We watched him, in the second debate, prowling behind his opponent, back and forth with lowered head, belligerent and looming, while she moved within her legitimate space, returning to her lectern after each response: tightly smiling, trying to be reasonable, trying to be impervious. It was an indecent mimicry of what has happened at some point to almost every woman. She becomes aware of something brutal hovering, on the periphery of her vision: if she is alone in the street, what should she do? I willed Mrs. Clinton to turn and give a name to what we could all see. I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog.
November 19, 2016
Hyperdramatic post-election prose, visualizing Hillary as a goddess and Trump as a "whimpering dog."
I was listening to the audio version of a New Yorker piece called "The Rights of Women Under President Trump," by Hilary Mantel. Subtitle: "The state should not stalk her. The priest should seal his lips. The law should not interfere." I had to laugh out loud at this over-the-top paragraph:
"We watched him, in the second debate, prowling behind his opponent, back and forth with lowered head, belligerent and looming, while she moved within her legitimate space"
This was always a bullshit argument. The camera angle made it look like he was closer than he was and "invading" her space. Other cameras show the proper distance and make him look harmless, but those won't shown.
"Whipped Cur" is the correct melodramatic phrase.
My, she IS messed up!
Guess what. Trumpie is our whimpering dog trained as a guard dog. And in in this debate scene he can be seen signaling to usthat he has caught the scent a trained cadaver dog does for his master.
The law should not interfere.
That was the conclusion Comey reached too.
Progressives should be ashamed at how they are acting. I know I know...
Funny thing is they went after Pence last night. Pence is one of the nice people. Pence will be one of the voices of restraint. How many times will they go after the good people? The left has been playing good guy bad guy for a long time. They are open and blatant about paying for protests. But they are bad at the whole intimidation thing.
They better hope they don't push the good people too far. There is a massive we'll of pent up rage and frustration out here ready to teach some manners.
And I'm amused by the new wave of Feminism - "We are weak!"
When Gore *actually* crowded Bush in the debates, remember the media's reaction? Did they White Knight for him? Start a false narrative about how Gore was a mean bully? LOL, of course not.
They saw it as an "own goal" mistake by Gore, but no one whined about how Bush was being bullied. He did not need to be rescued. Because he is a man?
The Left and the MSM is now holding women to a lesser, weaker standard. That's anti-feminism. Like their patriarchy theory that accidentally implies women are inferior because men have so easily oppressed them for 5,000 years. When did feminism become its antithesis?
And Ann, can you image arguing before the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice calls a break because "counsel for plantiff is flustered and, because she is female, we will adjourn till Tuesday 9AM so she has time to regain her composure. LOL. So why is the Left now doing essentially the same thing to women? They are teaching the next generation that women are inferior.
I think I know why. Because the movement has become infected with Marxism. Women must be taught they are helpless so they will give more power to the State. You know the Time Machine Dilemma? Let everyone else shoot Hitler, I would go back and strangle Marx in his crib.
Suddenly the Left doesn't have 100% control and they want to sell the line that the State shouldn't have or use power? Sorry swwwtie, you wanted an all powerful government. We said it was a bad idea, but you called us sexists and racists and said the only reason anyone could oppose big gov. is if that person was a hateful racist, homophone, etc. You BEGGED for the "Life of Julia."
The law should not interfere! Too late, babycakes. People you oppose should be silent? How tolerant.
Bitches gonna bitch, I get that, but these overwrought, hypocritical, illogical laments are almost too stupid to enjoy.
[sexist tone just 'cause]
I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog."
The Goddess was undoubtedly raising her arm in front of the TV screen on Election night and ordering states not to go to Trump's space, but alas, Florida and Wisconsin and PA disobeyed the Mighty Grrll Power and the Womyn's Magick, despite Podesta's Spirit Cooking.
My goodness, what is going on inside the Temple Of The Seven Sisters these days?
"Suddenly the Left doesn't have 100% control and they want to sell the line that the State shouldn't have or use power? Sorry swwwtie, you wanted an all powerful government."
Just wait until Trump takes a page from the Obama playbook and issues an Executive Order. Tyranny!! Dictatorship! Worse than Hitler!
Let's talk about the arguments against women's suffrage. How many seem valid today?
Hilary Mantel is a Leftist ass
Who gave her mother forty whacks
When she'd see what she had done
She crapped the sidewalk just for fun.
They have no choice but to defend their solution for life unworthy of life.
Atheism is a narcissistic faith that when coupled with a left-wing ideology and a Pro-Choice quasi-religion received from the twilight zone that reduces human life to colorful clumps of cells (e.g. [class] diversity) will enable mortal gods and goddesses to consume them and us.
Unqualified progress or monotonic change.
