ANTHONY SALVANTO, CBS NEWS ELECTIONS & SURVEYS DIRECTOR: [The people who were conditional supporters of Trump have] an increasing feeling of nervousness that they say that they feel this is back to the idea that -- that this relates -- this investigation relates to the president's judgement and temperament…. But that said, everyone that we re-interviewed [was] increasingly nervous, saying that's the word they consistently use, that they're getting more and more nervous about what the administration is doing… [F]olks who were on the fence are sort of coming over to that firmer opposition, in part because of... that nervousness....
MOLLY BALL, "THE ATLANTIC": … I spent most of my week talking to Republicans on Capitol hill and their staff and people around the Congress and… they're very nervous when -- when Anthony was talking about the -- the nervous Trump curious voters out there in the country, that was very much the vibe I got from Capitol Hill Republicans. They really still want him to be something that he hasn't been so far. They are incredibly nervous by all of these things happening….
RAMESH PONNURU, "THE NATIONAL REVIEW": [O]ne of the things that's happening with congressional Republicans is, look, they've got this feeling in the pit of their stomach. They wish the president would act in different ways, but they are keenly aware that the vast majority of Republican voters across the country, including the voters in their districts, still supports this president. And you will see a pattern where the House Republicans who are in swing seats are more nervous. The senators who are in blue or purple states are more nervous. But the bulk of Republicans don't fit into either of those categories and they're nervous but they're still going to be supporting this president....
JOHN DICKERSON, HOST: [T]hey're nervous and what about the agenda? Are they nervous about that too?… They're nervous about an unpredictable president, but what about the future in terms of getting stuff done?
May 21, 2017
On "Face the Nation" today, the key word was "nervous":
OF course they are nervous. You would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind, and play pinball very poorly not to be nervous.
Nervous? The journolists are orgasmic.
What is the "operational definition" of "nervousness"? What are its "quantifiers"? Is there any such measures as are "valid and reliable" and "with a high level of confidence"?
I see the left has learned a new word: nervous.
Last week the word was chaos.
Do those nerves have gravitas?
People get nervous in a chaotic environment.
All these people they insist are "nervous" - is this more fake polling?
What they mean is that the lefties are nervous that their attacks have had no effect on Trump's supporters.
The left are nervous they might lose their Russian Trump conspire conspiracy.
Trumpists are nervous that their guy will go back to tweeting when he gets home.
Well, if they were smart they would be...
Inga, tried and true, cannot resist the gratuitous attack. Politics is personal first and always.
Take odds on the next Rush media montage.
They all get the word of the day in their e-mail and are required to use it in a sentence.
Did I personally insult you Jack? How can that be, I have no idea who you are.
Trump has sent Priebus back to Washington. I suspect that Trump has figured out that it was Priebus and Pence who have been leaking damaging information and are trying to methodically to take him down.
Democrats have to demand that constitutional norms are followed to the fullest extent. No doubt that Republicans when the time comes will want to take out Trump as fast as they can. They will claim there is not time to have full hearings into what has and is happening.
Democrats need to stand firm and demand that everything and everyone's role has to get a public airing.
You will not ever hear the truth about what is going on in congress from the Hacks.
ARM misses the point, again. Does he even try?
"People get nervous in a chaotic environment."
I agree with Inga here. I am nervous that the GOP Congress, lacking backbone to stand up to their donor class, are going to lose this unique opportunity to accomplish some real reform and maybe save the country the economic implosion I see coming.
Only someone a little crazy like Trump would be willing to take on the Administrative State when it is at its peak of power after Obama.
If they blow this, the Republicans in Congress will never have another chance.
Ryan and McConnell have about a year to get things back on track. After that, it will be a furious campaign with the sore losers, like those we see here, trying to overthrow the election result.
If the Trump voters feel they have been betrayed, not by Trump but by the party, it could be a bloodbath. In more ways than one.
Does the press really believe we now have special prosecutors to investigate a president's "judgment and temperament"? No, we do not.
The voters decide those issues under the constitutional structure. It is a bizarre statement, both politically and legally, to claim that the investigation relates to Trump's judgment and temperament. I will cynically conclude that this is a confession that they just don't have anything and are making it up as they go along. They've enlisted in some crazed campaign to make up their own constitution, and they are persisting in the group delusion that the voters are going to support them in this.
