November 2, 2016

I'm going to miss this man.

Obama, handing out Halloween candy, sees a tiny boy dressed as Prince, and bursts into "Purple rain, purple rain":

I don't know how long that video will be available on YouTube, considering the infamous take-down notice on the YouTube video of the baby dancing to "Let's Go Crazy," which happened 10 years ago but got the attention of the Supreme Court this week:
The high court hasn't yet granted review of the nearly decade-old dispute between Stephanie Lenz and Universal Music, but on Monday in a strong sign that the justices are at least entertaining the possibility, they invited the U.S. Solicitor General to express the government's viewpoint about this case.

Lenz, represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, alleges Universal Music made a misrepresentation of its copyright under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and asserts that Universal Music should have considered copyright fair use before telling YouTube that the background music in the cute baby video was a violation of the music giant's rights. After a long build-up at the California district court, the dispute was tackled in 2015 by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. 
Neither side got everything they wanted and both seek Supreme Court review. I think President Obama's spontaneous beautiful outburst helps the fair use side of the argument.

Wow, I miss Prince and I pre-miss Obama.

ADDED: Here I am on February 18, 2008 — the day I went to see Michelle Obama speak — looking forward to the experience of having the Obamas in the White House.


Pete said...

Quite trolling us, Althouse.

Coconuss Network said...

Where's the Tag ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How can you miss someone who stumps for this?

Brando said...

I don't miss Obama but I think I will miss him about a year into Hillary's presidency. I think most of Obama's critics will feel the same way.

Unknown said...

How can we miss him if he won't go away? I'd love the chance to miss him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I preferred Obama over Hillary in 08. (I was alone) I agree, I'd rather have Obama's corruption than Hillarys.

dreams said...

Because he made the world safer? Because of the weakest economic recovery in history? Because he hasn't fundamentally transformed our world enough? Because of all the racial healing? Or just because?

RMc said...

Prince si, Obama no!

bagoh20 said...

Being comfortable and safe in the public nursery makes that possible. Now vote for your mommy.

dreams said...

We'll still have 5 wars to fight courtesy Obama.

Jake said...

You so easily fall for this stuff.

Jason said...

I won't. He's going to settle in my home town of Kailua, Hawaii, and fuck up traffic year round instead of just the holidays.

Paul said...

Well hell Ann, why didn't you vote for him the SECOND TIME? Would you have missed him then?

MayBee said...

Good for you, Althouse.

I alternate-universe miss President Romney.

dreams said...

While Althouse misses Obama, we'll still have Obamacare and the increasing medical costs.

Bob Ellison said...

Don't worry about missing him. He's gonna stick around like Jimmy Carter, like gum on your shoe. And his wife, don't forget his beautiful wife, who may run for POTUS in a few years.

traditionalguy said...

Not as much as the Iranian Mullahs are going to miss him. I hear they are honoring him by naming their new Jew destroyer nuke The Obama Bomba.

Curious George said...

"Jason said...
I won't. He's going to settle in my home town of Kailua, Hawaii, and fuck up traffic year round instead of just the holidays."

No way he's going to live there year round. Or even much of the year.

Basil Duke said...

Well, he's leaving a nuke-armed Iran to help you remember him, Ms. Althouse. And 19 trillion bucks in gringo debt.

David Begley said...

Eight years of failure.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Obamacare, race relations - Ann, you're one of those people bitterly clinging to that 2007 vision.

Hagar said...

You are wrong, Mr. Begley. Barack Obama has been very successful in accomplishing his goals.

Jaq said...

Marian the librarian can not get over swooning for the lying con man with the winning smile.

He's the one who thoroughly corrupted the FBI, and the IRS. We get to live with it.

Achilles said...

The worst president since Buchanan. He is giving James a run too. It will be interesting to see what one of the most prolific presidential liars in history has kept secret in the half dozen or so occasions he has invoked executive privilege to stonewall an investigation about his roll in the killings of US citizens.

Curious George said...

"I'm going to miss this man."

Remember this when some Obama muzzie refugee decides to give your gay son a flying lesson, or goes allahu akbar in his favorite club. You'll be sad, but you'll always have Obama's "Purple Rain."

dreams said...

As to missing Obama, I don't think he will live to be an old man. I predict he will die in his fifties, just a feeling.

Bad Lieutenant said...

"I'm going to miss this man."

Think positive, Ann. Work on your sight picture, breath control, and squeeze the trigger, don't jerk it. 500 rounds a day practice and I guarantee you won't miss him.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Nice guy, bad leader, bad President. What's tough to understand about that? If you see Presidents as celebrities & figureheads you want a nice, charismatic person to be the President and you'll miss that person when they're gone (and a less charismatic person is in). Ok. Lots of people LOVE reality TV. Mostly women, as far as I can tell.

I thought GWBush was a good guy but a suboptimal President. I don't remember many people saying they'd miss GWBush, though.

Did you think you'd miss George W Bush, Professor? Did you?

Unknown said...