I watched that debate but don't recall that body language. Perhaps someone could link to a video of what the author is trying to establish.
I mean, this cannot be as obvious as the time Al Gore got into George W. Bush's space.
A silly, out of touch lady.
She is right in acknowledging she is out of touch, but she seems to think this can be remedied by lecturing the proles even harder.
I will it upon the author to take on the mantel of truth and to provide us with video evidence.
In the interim, maybe Unknown can link.
Let's talk about the arguments against women's suffrage.
None. Don't judge women by their "skin color". Women are not defined by a monolithic character. There is no principled alignment between women. They are as diverse as men.
Let's talk about the arguments against women's suffrage. How many seem valid today?
Repeal the 19th and the 26th.
exiledonmainstreet said...Just wait until Trump takes a page from the Obama playbook and issues an Executive Order. Tyranny!! Dictatorship! Worse than Hitler!
The Left will reply that there were 400+ years of whites suppressing the likes of Obama and thus he (Obama) was "justified" at every step. According Lefty logic, only minorities and women-(D) are given Executive Order privilege. I used to be a lefty -- I know how they think.
Well in Ms. mantel's defense she is of an age where senility threatens. She is also a danged good novelist, so I will cut the old British girl some slack. Otoh she is not an American and she should mind her own country's business.
False Idols.
".... I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog....."
LOL! Would be a consensus winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.
She is not a fan of Margaret Thatcher, either, so this is what you get with her. She does better imagining the Tudor killing fields than she does seeing what is right in front of her nose in 2016.
Another tiresome lefty Brit twit.
" . . . raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog."
Trump, here is a metaphor for all men.
More toxic feminism, on display, out in the open, with no shame and no fear of rebuke. It says nothing good that modern feminism (aka "feminist nationalism") spawns creatures like Mantel.
Mantel, the overly-verbose old Limey, has a particular loathing for Margaret Thatcher and a general one for Catholics. They said that a Trump win would open the floodgates of Hate and Intolerance, and they were right.
I think she saw Thatcher as distressingly, deplorably middle class.
Personally, I have always admired strivers, so Mrs. T was my cup of tea.
Well, um. One does not know quite how to react.
The time for this stuff was really before the vote, wasn't it? There was plenty around then. So it didn't work, and maybe sitting down and contemplating that failure would be a better reaction than to double down?
Lars Porsena beat me to it.
"It was a dark and stormy night ...."
Trump derangement syndrome.
Naturally everyone expected the spectacle that the losers have made of themselves this week. I have about reached the point, though, where I've begun to wonder how much further they can go without self awareness finally kicking in. I remain hopeful. I don't enjoy mocking people who lack all dignity. So I'm in a watching and waiting phase, hoping for some small measure of its return.
"None. Don't judge women by their "skin color". Women are not defined by a monolithic character. There is no principled alignment between women. They are as diverse as men."
Exactly. I am a sensible woman. I resent being lumped in with these silly mushbrained leftist twits. I resent being told I'm not a "real woman" unless I hold exactly the same opinions they do.
Oh, c'mon! Among the loonie tunes of the Left, is there really any doubt that the loony-tuniest can be found among the hallowed ranks of the feminist Left? Combine personal drama with the intrusion of "the personal is political" into every aspect of life & with ordinary sexual politics, which is a minefield even among the best of humanity, and you've got the hottest of hot messes.
Trump is not a small man. The awkward stools provided at the second debate looked as though they would be extremely uncomfortable for him to sit on. Plus, a grown man sitting on an undersized seat looks quite foolish.
Is it unreasonable to think that the seats were prepared as they were to force Trump to stand for most of the debate, both to tire him and to allow the "looming creepily over Hillary" take? The cameras were also in the precise position to line him up behind her while she was on his side of the stage, mind.
Here's an example of that repressed misogyny on the left. Poor weak, defenseless Hillary needs protection from the big bad Trump.
Honestly, who wants a president who can't handle herself against someone who disagrees with her in an environment the debate organizers did everything they could to give her an advantage? Nobody wants a damsel in distress for president.
My wife's BFF has been putting up anti-Trump messages and articles on Facebook, the last where she says she thinks less of people who voted for him.
It's been going on since the election, and my bride's getting pissed about it. She, after all, didn't complain when Obama won, either time. We've always assiduously avoided talking politics with said friend and her husband. (he's an affable Irishman and pinky-ringed union gauleiter)
My advice to my bride: unfriend and put her BFF on the defensive.
Tell her she can't post stuff about Trump being a bully and then bully...her.
Maybe she'll be self aware enough to see how badly she's behaving.
I suspect this sort of thing will happen all over America. It'll either burn itself out, or get worse. I hope the former.