It does make me nervous that all these supposedly enlightened people apparently no longer believe in the mechanisms of democracy. They just can't focus on the 2018 elections? Is it that they think they CAN'T do well? They basically are still stuck on cancelling the 2016 election. Awe-inspiring, but not in a pleasant way.
I'm actually very pleased with Trump's performance. He's doing very well. I doubt I will be voting for any Democrats in the next few years, because I just can't support an attempt to make us into Venezuela. It's not a life I want to live.
As bad as the outcome of any one election may be, as long as the next one comes along, the badness is temporary. When you dump that correction, things go all to hell very quickly, and then the "judgment and temperament" of the leader become all-powerful. That's something we need to remember. While we retain the checks and balances of our current system, evils will be checked and mitigated.
Inga, you attacked millions of people. Why would it have to be about me to call you out? But, to assuage your feelz, I am neither a supporter nor a denigrator. I wait 2 years to see what a President really is. Most of them turn out to be scumbags. Trump still has a year and eight to go.
A bunch of democrat propagandists all cue up the next buzzword for the prolea to parrot.
Yes Inga, they really do think you are this stupid.
Chaotic environment manufactured by Clinton-Democrat butthurt media.
Jack, oh please. As if liberals and anti Trumpers here don't get attacked every single day. Don't be whiner, put on your big boy pants.👖
Here's a guess as to why soft supporters of Trump might be nervous:
The left has shown a sincere and energetic commitment to throwing a new fit over everything Trump says, and many things he is anonymously rumored to have said. The media is determined to prove that, just as nothing is a scandal until they say it is - see the "remarkably scandal-free" Obama administration - most anything can become one if you just keep pushing.
You have to be pretty committed to Trump and/or his agenda to look forward to 44 more months of this. Or perhaps 92 plus a truly epic mass freakout around Month 42.
Inga, I think the attacks come first from your side but there is an obvious script every day, so I guess I can't blame you too much for following it.
It's gotta be a religion. They receive the daily directive from on high and they go forth echoing the specified words.
Nervous Norvus sings Transfusion
If they blow this, the Republicans in Congress will never have another chance.
Right. And they need to hear this message both loud and clear.
"DICKERSON: Do you get the sense that the federal investigation into this includes something beyond just the question of Russia and the Trump campaign, but that it now includes a cover-up question?
FEINSTEIN: Well, I think that's right. It does.
I know what the president told me when he called to say that he was firing him. And that turned out not to be the reason.
So, I think there's one thing about this president. And I would really like to say it meaning well, and that is, stop the tweeting. Think about what you say, because you're reflecting in a big pool. And the Senate and the House have to feel a sense of stability from day to day.
We can't feel the anxiety that goes with not knowing what may happen next, what may be said next. And we need to depend on our president for truth. That is really important."
The left roll out their rehearsed talking point propaganda like ocean waves. It never stops.
Clinton Foundation really IS charitable. Just ask the poor Haitians.
Trump making everyone NERVOUS! oh so nervous.
Does the press really believe we now have special prosecutors to investigate a president's "judgment and temperament"?
Yes they do. And the press insists you believe it too. Ross Douthat thinks so. Colbert and Bill Maher insist the Russian connections are real. These are the people Americans should trust.
Phrase you won't hear: nervous excitability.
Pretty NERVY of them to coordinate their propaganda so, well, TRANSPARENTLY.
Dickerson and Feinstien - LOL If you cannot find a connection, create a fake cover-up.
Golly - what a shock. Two democrats lying to each other, keeping the hope alive. They must be nervous.
Media are puppets of the Democrats and work off a common playbook. Hence "nervous"- just like "gravitas".
The Russian connection will be discovered but will have to do with mayonnaise and mustard.
I'm nervous that all the impeachment talk is going to eff up the Trump bump! My IRA is on a roll.
"You have to be pretty committed. ."
Actually most people I know arent even following all this. It's like tuning back into a soap opera 3 years later -
new cast, same plot same cliff hangers. They are happy Trump is in office instead of Hillary and the things we comment on are just background noise.
