February 4, 2017

"How protesters plan to get under Trump’s skin wherever he goes."

A headline at The Washington Post.

By the way, wasn't that Hillary Clinton's plan for the debates — "get under Trump's skin"? Wasn't there an old idea way back then that Trump was "thin-skinned"* and could be defeated by getting under his skin? He'd self-destruct? That's how I've packaged my memories of how everybody who tried failed to keep Trump from winning.

Back to the WaPo article, which is by Perry Stein and David A. Fahrenthold:
Having sought to create unprecedented disruption in Washington, his critics will now seek to bring unprecedented disruption to his life as president — including demonstrations that follow him when he travels, and protests that will dog his businesses even when he doesn’t.
Why aren't these people afraid that Trump draws energy from this negativity?
There have been small gestures of pique: lipstick graffiti on the sign at Trump’s golf course in Los Angeles, and a plan for a mass mooning of his hotel in Chicago. There have also been more organized efforts to take time and money away from family businesses — a boycott of stores selling Ivanka Trump’s clothes and a campaign to flood Trump businesses with calls demanding that the president divest from his holdings.

For Trump’s opponents, these demonstrations are a way to change his behavior by denting the president’s own self-image, as a popular man with a successful business.
Why would what hasn't worked yet suddenly start working?
“You know how Yellowstone National Park is built on one of the world’s biggest volcanos?” said Ben Wikler, the Washington director for MoveOn.org, a liberal activist group. “It feels like that just exploded in terms of grassroots energy.”

Trump himself has dismissed these protests — operating on the theory that he doesn’t need these protestors to like him and that their anger might actually help him by pushing others closer to Trump.
Nice to run into Ben, by the way, in the middle of an article I was already blogging. He was a familiar face here in Madison in the 1990s, when he was in high school.

* Back in June 2016, I had a post "About the anti-Trumpers insult of the moment: thin-skinned":
Hillary said it: Trump is "thin-skinned and quick to anger [and] lashes out at the smallest criticism."  And now Elizabeth Warren has said it: "Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and serves nobody but himself,"

So let's think about this word. My first thought is, it's just an old trick to get your interlocutor to stop talking, like saying he's being "defensive." Who has not encountered an antagonist who criticizes you and then, when you respond, says something like: "Oh, I guess I hit a nerve" or "Don't be so defensive" or "You're awfully thin-skinned" or "You need to grow a thicker skin"? It's a call for unilateral disarmament! They want to keep attacking you, while you demonstrate how good you are at not fighting back. To be called "thin-skinned" heightens the aggravation yet if you react, they'll glory in your proving of their point. Aha! So you are thin-skinned! They knew it!

You've had that experience, haven't you? What did you do? 1. Accept the insight into your personality problems and try to model forbearance and a willingness to absorb blows without lashing back, 2. Withdraw from this fight and resolve to extract yourself from future discussions that might cause you to feel that you need to fight, 3. Confront your antagonist on his self-interested, phony psychoanalysis and insist on your right to respond to his attacks with commensurate forcefulness, 4. Ignore the distraction of the meta-conversation — the conversation about the conversation — and just keep fighting hard on the substantive issues that you were already talking about, 5. Take up the challenge of turning it into an argument about psychological shortcomings and hurl some equivalent insults at your opponent.

Now that you've thought about how you respond to this conversational gambit, think about what you want in a President. Maybe a good President needs all 5 options (and more), but it's obvious that all #1 all the time — or all #2 — would be absurd. I like ##3 and 4. Trump seems to like #5 —"If she wants to go the low road, I'm fine with that... I can handle the low road if I have to do it" — or at least he knows how to make his opponents feel they're not going to win that game.