Love her novels. One of the few good women writers who can manage the gender-neutral voice. But yeah, she's a deeply insulated Lefty twit. Where are the Lefty authors that had a modicum of common sense? Where's the 21st Century Orwell or Snow?
There's a lot of hyperdrama here. This is definitely worth a highlight:
I took off my watch to adjust it, unsure how many centuries to set it back. What would Donald Trump offer now? Salem witch trials? Public hangings?
This woman learned her bahaviors and thought processes from SOMEONE. I believe her father was a wimpy man who never taught her to be strong against any and all humans-be they men or women. Every single day I thank God for my father. He raised 4 women to be strong and know you and you alone decide how you are going to handle adversity. To always be your own person and when someone e stands in your way, you alone choose how to respond. Walk all over them or go around them on the way to your goal.
I was in a high school "creative writing club". I left after weeks of observing my fellows straining mightily to find ever loftier ways of writing in a over wrought and pretentious manner.
She would have fit right in.
Tragically, it turns out the writer and the stewardess, who do not know anyone who voted for Trump, are inmates in the zoo of civility with the deplorables pressing in for a look, now getting hungry. She wrote:
For decades, the nice and the good have been talking to each other, chitchat in every forum going, ignoring what stews beneath: envy, anger, lust. On both sides of the ocean, the bien-pensants put their fingers in their ears and smiled and bowed at one another, like nodding dogs or painted puppets. They thought we had outgrown the deadly sins. They thought we were rational sophisticates who could defer gratification. They thought they had a majority, and they screened out the roaring from the cages outside their gates, or, if they heard it, they thought they could silence it with, as it may be, a little quantitative easing, a package of special measures.
Is the woman having a mental breakdown?
I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog.
Mantel is exactly right. Hillary should have called the Dronald out for being a creepy stalker, but she lacked the estrogen to do it, demonstrating another tell she is unfit for the job. Mantel was screaming "you go girl", but Hillary did not go.
Eddie would go
It's like rock, paper and scissors.
I think that the debates would have been more fun if, at an entirely inappropriate moment, Trump would have mentioned how much Kaine looked liked Hillary's father.
Poor old limey. Hated Thatcher and loved Hillary. 0-2
Relax girls. The sheep are always a little fearful of the sheepdog, him being a canine and all, but he's there to protect you from the real wolves - the ones who actually see you as prey. You have been safe under the protection of sheepdogs so long that you take them for granted and have forgotten what the real threat looks like and how it's aggression is the real thing, uncontrolled, vicious, hungry, without limits, and immune to negotiation, and reason.
Trump might be a dirty, flea infested dog, but that does not change his nature, which is unalloyed desire to win and protect your flock. When he really needs to do that, you'll want him as scary and menacing as possible.
Hillary as lead sheep vs Trump as sheep dog. I think it works.
It's easy to write in a lofty and pretentious manner.
Harder to make it mean something real.
When we were watching that debate, I was joking about him being behind her like that. How funny it would be if he made a face, pointed at her ass, or just slapped it. C'mon, who wouldn't want to see that? They both said such ridiculous stuff in the campaign that it wouldn't be that far of a step. Just icing on pie.
Steve Bannon may be right. The media is just a bunch of people talking to each other. They don't have a f**king clue what is going on.
Steve Bannon may be right. The media is just a bunch of people talking to each other. They don't have a f**king clue what is going on.
Steve Bannon may be right. The media is just a bunch of people talking to each other. They don't have a f**king clue what is going on.
I told my wife that Bush just won the election when Gore went behind Bush and Bush kept talking and jus looked Gore up and down with a look like who are you. Maybe Trump win the election when he took on Hillary and she retreated to her safe space.
I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog.
Am I the only perverted mind here who sees how easily that sentence is given a dominatrix-flavored reading?
Not an accident, I'm sure.
Say, has Paglia weighed in yet?
That's gonna be a doozy.
oddly she wrote about Cromwell, an aide de camp somewhat similar to bannon, with great empathy, she wasn't crazy about princess kate either,
the new Yorker dialed to 13, with shteingart musing about dystopia, Morrison's jag you know, mayer removing all doubt,
oddly she wrote about Cromwell, an aide de camp somewhat similar to bannon, with great empathy, she wasn't crazy about princess kate either,
the new Yorker dialed to 13, with shteingart musing about dystopia, Morrison's jag you know, mayer removing all doubt,
Hlilary Mantel is a prolific writer, well published and well awarded in England. I have not read her but apparently she has talent and a good work ethic.
Mantel hated Margaret Thacher (whom she never met) and once wrote a short story about Thatcher's assassination.
