qualms, now the date of this colloquoy was as significant, as the day rick flies off from Casablanca, being December 6, 1941, this made for tv movie, happened on March 10, 2004, what happened the next day, trains exploded in madrid, triggering the domino effect of us allies pulling out of Iraq,
The Toothless Revolutionary said
We'll miss you!
The Toothless Revolutionary said
walter said: We'll miss you!
Need to see more of those two words.
Video at the link.
Much ado about nothing?
basically, or that Shakespeare line about 'sound and fury, signifying nothing, told by an idiot' but this is the ridiculous length, the new class will go to escape confronting real problems,
Well, I watched it. Nothingburger. If Comey was truly upset by that, I'd hate to think how he'd react to an actual hug.
And if he really chose to stand by the drapes to be unnoticed, he should learn something about camo, and he should not have stood in Trump's direct line of sight!
His friend says he stood as far as possible from him (probably covering his crotch, just in case Trump wanted to cop a feel), but give me a break. IMHO, he walked across the room with a very submissive posture. He should have stood up tall and towered over Trump, to show who is the real boss!
If he didn't want to be seen by Trump, he should stand to the side opposite the direction Trump normally turns when he shakes hands. A G-man spy-guy ought to have mad detective skilz and suss the room in seconds when he enters, and know how to protect his back, and be unobtrusively standing behind someone else at the side of the room.
Need to see more of those two words.
Oh, you're going to hear a lot of it, next November. BITCH!!! Yeah!
It's interesting. I finally watched the video. Trump did not grab him. He said something privately.
Comey is really going off the deep end, as are the Democrats.
Can hardly wait for his next tweets.
sans context, and if you ignore everything that has happened before, yes his statement has merit but those two caveats are the size of the grand canyon,
Comey is really going off the deep end, as are the Democrats.
That's because they're with the country that your self-indulgent lazy ass president (someone you relate to) is driving off the cliff.
Comey's just independent, and guarding his independence. Not that you would know anything about that.
It's fun to watch you indict yourself with your own words. I hope you get taxed to high hell once 2018 rolls around. I hope your estate goes to fund a couple Chinook helicopters. I hope a couple unemployed parents of kids with leukemia get a bone marrow transplant out of your retirement funds.
I hope to see a lot less of you and a lot more honest-to-goodness, down-to-earth real Americans. Not some creamed corn chewing, nursemaid-raised, working people-hating loser.
Toothless, you sound like a teenager. Are you Ritmo?
Its funny though how Toothless suddenly views Comey as being independent. So, that would mean that all the dems demanding investigation of COMEY only a few months ago, or who said they lost faith in him or said he knew of a Russian connection and hid it were in fate full of crap.
Good to know.
So, that would mean that all the dems demanding investigation of COMEY only a few months ago...
When did I once do that, dummy?
Do you think everything's partisan, dummy?
Do you ever think for yourself? I realize you're a mindless member of a herd-tribe. But you need to speak for yourself.
BTW, Trump is lawyering UP. Big time.
He's going down.
Democrats knew what a loon Trump was from day one. We told you so. You people wanted him because he reflected your bigotry. You people hoisted him upon the rest of us. I hope you'll pay dearly for what you've done to this country.
This fucker is going down!
Whitewater him!
Oh, we're going to Whitewater the hell out of this guy!
He will make Whitewater and the Starr prosecution look like a board game.
He is done. Politically, he's been carved like a fucking Thanksgiving turkey. And it's only just begun.
Hey, you guys said you want a government that can't do anything. And now you've got one. By legal order.
He's DONE! 450 degrees internal temperature. He's turning red and orange and sweating bullets.
Who can forget Harry Reid saying Comey violated the Hatch act:
“I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election,. “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”
Notice how the democrats always say people they dont agree with VIOLATE LAWS?
OR Steve Cohen demanding he resign:
Or Shumer saying he lost faith in him.
Or Pelosi saying he may not be in the right job and hinted he would lost it after election. (this was before Hillary lost)
Or Hank Johnson saying "confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”
Or crazy maxine waters saying: "The FBI director has no credibility.”
OR GK Butterfield , saying “I think that James Comey needs to fade away into oblivion.”
Or Hillary saying "Russian hacks and Comey actions cost me election.
