November 2, 2016

Anthony Weiner is reportedly in some sort of "rehab" facility for his so-called "sex addiction."

Daily Mail has the cheesily reported scoop.

Here's an article from last August about the "myth" of sex addiction.
[David Ley, author of "The Myth of Sex Addiction," says] that that “sex addiction” isn’t well-defined, is quite scientifically controversial, and in recent decades has been increasingly used to explain a broad range of bad behavior on the part of (mostly) men. But in a sense, this robs men of their agency, of the possibility that they can control their compulsions and put them in a broader, more meaningful psychological context. “Sex addiction,” in this view, is a lazy and easy way out.

To Ley, all this same logic applies to Weiner’s escapades. To him, pushing behavior like Weiner’s under the umbrella of something called “sex addiction” obscures more than it reveals. It strips away a huge amount of the psychological complexity that drives self-destructive human behavior. “Calling Anthony Weiner a sex addict is a distraction from the important issues of personal responsibility and mindful choice,” he said in an email. “It’s also a sad form of slut-shaming.”
Quite apart from the laziness of calling it "sex addiction," there's the cheap convenience of packing someone up into an institution — the theater of saying we're doing something about this combined with the practical solution of bundling him away where he's incommunicado.

The man is separated from his wife. Why can't he just get some actual real-world sex instead of the ridiculous trapped-at-home internet foolery that we're shaming him to death over? It seems absurd to institutionalize him. Why not liberate him? What's the more likely route out of his masturbatory hell?


eric said...

Sex addiction is a thing, but it doesn't excuse our choices.

This is why porn is so destructive. It gets our boys at a young age and gives them a life of addiction.

J. Farmer said...

All the criticisms levied against "sex addiction" can be made of "addiction" in general. In my experience, what's called addiction is usually symptomatic of a larger breakdown in executive functioning rather than a discreet disorder in and of itself.


"This is why porn is so destructive. It gets our boys at a young age and gives them a life of addiction."


Nonapod said...

We still have free will (or at least I'd like to believe we do). We still have a choice to resist a compulsion, even if it's more difficult for certain people. Should we define something as a disease because certain people find it much more difficult to resist a destructive compulsion than others? I honestly have no idea.

Comanche Voter said...

Put him a room with nothing but pictures of Amy Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and Rosie ODonnell and he'll get over his addiction quite fast. About three days should get the cure done.

dreams said...

I grew in the country so I have some casual knowledge of the sex addiction of the Jack donkey.

"A Jack donkey is an intact breeding male donkey. With over 35 years of being a donkey trainer handling all ages, sizes, and genders of donkeys I feel I have the knowledge and experience to state I do not consider any jack to be a pet suitable to be around children or an inexperienced handler. Unlike a jennet who only goes through a monthly cycle of hormones urging her to mate, a jack's actions are controlled by his libido and he is determined to breed any time his libido is stimulated by a sight, sound, or scent. The primary purpose of his life is reproduction which is why keeping a jack as a pet can be dangerous. The docile nature of a donkey misleads people into thinking their jack can be a pet the same as a gelded jack or a jennet.
Most of the time a jack can be a gentle creature and that is why caution must be used every minute you are around a jack. A jack's mating instinct can be very strong and his urge may be triggered by something the handler is not aware of. A jack normally isn't vicious but he can become very aggressive because nature programmed him with a single-minded determination to not allow anything, including human interference to prevent him from reaching the source of the sight, sound, or scent that is issuing a mating call to him.
Most accidents involving a jack occur because the handler is not expecting his usually docile jack to suddenly without warning become aggressive. This leads to a handler being caught by surprise by the jack's suddenly frantic behavior and this makes a very dangerous situation. The scent of a female in heat can be carried on the wind for a long distance so there is no way a handler can know for certain when his quiet, easy to handle jack will suddenly turn into a rutting male determined to go in search of the ovulating female his nose tells him is just out of his sight.
A jack reaches sexual maturity at about 8 months old. With training a jack can be taught to hold his urge in check until the handler gives him the go ahead to perform but this training takes time and patience is not something I would advise an inexperienced handler to attempt. I highly recommend learning about donkeys by caring for a gelding or jennet before attempting to handle a jack."

Hagar said...

....the practical solution of bundling him away where he's incommunicado.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Why can't he just get some actual real-world sex instead of the ridiculous trapped-at-home internet foolery that we're shaming him to death over?

I suspect that the real-world sex that he would go after would land him in jail for statutory rape.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Left Bank of the Charles said...

Free Anthony's Weiner! I suspect though he's in rehab as a scam to avoid jail time.

eric said...


It's like gravity. So obvious that if you can't see it already, nothing I have will convince you.

Owen said...

I think you are right to use the word "hell." Mental illness is a terrible state.