Mantel is a writer of prose fiction not a dramatist familiar with staging. Apparently she does not recognize that the supposed menacing act by Trump was no more than a classic upstaging. Perfect metaphor for the whole election.
"send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog."
Instead Hillary C. went back to her own safe space, like a whimpering bitch. (Bitch only as a means of extending the canine simile, of course.)
Derb reports this week among miscellaneous items:
A 94-year-old Frenchman, out for a walk in the Bordeaux countryside, was killed by a sheep. Local villagers described the sheep as, quote "a well-known troublemaker" ...
That's it. I'm done reading books by living authors. I really liked wolf Hall but from here on out I want to know that the authors I read are done being able to make stupid decisions.
Hilary Mantel must have misplaced her Ability (maybe it's on her mantel).
Thatcher is hated by the left who celebrated her death.
The American left fervently wishes for Trump's assassination but, like with Bush, has no guts to try,.
How did Trump get elected?
A large part of it was the Supreme Court and keeping it out of the hands of the lawless Clinton regime and destructive leftist ideology. Another large and co-equal reason was stuff like this.
After vowing not to vote at all, I in all good conscience changed my mind and voted Trump around the time of the hypocritical hysteria over grabbing crotches and knew that I could not simply stand by and allow the folks we are seeing now expose themselves in all their extremist irrational fury and hate continue to have power.
A lot of people are seeing their votes for Trump justified and vindicated today.
Hilary Mantel is Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
She's a real nutjob.
Funny thing is they went after Pence last night. Pence is one of the nice people. Pence will be one of the voices of restraint. How many times will they go after the good people?
A scorpion is what it is. They will continue to do so. They will continue to do so because that is what they are and because they are so deluded that they do not realize that people are finally on to them. They have cried out the alarm for the racist-wolf and sexist-wolf and anti-gay-wolf and extremist-wolf so many times against so many people, including people widely known as good and decent -- and including deploring at least half of the country -- that the electorate is immune to their BS.
Shorter entitled progressive:
How dare anyone run against her. It's hers!
there's only so much fisking that is worthwhile, yes it's clickbait for the new York/la dyson sphere,
Trump is horrible and doesn't have an ounce of the dignity and grace of Hilary Clinton, what exactly is wrong with framing it as it is.
Althouse feels the need to denigrate Clinton, women and feminism to carry favor with the conservative men who read her blog. Pathetic, way to sell out.
Are there alternate meanings for "dignity and grace"?
I thought that passage was really excellent and entire article was really good.
Amanda started off so well: "Trump is horrible and doesn't have an ounce of the dignity and grace . . ." True enough. Too bad she continued with "of Hillary Clinton". Is it really so hard to see that Hillary Clinton is also entirely lacking in dignity and grace? That she is every bit as much of an authoritarian bully as Trump? She wants to appoint Supreme Court justices who will overturn Citizens United, which made it legal to criticize her! That she is just as fond of lying as Trump, and even fonder of the cold-blooded serious perjury lie, though he is far more of a blustering bullshitter? That she is every bit as much a selfish narcissist and total asshole as he is, perhaps even more so? Trump voters know his faults very well: they are just aware that hers are (a) quite similar, and (b) larger and more in-grained.
Was it her dignity or her grace that caused her to stiff her supporters on election night? Lulz
Amanda said...I thought that passage was really excellent and entire article was really good.
Oh Mandy!
Clinton should've grabbed him by his little weenie and told him to back off.
Amanda, don't be a ninny. Althouse doesn't need to curry favor with the commentariat, she probably can't really stand conservative men.
I remember the camera shot that showed Hillary imposing her will on the camera with Trump pacing around behind her. But so what.
She was afraid to move much. She needed to keep her balance. He was impatient to counter the carefully constructed Trump is a Monster narrative.
The writer is used to a culture submitted to a Queen and her hierarchy of eunuchs. Moving around in a Queen's presence is no big deal to American voters.
@Dr. Weevil, I don't really what Citizens united is, I think it has to do with getting rid of super Pacs, money in politcs, corporations bankrolling campaigns? What has Trump been saying all along about suing the media that exposes him, he is the anti free speech candidate. And nobody, nobody lies as much as him. Want to talk about a bully? who is inserting themselves into the stupidest quibbles right now, can you imagine Clinton giving two shits if Kane was booed at nascar but she's the anti free speech one? right.
I wouldn't be surprised if the purpose of Pence's visit was to get booed so Trump could turn nothing into something and take the focus of his blundering start. Get ready for a lot more of Trump stoking political division along racial lines for scapegoating his administration.
@Traditionalguy, everybody was talking about Trump's pacing behind Clinton because it was awkward and vaguely threatening, the body language of a bully and sexual predator.
