November 10, 2015

The GOP debate... watch it with me.

1. The "undercard" debate has started. Chris Christie is emitting empathy for the economically downtrodden.

2. Jindal seems to contain an inner robot. Watch this. I've watched it 10 times and cracked up every time:

3. The main debate is about to begin. My son John is live-blogging here.

4. Lou Dobbs is babbling. He says we've been "waiting a very long time" for this. What? A couple weeks?

5. "We need more welders and less philosophers." — Marco Rubio.

6. "I've done it twice. I'll do it thrice." — Kasich.

7. Oh! Sorry. I fell asleep. Is anyone watching?

8. "Paint in bold colors, not pale pastels." — Ted Cruz.

9. "In the 2 hours of this debate, 5 people have died..." of boredom? (Ben Carson.)

10. "It was a very riveting debate," claims Neil Cavuto, ludicrously.


David Begley said...

Chris scores on cyber warfare!

Sammy Finkelman said...

Does anyone know where thedebates might be on the radio?

WCBS 880 in New York seems to be discussing but not broadcasting the undercard debate. One newscaster said (I think) that Chris Cristie went after Hillary.

Bobby Jindal, he said, went after Chris Christie but Chris Christie praised Bobby Jindal. Christie may be having what a fine night.

Sammy Finkelman said...

...having what he said he would have - he gets more time this way.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Sammy Finkelman said...
Does anyone know where thedebates might be on the radio?

You can find it streaming here:

David Begley said...

Bobby would win the Wisconsin Moot Court competition.

But Chris won the political debate.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If Crispy Christie is emitting anything not gaseous than that's an improvement.

I can't stand that asshole.

If he becomes president maybe they can save on transportation costs by just rolling him everywhere like a big rig wheel.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think having an excessively enlarged slate of candidates all competing to knock off Trump - a snappy douche in conservative clothing who can buy every single of them, is improving their game.

With any luck, these guys will actually learn to start formulating rational opinions and useful agendas in less than a decade.

It's like watching baby politicians bypass the crawling stage of development and actually moving on to gurgling and walking.

I'm so proud of them!

Fandor said...

Chris Christy is a standout!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Christie's a guy who easily stands out. All you have to do is get him to move into profile.

He will eat the American people alive.

commoncents said...

CC Straw Poll: Who won the GOP Presidential Debate?

Temujin said...

Jindal might have a bit of Palilalia. I think I used to have it…(used to have it). But it left as suddenly as it appeared.

Sign of genius, I do believe (I do believe).

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rubio ... 'repeal and replace Obamacare'. Replace with what?

chickelit said...

Why are these debates deliberately being put on these esoteric channels? Fox Business channel? CNBC? We recently downsized out cable bill to just the more mainstream channels and excluded ourselves. I guess it's back to the radio.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Kasich is the only person in either party who I think would take balancing the budget seriously.

Humperdink said...

Balancing his temperament should be his first order of business.

Laslo Spatula said...

AReasonableMan said...
"Kasich is the only person in either party who I think would take balancing the budget seriously."

I don't agree, but I think it is valid. And I usually don't agree with you, but Thank You for being here.

I am Laslo.

wildswan said...

The debates are online at the above - not just radio

Fandor said...

Give someone a drink and they have the potential of becoming a blathering philosopher.
Train someone to use a blow torch, they'll become a welder and build something worthwile.

Rubio is right.

MikeR said...

"'repeal and replace Obamacare'. Replace with what?" Read a little Megan McArdle. She has been discussing this since 2008 and maybe before. It's not that hard; there are plenty of approaches to dealing with health care. Nothing is simple, but Obamacare is a very wrong direction to be moving.
It's not that conservatives don't have ideas, it's that liberals were too busy saying "We won" to ever listen.

TwinsLawyer said...

Stannis says: "...fewer philosophers."

Laslo Spatula said...

"2. Jindal seems to contain an inner robot. Watch this. I've watched it 10 times and cracked up every time:"

It is not an Inner Robot: it is an Inner Rob Schneider.

I am Laslo.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The weakest argument for the status quo on immigration is that it helps the Democrats. Either it is good for the country or it isn't.

PB said...

I'm taking the week off from things political.

Laslo Spatula said...

I think several days ago Althouse referenced Vonnegut in a post, something about taking 'a flying fuck at a rolling donut.'

Christie: he can take a Rolling Fuck at a Flying Donut.

Because he is Fat.

And he would Roll more than the Donut.

And not have the ability to get airborne.

The Flying Donut is, thus, the Presidency.

Althouse would Love this Twist if Althouse had came up with it.

I am Laslo.

YoungHegelian said...

I just tuned in to the 9:00 PM EST debate about 15 minutes ago. In that short period of time, it's easy to tell, this is the best Repub debate by far.

The candidates are more relaxed. The moderators know their stuff & are asking, good, substantive questions which the candidates are actually making some attempt to answer. I don't know if it'll stay like this, but it's good so far as these things go.