This text also resonated: "Quite apart from the laziness of calling it "sex addiction," there's the cheap convenience of packing someone up into an institution — the theater of saying we're doing something about this combined with the practical solution of bundling him away where he's incommunicado."

There is near Middleton CT the crumbling red brick ruin of a once-thriving establishment to house the insane. The mentally ill. The differently abled. Call them as you will: but in any case, the inconvenient.

It is one of the saddest places on earth.

Lewis Wetzel said...

“It’s also a sad form of slut-shaming.”
Shouldn't sluts (of either sex) be ashamed? I occasionally hear that cheating on the wife is acceptable by men. I've never actually seen this acceptance by men of other men's adultery in real life. Nowhere, no how. Usually it is thought of as the beginning of the ruin of a family -- a family the man is obligated to protect. Maybe that is different in the social class that Bill Clinton and Donald Trump belong to. All rich people seem mad to me.
Adultery is not a part of male culture, or at least no greater a part of male culture than it is of female culture.
While women in Victorian times were held to a higher standard then men, the standard for men was still pretty high. In Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde, the narrator, at one point, comes to believe that Hyde is Jeckyll's illegitimate son, and that Hyde is blackmailing Jeckyll. This is considered such a ghastly thing that it is never spoken of directly, but is only hinted at in conversations between the narrator and Jeckyll.
Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde is worth reading. It is not long, and it is in the public domain. Stevenson hints that Jeckyll has the character flaw of selfishness (some movie versions make Jeckyll a better person than Stevenson made him). Stevenson's Jeckyll comes off as more of a villain than Hyde, despite Hyde's vicious crimes. This is because Jeckyll chooses to become Hyde. Jeckyll has agency, and Hyde does not.

Bob Boyd said...

New York Times
January 21, 2017
Sex Clinic Destroyed By Hellfire Missile

Brando said...

Well it's not like he's been forced into rehab. He's doing this to try and make it look like he's truly repentant.

In truth, this guy is going to be a sexting machine now that he no longer has the wife or constituents to answer to. To which I'd say, rock on you crazy diamond, except for the part where he's sending it to underaged girls. That he simply shouldn't be doing. Maybe he can find some over 18 women who can pretend to be underaged or something.

Rick said...

He's not institutionalized because he isn't having sex. He's institutionalized so people will quit writing stories wondering where he is since his mother is seen with Huma all about town.

dbp said...

It seems like the most elegant "solution" would be a facility in which men and women so afflicted can go and just get it out of their system. If there is a gender disparity, then this just means that not all can be helped in this way but that doesn't mean that at least some could.

John Bragg said...

He didn't do this for the sex. He could have gotten laid. Plenty of Congressmen just as funny-looking as Anthony Weiner have affairs.

He did this for other, complicated reasons. Hopefully he's working on these reasons wherever he is.

Virgil Hilts said...

People who are denied sex over a long period of time (as was AW by all accounts) -- such as priests -- seem more likely to engage in weird perverted behavior.
Someone less famous than AW could have found an outlet, but in NYC where could AW go without ending up on the cover of the NY Post ala toe sucking Dick Morris, garter belt Marv Albert, Spitzer, etc. How much would the Post pay any woman who slept with AW to tell her story?
I kind of feel sorry for him and he probably was set up.

mccullough said...

What did Weiner do before cell phones?

playrink said...

Compared to so many Merkin gals, wankin while imagining attractive chicks sounds life-affirming.

Darrell said...

Weiner said to vote for Trump. It's only fair.

mockturtle said...

People who are denied sex over a long period of time (as was AW by all accounts) -- such as priests -- seem more likely to engage in weird perverted behavior.

This phenomenon was noted by both Rabelais and John Calvin in the 16th Century. I've read some disturbing accounts of nuns, too.

Kevin said...

His defense attorney will need this to explain that there were mitigating circumstances and his client should not be fully punished for his actions.

If Weiner thought he really had a problem, he would have dealt with it long ago.

The Vault Dweller said...

Weiner is in rehab because that is just the usual thing well-known people do when they are caught doing something embarrassing or illegal. I doubt it anyone really believes Anthony's problems are caused by a sex addiction and not just his own bad behavior, but it is a song and dance people go through so that those who are still willing to work and associate with him can pretend he has performed sufficient penance or isn't all bad.

I think it is similar to how in the Japanese Yakuza crime organizations, those that have an embarrassing failure will have to cut off a digit from a finger in penance but then are allowed to continue working with the group.

Thankfully for Weiner and his namesake our culture doesn't require someone to cut something off as an act of penance.

Though it he was really was messing around with a 15 year old girl, his penance should include some jail time.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Couldn't he just have Jesse Jackson provide some spiritual guidance?

mockturtle said...