He no doubt was going to grab her by the pussy just to show her who's boss. Then he chickened out.
Amanda doesn't know what Citizens United is, but opines nonetheless. The rest of her comment is equally clueless. Lulz
Amanda is a moby. Duh.
Silly, Amanda, Citizens United was a response to Red queen using McCain Feingold on a political critic, their remedy was to consolidate political contributions, which Obama used to great effect, with maher, freeman, each chipping in a million dollars,
@Amanda...pacing around awaiting your time on the mat to wrestle , as you say shows the body language of a focused predator. So what's your point?
Is he supposed to look down his nose at her like he has more class than her like a true Cambridge at Oxford hereditary aristocrat?
Well OK, he failed your test. But he won at the heartland of Jacksonian Americans' test. And he won the match.
What has Trump been saying all along about suing the media that exposes him...
IF by "exposes" you mean "slanders".
Fabi said...
Amanda doesn't know what Citizens United is, but opines nonetheless"
She's ignorant as dirt but that doesn't stop from being oh-so-sure of her piddly and unoriginal opinions.
"everybody was talking about Trump's pacing"
No, everyone was not. Only featherbrains like you. Ooooooh, what did you think Trump was going to do to Hill, for Chrissake? Smack her? Grab her pussy on national TV? As others have said, if she couldn't handle Trump, how on earth could she handle Putin?
As a woman, I really detest females like you. You talk a big feminist game but if a man treats a woman as an equal ie not any more concerned with her feelings than he would be with a man's, you have the vapors and call for your smelling salts. What a weak little girl you are.
"Monsieur Devereaux, your dominatrix is ready."
"Thank you, Philip. ...Philip?"
"Yes sir, Monsieur Devereau?"
"Is this dominatrix... a goddess?"
"Yes, Monsieur Devereau, this dominatrix is quite the goddess."
"Is the heart of this goddess cold?"
"The temperature of her heart is very cold indeed, sir."
"Is this goddess without pity or remorse?"
"She has no pity, sir, and absolutely not an inkling of remorse. She is quite callous and fully devoid of feelings for others, I assure you."
"You understand, Philip, that I require ALL of my goddesses to be without pity and remorse?"
"I understand your requirements, Monsieur Devereaux. The goddess is quite satisfactory in her absence of those weaknesses."
"You DO remember that time when the goddess showed the slightest pity and remorse?"
"Oh yes, Monsieur Devereaux, I do."
"And do you remember what happened when the the goddess showed the slightest pity and remorse?"
"You made me suck upon your balls if I recall, Monsieur Devereaux."
"Yes: yes I did. So I ask you again: is this goddess without pity and remorse?"
"Indeed, sir. I shant be sucking upon your balls today, Monsieur Devereaux."
"Perfect, Philip. Now take this goddess down to Room Three."
"Room Three, sir?"
"Yes, Philip: Room Three."
"Um... are you sure, Mr. Devereaux? Room Three?"
"Are you questioning my Judgment, Philip?"
"I would never do such a thing, sir, not in a million years. It is just that Mr. Miles is in Room Three. He is still quite paralyzed from the neck down."
"Exactly, Philip. There are few things more exquisite than watching a beautiful woman without pity and remorse vainly try to abuse a man who cannot feel a thing."
"Yes sir, Mr. Devereaux."
"And Philip?"
"Yes, Mr. Devereaux?"
"Have all of my meals sent there. I expect this will go on for days..."
I am Laslo.
In Citizens United, the government argued that it could seize published materials based on the commissions findings, and even erase downloaded ebooks. This argument is supposed to have drawn gasps from several of the justices, including Kennedy.
This is what bothers me about the Amandas in this world. Let us assume for a minute that she is right, and that Trump actually did bully Crooked Hillary in the 2nd debate. I would think that would be an incentive to vote for him, and not her. Why? Because there are bullies out there in the world, and we need a President who can stand up to them. If Trump could really get to her (I don't think that he really could, but that is a different story), then what about Putin and the Russians? The Iranians? ISIS? The Chinese? Think about Putin, in particular. The guy who is pictured riding, I think, a bear. Mr. Macho. Could she stand up to him and our other enemies around the world? Or, would she truly be Obama in his third term? It wasn't that Obama cowtowed to despots and rulers around the world, but that they could obviously intimidate him. Heck, he even (illegally) bribed the Iranians with billions of dollars of our money. Do we live in a safer, or a more dangerous world, than the world Obama inherited eight years ago? Most here would say it is significantly more dangerous. Weakness has a price, esp. for the US.