How about Liberal Media? What did THEY have to say:
Think Progress; What comey did was a fireable offense:
Kurt Eichenweld: Not only should he be fired, he should be barred from any public service job forever.
But its good to know that libs really think that he is, in fact independent.
Stay away from the brown acid or now a days bath salts, they maintain a delusional architecture only seen inception and possibly Dr. Strange.
Toothless revolutionary wrote:
BTW, Trump is lawyering UP. Big time.
And he'd be a fool not to. considering the degree to which Dems are trying to railroad him. Still, do you have any proof of Russian collusion as of yet to justify you unhinged foam at the mouth hysteria? Or is it all based on a belief that must be true, because.... TRUMP! That's the extent of your argument.
Bob Mueller. Modern day Cincinnatus.
Take that fucker down, Bob! Get him!
Roast him! Stick a pitchfork in 'im.
Run him out of town with his stupid pompadour ducktail tucked between the folds of his nape.
Let's be done with this tip of the Republican scourge on the country once and for all.
"I hope you'll pay dearly for what you've done to this country."
Ha ha. Checking your User profile.. I KNEW YOU WERE RITMO. Ritmo by any other name is still a c*nt.
Feeding frenzy here, too.
If only these fools could see they are trying to make chains for themselves. The Administrative State does not give a shit what you want. IT is all about what it wants, mostly taxes and pensions and the power to control your lives.
Who can forget Harry Reid saying Comey violated the Hatch act:
I can. Never even remembered such a thing. What's a hatch act, anyway? A law regulating bat cave fire department escape poles?
It's all Trump 24/7. The country doesn't want this pathological lying traitor any more. Broken trust.
Go fight your stupid old wars against this politician and that. We're going to turn over the whole country blue. 2018 will be a rout.
You're led by the most toxic man in American politics. And he's going down.
And your side can't do a thing about it. They swore allegiance to the wrong orangutan.
He'll never beat Hillary now, the left's schizophrenia rivals fate dunaway in chinatown, yes I know it's situational.
So the dossier, redolent of a,Soviet era dezinformatya like the trust, neidermeyer, the crowdstrike report, a scam but they have a billion dollar valuation out of it? What else do they have.
The Administrative State...
Every time you nitwits use verbiage like this nonsensical Newsmax-speak, I think: "Hmmm. Sounds like another dimwit who never took a civics class."
Forget the "state," whatever that even means any more, Nursemaid-boy. The "law and order" candidate didn't know the fucking law and now the law is on our side. Trump doesn't know what a DOJ is. He doesn't know what the FBI does. He doesn't know what laws he has to follow or not.
And now the DOJ will teach him that very valuable lesson. Nation of LAWS, Bitch! Not men.
Go swear fealty to some Russian oligarch's bitch on your own dime, Nursemaid boy.
toothless wrote:
I can. Never even remembered such a thing. What's a hatch act, anyway? A law regulating bat cave fire department escape poles?
It's all Trump 24/7. The country doesn't want this pathological lying traitor any more. Broken trust.
No, all thats happening is DEMOCRAST alleging wrong doing, and democrats in govt an intel leaking selective leaks to the press, then getting media to spread those leaks, then saying "See we told you!" you guys are the ones manufacturing the controversy. Do you think we dont see what you're doing?
There is nothing that has been revealed that has actually even been a crime. We get that you dont like Trump. But you made that clear when Trump was running and when he won.
BUT WE DONT LIKE YOU. And therefore when you spout off at the mouth we just think "There goes Ritmo, acting like a little twerp douche again".
Just because you smear doesnt mean that we accept your premise. its fake news pushing fake scandals. And then the retards repeating the talking points. Volume doesnt prove a conspiracy. You're going to have to, at some point, prove actuall evidence for your allegations.
Modern democrats make McCarthy sound like a choirboy.
Why shouldn't those who wanted to "burn it all down" suffer the consequences of their actions? I thought you people believed in taking responsibility? Your punishment will be the making it probable that Democrats retake the Presidency in 2020, the Senate and the House maybe by 2018. You people went too far with your desire to tear down our government and you were dumb enough to be duped by a lunatic.
Trump should buy land in Wyoming and then move all federal buildings now in D.C. there, making a killing selling over-inflated real estate to people who hate him in extremis.