It was interesting to see the Republicans go at one another over the question of "So, really what are you to do about the 12 million illegal immigrants here?", and the candidates facing squarely the issue that you can't deport 12 million people without massive dislocation and strife both here & in the recipient country.

cf said...

Can't watch can't watch can't watch a one of em.
Godspeed, America, I can't watch

YoungHegelian said...

Holy Shit!

They just ran an ad for a big-action movie about the guys who fought back at Benghazi directed by Michael Bay!

I'd love to know where the money for that movie came from, 'cause I'm sure Hollywood ain't glad to see it. I'm also sure that the Hillary campaign is very, very unhappy, as they'd just like to see the issue die, not dramatized & immortalized on the big screen.

Do you know how many folks I've talked to in my days who thought that Oliver Stone's JFK was history? The HRC folks must be thinking the same thing.

Quaestor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

Obamacare won't need to be repealed. It will fail on it's own.

Bay Area Guy said...

The moderators are much better - and Trump has been muzzled somewhat.

Rand Paul tries to hammer Rubio on tax plans.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I would find it easier to believe the small government guys if they said that they would first make government smaller, and then and only then, once a stable budget surplus that produced a significant reduction in the deficit was established over multiple years start thinking about tax cuts. Otherwise it is all just hot air.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why are these debates deliberately being put on these esoteric channels?

It's only appropriate for a party as out of touch with the people as the Republicans are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jeb Bush for president of the Middle East!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

LOL. "Everybody should go in," sez Trumpster! One big, great, Mid-East military orgy!

I can't wait.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bush is worried that the country of Syria has gone without his own personal leadership for too long.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Big chunks of "oil" (should go) to people who lost their arms, legs, etc.

Interesting phrasing there, Mr. Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Me Carly FIorina! Me will piss off Mr Putin!

Grrrrr! Take that, Mr Putin!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is a better geopolitical history lesson than most Republicans get in their entire lives.

It's all wrong. But at least the subject matter is being discussed.

Hagar said...

I watched the Kelly Files almost to the end, so I had to rest my ears a bit before turning on the TV again for the "debate."

Maria Bartiromo still is one TV person I approve of.

These guys are several years too late in what they are talking about in response to our Middle East troubles. We can't "go into Iraq" any more; the place is too crowded with people all of whom we should be resisting, if not outright fighting.

The candidates, in case they should win the nomiation and actually get elected, need to take a guess (actually several guesses for contingencies) at how bad the situation is going to be by 2017, and then start planning for how they intend to straighten up the country domestically so that it will be in any shape to have a foreign policy, and then what that policy, or policies, should be and who, if anyone, we should look to for allies.

Alex said...

Ritmoi is cumming all over this thread. Oh and Jeb is an idiot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry, Alex! I didn't realize you'd be so willing to make the weird metaphor and then lap it up.

madAsHell said...

I didn't see the whole thing, but my 90 year old mother was fist pumping, and jumping around the room.

"Go get the bastards".... was heard. ummmm....yeah, I didn't fall far from the tree.

madAsHell said...

Does anybody read anything "spanking my balls" writes?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's pretty scary. An endlessly interventionist moralizing foreign policy led by 90 year-old grandmamas.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Does anybody read anything "spanking my balls" writes?

Trick question! You can't read anyway.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. Alex was right. Jebbie is stupid. Not as bad as his brother but clearly of the same vein.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "This is a better geopolitical history lesson than most Republicans get in their entire lives."

It's more effective if you say it in "Austrian".

Preferably while riding on the "intercontinental railway".

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The longer time to speak works against Jeb by exposing his lack of knowledge. Not helping Trump or Carson either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So now Ben Carson believes that regulation is creating all the inflation that no one is seeing.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Apparently Kasich is the only one with the balls on that stage to not bootlick Wall Street.

Watch them all evade this question from Cavuto about accountability.

Watch them all shift it on to Washington.

Drago said...

R&B: "Watch them all shift it on to Washington."

They should just blame it on a video.

While dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Cruz doesn't know much about economics.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Katich is booed for means testing bank bailouts.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here's Carly the Job Loss Leader talking about how to save jobs.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Katich is booed for means testing bank bailouts.

Actually giving a damn about the people most hurt by things in America is something most Republicans hate. The most important thing for them is having someone to hate, and worrying later if they've correctly identified who it is that should be hated.

Once you understand that you will understand Republicans.

Kasich is really the only one who seems to enjoy bucking that mindless trend. I give him a lot of credit.

Drago said...

R&B's: "The most important thing for them is having someone to hate, and worrying later if they've correctly identified who it is that should be hated."

Koch brothers, Koch brothers, Koch brothers, Koch brothers......

Hagar said...

B.S. about the banks. Bank of America was not in trouble, nor Wells Fargo. The MSM now goes on a lot about both of these and how the Obama administration is making them pay fines for their sins, but it was not these banks, but the speculator firms that Paulsen and Bernanke made them absorb to save them from collapse that "sinned."