Let me add that I really don't think that even Trump could really intimidate Crooked Hillary. If she acted bullied in that debate, she was just acting. This is the woman who physically beat up the President of the United States. Left him with a noticeable black eye. Probably the only woman who has succeeded at that sort of thing during most of our lifetimes. She has spent her working life in a man's world, giving worse than she ever took. What a number would call a "ball buster". (And, if she is fearful these days, I would suggest that it is more connected to her health issues, than any deference she might have of the male sex).
Yeah, I agree, Hillary was perfectly capeable of grabbing him by the nuts and twisting 'till he screamed like a little girl, however she might have had trouble finding those tiny jewels.
Bob wants to take the vote away from women. He's a pussy snatcher.
Has Hilary Mantel seen this? Steve Bannon claims to be the 'Thomas Cromwell in the court of Donald Trump'
Bob wants to take the vote away from women. He's a pussy snatcher.
It takes a special person to mentally couple vote and pussy. You are an interesting case, Unknown — a bit disconcerting as you are evidently at large in the general population, but interesting nonetheless.
May I have your brain? (Post mortem, of course.)
Steve Bannon claims to be the 'Thomas Cromwell in the court of Donald Trump
Trump is on Wife #3. Henry was looking for Wife #4 when the original Cromwell fucked up royally. As long as Donald and Melania are cool Bannon should be golden, free to roll deserving heads everywhere.
There are a lot of them to roll. I hope Bannon has a keen axe.
He actually looks like Cromwell. In fact the resemblance is striking.
Bannon's head will soon roll. His grand plans for a 50 year Comservative Reich is laughable. Herr Drumpf will be getting rid of anyone who takes attention away from him. Bannon has gotten too big for his britches.
"What would Donald Trump offer now? Salem witch trials? Public hangings?"
How cool would that be?
I've lived through Clinton, Bush and Obama, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Donald Trump the most far right authoritarian president we've ever had. It is no coincidence he arrives after the election of our first black president. Black progress always leads to white backlash, that's the way it's gone through history. What this election has shown is that Americans don't care about A. Gay Marriage, B. Divorce, C. Sexual Assault, Trade is number six, seven or eight on the list of things they care about, race comes in at number two or three. I feel quite sorry the worst elements of American anti immigration hysteria and racist nativisms feels embolden now because Trump. We've seen a great wave of hate groups after Obama's election, now get ready for a wave of misogyny.
Stay safe @exiledonmainstreet,
Before Steven Bannon took over for the late Andrew Breitbart, the only other Bannon I could name was Race Bannon.
Race Bannon was cool (though the whole Race, Jonny, Hadjii thing was a bit homoerotic) but not nearly dangerous enough. Instead of a Cromwell, who Trump needs is a Brock Sampson ("You'll have to surrender your knife, sir"..."Take it from me." twitch, twitch)
Misogyny has been alive and well for quite sometime.
Bannon's head will soon roll.
I've got a label ready for that brain jar, Abby Someone.
great standup act, Amanda, yes bannon is a little like Cromwell or il macchia at the court of the medici, much more the former, he was military, then finance and had they media of a type back then, he would have gone into that,
Amanda wrote: I've lived through Clinton, Bush and Obama, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Donald Trump the most far right authoritarian president we've ever had.
You're wrong. Consider yourself corrected.
Now take your meds and stop bothering the grownups.
il macchia
I'm not up on my Italian Renaissance, Macchia?
I was trying to raise my arm like a goddess and make others slink away like cringing dogs but couldn't get the move down. I raised my arm like a goddess eating toast -no. I raised my arm like a goddess wanting to leave class for the bathroom- no. I raised my arm slowly with an imperious expression, a sort of fixed stare, but the others laughed till I slunk away. I raised my arm like a Hitleress - better but though people moved away rapidly they didn't slink like dogs. (Memo to self - don't practice raising your arm like a goddess while walking along the street.) But then I saw it - the school crossing guard raised her arm like a goddess and men, cars and trucks STOPPED and slunk back to where they belonged like cringing dogs. Perhaps Hillary could get a job as crossing guard and practice her moves while waiting to be drafted for 2020.
niccolo, he was actually less impressive than cromwell, he used the narrative to make him sound more than he was, in the prince and his notes on livy, where he settled scores, notably against catering did sfirza who didn't take his advice.
Trump sure does fit the role of Roderigo Borgia, even the incestuous longings for his powerful daughter ring true.
It would have taken more creativity than mantel seems capable. She could have also tried prince half and falstaff. The tutors were no slouches at propaganda as josephine they find out.
The last goddess who raised her arm was disarmed.
Unknown said...Trump sure does fit the role of Roderigo Borgia, even the incestuous longings for his powerful daughter ring true.
But Trump isn't Eye-talian.
Amanda said...