I would love it!
I am not laughing out loud, currently, at the prospect, but just you give it time.
inga wrote:
Why shouldn't those who wanted to "burn it all down" suffer the consequences of their actions? I thought you people believed in taking responsibility?
But that's your view NOW. And you are admitting that you are a hypocrite?
Suppose you achieve your result. Do you really think democrats can then lead without those who felt you and the media and the deep state destroyed legitimate govt through a coup?
You better hope there IS proof of collusion between Russia and Trump> Because if, after all this, it turns out it was just liberals spreading stories, its going to lead to some massive upheavals.
There isnt a large enough thoraxine drop to clear up this delusion, yes under holder and , justice was an abstraction like in a,kafka tale, mobs were oeganized to target the police chief in hamlets like sanford and ferguson.
No, all thats happening is DEMOCRAST
Keep fighting for that 36%. Yeah! Bringing up the caboose, over there! Trump's Republicans are the majority.
The mind of one of his deluded followers has spoken!
You're as bad as your superior. Did you too have an inauguration where millions of people showed up and made it the best and greatest ever? Don't forget the billions of Republicans in China and on Mars, too!
It's a Republican nation! No other parties or persuasions exist.
/typical (idiotic) Trump voter.
I guarantee you that Democrats, liberals, progressives, independents, and sane conservatives will fight to keep you fools from destroying this country. We are the patriots here.
Awwwww... how sentimental. I'm touched. And hurt.
And that's just the kind of leader you slavish bootlickers deserve!
Go kiss up to him while he fails you, blames you, and serves you up a steaming hot dish of one of his many signature failures in life.
You love it. You get off on the desperation. It fuels you.
Victory is around the corner. Any day now. In Trumpland.
Now this kind of crazy birthed weatherman in other places the brigatte and the baader, November 17th so the proper attitude is pity.
Someone has to do that German Downfall video with Trump as Hitler. You know. Where he bangs a table in a bunker and blames everything on everyone around him who somehow failed him.
How fitting.
Harbor Freight has some good prices on zip ties if any y'all wanna join me in some slavin' sometime.
I can teach you by the numbers if you ain't ever done it, though like most all y'all I suppose yo' daddy taught you like his did his and on down the line.
He doesn't know the difference between chocolate and cocaine!
Hitler helped close the Iowa abortion clinics, just like Trump, cause they both hated that moldy mint tasting Mexican green leafy spice that starts with a c, whatever that word is.
El Choco, LOL!
Gorsuch is a Hitler's judge but if not Hitler judgetoy then it's because like Hitler Trump gave away the power to nominate a Supreme Court seat because that what Hitler did in Germany in the 1930's is let others do the power wielding while Hitler farted a lot from his veggies laden diet.
Trump probably doesn't even fart because he eats so much meat but that is to hide he is like Hitler, total camouflage sabotage.
Cilantro, so yeah Trump is mos def Hitler.
Watching Democrats meltdown in real time is entertaining. And here I thought I had a drinking problem.
Gentle reminder - Hillary is still not President
That is all.
Watching Democrats meltdown in real time is entertaining. And here I thought I had a drinking problem.
Well as you very well know you do have a mindblindness problem and are, as one would expect, confusing celebration with frustration.
I'll explain the difference to you, one day.
Although I'm sure you'll still not listen.
I'm stone cold sober, but I'm sorry to hear that you have a drinking problem Chickie.
Bay Area guy, guess what? No one cares. It's not about Hillary.
Ritmo rote: "Someone has to do that German Downfall video with Trump as Hitler. You know. Where he bangs a table in a bunker and blames everything on everyone around him who somehow failed him."
It's weird but no one has done that I've seen (and I'm a fan of that parody).
I've heard that the copyright owners of the original have enforced their rights more diligently lately. But still. You'de think.
I've had 3 ounces of SAV - a Swedish schnapps made from birch. It's nasty, like me. I don't recommend.
@Inga: I'll never forget your drunken night with the plumber story you related at Trooper's years ago.
Good stuff.
Yes, well I was younger then. I'm an old lady now, lol.
There goes Ritmo, acting like a little twerp douche again.
Yep. I like it. I see it getting a lot of use in the future.