Tiger Woods went the same route to try to resurrect his reputation. I doubt anyone was fooled by his faux contrition.

mockturtle said...

Vault Dweller said: I think it is similar to how in the Japanese Yakuza crime organizations, those that have an embarrassing failure will have to cut off a digit from a finger in penance but then are allowed to continue working with the group.

Had he an ounce of honor, he would commit seppuku. As would Bill Clinton.

Beach Brutus said...

How could there be a sex addiction disorder if the prevailing ethic is "If it feels go do it"? Weiner is behaving consistent with the now firmly established paradigm that to repress one's corporeal desires is itself a disorder.

traditionalguy said...

The historical dimension of Anthony Weiner's organ is growing. The commenters are now calling his computer trove Dicki-leaks.

Maybe he can get rich selling his brand of men's briefs.

cacimbo said...

Am I the only one who feels a little sorry for Weiner? It must be baffling to him, it sure is to me. Bill Clinton had dozens of affairs, paid out on a sex abuse lawsuit, is accused of rape, and lied about having sex in the Oval Office. Now Democrats are doing all they can to put him back in the White House for Co-Clinton Presidency II. Weiner sexted and tweeted some nude photos and sex talk. As a result he is getting divorced and was fired from every job. Granted the current sexting involves a minor, but the first one did not and so far there is no proof he knew she was under age. Just seems crazy that the guy who never actually touched another woman - his life is destroyed, while the guy who actually did all the sexing and possibly raping could end up back in the WH. What kind of message is that??? Do the crime..... you are better off?

Bob Boyd said...

Welcome Anthony. Shall we begin?

n.n said...

Sexual liberalism is a transsocial orientation.

Stephen Taylor said...

"....Why can't he just get some actual real-world sex instead of the ridiculous trapped-at-home internet foolery that we're shaming him to death over?..."

Because that would require the ability to form an emotional connection, and I suspect that's something he just can't do at this time, if he ever could. Even picking up a woman in a bar means an emotional connection, and that's terribly uncomfortable for him. Someone on his phone? Online? Not so much. He can keep them at an emotional arms length while still having his physical needs/wants met.

Most men who look at porn do so in part because the hard work of sustaining a relationship isn't involved; it's similar to the concept of the zipless fuck.

Just my .02, but I spent time in therapy back in the 90's and my first therapist gave me a diagnosis of sex addiction. My second therapist said bullshit, let's work on your real problems, which have nothing to do with addiction; she was right. But I can see some of myself from those days in Anthony Weiner, and I feel badly for him. Yes, he could control his impulses, as I learned to do, but he's also a victim of those impulses. He's in tremendous emotional pain right now.

Friendo said...

I saw Masturbatory Hell open for Onanism at CBGBs in '87

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ann said...
Why can't he just get some actual real-world sex instead of the ridiculous trapped-at-home internet foolery that we're shaming him to death over?

Are you blaming Huma?

MAJMike said...

Maybe Billy J. Clinton can be Carlos Danger's sponsor.

FullMoon said...

Wiener documentary is playing on Showtime. Starts off following his campaign for mayor. 25 minutes in, second sexting scandal breaks and is main focus of rest of doc. After seeing how terrible it affected his campaign-less than 5% voted for him- as well as his marriage, it is beyond belief he was stupid enough to actually show his face again while sexting. Had he kept his face blurred, he could have remained anonymous.

He needs the attention/admiration of women to make him feel good about himself. He does not need the actual physical contact.

Anonymous said...

Brando said...
Maybe he can find some over 18 women who can pretend to be underaged or something.

Perhaps ones that don't work for the FBI or NYPD, 'cause sexting those if they pretend to be 15 will get you 5 to 10 upstate...

FullMoon said...

eric said...

Sex addiction is a thing, but it doesn't excuse our choices.

This is why porn is so destructive. It gets our boys at a young age and gives them a life of addiction.

Following your logic, I will go out on a limb and suggest 90% of males over fourteen are alreadt addicted.

Internet porn is a terrible thing, sure wish it was available when I was a kid.

Static Ping said...

If you have an addiction, that means you are a victim. Victims get treated better in our society. Weiner the sex addict is a lot easier to tolerate than Weiner the general asshole.

Kevin said...

He can be out sooner if he signs on for the Ludovico Technique.

Oso Negro said...

Has it occurred to anyone that he might be in protective custody?

Achilles said...

This is dumb.

But we are going to have a very real discussion about addiction when we get around to direct dopamine injection. Good practice I guess.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Anthony Weiner is now in lock down in a facility for the mentally ill. I wonder if Nurse Ratched is tightening the straps on his white jacket yet?

It is for his own good.../wink /wink/wink. Also added benefit that he is incommunicado until he is found on a park bench having committed suicide in remorse, by shooting himself in the back of the head several times. Very determined those suicides associated with the Clintons.

