March 15, 2016

"Mega Tuesday: Possibly The Most Consequential Day Of Voting Yet."

An anxious headline... at NPR where I see Trump has already won the Northern Mariana Islands:
Trump began the big day of voting with a win in the U.S. commonwealth's GOP caucuses. He took 73 percent of the vote (343 votes out of just 471 cast), which will give Trump all nine available delegates. Cruz was second with 113 votes, while Kasich got 10 votes and Rubio took just 5.
What's up in the Northern Mariana Islands? Why are they for Trump? I don't know but the polls in Ohio (and North Carolina) close in less than 15 minutes.

UPDATE 1: Trump and Hillary win Florida — CNN has called it.

UPDATE 2: Poor Rubio! He loses no time coming out, and dropping out. His speech is awful, pretending that he chose the high road, and there was an easier way that would have worked. Not believable.

UPDATE 3: Looks like Clinton will win all 5. Trump will win 4 of 5. Kasich gets his state.

UPDATE 4: From Rush Limbaugh's show today:
So this probably suffices as an opinion or thought shared by many in the establishment, and that is, "Whatever we do, we cannot allow Trump, and we've gotta use everything at our disposal.  Hell, it's our party!  We run the party....."...  So that's why all of these people are focusing on Ohio today and John Kasich. John Kasich winning Ohio, they all believe, gives them the power/the right/the necessary energy and indication of support that they can go in and take control of this entire nominating process and do whatever they have to do to deny it to Trump.  So that's why they're all claiming the future of the GOP today hangs on Ohio and what Kasich represents for them....
And they got it. So we will see what they can do with that foothold. Deny Trump the nomination?

UPDATE 5: Then there's the theory that losing Ohio benefits Trump...


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Limited blogger said...

Got confused again in Florida - 2 time zones. So most of state done at 7 but no calls made until whole state done at 8 EST

Limited blogger said...

Time zone issue aside, Trump is crushing everybody in Florida

Fabi said...

Nine delegates awarded from a total of 471 votes cast? That's a pretty good return on voter investment.

Charlie Currie said...

I read where the head of the Mariana GOP was a Carson supporter and when Carson endorsed Trump, the GOP guy switched to Trump bringing along his mates.

rcocean said...

Prediction: Trump will win Illinois and Florida, lose everywhere else.

Limited blogger said...

I'm conceding Ohio to Kasich. He is just too organized and popular there. Liked the suggestions of Kasich being Trump's VP, but he wants no part of it.

john said...

As they say, whoever takes the Northern Mariana Islands takes the International Date Line. Your Daylight Savings could be next to go.

I keep mine under my mattress.

Limited blogger said...

Man, Laura Ingraham is so sharp. I don't see enough of her. She's talking about how the GOP needs to unite somehow. Use Trump, Cruz and Kasich's popularity to it's advantage, not work against the voters.

hombre said...

At last, Trump hits 50% somewhere. We're in for it now.

Laslo Spatula said...

Wait for the Anguish.

Impure Republicans will be shitting in the Caviar. Independents will be shitting in the Caviar. Blue Collar Democrats will be shitting in the Caviar.

To stop the Caviar Defilement the Republicans will put out bowls of French Onion Dip.

Too Late.

Don't even think about Salsa.

I am Laslo.

pm317 said...

@Limited blogger.. right here, we all wondered why others were not picking up Trump's message when it all began.. they didn't then and now it is too late. Losers. They are stuck with Trump.

Hagar said...

You are onto something, pm317. They are such small people or outright losers, so maybe we will be better off with Trump. At least he is a big blowhard!

Limited blogger said...

Wanted to stay on Fox, but John King and those interactive maps on CNN is irresistible!

Fabi said...

@pm317: The GOPe couldn't dare adopt Trump's impure message! The very idea -- harrumph! If they did, then they might not be able to lose with dignity. Lulz

eddie willers said...

Liked the suggestions of Kasich being Trump's VP, but he wants no part of it.

I thought he was angling for that until I saw him pull the "War On Women" card on Trump this morning. That bridge is now burned.

dreams said...

Trumps wins Florida.

buwaya said...

" we all wondered why others were not picking up Trump's message when it all began"

So was I. There is a great deal about this I don't understand. The others just conceded all those voters. Maybe it was the Trump personality grabbing some, but the positions, tactics, style were all left just lying there. Maybe it was the word from the money guys, who knows.
Jeb Bush was simply idiotic.

pm317 said...

Gee, Hagar.. I thought you were complimenting me.. then Bam!

Titus said...

Little Marco can now exit stage right.

Thanks for the effort!

Limited blogger said...

Rubio marches on! Think he's drawing a line in the sands of Utah!

gadfly said...

Everything you ever wanted to know about the Northern Marianas and Saipan but were afraid to ask.

Why did the Northern Marianas vote for Trump? Read all about this socialist paradise at Saipan Sucks.

None of its legislators (in the CNMI House of Representatives and Senate) is a lawyer. When asked about this, a Mainland lawyer who has lived there for years laughed and said, "Hell, most of them are not even high school graduates."