But maybe Hillary and Elizabeth Warren think that "thin-skinned" is the one mean insult that can work, because it's the one where, when you try to return fire, you seem to be confirming their assessment. They also like it because it seems to fit a strategy of scaring people. The idea is that a thin-skinned President might lose his temper and take us into a war. Do people believe that? We've been in a lot of wars, but did they ever arise from a President getting mad? There have been bad decisions to go to war, but I think these had more to do with grim, sober analysis or with political calculation. Still, there's always the idea of the button. Hillary followed her "thin-skinned" remark with: "Do we want his finger anywhere near the button?"

Anyway, I got very interested in this word "thin-skinned" and did a search in the NYT archive. Here's a 1998 essay by Frank Rich recommending the "old-fashioned adjective thin-skinned" to describe the complaints of perpetually offended Americans:
Let any theater, museum or entertainment company float a project that might offend someone -- even sight unseen -- and that someone will scream, tempting the offending party to retreat or stick to the tried, the safe and the PG-rated in the future. No one can call this insidious syndrome censorship, because the protesters are always careful to say they are not demanding censorship and their targets are equally careful to say expressly that they do not back down in response to protests. But it's a disingenuous dance. Does anyone believe that NBC elected not to rerun the Puerto Rican Parade ''Seinfeld'' episode for any reason other than the public complaints? Or that the Library of Congress postponed an exhibit on Freud solely for budgetary reasons rather than because of a heated petition campaign by such prominent anti-Freudians as Gloria Steinem? This cautious cultural climate -- fueled by the right, the left and virtually every religious, ethnic and racial group -- can't be accurately described by that tortured term P.C., which is always in the eye of the beholder anyway. A better term would be that old-fashioned adjective thin-skinned
So Rich wanted to use the insult "thin-skinned" to push back political correctness. How interestingly Trump-related! Trump is notoriously thick-skinned when it comes to political correctness and his antagonists are betting on the thin skin of American voters, whom they nudge to feel outrage at anything Trump might say that could be interpreted as racist/sexist/xenophobic.

And here's something from April 5, 2008, when Hillary was fighting Barack Obama for the presidential nomination. Some young Obama supporter fretted about the hostility she'd been expressing toward Obama, and she said:
“For those of you who are new to politics,” she said, “it can be a little eye-opening especially when you choose sides and you’re for one or the other of us you can take personally anything one of us or the other says. Believe it or not, there have even been some things said about me. I don’t take it personally. I don’t take most of it seriously.”

Then, suggesting that perhaps Mr. Obama, or at least his supporters, were a bit thin-skinned, she added, “If you can’t take the heat, don’t run for president, because it’s a really hot kitchen in the White House. You’re supposed to present your case and critique the other case,” she added. “It is not a coronation. This nomination is worth fighting for and I’m going to fight for it.”
Isn't it funny? Obama is often praised for his cool temperament, but he's also been called "thin-skinned" quite a lot.

I think we should be thin-skinned about "thin-skinned." It's a tricky insinuation about a person, and I think we should be sensitive about it. I'll even be so sensitive as to suggest that it's an under-the-radar race word: Why are we talking about a person's skin?


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Jon Ericson said...

If you use your tongue, you can clean out that "starfish asterisk".

Jon Ericson said...

Tell us more... pervert.

Jon Ericson said...

Not that perverts can't be good citizens but an exception must be made in your case.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. Looks like I touched a nerve. What a way to give yourself away, there.

Hey, at least I ain't spreading a rapist's genes. Congratulate yourself on that. Or the priest or whomever it was that convinced you it was a good idea.

I'd ask you to think for yourself, but apparently any sense of agency is too much to ask of you.

Goodbye. I'm done with the subs. Playtime is over.

Jon Ericson said...

Are you a "top" or are you a "bottom"?
Or do you just like to suck?

Jon Ericson said...

Very good Ritmo, Try hard not to spread those "rapist genes".

Jon Ericson said...

Run away, scumbag.

Jon Ericson said...

Time to check back with "The Organization"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Very good Ritmo, Try hard not to spread those "rapist genes".

I don't have to. I would never take in part in such a thing.

Neither would I choose to be with anyone who would.