If he wasn't such a little weasel, I might feel a bit sorry for him.

But he is, and I don't.

William said...

Psychologists say that there is such a thing as gambling addiction, but in order to trigger its onset, you need to have a big win. They claim it's usually winning about six months of a year's salary that sets you off. Until that time, you can be a gambling addict and never really know it........ I think a lot of people are sex addicts, but the triggering event has never happened to them. What are some triggering events? Having a hit record at sixteen, becoming casting director at a major Hollywood studio, or signing a multi year NFL contract have all been known to set off raging, full blown sex addiction. Just be thankful that such horrid events have never happened to you.

PB said...

They had to get him out of the way for the rest of the election. Someone might have gotten to him.

Rusty said...

The man is separated from his wife. Why can't he just get some actual real-world sex instead of the ridiculous trapped-at-home internet foolery that we're shaming him to death over? It seems absurd to institutionalize him. Why not liberate him? What's the more likely route out of his masturbatory hell?

Well. Apparently 15 year old girls.

le Douanier said...

"Wiener documentary is playing on Showtime."

Huma came across pretty well, imho.

William said...

Weiner is so extravagantly self destructive that I doubt sex is his real problem. Nietzsche claimed that some people were so masochistic that in order to bring extra top spin to their suffering, they made their loved ones suffer the same disgrace and shame. If that was Weiner's hidden motivation, he has sure succeeded. He has implicated not just his wife but even his toddler son in his crimes.......His sex crimes, such as they are, don't sound very gratifying or fulfilling, and they were filled not so much with the risk of exposure but the near certainty of such discovery.......Anthony is strange in ways we cannot fathom. I think Huma, based on her close proximity to both Hillary and Anthony, must also have a lot of unresolved issues. I wonder who in the end will cause her the most damage. With a the Clintons you dont just risk emotional turmoil and shaming. There's also the ever present risk of a stretch in the slammer.

Yancey Ward said...

Are we even sure he is in a rehab clinic? If I were the FBI and he was cooperating, I would have him in protective custody at the very least. This isn't beanball they are playing.

Comanche Voter said...

What did guys like Anthony Wiener do before the Internet. Well some of them stood out in the street exposing themselves. They even had a group name "Lily Wavers". Now at least Little Tony doens't have to go out in the cold night to be waved around.

Unknown said...

Ann Coulter has just posted her latest column. It is an excellent riposte to the likes of Professor Althouse.

mockturtle said...

William, I agree. He is not normal. I don't understand why a Jew would marry a Muslim, either.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Pretty well for a corrupt jihadess, that is.

Dr Weevil said...

Virgil Hilts (3:00pm):
He "could have found an outlet"? That's not a good idea: he might easily have been electrocuted.

mockturtle said...

Dr. Weevil quipped: He "could have found an outlet"? That's not a good idea: he might easily have been electrocuted.

LOL! :-D

Lewis Wetzel said...

Weiner sexting underage girls could be cover for something even worse.

tim maguire said...

The term "sex addition" is a silly distraction. It's an obsession focussed on sex, which is something different. Therapy might be able to make it easier for him to control his obsession, but there is no physical need to act on his desire.

David said...

"It seems absurd to institutionalize him. Why not liberate him?"

Are you kidding? This is a political institutionalization not a therapudic one. Wherever he is, people near (very near) to him have the job of making sure he does not communicate with anyone outside the institution until at least after November 8.

There is a high likelihood that Weiner knows things that, if publicized and believed, would cost Clinton the presidency. They will do whatever they can to make sure that does not happen.

320Busdriver said...

Lots of breaking news re Clinton FBI investigation(s)

Hillary is going to take office as our First Felon.

Huma tells the fbi that she told the WH every time Hillary changed her email in order that Obama's blackberry would accept the new address. Drip drip dri

David said...

"We don’t operate on incomplete information."

Everybody operates on incomplete information, including (and at some times especially) the President. It's the most pervasive dilemma of decision making. Obama has not shown that he is very skilled at operating in these uncertainties. Syria is a spectacular example of this. Obamacare another. Does he really believe that he has complete information much of the time? "Know what you don't know" is a tough way to proceed for a know-it -all.

David said...

"He could have found an outlet."

Actually he needs an off switch.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Does he really believe that he has complete information much of the time?
Yes. When have you ever heard Obama admit to making a mistake or even a calculated risk? The guy has never been a good fit for president, that is why the nation is divided as much as it is. He simply cannot believe that a person disagree with him -- on anything -- in good faith.

wildswan said...