Again, I wish Ann would come out west, and not to Aspen or Park City. Come out to, say, Logan, Utah, where they have some nice rural stuff and indian and cowboy festivals. Come talk to the farmers, the ranchers, even the college students at Utah State. And find out why Obama is loathed beyond any president in history.

As far as I can remember, he showed up once to Utah in 8 years. For about 3 hours. And it was 3 hours too long. I'm pretty sure he didn't want to come and since Obama got what, 20% of the vote in 2012; we weren't really happy to see him either.

You need to get out of your liberal Wisconsin bubble, Ann, and come see how the bitter clingers live.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Geez Curious George & Bad Lieutenant, that seems a bit extreme & unnecessary. BL especially. Not cool.

Unknown said...

Ok, I will give Obama some credit. James Buchanan was probably more loathed in Utah than Obama. But then, Buchanan sent the US Army to attack the state and there was almost open fighting (There was a full scale guerrilla war that stopped short of bloodshed, though). We almost burned Salt Lake City to the ground while the US Army was inside the city.

So yeah, Buchanan was worse than Obama. Obama hasn't literally attacked the state yet, though. He still has time!


HoodlumDoodlum said...

It's not a good look, Bad Lieutenant, joking about assassinating a US President. It was shitty when the Left did it (frequently) to our last President and it's shitty to do it now. You can be better than that, or at least pretend to.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama is so smooth and sexy.

Obama's charms can out-snake every American tax payer.

Sebastian said...

As others have said, and yours truly predicted long ago, you won't miss him since he won't leave. He'll be in our faces for a long time. He'll set up a foundation and amass a family fortune bigger than the Clintons', by race-baiting and climate-change blackmail, using a Michelle run for pubic office as the hook, bitching all along about how his successors are tarnishing his legacy. I advance-loathe it and him.

Autotrolling aside, the only reaction to the vacuous advance-miss stuff is OMG, OMG, OMFG.

dreams said...

"I'm going to miss this man."

Althouse is being provocative, Althouse is being Althouse.

Dave Dexter III said...

Gee, you're easy to please.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Althouse seems to be able to separate the actions of Obama the 'guy' from his actions as President. I can't.

I've often said that Obama and Michelle seem to be at their best when they are around little children. They exude humor, have genuine smiles and seem to be happy and comfortable with the kids. Maybe they should start a day care after leaving office.

HOWEVER, as a President Obama has been the worst, most incompetent, malicious, deliberately harmful, prideful, stubborn, petty, snarky, insulting, vindictive and IMO downright evil person to ever occupy the far anyway. His record of accomplishments (unless you count those that he has successfully put into place that have destroyed institutions, stalled the economy, destroyed businesses, enmeshed us in wars which killed thousands upon thousands of people and is directly responsible for the rise of ISIS and the resulting flood of refugees/terrorists into Europe and the US) abysmal. As previously noted. Hitler was a nice guy who really liked his dogs.

I won't miss him or Michelle with her sour cat butt face and disdain for the country. They have been a plague on the American public and when they (hopefully) fade into obscurity we will NOT miss them at all.

Hillary will just be Obama on steroids with a big dash of corruption,too boot!

jaydub said...

I'm going to miss Althouse.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There are dotty old ladies who think of the characters in afternoon soap operas as their personal friends. They are real and in the room right there with them. Kind of disturbing to witness it first hand. Don't know if a patient like that ever made it into any of those books by Oliver Sacks.

Achilles said...

Blogger HoodlumDoodlum said...
"Geez Curious George & Bad Lieutenant, that seems a bit extreme & unnecessary. BL especially. Not cool."

You have no idea what extreme is. Go talk to any Navy SEAL. Pretty much anyone in combat arms in the military. Supermajorities of veterans are way past this.

You don't understand what necessary means to veterans. But most of you seem to take us very much for granted.

Laslo Spatula said...

Sketchy Guy Who Works at the Adult Bookstore says:

There's a new porn series that is flying off the Gay Porn shelves lately: 'Obammer The Chocolate Hammer.' I gotta admit: the guy DOES look like Obama. I don't know if the Cock Size is accurate, but if it is then Obama's got something to be proud of...

So a guy comes in looking for the latest in the series.

"You know: the one where he gets fucked in the ass by all those Russian Men?'

"Yeah," I say, "I know the one: 'Obammer and the Rectum Red Menace'. I think one of the Russian guys is supposed to be Putin."

"Yeah! Putin fucks Obama in the ass while Obama's got a red ball-gag in his mouth."

"The color of the ball-gag was a nice touch, I admit."


"Russians. Red. Never mind."

"Sure: I don't get that politics stuff. Anyway, people on the internet say it's even better than "Obammer and the Arab Butt-Bombers."

"I've heard that, too. Unfortunately, I sold the last copy just an hour ago."

"No! I've already masturbated about it and I haven't even SEEN it yet."

"Sorry. I still have copies of "Obammer and the Strap-On Feminists, though."

"Ah, I already have that one. GREAT strap-on cock scenes, though. That veiny black one must've been thirteen inches -- I don't even know how he fit all that in there."