Nepotism rules on the islands. Fueled by money paid by American taxpayers and diverted to the far-off territory, politicians run for office primarily for the sake of being in a position to appoint their relatives to high-paying sinecures. Politics in the CNMI is a blood sport.

pm317 said...

My condolences to Saint Croix.

dreams said...

Cubans in Florida are very successful hard working people so compare them to those in Cuba who are stuck in a socialist country.

dreams said...

I think Rubio will start looking to his future and will therefore conduct himself accordingly.

Limited blogger said...

Fox saying nice things about Marco. Good luck to him.

buwaya said...

These people HAD to be running focus groups like Luntz was reporting on publicly. By August last year, at least, they should have been able to understand the mood of primary voters and adjust accordingly. But none did. At the worst, back in December.
Which leaves me scratching my head, which is not good for my bald spot.

Titus said...

Marco needs to now say, "I am a gay American-Cuban".

Michael K said...

"the positions, tactics, style were all left just lying there. Maybe it was the word from the money guys, who knows. "

I think this is probably the answer. The others all need money and that is where the money is. Look at the Wall Street Journal to see the gnashing of teeth about now.

rcocean said...

45% Trump to 27% Rubio. Ouch.

Embarrassing. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Mr open borders gets some payback.

rcocean said...

Rubio and Kasich need to get out. Its a two man race.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I don't think there is any mystery over why the politicians did not get the message from the voters. They were being paid to ignore it. They are venal not stupid.

Fabi said...

I'm sure someone will come along to tell us that Trump underperformed in Florida.

wildswan said...

In most states there are many more people voting in the Republican primary than the Democrat. But in NC there are many more Democrats, almost 100,000 - I wonder why? Somebody got too enthusiastic? Mysterious shoebox shortage strikes NC after primary ends?

Fabi said...

Rubio suspends campaign!

MaxedOutMama said...

Rubio drops out, according to CNN.

Amexpat said...

If Marco has any class, he'll endorse Kasich if Kasich prevails in Ohio.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rubio will be Trump's VP no doubt.

Michael K said...

"why the politicians did not get the message from the voters. They were being paid to ignore it. They are venal not stupid."

I think they are venal but stupid may be not quite true. Money talks, they say.

What is a mystery to me is that there have been candidates who "lived off the land" so to speak, like Gingrich in 2012 and Pat Buchanan in the 90s but maybe the voter revolt was not yet ripe.

We are seeing an event that has not occurred in 100 years. I saw a pretty good analysis comparing Trump to Andrew Jackson, and it is not a bad analogy.

Before Chuck come unhinged, I am not saying Trump has Jackson's experience as a general but the times are very different.

It's an interesting article for those who have not read a history of Jackson.

Michael K said...

"Rubio will be Trump's VP no doubt."

Rubio contributes nothing. I will guess Cruz.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Wildsawn - I think Dem turnout is down because they have two boring candidates and no real horse race. You can't compare 2016 Dem turnout to 2008 because 2008 was a tightly contested historic race.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Rubio is not dropping out. He is keeping his delegates.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rubio will being yute to the ticket.

wildswan said...

I don't know what the rules are on delegates whose candidates suspend their campaign - do they vote as promised on the first ballot and then feel free and all subsequent ballots? Or are they secretly committed to follow their candidates' direction because they are known to each other? So that Kasich, Rubio, Bush and Carson could all affect the second round at the convention? Or are they released, flying in the wind like dandelion seeds? and goldenrod pollen. Giving the system an asthma attack.

Fabi said...

On the upside -- Mr. Rubio gets to go home to Mrs. Rubio, and I've had worse things happen to me in life than that.

dreams said...

"Rubio will be Trump's VP no doubt."

I think Rubio needs to rehabilitate himself before he runs for another political office.

dreams said...

I like the looks of Rubio's wife too.

wildswan said...

AJ Lynch

Yes Democratic turnout in down in general but it seems to be up in NC. I was adding up voter turnout and comparing Democratic and Republican totals. In NC the Dems are far ahead of the Republicans which is different from everywhere else.

dreams said...

I was hoping Trump would win Ohio but that isn't looking good now.

Skeptical Voter said...

Yeah, well Marco can go back to running for high school Sr. Prom King.

Fabi said...

That is an anomaly, wildswan. Maybe now that Bernie seems to have a real chance their voters are getting fired up. I'll be curious to see what the turnout is in their other states this evening.

Amexpat said...

Rubio will be Trump's VP no doubt.
No, for many reasons.
Rubio is damaged goods. Adds nothing for Trump in carrying Florida. Has said too many strongly, negative things about Trump that would be replayed in the GE. Trump doesn't like Rubio.

dreams said...

Kasich wins Ohio.

Limited blogger said...

CNN projects Kasich wins Ohio. Expected, but now Trumpsters have to deal with the reality.

mccullough said...

He outlasted Jeb. Rubio will land on his feet. He's a likeable guy.

Hagar said...

Certainly a very inscrutable people, these Americans!

buwaya said...

Too bad, Rubio had talent enough as a politician. He proved to be more fundamentally weak however.
He really is an excellent Spanish-language pol. He would run rings around our California Hispanic politicians, who lack brains and charm.