They are now subsidiaries of BofA and Wells Fargo, so tecnically it is correct, but it is still a lie.

Drago said...

Hagar: "B.S. about the banks. Bank of America was not in trouble, nor Wells Fargo."

Remember how Obama "saved" Ford motors. Ford. The company that didn't get bailout money.

This is more of the same.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Koch brothers, Koch brothers, Koch brothers, Koch brothers......

Tell me what it is you find so lovable about what they do for the American government.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Tell me what it is you find so lovable about what they do for the American government."

What is it you believe they are required to do for the American government?

Drago said...

I am assuming, of course, that R&B's can step away from his democrat-mandated hatred of the Koch brothers to coherently answer the question posed.

Probably a mistake.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is it you believe they are required to do for the American government?

Not fuck it up and buy it out and bribe its way toward special favor.

robother said...

Jeb!'s "Washington, Iowa not Washington DC...get it, the contrast I mean." (Shrugs helplessly at his own lameness in trying to show his own cleverness. Unintentional comedy gold.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Not fuck it up and buy it out and bribe its way toward special favor."

Enough about all of Obama's "green" buddies and Hillary's pals.

The question was about the Koch brothers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am assuming, of course, that R&B's can step away from his democrat-mandated hatred of the Koch brothers to coherently answer the question posed.

Probably a mistake.

Well, if you could wait longer than the two minutes it takes before you prematurely ejaculate, you might find that your very very special question is not all that difficult to answer anyway.

But alas, I assumed you weren't sitting there hitting the "refresh" button every 10 seconds. I assumed you had other ways of occupying yourself.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Well, if you could wait longer than the two minutes it takes before you prematurely ejaculate, you might find that your very very special question is not all that difficult to answer anyway."

He wrote as he avoided answering the question.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Enough about all of Obama's "green" buddies and Hillary's pals.

The question was about the Koch brothers.

I answered it, but of course since you couldn't stand that, you changed the subject to your hatred of all non oil/coal energy resources.

Drago said...

Later R&B's: "I answered it,...."

Earlier R&B's: "Not fuck it up and buy it out and bribe its way toward special favor."

Your....."precision" answering is duly noted.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

More word games.

Just admit that you have no answers for America and prefer to just play games.

The thread doesn't need any lobbyists like you, Dracula. Some people here actually have an open-minded interest in a real, honest answer to things.

It's too bad things like that get in the way of your motor-mouthed partisan hackery, right?

Drago said...

Later R&B's: "The thread doesn't need any lobbyists like you, Dracula. Some people here actually have an open-minded interest in a real, honest answer to things."

Earlier R&B's: "Actually giving a damn about the people most hurt by things in America is something most Republicans hate. The most important thing for them is having someone to hate, and worrying later if they've correctly identified who it is that should be hated."

You're doing great R&B's.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Almost done being a hyper-partisan, word-game hack, Cracko?

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "Almost done being a hyper-partisan, word-game hack, Cracko?"

Example of non-hyper-partisanship: "Actually giving a damn about the people most hurt by things in America is something most Republicans hate. The most important thing for them is having someone to hate, and worrying later if they've correctly identified who it is that should be hated."

You're doing great R&B's.

Michael K said...

Oh, if Ritmo is here, I'm not. Bye,

Drago said...

R&B's is having a difficult time this evening.

Could we get some "muscle" over here to help him out?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're doing great R&B's.

Thank you. I know.

You OTOH are just reverting to your paid, partisan lobbyist hack bullshit.

Also, most people here don't define themselves as "Republicans".

Take note, asshat. Go out and do some door-to-door or direct dial or mass mailings to get your rhetorical bullshit on.

Drago said...

Perhaps a quick call to 911 can help R&B's regain some rhetorical advantage.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Fiorina looks and sounds like an evil mastermind on the Thunderbirds.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B's is having a difficult time this evening.

Not really. You're just a shit listener.

With a robotic response mechanism.

Eminently unqualified to self-govern. You're just in need of better programming.

Or a more human facade.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"Not fuck it up and buy it out and bribe its way toward special favor."

Your current President works for Goldman Sachs. Hillary Clinton has a foundation in the family name devoted to buying and selling influence. Imelt has done more influence peddling than the Koch brothers by an order of magnitude. Buffet is a ridiculous caricature. Soros spends far more money than the Koch brothers.

The Koch's are noted libertarians. They actually want less influence and their machinations towards government are self defeating if their goal is to buy special favor. They are targeted because they are trying to reduce the amount of favor money can buy in DC.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Take note, asshat. Go out and do some door-to-door or direct dial or mass mailings to get your rhetorical bullshit on."

It's astonishing that you have not found gainful employment as a motivational speaker.

Garage could certainly use some of what you are offering.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Maybe Mary and R&B are the same person. They share the same frantic, bug-eyed, incoherence. I love their panic, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's astonishing that you have not found gainful employment as a motivational speaker.