"The guy's a Pro."

"When will you get new copies in?"

"There's a shipment tomorrow."

"Great! Can you hold one for me?"

"Sure thing."

"It's funny: I'm not really into Gay Porn..."

"Yeah, I get a lot of straight men who say that. Right before they buy Gay Porn..."

Stranger things have happened to me here at the Book Store...

I am Laslo.

rehajm said...

Bubble gum pop. Ignorant. Arrogant. Unserious. Bad polices that harm living standards for all Americans. Many messes to clean up.

MayBee, I also alternate-universe miss President Romney.

SteveR said...

If it was in doubt before, its a certainty now, a "celebrity president" is not a good thing for the country. Handsome, personable, clean, cool, hip, good singer, sexy, whatever. Has nothing to do with governing and requires no real intelligence to evaluate.

#won't miss him

MayBee said...

Amen, DBQ.

dreams said...

"Althouse seems to be able to separate the actions of Obama the 'guy' from his actions as President. I can't."

I'm not going to pretend, I don't like either.

Achilles said...

So yeah, Buchanan was worse than Obama. Obama hasn't literally attacked the state yet, though. He still has time!


I would prefer Buchanan. He was honest and forthright. Obama has invaded every western state with his BLM EPA thugs. He blockades federal monuments in order to get more federal spending to his cronies.

tim maguire said...

I sometimes ask myself if I'd enjoy your blog more if you didn't give us these periodic reminders of how morally and intellectually frivolous you are capable of being. Well, whatever, I do enjoy your blog despite having my respect for you tested in this manner.

Ann Althouse said...

"Well hell Ann, why didn't you vote for him the SECOND TIME? Would you have missed him then?"

I thought Romney was better.

Ann Althouse said...

I wanted Romney to be the GOP candidate this time too.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse seems to be able to separate the actions of Obama the 'guy' from his actions as President."

True! Obama the guy is great. Especially when he sings.

rhhardin said...

Wow, I miss Prince and I pre-miss Obama.

He's not a nice guy. He doesn't mean well.

Feminine foolishness, the sex-linked failing that corresponds to male skepticism.

dreams said...

Since I don't think Obama will live to be an old man and given his age maybe a preemptive RIP is apropos.

tim maguire said...

To those who suggest the professor is merely seperating the person from the president, what's so great about Obama the person? Name one non-selfish act he has committed in his life. Just one. Can you?

285exp said...

I'll sure miss all the racial healing.

Steve said...

I would happily vote for Obama to fill the roll of "Witty Guy at Prof Althouse's Cocktail Party."

dreams said...

"True! Obama the guy is great. Especially when he sings."

I'm looking forward to a duet of Obama and Hillary doing the "JAIL HOUSE BLUES"
Yeah, I'm pre-missing that rendition.

Unknown said...

I am not going to miss Obama. I voted for him TWICE, to my eternal regret. What an empty suit he has turned out to be. He has divided our nation. He has wilfully neglected our borders, he has increased Muslim immigration from areas that are hotspots of jihadis, he has lied to us re. Obamacare, and so on. I came to America not to sample this silly leftwing notion of 'diversity' that Obama and his cohort worship. Where I live - SF Bay Area - the decay is unmistakable.

For all his faults, Trump has the right instincts.

'Mada Gasp' - legal immigrant, non-white, PhD (in a quantitative hard science)

Unknown said...

Why settle for an (overrated) impersonator? In 2020 you can vote for a real celeb, Kanye.

shiloh said...

So, scrolling quickly thru that 2008 thread:

Titus used to be gay. j/k NTTAWWT

About 75%+ posters in that thread are long gone.

And what did you do to piss off Chip Ahoy? Was it just the going to full moderation bruhaha in 2013?

And DBQ is here for the longgg term. Despite mentioning at Lem's blog she was basically done w/Althouse! But as mentioned previously, "they" must have kissed and made up.

btw, there are three kinds of people:

People you can help.

People you can't help.

People too stupid to help.

Assuming Althouse is too stupid to help.



And yes, Althouse is just trolling her con flock. ok, Althouse and myself have a few things in common.

Amadeus 48 said...

Anyone that thinks that Michelle Obama is ever going to run for office is not paying attention.

The Obamas will be a constant on the celebrity circuit, so Althouse eventually get sick of them.

Barry will out-Carter Carter in remaing a perpetual scold and nuisance. If only we had been reasonable and listened to him!

buwaya said...

Hi Mada!
Same-same, Bay Area.

dreams said...

Romney was just what our country needed but he didn't know how to fight. He got Candy Crowleyed.

buwaya said...

And Shiloh is a silly person.

Hunter said...
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bagoh20 said...

Battered spouse syndrome.

Remember how he lied right to your face over and over?

"Yea, but I love him, and he sings to me."

Yep, he does that with all the girls. It's what he does, because it works on you and them.

Hunter said...

Swooning over the return of Camelot. Yes, Michelle Obama is very glamorous, just like Jackie. Sasha and Malia were cuties just like Carolyn and John-John.