And the same media that underestimated the contempt for Hillary is now underestmating the hatred for the media. No one I know believes then it even follows them.
One-handed typing test featuring nervousness:
in july, oh my killjoy johnny, i'll look in upon my jumpy polo pony up in hilly honolulu
Very interesting. Reminds me of many of you folks here.
"DICKERSON: Yes, it was fascinating to hear Senator Rubio say this is -- the White House is behaving just like the campaign. I don't know why people are surprised.
Let's go through your four groups here. First we'll start with the believers. These are the -- these are the big Trump fans.
SALVANTO: Yes, these are the firmest supporters. Now, their numbers have dwindled a little bit. They're about a fifth of the country. But what's gotten smaller has also gotten a little more concentrated. These folks strongly support the president and they see a witch hunt. They think that this president is under unfair pressure from what they call the establishment that is pushing back against him the way it does not do with -- it did not do with previous president, and that he needs their support, now more than ever, to fight against that.
Also you see they're taking this very personally which is striking to me in that they said when they see people criticize the president, they feel like they're also being criticized along with him. That he speaks for them. That he speaks for the working class in ways that others don't.
Beyond that, and you see their -- there are prescriptions for what the president ought to do now and they say the president should have more power. That he should be able to stop this investigation if he wants to. That he should be able to do what he wants and not what the congressional Republicans want and, you know, an interesting sort of side note, they think that government officials should be -- should swear a loyalty oath to the president, as well as the Constitution, not just the Constitution alone. And those prescriptives are very different from other groups, including his other supporters.
If the Republicans in Congress turn on Trump, the base will abandon the Party and replace it with another. There will be no place in the new party for today's incumbents.
By the end of the summer (if not before) Trump will charge that there is a cabal of Republicans, including some in his own administration, who are trying to execute a "palace coup" against him and make Pence president. At that point these very same Republicans will declare him a madman and argue that time is of the essence and he must be quickly replaced. When Democrats in Congress say "not so fast," they will be shouted down.
Don't you hate it when proud Hillary supporters pee on the narrative?
Yes, it does appear that a memo goes out each week to a lot of these media people for their talking points- this week it is "nervous Republicans". This fits well with my hypothesis that the over-arching strategy of the Democratic Party is to convince House Republicans to impeach Trump- that is the hurdle that has to be cleared, and the theme will be driven home that impeaching Trump is good for Republicans who vote for it. However, this is a con- if Republican impeach Trump the Democrats will bury them in the next two elections, and after that, Republicans will find it near nigh impossible to win the presidency ever again.
The stakes are very high for the Democrats here because it is very unlikely that Mueller's investigation uncovers any impeachable offense- it is literally on the order of a 1000 to 1. Once that report is written. I think a lot of smarter Democrats realized this starting last week, and they want to try to get rid of Trump before Mueller is done.
"Actually most people I know arent even following all this. "
I agree but the people who are following it are DC politicians, more than half of the elected ones Republican.
They are nervous and they are the ones who can blow it.
Jackie Fisher said of Admiral Jellicoe, that "He is the only man who can lose the war in an hour,"
The GOP Congress, especially the House, can lose this war for America in one election.
Do you see Paul Ryan, Mike Pence, Renice Priebus, and other Establishment Republicans out there defending President Trump? Why do you think they are not doing so?
Why hasn't the White House provided them with the notes yet? So the person who leaked from that meeting with the Russians were not Democrats, lol.
"RUBIO: Well, I haven't seen the notes.
I told people earlier this week I had a conversation with the White House. People that were in that meeting, they denied anything had been said in that meeting that could compromise sources, methods or information with regards to intelligence. They said there were no transcripts. They said there were notes.
I encouraged them to make those notes available to the committees. That's not happened. And, of course, apparently someone has discussed them or leaked them or what have you.
But we haven't seen them. So, I don't know that's an accurate description of what is in the notes. And that's why it's important that the Intelligence Committee and those conducting this inquiry look at them."
Until the lying press starts attaching NAMES to all these supposed "nervous" Republicans I'm not biting.
The Republicans always show their stupidity by reacting to MSM stories with unnamed sources and quotes from "Republicans on the hill" who are too cowardly to use their names. For all we know, these reporters could all be talking to the same 6 Republican #nevertrumper congressman and Senators.