@Traditionalguy, everybody was talking about Trump's pacing behind Clinton because it was awkward and vaguely threatening, the body language of a bully and sexual predator.
Hillary walked in front of Trump. Anyone who thought Trump was acting like a bully is just really really stupid.
Most of you know he wasn't though. You are not good people. This has been made manifestly obvious in a variety of ways up to and including supporting the most corrupt individual to ever run for the office of president.
Amanda said...
I've lived through Clinton, Bush and Obama, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Donald Trump the most far right authoritarian president we've ever had.
He isn't president you idiot.
Unknown said...
Misogyny has been alive and well for quite sometime.
We know.
Bill Clinton, the most popular or second most popular democrat alive, is a known and admitted rapist.
You leftists love yourselves some Misogyny. And Hillary didn't even pay her women as much as she paid the men.
How can you be authoritarian when you don't even have the authority to fix a parking ticket? Or to see a Broadway musical without being lectured on morality by a homosexual pantomimist?
Amanda, I am not sure you fully appreciate just HOW MUCH some of us will enjoy it if Trump really gives you whiny bitches something to cry about. But he's not going to do it. Enjoy the frisson while it lasts, honey.
". . . she moved within her legitimate space, returning to her lectern after each response: tightly smiling . . ."
That tight smile is all about Botox and certainly not about a sweet demeanor.
Unknown said...
Yeah, I agree, Hillary was perfectly capeable of grabbing him by the nuts and twisting 'till he screamed like a little girl, however she might have had trouble finding those tiny jewels.
11/19/16, 10:48 PM
Trump has beautiful children by three wives. What is the total output of the ballsacks of Bill, Hillary, and Webb Hubble? One crazy-eyed marketing droid named Chelsea.
After sleeping on it, and reading Amanda's comments, I have been converted. Hillary is some sort of legendary super-female character.
But not Athena. No, Hillary is Xena, Warrior-Princess, and with any luck, she will shortly be starring in an updated version of that character on a reality TV show.
It will be like Dancing With the Stars, except that the contestants (all straight white males looking for their 15 minutes) will come out and take turns apologizing for offenses against women to a totally independent and neutral panel of judges consisting of Lena Dunham, Madelaine Albright, Goldie Hawn, and Huma Abedin. If a contestant's apology does not rise to the panel's exacting standard, the contestant will be ushered to the arena, a large semi-circular fenced-in area with a raised podium at one end. On that podium will stand XILLARY! Warrior-Goddess, armed with a bow.
As the timer ticks, the archetypal Goddess-figure will shoot arrows (symbolic of derision) at the hapless male, who will be free to bound around the cage attempting to avoid them. If the contestant is still standing at the bell, he will be free to return to the contestant pool and try again in the next round.
It will be a huge hit, until the scandal that erupts in the third season, when intrepid undercover reporting uncovers the fact that the three finalists consist of a transsexual FTM, a gay failed ballet dancer seeking to rejuvenate his career, and an ex-mafiosi in the Witness Protection program.
I know the New Yorker favored Clinton, the Democrat. I saw that it had a particular anger at Trump. I understood that it shared the inclinations of its self-congratulatory, meritocratic, elitist class. But I don't understand why a magazine of true stature would publish such a perfervid rambling, even by a fine author.
The cast of a Broadway play is lecturing to what they seem to assume is a dim bulb of a new vice president. Swastikas are popping up all over, and I'm pretty sure that Nazis aren't painting them. Professional schools' diversity officers are encouraging all professors to post "safe space" notices and safety pins on their office doors.
These people are hysterical. The irony is that the people they think are crazy (Romney voters, Tea Party supporters of a balanced budget) always behaved civilly toward them. A lot of bad projection going on here.
I didn't like Clinton or Trump, but I am tempted to believe we would have the same acting out, in an angry triumphal sense, if Clinton had won the election and for the next four years. The big assumption since the election is that nobody understood the depth of working class disappointment. The bigger reveal is the juvenile derangement of the hard left.
We've seen a great wave of hate groups after Obama's election, now get ready for a wave of misogyny.
Stay safe @exiledonmainstreet,
11/19/16, 11:29 PM
Ah, but us Trump voting women will be perfectly safe, my dear. It's you, the leftist feministas who should be shaking in your Ugg boots. An army of white blue collar men wearing MAGA hats will soon descend on you, grab you by the pussies, and force you to make sandwiches for them. Oh the horror! Be very afraid Amanda!
What an idiot. And you people voted for this fool.
"Donald Trump continued to attack Hamilton on Saturday evening, tweeting and deleting another comment directed at the show’s cast.