I'm thinking that there must be some kind of agreement to control Anthony Wiener which is keeping him from being prosecuted. This is why the Clintons and Huma don't just let him wander around but this supervision turns his sexlife into internet obsession porn. He's supposed to live in the harem and take care of children and read romance magazines while she goes out with the Clinton gang and flies their lies into another American institution. Today the Justice Department, tomorrow the FBI. Director Comey - will he last till the election?

Chuck said...

Huma may be in some sort of facility in the near future as well. Different kind of facility.

I didn't have time to read through all of the comments, but this (voluntary treatment) would be standard defensive strategy to put into a pre-sentencing report, after a guilty plea.

Huma will be gone before Hillary takes the oath.

sinz52 said...

Sex with a real woman risks catching an STD.

Internet sex is safer. If anyone is going to get a virus, let it be your computer instead of you.

richard mcenroe said...

He's a dead man. Look for some kind of tragic medication accident in the near future.

rhhardin said...

Rehab is a bow to the cult of experts, who are so important in narratives.

They're like doctors.

mockturtle said...

People should march in front of the rehab facility with signs saying, "Free Weiner". There is no question that he is being held against his will by threats or maybe by force. Richard McEnroe has it right: There will be a 'suicide' soon.

le Douanier said...

"People should march in front of the rehab facility with signs..."

Great idea, tell us how it went when you get back.

mockturtle said...

People might think they're giving away hot dogs [yeah, I know it's spelled differently].

Bob Boyd said...

"There will be a 'suicide' soon."

Electrocuted in an aversion therapy accident.

Bay Area Guy said...

I think you people relish these psychoanalysis sessions with the Weiner.

John henry said...

Why does nobody ever speak of Huma's ladyparts?

Huma's mother has always been outspokenly for ritual genital mutilation for females. It is an essential part of being Muslim.

It is permitted, encouraged and widely practiced in fairly extreme form in Saudia.

She and Huma lived Saudi Arabia from the time Huma was 2 until 18.

Why would anyone think that Huma's ladyparts would not have been mutilated at the proper time?

Imagine a regular, American, male reaction on his wedding night to see the seriously messed up pussy that is the result of that. That seems like it would be enough to send any American man screaming to the loony bin. That is some seriously messed up shit.

That might be a valid explanation for Weiner's behavior.

I think it is a legit question to discuss Huma's vulva and labia.

John Henry

buwaya said...

Tony is at this point a certain vote for Trump. His life may depend on it. He probably won't be allowed to vote though.

John henry said...

Huma will be gone before Hillary takes the oath.

Listen to Crooked Hilary the other day:

Huma? Huma?

Huma who? Do we have anyone by that name around here?

Ohhhhh..... Yeah. We used to have a low level staffer called Huma, huda, whosis or something like that. Could that be who you mean? She works over in Brooklyn. I may have met her once or twice.

She is already being disappeared.

I wonder if the FBI has lifted her passport(s)? I would not be surprised to see her fly to Saudi Arabia the day after the election no matter who wins. I suspect her of some serious treasonous shit.

John Henry

John henry said...

Blogger mockturtle said...

People should march in front of the rehab facility with signs saying, "Free Weiner".

Maybe get some Trigglypuff lookalikes to mix in. Give them a sign that says "We want free weiner"

And maybe a couple guys mixed in "Free weiner for the ladies and free pussy for the guys"

le Douanier said...

DJT should have said that he grabs pussies to save America from terrorists. Looking/grabbing for missing Moooslim pussies.

A patriot.

viator said...

I wonder if sex addicts will have the same relapse rate as drug addition?

Sebastian said...

If Weiner has to be treated for sex addiction, why isn't Hill treated for power addiction? More destructive by far.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maybe Bill Clinton can get him a jaunt to pedophile Island?
Does Weiner have any money for the Clinton Foundation? or yeah - I agree. Weiner is as good as dead.

LordSomber said...

Sex addiction is hard.

Freeman Hunt said...

Rehab used as a secular form of repentance. It serves as the turning point in the narrative about the self.

Michael K said...

"Maybe he can find some over 18 women who can pretend to be underaged or something.

Perhaps ones that don't work for the FBI or NYPD, 'cause"

Something like 75% of the underage girls on the internet are FBI agents, I have read. Not a good option.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I've heard that, in order to escape the infamy that has become attached to his name, Anthony Weiner has applied to legally change his name to Jim Weiner.
He just can't let go of the Weiner.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Michael K wrote:
"Something like 75% of the underage girls on the internet are FBI agents, I have read."

Don't be ridiculous, Michel K.

Entry Requirements
The job of an FBI Special Agent is exacting, demanding, and challenging, yet also highly rewarding. Because of the specialized nature of FBI Special Agent jobs, the FBI has very strict entry requirements in place. To qualify for a position as an FBI Special Agent:

Candidates must be at least 23 years old, but younger than 37 at the time of appointment. Veterans, however, may be granted an age waiver if they are older than 37.

mockturtle said...