Fabi said...

Kasich holding on to second in Illinois so far. Doesn't look to be a great night for Cruz. What a long, strange trip it's been.

walter said...

As things have gone, wouldn't be surprised if Trump picked well outside the usual suspects.

eddie willers said...

Too bad, Rubio had talent enough as a politician. He proved to be more fundamentally weak however.

He needed to wait four more years for seasoning and to let the Gang of 8 debacle slide into the past.

Limited blogger said...

Very few votes counted in Illinois. What's the deal with that state?

eddie willers said...

Very few votes counted in Illinois. What's the deal with that state?

They always wait to see how many votes they need.

gerry said...

He came out AND suspended?


PB said...

A few (several) months ago, there were high hopes for a broad range of candidates on the Republican side. Now we're down to two or three and it's serious business time.

wildswan said...

"Limited blogger said...
Very few votes counted in Illinois. What's the deal with that state?"

Yeah, what's going on in Ohio? Very few Republican votes probably less than 50,000 and the Dems have over 260,000 total. Is it shoeboxes all the way down?

dreams said...

"Now we're down to two or three and it's serious business time."

We're down to two. Trump and Cruz.

J. Farmer said...

Good riddance to Rubio, though I doubt this is the last Florida politics has seen of the little twerp.

buwaya said...

AP has 7% reporting in Ohio with 320,000+

Dude1394 said...

So who do we have on the last few presidential candidate endorsement So?

Rubio - fiorina, ...??
Cruz -- ??
Trump - Christie, Carson

Is that about right?

Hagar said...

This could wind up with GOPe robbing the nomination from Trump, Obama lowering the boom on Hillary!, and Bernie Sanders doing a 4-year sit-in in the Oval Office.

wildswan said...

In Real Clear Politics you can easily see how many are voting on each side and Illinois looks so sketchy - almost 500,000 Democratic votes vs. about 100,000 GOP votes. Oh yeah. First we can't talk there, now we can't vote there either.

Limited blogger said...

Alright, the Illinois counts jumped up to 11% reported. Trump has 41-24-22 lead over Kasich-Cruz

Tom said...

I hope Rubio quickly endorses Kasich. We need the delegates.

Titus said...

Kasich's wife is hot and daughter's are diva.

Much appreciated!

Chuck said...

"Ohio" doesn't deny Trump the nomination. A majority of the delegates on the Second Ballot does that.

Limited blogger said...

I can't believe this Kasich guy is the road block? Nicely played, John.

bleh said...

I supported Rubio. Now I support Kasich. Cruz is preferable to Trump and Hillary, but I just don't like the guy. Brokered convention please.

traditionalguy said...

Little Marco is the Wurlitzer Juke Box of politicians. He plays the tune whoever puts the coins into his slot punches up with the taped spiel they want played, over, and over and over by an oh so sincere actor.

But Trump has raised our awareness to these bought, paid for, and owned politicians being USELESS to us as President even if they are attractive as people.

That problem is not important to Ohioans where they believe they will be taken care of by the Old Fashioned insider politicians. But they need to wake up to the reality of Foreign Trillionaires secretly outbidding them to their politicians. This ain't 1996 anymore.

mccullough said...

The national GOP is done. Trump keeps getting more support.

Wince said...

Kasich has a firm grasp of the obvious, and wants to bore us with it.

dreams said...

I think Kasich favors Roy Rogers.

Michael K said...

"He needed to wait four more years for seasoning and to let the Gang of 8 debacle slide into the past."

Yup. The Gang of 8 was really stupid. His cosponsorship of McCaskill's man hating bill in the Senate is a complete mystery.

Fabi said...

It it goes to a second ballot, who wins the nomination, Chuck?

Wince said...

Yet delusional at the same time.

dreams said...

Trump wins North Carolina.

Chuck said...


Drudge right now headlines every result EXCEPT Ohio.

Matt must be pissed; he couldn't scare everybody with the "Amnesty" headlines.

dreams said...

I still think Kasich might become Trump's VP by giving Trump his delegates.

Chuck said...

Fabi, if it goes to a second ballot, it is Anybody But Trump.

And I INSIST on buying you a drink if I am wrong.

Fabi said...

Ohio has been voting for a month -- there's a good chance that many voters there never heard of Kasich's amnesty reveal before they voted.

wildswan said...

You don't like Trump but think about this:

Since the industrial era began manufacturing and then construction have been number 1 and 2 in numbers of people employed in the industry in the US. But in 2008 they fell to number 7 and 13 in numbers employed and IT,and either health care or "service" became 1 and 2. The Washington pols have utterly disregarded this change which caused huge enduring unemployment. Their interest is in bringing in more immigrants for the health care industry and any opposition is racist. By why don't they think that this change needs attention? and not from the EPA trying to destroy the coal industry in addition. People in the coal area are sicker now than they ever were when unrestricted coal mining was at its height because being unemployed causes a host of problems. But Obama's attitude is "racist rednecks got no reason to live and don't look like a son of mine so to hell with them". Hillary also. And the GOPe. Hence Donald "Build a wall" "Make America Great Again" Trump.

if you don't like Trump, solve the problem and stop playing hunger games with the hinterland

dreams said...