And this is something I need or want in a president why, exactly?

Larry J said...

Jimmy Carter should send thank you cards to Obama. Not only has Obama passed Carter as the worst president, he will certainly pass him as the worst former president. January 20th, 2017 can't get here fast enough, and God willing, it won't be Hillary being sworn in.

MayBee said...

Now Obama is criticizing Comey. He is such a dick.

Hunter said...

We're a country whose founding principle was the rejection of monarchy, but some of us still yearn for a royal family.

1 Samuel 8. The desire for kings and royalty is just part of the human condition.

MayBee said...

True! Obama the guy is great.

You don't know him.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Less than 1 week until we have someone new in the Office of President Elect! I hope Obama saved that seal.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

You can criticize his polices if you want, but if you miss a style, I miss G.W. Bush. I miss honesty, class, and humility. I miss a President that respected all Americans, and never called some of us names, or attacked us for being who we are, or being proud of our country. Being cute after that is just foul. Excusing the first to gush over the later is embarrassing.

readering said...

I wonder if Obama will go out with a big pardon ruckus (Clinton-Rich) or non pardon ruckus (Bush-Libby)

Curious George said...

"HoodlumDoodlum said...
Geez Curious George & Bad Lieutenant, that seems a bit extreme & unnecessary. BL especially. Not cool."

What's extreme about my post. People like Althouse, who wax poetically on how awesome Obama is, really need to feel the sting of his policies. And then tell me how much they miss him.

One of my sales reps was bitching about how he can't afford Obamacare health insurance after premiums going from $600 to $1600 in two years for a POS bronze plan. He voted for Obama. I told him to quit bitching.

You seem to be a bed wetter.

bridgecross said...

I can't stand the angle at which he holds his head.

MayBee said...

Less than 1 week until we have someone new in the Office of President Elect! I hope Obama saved that seal.


CWJ said...

"I'm going to miss this man"

Spoken like someone with employer provided health insurance, a six figure income, unconcerned abut abstractions like the national debt, and insulated from the effects of his administration.

You can afford to see Obama in gauzy symbolic terms. Many more Americans cannot.

shiloh said...

"And Shiloh is a silly person."

and bp, still the amateur baiter. But hey, all I ask for is consistency.

Someone asked me here 4/5 mos. ago, forget who, what I will do if Trump wins? Be pissed for a couple days and move on.

Wondering how many Althouse cons will need longgg term psychiatric care if Hillary wins. Achilles surely will be border line suicidal. I digress.


bp if Hillary wins, hell he's a millionaire living in Silicon Valley and not even an American ie nothing will change in his life other than being a diehard con he will probably be pissed for a couple days also.

As always, Althouse will be here if Hillary wins so cons have a shoulder to cry on. Just like the last (8) years.

Again, all I ask for is consistency ...

CWJ said...

Bagoh20's 10:05 comment captures my feelings as well.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"Althouse seems to be able to separate the actions of Obama the 'guy' from his actions as President."

True! Obama the guy is great. Especially when he sings.

Pretty sure Ann is pulling our leg to amuse herself. Obama is clearly a thin skinned asshole and a threatening bully especially in person and she knows that. The press dinners where he is supposed to tell self deprecating jokes but was completely incapable of doing so and purposely rude put his terrible personality on full display.

dreams said...

"Don't worry about missing him. He's gonna stick around like Jimmy Carter"

That's a good point, just as Carter was the worse president in the 20th century only to be outdone by Obama, so too Obama can top Carter as the worse ex-president. Except Obama would rather play golf, the only good thing I can think of that Obama ever did.

MadisonMan said...

I won't miss him. I appreciate what I've seen of his relationship with his daughters -- that seems pretty good, but of course, I've seen a carefully filtered view of it.

Politicians come and go. Onerous policies that saddle everyone with paperwork, debt and bad karma remain.

Roughcoat said...

Interesting. Both Althouse and Meade have written on at least a couple of occasions (maybe more) that they are not nice people. Yet Althouse seems to like nice people as president (or as candidates for president). I mean, she seems to think that Obama and Romney are nice people. Very curious.

dreams said...

The stock market is really selling off, looking more and more like a Trump victory.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Obama the guy is great. Especially when he sings."

Doesn't the narcissism bother you? It creeps me out.

shiloh said...

"You can criticize his polices if you want, but if you miss a style, I miss G.W. Bush. I miss honesty, class, and humility."

True, but like most politicians, especially presidents, presidential candidates, they let their surrogates do all the trash talking, character assassinations, etc, etc. and then disassociate themselves from said PAC, 501c3, etc.

It's just one of many dog and pony shows that perpetuate American politics.

dreams said...

The stock market will rally after the election regardless of who wins. Uncertainty, can't take the uncertainty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bagoh - Stop acting like a typical white bitter-clinger deplorable, would you?

Achilles said...

Blogger shiloh said...
"And Shiloh is a silly person."

and bp, still the amateur baiter. But hey, all I ask for is consistency.

That was a nice way of saying you are an idiot.