FBI agents posing as underage girls.

traditionalguy said...

Rumors are going on now in AltRight that the FBI was drug kicking and screaming into dealing in some way to the material that the NYPD Sex Crimes Unit found on the Anthony and Huma computer in their investigation and turned over to the Feds.

The issue is that a child sex ring has been run in DC by Hillary to gather blackmail material on Senators and Agency Heads. That is how she rules them.It is how they roll.

The NYPD says this new material is so bad that many will go to prison for long sentences. That is where Anthony and Huma are now Hidding while each has a lawyer cutting a deal with the NYPD. And that is why Comey did what he did to save himself.

When Trump said we need to drain the DC swamp he was totally right, one more time.

John henry said...

Trad Guy,

Sounds juicy.

Got any links?

At this point I don't even care if they are true. All I want to do is sow FUD in the minds of Crooked Hilary supporters.

John Henry

narciso said...

weiner's tale is mawkish and beside the point, it's like the prediliction of the princeling in the second season of house of cards, now the interesting part is here,

rcocean said...

Yeah, I feel sorry for Weiner. I'm sure he's now a very deflated, limp, sorry little Wiener in rebhab.

But Althouse asks, why are we whacking on Weiner? Why can't we let Weiner run free, to find all the underage girls who love Wieners?

I don't know. Maybe because his wife is the closest person, ever, to the next POTUS?
Maybe because he was a US Congressman and one of the 535 people who help rule the USA?

Or maybe, because he's such a clownish Wiener who acts like a dick.

Jupiter said...

Addiction is a well-understood physiological phenomenon. The indicators of addiction are tolerance, and withdrawal. This is because addictive substances target particular receptors in the brain. Typically, they bind to the receptor more strongly than the natural messenger substance to which the receptor is sensitive. Having its receptors blocked causes the brain to malfunction, in ways that the user finds satisfactory. However, the brain is a feedback system. It responds to having its receptors blocked by increasing the number of receptors. Hence, tolerance -- a larger dose is needed to obtain the same effect.

When the user stops using, cold turkey, the increased number of receptors, in the absence of the blocking agent, causes the brain to malfunction the other way. Typically, the user finds this highly unsatisfactory. Hence, withdrawal.

I suppose it is conceivable that frequently sending "sexts" causes persistent changes in the concentration of some neural receptor. I would want to see the evidence. I am fairly sure that the people who speak of "sex addiction" not only do not have that evidence, they aren't looking for it.

rcocean said...

But all that's unimportant, because multi-millionaire, "funny man" Jon Stewart (aka Jon Leibowitz) has just "destroyed" Trump with his trademark (scripted) razor-sharp wit.

"I mean we talk about it like it’s something incredibly different, but in truth, how different is it, really? The media, as usual [is] focused on the wrong things and abdicating responsibility for the general filtration of toxicity. You have enormous amounts of money flowing into crazy people who are channeling populism of years past. I mean, if you took Sarah Palin’s head and jammed it on Trump’s body, would it make any more sense?"

Wow, I mean, just wow.

rcocean said...

That tops the multi-millionaire "funny man" David Letterman (aka David Letterman), who "destroyed" Trump with his razor sharp wit a little while ago.

"If I had a show, I would have gone right after him. I would have said something like, “Hey, nice to see you. Now, let me ask you: what gives you the right to make fun of a human who is less fortunate, physically, than you are?” And maybe that’s where it would have ended. Because I don’t know anything about politics. I don’t know anything about trade agreements. I don’t know anything about China devaluing the yuan. But if you see somebody who’s not behaving like any other human you’ve known, that means something. They need an appointment with a psychiatrist. They need a diagnosis and they need a prescription."

Wow man, just wow.

Laslo Spatula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laslo Spatula said...

At the Sex Rehab Clinic...

"Hi. My name is Anthony, and it has been three days since I last ejaculated."

"Welcome, Anthony."

"Actually, I think I'm starting off on the wrong foot. I masturbated this morning to the Teen Section of a Clothing website. What can I say -- I love young girls in leggings: I know I'm not going to see any camel-toe, but I can't stop hoping."

"We understand, Anthony: facing up to one's addiction is a hard thing."

"It's just that I like sex. And I love teenage girls. I question God every day as to why he gave me this terrible burden."

"We understand, Anthony: many of us have faced temptations that can make one doubt in the benevolence of a Higher Being."

"Well, I kinda lied there, too. I don't think about God much; I mostly just think about sex with teenage girls."

"We understand, Anthony: trust that we will accept you, and we will help you on the better path."

"I'd like to believe that, but who's to say someone here won't go to the cops and tell them I text teenage girls about bondage and anal sex? I worry about that..."