Imagine that. Wanting so desperately to have a kid that you're willing to let a rapist be the one to make it happen.

Hey, not my choice. But sick as hell.

Jon Ericson said...

All in favor of cutting off Ritmo's gonads, say AYE!
All in favor of cutting him a break, say Pussyhat!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Rapist? WTF are you babbling about now you drunken jackass? Why do you keep going on about rapists? Your secret Beria fantasies are coming to the fore, perv. Unfortunately for you, you can't grab 14 year olds off the street, like comrade Beria did... you have to content yourself with being an Internet loudmouth, to compensate for being the sad little dweeb of a male you surely are in real life.

Jon Ericson said...

You make no sense Ritmo.
Please continue.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So tell us the secret behind your secret baby.

It was a stork, right?

You adopted a friend's who couldn't take care of hers?

Go ahead, stop with the rage - and explain what your drama's all about.

Jon Ericson said...

Shit Ritmo, Do another line.
This is getting good!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why do you keep going on about rapists? Your secret Beria fantasies...

Lady, you're the one who exults in your own submissiveness and other submissive shenanigans.

Jon Ericson said...

Ritmo never gives up!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo is the male version of Andrea Dworkin - he sees rapists everywhere!

I didn't know you were such a good little feminista, Ritmo!

What's the deal with the aggressively macho nics -"Rhythm and Balls" "Commander Crankshaft" - overcompensation to hide the fact you're a mewling little quim with rape fantasies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, you're the best white knight in Narnia.

Now save the drama for your mama.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How did the "secret baby" come to be?

Did you just imagine her?

Did one of your dolls come to life?

Jon Ericson said...

Do some more drugs, have another shot.
But Please, do go on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, are you the "man" behind mainstreet's secret baby?

She sure seems to need the manliness.

Step up to the plate, by good boy! Show her where that secret baby came from!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe it was parthenogenesis.

Lizards do that, from time to time.

Jon Ericson said...

Yeah, shithead, Your head is spinning.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Lady, you're the one who exults in your own submissiveness and other submissive shenanigans."

Really? When did I say that? Never. It occurred in your own alcoholic fantasies.

I might have said something like "I like manly men." That's perfectly true. I do. However, in the mind of a mewling quim and gamma male, that gets twisted into "submissiveness." No, dearie, that's normal.

Jon Ericson said...

Good thing you can't say anything worthwhile.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I know!

She got a sex change operation!

Saved her sperm before lopping them off, then fertilized herself.

Trannies love manly men.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jon Ericson said...
All in favor of cutting off Ritmo's gonads, say AYE!"

There is nothing there to cut off.

Jon Ericson said...

Now, now.
What the fuck are you talking about?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Of course, in Ritmo's world only trannies love manly men.

Because all the pink-haired leftist sows he knows love mewling quims like him!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Really? When did I say that?

You're a total sub.


Who, me?! Play it up more, Scarlett O'Hara.

It occurred in your own alcoholic fantasies.

I don't drink and my reality's much more interesting and fun.

You know, just because Sally Hemmings had a secret baby doesn't mean that you get to have one, also.

Tell us how the secret baby came to be.

Which couple did you extort to claim her as your own?

Jon Ericson said...

Hairy Brazilian trannies is more his cup of tea.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There is nothing there to cut off.

The lady with the secret baby of secret origin seems to identify with secret genitals. Maybe she has a secret vagina.

Maybe she's the virgin Mary.

Jon Ericson said...

No kids, but a holy hell case of clap.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Saved her sperm before lopping them off, then fertilized herself."

Wow! What a trick! Why, I'd be world famous if I did that!

Ritmo doesn't seem to understand human anatomy all that well. I guess they don't teach it in pharmacy school.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They didn't teach humor in barrenwombonmainstreet's S&M school.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But they did teach lying.

Jon Ericson said...