You are boring.

TheThinMan said...

We're gonna need a bigger barf bag.

This morning I read that Obama hid from us the fact that while we paid Iran 1/2 a billion, they owed more than that to us! And a law signed by Pres. Clinton made Obama's action illegal even if they didn't. (All for a pseudo nuke agreement that they never even agreed to.) This, on top of Obama's numerous other unlawful and damaging acts, was already making me feel upset to the brink of illness.

But then I click over to here and see one of my favorite bloggers cooing with love and affection for this traitor/criminal/despot. (I wish this description was just hyperbole but unfortunately it's entirely objective and accurate, if words still have any meaning.)

Achilles said...

Blogger shiloh said...

True, but like most politicians, especially presidents, presidential candidates, they let their surrogates do all the trash talking, character assassinations, etc, etc. and then disassociate themselves from said PAC, 501c3, etc.

It's just one of many dog and pony shows that perpetuate American politics.

Holy crap the blind squirrel found a nut.

You just tripped headlong over one of the reasons Trump is going to get more legal votes than Hillary.

shiloh said...

"was already making me feel upset to the brink of illness."

Althouse cons are already feeling upset/discombobulated, even before Hillary gets elected. ***shocking!***

Bad Lieutenant said...

HoodlumDoodlum said...
Geez Curious George & Bad Lieutenant, that seems a bit extreme & unnecessary. BL especially. Not cool.

11/2/16, 9:19 AM

Oh, you have to spoil everything, HooDoo. I was just kidding. Trying to shock the lady who likes to shock the squares.

I am on record as saying that I wish the horrible deaths of the Obamas and Clintons and their clique to be natural, or accidental, or at any rate not man-caused, because I think it would be terrible for the country, not for their own sakes.

My desired scenario involves ditching over water and being eaten by apathetic sharks, the kind who who like Now and Laters ("eat some now, save some for later"). Or loathsome diseases would be OK. Fire would be acceptable.

Actually, as long as there's a hell, it doesn't really matter how they check out on Earth.

So don't shoot the President, Althouse. Just in case you needed to be told.

Known Unknown said...

Will Kanye out-Trump Trump in 2020?

Will he run against an incumbent President Kaine?

le Douanier said...

Cons can look at the 2008 video as a glass half full. That's where Althouse said that she didn't think HRC (and WJC) should be in the White House again.

madAsHell said...

And what did you do to piss off Chip Ahoy?

I miss Chip Ahoy. I'll never miss Obama.

Bad Lieutenant said...

PBJ, don't want to give you ideas, but you are one hundred percent correct. I sighed with relief when Obama won the nom in 2008 - because

a) I thought he would lose, ha ha
b) no matter how rotten he was, he couldn't be as bad as Hillary.

I still feel pretty good about b). Desperately hoping not to find out whether I was right.

mockturtle said...

Like Bagoh, I found Dubya much more appealing than Obama. But I didn't like his foreign policies and would not have voted for him again. Personal appeal has nothing to do with how I vote, which might explain how I wrote in Ron Paul for two consecutive elections.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

You know who I miss, I kind of miss Gahafi.

"Then there’s Libya. According to The New York Times, Clinton played a "critical” role in persuading Obama to topple Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi. This led to what The Atlantic''s Conor Friedersdorf calls her ”failed war in Libya.” Despite her pronouncement that "We came, we saw, he died” after Gadhafi's death, the Libya intervention has been a debacle, and one that Clinton has refused to acknowledge as such.

As Charles Kubic wrote in June, it’s been a huge disaster:

Before the revolution, Libya was a secure, prospering, secular Islamic country and a critical ally providing intelligence on terrorist activity post–September 11, 2001. Gadhafi was no longer a threat to the United States. Yet Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly advocated and succeeded in convincing the administration to support the Libyan rebels. . . . Secretary Clinton’s war actually did make a difference. It led to a very real and very tragic humanitarian disaster. Her bad judgment and failed policy resulted in the arming of terrorists, months of war and tens of thousands of casualties."

Hagar said...

In Iraq, Obama has got us helping our former enemies kill our former allies without anyone here noticing we have switched sides.
That trick took some political skill and patience.

Achilles said...

When ever another girl in Iraq is sold into sexual slavery to a Muslim holy warrior you can thank barry. Gosh he's a great guy. So nice.

Birkel said...

Let's all stand around and miss the weaponized IRS together.

Right, Althouse?

Rich Vail said...

As long as he and his stupid, dangerous policies are gone you can !is him all you want. I just pray Hillary doesn't get elected to replace him...

Sebastian said...

I know pre-missing O is clickbaity autotrolling and everything, but still: the guy AA thinks is great, is actually a preening, unaccomplished, condescending, smooth-talking, con-man, cold-fish narcissist -- the kind of person you run away from, fast. In my world, anyway.

"Anyone that thinks that Michelle Obama is ever going to run for office is not paying attention." She doesn't have to run; she just has to signal she might. That'll do to shake down the money men.

dreams said...