“Very rude and insulting of Hamilton cast member to treat our great future V.P. Mike Pence to a theater lecture. Couldn’t even memorize lines!” Trump wrote in a tweet posted at 7:32 p.m. ET on Saturday night. The missive was soon deleted without a comment or explanation from the president-elect.
Trump earlier claimed the Hamilton cast had “harassed” Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who attended Friday night’s performance of the hit musical and was spoken to from the stage by Aaron Burr actor Brandon Victor Dixon."
I don't like Trump
I don't like misogynists.
Ergo, Trump is a misogynist,
I see Unknown is still having her petty little hissy fits. It's just so enjoyable to me.
Thank you for making my Sunday morning a bit sweeter. I'm taking so much pleasure in your tears.
Oh, and look at what a horrible racist Jeff Sessions is:
Kinda upsets the Narrative, doesn't it? Just like the fact that Breitbart was founded by a Jew and its most prominent writer is gay and Jewish on his mother's side puts a stake in the stupid "white Supremacist" horseshit.
Except that the media will continue to ignore the facts, confident that their audience of cretins, like Unknown and Amanda, will gladly continue to swallow all the shit they are spoon fed.
Unknown to Unknown, but she is a laugh riot.
the role of Roderigo Borgia, even the incestuous longings for his powerful daughter ring true.
Once more the ignorance of the left shows itself. Lucretia Borgia was married off to several husbands, who then suddenly died, to further the dynastic ambitions of her father, the Pope and her brother Cesare. The last marriage, to Alfonso D'Este, Duke of Ferrara, lasted until her death after the birth of her tenth child. There is no evidence that she was ever "powerful" but is said to have been beautiful, something I suspect you are not familiar with.
The narrative will be that Sessions "reluctantly" desegregated schools and "reluctantly" put the klan guy in the chair.
she will shortly be starring in an updated version of that character on a reality TV show.
Prisoner, Cell Block |-|>
I bet the libs will build Hillary a presidential library anyway. She got more votes!
Hillary Clinton/Goddess. Sorry, that does not compute. Women like Hilary Mantel give me a pain. When did Bryant Park get a skating rink??
My favorite paragraph:
As the polls were closing, I was somewhere over the Atlantic. As we flew into the light, one of the air crew came with coffee and a bulletin, with a fallen face and news that shocked the rows around. They don’t think, she said, that Hillary can catch him now. I took off my watch to adjust it, unsure how many centuries to set it back. What would Donald Trump offer now? Salem witch trials? Public hangings? The lass who had prepared us for the news was gathering the blankets from the night’s vigil. Crinkling her brow, she said, “What I don’t comprehend is, who voted for him?”
n.n said...
"Let's talk about the arguments against women's suffrage.
None. Don't judge women by their "skin color". Women are not defined by a monolithic character. There is no principled alignment between women. They are as diverse as men."
During the early 20th Century, the men of the industrialized nations all granted suffrage to women, over a span of about 20 years. And in every case, within less than a decade, their legislatures, filled with legislators selected by women, and more importantly, hoping to be re-elected by women, instituted an income tax. So, women may be as diverse as men, but that does not necessarily mean that they are diverse in the same way.
Of course, that horse has left the barn. There are more of them than there are of us, and we're lucky they continue to let *us* vote. So far. I think that really, the whole thing was lost the moment some long-ago troglodyte let one of the women he owned teach him how to talk. Too late, he discovered she was really just teaching him how to listen.
“What I don’t comprehend is, who voted for him?”
At least half the people you know, sweetheart.
My wife a dedicated leftist was in Paris in the fetal position wondering if she would come home.
I said, "OK. Where do you want me to send the money?"
"What money."
"The money from selling all your shit."
She came home.
"I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog."
And no one even used the phrase, "magical thinking"?
Because part of what came out of the campaign was that, although Trump and Clinton are about the same age, he seemed to have nearly limitless stamina while she appeared to need to make a vast effort of the will just to find enough strength to stand up.
Perhaps such animal-strength assessments shouldn't be part of judging whether a candidate is an appropriate leader, yet the human hindbrain has more than a few autonomic, perhaps atavistic algorithms for judging strength in those who offer themselves up to be leaders.
And, all the magical thinking in the world just won't make that go away.
"I willed Mrs. Clinton to turn and give a name to what we could all see. I willed Mrs. Clinton to raise an arm like a goddess, and point to the place her rival came from, and send him back there, into his own space, like a whimpering dog."
So far, nobody in comments has realized this wish demands a re-enactment of the scene in The Hobbit movie, The Battle of the Five Armies, wherein Lady Galadriel of the Elves banished the Necromancer back to the East as her compatriots, the Elf Lord of Rivendell and Gandalf and Sauruman, battled the Ring Wraiths.
This silly leftist hack wants a magic elf to save her from the Donald.
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