Checking your new book, "Lame ass insults from 2016"?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And covering up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not like she learned it from Trump.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

This is too much fun, watching Ritmo collapse into a blubbering mess of rage and failure, but I gonna call it quits. Goodnight, darling, it's been fun. Glad your DNA will never be passed on to some poor unfortunate child. No kid deserves you as a father.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo doesn't seem to understand human anatomy all that well.

Hey. At least I know where babies come from.

Where did yours come from?

It's not a hard question.

Jon Ericson said...

Yeah, Ritmo: a Cock a Dude'l Do.
Buck buck buck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No kid deserves you as a father.

No kid deserves you as a mother.

But you must know that. It's why you won't tell us how your own (probably imagined) child came to be.

Jon Ericson said...

You not do so good when drunk.
Please continue.

Jon Ericson said...

Please continue.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jon, you gotta admit, it's great entertainment.

Jon Ericson said...

Buck buck buck.

Jon Ericson said...

He's hell on wheels when he's not drunk,
but it is a lot of fun when he is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So... to recap:

Not a teen/unwed pregnancy
Not a divorce
Not an assault
Not an adoption

Missing anything?

Not a chance in hell she knows what she's talking about or telling the truth.

But Jon Ericson wants to be her white knight.

Hell, he could be the father - for all anyone cares. In this mythic world of theirs.

Jon Ericson said...

This is so great.
Whatta tool for the left!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, you gotta admit, it's great entertainment.

What is? Lying to people?

No wonder you identify with Donny Tinyhands.

Go ahead and tell everyone what he's going to do. You've already failed to explain how a daughter comest to belong to a woman single enough to be dating.

Jon Ericson said...

My only regret is he didn't whack out as usual.
Maybe tomorrow.

Jon Ericson said...

I kinda like it when he gets deleted.
Tonight is just not that night.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And so your DNA goes nowhere and you will be forgotten 10 minutes after you die.

Tell us how great a mother you are.

Do you make her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

Does she know how you're embarrassed to say where she came from?

Does she know you're making her up?

Achilles said...

Kinda hope the last 50 or so comments get deleted and everyone involved does some self reflection.

Jon Ericson said...

Aw, Achilles, I'm merely trying to get the Ritmo to explode like usual.
Don't delete me Bro.

Jon Ericson said...

He doesn't seem to be such a prick when he's not drunk.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Like I said, I'm not barren. I have a daughter. I've discussed it here on Althouse. I know you think your word should be law, but I'm not in fact submissive and I'm certainly not going to submit to the pissy little dictates of some shrill left-wing dweeb. Tell us about your personal life first, asshole. Do you have one? Does anybody give a shit about you in "real space?" I've given a bit of my own personal background here, but you don't. Like the little gamma tinpot dictator you are you demand it of others - so you can use that information against them because you're a mean little bitch.

Jon Ericson said...

He seems to be more of a prick when he's "sober".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You don't want to know about me.

You want more ammunition. Apparently you ran out.

Jon Ericson said...

I sense another long one.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jon Ericson said...
He doesn't seem to be such a prick when he's not drunk."

He's worse when he's drunk, but he's no treat sober. He has absolutely no understanding of anybody who thinks differently than he does. For a while before the election, he made sense about Hillary, so I gave him a pass for that. Then Trump got in and he reverted to being a complete asshole.

Jon Ericson said...

Nope, he seems to have shot his wad.

Jon Ericson said...

Come on, dickweed, show us your synapses.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Like I said, I don't drink.

So there you have it. Even the information volunteered goes denied. But this fool lady goes on about how I haven't "opened up" to her the way she feels she has done.

Fuck that.

Never share things with people who lie to themselves and about everyone else so casually. It's not worth it.

Trump is a disaster. It takes a moron to think that beating HIllary gives anyone license to perform the abominations this man has done.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Commander Crankshaft said...
You don't want to know about me.

You want more ammunition"

That's exactly what you want. I've seen you attack April Apple's marriage and Michael K. on the basis on their personal information - which is the act of a complete twat. Now you're demanding more personal information from me? fuck off.