As a last resort Trump and Cruz can get together with Cruz as the VP.

dreams said...

Illinois goes to Trump.

Chuck said...

Michael K;

You and I seem to disagree a lot.

But not on Rubio's hand-holding with Claire McAskill on that idiotic bill. You have voiced the good fight on that and you're completely right. You recall this isn't the first time I've said so.

Limited blogger said...

Dreams, re: Kasich VP. You might be right. They seem to be able to bury hatchets no matter how deep they were stabbed in the other guy's back. Carson coming over to Trump after the pedophile and knife fighting comments proves the point.

dreams said...

Not a bad night for Trump so far.

Fabi said...

I've never passed up a free drink, Chuck -- thanks!!

I'm just wondering what you're hearing. Do you think they'd go outside the current candidates or try for some combination of the remaining bunch, maybe Cruz-Kasich?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Good night for Trump but still unconvinced he becomes the GOP nominee. I remain amazed by Keven Williamson's screed and the level of support it received over at NRO. I would guess that position reflects 20-30% of the party. No way they go gently into that good night if Trump is the nominee.

Wince said...

UPDATE 5: Then there's the theory that losing Ohio benefits Trump...

No linky?

rehajm said...

Trump doesn't get 1237 before the convention and it's a non candidate. Ryan or Romney.

You can have 50/1 on either at Ladbrokes.

dreams said...

It will be Trump or Cruz.

Anonymous said...

Chuck: Drudge right now headlines every result EXCEPT Ohio.

Matt must be pissed; he couldn't scare everybody with the "Amnesty" headlines.

Drudge was headlining the Ohio counts until the state was called; the headlines were changing all evening.

You're a dingbat, Chuck.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Marco needs to now say, "I am a gay American-Cuban"."

C'mon this isn't Titus, but a sick copykaynine.

Otherwise I influence everyone I do.

This speaks well of Trump.

dreams said...

"Trump doesn't get 1237 before the convention and it's a non candidate. Ryan or Romney.

You can have 50/1 on either at Ladbrokes."

We live in the age of the internet, the candidate will be Trump or Cruz.

Limited blogger said...

Trump has a good looking crew around him for tonight's new's conference. All upbeat, all smiling. Ivanka home expecting any day now. Trump's youngest child, Baron, wants his Dad to come home.

Hail to the 'future' Chief!

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Rubio and Kasich need to get out. Its a two man race."

You could not be more wrong given every presumption you have.

And I like you, one of the few to type drunk and not give a fuck, because the rulers and their class-wannabee's don't give a fuck either.

The only race is Trump vs. GOP, which is cool.

Lil Ted still has victorys over Trump, and numerous Leftist Activist whether they be Texas moneymen or the Supreme Court KnowNothings getting paid to advance Leftism in direct, perfect opposition to everything Scalia fought for uniquely.

Thomas is the only justice I really think of as a Justice though, in terms of thinking more than one or a hundred years ago alas.

rehajm said...

We live in the age of the internet, the candidate will be Trump or Cruz.

I don't know why the first part is there. The second part- Trump comes up short before the convention. Floor fight. Can't hand it to Cruz...

Guildofcannonballs said...

I am more interested, mostly, in grammar to see who identifies as a "fuck that idea it belongs in quotes."

Cause I was taught kinda that way, so when the others, the Steyns or Kennedy's M. circa Chicago Boys dot net type in an altoghether different manner I find myself involved in the minutiae of nothingness not the essence, merely, nor the finer points, have I subsumed to my "trying-to-make-sense-of-it-all consciousness" heretofore overserved when it comes to intellect, not even to mention power save that one mention in this very sentence.

dreams said...

"I don't know why the first part is there. The second part- Trump comes up short before the convention. Floor fight. Can't hand it to Cruz..."

Because people are so much more aware of what goes on now and much faster and so the elite get more feedback from the voters much faster. The voters aren't going to let the elite steal this election after voting for Trump and Cruz.

Meade said...

"I would guess that position reflects 20-30% of the party. No way they go gently into that good night if Trump is the nominee."

And I would guess 50% of that 20-30% will silently secretly mark their ballot Clinton. To save their party and their country from Trump.

Guildofcannonballs said...

How did y0ou lucky bucgkgers get me on a jovial "Ulysses" steam-of-me?

Same way you got unlucky with a stream of me.

I win.


dreams said...

Trump and Cruz aren't going to allow the elite to steal this election after getting most of the votes.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

I blame the voters. For years candidates have appeared who would expose and chastise the Political Elites. The voters have rejected them. Now the only candidates left are those who would destroy what is left of our Republic.

"Dr. Franklin, what kind have government have you given us?"

"A Republic - if you can keep it."

Limited blogger said...

Dana Pirrino contrasting Trump's totally upbeat, gracious, winning speech with Clinton's angry, downcast, miserable, hoarse caterwauling.

Elections are won by the audio-visuals.

Liking the Donald's brand right now.

rehajm said...