Are you almost done stalking me, yet?

Obviously I'm getting under your skin.

You really wish you had more electable candidates this year, don't you?

Drago said...

R&B's: "Are you almost done stalking me, yet?"

I'm sorry, are you writing to me?

Drago said...

R&B's: "You really wish you had more electable candidates this year, don't you?"

That would depend on what the meaning of "electable" "is" and the implications of that electability.


Achilles said...

Kasich wants to bail out big banks.

He is done.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your current President works for Goldman Sachs. Hillary Clinton has a foundation in the family name devoted to buying and selling influence.

As did Hank Paulson. When did I ever defend Hillary on her lack of integrity?

Oh that's right. Never.

But see, that's the difference between me and a robot-spammer like "Drago". I never go around saying any candidate (Democrat, either) is perfect.

He OTOH takes special offense to anyone saying anything legitimately uncomplimentary about any Republican.

He simply can't stand it to be pointed out just how, very VERY imperfect so many of them are.

That's how you know he's a partisan hack. Let alone the fact that he admits that such hackery is how he made his bread and butter.

If you have shitty situation among the Republican Party, blame him. He's the guy who spent decades making sure they never got criticized.

And he's still doing it. Tonight.

He'll do it until the day he dies.

He won't be done being a worm until he returns to the worms.

How appropriate.

Drago said...

R&B's: "But see, that's the difference between me and a robot-spammer like "Drago". I never go around saying any candidate (Democrat, either) is perfect."

What a coincidence!

I too never go around saying any Democrat is perfect either!

Common ground.


Hagar said...

Maria Bartiromo for President!

Drago said...

R&B's: "He's the guy who spent decades making sure they never got criticized."

Quite true.

My power over the media is common knowledge and quite "yuuuuuuuuuuge".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What a coincidence!

I too never go around saying any Democrat is perfect either!

Common ground.


Fuck yourself for pretending that your partisan narcissism is clever.

It's not. It's what makes you an asshole and what makes your clients addicted to such deeply unpopular policies.

Drago said...

R&B's: "He'll do it until the day he dies."

I plan on taking at least several weeks off prior to that. I'm thinking San Diego. Anytime during the year of course since it's always nice.

R&B's: "He won't be done being a worm until he returns to the worms."

Technically speaking, wouldn't I still "be" a worm if I become nourishment for worms?

Drago said...

R&B's: "Fuck yourself for pretending that your partisan narcissism is clever."

Well gee whiz.

That one just plain hurt.

I'm going to have to ask you to take it back, lest Laslo Spatula rises to my defense in a way that embarrasses you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I get it, Drago.

You've got no admirable qualities. So you spend your time pretending that every Republican is to be worshipped, instead.

Pretty pathetic, that.

Drago said...

R&B's: "It's not. It's what makes you an asshole and what makes your clients addicted to such deeply unpopular policies."

I'm anxious to learn more about my "clients" deepest beliefs and feelings.

Do go on.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"As did Hank Paulson. When did I ever defend Hillary on her lack of integrity?"

But a central tenet of your posting is that people that disagree with you lack integrity. You project ill motives on people to explain their positions. This is your weakness.

Drago said...

Rhythm and Balls: "I get it, Drago. You've got no admirable qualities. So you spend your time pretending that every Republican is to be worshipped, instead."

I'm going to have to ask you to tone it down. Your panting and desperate speech is blowing out all of my Republican Shrine candles.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The shitty situation where the Republicans control the Senate, the House, and the majority of governorships and state legislatures? Shame on you, Drago. Shame, shame, shame!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm anxious to learn more about my "clients" deepest beliefs and feelings.

Um, they have none. They believe and feel what they get paid to believe and feel.

Trump made that abundantly clear.

You're the same way. Only you don't realize it.

Why should you? It's not like you've ever had to answer for anything in the public eye.

Drago said...

The Cracker Emcee: "Shame on you, Drago. Shame, shame, shame!"

I think I'm going to need a ride to the nearest confessional.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But a central tenet of your posting is that people that disagree with you lack integrity. You project ill motives on people to explain their positions. This is your weakness.

I never said that.

I've said that many (not all) of them lack civic values.

But I never said what you say in your first sentence.

Drago said...

Later R&B: "Um, they have none"

Earlier R&B: "It's what makes you an asshole and what makes your clients addicted to such deeply unpopular policies."

Please reconcile these two (admittedly, insane) observations.

Drago said...

R&B: "Why should you? It's not like you've ever had to answer for anything in the public eye."

You mean, as in a public "show trial"?

No. Not yet.

Drago said...

R&B: "They believe and feel what they get paid to believe and feel."

Oh, so now you want to talk about the payoffs made to Hillary by foreign governments?

We should probably try to stay on topic.

Achilles said...

Trump is really good at saying things like "Other people said I won the debate, I don't know if I won but I think I did well."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago's motor-mouth is so hard on overdrive that he actually believes an addiction is akin to having "deep beliefs and feelings".