Jon Ericson said...

His Amazon order of "100 dumb things to say" is late.

Jon Ericson said...

How cruel that Pedro's too pooped to pop at this late juncture.

Jon Ericson said...

Do another line Pedro.

Jon Ericson said...

He's no fun, he fell right over.

Jon Ericson said...

exiledonmainstreet :


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Commander Crankshaft said...
Like I said, I don't drink."

Then try hard not to sound like you do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

April Apple's married? That's news to me.

Or more likely, I probably didn't care.

She was cool all the way up until the inauguration. From that point on, it was, Hillary sucks, let's let Trump do whatever he wants!

Michael K is a perfectly disreputable slob. He's never had anything honest or interesting to say and whittles his time away making class-based insults as a way to declare to the world that it bothers him to read my comments. He basically comes across as a Bassett Hound covering her ears and creeping underneath the sofa. He's a buffoon and partisan extraordinaire, with a fragile ego complex the size of a Trump Tower sand castle.

And he's a piece of shit. Who badmouths his daughters here.

You, you're more complicated. I'd say "complex" but I'm not sure that's the compliment you'd deserve. You seem to actually have a soul - somewhere, but are obviously too obsessed with politics and weird 1950s social hang-ups for me to respect your personal tastes. You seem to have a brain though, and write well. And you occasionally do level and become honest enough to appreciate.

But your fixations on gender roles betray a "might makes right" mentality that I can't respect on any moral level whatsoever.

So there. You have it. I corrected your misunderstandings of me vis a vis April and that other douchebag who shall go unmentioned, as well as a lot of other baggage between us - if it even makes sense to call it that.

But I give what I get. You claim you're the same way, so maybe there's something to understand there. But I really see no point in how you chose to make these last hundred comments about some seriously goofy weird stuff when you could have just admitted that you have no expectations of Trump (including apparently not turning America into another dead empire) or that you refuse to believe the likeliest explanations about how the Hemmingses of Monticello came to be in their current state.

But I'M the one who's drinking? Let's all get sober here, for just a minute.

Jon Ericson said...

He should, it might lead to moderation, and then we can understand him.

Jon Ericson said...

Damn, just when I think he's going down for the night, another flare up.

Jon Ericson said...

Bath salts.

Jon Ericson said...

Please do go on.
Let it all hang out.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, shut up for just one minute. I responded to mainstreet in a manner that should come about as close as to what she appears to demand as anyone can put up with. But your broken record needs to be taken onto a different groove. Two word comments repeated ad infinitum is not a sign that you're thinking all that much - and certainly not enough for anyone to read. I realize you pride yourself on being annoying. Try taking pride in being normal for a second though, if you can stand to.

Jon Ericson said...

Go ahead, be an ass.
Just don't stop crankin' out the blarney.

Jon Ericson said...

I realize you pride yourself on being annoying. Try taking pride in being normal for a second though, if you can stand to.
Yeah, about that.

Jon Ericson said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, what do you think your comments are adding?

You remind me of the robotic peanut gallery guy from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Jon Ericson said...

What the fuck do you think you're adding?

Jon Ericson said...

Huh. You're such a jerk, you think the "robotic peanut gallery" wasn't funny.
Now we know.

Jon Ericson said...

Give it up, poltroon.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, once people ever decide to talk to you, maybe then you can afford to ask that question.

Until then, just admit that you come here to talk to yourself. In 7-word bursts. Over and over again.

That's not a conversation, Jon. At most, it's a bored married couple reminding themselves that the other one exists, and bought something for dinner or took out the trash.

Yeah, that's what you do. To yourself. Online.

Jon Ericson said...

Bite me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Jon Ericson said...

C'mon I know you can get yourself deleted if you really try.
So come on, you can be more of an ass if you really put your shrivelled heart into it.

Jon Ericson said...


Jon Ericson said...

I can tell this will be another long one.

Jon Ericson said...

Tick tock.
Hurry up, asshole.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon, I"m sorry. Did you say something that was actually worth responding to?