The voters aren't going to let the elite steal this election after voting for Trump and Cruz.

The elites know they know what's best for the voters. They are today, right now lining up delegate support for a floor fight. In the minds of the elites, voters had their say and they couldn't make up their mind.

Bay Area Guy said...

I supported Rubio in the primary. I sent him a few shekels, but Cali hasn't held its vote yet. I thought he was reasonably conservative and would beat Hillary in the General. I didn't necessarily think he would win, I thought he should win.

But he lost.

And life goes on.

Now, I have to choose between Trump & Cruz & Kasich. All 3 are far superior to Hillary for different reasons. Trump is on the verge of winning, I guess, so perhaps the decision is already made.

Learnin' to love Trump!

pm317 said...

Dana Perino is apoplectic..Poor Dana..

Amexpat said...

I think a Trump-Cruz ticket is now the most likely if Trump doesn't have a majority of delegates going in to the convention. Together they would have a solid majority and I can't see either one of them bowing out and their delegates going to an establishment candidate.

I think Cruz would be happy with the VP slot. If the ticket loses, then he's well positioned for 2020 as the anti-establishment candidate. If the ticket wins, he's VP and VPs often end up as POTUS.

dreams said...

Blue-collar Dems flocking to Trump.

Big Mike said...

You have to wonder, if the Chicago Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything (SWINE) hadn't shut down Trump's rally in Chicago, would Cruz have won North Carolina and Missouri (the latter is still up for grabs as I type this). Trump would have less sympathy and Cruz wouldn't have shot himself in the foot.

Back in 1966 the California lefties did everything they could to get Ronald Reagan nominated in the Governor race, thinking that a second-tier actor would be an easy victory for Pat Brown (father of Jerry and the man who caused Dick Nixon to say "Well, you won't have Nixon to kick around anymore.") I wonder whether the Chicago lefty thugs are thinking along the same lines, i.e., that they can cause Trump's nomination via backlash against their tactics and Trump will be easier pickings against Hillary Clinton. If so they're right about the backlash but wrong about Clinton beating Trump.

Anonymous said...

Fox News outwardly and desperately discussing how to keep Trump from getting the nomination. Trump must be going crazy wondering how the GOP is going to cheat him out of the nomination. Expect Trump tweets all night long. We live in interesting times.

dreams said...

"Dana Perino is apoplectic..Poor Dana.."

She is very pretty, likable and not silly like Megyn Kelly but kind of a lightweight, I think.

pm317 said...

Blue-collar Dems flocking to Trump.

This is not news. Since Hillary abandoned them and went to kiss Obamabots and when Sanders showed up, there was no going back, she has lost them permanently. If only the 'real' Republicans put aside their pride (and their 'conservatism'), they can win the WH with Trump easily.

Paul said...

So it's Trump .vs. Kasich? Hahahahahaha....

Trump and Cruz will ignore Kasich. I mean he is small fry.

And Hillary? Her problems have just begin. No matter who the Republican Nominee is, they will use every misstep she has made, every gaff she has uttered, every crime she has committed, against her.

Lots of luck Hillary.

dreams said...

Chicago helped Trump.

pm317 said...

Is Cook County in IL cooking up votes for Sanders?

pm317 said...

yeah, Dana Perino is very pretty but not very quick with words. I wondered how she could became a spokeswoman for a president.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Anonymous said...

Trump won't get the nomination, something will happen, just wait for it. The GOP will not let this man represent them.

pm317 said...

So the lizard didn't win anything tonight?

Meade said...

" If only the 'real' Republicans put aside their pride (and their 'conservatism'), they can win the WH with Trump easily. "

Trump will expand the federal government, increase the national debt, and misuse the military. And one more thing my real conservative republican friends (I have 3 or 4) don't care for -- being condescended to.

Anonymous said...

The voters will have to decide who has the most negatives and we have only begun to see Trumps skeletons, I suspect there are far more lurking in the back of the closet under the silk sheets. Between the Clinton machine and the GOP Trump is in for. Rough ride. The fun is just beginning in earnest.

pm317 said...

being condescended to.

Ha, I thought that was the Lizard's doing.

khesanh0802 said...

@Dreams 8:41 I have been thinking that the wisest, therefore least likely outcome. should the nomination go to the convention, would be a Trump /Cruz ticket. Trump can probably only anticipate 4 years in office before he gets bored or dies leaving Cruz to take over or run in 2020. Between the two they will have the requisite number of votes and I suspect Trump would be more than happy to delegate several real jobs to his VP. Hell if he only put him in charge of SCOTUS nominations and defense policy we would come out winners. I am not sure the establishment types can abide by it, but if Cruz goes along they will have no choice.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
traditionalguy said...

Interesting to watch the passions of the talking heads panels tonight.

The women panelists are mostly OK with Trump's speech (With the exception of Rupert Murdoch's pet) while the men are testier than before watching Trump triumph. Like Scott Adams says about vulgar language complainers, they are all claiming to be angry at Bad Trump on behalf of women who should be offended.

Methinks it's really a problem of men's jealousy of Trump being exposed.