I understand and will obey.
They damn well ought to be nervous.
Not even about giving equivocal support for the President--I have a bit of sympathy for them on that front.
But they told Republican voters, for years, "if only we had control of the national legislature we'd do all these great things for you." They campaigned on it, they raised money on it, and they got votes because of those promises. "It doesn't matter if we pass great bills, 'cause Obama'll just veto them." Ok, fine.
Well they have their majorities now. They have a Republican President, and moreso they have a Republican President who will probably sign whatever they put in front of him (just for a "win")--a President who seems willing to leave the nuts-and-bolts of lawmaking up to the House and Senate.
So far they haven't delivered. They're very close to running out of time to do the quick CRA-related fixes, and they're pretty close to the time when they'll have to start campaigning and trying to raise money in order to try and maintain their majorities.
On what are they going to campaign? How will they make promises for the future when they've recently failed so uphold the promises they previously made?
They should be nervous, Trump or no Trump.
For the next 4 years, the MSM is going to keep telling us "incompetent" "Crazy" and "out-of-control" the trump White House is.
Doesn't matter what Trump does, he'll get no credit from the Establishment and MSM.
Unless of course, he "Grows in office" and supports Amnesty, Globalization, and the whole Establishment agenda. Then, he might be regarded with "strange, new Respect".
Molly Ball mocked a Trump supporter for having yellow teeth.
Klinton Kampaign Kash is donating degenerously to The Psychoneurotic Institute for the Very, Very Nervous.
I'd love somebody to get some leaks from the NYT and Wapo. Exactly, who are these "Unnamed sources" and how are the Editors confirming the stories are true and are all the same newspapers talking to all the same people.
Funny how when the Wapo does a story the NYT usually "confirms it" within hours. They're either doing nothing to "confirm" it - but saying so, or they know who to talk to.
Its like I've been saying forever, its a ministry of propaganda. They are centrally managed and coordinated by a headquarters operation.
No, they dont get their orders once a week, they get them daily, or their editors do. Sometimes, it seems, several times a day.
This is akin to a wartime propaganda operation, flooding all media 24/7 with coordinated messaging. I'm not kidding, no joke about paranoia. All you need to do is observe this extremely expensive machine to understand how it works.
I know its hard to take such a conclusion, but there really isn't an alternative explanation. Even a system loaded with bubble-living staff, exchanging memes with each other with a private members-only messaging system still needs to have management that will license such monomania, that would have some business judgment. They don't, and they expend their resources, of a numerous and expensive staff, and expensive airtime, on this.
The best way for Establishment Republicans to get Trump to go quietly is to go after his family. Well, guess whose name has just been leaked as being the "person of interest" still working in the West Wing?
This is being orchestrated to make Pence president and put the Republican Establishment back in control.
If Trump gets impeached, Democrats get a President Pence.
If Trump gets impeached, Establishment Republicans get a President Pence.
--You do the math and tell me who is trying to quickly dispose of Trump.
The word that all the journalists used to parrot was dark.
HoodlumDoodlum explains quite well the only real reason Republicans on the Hill should be nervous- their inexplicable lack of progress on a lot of the items they ran on during the 2010 and 2014 off-year elections.
One of the excuses that has been floated in recent weeks by House and Senate Republicans is that all the turmoil from Trump is costing Congress time doing investigations and such, but how is this even possible? I don't see how such a thing actually keeps Republicans in the House from moving legislation forward- it isn't like every single person working in the House is on a committee conducting investigations of the executive branch, and if they are, then they need to be sent home anyway. Really, you move legislation on your party's priorities even if Trump isn't fully on board with the legislation since, as Hoodlum ably points out, Trump will likely back down just in order to declare victory.
Getting essentially nothing done will cost the House Republicans in 2018- their passivity in 2015-2016 is one of the reasons you got President Trump rather than, lets say, candidate Marco Rubio.
Well I'm not nervous. The choice last November was not between Donald Trump and a perfect president. It was between Donald Trump and the most personally corrupt individual to run for the presidency since the late 19th century. I like everybody in the presidential line if succession down through Sonny Perdue. I don't know most of the folks below the Honorable Mr. Perdue except, by reputation, Elaine Chao and she's ineligible.