That's your consultant, Republicans. There's your Frank Luntz.

Go to him. He needs you.

In the Trump era, he's spinning more than ever. So much so it's even making him nauseous.

If only he could step away from the keyboard and have a life to attend to.

Drago said...

R&B's: "If only he could step away from the keyboard and have a life to attend to."

I'm sorry. I couldn't hear what you were writing over the continuous noise emanating from your keyboard as you posted endlessly.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"I've said that many (not all) of them lack civic values."

So people who disagree with bailing out big banks with taxpayer money lack civic values?

cubanbob said...

One thing that none of the candidates mentioned about bailing out the banks is that every bank that failed was a federally chartered and regulated bank. The only thing the Democrats have done is made the big banks essentially ungovernable. Too big to fail and as such too big to curb. As Glenn Reynolds likes to say more opportunities for graft. Kasich was disingenuous with his 1930's bank run scare since that is what the FDIC is for-the emergency break so letting the banks fail but covering the depositors up to the coverage limit would bring the necessary discipline and moral hazard to lending.

Drago said...

R&B's: "That's your consultant, Republicans. There's your Frank Luntz."

Oh, I think I see the problem.

R&B's thinks that I am a political consultant.

What a strange and bizarre conclusion to have drawn from.....nothing.

David Begley said...

Kasich and Bush are unqualified to be President based upon their answers re bank failures.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, so now you want to talk about the payoffs made to Hillary by foreign governments?

You are such an idiot. You keep making this personal. But what if I am different than you in that Hillary was never a client of mine the way Republicans were clients of yours?

Listen, what if her constituency finds that crap less "sticky" than yours does? You've been in a Republican bubble-wrap so damn long and so damn intensely that you are too stupid to understand that Hillary voters might actually be motivated by different things than Ted Cruz voters.

You really are dumb as a stump. You think you're doing some type of paid, public service - obsessively stalking after me. When you're just making it abundantly clear how addled your lobbyist brain (as necessary as it is for Republican establishment politics) has become.

You are stupid. That's all there is to say.

But proud.

A really bad combination. At least, it is in people who have actual responsibilities in life.

But what would you know about that. You're basically a politician's butt-boy.

Don't pretend that that's going to make you popular with the conservatives here any more nowadays.

Tie your dick in a knot and make yourself useful. It's going to be a while until you're able to again.

Wayne Moore said...

Best debate ever! Fox Business did a great job. There is a need to get Bush, Kasich, and Paul off the stage.

I'm sorry you were bored, Ann. I certainly did not find it boring.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"In the Trump era, he's spinning more than ever. So much so it's even making him nauseous.

If only he could step away from the keyboard and have a life to attend to."

There are two people that could step away. The other issue here is you are the one that is attaching personal judgments in your posts about how shitty he and his clients are as people. It is consistent in your posts.

Drago said...

R&B's: "You are such an idiot. You keep making this personal."

OMG! Hillary is posting on Althouses blog!

Calm down everyone. It's probably just Huma.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So people who disagree with bailing out big banks with taxpayer money lack civic values?

You're putting words in my mouth.

I'll clarify, if you'll listen.

Just be aware that there's an obsessive-compulsive liar named "Drago" who's made it tonight's mission to confuse every word he's read me type.

Drago said...

R&B's: "You are such an idiot. You keep making this personal. But what if I am different than you in that Hillary was never a client of mine the way Republicans were clients of yours?"

Why is it you believe so strongly that I am a political consultant?

It's so weird.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I do appreciate Jaltcoh's dry, neutral-voice synopsis of the debate. That's what basic journalism is supposed to look like.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There are two people that could step away. The other issue here is you are the one that is attaching personal judgments in your posts about how shitty he and his clients are as people. It is consistent in your posts.

At least I make an attempt to get to the bottom of what his problem is. Do yourself a favor and show me the single good-faith comment he's made to me, out of the dozens. Hint: You won't find one. He obviously has an agenda that he can't even control.

Drago said...

R&B's: "At least I make an attempt to get to the bottom of what his problem is."

And don't think for a moment that I am not eternally grateful.

averagejoe said...

I laughed at the Jindal clip too- Bobby J using the subtle technique of subliminal messaging *vote for it*...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why is it you believe so strongly that I am a political consultant?

Actually if you were a consultant, you'd be smarter and less hackitude-driven.

IIRC, you were just a low-level (but committed) operative.

Which makes sense.

Getting tired yet?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I hope so.

You certainly are getting boring.

But you were boring to begin with.

Good night.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Getting tired yet?"

Of what, in particular?

Drago said...

R&B's: "You certainly are getting boring.
But you were boring to begin with."

Sometimes it's like you're not thinking before you hit "publish your comment".

Drago said...

R&B's: "IIRC, you were just a low-level (but committed) operative."

When the premise is wrong, the conclusions are likely to be as well.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
"Oh, so now you want to talk about the payoffs made to Hillary by foreign governments?