This is nothing new for trial lawyers. The aggressive seducer male jurors are always in subconscious competition with the male lawyers for the affections of the female jurors. This is no joke. The Dandy dressing handsome lawyer is at a big disadvantage once that Jury goes out to deliberate.

Fabi said...

Why so concerned, Amanda? If Trump is as bad as you suggest, then you should be jubilant! I think you're telegraphing a lot of fear. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Trump won't pick Cruz for VP. I don't think he trusts Cruz, who very much would love to be President by any means necessary. Just a hunch, who knows.

Paul said...

"Trump will expand the federal government, increase the national debt, and misuse the military. And one more thing my real conservative republican friends (I have 3 or 4) don't care for -- being condescended to"

Well hell man, you and Ann voted for Obama, so big whop.

Trump may grow and be a Truman for all I know. Grow and be a Reagan (who was a Democrat before he saw the light.)

Dunno, but considering Obama's record, anyone would be 10x better than him.. or Hillary.

traditionalguy said...

If Lying Ted becomes Trump's VP then Trump's life expectancy would be near zero. That would just be so unfair to the Secret Service guys who always put their body in the line of fire for the President.

Let Lying Ted lie his way into a Pontafex Maximus NU position the hard way.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The frantic attempts of liberals to forecast the future with definitive statements reeks of desperation. They think Trump is going to beat Hillary like a rented mule.

Bay Area Guy said...

Any Republican or so-called Consevative who defiantly proclaims they're voting for Hillary to save the country from Trump has a false martyr complex.

Trump/Nikki Haley!

khesanh0802 said...

@ meade "Trump will expand the federal government, increase the national debt, and misuse the military." What possible proof do you have of this assertion? It certainly is true of Hillary, but I have not heard of Trump advocating any policies which would have these effects.

I have Republican friends too and I think they are being suicidal demanding purity of conservatism when one of the most important questions in this election is who is going to appoint the next few SC justices. There are a fair number of R's who need to get their heads out and think how much worse a Hillary victory would be. Domestic policy would be as bad or worse than Obama. Ask your R buddies whether they really think that Trump will be worse foreign policy wise than Hillary"it was a video" Clinton.

There are a lot of R's that are having a very hard time realizing that Trump is channeling a significant portion of the middle class that has been getting the shaft for too long.

traditionalguy said...

Just in: The Donald has filled his dance card with a speech to AIPAC so he will have to send his regrets and miss the Murdock profiting pretend debate and kill Trump match against Mad Max Megyn.

Meade said...

Paul, you are misinformed. AA voted for Obama in '08 only. I voted against him three times.

cubanbob said...

Amanda said...
Trump won't get the nomination, something will happen, just wait for it. The GOP will not let this man represent them.

3/15/16, 9:45 PM"

If only the DNC had that much sense and rid itself of their front runner grifter and felonious traitor.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley despises Trump. I doubt she would be Trump's running mate. First the rebuttal to the SOTU in which she criticized his divisive style, then she endorsed Rubio.

Lyle Smith said...

Meade must have some thin-skinned Republican friends. Condescended to for the first time, and they take their toys and go home.

Meade said...

khesanh0802, fearmongering. If you truly cared about SCOTUS appointments being conservative, you would not support Trump.

Mick said...

Amanda said...
"Nikki Haley despises Trump. I doubt she would be Trump's running mate. First the rebuttal to the SOTU in which she criticized his divisive style, then she endorsed Rubio".

Nikki Haley is not eligible--- born of non citizen parents.

Anonymous said...

If only Republcan voters would wake up from their Trump Trance and elected Kasich to be their nominee, you'd see even more Democratic cross over. Trump's negatives will outweigh Hillary's when all is said and done and November rolls around. Wait for it, it's coming.

Mick said...

Amanda said...
"Trump won't pick Cruz for VP. I don't think he trusts Cruz, who very much would love to be President by any means necessary. Just a hunch, who knows".

Cruz is not eligible--- born in Canada, of non US citizen father

Meade said...

Lyle, three of them have lived and worked here in Madison their entire 60+ years. Trust me, their skin is as tough as skin gets.

Meade said...

Hey Mick, please tell us that birther Donald Trump is not eligible. Please.

Mick said...

Michael K said...
"'Rubio will be Trump's VP no doubt.'

Rubio contributes nothing. I will guess Cruz".

Cruz and Rubio are not eligible.

Anonymous said...

Another new poll.

"Opposition to Trump nearly unites the rising generation.

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%.

And the yawning gender gap she has against Sanders would vanish: Clinton would carry young men and women by almost identical margins of more than 2-1.

Nearly one in four Republicans would defect to the Democrats if the GOP nominated Trump against Clinton. Just 7% of Democrats would defect to the GOP.

"Trump would kind of make a mockery out of America," worries Cameron Lee Craig, 25, a stay-at-home mom from Amelia, Ohio, who was among those surveyed. "He's kind of a jerk."

The poll, the second in a series, is part of USA TODAY's One Nation initiative, a series of forums across the country on the most important issues of 2016. The online survey, taken by Ipsos March 3-10, polled 1,541 adults ages 18 to 34."