I am nervous that the GOP Congress, lacking backbone to stand up to their donor class, are going to lose this unique opportunity to accomplish some real reform and maybe save the country the economic implosion I see coming.
+1. There's an opportunity to improve the lives of citizens and they're blowing it due to fear.
I encouraged them to make those notes available to the committees. That's not happened. And, of course, apparently someone has discussed them or leaked them or what have you.
Presidents have always been eager to make the notes of their private meetings with foreign leaders available to congress people in the opposite party.
Come ON. Remember Executive Privilege?
"You do the math and tell me who is trying to quickly dispose of Trump."
Sore loser Democrats like you.
"Nervous Norvus sings Transfusion."
Ha ha. I was thinking of Nervous Norvus too. I almost added a link to this old post about that recording.
The swamp is real indeed, and I said so, also, long ago.
I said Trump would be entering a snake pit where he has no friends. The lot of them, on certain fundamental matters, are in cahoots.
Michael K., I am not for a quick removal of Trump. Instead, if it comes to considering his removal, then I hope that Congressional Democrats demand full and detailed public hearings that allow all of the evidence to be presented and deliberated on.
Do you agree?
@rehajm, I got a find raising letter from my local Republican Congresswoman. I used her own SSAE to ask her to explain what the difference would be between her and some Democrat. She and her colleagues need to get off their oversized butts and start doing things.
Mike Sylwester said...
The word that all the journalists used to parrot was dark.
The nervous parrot dies in darkness.
"Do you agree?"
None of that will happen. You people are living in delusions. No one outside of DC and Democrat fever swamps cares about this stuff
My concern is that the GOP Congress will blow the chance they have to do something real instead of whine about not having a majority and a president.
Michael K,
Let's see.
Oh bullshit - it is the DC bubble being nervous.
Progress!! They have gone from "scared" and "terrified" to nervous. They are unlikely to get to calm before DJT's second term.
The nervous parrot dies in darkness.
Nope. Just pining for the fjords.
The Scum Media is nervous about being exposed as enemies of the people. They are like Tories in 1776. The rebels are not scared of the King of England...that is scary.
Time they all went to Ontario and joined the America haters there.
"Democrats have to demand that constitutional norms are followed to the fullest extent."
The left's new-found respect for the Constitution never ceases to make me laugh.
Once is using mysterious acronyms. Let me try to decode.
"One Worried Trembling Slug"
How's that ?
This reminds me of Rush Limbaugh's "gravitas" soundbites 17 years ago. The mainstream media have become a hybrid cross between parrots and lemmings. But we are only at stage two of K-R's stages of grief...they have a ways to go yet.
One of these weeks they are going to run out of adjectives and we will start to hear echos of our Grandmothers and Great-grandmothers: "I am beside myself about him"...
"This reminds me of Rush Limbaugh's "gravitas" soundbites 17 years ago"
Limbaugh does a "Media Montage" at least twice a week of 6-10 media talking heads on various networks all saying the same thing and using the exact key word or phrase.
Its quite funny and enlightening. They're all cut from the same cloth, believe in the same things, come from the same backgrounds, and live in the same media bubble. You don't have to give them a script, they just naturally parrot each other.
The communist rapture--Crapture--is coming in 2060. All Leftists get an early ticket to their reward in Hell. Jim Jones predicted it and couldn't wait.
They are unlikely to get to calm before DJT's second term.
Or maybe Ivanka's second term.
"Nervous"---more projection. The Dems were howling when Trump said (or so they claimed) that he might not accept the results of the election. My stars and garters, clutch my pearls, bring out the smelling salts was the reaction of the Dems.
Then the Hildebeest lost; and those same Dems went into full meltdown mode. Accept the results of the election! Hell no!
The Dems have been in full out assault on Trump, waving the Russian red shirt and all that. They may well be "nervously contemplating" the possibility that at the end of the day their meltdown will prove to be based on nothing but smoke and horse manure. And when that happens, nobody will ever listen to--or vote for--those ninnies again. Yeah--be nervous--very nervous.
Nervous--an afterthought---The dogs bark and the caravan moves on.
The Media will be completely beclowned by the end of Trump's first term. The NYT building will be a deportation center.