You are such an idiot. You keep making this personal. But what if I am different than you in that Hillary was never a client of mine the way Republicans were clients of yours?

Listen, what if her constituency finds that crap less "sticky" than yours does? You've been in a Republican bubble-wrap so damn long and so damn intensely that you are too stupid to understand that Hillary voters might actually be motivated by different things than Ted Cruz voters.

You really are dumb as a stump. You think you're doing some type of paid, public service - obsessively stalking after me. When you're just making it abundantly clear how addled your lobbyist brain (as necessary as it is for Republican establishment politics) has become.

You are stupid. That's all there is to say.

But proud.

A really bad combination. At least, it is in people who have actual responsibilities in life.

But what would you know about that. You're basically a politician's butt-boy.

Don't pretend that that's going to make you popular with the conservatives here any more nowadays.

Tie your dick in a knot and make yourself useful. It's going to be a while until you're able to again."

This is the kind of anger that will lead you to clarity. Right now you attach it to opponents of progressives. It makes you angry that progressive leaders are generally corrupt and lie constantly. Obama, Hillary, Bill, Reid, all serial liars. Instead of getting angry with them you get mad at Republicans.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

R&B's: "Getting tired yet?"

Of what, in particular?

Oh nothing. Of being a boring, obsessive-compulsive cunt.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Well, at least he didn't have an online nervous breakdown like that other dude.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is the kind of anger that will lead you to clarity. Right now you attach it to opponents of progressives. It makes you angry that progressive leaders are generally corrupt and lie constantly. Obama, Hillary, Bill, Reid, all serial liars. Instead of getting angry with them you get mad at Republicans.

DUDE. This was addressed to a single person. One who is aggressively annoying and obsessed with misinterpreting and twisting every word I've written tonight. Are you that oblivious? Watch him. It's like you guys don't see what the other one does. All that was not addressed to some big party in general. It was addressed to HIS HIGHNESS, QUEEN Dribble Drago. He keeps drooling over his keyboard, waiting for me to say something. Anything. He can't think of any thing else to do or respond to.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"At least I make an attempt to get to the bottom of what his problem is. Do yourself a favor and show me the single good-faith comment he's made to me, out of the dozens. Hint: You won't find one. He obviously has an agenda that he can't even control."

That is your inherent problem. Nothing people that disagree with you say is in good faith.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Oops, never mind.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Oh nothing. Of being a boring, obsessive-compulsive cunt."

Well, that kind of language is most certainly not called for and disrespectful of the wonderful and nurturing woman who brought you into this world.

I would recommend you step away from the keyboard for a moment and call your mother to tell her you love her.

Then come back.

You'll feel better.

Drago said...

R&B's: "One who is aggressively annoying and obsessed with misinterpreting and twisting every word I've written tonight. Are you that oblivious? Watch him."

I would much prefer you simply read what I post.

This "watch" thing is a bit creepy.

David Begley said...

Kasich doubles down on his FDIC ignorance in the post debate spin room.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

R&B: "it was Julia! It was Julia!"

Drago said...

R&B's: "He can't think of any thing else to do or respond to."


Nonsense. I'm simply enjoying the sojourns this blog provides as I complete a presentation for next week and of course your senseless rants are quite unavoidable.

Achilles said...

Rhythm and Balls said...


That is what I said when Kasich and Bush are defending bank bailouts. It was a moment of clarity. They are so bought and paid for. Government created a bubble. It burst. The government bailed out the big banks while the rest of the country took it in the ass.

They are both done.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Watch him. It's like you guys don't see what the other one does."

Mom! He's touching me!

Mom! He's looking out my window!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That is your inherent problem. Nothing people that disagree with you say is in good faith.

Are you saying that you and "Drago" are the same person? Because if so, I have nothing to say to you, either.

That is your inherent problem. Confusing yourself with other people. I guess there goes that whole "personal responsibility" thing.

WTF. Are you so self-centered that you can't distinguish between yourself and another person. I already told you I don't have a problem with you. I have a problem with what another person (that would be a person other than you) is doing. But if you are morphing into each other in some sort of weird borg-like assimilation process, then that would explain why the night can't get any weirder.


Drago said...

Achilles: "The government bailed out the big banks..."

Even the ones that weren't that big, or didn't even need the money or didn't even WANT the money.

But hey, you can't get your fingers in their pies if they don't play in the bailout game so the feds pressured all the banks to "participate".

Hey, can I get some gov't "muscle" over here to "persuade" these non-participating banks that it's in their "interest" to participate?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I would much prefer you simply read what I post.

That's not going to happen.

Time to get over yourself.

Drago said...

R&B's: "That's not going to happen. Time to get over yourself."

He wrote after reading my post.

Achilles said...

Fiorina called a shot in her post debate interview. After Cavuto said the Fed was expected to raise rates, She said the Fed wont raise interest rates! She is way too knowledgeable to actually connect. It is inherently beneficial to incumbents that interest rates stay as low as possible. She said they wont go up until after the election.