Mick said...

Meade said...
"Hey Mick, please tell us that birther Donald Trump is not eligible. Please".

Trump was born of US citizen parents in the US. He is a US citizen by the facts of his birth only, not by any statute (unlike Rubio or Cruz or Obama). Thus naturally he is a natural born Citizen (an indigenous citizen-- it's really not that hard to understand, unless you don't want to understand).

Mick said...

Amanda said...
Another new poll.


"Opposition to Trump nearly unites the rising generation.

In a hypothetical Clinton v. Trump contest in November, voters under 35 would choose Clinton by a crushing 52%-19%, a preference that crosses demographic lines. Among whites, she'd be backed by nearly 2-1, 45%-26%. Among Hispanics, by more than 4-1, 61%-14%. Among Asian Americans, by 5-1, 60%-11%. Among African Americans, by 13-1, 67%-5%".

Nonsense, Trump will crush the criminal coughing old lady. LANDSLIDE.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What a nightmarish joke this is. Why can't Hillary and Trump join forces already and declare their unity ticket? They're basically going to be the same. They have more in common with each other than they do with any other candidate in the race.

Limited blogger said...

Missouri 99% reported but not decided yet. Trump 41.3 Cruz 40.9

Mick said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
"What a nightmarish joke this is. Why can't Hillary and Trump join forces already and declare their unity ticket? They're basically going to be the same. They have more in common with each other than they do with any other candidate in the race".

Seriously?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHAHAHA... you are really stupid.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There's nothing more perversely maniacal than a close-up shot of an old British rock star's face peddling his obsession every four years on how every American candidate is ineligible by birth to win the office they're running for.

rcocean said...

"Trump will expand the federal government, increase the national debt, and misuse the military."

You mean like every President since 1988

mccullough said...


Turnout among young people is low. Even in 2008, with historic youth turnout for Obama, only 44% of young people voted.

Anonymous said...

"Nonsense!" Says the birther, LOL.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is that you, Queen George? British rock stars are notoriously horrible at understanding American politics. But I guess every failure in life needs an obsession and a hobby and Mick luckily gets to have both. Ready yourself for many more dispatches from his basement bunker.

Mick said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
"There's nothing more perversely maniacal than a close-up shot of an old British rock star's face peddling his obsession every four years on how every American candidate is ineligible by birth to win the office they're running for".

Not every one, just the ones who are not (and id you think it is an accident that so many are not, then you are not thinking--- but I guess that's already obvious.). Trump is eligible.

mccullough said...

Mick has combined British citizenship by bloodline and American citizenship by soil and combined them into a super requirement that not only do you have to be born on US soil, both your parents have to be citizens. But the US is citizenship by soil. So Obama and Rubio are natural born citizens. But Cruz is not.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drumpfer Mick objects to any observation of Hillary and Trump's similarities. Hopefully he will fill me in on the details of her foreign birth very soon.

khesanh0802 said...

@ Meade What does your sentence fragment "fearmongering" mean? That is how I would describe YOUR assertion.

I don't support Trump per se. In this case I am a bit like Ann - an observer. I see what is happening in this campaign and I try to call it like I see it - that "cruel neutrality" thing. The choice is going to be between Trump and Cruz at the R convention with Trump more than likely having a commanding lead. If the "establishment" tries to steal the nomination from either of those two, the election of Hillary will be automatic because all the currently excited voters of Trump/Cruz will stay home. In that case we KNOW the Hillary's SCOTUS nominations will be liberals. If Trump/Cruz win we have a whole lot better chance of getting non-liberal nominations. "The lesser of two Weevils"

What support I have for Trump is that I feel that he expresses the feelings of a class of voters who have been ignored at the Federal level for years. Our system is based on the expression of the will of The People. It is hard to argue that Trump's success is not an expression of the will of The People.

Limited blogger said...

Trump bandwagon just rolled thru Florida, N. Carolina, Illinois, Missouri?, and a lot more people jumped on. The bargainers have said, "ah what the heck, I can support the Donald!"

You too can get on board.

mccullough said...

The RNC has just adopts a new rule. Whoever wins the primary of the state hosting the GOP convention is the nominee

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's not certain if Mick's body was born in England or America. But his brain originated in the Andromeda Galaxy.

pm317 said...

@mccullough.. good one! LOL..

Mick said...

mccullough said...
"Mick has combined British citizenship by bloodline and American citizenship by soil and combined them into a super requirement that not only do you have to be born on US soil, both your parents have to be citizens. But the US is citizenship by soil. So Obama and Rubio are natural born citizens. But Cruz is not".

Wrong. If born on the soil it is now accepted (since 1898)that you are a citizen, but not a natural born Citizen. The 14th Amendment did not amend A2S1C5.

"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners". Minor v Happersett @167 (1875)

I know facts mean nothing to those who refuse to see,

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I doubt the Trump/Cruz thing would happen. Trump's campaign is aimed at two groups of voters. The broad middle of independents and those that can't stick Hillary at any price. He doesn't need Cruz to win either group. My money would be on Susana Martinez. Yeah, the Donks will try to Palinize her but Trump isn't McCain and I'm betting the attempt would backfire.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drumpfer Trump was actually born in Germany but Mick thinks America is just a small part of the Greater Volkisch Reich anyway.