Now would be a good time to buy stocks if you have some money to invest. Buyer beware though.

dreams said...

"Like Bagoh, I found Dubya much more appealing than Obama"

Turns out, they both were guilty of too much hubris.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Curious George said...What's extreme about my post. People like Althouse, who wax poetically on how awesome Obama is, really need to feel the sting of his policies. And then tell me how much they miss him.
You seem to be a bed wetter.

Naah, my mattress is clean. Did you know they make diapers specifically for sleeping/nighttime now? Our modern age.

I guess my thinking, CG, was that your post is clearly not going to persuade anyone. Prof. A is obviously being a lil' provocative/cheeky while expressing her actual feeling. I fully get that you wanted to be shocking, but your specific response seems to both play into the Prof's stereotype of mean/ugly non-Lefties and fail to give anyone who doesn't already agree with you any reason to think about your point at all.

In other words I think Prof. A may have gotten the reaction she wanted to out of ya, CG, and your tactic isn't likely to do your argument much good.

But, you know, it's a free country...for now [dun dun duuunnn].

TheThinMan said...

Shiloh: ""was already making me feel upset to the brink of illness."

Althouse cons are already feeling upset/discombobulated, even before Hillary gets elected. ***shocking!***"

Gee, what great counterarguments you put forth!

This is why trying to discuss anything with a liberal is a waste of time. Facts mean nothing; it's all about tribal allegiance. Every "Althouse con" was once, by default, a liberal but got over drinking the Kool-Aid by choosing facts over empty sentiments. So, when an "Althouse lib" goes with the argument "My tribe is gonna kick your tribe's ass," it only confirms we made the right choice.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Bad Lieutenant said...Oh, you have to spoil everything, HooDoo. I was just kidding. Trying to shock the lady who likes to shock the squares.

Sorry brah--I guess I got #triggered and what not. Assassination jokes just didn't seem funny when it was a Repub. president and I guess I won't let myself find 'em funny now. I'm sure Jesus forgives you, etc.

My desired scenario involves ditching over water and being eaten by apathetic sharks, the kind who who like Now and Laters ("eat some now, save some for later").

An apathetic shark would be good in a comedy sketch--like an emo great white, something like that. A disinterested horror villain could be pretty funny, too.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

The ThinMan said...This is why trying to discuss anything with a liberal is a waste of time. Facts mean nothing; it's all about tribal allegiance.

That's the depressing thing, TTM: you're right. Their votes, though, count just like ours do. (Well, you know maybe more since they can recruit their deceased friends). I'm really coming around to the view that these people can't be persuaded to not be Big Government lovin' Leftists. There are enough of them now, and they've been very successful at bringin' a bunch more of them in every year.

It's tied to the ascendancy of women, of course, and naturally "you go girl!" Where she wants to go, though, is definitely not to the right. We're in Life of Julia land here, and Julia's gonna vote, buddy.

Gahrie said...

I wonder if Obama will go out with a big pardon ruckus (Clinton-Rich) or non pardon ruckus (Bush-Libby)

Obama got a head start...he has been pardoning criminals in bunches for months now.....

Amadeus 48 said...

Hey, Shiloh, welcome back.

mockturtle said...
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mockturtle said...

dreams said: Yet Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strongly advocated and succeeded in convincing the administration to support the Libyan rebels. . . . Secretary Clinton’s war actually did make a difference. It led to a very real and very tragic humanitarian disaster. Her bad judgment and failed policy resulted in the arming of terrorists, months of war and tens of thousands of casualties.

Did it have more to do with Gaddafi's alleged 'rape chamber' than with policy?

Hillary seems to want to punish her husband by proxy.

Real American said...

miss him for what? the lies? the narcissism? the incompetence? the race baiting? the "smart diplomacy?" the corruption?

Oh, right. He's a black guy, so he must be "cool".

bgates said...

You are what's wrong with America.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dreams said...

I would have liked to missed out on this.

"Obama drove the races apart, reversing some of the progress that so many earnest civil rights supporters had won, some even at the cost of their lives. Instead of uniting the country, Obama divided it almost to the point of fracture, pitting group against group with a self-righteous certitude that he alone could see the right as God gives us to see the right, and that all who disagreed with him deserved withering scorn. Unlike the Era of Good Feelings that James Madison bequeathed to the country when he left the White House, Obama has already ushered in the Era of Ill Feelings, fanning every low, intolerant, and ignorant impulse in the American heart. Whether history will judge that his reversal of racial progress and the divisiveness he has inflamed make him the worst of our presidents we can’t yet know. But it is worth looking back to ask what made him so overbearing, so contemptuous of the spirit of our Constitution, and so dismissive of the idea of American exceptionalism that he pretended to embrace in 2004."

JackWayne said...

This is what Althouse will miss:

"I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views."

gerry said...

No way he's going to live there year round. Or even much of the year.

Well, it is in range of Nork nukes, you know.

Tank said...

Althouse should not vote. Please. Just stay home.

dreams said...

