January 5, 2016

The big dog that didn't bark.

Very little coverage of that Bill Clinton rally yesterday. What's up? What does the press silence mean?

I wrote about it yesterday, here, thinking I'd have a transcript to work from later, but I can barely find anything.

The NYT has 2 write-ups by Patrick Healy (one a "first draft" and the other more fleshed out): "Bill Clinton, in Restrained Mode, Returns to Campaign Trail in New Hampshire." and "Bill Clinton, the Subdued Spouse, Makes His Campaign Debut." From the first link:
Bill Clinton, the famous Big Dog of American politics, seemed to be on a tight leash on Monday as he delivered a low-key and, at times, disjointed speech at a rally for Hillary Clinton during his first solo swing in New Hampshire. Mr. Clinton, who was criticized for overshadowing Mrs. Clinton in 2008....

If Mr. Clinton had a theme, it was portraying Mrs. Clinton (and himself) as high-minded advocates of “inclusive” policies — an adjective that he repeated several times — rather than exclusionary proposals like Mr. Trump’s call for temporarily banning Muslims for entering the United States....

Describing the ideas and work ethic of immigrants as potential “meal tickets” for the American economy, Mr. Clinton told some wandering anecdotes about Muslims and others who had stood up for Christians and defended their families....
"Meal tickets"?  Wouldn't that mean immigrants should work so we natives can get free food? I want to see the text.
Several voters said after the speech that they were struck by Mr. Clinton’s relatively muted style... “He was low-key in a down-to-earth way, which I think is the right thing to do, because the limelight should be on Hillary,” said Gail DuFresne, 59, a nurse from Rindge, N.H.
From the second link:
Mr. Clinton appeared a little rusty, rambling at times during his first campaign rally at Nashua Community College.... He talked about his own presidency and the work of his foundation, which he mentioned a few times, and about Mrs. Clinton’s ideas and the need to elect a president to fit the times. (His discursive reflection on the personal problems of President Franklin Pierce, a New Hampshire native, was largely met with silence from the Nashua audience.)...
Ah, the Franklin Pierce business (that I wrote about in my earlier post) was New Hampshire related. That makes it less bizarre.
Advisers to Mr. Clinton said he was focused on making the best case possible for why Mrs. Clinton should be president, rather than delivering stemwinders or playing attack dog. Political allies of Mr. Clinton added that he did not feel the need to attack, in part because he did not see Mrs. Clinton’s opponents as serious threats to her at this point.
So he did what he was supposed to do... or the NYT understands what the campaign intends for him to have done — which is to be out there but inconspicuous — and affirms that's what he did.

I never found a transcript, but here's full-length video:

The Daily Mail made a photo-filled story about the people who stood behind Bill Clinton for the whole speech:
A half-dozen females hand-picked to stand behind the former president grimaces, scowled and fought off yawns as he spoke in New Hampshire.
I feel sorry for these ladies! Who knows how to stand and look on camera for 28 minutes? What would you do with your face if you were under that kind of high-def continual scrutiny? The Daily Mail interviewed a 14-year-old girl and cruelly informed her that she looked "apathetic" on TV. The poor girl said "Oh, no!" and then "I was ecstatic!" The DailyMail "delicately" brought up Bill's sex problem. In front of a 14-year-old! That seems kind of wrong, but at the same time, it seems right to question the use of a girl as a backdrop when she can't understand how she is being used.
"Oh, I'm aware," she said. "Yeah. He's a womanizer. I think that that's his social life... And his work should be separate from that."
But does she know that he used a young female in the workplace to have a social sex life in the workplace? Does she understand the concept of sexual harassment in the workplace, how those who care about the equality of women in the workplace have struggled to enlighten people about this concept, and how Hillary Clinton — along with Bill Clinton — participated in a great disenlightenment?

ADDED: I'm seeing an unintentional pun: "the Subdued Spouse" — the sub-dude spouse. When the husband is the subordinate one, he's sub-dude.

Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies.
That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky.


rehajm said...

Don't you think he looks tired?

David Begley said...

"The work of his Foundation?" You mean the shakedown protection racket that Bill and Hillary run that made them millionaires?

rehajm said...