Interest rates are never going up. A 1% increase in interest rates costs the Federal Government $200 Billion a year in interest payments. It will never happen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He wrote after reading my post.

When you stopped making it stupidly political, and reverted into your childish personal entreaties, it was honest and at last cogent enough to finally be worth the short, dismissive response that it deserved.

It's nice to know how well your fucking off is going tonight.

Now go tell your mom about how you're getting all your schoolwork ready for the week.


David said...

Boring debate, eh?

This comment thread isn't very interesting either.

Achilles said...

I missed Cruz's line about how it would be different if Lawyers and Journalists were coming over and dropping wages in those "professions." That will be the youtube moment of this debate.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Now go tell your mom about how you're getting all your schoolwork ready for the week."

Schoolwork. Consultant. Paid operative.

You really should try and make up your mind.

Drago said...

David: "Boring debate, eh?"

Pretty much.

Drago said...

Achilles: "I missed Cruz's line about how it would be different if Lawyers and Journalists were coming over and dropping wages in those "professions." That will be the youtube moment of this debate."

Agreed, but it was a bit of a low bar this evening, wasn't it?

averagejoe said...

LMAO observing No Rhythm and Ball-less's sputtering inanities and frustration as he keeps "stepping on the rake". Drago puts it back down, and Ball-less steps right back on it- WAP! Ow! That didn't hurt- Cut it out! WAP! OW! That didn't hurt- Cut it out! WAP! OW! That didn't hurt-....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It was just an example, averagejoe, of how embarrassed drama Drago was to discuss the debate until he was annoying enough to make me leave the room first - as you can now see in his 11:12 comment.

So apparently he was unimpressed, also. But too embarrassed to admit that in front of any non-fellow partisans.

Always missing the bigger picture, you guys.

Achilles said...

Drago said...

"Agreed, but it was a bit of a low bar this evening, wasn't it?"

It depends. I saw half the candidates who emphasized the cronyism of DC, big banks using big regulations to crush smaller banks, how elites are trying to increase immigration that affects other's wages negatively. They are also the half that currently runs about 80% total in the polls. Even Rubio, despite being an amnesty shill, speaks to this.

The outsiders in the race are largely pushing the message that DC is a corrupt establishment and they are working with wealthy people to consolidate power. This is encouraging.

averagejoe said...

Sounds like most commenters consider this debate to be the best and most substantive. Of course, Althouse finds it "boring"- all the talk about banks and bailouts and FDIC and defense of the country, and nothing about Obama's birth certificate or what Trump said or Black Lives Matter or free college for everyone or the campus rape and racism epidemic or who their favorite enemy is or where did the pyramids come from or who would kill baby Hitler...BORING!!!!

William said...

During the commercials I would switch over to TCM. How did Norma Shearer ever become a major motion picture star? She wasn't good looking or sexy and, in the snippets I watched, not even an especially good actress. I think she was married to some Hollywood mogul. I suppose she had some skills that aren't readily apparent on the screen.......Her and Jeb Bush up there on the big screen. Things just happen.

averagejoe said...

And Althouse is the one who challenges us to "up our game"...lame.

Unknown said...

Well, I guess there is something to be said for adversarial moderators. At least they bring out candidate differences and allow candidates to show they can shine (or not) under adversity. Tonight was one long press conference.

PS. Poor Jeb! He is just mediocre in every possible way.

averagejoe said...

R and Ball-less, you've said goodbye about five times now- You better leave or people will start to think you are full of shit when you say something.

Drago said...

R&B's: "It was just an example, averagejoe, of how embarrassed drama Drago was to discuss the debate until he was annoying enough to make me leave the room first..."

I just figured you needed another hotpocket before your next curse-filled rant.

Glad to see you've calmed down.

Achilles said...

averagejoe said...
"Sounds like most commenters consider this debate to be the best and most substantive. Of course, Althouse finds it "boring"- all the talk about banks and bailouts and FDIC and defense of the country, and nothing about Obama's birth certificate or what Trump said or Black Lives Matter or free college for everyone or the campus rape and racism epidemic or who their favorite enemy is or where did the pyramids come from or who would kill baby Hitler...BORING!!!!"

This is why they vote for progressives. It is tedious for these people to actually discuss policy and the results of policy. If you actually discuss the results of policy more government invariably looks bad.

As said in the other thread, they just don't want to feel bad when they vote for free stuff and things don't go well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I just figured...

Another lie.

You were embarrassed by the debate and didn't want me to know it. You admitted it.

Truth is about as elusive to you as a butterfly.

Drago said...

R&B's: "Truth is about as elusive to you as a butterfly."

Is this a compliment?

Are butterflies truly "elusive"? I think not.

Would you like to try again?

Lewis Wetzel said...