Don't be so down, Republicans. Trump's just fulfilling one of his campaign promises.
..acting like a little twerp douche again.
Unlike your douchey twerp of a president, I can somehow do what I do while avoiding indictment or the naming of a special prosecutor.
Cute little trick I have, that. Wonder why your superior commanding officer chief executive douche-trumpet can't pull that one off, eh?
Must be complicated, following the law while president. Kind of like understanding health care.
Who knew?
Now go fuck yourself.
@Inga: That philosophy is the antithesis of "My Back Pages"
"Bay Area guy, guess what? No one cares. It's not about Hillary."
Baloney. It's about Hillary losing an election, the Dem elites thought they had in the bag. Still shell shocked.
Cute little trick I have, that. Wonder why your superior commanding officer chief executive douche-trumpet can't pull that one off, eh?
You know why you can pull that little trick off, Ritmo? Monty? R&B? Whoever you really are? Because nobody knows who you really are.
Doxx yourself. Here and Now. And see if somebody can't make your life miserable.
The left is doxxing Trump and it's really trying to swat him.
(Doxing? Doxxing?)
By the way, you know the saying, when one guest at the party tells you you're drunk, they're an a******. When six guests tell you you're drunk, it's time to go home? Well, TTR, it's time for you to sit down.
Or, keep doing your Wile E. Coyote act. Every time President Trumprunner says "Pbbbt," you chase him right into that rock painted as a tunnel.
Thing about the Roadrunner, Monty, is that you don't know if he's clever or not. He just always wins.
Bay Area Guy: I agree -- the whole shitstrom this week has been about Hillary and avenging Hillary. I'm amused that those tearing down Trump have no clue who they want instead. Default answer is of course Hillary.
Bay Area Guy,
Was it 4 Million "elites" that hit the streets protesting across the country in the Women's Marches the day after the Inauguration? No, it was the resistance.
@Bad Leutnant: AFAIK, Trooper York in Brooklyn is the only person who has sworn that Ritmo is a real person.
this of course was/ is a sore point between us.
You know who brought down Trump? Trump.
Doxx yourself.
For christ's/fuck's sake, we have the right to hold this Toddler in Chief to account. The president is no ordinary citizen. Have you no interest at all in keeping power in check?
Just leave the government already, Republicans. Leave it. You hate it, you can't stand it. And you can't handle the gig.
No one will think the less of you. Selecting an unhinged lunatic to head it all won't solve the problem. You liked the fact that he had no boundaries.
But the law is all about boundaries.
He failed. This is not what he's good at. And government is not what you all are good at.
So don't take it personally. Time for a graceful exit from the stage. Or as graceful an exit as this Chief Executive Tantrum Thrower can muster.
Politics work in cycles, so don't worry. In another 40 years I'm sure there will completely new opportunities to suck up to and claw over to power, while bringing the country down, as your side loves to do. You'll get your chance, then.
Time for the country to heal now, though. Move over and let the people who care about getting this right in to do the job.
Trump's in it for himself. Always was. Time to cut him loose from the deal.
Hey, it happens.
Inga wrote: "You know who brought down Trump? Trump."
Trump isn't dead yet. He's not even past tense.
Ritmo is a real person.
How much does one have to drink to believe that AI created all my posts?
You watch too much tv.
Get to know some real people. Have a conversation. Allow yourself a different emotion (maybe empathy?), a new experience. What's it like to be open-minded?
Of course, for someone who relates better to chemicals than to people - as you seem to do - perhaps this might be hard.
Blogger Inga said...
You know who brought down Trump? Trump.
5/19/17, 11:41 PM
You know what it is with you? You've always got to eat dessert first. Or is it, you have to have your cake and eat it too?
Nobody's bringing down Trump including Trump. Unless one of you kills him, or he does, Trump is going to serve out either one or two terms, kayn aynhoreh.
You know this in your heart but you superstitiously chant the opposite at every opportunity because it makes it feel just a little better for you. Your Calculus is that all the many false Lttle Pleasures you get from asserting this will make up for the true Big Pain you're going to get when your prediction doesn't come true. You can't have your cake and eat it too, but in your head you can eat the cake that you don't have.
You're stealing imaginary cake, Inga. You're a cake thief.
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