Yeah. He's a womanizer. I think that that's his social life... And his work should be separate from that.

I'll be impressed if any woman who self identifies as a Democrat has something critical to say about this woman but I'm fully prepared to be unimpressed.

Michael K said...

Of course she doesn't know ! Children do not learn any history anymore except the oppression of everybody by white men. Oops ! Bill is a white man. Well, by Republicans.

traditionalguy said...

Bill was big into the Spirit of the Age that Leaders must use to connect with people like he could do it in 1990s. Great nostalga. He says Trump cannot do it for us the way Sweet Old Bill could do it. But that only spotlights the fact that Mean Old Hillary never could do it.

On that 1-10 Spirit scale, Sweet old Bill was a 10, and Turble Trump is only at 7 acting like he is a 10, but Mean old Hillary is still a -5.

Paco Wové said...

Heard clips on the radio. Bill sounded old. I thought, "Man, how'd he get so old?"

james conrad said...

Oh dear, Bill has lost some of his polish & shine and the old fastball has lost some speed. Well hey, the guy is pushing 70 years old, what did you expect?

tim maguire said...

Does she understand that Clinton probably had sex with 14-year-old girls on Jeffrey Epstein's island?

pm317 said...

People who stand as backdrop do so voluntarily. They know they will be on camera.

Wilbur said...

"Describing the ideas and work ethic of immigrants as potential “meal tickets” for the American economy..."

He meant they were each a potential Carl Hubbell, the New York Giants "Meal Ticket" for his career.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Yeah - he's gross, he's a womanizer, but his politics are amazing, so I forgive him."

Universal moral garbage brought to you by Hollywood.

MadisonMan said...

I wonder exactly how much heart Bill Clinton has in this campaigning. Compare his age to Trump's -- only 2 months younger than Trump, but in action Clinton seems much older.

Gusty Winds said...

"Does she understand the concept of sexual harassment in the workplace, how those who care about the equality of women in the workplace have struggled to enlighten people about this concept, and how Hillary Clinton — along with Bill Clinton — participated in a great disenlightenment?"

Obviously she doesn't understand, nor does she care, just like Gloria Steinem and the other feminists who gave the Clintons a free pass because they defend abortion rights. Fen's law.

Not much coverage of Bill, and now Hillary's new strategy is to 'ignore' Trump after he schlonged the Clintons a few times over the holiday break. I find it amusing the Clintons can actually pretend something is beneath them.

Mary Beth said...

Mr. Clinton appeared a little rusty, rambling at times during his first campaign rally at Nashua Community College

Rusty? I guess you don't pull out the quarter-million style when you're doing a freebie for your wife's campaign. At least I guess he was doing it for free....

Curious George said...

"But does she know that he used a young female in the workplace to have a social sex life in the workplace? Does she understand the concept of sexual harassment in the workplace, how those who care about the equality of women in the workplace have struggled to enlighten people about this concept, and how Hillary Clinton — along with Bill Clinton — participated in a great disenlightenment?"

Does the NYTs? WaPost? ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, or MSNBC?

damikesc said...

He RAPED women based on collegiate rules championed by Obama and fervently supported by his wife.

damikesc said...

And as Tim pointed out. Epstein is a problem if ANYBODY decides to bring him up. People make fun of Rush for that Viagra thing while Clinton is closely tied to a dude who fucked numerous underage girls and received virtually no punishment.

I want somebody to ask Hillary why anybody should follow laws that are not respected by the elite and who are never punished for ignoring them.

Known Unknown said...

She would probably never say this about Brendan Eich.

"Oh, I'm aware," she said. "Yeah. He's against gay marriage. I think that that's his private life... And his work should be separate from that."

Known Unknown said...

"Yeah. He's a womanizer. I think that that's his social life... And his work should be separate from that."

So she doesn't think him using his "work" position to womanize is problematic?

Fernandinande said...

Very little coverage of that Bill Clinton rally yesterday.

Even less coverage of a big dog. Where's the big dog? I'd rather read about a big dog than some corrupt, has-been politician.

MacMacConnell said...