"No need to worry, Anthony. Our fellow Sex Addict Robert has told us how he used to kidnap young girls, have unlubricated sex with them in the woods, and then drop them off naked and blindfolded in the parking lot at a local church: his Secret has been safe with us."

"That makes me feel better. I always use lubricant."

"See, Anthony? THAT is compassion: THAT is something we can build upon."

"Maybe. Still, I just can't imagine living a life without having anal sex with young girls."

"We understand your fear, Anthony. You have to take this one step at a time, my friend."


"Yes, Anthony. For instance: our fellow Sex Addict Frank thought he'd never be able to do without orally raping eleven-year-old girls, but through hard work and prayer he now only orally rapes girls older than fifteen."

"You know -- I am starting to feel at home here."

"See? You are already making an emotional investment in Trust."

"Sure. But I think I'd REALLY like to hang out with Robert and Frank..."

I am Laslo.

Warren Fahy said...

Awesome commentary. Kudos.

mockturtle said...

Well written, Laslo, but very discomfiting. As is so much of your work.

You've pegged these recovery programs pretty well, I think.

narciso said...

this is why can't have nice things, and really that sounds more michael o'donoghue's twisted vision, moderation what is that,

Lewis Wetzel said...

Wouldn't it be odd if the reason the FBI investigated Weiner's connection to State Department emails on Huma's phone was that he was sending his wife nude pictures of himself?
Nothing could be sadder than sending nude pictures of yourself to your wife.
Even Bill Clinton shudders when he thinks of that.

le Douanier said...


You forgot the ((())) when making a fuss about that name.

rcocean said...

"You forgot the ((())) when making a fuss about that name."

(((David Letterman)))


le Douanier said...



Freeman Hunt said...

Well, look at that. I wasn't the only one who thought of Greek tragedy.

In a Greek tragedy trying to “get away” with an overt ethical violation is an act of hubris.

Watch out pitiful human. Commit hubris and you insult the gods. Once you insult the gods, to hell with a logical plot. When you insult the gods you’ve entered quantum territory where the cat’s simultaneously dead and alive and the gods themselves may destroy you. Now anything can happen, from the subtle to the surreal. Why, the committer of hubris might do something depraved like unknowingly marry his mother (ask Oedipus) or, like, she might have her national security crimes exposed by a sexting pervert after she thought her political-media machine and The Clinton Foundation had managed to control or corrupt every potential threat to your presidential coronation—even the FBI.

Bruce Hayden said...

@Terry - I think that you misunderstood Dr K. As was noted, the FBI agents are posing as teenaged girls. And he knows quite well the requirements for the FBI - my memory is that he has a daughter who is an FBI agent.

narciso said...

fiction has to make sense, the times do not,

Darrell said...

Dylan wins. Cubs win. Trump wins.
God is great!

Yancey Ward said...

1 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Yuuuge!”

2 I looked, and there before me was a brown cub! Its father held a bow, and he was given an orange crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

narciso said...

what are you suggesting there, I guess since marv albert, with his bitting fixation, all sorts of depraved behavior seems to be downgraded and rationalized,

Michael K said...

Terry, I think that is about the right percentage and they are mostly men. You may think those nymphet photos are of the girl you think you are sexting to but half the internet is filled with people who are not waht they say they are.

It is extremely dangerous to mess around on the internet. Many pedophiles are caught that way.

I know very well what agents are like but that is not what I was saying.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Sorry, Michael K, but the comment I made about FBI agents being at least 23 years old was meant to be ironic. I tried to correct the record earlier but got a string of 404 errs when I commented. Dog gone frikkin' BCM 4352 wifi chip with no decent linux drivers.

Darrell said...

That bit about Trump mocking a disabled reporter turned out to be BS. There are tapes of Trump imitating a lot of people that exact same way. The waving of the arms and the swirls of the head are Trump's way of showing that his opponent is a loon. Whoever it is.

Achilles said...

I think that is about the right percentage and they are mostly men. You may think those nymphet photos are of the girl you think you are sexting to but half the internet is filled with people who are not waht they say they are.


Lewis Wetzel said...

I, personally, am a fifteen year old girl, innocent looking, but wise beyond my years.
I dated a "Survivor" producer for six months. And then a Harvard law prof. Broke those men like autumn twigs.
Also I have big boobs. They are a curse, not a blessing.

effinayright said...

In his bedroom, his pervy bedroom
Carlos tweets tonight.

In her kitchen, her fancy kitchen
Huma grabs a knife

A weiner whack
A weiner whack

A weiner whack
A weiner whack

(Heard on the Howie Carr show in Boston)

Will Cate said...