What was it?

Jon Ericson said...

Wow, this is gonna be really great...

Jon Ericson said...

You lose, asshole.

Jon Ericson said...

Come on, let's see some of that brain work.

Jon Ericson said...

It's rejoinders get slower and shorter and stupider by the minute.

Jon Ericson said...

I think you should meet Titus.
I'm sure you have a lot in common.

Jon Ericson said...


Jon Ericson said...

I'm sure that whatever you say, you'll think it was "devastating" but the only thing "devastated" was your sorry ego.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Jesus, for months here before the election, I wrote about how, when I went back to my old blue collar neighborhood on the South Side of Milwaukee, all I saw were Trump signs (in an area that was solidly Democrat when I was growing up) and all the Hillary signs were in the upper-middle class burb I live in now. I said that, and then, yesterday, you were writing about how my grandparents must have had Mussolini pictures up in their house, since I was just a fascist. My grandparents weren't Italian and my dad fought in Italy during WWII. Take that route and I'll hit back just as hard and just as personally. And that's why you are untrustworthy, Ritmo - because although you saw though Hillary and made some excellent critiques of her, you are a Leftist and it is engrained in your head that you are on the side of Good and any conservative must be motivated by unworthy aims. Thing shared in good faith become weapons.

So even people here you have agreed with in the past, like Drago, suddenly come the Enemy when you are discussing Trump. You can't admit or see that some of us got to the right by thinking and deciding conservatives had better arguments - no, it must be greed and gold-digging and bigotry. It can't possibly be that we decided the expanded government and the bloated bureaucracy was evil, more of a threat to personal liberties than any corporation would be. It had to be because of some nefarious reason. As if nobody on the Left is self-serving.

As far as Trump goes - first of all, he's been in office all of 2 weeks. In that time, he's done a shitload. Much of which I agree with and a few things I cringe at. I wish he didn't shoot from the hip. I think he hasn't got used to the idea that being president isn't like being a CEO, where you decree and bang it's law. But, because I am a conservative and not a leftist, I like Gorsuch. I like his cabinet picks. The fear I have are not the powerless Dems, nor the protesters, who are farts in a windstorm - it's the Deep State bureaucrats and the Uni-Party pols - McConnell for instance - who will try to sabotage him.

I cast my vote for Trump reluctantly. Now I see him as someone who is really trying to change things - but the Establishment is fighting him as hard as they can. And the Left has sunk to a place where they don't see they are battling for the status quo. You're The Man now. Trump is the revolution. And you hate him.

Jon Ericson said...

Man, this will be great!
I can't wait.

Jon Ericson said...

Hurry up, bunghole.

Jon Ericson said...

Stop wasting my time, Ritmo.

Jon Ericson said...

I think he's gonna come up with a really, really, bad ass insult as soon as he can look one up.

Jon Ericson said...

I think he fell asleep.

Jon Ericson said...

Or maybe he's jerkin off to help him calm down and make a cool comment.
He sure needs calmin' down.
So excitable.

Jon Ericson said...

Hey, splooge boy, wake up!

Jon Ericson said...

(hours later)
Wake up splooge boy!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

You seem to actually have a soul - somewhere, but are obviously too obsessed with politics and weird 1950s social hang-ups for me to respect your personal tastes."

OK, Ritmo, here's a bit more of my personal information, which you will undoubtably use against me in some vile way some day soon. My daughter has 3 small kids. Two boys, one girl.

Four people are on the earth because in 1980 a frightened college kid couldn't quite bring herself to go get that abortion she was scheduled for. Those damn weird 1950's social hangups! And backing out of that appointment was the hardest and best and greatest thing I've ever done and ever will do.

If you could met those four human beings face to face, would you tell them it's really a pity that I was too hung up with weird '50's social morality? If I had been more hip and with it those people wouldn't exist.

Jon Ericson said...

God Bless You, exiledonmainstreet.
God Bless you.