Grifter Hillary is continually being asked what her qualifications for political office are. She finally gave her definitive answer, she's married to Bill Clinton.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"I did not have sex with that woman"

"Everyone has a private server."

MayBee said...

Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies.

damikesc said...

Grifter Hillary is continually being asked what her qualifications for political office are. She finally gave her definitive answer, she's married to Bill Clinton.

If they EVER have sex, it indicates she has incredibly poor judgment in terms of risk. Clinton is a less charismatic Charlie Sheen.

grackle said...

The Clinton’s are vulnerable. They seem to be not quite sure what to do if they are attacked perhaps because they have not really been attacked since Bill’s time as POTUS.

Since those days Bill Clinton has been placed on a pedestal by the MSM. The MSM-derived public image of Slick Willie as the America’s most congenial sexual predator and Hillary, on those rare occasions when Bill’s past are even obliquely referred to, as his long-suffering, noble and blameless spouse, has now been smashed to smithereens by Trump.

The Democrat party is now confronted with an unsolvable problem:

Their party’s chosen standard bearer is so fragile that she is credibly contested by an avowed socialist. But Bernie’s surprisingly strong showing is more of a manifestation of Hillary’s(and Bill’s) weakness and less an indication of Bernie’s inherent strength.

Trump has made his point, for the time being – an object lesson to the MSM, to Hillary and to the Democrat party.

I think at some point real desperation will set in and the futile, back-firing attacks against Trump will commence again. What else can they do except fire their pea-shooters at Trump’s gatling gun emplacements? I think we can look forward to some dirty tricks aimed at Trump. Remember “Rathergate,” readers? Refresh your memories at the link below:


Bob Boyd said...

How come Bill Cosby's social life isn't separate from his work?

Connie said...

That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky.

So, kneepads?

chickelit said...

Looking back, this early Hillary ad and attendant comments seem prescient:

chickelit said...
The guy who mentioned "keeping his dog from eating the trash" was not a very convincing. He sounded more like a Hillary sympathizer than a supporter.

4/12/15, 11:15 PM

CStanley said...

The dog is a metaphor for Bill, I think.

Hillary has high hopes that he will become better trained in 2015.

4/13/15, 4:43 PM

Sebastian said...

"But does she know that he used a young female in the workplace to have a social sex life in the workplace? Does she understand the concept of sexual harassment in the workplace, how those who care about the equality of women in the workplace have struggled to enlighten people about this concept, and how Hillary Clinton — along with Bill Clinton — participated in a great disenlightenment?" Appreciate the rhetorical questions. So (apologies) what have you and your fellow (sister?) feminists done to enlighten her? Or could we interpret her ignorance as evidence of the fact that so-called feminists care less about the "equality of women" than about the pursuit of power-- and that they will excuse (yeah, yeah, I know you don't) anyone on their side?

"Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies. That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky." So (apologies) no mattresses were involved in his various assaults? So even you will defend him against "unfair" tactics? What, pray tell, would you consider a "fair" attack? Knee pads?

Quaestor said...

Gawd, how I despise the fashionable practice of filling up the background with partisan "standers". They stand there, smiling and nodding inanely, Hillary's standers particularly, or scowling with defiantly outthrust lower lips in the case of Al Sharpton posse. Who first thought of that? Somebody paid far too much, I'll wager.

The Godfather said...

Bill is a reminder that Hillary! is pretty old. She looks pretty good, I guess she's had some work done, but she's married to this old guy. Remember that when Bill was elected president he beat GWH Bush, the FATHER of the Bush that wants to run against Hillary! this year. Sure, Tromp's the same age, although he looks younger than Bill, but if one of the young sprouts wins the GOP nomination the contrast with old lady Hil will be pretty dramatic.

Quaestor said...

Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies.

He should hope they do, as if Clinton's predations were civilized enough to involve beds.

Wince said...

Is it any surprise you'd get less out of Bill Clinton after all these years?

Give him a blue dress today and I bet you'll get a smaller stain than 20 years ago.

It's biology!

Ipso Fatso said...

That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky."

So is Lewinsky the only woman Bubba bedded? What about Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Wiley, et al.?

dreams said...

"Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies."

A pillow might be more practical, for the knees.

Uncle Pavian said...

Okay. Knee pads, then.

F said...

Bill does look and sound as if his age has caught up with him, but I think that's an act too. While it is true the years have taken their toll, I believe he is playing up the aging schtick i the hope it will cause people to forget the horndog part of his history, or to give him a pass because he's "beyond that." And the fact that more than half of today's voters were not yet born when that happened, he will certainly be successful, at least in part. That could be a two-edged sword, though: people who were not alive when he and Monica were getting it on in the Oval Office probably don't remember when he was such a well-loved president. "Who's the old guy supporting Hillary? Oh. . ."

Still, the feminists who supported him despite his mistreatment of women are the worst part of the story. But they'll be forgiven too. Sad commentary on our culture.

Smilin' Jack said...

What would you do with your face if you were under that kind of high-def continual scrutiny?

Hee...that's a great question. Yeah, what would I do with my face if I were on camera behind Bill Clinton for 28 minutes? Hee hee hee....

Tom said...

Maybe women should wear kneepads to Clinton Rallies... that seems more appropriate for Mr. Clinton.

David Begley said...


I will see Hillary tonight. I will report on any mattress or knee pads sightings.

Rae said...

Trump needs to pay some woman to wear blue dresses and carry cigars to any rally that Bill shows up to.

traditionalguy said...

It is about time to Draft Elizabeth Warren and let her become our FIRST Cherokee Woman President.

Tom said...

I think Bill used the analogy to past presidents and their fitness for their time to justify his behavior -- "Don't judge my behavior in the light of today's standards. Judge it in the time in which my behavior occurred -- back when it was perfectly fine to shag a secretary or intern or rape a campaign supporter."

eric said...

Give the girl a break.

My daughter just turned 15. She has just arrived at that point in life where she knows everything and rolls her eyes at her parents wisdom. I think it'll take a few years before she realizes she knew nothing at 14/15.

CarlF said...

Regarding mattresses. While Monica did not use a mattress, Juanita Broaddrick was raped by Bill on a mattresses. Unlike many on the left (who must be believed) Juanita Broaddrick reported the rape contemporaneously to a number of friends.

mccullough said...

In the last 50 years, the majority of immigrants to the US have been poor and have stayed poor. There are obvious exceptions but the facts are that the last two generations of immigrants have been a net loss. We should let the Asians immigrate and ban the rest. Sort of a reverse of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act. How about a Asian Inclusion Act? We don't need any more immigration from Mexico, Central America, Africa, or the Middle East.

Or we could repeal Social Security, Medicare, and all the means tested federal programs. These are our choices.

Quaestor said...

I wonder exactly how much heart Bill Clinton has in this campaigning. Compare his age to Trump's -- only 2 months younger than Trump, but in action Clinton seems much older.

Which is why dissipated is such a fitting descriptor for Bill Clinton.

traditionalguy said...

OK Chickelit, the women should all wear light Blue Dresses with semen stains down the front

Drago said...

Remember, Bill Clinton himself signed legislation (Molinari Amendments to Federal Rules of Evidence (an Althouse confirmation of the intent and application of these amendments would be helpful here)) that helped lead to many of his own legal problems.

In Bill Clintons defense, he, like all dems, operates under the assumption that the laws he helps to pass are to apply to others and not to himself or other dems.

Bay Area Guy said...

Given Bill's penchant for cheating on his wife, Hillary, is it purely coincidental that Hillary's right hand 'man" Huma Abedin, is married to disgraced Anthony Weiner aka Carlos Danger?

It's almost as if these two disgruntled women commiserate together against their oafish politico husbands. 'Cheat on us? Oh Yeah, will get you both back. We'll take the presidency and impose our will on this entire male chauvinist country!"

Memo to Hillary and Huma -- please don't take it out on us, take it out on your cheatin' husbands!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky.

Are you forgetting Juanita Broaddrick, Professor? She says Clinton raped her in a hotel, so people should carry hotel mattresses. Juanita Broaddrick has a right to be believed.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well if they don't carry mattresses, how about knee pads? How about Astro Turf which he joked about in his El Camino? Rug burns?