Limited blogger said...

I love the Rolling Stones. Saw them in the 70's, 80's and 90's. Each time we said "we better go see the Stones, may not have another chance...."

Meade said...

Best Rhythmo comment evar.

Mick said...

The Cracker Emcee said...
"I doubt the Trump/Cruz thing would happen".

Cruz is not eligible. Born with 3 nationalities.

Fabi said...

Amanda thinks one in four Republicans would jump to Clinton if the nominee were Trump, but she's still pushing for Kasich? Hilarious!

Meade said...

The 10:29PM one, I mean.

Mick said...

Meade said...
"Best Rhythmo comment evar".

Not funnier than your wife the supposed "Con Law Prof" voting for the Usurper--- Twice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mick's foreign birth makes him ineligible for the first amendment protections of free speech, anyway. So his comments aren't allowed by law.

Meade said...

"It is hard to argue that Trump's success is not an expression of the will of The People."

About 1% of The People.

pm317 said...

what is wrong with Rich Lowry?

Mick said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
"Mick's foreign birth makes him ineligible for the first amendment protections of free speech, anyway. So his comments aren't allowed by law".

You do realize that is an "avatar", right?

Anonymous said...

I didn't run the poll Fabi. If you have issues with it, I suggest you contact USA Today/ Rock the Vote. I am merely the messenger.

Mick said...

pm317 said...
"what is wrong with Rich Lowry?"

What's wrong? He's a slimy political animal.

Mick said...

Amanda said...
"I didn't run the poll Fabi. If you have issues with it, I suggest you contact USA Today/ Rock the Vote. I am merely the messenger".

Oh yeah USA Today is the Bible. Trump beats the criminal old lady handily. Not Close.

Michael K said...

"I think Cruz would be happy with the VP slot. If the ticket loses, then he's well positioned for 2020 as the anti-establishment candidate. If the ticket wins, he's VP and VPs often end up as POTUS."

I think Trump is smart enough to make him a good offer and lock it up. Cruz is a first term Senator like Rubio but with much more potential. Trump puts him in charge of the USSC nominations and the dismantling of the regulatory state.

Taxes are not the issue they were when Reagan ran and was elected. The only people who are talking about tax cuts as high priority are corporate guys who bet on the wrong horse and are, even now, threatening to steal the nomination. I agree on a corporate tax cut but the thing killing the economy is regulation.

The EPA could benefit from a 75% budget cut.

Health care needs work but a return to status quo ante would help. There are a lot of greedy hospital administrators and insurance executives who will be looking at bankruptcy. They joined the Obama/Pelosi team and should go down with that ship.

Limited blogger said...

Another set of primaries, another impressive night by Trump.

Any other Republican would have been ordained at this point.

Cool, he can play the underdog card! No, Trump has never been an underdog.

So keep whining and polling and counting delegates, whatever makes you feel good.

Us Trumpsters are going out to celebrate!

Mick said...

Michael K said,

"I think Trump is smart enough to make him a good offer and lock it up. Cruz is a first term Senator like Rubio but with much more potential. Trump puts him in charge of the USSC nominations and the dismantling of the regulatory state".

Trump is not stupid. He knows Calgary Cruz is not eligible.

Nancy Reyes said...

there are lots of Filipinos working in factories in the North Marianas...sort of like working in the US but closer to home for them.
So the press assumed that Trump being anti illegal immigration is against all immigration and would lose the vote.

Meade said...

"Us Trumpsters are going out to celebrate!"

Do us a favor and let Mick tag along?

Fabi said...

@Amanda: My point is, if you think that one in four Republicans will abandon the party in a Trump v. Clinton race, then you should be delighted. And if you believe that to be true, then why are you pushing for Kasich to be the R nominee -- it's not like you sincerely want to help the Republicans, right? Your comments don't reconcile.

Paul said...

Well good Meade. Glad to see at least YOU saw through Obama.

Now I voted for Cruz here in Texas. But if Trump wins the nomination, yes I'll vote for him. Heck, I'd vote for Khan Noonien Singh over anything the Democrats put up.

Oh, and I voted for McCain the first time the Romney the second time. My wife and I saw through Obama the minute we read his bio. He was unfit then and unfit now. He ain't never gonna learn.

Mick said...

Meade said...
"Us Trumpsters are going out to celebrate!"

Do us a favor and let Mick tag along?

"The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners". Minor v Happersett @167 (1875)

There, it's right in front of your face--- born in the US of US Citizen parents, yet your wife, the "Con Law Prof" voted for the Usurper TWICE. That is the real joke. You, you're just not that funny. What really funny is that she would probably vote for another ineligible in this Primary. What are those kids learning at UW?

Anonymous said...

Various Head to Head polls between Trump and Clinton Doesn't look good for Trump. Kasich does the best against Clinton.

Anonymous said...

Here you go, for the lazy.

Meade said...

Not good enough, Paul. You published an assertion about me that was false.

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