As a couple folks have joked about above, porn used to be relatively difficult to obtain. Maybe you or your friend had some Playboy or Penthouse mags swiped from Dad's bottom drawer (which by today's standards weren't even really porn).

But today, the cumulative effect of all the free-porn-firehose websites is still being played out. Pro-porn folks always point to the decline in the incidence of rape as the age of free HD porn has risen, but it certainly can be a psychologically addictive force. My wife (the priest) hears stories all the time from couples whose relationship has been damaged by one-or-the-other being hooked on internet porn.

While we've all had a good laugh at Mr. Weiner's expense, I for one am not discounting the possibility that he may have a legitimate problem, for which he is receiving legitimate treatment. Some guys are psychologically strong enough to just walk away from it. He probably isn't.

N. AyanoÄŸlu said...

Cool article,

Bay Area Guy said...

AA: "It seems absurd to institutionalize him. Why not liberate him? What's the more likely route out of his masturbatory hell?"


Stripping away the political context, one can easily see Mr. Weiner's problem, not as a sex addict, but as a sexually frustrated middle age man, stuck in a loveless marriage.

Lack of sex is his problem, hence all the wierd, stupid texting.

But, the political context predominates. The marching orders came down to poor Anthony to check into a clinic. His idiotic problems may have wrecked his own political career, but now the toxic fog is spreading too close to the Queen Bee.

Next Tuesday, a Hillary loss, if taken down by Huma's goofy liberal Democrat husband, might well prove the existence of a Divine Being watching over us.

I can dream, can't I?

Oso Negro said...

Has anyone said why the FBI was investigating the underage sexting? Is that a FEDERAL charge?

Jaq said...

This will all be forgotten after Hillary has her fireworks show over NYC to celebrate her impending coronation, and I am sure, as her majesty is crowned, in the same spirit as the fireworks, she will take the Bible from the Chief Justice, hold it above her head in her fist and announce, "we are POTUS!"

After all of this, Comey will be fired and there will be a purge at the FBI. Problem solved1

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Hate to say it but the skeptics have the best hand here.

If you were counting cards like they have been, you might have remembered the morning after Monica brought out her Blue Dress. Bill Clinton was done, put a fork in him.

And then the GOP Establishment rolled over. To appear "reasonable" and "civil"

Sidebet that once DOJ "clears" President-elect Clinton, Ryan will come out and say he is taking impeachment off the table, to promote "bipartisanship in the house", like with his trillon dollar omnimus bill.

I advise the rest of you just go along with it. These days, it's much more important to be *seen* socially as being respectable. Screw the Republic. And damn Liberty - it's not like you were using it anyway.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"I advise the rest of you just go along with it"

Lay back and think of England.

Jaq said...

The skeptics always have the best hand. Have you been reading Wikileaks? As Lily Tomlin said "I try to be cynical, but it's so hard to keep up!"

RMc said...

“It’s also a sad form of slut-shaming.”

Is there a happy form of slut-shaming?

Jaq said...

Meanwhile, Wikileaks outs Hillary mole at the Just-us Department.

So talking about Weiner's wiener is actually sort of best case for the dowager empress.

Jaq said...

The Justice Department defends the leaks to Hillary on the grounds that he did it on his own time, BTW. Swear to God. This election is like an over the top potboiler.

n.n said...

This election is the anti-establishment, foreign and domestic. It has revealed the incestuous relationship in fact and in kind between special and peculiar interests from the left, right, and center. The revelation of an unholy trinity that is notably Pro-Choice (i.e. selective and opportunistic) in its orientation and behavior.

Matt Sablan said...

"Has anyone said why the FBI was investigating the underage sexting? Is that a FEDERAL charge?"

-- He's from New York, she's from a different state. It literally IS a federal case there.

mikee said...

129 comments and nobody has yet mentioned the excellent South Park treatment of the falsehood of sex addiction?
Let me do so then.
South Park did an episode about sex addiction that was excellent.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"Has anyone said why the FBI was investigating the underage sexting? Is that a FEDERAL charge?"

-- He's from New York, she's from a different state. It literally IS a federal case there.

11/3/16, 8:57 AM

Thanks Matthew! I am surprised by the FBI investigating something like that.

Bad Lieutenant said...

tim in vermont said...
This will all be forgotten after Hillary has her fireworks show over NYC to celebrate her impending coronation, and I am sure, as her majesty is crowned, in the same spirit as the fireworks, she will take the Bible from the Chief Justice, hold it above her head in her fist and announce, "we are POTUS!"

After all of this, Comey will be fired and there will be a purge at the FBI. Problem solved1

11/3/16, 7:11 AM

You have one way to stop her. Vote for Trump. Bring friends.

A fig for your high moral tone. What can you imagine him doing that's worse than this, let alone what she would do if she got in?

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