Jon Ericson said...

Go fuck yourself, Ritmo.
Go fuck yourself.
(go fall on a lightbulb)

Jon Ericson said...

What a waste of skin.
Recycle waste skin.
Backend loaders.
What's your address?

Jon Ericson said...

All in good fun of course.
Anarchists may disagree, but they have no plan beyond today.
Pedro is worth keeping as a slide in a microscope.

glenn said...

A mass mooning? Really? That'll make for some interesting YouTube.

roundeye said...


This is just about my favorite video of the last several years. It features someone I find loathsome, Ezra Klein, explaining how Hillary "crushed" Trump in the debates by getting under his skin.

Ezra Klein, who knows nothing but knows the right people, even throws in the "data" to prove his point. He is a confirmation bias machine. He lacks a working model of how humans think so believes his thoughts are both right and universal.

bflat879 said...

I think it needs to be said often, it's obvious, from the behavior of the left, they're out of the mainstream. There is no way people, who live in the mainstream of daily life in the United States, act like this. I believe, if you hammer them with this every single day, it will stop.

Chuck Schumer is fond of saying he wants a mainstream supreme court nominee. His problem, he doesn't recognize the mainstream because he's so far outside of it.

Hammer them, daily.

Roger Sweeny said...

Why would what hasn't worked yet suddenly start working?

For four years it didn't work against Nixon. In fact, it made him very popular. Then, it worked as all the Watergate stuff came out. Many, many people felt betrayed and went over to the anti-Nixon side.

Memo to Trump: Don't make your supporters feel betrayed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump ain't trying to change shit. He's a sop to something even worse than the far-right, with hard-grained authoritarian personality traits to pound his chest about it, who squeaked by on a few progressive or moderate appeals to get the few thousand votes necessary to do it. Plus, he was going against HIllary, who couldn't get her voters out. That's it. Everything else I've spoken about on that lifelong Democrat has been on the substance - nominations, executive orders, and yes - style is part of that substantive critique when he for instance has a horrible conversation with the Australian PM or needs Merkel to school him on the Geneva Conventions. Alliances need relationships - of which Trump's ability to sustain any are shit.

Look, I didn't even address you or anything personal about you in any of that. But I'm sure you're tempted to reply in a personalized way about me TO it.

Drago and I might disagree? Who knew? The reason it doesn't really become all that personal is, I don't know. Maybe because he doesn't say personal things about me and I don't say personal things about him - for good or ill. Or if we do we keep it separate or as a reminder to appeal to a higher impulse. I think that's called The Art of Decent Civil Conversations 101. And it goes both ways. What you said about yourself in the last comment personally seemed to contain this inevitable shot at how I'm horrible for what you went through or made of your life or others' lives or whatever. Big deal, I'm sure you were pissed off and had to let off steam. That doesn't change the fact however that it's still an opening to the same derailments that you blame me for before. Good fences make for good neighbors. And the 1950s references have to do with your Mad Men understanding of the world that you need to constantly go on about to when insulting me. I think we can recognize the folly of that and how it's not really the same thing as what you generously(?) detailed in your 3:02 comment.

As far as family history, sorry I got that wrong. It seems that you had revealed something along those lines in the past and if I messed it up on a cheap shot, mea culpa.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But as far as the rest of this right-and-left thing, (since that seems to be the big sticking point left here - as long as we're getting close to done with taking cheap personal shots against each other), again, you can't seem to help making it personal - as well as crudely propagandistic. Can you say something about left or right that isn't just cast in dystopian, black and white terms? If you can't, then again the conversation fails. Everything you said about the left I can lodge in similarly overarching, emotive, effective and rough terms about the right. I guess that's why when I say something specific, like for instance how Scott Pruitt brought suit against the agency he's nominated to lead and lost in court FOURTEEN times, I presume you'll want to respond by some appeal to a storyline from V for Vendetta. That's not very sophisticated, it gets nowhere, it's divisive, and it tempts you to go personal. (And for me to respond in kind). No matter what happened in 1980, let's assume that you're here to have intelligent, socially productive conversations that occasionally veer away from bumper sticker slogans.