"You can’t get much political mileage from the petty slights that upscale blacks like Obama suffer, but Reverend Wright’s authenticity of victimhood is a high-octane political engine. You can get forceful political traction by asserting that pockets of severe deprivation fester with black misery in the nation’s ghettos. Nor is the misery there self-inflicted, Obama insists, despite the arguments of conservative think-tankers (like me) who argue “that cultural pathologies—rather than racism or structural inequalities built into our economy—[are] responsible for black poverty, but also that government programs like welfare [Charles Murray], coupled with liberal judges who coddled criminals, actually made those pathologies worse.” No, he asserts, these neighborhoods are “repositories for all the scars of slavery and violence of Jim Crow, the internalized rage and the forced ignorance, the shame of men who could not protect their women or support their families, the children who grew up there being told they wouldn’t amount to anything and had no one there to undo the damage” that mainstream America is still inflicting on them catastrophically every day."

dreams said...

And more Obama...

"So he has solved the problem of how to be an authentic black for himself, and he did it by constructing a powerful political narrative, which has set race relations back decades. He has set his attorneys general loose to prove that racism infects every cranny of American life, from school discipline, to local zoning in upscale white suburbs, to voter ID laws (though no one charges racism when you must show your ID and more to get on a plane), and even in refusing to prosecute the New Black Panther Party’s intimidation of voters, since Attorney General Eric Holder rationalized that it came nowhere near the intimidation of black would-be voters in Jim Crow days. On racial matters, Holder pronounced, America is “essentially a nation of cowards.” Americans won’t face up to the fact that in too many ways, Jim Crow still rules.
Nowhere, in the worldview of Obama and his underlings, is today’s racism more blatant and destructive to blacks than in law enforcement. The president hammers home this point in all his comments after the occasional, usually justifiable, killings of blacks by police officers and in his unquestioning support of the Black Lives Matter protesters, who never mention that those black lives that matter are 1,000 times more often taken away by black murderers than by cops, white or black."

Rockport Conservative said...

He is human. It shows up nicely on occasion. I personally like his lame duck reaction best. It was very real, he enjoyed it and shared it with his wife. Nice.
I hate his politics but on occasion he shows a good glimpse of his humanity.

Birches said...

This is a fine piece of trolling by Althouse. I know the crowd can't contemplate a world where people don't hate Obama, but it's the same people who decided GWB isn't so bad after all. It's most of the country.

Clyde said...

I can't think of a single thing I like about Obama, except that he'll be gone on January 20th. And there are plenty of really rotten people who can manage to be charming for a few minutes at a time. Just sayin'.

Frank LdR said...

I'll always think of Obama as the most self-centered narcissist to be elected. And Howard Fineman's article where Obama's staff referred to him as the S.O.B. Good riddance! Oh and thanks for Black Lives Matter and Trump. Those are his true legacy.The historical record on economic and foreign policy far harsher.

Birches said...

I agree with Brando. Obama might be a bad president, but he's not Clinton corrupt. The IRS scandal will seem quaint a year from now. My only hope is for impeachment. Misogynist doesn't sting the same way racist does.

Clyde said...

@ Dust Bunny Queen at 9:27: Bullseye! Right in the center of the board.

mikee said...

I won't miss Obama. His ATF forced US firearm retailers to sell guns to recognized straw buyers, putting guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, in a blatant attempt to force crisis-driven changes in the US firearm laws. Over 400 dead in Mexico, and several US LEOs were killed using those 1500+ illegally bought guns, for Obama's politically insane effort to vitiate the 2nd Amendment. I won't miss Obama at all.

Curious George said...

"HoodlumDoodlum said...
guess my thinking, CG, was that your post is clearly not going to persuade anyone. Prof. A is obviously being a lil' provocative/cheeky while expressing her actual feeling. I fully get that you wanted to be shocking, but your specific response seems to both play into the Prof's stereotype of mean/ugly non-Lefties and fail to give anyone who doesn't already agree with you any reason to think about your point at all.

In other words I think Prof. A may have gotten the reaction she wanted to out of ya, CG, and your tactic isn't likely to do your argument much good.

But, you know, it's a free country...for now [dun dun duuunnn].

I'm not trying to persuade anyone, especially Althouse. I don't think it's particularly shocking either. It's how I feel. Look, she's got a cushy lifetime pension, and free healthcare forever. She doesn't have tons of time left on this earth. So most of Obama's shit is not destined for her. I realize that the scenario described by me is unlikely to fall on her, but it could. It has already happened to others, and will again to someone. So maybe next time it won't be someone else. Maybe next time it will be Chris that drowns in a pool of his own blood, or bleeds out on a dance floor. And then maybe she will understand what her sheltered sophomoric attitude brings. But will she pine for Obama when he spews his false choice bullshit?

SukieTawdry said...

Oh, me, too. I will especially miss viewing world events through the prism of Obama's narcissism.

n.n said...

After his premature evacuation, progressive wars, impulsive regime changes, immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, mass exodus), passing the health penalty tax, progressive poverty, class diversity-mongering, and celebration of selective exclusion, he seems at peace playing with unplanned children.