"2. Jindal seems to contain an inner robot. Watch this. I've watched it 10 times and cracked up every time:"
Althouse has a problem with brown people.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"I've said that many (not all) of them lack civic values."
R&B criticizes people he has never met for having a "lack of civic values"?
Jesus, this is funny. I am laughing so hard I can't type anymore.
Carry on . . .

Bob Loblaw said...

"We need more welders and less philosophers." — Marco Rubio.

Should people in the big leagues really be confusing "less" and "fewer"?

Anonymous said...

"Are you saying that you and "Drago" are the same person?"

Drago made a mistake when switching between different log-ins a couple weeks ago, and then all-but-admitted he uses several different names while commenting on this blog.

damikesc said...

The weakest argument for the status quo on immigration is that it helps the Democrats. Either it is good for the country or it isn't.

It's not. We've imported enough poverty.

Does anybody read anything "spanking my balls" writes?


He wrote as he avoided answering the question.

Was the name "Tom Steyer" mentioned? The guy Reid rented the Senate out to? If not, then he is not serious. As usual.

What a coincidence!

I too never go around saying any Democrat is perfect either!

Drago, that IS a solid point.

That is what I said when Kasich and Bush are defending bank bailouts. It was a moment of clarity. They are so bought and paid for. Government created a bubble. It burst. The government bailed out the big banks while the rest of the country took it in the ass.

Hell, people said Enron owned G.W Bush yet he sure as hell had those guys prosecuted. Who did Obama have prosecuted? They wouldn't even prosecute Corzine, who BLATANTLY violated the law.

Interest rates are never going up. A 1% increase in interest rates costs the Federal Government $200 Billion a year in interest payments. It will never happen.

Which should have people REALLY concerned that the economy is so bad when there have been zero percentage interest rates for years. What happens when things go badly now? There are no tools left for the Fed to use.

damikesc said...

And, since I mentioned Enron, it should be noted that the sleaziest person at Enron, the CFO Andy Fastow, was also the biggest really hardcore Democrat working there.

One could argue that Lay and Skilling did little more than just let Fastow commit crimes, which is bad in and of itself, but the Democrat there was the brutally corrupt dude.

Paco Wové said...

I'd just like to say "thanks" to commenter Todd for recommending the Chrome Blog Comment Killfile plugin.

Rusty said...

I see the usual suspects showed up to cast their bones to ward off reality.
Not gonna work.

Ann Althouse said...

"I'd just like to say "thanks" to commenter Todd for recommending the Chrome Blog Comment Killfile plugin."

Wow! Cool.

You have to use Chrome...

I hate changing browsers, but I currently need to use Firefox and Safari because each does something I need all the time that the other doesn't do. I always have both of them open. It's ridiculous.

Ann Althouse said...

Obviously, I have to keep an eye on the people I need to delete, but if everyone were using the killfile, the pest commenters might give up.

Paco Wové said...

The Internet is a bounteous thing; ask and ye shall receive. Firefox Blog Killfile

mtrobertslaw said...

Kasich is difficult to watch for very long. He's got the shakes. And that could be a problem.

Ann Althouse said...

"The Internet is a bounteous thing; ask and ye shall receive. Firefox Blog Killfile"

Thanks. But I only use Firefox for blogging. I do all my reading on Safari. I can't even remember why... but if I try to blog on Safari or read on Firefox, the problem is immediately apparent.

Ann Althouse said...

It's not important for me to make commenters invisible. I need to see what's going on so I can do something when necessary.

I'm glad this function is available for others, and I'm glad for people to become aware of it and to use it.

I wish I could see who's getting "hushed" by the readers.

It's been difficult over the years trying to maintain a comments section, with some people making the space their own and maybe causing others to go away. I mostly want there to be an interesting discussion of some kind that flows from the post in some way that makes sense with what I'm doing.

Bay Area Guy said...

One quick return to the debate.

Many conservatives have been unhappy with "establishment" Republicans, and unhappy with the past 2 GOP nominees (McCain & Romney). They argue that GOP politicians talk a good game, but then either lose important elections (McCain & Romney) or, if elected, simply acquiesce to the big government agenda of the Dems (Boehner & McConnell)

I don't buy this argument entirely, but it is an absolutely valid point.

However, in this election, Conservatives have their man -- Ted Cruz. He is an articulate doctrinaire Conservative on every issue, particularly illegal immigration which seems to be front and center this election.

Conservatives should be happy. They have their dream candidate. They should consolidate around him. They should start persuading others to support Cruz, particularly the more moderate Repubs. There should be no more complaints from Conservatives, unless they like to complain for the mere sake of complaining.

Myself, I'm deciding between Rubio or Cruz -- my main consideration is who has a better shot at beating Hillary in the General.

That is all. Happy Vet's Day, too!

Drago said...

madisonfella: "Drago made a mistake when switching between different log-ins a couple weeks ago, and then all-but-admitted he uses several different names while commenting on this blog."

Wow. That sounds fascinating.

Why don't you post a link to that thread so we can all see it?

Thanks in advance for the inevitable failure to do so.

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