The only thing I'm nervous about is that Bill and Hillary will escape indictment.
At least the media commentators know how to stay on script unlike that Trump who is always going off-script. At least that's what last week's script was saying.
When does the duck drop from the ceiling? They clearly all know the secret word...
(If you laugh at this, it means you're old)
@mezzrow, I did. I am.
It is just wonderful to see Trumpski's defend the indefensible Trump. Pretzeling is another word for it.
Btw, if you haven't seen it already, Saturady's SNL Cold Open is outta-dis-world. Catch it on YouTube and join in.
Here's the problem for all the anti-Trump Democrats & Republicans: if you strike at the King. you must kill him.
And, they can't. They may not like him, but he hasn't broken any laws. If you think he has, feel free to find the applicable statutes, & tell us all about them. The Executive Branch has free hand to create a lot of mischief, as we all found out under the Obama administration. Except then, most of these talking heads liked Obama's mischief, & so didn't worry about abuse of executive power.
Are there lots of folks out there who dislike Trump? Oh, yes. Are there even more people who loath Congress & the media? Oh, very much, indeedy. This attempt to bring down Trump by the death of a thousand cuts means that with each cut the electorate becomes more & more numb to the next spurious charge against Trump.
The anti-Trumpies should beware -- the idea that every man should get his fair chance & rooting for the underdog run deep in American culture. If it appears that Trump is being railroaded, it won't be Trump who's going to hit the ground the hardest.
What the Hell is "The National Review" and can they be sued, and lose dumbass', by Buckley's old mag "National Review?"
Dr. K, buwaya, and other intelligent posters:
There are plenty of lefties here who one can reason with. But a meeting of the minds requires at least one agreed upon fact. If you, and they, cannot find even a modicum of a shared baseline, your efforts, and theirs, are a complete waste.
Why do you voluntarily step into the fever swamps of the far left? It wastes your time, and annoys the objects of your derision.
"It's just wonderful to see the Trumpskis defend -"
What are you talking about? There is nothing to defend. Just anonymous gossip from the same rags that assured you Hillary would win in a landslide.
We know you guys are hysterical sore losers but please don't include us in your fantasy reality. That's between you and your shrink.
What are you going to do in 6 months when Trump is still president and all your impeachable offenses turn out to be fake news?
>>And, they can't. They may not like him, but he hasn't broken any laws. If you think he has, feel free to find the applicable statutes, & tell us all about them.
Set aside, for a moment, that a President in office 5 months has committed an impeachable offense.
This is a coup against the President, and a nullification of the votes of 60 million Americans.
Because he's not Hillary.
When does the duck drop from the ceiling? They clearly all know the secret word...
(If you laugh at this, it means you're old)
I confess. Groucho, You Bet Your Life. ;-)
>>What are you going to do in 6 months when Trump is still president and all your impeachable offenses turn out to be fake news?
Invent yet something else to impeach him for, of course. This is not going to stop. The left learned their lesson with Sarah Palin, and think they can get Trump, too.
Whatta bunch of damn Nervous Nellies!
They need to put away the RompHims and man up!
fine fine fine... but its just stupid. the fact is, in reality... no one is nervous. everyone is still chowing down at whatever they got a Whole Foods or free chicken dinners with a sampling of chocolate covered strawberries... everyone is still adding up where they're at on their 401k's and how they FB/MSFT/APPL/AMZN stocks are doing... and doing fine too. nervous is when you see 5k on ur billing statement that shouldn't be there, or when ur tire blows on the freeway and u don't know hat that clop-clop-clop sound is... no one is nervous, they are just huffing up particular bits of air designed to induce something slightly negative somewhere else for their own particular purposes, coz after all, their stocks are up, their 401k is good, their tummy are full, their kids have not burned down the house or gotten themselves thrown out of school and are not reggie or something like that. they are not nervous.
"We know you guys are hysterical sore losers but please don't include us in your fantasy reality. That's between you and your shrink."
That's between us and the Congressional intelligence committees. That's between us and the independent counsel. That's between us and the assistant attorney general. "Don't include us" means the 37% who still find Trump popular. Next week it will be even fewer.
That's between us and the Judiciary Committee.