Other than that, if you can separate personal from political, or even - mirabile dictu - political from civic, then I suppose there's more conversation to be had. But if not, then I guess we can continue playing whatever roles you feel are necessary for us to play in a divided republic with a "savior" heading it who can't even get a 40% approval rating. And that's a tough situation to overcome as far as niceness is concerned, let alone how crudely this apparent answer for the conservative movement campaigned and made into a new political standard. Maybe you and I are just following his example. At least I didn't reduce you to terms conjured up by just calling out one person's full name: Rosie O'Donnell. Are her own personal struggles what make Trump and you a better person than her? And no, that's not said for you to insult her more. But to get you to think about the consequences in your conversations with me of uncritically putting ideological faith in a president who would stoop to doing that sort of thing, and far, far worse. On a regular basis. Every single day.

Or maybe he's just the thing to distract from a mindlessly ideological political divide. But that doesn't seem to be how he's playing it now, does it.

Michael K said...

Four people are on the earth because in 1980 a frightened college kid couldn't quite bring herself to go get that abortion she was scheduled for.

It's a mistake to let Ritmo get near any personal information. It is a typical lefty tactic to go find some personal information and make a big deal about it and invent what they can't find. Ritmo has done that to me by going to my blog and the lefties at Washington Monthly did it years ago because I didn't agree with their enthusiasm for single payer.

The left has no conscience and no scruples about slander and invention where there is no scandal to use.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You go Michael. Giving personal advice in the form of pleas to hate and dehumanize half the country. And "going to your blog" is not a personal attack. It's publicly accessible. Did you know that about the internet?

Just because you hate service workers doesn't mean that people who think you're a jerk are abusing you. Grow up. And Trump's America will soon teach you the difference between alleging slander and actually being slandered. Thank goodness we still have separation of powers and a judicial branch in this country.

Michael K said...

"And "going to your blog" is not a personal attack. It's publicly accessible."

Of course I know that. That is why twerps like you keep you ID secret.

I don;t mind people knowing who I am and they can even look at my history on my blog to see if my opinions are more valuable than yours, for example.

My point to her was that people like you will find personal information, say about my children pr her children and create nasty comments.

You are evidence that leftism, at some point, becomes a mental illness.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I just responded effectively (and reposted) to your comment, Michael. But apparently someone here's getting deletion happy. If you want it posted elsewhere - your blog, another blog - wherever, fine. But don't think I'm unable to respond to what you just got wrong in your comment. And there's a lot you got wrong in it.

Michael K said...

I think the blog owner has asked for no personal attacks.

Maybe that's why whatever you posted vanished.

I just came by to see what late comments had appeared.

I did not want her, posting personal stuff in the hopes you would be moved, to be slimed by personal nasty stuff like you posted about me last year. I don't care; she might.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe that's why whatever you posted vanished.

Nope, there's no evidence of that that I see.

They probably removed it because it was comprehensive - i.e. "long."

I think people can make up their own minds about what to post that's too personal vs. too public and whether the political/personal effect they hope to make or ignore by it makes it worth it or not.

SDN said...

Commander Crankypants loves him some lies about climate change; here's one he'll endorse:


"But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data.

It was never subjected to NOAA’s rigorous internal evaluation process – which Dr Bates devised.

His vehement objections to the publication of the faulty data were overridden by his NOAA superiors in what he describes as a ‘blatant attempt to intensify the impact’ of what became known as the Pausebuster paper."

JamesB.BKK said...

Obama's cool is mythology. He's a poser who becomes strident when challenged. His arguments become rubbish when anyone probes the least bit.

Jon Ericson said...

RE: cranklube
Damn, What a cunt. (UK rules apply!)

Jon Ericson said...


Jon Ericson said...

Whatever, dickheads

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