I'd say that a "subdued Big Dog" hints that he's been neutered. Couldn't happen to a better candidate---he is not a nice guy.

John henry said...

Blogger Mary Beth said...

I guess you don't pull out the quarter-million style when you're doing a freebie for your wife's campaign. At least I guess he was doing it for free....

He might have been, and with many other pols you would probably be safe betting that way. With the Clintons, I suspect that he was charging.

Think about it, it's a perfect scam. Bill goes to speak for Hilary!, charges, say, $50,000. Perfectly legal, campaigns can hire celebrity speakers, consultants etc.

Voila! $50,000 originally donated to the Hilary Clinton for President fund becomes personal income to the Clintons. You folks who donated $10-20-100 to the Clinton campaign because you sincerely believed in her? There is a word for people like you. "Suckers!"

OTOH, personal income is taxable so perhaps he asked her to donate it to a charity. No need to say which, charity, is there?

John Henry

jacksonjay said...

Eric said:

I think it'll take a few years before she realizes she knew nothing at 14/15.

I used to tell my daughters the good news and the bad news. Good news, you know it all know now. I will consider your wisdom and insight. Bad news, you're gonna get dumber and dumber, it is all down hill from here. Enjoy your teen years! Just look around at all the stupid older people.

TWW said...

"That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky.'

So, its only Monica Lewinski. Not to mention that the "mattress" is a metaphor for unacceptable behavior.

CStanley said...


Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies.
That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky.

It should be cigars, obviously.

grimson said...

As others have commented, I am also tired of people standing behind speakers; that is one part of political theater we could all do without. . .along with seeing/meeting the candidate's family.

walter said...

"Yeah. He's a womanizer. I think that that's his social life... And his work should be separate from that."
Apparently Bill isn't the only one who "compartmentalizes".
When I hear him lately, I notice his voice seems higher than I remember it...I'm betting that's intentional. But yes..he does looks summmm wayzzze tyyyred. Lolita Express jetlag?

Bilwick said...

Pretty much says it all about Queen Cacklepants:


William said...

He's got severe heart problems. He's on a vegetarian diet. I don't think he has the energy level to be much of a sexual predator. Maybe he can make use of the game preserve on Epstein's Fantasy Island to score, but on the open range he's no longer a top predator. He shouldn't be left alone with young women, but with reasonable precautions it's possible to let him loose in civilized society...........In a subliminal way, the Cosby publicity works against him. Before the dam burst, most of the women were intimidated into silence. I can't help but think that there are a lot of women out there who think it best to keep quiet about their relations with Bill Clinton. The Bimbo Eruption Squad was much more effective than Cosby's legal team in damage control. In the cases of both men, the press showed no unseemly haste to investigate further.

Kirby Olson said...

They should serve Juanita burgers at her coronation.

Mark said...

MayBee may have changed the course of history right here.

Kneave Riggall said...

"IN THE COMMENTS: MayBee said:
Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies.
That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky."

Kneepads, then?

Ann Althouse said...

I am saying that Monica was denied even the dignity of a mattress.

Anonymous said...

That's not quite fair. I don't remember any mattress cushioning Monica Lewinsky.

Monica needed knee pads.

Anonymous said...

"Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies"

Not mattresses, cigars. They should bring cigars to the rallies.

Anonymous said...

"Women should start carrying mattresses to Bill Clinton rallies"

Not mattresses, cigars. They should bring cigars to the rallies.

Nate Whilk said...

CStanley said, "It should be cigars, obviously."

Large cigar boxes. Just like huge puppets in leftists' protests. A bit more subtle than cigars.

Achilles said...

It is going to be fun watching Democrats defend Billary all year long. They have to be two of the top 10 most disgusting people ever in US politics.

Anyone who votes for Hillary is a disgusting human being.

Fen said...

If I was Trump I would leak that Bill assaulted another intern, just a few weeks before the election. Doesn't matter if its true. That's the problem with all the Clinton lies about the women he's assaulted in the past - no one will believe him if he's falsely accused.

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