DanTheMan wrote--
"Set aside, for a moment, that a President in office 5 months has committed an impeachable offense.
This is a coup against the President, and a nullification of the votes of 60 million Americans."
If Trump is deep-sixed then Democrats get Penced. Why would Democrats want that given that by all appearances the conservative agenda is dead in the water with a President Trump?
Once again, it is Republicans around Trump who are leaking embarrassing info on Trump. And it will be Republicans who will bring him down.
But you Althouse Hillbillies will fall for the diversion that it was really the Democratic minority who did it.
God, you people are dumb.
"If Trump is deep-sixed then Democrats get Penced. Why would Democrats want that given that by all appearances the conservative agenda is dead in the water with a President Trump?"
Because Trump is not fit to be the president.
Bullshit analysis. This is not Dem vs GOP, this is Trump vs Establishment. And the Democrats and Republicans in the Establishment consider Pence to be one of them. Establishment Dems want Trump gone for the same reason they stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders.
But you already knew that, you bigoted traitorous cunt.
"You bigoted traitorous cunt."
Racist. Just sayin'.
Yes, Trump is not fit to be president, but he was elected so, never-the-less.
To remove him will require months of congressional hearings and an extremely well argue case why the people's will is being undone.
It will be Republicans who will want to quickly boot Trump, while Democrats will want to have a full airing. The Republicans are the majority and will steer any process if there is a move to impeach.
All I can say is let's see what Republicans do.
But politically Dems are not help with Trump's removal and a new president Pence in his place. It is Republicans who are helped.
That is why they are secretly talking like jailhouse snitches.
"It's Republicans around Trump who are lesking"
According to the same information brokers who told you Hillary would win in a landslide. God you people are dumb.
It's those Democrats close to the President who leaked the Comey memo. God you people are dumbskis.
The information being "leaked"... if it is, cause right now it looks completely fabricated... isnt even embarassing on its own, it is only made to look bad by a media that quotes out of context and paints everything worse than ratiobal analysis even permits.
And that media ain't the Republican establishment.
Brookzene, these Althouse Hillbillies are so dumb they think Trump is sharing his most private conversations with Democrats and not Republicans.
"isnt even embarassing on its own, it is only made to look bad by a media that quotes out of context and paints everything worse than ratiobal analysis even permits."
Yeah! What the hell's wrong with that Asst. Attorney General Rosenstein?
Once written, twice... said...
Michael K., I am not for a quick removal of Trump. Instead, if it comes to considering his removal, then I hope that Congressional Democrats demand full and detailed public hearings that allow all of the evidence to be presented and deliberated on.
Bullshit. Call for a vote to impeach, citing your grounds for same----a not a bunch of "hearings" about blah blah blah.
If the Dems need hearings to argue blah blah blah ERGO impeachment, they have no grounds for impeachment.
Within months Trump will turn on these Republican leakers who are trying to take him out. Let's see what these Althouse Hillbillies say then. My guess is they will fall for it and still find a way to say that it was the Democratic minority that caused their Hillbilly President to fall.
I'm good with that. No grounds for impeachment yet. Let's see where the hearings lead.
Once written, twice... said...
Brookzene, these Althouse Hillbillies are so dumb they think Trump is sharing his most private conversations with Democrats and not Republicans.
"Lifelong Republican and lawyer Chuck: are you a hillbilly? Do you accept the claim that this blog is populated with swollen-faced hillbillies, for instance, like that guy from Arkansas, Bill Clinton?
Jay Elink, only Republicans can schedule an impeachment vote in the House and then schedule a trial in the Senate. When the Republicans do so in the Senate, they will try to keep the trial as "narrow" as possible.
Democrats should not go along unless all issues swirling around Trump are on the table.
"You bigoted traitorous cunt."
I don't know. That guy might be a hillbilly.
"Why do you voluntarily step into the fever swamps of the far left?"
I know and I promise to do a better job of ignoring all of them.
We need to know if Pence (and those around him) were leaking damaging info about Trump. We also need to investigate if Pence and company were engaging in a campaign to trip Trump up.
Once again, it is Pence/Priebus/Ryan who are the only political winners if Trump is driven from office.
But you dumb Althouse Hillbillies are too dumb to see the obvious.