MaxedOutMama said...

I won't miss him. I am tired of his total inability to close with real-world problems, combined with a complete inability to stop moralizing.

If you can't help deal with the problem, you should not be to ready to criticize those who must cope with it. He's done the nation and the world a lot of harm in his tenure by his inability to shut the hell up when he has nothing to offer. For at least the next several decades, successive US presidents and other western-world leaders will be rolling logs to try to deal with the problems he has created.

Obama's a sad case. His undoubted, genuine, rhetorical skills have been a tool that he has used to successfully evade confronting the actual problems in the current world.

Michael said...

Obama is a classic faculty-lounge radical. Nice enough guy if you don't challenge him, but not someone to be allowed anywhere near public office.

Jon Ericson said...

De gustibus non est disputandum

Rusty said...

Boy. Were you wrong.But I forgive you.
have you had work done?
You don't look so jowely in your recent videos.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Althouse sure knows how to set a discussion off on a roll. Well done!

I'm in the camp that doesn't believe we will ever get a chance to miss him. I think he'll turn into Americas most despised houseguest.

Howard said...

Obama knows how to play POTUS better than anyone else in the age of television.

Howard said...

Hey, Rusty: you don't sweat much for a fat girl.

PackerBronco said...

Singing Purple Rain? Really?

I haven't seen such insightful commentary since David Brooks went orgasmic over Bambi's pants crease.

Ken B said...

Some people miss their doctor. A lot of people are pre-missing medical coverage this year too.

Unknown said...

Transgenders serving openly in the military. Tax money spent overseas blocking anti-gay laws, and punishing countries that enact them. The USS Harvey Milk, for fuck's sake.

Anonymous said...

The best President in the last 30 years. I'll miss him too.

Unknown said...

We need a temporary ban on women voting until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Anonymous said...

"Think positive, Ann. Work on your sight picture, breath control, and squeeze the trigger, don't jerk it. 500 rounds a day practice and I guarantee you won't miss him."

Where's the FBI when you need them? Hey FBI, did you see this? Hey FBI, this guy is encouraging others to assassinate the President. Wake up and stop chasing Clinton emails.

Anonymous said...

"Obama is clearly a thin skinned asshole and a threatening bully especially in person and she knows that. The press dinners where he is supposed to tell self deprecating jokes but was completely incapable of doing so and purposely rude put his terrible personality on full display."

Probably projection.

Anonymous said...

"Wondering how many Althouse cons will need longgg term psychiatric care if Hillary wins. Achilles surely will be border line suicidal."

Hahahahahaha! So true. Maybe even homocidal.

dreams said...

"Wondering how many Althouse cons will need longgg term psychiatric care if Hillary wins. Achilles surely will be border line suicidal."

"Hahahahahaha! So true. Maybe even homocidal."

Really? If crooked Hillary wins, I'm going to enjoy her impeachment by the Congress. I'm going to enjoy that a lot more than you Dems.

mockturtle said...

Really? If crooked Hillary wins, I'm going to enjoy her impeachment by the Congress. I'm going to enjoy that a lot more than you Dems.

If Hillary wins [God forbid and perish the thought], the first thing she will do is get us into a war to distract us from the whole mess.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I have the clearest vision of the Professor hitting publish, leaning bacck, and then saying "that oughta hold the little S.O.B.s!"

Anonymous said...

You cannot put a man in office based on style points. Granted, the last POTUS who could pull off Purple Rain is a tough proposition but I would have liked to see Nixon try it in his "Sock it to me?" mode.

Dr Weevil said...

Calling someone else an "amateur baiter" is just asking, begging, pleading for the obvious retort: when it comes to baiting, you, shiloh, are indeed a master. (Think about it.)

Dr Weevil said...

Much as I hate to say anything nice about the contemptible swine in the White House, I have to admit that AA has made me have one kind thought about them. I can now imagine an alternate universe, not so different from ours but a lot better, in which Barak Obama is a beloved and effective teacher in an elementary school, and Michelle a feared but respected health teacher and dietician at the same school. Between them, they are effective in making the kids at the school somewhat healthier and less fat (Michelle) and somewhat happier and better educated (Barak) than students at other schools with similar socio-economic profiles. Too bad they're occupying positions so far beyond what they are actually qualified to do well.

Ctmom4 said...

I won't miss him. Can't wait until he is gone.

When I hear the Professor say things like this, I think Ann Coulter is right that we never should have given women the vote. Even smart women like Ann.

walter said...

mom jeans/Alinsky dreams..furevah

walter said...

(no shorts)

Mick said...

The "law prof" (surely a misnomer) is still unrepentant about helping elect the America killing Usurper, Hussein Obama. Proof that women should never have been given the right to vote.

"Miss this man"???!!!

Hang that man for treason.

Rusty said...

Howard said...
Hey, Rusty: you don't sweat much for a fat girl.

Hi Howard. Yes I'm incredibly fat. And contrary to the above statement I sweat rivers. And I'm not a girl. Although I do have massive man boobs.

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