Face The Nation has a peak viewership of 3.5 million. For perspective in week 15 23.8 million viewers watched the Green Bay/Detroit game. Even New Orleans vs Atlanta opposite the presidential debate had 8.0 million viewers. The Sunday news shows are like the New Yorker, low circulation to people who don't know how to think on their own.
Being so stupid and dumb frees me of any responsibilities: what about you smarty smart smarts? Are you not required to use your abilities to earn me stuff? You know I am too hillbilly stupid to do anything myself, so how's about it: get busy working to fulfill my needs, and hurry your fat asses up.
I do have all day, but waiting for you smart people is an affront to dignity everywhere.
So depressing. I come back around every 6 months or so to find Ritmo squatting on the same bar stool telling the same bullshit stories. This is the pinnacle of your life, smug lame troll of some poor little hill. You should eat a shotgun and just get it over with. Pathetic.
I am nervous that I talk about Oz last night and today I see this:
The Althouse singularity approaches evermore fastly.
Nevertheless is a word.
Why would anybody use dashes to separate it into three words? That was particularly egregious as the person had to decide to type dashes where none belonged. That cannot be a bad automatic correction problem.
That was painful.
I did it just to piss you off Birkel. And to show solidarity with you Hillbillies.
It was embarrassing for you, Once written.
If you think you have ever written anything with the ability to piss me off, that says something about your incapacity to understand well-adjusted normal adults.
Grab your carry on.
Shove it up your ass Birkel. You're a phony. I bet that you have never once been critical here of how Trump can't do one tweet without two grammar mistakes.
Fearmongering hasn't worked as expected, so they are trying the nervousness angle.
To liberals
Inga is a joke here, and a traitorous cunt. She routinely creates daughters that never existed and then appropriates them as subject matter expert's. She claims to have been a nurse but cant explain what guage a standard IV needle is. Shes a fraud with no intellectual integrity, critical thinking skills or shame.
Alfhouse has always been a place where Left and Right could debate issues in good faith. But if you associate with Inga, no one, not even your fellow liberals, will take you seriously.
"But if you associate with Inga, no one, not even your fellow liberals, will take you seriously. "
If you associate with Fen, you too are a morbid racist.
To fellow liberals, FYI
Birkel is more than a phony, he's a online harasser. He focuses in on one commenter, always a liberal. He attempts to discredit and isolate them with personal insults. He tries to paint them as liars, unintelligent or abnormal in some way. This guy reminds me of people with sadistic and sociopathic personalities. He often doesn't even ever speak about the subject matter of the blogpost and immediately goes after a liberal commenter to harass. That is his focus. He speaks about "normal well adjusted adults", which he is not among.
Fen is a similar creature telling liberals he wants them to be "burned to death by fire". Yes I'm quoting him.
No serious conservatives here ever defended Fen or agrees with his more vicious comments. I've had liberals and even conservatives defend me and on these threads against people like Fen and Birkel, who could be the same person, except that Birkel comes across as far more intelligent than poor Fen.
Neither Fen, nor Birkel knows me personally. Any and all allegations they make are attempts to silence liberal commenters. These types of online bullies and liars are a dime a dozen on political forums. If I remember correctly Fen said he was a security guard in a hospital, now that I can believe. No doubt that is where he acquired vast amounts of medical knowledge, lol.
Inga, you are a Fifth Columnist, leftover from the old Soviet days. I wonder under what name you appear in the Venona Papers? Multiple identities? Is one of the characters in "Then Amerikans" based on you.
You are full of shit and are obviously a traitor-in-fact residing in a country you don't respect or belong in. You are also an elitist snob of the worst sort. Ever been in NY, specifically Queens? If you have no idea of the makeup or patterns of the residents, I suggest you STFU. Among other things, you and Chuck are two sides of the same coin.
I'm nervous that somehow the "liberal" Hive and the Deep State are going to pull off this coup d'état they're apparently trying to make happen, and that one day I'll wake up and find that Krazy Eye Killa Clinton (or as Kurt Schlicter calls her "Felonia von Pantsuit") is president after all. I'm nervous about that not because I worry about Trump's future, but the future of liberty; and we are pretty far along down the Road to Serfdom already.
Apt handle.
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